HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-07-30, Page 8 ,Steck of Ladies' and 'Child- ren's Howse must be Reduced So for Two Weeks we are offering Sill. Lisle and Cotton Hose at prices that 'will move them out quickly. Come Early for Best Choice Ladies' Silk Hose, Venue Cloxs Asst. colors, eRgular $1.75 for 68c Black Silk for .. 53c Rib .sport lisle reg. 75c at ... 63c Silk Ribbed Reg. $1.00 for ...7Sc )1ten wh.t1 a•'d black at ... 25c c:7 ?back at I 15e Pri 3^r3s rIbb21 i h black, rown and white, at 2,e. to(...._. ..... 45e i' n whit'. Ivo.) all sizes (at ... 19e ,Biddies sox to clear at v.. ... ._.28e ,MANY OTHER LINES IN BROK EN SIZES, CLEARING AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. OTHILE STOCK TAKING AND IN MOVING OUR STOCK, WE HAVE lICAID ASIiDE LINES WTIICH MUST BE CLEARED OUT REGARD - FESS OF PRICE. WE WILL ON LY ENUMERATE A FEW— pieces 27 -in. Gingham, Reg. 2c for yd. ...._.16c voiles of every description at 25c, yd. to 48c Ai'ew Beadora Voiles now at _.. 63c (,Apron Gingham 3U -in._ wide at 25c 16 piecee4 stripe toweling at .._1Gc 2 pieces Turkish to:vsling at 12e. en's rihiki work shirts at ,.. 8bc Men's work ,sox pr. ... ... .......15c Remnants in ,Dress goods, Prints, Ginghams, Voiles, Shirting's, Etc. GROCERIES Quaker corn flakes, bx. ... ....., 10. Polar white, 'London Special and Preven;to Laundry Soaps, Reg. 10e. at per bar a .._ 5c HO & SON Phone 59 Produce Wanted s •1-a: urich's Garage has, Nis, Greases Fires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINB FORD PARTS OUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES Mtn ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS 157 Tr147:a 12 traitgr M. L _ IF IN NEED OF A 13ATTEBY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. IdVE ,GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON it3O., AND 0":'AER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. EPIE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. IZILT•TERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- F'TYLENE WEi,DTNG. 1 '; f' t i I t L ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H, Mousseau Zurich 411900 MeV gat ra TI"E!• We have received a full and cone plete line of Brushes, Oil, Turps, a Lead, Sherwin Williams paints, Varnishes Stains, Fillers, V > ua➢11e1S . and Autothese Paints. All these ar e the old reliable paints at right prices. t 1r F N I WE HAVE THE GENUINE FROST LIGHT LOCK WOVEN FENCE, DON'r BE MISLEAD BYINFERIORGOODS CALLED Ea JUST THE SAME OR JUST AS ' GOOD. AS EVERY ROLL OP FROST PENCE HAS ITS r+:ROST WE RAVE IT. ALSO BARB WIRE, STEEPLES BRACE W IRE, ETC. ' GET OUR PRICES ON ,L ^.10 RRIG FED GALVANIZRD IRON ROOFING, 4 COUNCI7 T)ARD AND ORr,IN:1RY AT RIGHT PRICES WE ARE )OFING EXPERTS TIRES! . TIRE'„S WR 11A`ld'T3L11 THE OLD Y,•:r.. I , -_ E RICH ` IRES, PRICES ON ANY TOF THESE JEQUALi TO GOOD- RICH ALOGUE ]PRICES IN ANY SIZES, (+'AURIC, CORD OR ,i30N. BAL- I+'TILL LINE OF' RBA VY AND SHELF HARDWARE • RD, S t1) s + k A ,/s. ND 'GRASSES, s • T DE dt, WEI 0 &WEI',OI O T, 0 eadoett.60004646 i.660040641000eil ,, '4,10900041 li14M,0*r 11*, a ea a • 0 a 9 0 0 UICH MIMIC tiERA).ri) STANiLEY TOWNSH1P.t Rea~ R. A, 'Miller and family -of C ,tta-;1t, 1'u' siapndi+i;; a few days at the home of Mrs, Minor's n'ao'- in't', D'l.as, Clark Sr., of Varna, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. H