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HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-08-13, Page 5Thalrsday, August 13th, 1925 • : ZURiQU HERALD BUSINESS CARDS ii3paerister, Soileitor, Notary Public rIllate,, Office on Hamilton Street, it off the asetaaret Goderich Priv- oda to lows at lowest rates: Holmes will be in :acme11-nn :Friday of each Week, **drew F. Hess, ToWnship Clerk Slimy et marriagelicensee, Notary Allow, commissioner, iolre and Alit- *** mace Representing Altima and Erie Mortgage Corpora-. WWI. The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, 111110.144i. Z..ilnapp,D. 11. S. L. 11. S. L....MENTAL SURGEON MICE liENSALL 1 OSCAR ICLOP? revaduate Carey M. Jones Nat - :Waal 'School of Auctioneering. Tryi taas for Registered Live Stock 4,1.11 Breeds). Terms in keepiiag Vatith prevailing places. Choice lIaarraa for sale. Wil -1 aell inything fltsrsilaere: Mesons 18-93 or write, Zurich. fLitensed- AtiCillOtieer /Licensed Auctioneer for County, aelf likaron. In a position to con- ine any auction sale, regardless las to adze or articles to sell. I illsolirat your business, and II not 'satisfied will make no charges for *entices. lertbur Weber, - Dashwood. 'Intone 13-57 16. 'Zurich Neat filARK.ET Fritesh ndSalti:rieat; Beiogna Sausages, etc ccia.......amsom,*.onmasagamirnewm*"....awo latiebest Cash Price, for Wool OASH. FOR SIONS & TUTIgbillat Deichert 1lLaafoa•444.........4sarN*m..44.M404*4.4Mrn,445 ZURICH LIVERY Nt 1'1 •I .ata in a position to accomo- Site all requirements in the Livery Woo, have Auto for hire. Anye, lariag ;done in the teaming line. 'GEORGE J. THIEL Viaafe S Zurich • - Yews' rc. wan*, Far Saie, ko,t, Found. NOtice, Etc.A44 IN THIS COLUMN- LOAL NEWS 11/fisses Matilda and sogy John: - son spealt, Tuesdays In London. liffr and IVIrla. 'Sam Creech() mot - LOST tired d Goderich o dnes,ddy. Between 'Zurich. and Wagrtees Mrs. W, L Siebert'penat a few Corner, a pipe wrench. Finder' tiara last W•eek at Kithharaer kindly roturn to L. A. Paang , FOUND Mee. Catharine Wurnt and. Mrs. In Zurich a purse contialoing a Jul Bloch, ,are visiting Mr, , Ed; sniall:amount of. money. Owner can have s,artse by paying expen-.• pep of adv. at Meack & Kalbalensoh. WARNING Notice is given that any- person caught damaging or otherwise in- tertering with the ,exhIbition hall or other property of the Zurich Agricultural Society will be proe- ecuteci to the full, extent of the law. . By Ord'er, • A. E.F. lEfESS, Secretary. WANTED General maid wanted for July and August at Hayfield. Cottage Not 11, jewettts Grove. Good Mrs, and \Mr. Pete r Koehler. 1, )1, wagest Apply to Mrs. B. L. Mr' and Milsh .APP ate' Monkhouse, HeyfieId. tfoi George Angel, Miss Lilltan ooto land (Mr. Milton Hey Motored to Tara on Sunday. • Messrs. Harry. and Robert Wel- t land of Detroit 'are .spelkiing thole holidays with their friends at Ti, MeAdams, on the Bronson Lille, 1VIr. Fred. Thiel has greatly im- pro'ved the rear appearance of hi - fine businesa bloclt by, the •nadclition of a fine. new verandala Missea Ruth an Gla.clys Spade and Mr, Toll" Stith of +Cleveland ser visiting at the home 01 and Mrs, P. Koehler. Wotan at Markham. Mies" Freda Kalbfleieeh Who Iiaa k•oei; holidaying at Wahl, Lalto re- turned to leer erode Mr. and .Mesf. Jas. LalciliVt4i:.01 Lansing, Mich., are. visiting rpo.,n- vas here this week. , „ Mr. and Mal. Lee Hoffniaoa Miss Jane Lamont and. MraWna: Lamont 'Were Sunday 'visitors at -Forest. • Miss Rose Le-11101cl !of ,fite- Baby: - Ion Line spent the pat weelnWith friends and relativee at Fiensall and Tuckersrnith, Mrs. R. Moore and, daughter Lil- lian of Neav011aven are visiting, at the home of the formelas esister, LOST In Zurich on