HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-07-30, Page 6THE STORY OF A BLOOD FEUD DY )NNIIil S. SWAN. 'It isn't the first time I've seen it is a 241 ,6 al�r r }nap's eyes in this big, terrible city, It generally means ono of two things." What are they?" he asked. "Oh, never mind just now, Light up that Red smoke it till the coffee ie ready," she answered as she handed him the little, square cigarette -box of "radar wood with which he triad become faraKiar during the first weeks of his sojourn in Nety York. "Yes, it's pretty full. None of my bigger club boys elf.an is not bought."---It.ongfellow. have been up lately, and I don't en- coura `e the little ones in the weed, EMS "L,nil�lgiPea its though most of themrdon't wait for .- »...,, my encouragement! So you're going only from tends I CHAPTER XXIII.-- C ver ill on board it wasanordeal n est? a loi)guis itcome about?" is blended ,� • �, (•ant d.) hi the city. AS most of them had been West? How did i story, but I needn't + yield"You 'never hear from them, I sup a very searching and crucial kind,and bore you with it. I was workingat y � � I Pose?" said Carlotta, in tl voice whic•h G raltatn 1tla dor himself somethig of a warehouse on. the East Side. It as .. ,� , delicious ® m indicated but a .a But ast. ' 0.i w;a,•Nck was consumed with anxiety an•export warehouse, and there hap- n,e01i+ ," ""T? Oh, no! But 1 had a letter s Try SALADA ' o. d I : 7® from Edie Sanderson the other day µr d distrust. Fully aware that he had pend to be a Seotchman in the firm, `` �`"" Bobbie's wife you know. And t ather fine he had yet been 1 didn't see him at the beginning. I ,:----,._-• l he himself' or to leave was engaged by g slz ran, i • x one of the managers, Peter London says that the �Garvocks are very lista }iaiab e to help Mystery ofthe Mosquito. : mate at Stair, and that t ter goes . a day earlier. or foremen, or whatever they cal Jean Dempster d tickets' them' he was the most awful outsider there a not.p e th t avith a on God s earth! Scot Ask a man o '" 'li console himself," ' , • n into his own stotnac He you have kept 'at with me? ,,. t theinsect pumps the blood after have never dropped so mug as a r would ask to accompany her. « k little call r Carrie her , ' ' ! ch too,but there f Science how amos- perhaps he wz 1 li " l a rt inside her mu a Y i must haye been a hybrid strain in hiri} quito draws the blood from your veins said Carlotta, absently., ""I say, Judy, -very 1 ve.y sense of anticipatio, somewhere. One of the things l: shall h will toll You f •th itl ? You though she !tad not yet -decided whom do whan_I come out top dog he added that h hint she rimT will be to make a i e • sticking his sucker pump between fthe to Alan about what I am doing now?". It may be said here that Rankine on William Donaldson and get cells of your skin and then through the "I haven't, though I have wanted to had been gone from Mrs. Isaacstein's even with him; Not for what he did walls of your veins. do it dreadfully. And when all illus J tiii walked homef enjoying the nip and I he the nippers a, but for his nd the women that and swear - Well, that exactly what the res. lovely picturesp,came out in td post in :the air' (which was twenty-five be- haven't the chance of ' answering quito must do and he does it well. trated papers, I simply•ached to p zero), because she wase warmly ' back" able Nevertheless, no student has ever been them reflection that, if only didterred by low not hap- - acl; and well-fed she was thinking a "There is a kind . of man who able to prove that this very evident `pen to be flourishng at the moment, him with: an odd kind of pity, f I shouldn t have any.power," put in fact is true. . 'they might make him feel worse.- But, mingled with anxiety. She had neith- I Jean quietly as•she rested her elbow, No one can scientifically prove that of course, if we really are to go to ex,`.heard 'of nor seen him for over six i from which the soft lace of her sleeve the mosquito sucks blood through a New York, he'll have to know— won't wicks, and from what she knew of I fell away, on the table. Her kind face his late experiences in New•York she • was very earnest and syrhpathetic, and Pipe when that pipe is so small that I 1 e, understood perfectly that he must still blood can not be forced through it J "It will be time enough to decide" be down on h y 1 Rankine's eyes rested. on it as they even under pressure. ! get there,' said Carlotta might have rested '" • t .from She had tried to .seep a hold o face represented to him is luck. on a shrine. That when we re, s , f him the one oasis The sucking pipe of the insect is so diplomatically. He stillwrites the Forty= second Street address. Gra-because she liked him, and because she' in the awful desert of New York life, small that a strong microscope is re- quired,to show the hole through which tram Madox could easily send some- had sufficient knowledge of what life and but for the gleam in the steadfast body to interview him. I'have thought in New York is for such as he, to be eyes of this woman friend, who knows! the blood undoubtedly passes. Man of it—insurance business'" hasn't a fully aware that her friendship might he might have gone under. can make a pipe just as small, all he very hopeful sound about it, Judy. be the: only anchorage open to him; • "You're right! And when it's a has to do is to make a pipe of any size Somehow one always associates a sort but, Like Affery, she had got so fari Scotsman, the brand somehow is par - and pull and pull on the ends. Fine t lbo person with and no farther with Alan Rankine. I titularly objectionable. He took a k him-• She knew that he a suffered fiendish a ig n