HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-08-13, Page 8fi ALD SAL Oar Stockof Ladies' and Chir Ten's Hose must be Reduced So for Two Weeks we are offering Silk Lisle ,arid Cotton .hose at prices that N;iU trove thew out quickly. Come Early for Best Choice Lalli -s' Slit Hose, Vcn1.115 Cloxs Asst, colors, eRgular $1.75 for 68c B1 iQk. • Silk. f .)r 53c Rize .sp n t 'Isle, reg. 75c at ._. 63e R, ,Ir' 1 Reg. $1.00 for ...78c L,i'..ton wh;to, and black at ... 25c (.2 t t •;til lilac:k at .. t 15e in black, ..rown :1,1i S S '27.c. to _..._. 45c c,; S , all sizes •at ... 19c , , : t.) clear at .__ _.. .._28c MANY OTHER LINES IN EROK EN SIZES, CLEARING AT LESS THAN HXLF PRICE. ' i C'IiILE STO'::K TAKING AND IN MOVING OUR STOCK, I'VE HAVE ;AAI() ASIDI^I LItiES WHICH MUST BE CLEARED OUT REGARD- LESS OF FRICE. WE WILL ON LY ENUMERATE A i.+EW- pieces 27 -in ainghain, Reg .,-c r ,r s.i. ._. ...16e Miles i,f e‘e..y ci<°:;or'j,tion t 25c yd. to 48c New Beal ,i i • • nov al ... 63c Apron. -Gingh :rn + in. «lP at 2 e .5pieces sf *' n at ...117° 2 pieces Tin., at 1•?e. Len's khaki shuts at ... Sbc 0 G Men's' work :Sox -pr. ... -•_ ---.._13e Reiunants in ''Dresis goodr., Prints, C,inghanis, Voiles, Shirting's, Etc. GROCERIES Quaker corn flakes ba __- ___... 10^_ Polar whim, London Special and Freven;•to Laundry. Soaps, Reg. 10c. at per bar ,.... ... 5c SCHO ProduceProduc., Wanted J. Phrme 59 :Zu ie s e ITEMS CF LOCAL I T kiS 'Mi'ssr Inez Yungbh t is opend74. ing 'tt1>;e week at Kitchener. • The Misses Vera and,eila Sic bort, wb:o' have been visiting 'at Kitchener, returned liom6;. Mr. John, Doicliert and Bad Yungblut were week -end visitors at Kitchener and New Hamburg, ` Messrs. Ed and Jacob Deich?rt were visitors to Kitehnecr• the; past week': Mr. Chas. Fritz, while attend- ing dile Old Boys' at Kitchener, pur- chased a Ford Coupel. Mr. Albert Siebert o -f Niagara Falls, visited his parents, TYIr. and Mrs W. L. Sielb'ert the past week. Mr.. and Mrs. Christ. Either we- re v'sitors,a't Kitchener and Water- loo for a few, days this week: 1" he Zurich Jubilee Band were at Varna on Tuesday furnishing the music at the mo'nsltcr garden :party and next Thursday even- ing, Augoet 20th they twill play at the Band Tattoo at Seaforth, M;•. Louis Sehilbe, 'our localflour and feed merchant is making im- provements in the interior of the upper ,storey, of his:'bnsin,es's block, a!s hs is' fitting it up for comfort- able living quarters, and as there, plPnty of room, when Mr. Sch- ilbe is through, it will make a fine homes fns well as convenient. Gas, Oils, Greases Tres, Tar, a€d s . GENUINE FORD PARTS VUST EECEiVLD A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS ATTE' din IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATE.''NAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF 'l. EATON CO., AND 0THIiR CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES Tl?• GIVE YOU SERVICE. IiVE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR 0LTJ - BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPLitrL AUTO (REPAIRING EITFIER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL, ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. 1 11 I IA 1. F • ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE 11. . ousseau , Zurich M 4410(44V16w'46436)006.000®4ai•S0961AQidl49000.