HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-08-13, Page 6XouCannot Surpass. • It GREEN TEA Its luscious freshness & rich strength inalte it finer than any. Gunpowder. Japan or Youmg 1-17son. Sold every. where. Ask for SALADA today. Love Gives Itself THE STORY OF A BLOOD FEUD BY ANNIE S. SWAN. °Love gives itself and is not bbughtf—Longfellose. CHAPTER X1CV.— (Cont'd.) There was a supper after the play that night, and Judy, watching Car- lotta's quiet, rather abstracted de- meanor while all the congratulations were being showered upon her, loved 'Watch her well, Mrs. t addeley. I'm going out as soon as I have break- fasted to explore New York." mtre As a atter of fact Judy's explora- tion was confined to the smallest pos- mann's School of SnographY" print- bearding -house m August, I her more and more, She believed Two mothers, elm lost SOWS in the great war, perfofmed tne unveiling ceremony of Leicester's War Memorial. ' • • • mer building, which she found to be Jean nodded. e skyscraper of quite moderate di-; "From that he went to a clerk's mensioes, and escending by the ele- post, poorly paid, and with no pros- vato; to the fourth floor, she discover- peas. After that there were other d door with the words "Acker- things, but as he left my particelar don t sible area. A judicious question putued on it. . ;know every step of the way. I hadn't ' it he was confkonted " seen him until last night for nearly to the waiter in the dining -room soon, now that nothing could spoil her or put her on the right track for Forty- by a small glass partition with a little two months; certainly not for a con - cause her to swerve from her aHeg- second street window in it, labelled "Inquiries." siderable time before. Christmas rend iance to Alan. New York is not a city of great When she tapped at that a bellboy , when I wrote to him at Christmas he The thing amazed her beyond all distances, and those who know thein quickly came to attend and to take did not answer, though he celled at power of speech or thought. ,For Car- London are amazed at the ease and her name and business. the house for his Christmas letters." lotta had great gifts. She was richly speed with which places can be reaeh- "Tell Miss Dempster Miss Rankine "And how did you happen to meet dowered both in body and mind, and ed on foot. wishes to see her," said Judy rather him last night? Was that accidental?" Judy's relentless, sisterly eyes had It was a glorious morning, and curtly, and then stood, while the lad "It was and it wasn't. You see, the long discerned that Alan was a very thought the temperature was many took away her message. night before last he called at Isaac - ordinary man. But happily for the degrees lower than anything Judy had Presently someone spoke to her stein's to bid me good-bye, as he was world which is largely peopled with ever known on the sheltered Ayrshire from behind, and Judy turned swiftly going out West." to man, not quite young, who bade her asked Judy, with a glimmer of hope, good mormng. though she was much distressed to "Please come to my room," she said, hear that they had missed him by so and the Scotch roll in her tongue few hours. somehcrer oddly comforted Judy's ra- "Nat exactly a post. A rich Scots- ther forlorn heart. man has sent him to his hrother's "I am sure we ought to shake -ranch 4n Alberta, somewhere beyond hands," she said, "for my brother has or near Calgary, and he had arranged told me about you in his letters." to go off by the midnight train. I Jean warmly gripped the small, had two seats given me for the Man - slim hand in its perfect -fitting glove, hattan, and we went together, as a and then went out rather hurriedly, sort of ploy for the last time. I sup - leading the way along the corridor to pose that he went direct from the behold quiet,pleasant-faced wo- "To a fresh post of some kind?" ordinary folk, the ordinary man. or coast, the brilliance of the sin and woman is not cheated of love's gifts, some rare quality in the air somehow which have naught to do with the:communicated a certain buoyancy to head, but all with the heart. I her Spirit as she set out on foot to Judy was glad at last when they discover first-hand news of Alan, and, were able to get to bed, in the small 1 mayhem meet him face to face. At hours of the morning, at the Holland; the back of her mind there was a House. !strange feeling of remoteness, which "What a night it has been," she; assured her that the meeting was not said, as she lingered a moment in Car-; imminent as she imagined. lotta's room, "and what a queer place i She was interested in the pushing, is New York!" . eager crowd on Broadway, and won - Carlotta a little wan now about the: dered why they went