Sundayevening, a Woman's ecarf. Finder kindly re- turn to Pater Beennermah, or leave at Herald Offioes FOR 'SALE A good. mower far sale, very cheap -L. A. Prang. • FOR SALE One new Delaval Cream Separ- ator for $81.00 cash, regular price is 102 cash. L. A. Prang. Tires! tires! CASINGS 30x314 Cords • $e.50 Fabrics $5.75 TIIBE3 30s3at Olympic at 31:ot Batra Heavy Tubes $2.95 32a t Eotra Heavy Tubes $3.00 BALO 'N . TIRES Any party getidng 5 Baloonsaud giaing me 5 old casings, and tubes I will starer them $27.00 for same, ad the 5 new tires for $67.00 cash . John Hey, sJr., Zurich. • FOR SA.LE • Mr. and Mrs Chase Falters, and Mr .ond Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw were yisitors' to Goderich and Dmiganon on Saturday, Mr And Mrs. L. E. Rennie, of Frobisher, 'Sask., are visiting the former's father, Mr. Alon. Rennie on the. Babylon Line. Mr. and alre. John Goschoss :mot- ored to Pigeon, Mic1, on Wedees- day morning where they Will sp- end the week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs!. E. Hoist ot Cred- iton, Mr. a.nd. ISIre., John Dsitrich and family of Shipka, wore Swiday visitors with Mr. and Mile, R. P. Stade. Mr .P. Cloak of Windsor \tots here over Sunday, Mrs. Clark and family; Mr .and Mrs. Norman' Ga - ache returnedo with him. on Toes -- dant, • - t Mr. and. Mrs. john Brunk, eva. Mr .and. Mrs, Steekle, 'of i3runoor were recent visiteria att the borne IVIr and Mrs. Sami Ropp, Hay • '; T.°14h A nearly neav Oliver Riding plow 3;nis.aiiPid 'Mr% Josiah! Geiger tand' apply to L. A. ps.ang. two daughter e :Mildred ante v-enna motered oyer to ,Detrolt and leaiantly spent the week.- on d .111 N Dr. IL EL COWEN IT- L. I. So la). .S.• :DENTAL SURGEON: At McCormick Block, Zurich., ev ery Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. Marna 0.11iee flARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD G. S.. ATHINSON L. D. S., D. D. S. Ds/prism . ONT. • , Phone 34 itBitlatYPIELD Every Wednesday Scranton Coal NAVESINGS IN .EX,ETBR BY AP- POINTMENT kenesnut and Furnace COAL LIVE POULT RY WANTED *Min' %Very day till 3 Ociock lais :Vat -feed fowl name morning: llama brought In, IliglieSt Cash Prices -CASH FOR-- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Pe $4, ' Zurich unz d S With New ow Prices tialtiODY THE PINEST -,INIOTO R CAR HISTORY tbal they rnost be served -with 4,4etak. raodluciA and by line me - tat aiforit So WEIN, m Pittipa lit'Ardslij,PO,D MOTOR SERVICE Sizes. Soft coed of being accompanied by Mrs, E. II highest 4uality. Voellter, M3r. Ira Campbell, Mrs. E, 0, Vallett and Mesa Hama Val - with eolativest • the fine rains :during the past Week, ha:;e male things. look Up. and, grow nicely. Farmers are, commenci ig to haul in oats, which is a fair crop. Sem* 'fields: of .beans look yore good, while otha ars are Dont so ladod owing to the dry .spell sorn:. weeks ,e.go. About 5000 Members of the ora der of The Black Knights, of Ire- -land, are expected to be :on pais, ade in Goderich on Wednesday of this week. Some very rporoinent speakers will be present to ad- dress the audiences including Geo Spoilton and D. R. Witgle.C. • t Mr. E. H. Voelker, Mr. A. it! Vallett and Mr. Ira .Carapheir nt of Flint, MiJi., motored here ov- er the week-ond at the honio of Mrs Geravude 'Hess and Mise Anna. they returned' home on Ti.r.eday„ GOOD SUPPLY ON.. HAND toe. . , i Case & Son PHONE. 35 Sale of fully 100 patent 'Ines ha& been placed under the beta HENS.A.LL -17 in Ontario by the provincial beard' AUCrioN'' SALE Of Farm Stock aural Implements The' undersigned Auctioneer has been' instrubtee31 to •Sell by public Auction' on Lot 5, N. .33.