HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-08-13, Page 1Mei. XXVI No 6 ZU141CH THURSDAY MO10. AUGUST 13, (925. • Y ., Y u have any rticies orRefor �t COAL .'HERE IS 4 COLD MAY COM - -MNG. The present agreement be- etweea the mines attxdl !the Mine wnjeiid expires! on the 31st eJ August. 'There iima�.y, mad. ,play not 3 s ,a strike, but be prepared. •123riees are new at bottearn fill up )roar (bins With; the hest coal. Gen- laineo IDelaware and !Hudson Anth- �racite direct from the mines!. It sakes !warm. Friends', Egg, Stove • and Nut size. ., SOFT CO �! re r,, . That highest grade, the best ,eanexcelled for domestic and thr- rashing purposes. Genuine LehighBallets nl1ets and High rade Coke. • HE BALL ONTS l �''tx'on:es, -Office' 1:Qle, 4 House 10J STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mrs. Aliceatrrns?frccr'ng end dau- ra,•hter Mabel and Mrs'. Wea. Cacher .fine •and family of Pilot • Mound,,,; �YlaaYi., who, have spent the past ' 1€ew weeks with their friends • in !Stanley, returned this; week toy :heir home in; the wet. Mrst. Artie 1 eyn who Teas spent -the past two: wee/ ei_ with her si�s- fter, Mrs. Oscar Wright of Kennel-, worth, has returned home. l . • Mr !and Mrs. Wil'Sen Armstrong '-2.id a visit recently to their da- aeghtera ink London.dLondon. Miss Graces Robinson underwent any operation!, on Tzes,d.ay for the aerrcov+a1 of tonal/4 the operation was performac by Drs,. MacKinnon and fYD[4@)•" ` f Z hl '!lite • . The Lawrz loom' under the aus piece of the .Varna Anglican ah- urch which wia!si to have, been held last Friday Bare. ing was postponed till Moeday eve. on accoamt •of the weather. It wnslh eld on the beautiful grounds of Da. Maffa•ttt, and a large! crowd was in attend- ance. Rev: Z. Dura)ant of ,Varna, is taking ell. t wr well-edrnecd holidays rat hie +abslence hie work will be taken! by Mrs W. 0. Robinson. HAY COUNCIL. Tha rnguInr meeting of the Co- uniel of the Township! of Ray \vas held in!` the Towan Tall, .Zurich\ on Monday, .& gtkst 3'rdl,. All the mem bers were preseniti. The minutes of the previoak meeting were ad- opted las reads, By-law Na.. 31925, authorizing the Reeve and ,'ise.a'surer to bor- row certain smogs of money from the Banat of Montreal. tto iineet cur rent expenditures was read three times and finalliy paslsedt The following utug rates were struckuc1 snit' will he levied l upon the ra te- able proper;ty of the Township of Hay for, the year 1925, and ,a By-- law Will be, prepatied confirming sane;—Connty rate 3A mills; Cpe unty Highways 2 mills; Township. rate 1.5 milIs; Stautte, labor rate 2 mills ;Zurich Police, Village 8 mills; Das1awood Police •Village 3 mills and statute labor; General School rate 3,8 /alas; S. S. No. 7, w•a 1G, rid 10 „II 1 ' V�" gap '1 " ,�,' '�� f i (- "4 Y it W. "� ��' ' ISFII �f Yii 4i !f', ��.. ..+ .4, • We have now ,opened the new Men's and Boys* Furnishing Store and are in a pos- it. • ition to eve e tyle public 'anything they need 4 IN THEL1t .rade MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, `OATS, R h.rNCO ATS, Gr1B2 A,I7I iTr1: COATS, BOY'S SUITS, BOYS OVERCOATS, HATS, CAPS, COLLARS, TIES, 'UNDERWOAR, OVERALLS, IN FACT EVERYTHING IN "APPAAEL FOA, MEN AND BOYS. CALL IN1 A.NTID SEE WHAT' WE HAVE IN TimNEW STAND. AI IT IS OUR SINCERE DESIRE TO SBRVE THE E 'PUBLIC IN 0 • EVERY BEST WAY POSSIBLE, i WE .A1 ANXIOUS TO MERIT YOUR PATRONAGE +2 'A '40. :a. , • GASCS.G'S OLD STAND OFFMA 8 8 tr 8 a* • 0 8 8 4 4 4 4 ' 8 t ss+ , 4> • 8 HONE 67 ' 01k4Y•4tb4•9• 4e44.i•QYf,'iytA4@r9@®.4.044,@•Rk004•4+0Q�@0<;r00*4D i1 eat 40 40 Alt vzfis • alMaw@+Rt6li$+sseineeet'[ ulAeeseateseesessam4,"'toseteeestii@kA• is+�pgq • Seaso f ,ble Foot • , E(� y. dere awl Saes f oney IIfant'S, Soft mate..