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Zurich Herald, 1925-07-30, Page 7
STACKING STRAW SO IT WILL KEEP The Preservation of Eggs. In 1923 and 1924 a serie3 of expert- ments were conducted by tho Poultry BY WALTER 1., PRITCHARD. Division of the Dominion l neren.en-: 'tal Farms in storing eggs :for *inter There was once a rather small tom of it when the stack is just fin- use, To his report for last year Mr: important• acting man who had his � ished, and with cattle dibbling at it I, C, I+aiford, Pot ti y Husbandman, crew all •assembled ready to begin all winter long, a high stack on a gives the resat of these e :periem, ts. threshing. foundation 11 foundation is going to get lath- They covered the new process, for Ahem; Joe, you may stack the, er shaky before sprang comes, and it preserving eggs known' as Gueran yq straw!" said he to one of the ung may tip over and burry some stock. ize.!' The eggs were all stoned in men sanding near. When you are in the straw at the June and kept under ordinaey cold The other men laughed, for it bottom of the stack, the separator storage conditions until December. Wasn't Joe's place to stack the straw.! humming and the dust and straw and Both before being put in and when Joe looked serious and began to roar coming from the end of the blow- taken out of storage, the eggs were grumble. er over your head, there's a tempta- graded by a .government egg inspec- "Ahem!" (this was a favorite ex- tion to get out of the dirt—to go and tor. The"guaranine" process consists' pression), "Joe, you may go home linger on the grain -wagons; but to of clipping the eggs in aboiling so;u- if you don't want to do what I bid ye:" get a good stack you must start right tion of wax. and oil; For the expera- Joe went home. There were those in at the bottom to build it. If the meat two thirty -dozen cases of new. who said he should have stayed and straw is allowed to pile up pyramid laid eggs were used. The coetents of others who said he . did just right. Anyway, - it is a well-established cus- tom in- this bailiwick that every farm- er must stack his own straw. It takes fashion, it is hard to get the corners one case were treated before being of the stack to hold when you do stored and the others were left in straighten it out. Build the edge next their natural state. Tables given in the separator at least twelve feet the report, which can be had free on a rather good excuse for a man to get away from it. application to the Publications out of stacking his straw when TRAMP THE CENTRE. Branch, Ottawa, indicate that there `threshing time comes. Some hired And as you feel the straw pile grow- is an advantage in processing eggs for rnen (these are the ones looking for ing higher beneath you, you are liable storage purposes. Of the processed au excuse to quit work) will even re- to he starting the stack with the caved- eggs graded as specials and extras fuse to go into their employers' straw -in top unless you keep sharp watch. last year 93 per cent. were graded as stacks—that is going too far. � It is not very easy to walk in the loose extras when taken out of storage. Of, Out on the prairies nobody gets in straw, and consequently you find your- the non -processed 81. per cent, Iso, the straw. Straw is plentiful and self going from one end of the stack, graded. In 1923 the difference was land is rather cheap, so that a stack to the other in one path, pushing the! not the seine, but still a summary of can be blown over a half -acre without ' of the. any great loss: These stacks with the straw out to the edge as you go. Ash the two years shows in favor our stack is wide at the bottom this Processed. slanting sides are really nothing more going around the outside of the stack than piles of straw, the Kind a roosterCleaning Up the Orchard. makes a place down through the centre will have no difficulty in scaling in where we are apt not to walk at all. order to crow from the top. 1 That is just where we commit the But with is straw is valuable. We blunder. never have any to much, so the straw i Straw that is not tramped settles is stacked as . carefully as possible: more than that which is tramped, However, on account of the establish- something to keep constantly in mind. -ed custom of every man on his own As a general thing the ouside of a some it may be a very important tiling strawstac'x, we find many stacks built strawstack settles down well enough to do, since these pests are fond of better than others. e � for the simple reason that we do -not just such retreats. THE CAVED -IN TOP. ' dare go too close to the edge or the From the standpoint of soil condi- Some folks just don't know how to side will push out. The centre'may tions for the tree it probably does not build a good strawstack, so I shall appear just as high as the balance of inalce very much difference whether give a few rules that I have followed. the stack, but.if we neglect to walk the grass is there or not; since the First