„ Township of "flay iMenclay„ August 17th,, 1925, Commencing t 1.39 o'clock shiaept LIVE STOCK -1 filly rising 3 yre; 1 filly rising both Gen- eral Purpose; 2 arteer.s rising 3, 1 farrow cow. 1IHAY, ET0,-15 ton alfalfa hay, 11100 feet of hemlock lumber and 2x4 scantling, 75 'sap pails and sp- ilea, good sugar kettle, IMPLEMENTS, BT0;-Wagoni, bob sleigh, cutter, 2 buggies. der, seed drill, hay rake, ilanc'l rol- ler, hay rack, double set harnesis, set single harness, Clinton fann- ing mill, walking plow, mowor, chains, fork, shovels, doubletrees, and numerous ether article.s. saiso timbers. laying 'down in Ao- thur Eicktmels bush' will he Isola -at this time. TERMS 0i9' SALin-$10 and tend er calsbf. Omer that amount ,9 month's credit will be given on ternishing apprevcd, joint netts.' 4% par an:0mA oft for ta), on cr- edit lunouatst Oscar A.uctinneer. , Waiter Stater, Pimp:rioter. of license commissioners eating ha conjunction with federal atithorities The modininee ancl remedies offece ted are those containing a .high percentage of alchol and not -suf- ficiently medicated to prevent th- eir use as beverages, Their Gale by druggists- and other waistcoas has been declared .iilegal under the Proprietary and Patent Medicine Act. Lists containing the names of the, medicines hqve been 16r., warded to all license inspectora and vendors and henceforth they may neither be 'sold nor kept in .Steck In each case teats were Made to ascertain thie olchelit sarengthoind the degree of. medication. The, League baseball gameare coming to :a close on Thursday ovening of this week, our boys go to Heasall, when n keen game la looked for as Zurich, and Hensall are fighting. for second place,. On Thursday' eve, next week, the fast Dashwood team- Will bo over at Zurich and this will ,he the.last toenail, value played here, Should the Zurich team be ab( to! get into ,s000).ad pinee, then Crediton and Zurich will .piny of. fog Chs,M. 00118114) of the Losaaetet These, - friendly gameri this isurnmer have caused much 'exi:iternent this smu- ttier and the baseball fans have en' joyed th amei very much, the Rot tatnes ho re played good hall, with pi' course, coll..' -siderable thn heaviest ,teatn, Page, PI MINERALS FOR STOCK . NECESSARY VOA TUE WELL • BROTHE BOD. 010 THBODY. Recognition ofalhaeral encles --Methods of Stmplementaay Feed - log Burning by Paris Green §Pattaa (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, 'reroute.) In the' eptstruction of the animal body sonie ten principal minerals are , used. 'Tide seems a Jot, and when ase look' at scow or a pig, nothing of a ni.etallic nature is in view unlees it is the ring in the pig's nose:. Minerals arereduced to forms that the layman eannot, readily recognize, by various procesties before they are used in body building. When we see a roast , of beef on the butcher's° block we do, net think of it in terms of hydrogen, oxygen, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., unless we have a knowledge of cbeznistry. To the majorityat is just beef and that is as far back as their thoughts go. "But to the man'on the • land who makes his living producing food animals it is something more. Ho has had experience some time dur- ing his feeding operations, with ani- mals that lacked thrift, did not de- velop properly'' bones weak, small, orooked, and joints malformed. The 'experienced feeder knows that salt is essential to the wall -being of his animals, so he provides it. In doing so two of the necessary min- erals, sodium and chlorine, find their way to the structural units of the body. The experienced feeder knows that . blue grass grown on limestone lands is different . from other blue grass, in that it provides something that aids very materially in building a strong bony structure for the young Recognition of Mineral Deficiencies. 