so late to eyes and and mouth, smiled a little un-; ness, not aware that business had be - steadily. , gun long before, and that the pushing another door marked Private. Hold - "I never, no never saw anything ;habit was characteristic of New York, iag it open, she signed Judy to pass like your evasion of the 'interviewers,' 1 where it is everybody's business, ap- into a very warm, cheery room, with Judy! It is positively great! So parently, to be in a hurry, without a Turkish rug on the floor, and pretty calm,, so dignified! Just staring them any particular reason or object. office furniture, which a woman's through and through as if they did, When she carne to the house of Mrs. hand had arranged to the best ad - not exist, and hardly obstructed your, Isaacstein in Forty-second Street—the vantage. . view. You discomfited them coma ' only address Alan had ever given them; "So you are his sister," she said pletely." —sheIsurveyed it with the keenest abruptly as she closed the door. "When Judy laughed. I interest, and was, on the whole, not' did you come? And were you by any "You see, they got it into their repelled or disappointed with its ap- -chance in the Manhattan Theatre last heads that I was a sort of chaperon pearance. At least it looked eminent- night:" might ask me all sorts of (pestle/IS-1 Rex heart beat a little quicker. as , the first tier, behind thectirtain. Did werming to her. Her eyes were so Some of them, I fancy, have gone she liscendecl the steps and pulled. the; you sea mer , true and kind, and her voice,- with its away thMking you travel about with ben. It was answered immediately by! "I didn't, but 1 evoridered whether little note of distress and forlorness, "He was not a man who talked much about himself or his affairs," Jean said. "For instance, he did not tell me he had a sister." (To be continued.) like to go to sleep for days and weeks if he is in the house." !story! Won't you sit clown and undo and years, and wake up in the old Salute,, grinning affably, shoal: his your furs? You have noticed, I don't Clock House bedroom at Ayr, and get head 'violently. ! doubt, how hot all the houses are in up to look out at The Heads in the "Mister Rankine no here. mam ; not' New York, and we have to be careful morning sun." a great while. Come in in' see the' about wraps." "Don't greet, Carlotta! For hea- missus—she knows." I She spoke quite steadily and caste- ven's sake, don't greetl For I sin just Judy accepted the invitation, aware ally, but the color had risen in her about at the end of my tether," said that her disappointment was slight I cheeks, and quite evidently she was Judy confusedly, "Sleep all day to- ' after all! Somehow she had expected , a little agitated, even excited. morrow if you can, my dear. I'l tell some answer of this kind. Anything e "In a box, were you? Then I don't Mrs. Baddeley on no account to dis-: else would have seemed all too,easy! see how he could have seen you," she turb you." ; and out of the quesion. She followed went on. "I am sure he did not look Mrs. Baddeley was Carlotta's elder-' Sambo, in his gaily -colored jacket, for , that way, and if you were sitting with 1,y maid, an acquaintance of old Cam-; which he only exchanged the white your back tp the circle, your face bridge days, to whom meeting with, one when his table duties were over,'would not be seen." Miss Carlyon had brought untold ease ' and he had to dust and clean silver in "But why are you saying all this?" and comfort. i mysterious regions beyond. I asked Judy. "What happened?" "Good night then, dearest and; He ushered her into the little busi-; "The curtain had just gone, up, and hest. Oh, Judy, how empty it all is! : ness room, which was very close and; we were intensely interes — o o "Bankers say the new dollar bills theatre to the station. Of course, it was too late for me to go to the Cen- tral after the theatre came out, though I was tempted." "He didn't write, then, or send you airy explanation?" "None." "Then what is to be one now? Did he give you the address of the Al- berta ranch?" , jean shook her head. By this time she hacr made up her -mind about or duenna, or something, and they ly respectable, if dull. "I was in a corner of the box --on Xpalith Rankine, and her heart was 1139 1157 1046—Men's and Youths' Shirt; at- tached or separate collar, and turn - back cuffs. Sizes 34, 36, 88, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches breast. Size 36 breast requires 31/4, yards_of 32 -inch or 36 - inch material.' Price 20 cents. 1139—Men's and Youths' Union Suit; high or low neck, with or with- out set-in sleeve. Sizes 34, 38, 42 and -46 inches breast. Size 34 is for 32 or 34, size 38 for 36 or 38, size 42 for 40 or 42, and size 46 for 44 ea"- 46. Size 38 breast requires 3% yards of 32 - inch or 36 -inch material. Price 20 cents. 