of all, never leave a dent in the up and down it as much as we do bulk of feeding roots are much far top of the stack, or there will be some around nearer the edge, it is going cues words *leen you step up on that to settle in time. stack in the middle of the winter to; When you get near the top, fill in open it. up. A depression. in the top the centre just as much as you can, of -a stack always means a. cake of fora stack centre never can get too ice, and it's mighty hard to get_that much. If there is a high wind blow- toose. I ing, it is impossible to put*on a very .d''laic+100 How much time and money is the (Ai -ARMING PANTIE DRESS. other places where a bit of dash 1S fruit grower justified in 'spending; to Every child needs many frocks, and needed. Make them and have them clean out the grass and weeds mound what mother will not want to make readyon condiment shelf and in the the trunks of his orchard trees? Well, - that depends. In sections where apple borers are very trouble - CAMPS FLAVORED WITH FRUITS, BERRIES, NUTS ., AND VEGETABLES Relishes for - the Salad Bowl and Cold Meat Platter; Give Zest When Mended With Sandwich Mixtures. Catsup may Mean to you the pun- of salt, two teaspoons of cinnamon gent, spicy red mixture sold in hos:- and a teaspoon each of mustard and tes at the grocers. Or it may recall cloves. Boil up and then let simmer fragrant mornings when the summer for an hour. Bottle and seal. sun beats down en a hot garden, where dead -ripe tomatoes hung heavy to bursting. Later they were destined and add two cups of 'vinegar, two and to glow in the picking basket, then a half pounds of sugar and a teaspoon swim coolly in a great tub of water each of ground cloves, allspice and and then begin a spicy mode of living cinnamon. Cook slowly for two hours and bottle and seal. LEMON CATSUP. To the grated rind of four lemons add a tablespoon of grated horses radish, mix well and add the juice o the lemons, two teaspoons each o celery seed and white mustard, a fest, cloves and blades of mace and a pine other shellfish are pulped and. pureed of red pepper. Boil a half hour andel and blended to smoothness.- But Eng- bottle. lish, French or American, its varieties WALNUT CATSUP. have grown and their uses have been (For next fail.) extended in many directions—for the When walnuts are green and soft cold meat accompaniment, as an in- grind them or pound in an earthen gredient in salad dressing, as a blend: mortar, then turn into a stone - jars ing saucefor sandwich mixtures, for sprinkle with salt and cover with blending in gelatine salads, for hors vinegar. Let them stand a week, stir - d'oeuvres and canape, for serving with ring each day, then strain through a fish, for spicing the bland baked bean coarse cloth. Add to every gallon of and spaghetti and macaroni dishes and liquid one ounce each of ginger, pep- percorns, celery seed, mace, whole cloves and half a nutmeg broken up; also half a tablespoon of cayenne pep- per and a clove of garlic or a tea- _ spoon of onion juice. Boil slowly until reduced about one-half, strain and, bottle when cold. GRAPE CATSUP: Boil five pounds of grapes, strain: in the catsup kettle, slowly -stirred, while a thousand odors of Araby mounted heavenward. Catsup in Ergland means a relish or sauce of which the juice of salted spiced mushrooms is the chief ingredi- ent. In other parts of the world, not- ably France, various fruits and vege- tables, green walnuts, oysters and. ther from the tree. We can do all the cultivation necessary for the good of the root systems of our trees with any good cultivation implement." A very practical and important reason for cleaning up, about the trunks is to remove fire danger, and To make a stack that will shed sharp top to the stack. The best that where there is any likelihood that fires water, the •start must be made at the you can do then is to tramp; when you will occur the job of cleaning up ought bottom when we build it. A rather get tired of going to one end of the to be undertaken nn matter what the small bottom for a stack that will stack, go to the other, for to pack cost. stand in the open without stock around the straw is the only way to hold it As a matter of fact, the most com- it is desirable, but if the stack is: up on the top at all. mon reason tivhich leads us topolish placed in a barnyard (and most of On farms where small threshers up the orchard in this way is to make them are •piaced there) the, bottom are used, and the straw is to be sold, should be fairly large, because with the strar'v�. scan be baled right at the .cows taking a scurry round the bot- thresher. The Consumer's Interest in Eggs. Since the producer can hope to real- Further, hay hauled from the win- o+ one, or even several, with this charm- ing frock as a model. The design is so simple and the dainty printed and colored fabrics in the shops so fascin- ating, that it is real fun to see what delightful frocks can be evolved with little effort. The