Stephen- s:an and Mr, and Mrs ;Aleti Wiley of, Marlette ,Mich.., motored over on Saturday and spent Sunday, with frion e in Stanley. Mr. mW, R. Stephenson and. femily of Parr Line, Mrs,. (Alice Arm strong and daughter .and Mrs,.'W, C1charline of Pilot Mount, . Man, are visitinng this week 'with fri- ends at Marlette, Mich. Mr. W. 0. Robinson spent a few days last week attending th.e.Sum- (mor Scla;ool at Goderich. Mr .and Mrs, J. T. Keys of Blaby Ion and Mr .and Mrs( • W. J. Clark visited at the home of Robt. Me- Clinchey on Sunday. i - Mr .and Mrs(. W, ,J, Dowson .and Miss Vera .Dow -son. .spent Sunday wit Bayfield. On Tuesday evening the young people of the neighborhood ga- thered at the hone of i Mr.. and Mrs Loyd Keys, Parr '4 Lime, and pres- ca;ed them, with an address 'and a miscellaneous shower of useful ar- ticles.. Mr .and Mrs(, Arthur Peck and child of Akron, Ohio, are visiting at the home of Mg. and .Mrs. W.. J. Dowsron. HENSALL • Mrs. Hassel and daughter-Alro hale been visiting Mr and Mrs. J. W. Ortweini For some time, • return- ed to their home in Chambersburg, Pa. , Pleased to see 'Wm. Towers look ing so well after his recent illness, ;he is b;y far the oldest man in the village being in his 99th yrea and and is wonderfully bright for his. age. Donald McKinnon and Ladd Mc - Ewan have returned from (their western trip and resumed their po's LOCAL MARKETS (Corr+eeted, every Wednesday) hig40 21-25.-28 .,;axte.r per .lb.. ...35 Potatoes per hag . 75e .dried apples lb. 8e Oats 50 Harley Buckwheat 80 80 t lcirtr c:Vt,• 9,00 to 5,25 Wheat 1.15 Shrota ;per ton . ••• •.. 34.00 Brat, pox !ton 30.00 Hogs 1,.7 Western Formers' Moloal Weather Insurance. co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over $27,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losses in 1923 to amount of . $56,143.20. No ass- essnrxent during the year and have a: balance on hand of $39,000 I G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KIN DS OF. FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 itions. The coal dealers are sending out large quantities of coal, most peo- ple are getting in their supply ear- ly being afraid of a ,coal 'strike( this fall. • May 22 --Crediton at Hensall While Wnv. Stone was returning i. .May 25—Zurich at Crediton. to Hensall the pother morning he DR: J. E. DUNHAM DENTIST ANNOUNCES„ THAT HE HAS OPENED A MODERN DENTAL OFFICE AT ZURICH (Over Post - Office.) ,OPEN EVERY DAY EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT •TELEPHONE 134 South Huron BIG FOUR League Baseball Schedule was run, into by h car going south His car was turned ,completely ov- er 4er into the ditch,, but he escaped with a few bruises. . Lorne Scott ncl members of his family, also Gladys Petty, Louis anl Ru:s'1' MacKay and •s'ster, mo- tored to' Tober•mery in Northern Bruce, to enjoy a fishing excursion and report -a fine time. Mrs. Wm. Buchanan one of -our elderly ladies has pa:ased another milestone in her life, having attain ed to age of 81 years and is .8611 very active. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Douglass and daughter Irene are camping a few weeks at their cottage at Grand Sand. Mrs, Hugh MacDonald and her sister, Mrs, J. Leeper of St. Cath- arines, are spending a week .or so with friends, Sidney Geiger., who is teach- ing 'school in New Ontario, is 'sp. ending past of his holidays with his parents ?.Mary Johnsson is confia,ed to her home through illness; . Arthur Hudson, of Marlette, Mich., visited his grandmother,Mrs. Jos. Hudson over the weekend. CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. Os+sie McKenzie of + Pontiac, 11lich., Mr. and rMs. AIex. McKennzie of Ailsa Craig were vis (tors at the nioine of Mr. and Mrs. W.. 'Bowma.nl. Mrs. Lloyd England and family are spending a week 'visiting in Pt. Huron, Mrs Wm, Yearley has Moved. into her new home she recently i3 aught from Mrs. Walker. Mrs 11 .E Rapley and daugh;iet Norma of Marieti Oh., are visiting with. Mrs F. Clark, Rev. Earl Walkea wife and chil- dren of Maryfieid. Man;,, are visit- ing her parents, M. and Mrs.:fsa ac Hill, Me. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson of Sas katoon are visiting Mrs+ 3, :Law- son. The gene of baseball between ;Creditor\ and Dashwood on July e,i to resulted in a loss .for the y asitor:s of It -- Pearl Dreier of Hanover and T"leyd Hansel of Bnf•falo, are spend l; tlrir vacation n.t the Evangel.i.e al parsonage. • COUNTY NEWS. A laaiicsoallf,t _carpi leas been of- fered by the rnir1'chh:nt~a and others of Bayfield, for cotttpil't, it301 on the golf course. Ur, G. I+" Rrrelq or '” titer, has op;on,ed a . dentala w of *building,rte of .frc across' thr, ,street fr'onr•aro :Brsiiiier 1Triuse, Grand Bend, Thi barn ,Of Mrs. Henry Mi.:rr- ph,y, ' Godet+ich ',T•p., • •ryas burned', with hay, inxpleinonta. t?t• Su,n d s f , a e ,t 1Yr n y o p tr _ last It is sup- June 2—Dashwood at Crrediton June 4—Hensall Haat Zurich Juno 11-QZurich at Dashwood Jun,.";«;•Hensall at Crediton. June 15 -Crediton at Zurich Tune 18—Dashwood at Hensall_ Juno 257 -Zurich at Rensall. June 25—Crediton at Dashwood, ••July 2—Hensall at Dashwood. July 2 -Zurich at Crediten. July 6—Crediton at Hensel]. July,9-Dashwood at Zurich. July 16 -Dashwood at Creditor(. July 17—Hensall at Zurich July 23-Zurichat Dashwood, July 277. -Crediton at Zurich - July 20—Dashwood at Hensall, Aug. 6-Hensall at Dashwood Aug, 13-i eh at Hensall Aug. 13—Crrearton at Dashwood. Aug, 20=Dashwood at Zurich. Aug. 21-Hensall at Crediton, posed .that it was' a case of ispone taneotte combustion„ . Farley & Grant 1hnve ,4eariyi nearly completed, their contract for ,;he re -building .in concrete of p0 feet of the river breakwater, I,t Godeich and have been awaded the contract for, an additional 330 feet with nhlgli they will proceed at A reunion of the Ccilliek ilius took'placte at Oak Grove, Gr- attd end 033 W+ednissc1ay last, when a larb"a, Millibar of the families( gathered to do honor to the occas- ion, upwards of thirty-five being in. attendance. Mrs.Fraser and family of Calif- ornia are ilonewing old acquain- tances! and visiting relatives in the •ecaxnninnity of 'Varn'a. She sees great changes as it is eighteen ye- ars- since. ,she left these parts, Mrs. Dan. - McG3.egori, 23rd con: of McGilli:51v'ay, : went to Detroit a few days ago to attend the fun - oral 'of her dartgliferL Her relati- r's were shoveled to leans •that she had suddenly 'suceiimbed to. heart trouble.. The remains were 1irougb.t to her home and the fun- eral took place on July •15th. One of the oldest .tiioneers of Ushornn Tp., ,paas'sed iawa cr- on Jrtly 21st, in the ers;on of/Ben- jamin B.