®O00£i.V.2''4' a'see te SPRI G TIME! 1 We have received a full and. cora- 1 plete line of Brushes, C�i. , Tex Vis, Lead, Sherwin Williams pair Varnishes, Stains, Fillers, Eirrual,ls • and Auto Paints. All these r* ,• ra • DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs B. Winkenweder of Chicago renewed acquaintances in thi's vicinity last 'week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elsie of De- troit spent the .week -end with Mr and Mrs. H. Elsie . Mr,. and Mrs. C. Wildfong and Mrs. R. Willert are spending .sz few days in Detroit; Miss Clara Kuntz •of -'Lansing, Mich., is visiting her parents. , Mr, and Mrs;. Stadelbauer .. of London visited in town on ;Sun- day.. • Miss ,Clara Kraft', after 'spend_ • ing several months in London, has returned. Mr, Homer Guenjther 'of the Canadian •Bank of Commerce in Ex- eter, has been transf•cred to Owen S ou ndi. Miss Grace Guenther 13 visiting in- Hamburg and Kitchener. Dr. Taylor has purchased the hall and. 'post office building from Mr. EllegsenL Percy Kleinistiver and Her ' Wil-, lert are visiting in Detroit. Miss Myrta Hoffman; of Kitcl- ener is spending her holid,-ys with her paren-1!S Mr. Ed: Kraft Made a business trip' to Windsor o : Sua;tnrdayi' Quite a number from here took in the Ford pieniz 'at the Bend on Wednesda41, Mr an.d .Mrs. H''a Hoffman ited in: Zurich on Sunday,. Z Mr. P. Mclls,aao left Tuesday for ZSt. Joseph's Ho'spit'al, 'London., where he underwent 'an operation We understand the operation was succes'sful -and hope for a speedy recoveryt . AUCTION SALE elermeeeeeeenereeresrefessseasell Of Housiehold Effects' and Furn- iture. The undersigned Auction- eer: has been instructed' to sell by Public Auction Int Soldan's "Wil- low Hall" Farmf,,` o'n-e half mile nprth. of HenslalI, on Tuesday, Aug. 1.8€ii, 1525 at 1 'o'clock 1pvnl., the following ;-3-piece ' livingroont; table, Itarestr ynph:nlstered chair, brass umbrella (stand, smoker's !st- and, bedstead of fumed oak, coil jprings, felt, mattress; idre'sser, LOCAL MARKETS, P. (Corrected every Wednesday) ' Eggs. ......:. ..... 21-25-28 Buttar per lb. ,.. 40 Potatoes per hag c 75e Di ipd, apples lb. .,, ... 80 Oat's • 50 Bar`Icy., •80 •B uuckwheat80 •Flour eWt. , 3.75-5.00 Wheat .. 1.30 Shoran per to , _...3.00 Bran Petr ton • 30.00 Hogs cwt. .1 _._..,• .. 14.00 Western - Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co. w. OF WOODSTOCK Carry` - au Insurance of over $0,000,000. Number of Policies in force 111287. Paid Losses' in 1923 to anibunt of $56,143.20. No ass- essment during the year and have a'balance on hand of $39,000 G. .Holtzman -Zurich AGENT', ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL -KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 I , J. H. DuNHt&1VT DENTIST ANNOUNCES THAT HE HAS OPENED A MOD.BI "IST DENTAL OFFICE AT ZURICH (Oyer Post - Office.) - ,OPEN EVERY DAY E-yENINGS BY APPOINTMENT TELEPHONE 13.4 South Huron BIG FOUR, League Baseball Schedule May 22• -Crediton at Hensall May 25 -Zurich. at Crediton.., June. 2 -Dashwood at Crediton ' June 4-Hensall. at Zurich Jttno ,11-QZurich at Da'shvvood Jima 11-Hensall at Crediton. r June 15 -Crediton at Zurich ' June 18 -Dashwood at Hensall • June 25-Zurichl-et Hens•aii. Tuna 25-O`rediton at Dashwood. July' 2 Ronsali at Dashwood. July 2 -Zurich at C'reditnn. July 6 -Crediton a:; Hens,* ' July 9 -Dashwood at. Zurich July 16 -Dashwood at Creditor;. July 17-Hensall at 'Zurich July 23-Zurichat Dashwood. July 27 -Crediton at Zurich ... July 28 -Dashwood at Hensel!. Aug. 6-Henisall at. Dashwood Aug. 13 -Zurich at Hensall Aug. 13 --;Crediton at Dashwood. Aug. 20 -Dashwood at Zurich. Aug. 2l-Hensall at Crediton. gh.olidays with hist mtoher here and other Irealti. ves Mrs. T'ho!s. Sherritt Sr., left here to vilsit in Clevelandl. IVIi'sa Helen Swva n,R,N, has re- turned from n visit at her home chiffonier, s rand and bedroom to resume her duties at Pt Huron rocker all of fumed oak; toilet :set; haspi`dali., A'Wilton Rug 9x12 ft., Raymond sew-' Mrs,' S. Me'rxii r is'- visiting ingrelat- machine, cook titove, washing Machine• and wringer; crock dash churn.; number o ',fruitjem�sy ice cream freezer. 