front of the printed frock above is cut at the armhole, and the skirt joined to the upper part by several - rows of shirring, forming a yoke. effect. The collar is one piece and fits comfortably to the neck. The sleeves are long and gathered to a narrow band, and adorable little pock- ets trim the front. The panties are cut in two pieces only, with elastic run through n casing at the top. Sizes 2, 4 and 6 years. Size 4 years requires 2% yards of 32 -inch, or 2% yards of 86 -inch material.' Price -20 cents. Our Fashion Book, illustrating the newest andmost practical styles, will, be of interest to every home dress- ( To twelve sour apples—pared, cored maker. Price of the book 10 cents the, and quartered—add water enough to Each copy includes one cougon j cover and simmer until soft and the ice box. Use agate or enamelware kettles. GOOSEBERRY CATSUP. Scald, mash and put through a col- ander nine pounds of ripe fruit. Add five pounds of sugar, three tablespoons of cinnamon and half a tablespoon each of cloves and allspice. Boil twenty minutes and add a quart of cold vine- ga-'x, bottle and seal at once. CURRANT CATSUP. Cook together until thick six quarts of currants and five pounds of sugar; add a quart of vinegar, half an ounce of white pepper, one tablespoon of salt, three tablespoons of cinnamon, two tablespoons of allspice and one tablespoon of nutmeg. Boil twenty minutes, bottle -and seal. APPLE CATSUP. CUCUMBER CATSUP. Peel and chop three dozen cucum- bers and half as many onions. Add one cup of mustard seed, a quarter of a cup of black pepper and one ounce each of cloves and allspice. Mix well and cover with vinegar, then heat through, but do not boil. Put into wide-mouthed bottles and seal. MUSHROOM CATSUP. - Wipe, but do not wash, fresh mush- rooms, put in layers in an earthen dish, sprinkling each layer with salt. Cover with a damp cloth of several, thicknesses and let stand in a warm place thirty-six hours, then mash and strain. To each quart of juice add one ounce of peppercorns. Boil thirty `upy minutes, then add one ounce each of '1 it look "slick," in deference to what ` good for five cents in the purchase of water nearly evaporated. Rub through whole cloves and allspice, half an. the neighbors may think of us,, •just any pattern. a sieve, and to each quart of pulp add ounce of ginger' root and one blade of IiOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. two , cups of 'vinegar, two grated on- mace. Simmer fifteen minutes. When as we clean up the backyard or polish — our shoes. And itis 't a bad reason Ions a cup of sugar, .a tahlespoonfu., cold strain and bottle, sealing well. r name a d: address.: lain- ' n Nine you n P th th e oug w� .' he and f h_ largely- pre - Whole th h 'oiinllt little loss heavily . , th.:"' lr, giving number size :o such sweat; the of 1 er on e w o shattering ; eaves is ei vented and very P fortunate indeed is the child in the f 1 here comradeship is the not to •invest too on patterns as you want. Enclose 20c 'in. Are ParentsPeople? of color by sun -bleaching occurs. account, stamps' or coin (coin preferred; wrap arm family w p ' To' get bees out of the supers, put It carefully) for each number, and hie a maximum profit only to the ex- drow should be stored with the yeast bee -escape on each hive late tri the address your order to Pattern Dept, tent that his product -meets with the Possible delay once it is sufficiently afternoon.The supers will be 'Clear Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade - This peculiar question was suggest- I prevailing spirit. There is a sort of ed by a movie billboard. We don't family pride and unity wherever that know what the movie was, but the , spirit exists. If you haven't already, question is a legitimate one; one which' try it on your children now and ses how it works. ince s cured. I of bees an from twelve to twenty four • laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by advantage of producers generally -to - hours. To place the escape, tip, the return man. be as familiar as possible with the Summer Egg Yields- stock of supers to be removed and .attach a chain to the blow beam consumer's viewpoint and.the qualities slide the esca a board underneath' Ba that he demands in eggs. This is the season of the year when b • lee t and fasten the free end to the end of approval of consumers, it is to the sure the springs in irs of all, . a feeder's problem is one of how to de well lay this inevitable drop to the latest ; the escape, looknn s, through which e.y to see that into the furrow and they will be cover- i cuts do. Other folks don't tell young not ad appeal, lets theme make as of I hA t t b d and vh$n to p exists in many young minds. To young folks, parents are differ- ent. „ They act differently to them than other people do. Other people Rainy Day Pastimes. a decline in egg production may be tl sea a us would not think for one minute to boss When children are confined to the First f 11 the consumer