— .. .................. ......_ _... -._ .__«... ... 35c Infanta Pat. •S',?i} Inca: , size's 1-5 _._,_. Ohild9a; Kid 'Ratetn and ,Pat..Slipp'ei's!, 55---7Q Girl's Pat;. Sfrap, Sizgiaers 8-10+t ..,_._ ..._ _-. .. $'1.50 1VBss" Pat. Brown and Elk. Calf •Oxfourd. ,. 'S1-1 .._. ._,._. $2,50 Won'ieno Pat. is sap Lew R. IleeI 2Z-4 . :.,... _.-. ,:....... $2.25 Wonxene'sa. 131!aeK : lavaws'1i Strap Ii.. klee ._.w� _ ., , .�_ ...... 511>25 Men,'a Elk atte ihr, Shoes rowor.m.riu Grob . Work 54:zeta, 1IJ;k.i er. Paaii BROWN 41iSPA.9.i ld143111'11:X ''ANE SEE il8Pl1: W !s!l+ `i?7!'WSlitAV i debenture, 1.5 mills; Special sebr- ool rates.—UAS, Nn. 1-2 malls, S S. No 2a 2, miL ; S.S. No. 3. n ; ,noe, S• S No. 4, 6.5 mills,; S. cS. �*7'o 4, ,a5. n'ail's; SS No G, 3 9: ills; SS, No. 7 4.2 milise SS No Be:. ; U;.SS No 9, 1,2 mills; SS -No 1(1 ; 'SS No °;11 SS No! 12, 50 mills; USS No 13, 2.8 mills; 'SS N;o. 14, 9 mills,; SSS NO 13 ;USS No 16, 5,5 mills; tSetpa,r- to SS No, 1 9 .mills. The following accounts were, a , passiod ;— Th!e following .accounts ,were passed;— t Municipal ,World supplies 7..92. Ontario Hospital fir C, Rupp 39.00 Burlington Steel Co,, 'seed 26.67; C N.R. ireigh,t 3.29;'' C. Weber, di, • thing, rd. No. 15 10.00 ; Metallic ro" ofing Co.; !steel culverts 107.10; ,J Kipper, repair's to •grader and. iru,:, 19.20; M. Corrive•au, eementwi Rd.. 11 75.00; N. Sararaey pay Shit Stephan Drn 828.79; 0. Aldsevortl Tweed. cutting Rd. '3 10.00;' D. man, cement 45.45;%, A. Keller teat ing, gravel and lanern Rd'p 11 12.25 John Becker, stone, Rd, 11 3.00; L H. Rader, ru).aning grader rd. 13 5.00; Bert Klopp hiauU.ng ,scrapers 4.,00; H .H. Nepb, Road Supeinitend eat 57.00; Northern Elec. 'Co. sup- plies 130.34; Strom:lerg-Carlson Tel Mfg, 'Ca., :supplies' 34.52; G. l J Thiel, teaming poles 6.00; Workmen Cweipensation Board) assessment 10.80; R. Oesch, labor telephone�.of Tice 30,00;. l'. Tho Council adjourned to meet ;again. on Tuesday, ,Sept, lsit,, at pan.1.03 o'clock, p,. A.F. Hess, Clerk, j. • n, ; • e LOCAL NEWS Miss Stella 0a112als isvisiting„tu P.,et,e"•.. , Rev. and Mise L. `Ka1bfleisich of Elmira ale! spending ihezt Vacation with. then. ,parents, Mr. W, Woods and Mts. Graham of London spent a few days with Mr ,a.nd. Mrs. T. L. Warm. 111is' G:srtie and 'Winnie Ortwein of Detroit are vis,inting under the parental roof on the Bronson, Mrs. A. 1VIelick, who spent the pas twe Wk visiting relatives and friends in different 'parte of Mich., returned home on Monclay even- ing_t A very painful accident hap- pened to Master Cecil IIttley one day last week, when he sustained fractra of his right arm, Cecil was a.sisisting his father, Mr. Herb. Ut'tley, in 'th}e swamp in loading some. pine stumps, and insomeway a large stump overbalanced and failing onto the little fellow, frac- tured his arm, The result of lightning striking into a tree caused the death of eleven head of cattle lying under the tree, on the farm sof John Pen - hale, on the Crediton Road, Steph en Tp. The accident oceured. on Wednesday last during the, elec- tric 'sterna ,and the dead animals .v. Pipe not located until Saturday and were in a very decomposed condition, and the carcases were buried on Sunday. , CHURCH NOTES • At the clone of the' regular Sun- day- evening service on August 9, a Sr.Evangelical League of Christ- 0 ht st-0 inn Endoavnr was organized with * 19 n)mmbera Other young people rD ot'et 14 years of age fare invited t3..join at any fine,. 