1. Iodine. -Big neck or goitre in nr‘w-born calves, Iambs, foals and dead hairless pigs indicate that this mineral element was not present in quantity sufficient for normal dte: velopment. 2. Calcium and Phosphorous. - Rickets ie young animals, paralytic c :flatten of the joints of either fore or hind limbs, weak legs, and sot - seed totes in chickens, and low tnilk production are connuon condi- tions whctre these minerals are not supplied in sufficient quantity. Feeds Rich In. Calcium (the bone taaker)--Alf.Llta, Red Clover, Tare - age, Driers Milk products, Skimmilk, Buttermilk, Whey. Feeds Poor In Caleitun.-Cereal grains, roots, Timothy hay, cereal straws. Feeds With Calcium in Moderate Anaount-Dried beet pulp,. corn sil- age, corn fodder.' (a) Cf.Ccium can be mppled by feeding steamed bonemeal, raw rock phosphate, Whiting, chalk, air -slacked lime, limestone, marl -or v‘inod ashps, , quantity, sufficient' to supply the need' along with- the daily ration. b) Phosphorous cariabe supplied best by using phosphorous rich food as bran, linseed meal and tankage, or by using raw rock phosphate floats in conjunction with calcium. Steam- ed bone meal on' also be used. (a) Iodine can be supplied by us - a Insea, ee1t from which the iodine bas not been removed or by -ssing the coramercial iodizod salt. .741tothod of Feed/11g Supplements. :The Quantities 'recialred are notlarge, large. For animals at pasture a self feeder is the only practical method. For stall -fed animals the ingredients . can be mixed and given with the daily ration, where calcium and phosphor- ous alone are required such can be _supplied by mixing steamed bone Mem',snarl and salt. If 'iodine alone is required a solution mad' of one ounce of i' -'dine to one gallon of water can be tilde up and one tablespoon- ful applied daily to the feed of eanb animal. If the milk yields are low, and the cows chewing bones, look 41) the min- eral, content of the feed and make adhistment. If the pigs are crippled, with swollen joints and defective henes, le-lt to the mineral content of the fe..1. If the hens are laying ngt-shAd ?gg,e, irk to the mineral content oi the Po2d. the' t':ing -that supplies the • feed. The cow shut up. in ,an, enrn yard and the pig in the high -walled ePen are your prisoners; it is up to you to provide what their bodies ,need, or lot them go out. to nature and find it for themselves. --L. Stev- enson, Dept. of Extension, 0, A. Col- lege, Guelph. To Heel) Pests From Small Irritate. No good excuse can be given by anyone as a reason for losing a crop • et currants or gooseberries because of Mildew or worms. Llmesulpbur , at aummer strength as for apples or Bordeaux applied when the leaves first appear and at intervals of two weeks thereafter until the fruit is hall grown will control mildew. Add two pounds of dry lead arsenate to 100 gallons of spray and you can control the currant worms at the same time. If plant lice or aphids show up give thein a doe of nicotine sulphate at the metal strength on the first appearance of the pests. If .worms appear after the fruit Is half grown use fresh white hellebore in - Stead oa lead arsenate. Burning by Paris Groan Spray. Vaal year consOorable injury re- sults to tender plants through leaf sco,Thino- following tile appilo.a.tion at Pari' '1'6013 %W. Thisinjury can be avoided, by us- ing a double quantity of freshly - Slaked or hydrated lime in a mixture with the Paris Green and then adding suffiCient water to make a paste, Allow this tO tand for anthour and tbon dilute to the strength demired for spraYing. The llntn combines "rith l'ho fro" ersenir-m, prirt 4.0 Jitai.t4 ISLitAk30.1% • • 0.1i. p vE. ;IP X -P THAT CI,ISSINGo.ABOVT THOSE FORD srpn CURTAINS HESS WILL BIZ THE1Yf SO THE OPEN ‘A" i 111 'It.11E DOOR TO 11110,' • REPAIRING Painting Foad Car, Onefloat, $15.00, Two Coats 820.00 iCovering Vord. Top Geed Material, less curtalue ...