rightly expected with almost any flock. The right—just far enough aparto th t theh Il d g in the furrow. them not t telling n o w expects to get an edible productat y ,et the doub'etree • leave enough slack 'd 1" themt ash house and their most cherished toy fair price. He is usually all too a chain wi drag , the bees pass through, After placing fails to aroue�i interest and games do This•-_wia drag. the grass and weeds ;their faces or behind the ears, AS par- f ea - aware of the great changes in the , i there axe no ops g ssib.e date. There are certain ed •up com p;etely peop.e en get up, and all such things. menagerie. They will also need some Perhaps one reason why this quer- Pus, toothpicks, a few feathers and tion arises in the minds of young folks bits of paper and paste. is that often parents maintain too Turn the peanuts out on the table much the governing attitude of mind 'and select the odd shapes. A pig is price of eggs which occur from time things ' robber bees can enter the supers to to time, and of the fact that'it is things which can be done to help ma-' be removed. te rially in the solution of this prob- Never keep sheep on low marshy often difficult ato obtain eggs of good lem. qualityat any price. ,Girls, here is a good hint:. A blush land. Hilly land is best. Avoid para- First, and perhaps most important, may be given to canned pears by a sites by changing pastures frequeiet'.y. He does not always know that there h dell allowance of vegetable coloring.. With a are real causes for so f these. con • feed raduall but steadily and a lettuce e g is 18 reduce the ai y a owanc little red vege a e eo o i g. • easy, with the fat n ditions, nor does he always leaf for Organic heart disease kill's more toward their children. Unconsciously body. • U four scratch g y . clove for a stem toothpicks ee - know that o y. se or pine for there exists a great deal of real mss- garnish pears make an attractive than twice as many people as does they impress upon the child the super- legs, two bits of paper for ears— salad. tubexeu'osis. iority of parenthood instead of show - turned down—and a little piece of earn— 'information as'to the facts. Hence ing the pa:ship of parents and chil- e have boycotts and other efforts of t dren. string for a tail. Mark the eyes with e similar nature which often tend to It seems to us the parents should ink. Another nut with longer ears— aggravate the situation rather than be the guides of the children, not their standing up—makes a cunning bunny. to help it. overlords, They.should get back of , A larger one with a long toothpick Properly directed, the buying pow- f g « ' trunk and big gars represents tin ere- er of consumers can be a powerful It is a simple matter to make a mortar. With either your hand ora the young folks and say, note, you liant. Another odd shape maysu mason's trowel plaster the surface of go ahead and T will tell you when you , P P g - factor in the a marketing system, grain is concrete pool for the use of. the bixds'.th•e hollow with"the mixture, putting aro going wrong," instead of being 1 gest.a bird. Add a bit of feathers egg dally allowance of scratch and can b e the force 'which brings reduced she makes up for it by eating of your lawn and garden. in enough to make the depth at the over ther_i and dictating their actions. for teal and wings, a bit of toothpick about some needed improvements.of is best for the pool, ; centre about three inches. It is well We read of one well-known man for bill and make eyes with ink. Particularly is this true with respect more mash. This is exactly what we A shady sp whose son always called hinx "John" Each animal may be mounted so want her to do, for the reason that birds do not like to bathe in the glare., not to make the sides of the pool too 3 that it will stand better. Cut squares to the matter of quality as found in the mash is more quickly as isle iixilated, of tho sunlight. Scoop out the soil in smooth, as the birds are often waxy instead of father or dad. This is un - eggs sold at retail. When the con- sumer knows the real factors affect- and because of the further fact that usual, but it showed a good trait in of cardboard and use pins for legs of an elliptical hollow, four feet by three ofi, a slippery footing. I this man,in that he was always on animals, first running them through the daily intake of protein is gradu- feet six inches, with the sides sloping. Such a pool does not necessarilyy the cardboard. ing egg quality, and Hien insists on ally increased. down in all directions toward therequire water.It may be the same. level with this boy. Are par- t tl encs people will cease to be a goes • from now until about the first of November, keeping dry mash con- stantlyavailable. Of course there must be a proper quantity ofprotein in this mash or there will be little ad- vantage in the reduction of grain feeding. The hen isjustabout as hungry in summer as in winter and when her ©L FOR THE BIRDS APII t ar re uric . running - receiving a strictly high-quality pro -1 protein,part cu of animal f 11e'd one . or twice a wee c wi x a few , " - • duct, the pressure which he exerts on P y centre. The. proper depth far such aSpeed in Handling. origin, stimulates egg production, and bath is four or five inches at the pails :from the well or cistern. Scrub tion when parents and children be !