1 driving mare buggy, set of rivire hern�es.s, Jer- sey cow, age 5 yrs. 17 1• -yr -old hens 25 pure-Minlorcz early ehicken'si, whe,elberre , walking I.ylo,. to- gether with numerous ober lactic'- visited •here: • 1?�s • TERMS - CASH. Wm ,IELaughlin, Prot=ri�etor, ,Oscar Klopp, Austioneer, Ives in 'Detroit. • • Gertrude Barnett, who has bew e. b f en vilsitg:nii her grandmother, Mrs. • • id 1 I Th'om�sgn for- the past weeks, (re- • gg r turned' to her hday.e in IToronto. • Ms. and Mjsi, . •Warre!ner, of Pon - flat, -Mich,'.,, and Jack Warrener, • of 0 (Sarnia,; who were former residents czt isa Old reliable t t right ' IN FENCING. Old re is e pain �s a nig , p"'{;. Versa Geiger visited friend's in Kitchener the past week Mr/. and Mrs. Wes. 'G.reen of Str- athroy visited relativeshere. • Mrs. Jas .Sparks, • who has been AUCTION SALE in Detroit for. some weeks, visitig her 4auhergt, has returned. • Of REAL ESTATE in the Vill- • Jean ,SinaIlacoanb 'o f Guelph, who; io 0 age of Zurich on Saturday, ,Aug- has been `isitin gher aunt,; Miss • • us.t 1.5th, 1525 stt 2 o''elock g. in. Ellis, returned home and waa ac - '4•j WE HAVE THE GENUINE FROST LIGHT 'LOCK v.•Lrc , •a' a On the Premises contpanie.d by Miss Ellie and .Mrs. • FENCE, DON''( 13L 1IiSL.I A.D BYINFE.RIOR-GOODS C'':.',... s • Description, of Property; -•Parts '1VIi1lian:who will Visit.'in Guelph; JUST THE SAME OR JUST of Lots- 13 and 14, Knoll's .survey, RR. Jr. Patterson and, son Ral 0 GOOD, •AS EVERY: BOLL, OF FROST PENCE IIAE ITS r, -i : �+ Zurich, centau'ung ones -sixth of • an and A: 'Taylor_•sp�on't a 'few dasy p WE HAVE IT. ALSO BARB WIRE, STEEPLES, .5.3.�._.�:, eg, acre, more or less. On premises''1 Marlette, _Midi[ :'Eh.ursday, Angled; •1.3the amourgairompiwonommiale:.ami,.: SEE US .,,A 3OUT Seasonable Hardware AT Reasonable Prices -Such as Forks, Hoes, Fenczn', Gates, Screens, Screen. Doors, Roof- ing, Etc. This is the time of the year„' to de your outside painting: REMEMBER WE SELL THE ONLY' GUARANTEED br0E2, PURE PAINT ON THE MARKET MARTIN SENOUR Some real good Secondhand Furniture ard. 1 Stoves which we will sell very reasonable„ h AND FUitNITUI� STOCK. ALL KINDS OF I-TARDWAR `E KEPT IIl, 1 11 WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED •IMPROVED VAS-• TUATE CARPET SWEEPER. COME AND SEE THIS ONS4., AND LET US DEMONSTRATE. .�1i'D GET IN THE WAY OF BUYING HERE click Iralbfieisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 WIRE, ETC. ?c is 'Yt' frame li lama doubel frame •Mand Mrs E Rennie are lagli- GET OUR PRICES t Y «ir a two story brick veneer business claying at: Grand Bend,. block.. S' ���:� FE r ENT. FEW, INVESTMENTS ARE SQ SECURE AND PROFITABLE AS MONEY EM,IPLOYED IN MAINTAINING .A N; ONTARIO EQUITABLE LIFE POLICY.. EVERY DOLLAR PAID IN WILL BE RETURNED EITHER AS PAID -TIP INSURANCE OR CASH VALUE. With, the safe investment _feature there is also lthe Inc r- an'ce protection that is providedby n.0 other investment. It moans, a guaranteed income that is not affected by rts verses; It is the highest .secur-ity, available to the henaet guardian. , AGENCY ONTARIO EQUITABLE LIFE Head Office - Waterloo Andrew F. Hess, : , - Zurich MY MOTTO; -SERVICE AND SAFETY , Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Mr' .tared Mrs. Fred. 13onthron, of • ON CORRIGAIL+U t�AiVANILRD IKON RbOF.1.NG, COD J: ,, TERMS -10% •cash on clay .of New'.Yrirle are visiting his parents, dale Balenu.. in 30 da'ysG b'rtb�' Mr A'r'id Mrs'`R.obt 13oii iron 411,1 Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERHANUIN.. & DECORATING. 