'Meettingswill lla bsgin •in September and will be - * e $ h _•ld after the, Sunday Eve. serv- • ti lees,. 4i The officers elected s;o far •are; 0 President ._. •.. _., Newell Geiger !C{, L. Smith 0 Ree, -Secy. .., .__ Gladys Melick C,irr, S,ey.. ...'heele Stu -eras 8 Tre,asnrer , ,., ... Mildred Hoffman Com- to Church 'and Bible School 0 neat Sunday'? ;111' )rntng Worship: 10.00 taro-, Bibb Sch:nol 11,00 a.m. ,S r viee . 7,30 pm... Miss' Lillian Wee;lolt left for Detroit on'Wednesday ntca•ning, 0 { where she ittteoda• 'staying for ip orae aims, Mi• E i !mama lEvango act t Church , t' x • x°tom ,,,;, •r " •Miss Ida Routledge is spending Utz holidays! at Detroit, Mich. Ale. and Mrs. Geo. J. Thiel were S` inday visitors' at London and Pt. Stanley. Mr.. ,and Mals. H. L. Albreght Made a business trip to New Ham- burg on; ,Wednesdayd A` large number from the vil- lage attended the Ford picnic at Grand bend on Wednesday. • Mrs. Chas. Eliber. - of 1Crediton, Visited her mother1VFrsG G. M. M>;rner on. Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. Chas: 'Silber of Crediton called on ,Zurich friends ous 'day last week' 14r .and Mrs. Jacob Moyer of Kit bneeer, are pleasantly visiting with relatives and friends' here this WeE k. ' Mr...and Mrs. W. Snid:er., who vis ltd': relatives here returned to tl i r home at Brantford on y. Satur- da - , t land Mrs. LIoyd •SebJefle who 'sited relatives here for a few Week returned to their home in Detroit on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hez)ry Hoffman and family and Mrs. Stacey of Dashwood were Sunday visitors at the `hoin1 of Mm. Gertrude Hess. Mr. .and Mrs. II. Albrecht ,:and sen:C eorge, were visitors with the ,.ormer;'s, parents', in Howie Tp.,the fore, part of the ween r ^ } amid, 1l rs. David . Gto'tseh:s k 0, 13ad Axe, Mteh;, '2ne Visiting, at the 'home. of Mrr and Mrs. Hy, Lipphavdt, ass well as other' frit- on dal. (Mr. Jonathan Blear! of Elkton, Mich.,, !accompanied by his son Rev. W'tn :Ble,ant of Indiana, are visiting at the home of the form- er's ,silster, Mrs. G Mern,er. 'Mr. Milton; Heyrock, of Detroit, visited at the home of Mrs. S. Rennie, he was on his' way to New Hamburg, where he will !spend his vacation with his mother, Mrs. S. R. 'Knrachtel, who has not been en- joying the best; of health. Asubscriber of the village com- plains .of 1.'he invasion of his gar- den With half grown chickens. Poo- p1e'•ehiould use as much precaution in keeping their half grown chicks shut in as! the older scratchers. It shows le poor neighborly (spirit to let them run .at large, when your next door neighbor has his !shut in or perhaps, has none at all. Prospectst for good times a- mong the fanners look very prom- ising,' ass our ideal millers advise us that they are paying $1.30 for Sall wheat, and with live hogs a- roung 11c. lb., then if the big bean crop gets harvested and a good price raalisey, why we are just 'Wing ing in the finest paradise of the old globe, land yet so many are •d,ssatrsfied and find everything wrong, cher up be a smiler, and the wrold smiles with you, ViTorkri s t are busily negaged in platting