� t i 'll b . assed on to the tit once a week with n still broom to conio pals. An egg can not y ill •gL'neral 90 improveinen from *cert to week and month to Then mix Portland cem�eYi seep clean. i • he relax nr Vi e p t by. adding gust a tittle more stimulus deepest point. 4 er be an. better In ode that t and' I it ' With a fewshrubs and ' The faun family, is a stronger unit quality than when first laid. On the is bound to result even though it may keep the hens lay- sand—one art of cement to -hardy flowers planted about it, it be-, than thatof the city because there is month we virtually pcoarse P whether they want to lay or not f parts of sand Add enough water comes an att contrary it will inevitably deteriorate come very slowly. Color Important Factor in Hay.. ractive feature of the a common interest and a working to- if held for any length of time. Since ing i ether on the farm. So,we feel that eggs are produced hun- The result is a greater total egg yield tougive it iho consistency of common garden. -P. H. g'most of the ey,g' are centras per hen per year and, more important • time factor can ire s of miles from in many cases, a higher average price of consumption h 1 the gree ,�'k ,w notbeeliminated.e per doyen, owing to the fact that the �' 1 i ' ^`' _ s : ...:....,,a, � ,. - •. � .�.. , :'` ". Hence it is very important that the who:o marketing process be of such a nature as to reduce to the very mini- mum the deterioration that is bound to occur between the time an .egg is laid and the time it reaches the con- sumer's table. It can safely be said that the con- ditiors under which ` an egg has been kept are of vastly more importance than its actual age in determining what its quality will be at teiy given time after being laid, In other words, the promptness :.with which an egg r -aches the eon - ,sumer after being laid is by no means a guaranty of its quality unless it has been handled properly during the in- tervening time. Mount Armour situated on the In- s ternational Boundary betwoen British Cc•lumbia and Alaska, lat. GO deg., long. 180 6eg,, has an elevation of 6,776 feet. It ie named after Hon. Mr, Justice John D. Armour, Chief Justice of the sigh Court of Ontario, who was ono of the. origina' Canadian, , members of the Alaska T3ouedary bunal in 1903. No. 1 hay must be of good color, late summer and fall eggs are pro - color being the principal guide in duced on a rising market: judging quality for the market. Deal- - - at ing with this subject Mr. W. R. White,1AA' 'heat. Chief of the Feed Division of the Do ®.::.C. Pilo. =bijou Seed Branch, remarks that Of the wheat varieties produced at provided there is reasonable freedom the College through hybridization the from foreign • material hay of any. 0. A..C. No. ° 104 is the most interest- particular class that retains the large ing: In the average results at the est percentage of its natural green College it has surpassed the Dawson's color grades highest and commands Golden Chaff variety by a yield of 6.3 the best price. Conditions as regards bushels per acre per annum. maturity, curing, storing and subse-' The O.A.C. No. 104 variety is a quent damage are all reflected in the' cross between Dawson'e Golden Chaff color. I and the Bulgarian. It is a white - Time of cutting and methods of eur-: wheat, with a white chaff similar to ing are important factors for con- the I3ulgariaii and has a beardless sideration in the production of hay for head simnel' to the Dawson's Golden •market purposes. Hay that has be-' Chaff: come over -ripe and faded before cut -I It is a vigoroes grower, hue been ting, or that has been bleached or more hardy even than the Dawson's weathered while curing, has decx•eas-1 Golden Chaff, almost as etiif ni tho ed 'in both palatability and nutritive: straw, and it seems to be less suseepw value. I tiblo to smut, In the last five years ML White alsoP oints out that byi it has boon injured by the Hessian raking g the hay,and not allowing it! fly to a less extentthan the average' to become thor..tighly dried in.. the/ of the forty varieties. swath before cocking, es soonafter , • cutting is it is dry on the surfed() and. Shade and water—two pilrx1.. ens..n well wilted, and putting it by in well 'dais dor groeileg chicks in hot made cocks *'hers it is aliosved to weather. ws *-ewcx S e> .�t `.sr The memorial i i mor°ial 'tower of the 1 <ti l .e1, e - -:1 linga at Ottawa, nears conger largest bell carillons 1n the word, the „isle-• set being recently leetailod In built in England;, 1 ..„ 'sa bells <.:•3 two low b;iu.g �'I; ..»..-LL-..i.F .' .-. a a •w a --