'WE MAKE IT 'A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB �V E DO. TRY US ON YOUR NEXT �7 6JOB. J Ha E1CKMEIER, ZURIC13 --� ONT. ; JOhN WARD Drugless PractGu1�' . eer and Opticiais EXETER -- Pts:' �. AT WALTER HOUSE, ZII e Every' Tuesday; 10 a.m., to' )51004, i ++++ r-trot--24444-4.1.+14�k�&+�F�k�# +41 S k i+'t++++++dhaF�'+++++.**i0'.e ns STANDAR AN1) °PA./l'N' CRY AT RIGHT, 1.3•ICES. ' �, `. . +io► ,+ i; •• � EXPERTS sect to. reserve„ psc,. ,.. , 1�r�, :CorwortrT>, cf'Strahroy,,an�ci "A.. Weber, Auetikmeer. ^ Oli+7e ,b'oxvvart ; of `Toronto, ' >.rt i t ' 'IHE ROOFING- • TIRES! 13, Ar::h r' w I7.. F. Menet', Executor Gottleib itiia globs. A. Scruton. I' I4'Ir.•;aatid'M'test Allen Weber or i . EN ,AbL.. London; 3p lit fa few dasy with 0 WI1 HANM)L1i THE. OLD RELIABLE GOODYEAR, .AND GOL:'11- �A I',!ns, B. Campbell and daugh- Mr. and' 1Vtrs: Cent Hurdson. Rica '1'11 .1+,LI Plt'Ic:1�S ON ANY OF '.r1C:r SE EQUAL IC? ..,E:1 g M r- 4 •' Al..c)rstlEl 1'ltic.;"ISS :G�; i1;.+7Y+ r.eis..-Jc�an� and -Dorothy and soon, rC)ials. ��Coolce,,bf.Chichgd, isvi:s- SIZES, FABRIC CORD OR :BAT, • 0c Keith, of Toronto °•err 7'1 it<irwai iter;° hi?s m.o?tl�ei. <nnd brol�liers 1„00N. ee tire. Borns: of: the former' t �, pareii, s, ILcrt., TIRES' • Merrier Estate " a 4s 0 13GILL LINE OP HEAVY AND SHELF HARDW,t1.4?E, SOLI.. ` ar Mr. arird 1VIi s. 'A°. 1Vluriloelz. Jobxi< Goi'bY, �r' forlxxor resident AND GRASSES • e 'The onio ns:etts' are bei'ng'.har- of the township ;of ay, ,who 'tar- • rip a « s e.sted and -the growers' .rep'ort a :bred;h19 hrstia;: 'fainting arid. ,lalael.� wEroc,1 fsr.irlY good crept wmul1ting near �vha.t 'was enoivn a�Ir'N,dl3orrof Vdimcl�snr xs aenol Disig* ysr`ylsitinroiaiivc�s ,and fr1-s. r,raR�',pg ..1. r.., ...• in, holida, vt itis 'Fria' brother here ends in g y. this 'Section .lifter :ax ahaen a also at tb.ei.r. )cott,' Oot' at Grand se, of, Seine .42,2 ' 51144 thqis now s • tend. r . r resident of, the west and (notched 4p*CRS 1 r a i 00005 00 +0 0000 N,0 ►NI. ,0.0.0,,000 00 µ St 44 r .AsAo1d Dell t X TotOpto in spe)sci here*..'‘1 t i t 11' Do You Know?Kir THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR, SERVICE FOR BLOOD PEINTIN.'• THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU '6it7iT13[ PRINTED WD.IIDID7'islF INVITATIONS AND AN1ICIIINCEMErNIBS THAT WE PRINT CALLING .CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETITEREEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND, STATEMENTS ENTS THAT WE ARS ACEI TS FOR MO LEADING M.,9.NU1At URERS 01' COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND 0,6,14 SUIS PLY AN Y QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK I30OKS. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVRlli. OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON f'kft TRACING PAPER, 'SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM.Ey'I ATTONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN f(W SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. ,y T AIT WE PILL YOUR 01:4',DINAI-tY SIZE . INK E'dk''.I.'trut WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN" PEN ANE., POE 5e. tiA110.,: GER QUANTITIES AT . DIGGER REDUCIT/+0NS T1 ALT WE PRINT POSTING BILI,,S, A.I1CTI0N SALE PO* ft: -ERS, Isi.ERCAl'TTILEPOSTERS AND ALL GIOTITZ,4Q PalwribrOVRSPECIAT" +F%***+T.4* 4 +4,4..1..441.41. 4444nu,...t4 1.