„ $12.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors Painting Buggy$8.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE BERUB13ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. $5,00 HESS - ZURICH MitaiNfilMatMINItMILVIRINEVEMOKIMUL' 4, 4. 4. 4. GYPROCK. The .Ever-liead y - b Gard . Will'. not crack, Luelde, warip or burn 'Cyyproc is clears' and easy to handle, - it saws and nails like Pother,. a.aypeoc goes up- in a hurry but once up ;.i9 up to stay', al- ways troufble proof.. and repair proof-, taypeoc will , afford you the •'satiof action- of knowing youe rooms are fireproof, oyeroo may tes applied to old or new wata Seel :may be pap- ered, painted or panelled. For information,sample'aaaina quotations c.t; at our office. a that fit aso 4a .44 irr ONE 69 ALBPLJ�SC1] ZURICH .I..1.4$1.4.÷4.4•4.+4.+++++++++,u+++++ 4.-4, 1. 4-4. + 4 +-4 + 4.• + + + ton.e Built CAC FROM- ICONV ( . es 4- 4 4 Vf t At' Woollens Irsitrd in the mannfactnre of S' E M.MT 01,0-t 1:11E3 are treated with the famous LARVEX MO PIT -PROOF PRO -44 C)JS, and guaranteed immune from the ra anes of Moths under:4 4. a $250,000 Globe Indemni,v liond 41. 4. + WHY. DO WF GE O TO THIS EXPENSE? -4 ' 44 ala +nECAUSE Moth are theg realest factor in the destruction of 01 - .LO :othing that are laid away for even a short period, 4. gECAUSE This new scientific discovery- • .1? Larvex Process-+. 44 '+ entirely eliminates any danger to your Tithes from the ray -44 ages of Moth a nd their Larvae. ae-----..-.......-ee -seas - , • . aa nalCAUS1s See -'-'it Clothes. with the steeled attraction of the To , et +1) LAR1",!X Ai 'NI PROOFING PROCESS, is a combination that defies al: 4.r‘ . ition-that cannot br. 1,dten. There is no extra t 44: 4. M 44 44 44 44 4'...r.4 41. .1. TAILOR:AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR1 DAY AND NIGH T 2110 .NE No. 80 31. charge to you. • WE SELL STONNE-RDILT CLOTHES New Spring Suitings .Arriving Daily tif YF a 'le 41 111 ee, ,.....".',"11',1111.11.11.1,11111111'.!!'!'"'''''',',.''.71'.7.'":77:17!,'".:'17'.'7"77.1".,r0FIT'77,11T1Tri'VA171111,11T11,11.7.".',11,`,'1112111',11111111.111111111111111111 ltotaa ..imal.16711.127311'.1172111E21111E1111111!111111111!1111111111111111,1211.111i411111P1111111111111111112EMerr" ZURICH HEEL LE'S 1925 alubbin List HER A T,sa WatakALla illo rt EAR NO EracAt.:Abi 111.ER.AY.,1;, R. NI R.13a.f., HERA) HER k1.Y/ HEReet.,11 HERR and Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 tui laaaeoaate • : %Hy Telegraph 55.10 • ---rnfik Daily Mail and Empire .,„„m$6,,00 A:pronto; niurelay Mail ino Empire $3.25 atrf O-9e.y Star $6.00 'foo.crir Igkos.A11,:y Star ...$3.25 yr", '-zront. ltaPt7y News ..56.00 ans. *••• ;',;i44 kV:58, Mornino edition and tr,,,Itto Vo.ottA evenii...; edition $6.00 21,4 .1„...Isiogi Ikel".o.11 co, NIorni,..4. Edition $6.00 edition ... $8.00 and xiontou, Rom>. -;.° ‘1. 52.25 FIERALT and to 9,29s' ME, Datt,i, .., 4 0 411,4 $2.75 HERALP a'ne P... ..,,, inn$2,65 rfl3RALD .;n14 1.-11pol.H., lit.rortflA -loan,! Star _. .. 52.75 HERALD and C.:anal:liars" 1,:orititrytnan .52.25,1) and Weeicly Writtese . 4 53,15 IIERALD arA Farmers, Magazine . .. 82.50 HERALD and . Youth's Companion , . . , . ...$3.75 HERALD ancl Seaforth Huron Expositor ...... ... ... $3.25 HERALD and Ontario Journal HERAL:D and Rod and Gun in Canada ...53.15 Tri,keel ED C'73: ei 0 ,, ri t;.`"?.4 El Save Money and Trouble by rerier:ng Your Papers With_ us. See us for papers rot lisle above "a& il HE3ALD OFFICE, Zurich 053.