+.h vers. He wag' born in Yoalvshirc, Eng., - San. X29, i'83`44 and •sottlin;g "its York Tp. near Toronto, T-wo yeas: later came to Blansbard Go,. Ile was then( 144 yrs. old, Be was a life-long Christian Christian anrl' an active member of the church, one of the founders. of the Wood- ham Me'tbedist chnrch and gave freely of his'tianci and means to build the 'same. 11n:arii•ig the storm Tuesday ov- erring• last lightning entered the garage of Cei'hns Pyrn of Ushorn. ,and started a Fire that fortunately .„l' Jr waswaslintopt lat; l,r,r0 any rlamsrge done, Shortly 'before six o' - 'w‘ ' \Va. lightning 0 truck a Willow rlaals ire yard and +sent spIin- tree in u,. 'u all directions', It tors flyiaig ., garc . also .entered the Thursday, July 30tH, 1025' ° " SEE VS ABOUT Seasonable Hardwar AT Reasonable Price's. . Such as Forks, Hoes, Fencing, Gates, Screen, Screen Doors, Roof- ing, Etc. This is the time of the year; to do your outside painting: REMEMBER WE SELL THE ONLY GUARANTEED 100% PURE PAINT ON THE MARKET MARTIN SENOUR Some real good Secondhand Furniture and Stoves which we will sell very reasonable,. ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE KEPT IN STOCK. f "; WE ARE AGENTS FOR THIS CELEBRATED IMPROVED VAc- TUATE CARPET SWEEPER. COME AND SEE THIS ON8', AND LET US DEMONSTRATE. a GET IN THE WAY OI' BUYING HERE Melick Italbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 A SAFE INVEST ENT FEW INVESTMENTS ARE 80 SECURE AND PROFIT.$ AS .hrONLY EMPLOYED IN MAINTAINING A' ONTA1UO EQUITABLE LIFE POLICY,. EVERY DOLLAR, PAID IN WILL 13E RETURNED EITHER AS PAID-UP INSURANCE; OR CASE VALUE. • - ' With the safe investment 'feature there is also (the T1Usur al3ce protection that isprovided by no _other i'avestment. It means, a guaranteed income that is not affected by re verses; It is the highest ,recur-ity available' to the home guardian. • AC;•ENCY ONTARIO EQUITABLE LIFE Head Office = - Waterloo Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? menie.00.10 ...1•411%•11•21M.."11161111111=111111•111.1. Paint((g and Papers itatiging LET' TJI DO i'gl:TR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPER Lt NuIN., & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR NEXT JOB. H. E'IC:KMEIER, ZURICH — ONT.. Qh3N WARD Drugless Fraction.- eer and EXETER AT WALPER Every Tuesday, Ojitiela : - . Phoijo. * . HOUSE, ZURIOV 10 a.m., to 4 p.m, 4* 4. 4, 4. 4, 4. 4* 44 4, HERALO O Do You Know?=" THA'.l WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING. TJCIIAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, Su,Cii' AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT WE An AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAOT URERS OF COUNTER CHECK .1300ICS, AND CAN SUP-- F' PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS 46, THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPEIIS, CARBON OR '4" TRACING PAPER„ SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- A'.TIONERY, NOTE 1300KS, RECEIPT Doo c$ n wa SIZES, FOOLSCAP. ETC„ ETC. TEAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY,SIZE INK BOTTLa WITH GOOD F'OUN'TAIN PEN' INX FOR 5e, Lb,9tf GER QU'ANTI'TT1'713 i'r T3IGU13R RI+;1:iUC'.TIONS THAT WE PRINT Pohl 1NG T32LLS, AUCIION SALE POS ,,TERS, MEXICAN '111 tt POSTERS A1'4D AL1, GENERAL Pit1NTING OUR SJ'R('TALTY +++++++++4,40+ 4.444,a,44.0,,+4,4.4,444.4.444,44+,14.1•s. 4«l",