1157—Men's and Youths' Night- shirt, with or without yoke and full- ness at back. Sizes 36, 40, 44 and 48 inches breast—Size 36 is for 34 or 36, size 40 for 38 or 40, -size 44 for 42 or 44, and size 48 for 46 or 48. Size 40 breast requires 4% yards of 36 -inch, or 4% yards of 40 -inch material. Price 20 cents. • Je appealed to her mightily. a first-class idiot, or a deaf mute!" black Sambo "and finding hersel be . "And that is of no consequence! close quarters with a large and shin -e "Are you speaking of my brother?" But I rather think they went off with ing face, Judy stepped back slightly. !asked Judy, paling slightly. a very different opinion—that they not yet used to the sight of the alien Jean Dempster nodded. had met their match. Oh, I am so race. I "I am. He was in the theatre last tired, body, soul, and spirit! I should "I wish to see Mr. Rankine, please, night along with me—brit it is a long ' They Won't Last. .” one another, almost as two lonely I y: In the clear light of the morning I man's eyes were glued to it at once. Margate won't last. Pray hard—won't you—that to-1warm from the steam heat, and sot- us. It was the moment when morrow may be bright, for I am morte, ting a chair with all the easy courtesy et Tenterden—the wife, you know— "I found that was just the trouble Judy held her close, and they kissed his mistress. that lovely velvet coat on. Every wo- I natural to his race, he went to find conies on in her evening frock with with the oldemes." ally afraid of to -morrow!" children might; and the New York ; Mrs. Isaacstein seemed to look more Suddenly 1 heard' y 'Good God 1' which had gone to bed to dream of than usually Hebraic. Her frock wasand the next moment he was gone!" Me mother's great-grandmother - Margaret Tenterden, and to awake I very shabby, her lace collar soiled and i "Out of the theatre!" cried Judy, A huts from Devon ,osane; to envy her. did not know that she a little awry, her jewellery tawdry with a little gasp. "But, of course, Her little body is dust so long cried herself to seep. land out of place; but her smile was you know where he is?" I've night forgotten her name. "Yes at this moment he is on a Heritage. Judy awoke bright and early and one of real kindliness and welcome. was relieved to hear from Mrs. Bad-! "Mr. Rankine, you ask for? Aeh, de:es/ that Carlotta still Sept. ; he haf left us quite awhile. So far "Jes' like a child, Miss Rankine! back as last August." But she do look white and tired yet 1 "But you know where he is, sure - I hope she'll sleep on, for I don't see ly?" stammered Judy. "I am from how she is to keep on with this life if Scotland, and we have been writing to she don't get lier proper rest. Ws tarn here all these months.' West -bound train—let me see—some- where between Toronto and Winni- peg, "Tell me everything!" said Judy faintly, as (she sank down on the edge of the chair, her eyes cleaving to Jean Dem ster's face. more than flesh and hood can stand." I "I don't know his address at this Jean regarded her steadily for a minnit. And he haf not been here moment, as if seeking to gauge her for—oh, so lorig!" she answered; not depths, and so arrive at some decision aware of his visit to Jean Dempster regarding how much she should or on the previous evening, for she her-' could tell her, She sat down in he "sonimilliatamessea 01 fter every meal" Pare.s245%., estromage the Kshildren to care for tMr- teeth, 'arm them Vitrigiey'S.! It removes food particles from the teeth. StrerigthaitS the gutns. Conthats add MOtith. Refreshilitt, and beneficial! R82 P.EALLED TIONT .K.VP T .v..411 had been spendingan evening at a reetatirant with some Jewish friends. "It. is Mies Dempster who own armchair before the desk, and asked quietly; "I suppose you know that your kr.ows all shout him," brother has had a pretty hard time in "Oh, yes! 4y brother has told me New York?" about i1s bompaor. Is she in the "We have gathered that he has not intiP.a. now, arid no.lilA 3 see her?" had the success he expected," answer - "he i tbeeleitese miss. On Broad- ed Judy, rather painfully, for it cast way, at tk.e.-- Donne/building, fourth her something to sit there, opposite fiyyr. P4. ;51' net far, ,ym.g ear, Tina there, this plain working Scotsworriax, and So are from tland awl Mr. hear her discuss Alan so casually—as Itankine'S sistor? You are not o it seemed to her. very iik<,t hini. Aeh, but he was a beau- "Six months is hardly long enough tiful geneernarit" to achieve success—at•least honestly-- , Judy could riot even muster a smile anywhere," said Jean in the same et this left-hand corripliment, steady, quiet voice, "And your bro.