up the new cable nf the Hay Telephone system. It will ex- tend ria the northern part of the village end will take in a 1 arge number of private phones as well as aural lines, who heretofore have not been receiving any too good ser't ice "as' the lines, which bung se clo5tely together, became fre- quently entangled, hence the poor service. !The local system here in town, when this cable is com- pleted, 'should be ani Al condition which will be a big advantage to the service given. Master Glaadwiit Meliick, ,son of. Mr., -and Mrs,1A. Malicia who has been staying at the home of. Mr. and Mrs, •3. Wein, Stephen for a few weeks, was viciously attacked by Mr:. "64 sin's dog on Friday. It seems -Gladwin was assitying t he dog .in hunting some nice under a shock of grain:, when the dog bet atTi2 enraged and severely bit the little fellow about the head and flee and only subded when Mr, Nein attacked him with the pitch fork. , The fettle follow \vasthen teen t,.i the doctor where th reit nls, at several places had to, o cles8d With stitches. NrNT!' ZURICH, • O, 0.0000 i'(NEN00000�@F. 0iNY *01040 A �1MC�N0000.4 PI 4MMiEB1 e I jr Chester La Snaitfa 1ifi=A, Syr, X125 4ta , ii.O0774�1ztR1,ARs.>�2aiPkS fix:. i 0 4 an Ad. in the Herald $5.00 $.,.: Ready -to -Wear Spectacles DARK OR LIGHT COLORED SHELL RIMMED GOLD nuaal, SPECTACLES FITTED WITH LARGE; ROUND LENSES, ABSOLUTELY' elle s5. : TEED TO FIT. ' COMPLETE IN CASE, HERD'S A REAL OPPORTUNITY $.00 G. SS & SONS ,S gaaa•m.•o4saQe�se4¢4>c•�a�a4><ma��ae•ta4r�o�������o41�tt�ta�i ble,��ti yy V .rse Go 4 • • 0 A BIG Stock of Harness and y Halters always ai hanee • Club Bags, Suit Cases and. Trunks at Right Prices Tust Receiveda large number of Genuine Woolen He: Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, pricer Ranging from $7.00 to ... ... ...... ....... .,, t SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALI!. HARNESS ; ; � - SS REPAT.EIINQ� A 9.PECIALT'g PlEi�kl` 7 FRED THIEL ZURICH }4'(i'A®O4r4+ 80 NlitY+1ddOa3bd64a =3✓�40644@4Y44 4,000.e4st.44F 44�'R«4tY,t 4 4 Misses Patent 2 Strap S'ip'pers, Rubber heels size 11;-2 e Misses Pat and Oxf, rubber heels, size 11 to 2, pr, eQia Ile Footwear At . Prices that save you Money 0 0 "•. 4 4 .j4 Childs Pat 2 -strap slippers low heels, :sizers 8 to IO: at �... ( Infants pat. slippers size 2 to 7% at c ._ Womens Pat. Tie, Cuban heels., a few left at ..... ..._,, . Growing girl's light tan and pat. slippers, Murray aft Vi.E5 Wmo, 1 strap Pat, !slipper, low heel, size 2;¢ to 7__- Men's Meavy work shoes at •Greb's Work shoes, No. 1 grade tan and black pr., Women's canvass +slippers, leather soles at ALL OTHER LINES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS 4 4 +4444 ++3' ++++++ ++44.4»44-0''' •i•oy+++++ k+++++++4+its 4 l ,' 0. FRI i Z & SON SHOE MERCHANTS The Quality Store It will be to our mutual advantage en. if you will call and see our well assorted stock Stock of Spring . . Summer Goods in all the lines we. carry NEW GOODS COMING ALL TEE TIME, INCLUDING $DM.V: GOODS, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS OF ALL KINDS H t Ni ESS REPAIRS, NEW GARDEN- SEEDS, ROOT SEEDS, ANIS rt)1 GI:[UM, AND WE EXPECT OUR FIELD COR, 1; SEED IN S✓ And would advise our Customers to place their orders eaiai r as good seed will be hard t 't secure. You will iiaxd ,n9 t prices right. Watch our Bargain Counter, Quality 4R243, sl.,r. vice is our motto. PHONE” Dr►'1UGLAS VERA "' AltERONAANT 97