- "The Dormer house, Broadway? I tiler did not get in with the right kind ,hare just corne down Broatiray. 1 of pcople,"- • "He had several introductions. Some of them quite good, we thought?' "'They were of no use at all. He did not even get a simple sUggeetiOtu from them," "Then tell me what he has actually been doing, will you?" "He has tried a good many things. suppose I must have missed it?" • "No doubt, miss. She does not come home to lunch. None of my boarders do. We meet, a happy family, at seven each eVening. Some of them haf been here for years and. yearal" Judy, foreseeing the deluge, pre- pared to beat •a. hasty retreat, She was not specially attracted by He tad secretarial post for a few left the doorway she involuntarilyweeks'but the Syndicate burst u)?, the house or it,s chatelaine, and as she They took him because they eaid he 'rriutthred "Poor Alan!" not aware that looked like a Duke, and would intpress he had reached depths which, by corn- callers. That was quite good *ill* pariatin, made Mrs! Isaaestein's estab- lishrtient appear like a palaoev "that, wap at the very beginning/ 82--15 ., Iter spirits dashed, but not quench- of coUrte$ When he wrote in stich goOd ed, Judy proceeded to locate the Dor- spirits?" suggested Judy. Her wistful legend only Has stood the wrack of years, How always at the summer's flood Her laughter broke to teens; She'd blunder with her baking, Her stitches run - uneven; She'd. droop above her -churn and sigh, "Ali me; it's, June In Devon!" It made a family byword Long after she was dead; "As fine as June in Devonshire," Her children'a children said. Across the, world I journeyed One year.,' summer carrie, • 'Arid].'sturribled'ou her little•heart Who had forgotten her name. And;found beyond refuting What made that crooked seam, - What harried , the biscuits in their .prime, • • And spelled the mellow cream. 0 great-eandmother, The -dream that bound your brow. lies touched my own unwitting eyes It's June in Devon —Nancy Byrd Turuer. 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Lux is kind' to the hands—keeps them . nice and smooth. Lever lirothers Limited, Toronto. L501 Time -Piece. - Caught, caught is the wild cuckoo That sang among, the owers; They have prisoned him In a dark prison To count them the hours. Between the dawn and the dim even. ing' Twelve songs must he sing, That men may reckon the dayes pass- ing And the passing of spring. 0 they have shattered the sweet April And slain the heart of May, Because they have stolen the wild cuckoo To tell the ttnie of day. - And wearily sings the wild cuckoo, Wearily sings he now, Because his heart would ceaso frorr singing And his throat knows not how. —Jan Struther.. Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. How Time Flies. • It was almost time for the street car that daily carried the breadwinner and head of the Tuttle family to his office, and the morning paper *as not id its customary place on the front porch. Stamping back into-e•diniig room, a stern. look in his eye, IVIr.Tuttle (lee' ma,nded: "Did any you see the morning er gave him the necessary money, and paper?" ' he was to go to the drug store all by Everyone denied having seen it,.and himself and order his first ice cream were busily engaged in searching for the missing paper, when the C„aughter, struck. with a sudc19p inspiration, ex- claimed: "Oh I'll bet that's what I soda. Of course, during his previous years, Mrs. • Johnston had purchased ice cream cones far him, but with the ad - used to wrap up the fudge Bert took vent of his fifth year be entered the realm of sodas. Smilingly he trudged home last night!" to the corner and entered the store. The eggs of the West African He seated himself at a table and I ostrich average nearly three, and a 1 meekly asked for a chocolate ice cream' eoda. Quickly his order was filled, and half pounds in weight. the tempting, foaming glass with its halilnulr.ing little -straw was placed before After he had finished, he looked around quickly before dashing a tear from his eye. Then he picked up the straw- and. approached the cashier. "Lady," he choked, "I bent the little sucker; what is it worth?" Painting Paris. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is now re- ceiving its fifth coat of paint since .its erection in 1889. One hundreld men are employed for 40,000 hours, and thirty tons of -paint are required for the work. • Out of the Ink,Welis of Babes. Candid letter from a twelire-year-old asknowledging a present:, "Dear Aunt Harriet: 'Plaalik you for your gift, I have al: WON Vented a pincushion but not `iletC1 Much." WiliiitIrdis Liniment for Burns. 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