pipes are all made by that process. of shabby, out -at -elbows ws I had ff d from delight ht i girding at me. He rt, who calls at doors and makes gt g self rather a nuisance." , family misfortunes and reverses, that; g'ot to know somehow that I had— with first make a fine pipe • "Don't!" i„ his future was dark and uncerta , hall we sayseen better days? How with a fine hole thorough it. The ends ! Dont said Judy, with a catch ill,. s of this pipe are attached to'machinery her voice. "It hurts. It hurts most, end that he was quite friendless,, m he got at it Fen sure I dolitt know." awfully, Carlotta. Haven't I thought` New York; but he had never talked to, "He looked at you, 1 suppose—the which draws it out until the sides it all out, and pictured him in all sorts her of his ultimate affairs. - During same as the rest of us did' answered and conditions of occupations! The the two months he was at Mrs. Isaac- Jean, smiling a little. "Do you think other evening Claud and I dined at the; stein's he had had three successive you look like a packer or a sorter, Principal's, and theywere talking. situations in the clerical line, none - of , or 'whatever- you were in a down east P ' factory. ' -son they knew inti which he had retained. When ousted ?» close in and the hole Is of the required size. If you wish to see exactly how this is worked take a rubber pipe and aboizt.• a Vanon S from the last one he had left Mrs. stretch it. if the rubber does not mately, a distinguished scholar of Rankine did not even smile. Peterhouse who was pushing an ice Isaacstein's and taken a lodging in a L. "At last I got to the end of my break the hole will become so tiny that cream barrow in Chicago the last they street a grade lower—Jean did nottether one day, and I let out on Don- n will no longer be a hole. !heard of him. So you can imagine the ask where nor why, simply because' aldson for cuffing the ears of a nipper � Man can make a pipe .as small as nature of my imaginings!" ' she knew. They had met occasionally! who hadn't done anything to deserve 1123 the one used by the mosquito, but hal Carlotta rose as if the vision had until lately, and would go sometimes it. We were in the thick of a most =blood through it. Blood is a little overwhelmed her. on" Sunday for a stroll in the Park,! glorious shindy;' he added, with. the cannot force b o $ „' but after a time that too ceased, and first gleam of a smile, "when in walk - "A -SAILING WE WILL GO," made up of wee egg-shaped bodies I "Don't let n gets that tack, Judy, ed a man I'd never seen before --a ` called les To see them you or we shall find ourselves dissolved bettor the last few weeks she had not squat in a tweed suit and kn th h to locate him or ish this... evv soap ust Di�Ive The thick soap -sudsy solu- tion •— a wonderful even soapiness --goes all through. your clothes loosening even ground -in dirt. Use enough Always use enough Rinso to get lasting suds that stand up after the clothes are in. The secret o.€ Rinso's wonderful cleansing power lies in these firm, rich suds. li i;e t: 1::t...s.! ea a corpuscles. „ own ei er w ere short, . man ; All ready for a sail on a yacht are a 'tears presently," . she remarked, in s • must use a very fine microscope. what he was doing, a soft flannel shirt, but with the air Sia the two well-dressed boys pictured melodramatic voice. , cheer- g of careless prosperity I've learned to above. The older boy wears his white The extraordinary thing is that I "Right -o," assented.Judy, `She was wonderi.n which of the ' duck "longs," and middyblouse laced these corpuscles are so large that they fully. "But when I look at you, Car-, crowd at the table she would share her I look out for and to know. is aston- I will not pass through the .rnasqutto's S lotto, you're so awfully pretty, and luck with, and had very nearly decided ishing how discriminating a man be - up the front in true sailor fashion.' soaker -pipe hence the query how such a dear, and to say nothing of I upon the bore, when Sambo came' comes when he's out on the hunt The shaped yoke is set on and has a does he do ith your appalling cleverness!'I don'ti round to her chair and whispered the decent living he seldom gets in a cut -in pocket. The collar and cuffs It is supposed but only supposed— see -I don't see—the smallest hope, something to her.which made her place like this." "Yes. And who was he, and what are trimmed with rows of navy-bluthat the pipe enlarges as the eor- for Stair--" Y, start. Theywere now at the cheese course braid. Th fellow, t to be C • arlotta strode back to Jud 'to I: :happened e asked Jean with breathso - g e wee no oath I puscles pass through, the pipe acting 1 done by his older brother, wears has'alike a stock g where she now sto ow'how long he had been KinSo suds soak dirt out rug. Taking her gently and thoroughly -no plain middy. To and practical he passed through it..a step as light and fleet as any girl y. collarmade of shook her -with. genuine foxes: • + - . P g .there but evident! he had observed , 3' navy-blue cuffs as Science knows this roust be the i "Listen, Judy. Never talk to me` and inside'her sitting -room door saw a few of the lightning streaks and more harmful rubbing. Your drill rovihis shortpants. No.': -hear g .heard the thunder which was goinsnowy matching •, yetagain , fire in the act of warrnin his hands.cost me m yjob. I didn't care if i�made bythe makers � separatepattern for cr"'`' the fact cannot be proved be- like that. Never,., do you ;'F,anktne bending low over her wood g clothes come white. 11.3 provides a s.pa cause in order to `see the pomp -Pipe as long as you live? I belong to Starz• . g to Y i�1L1BO is " rt trousers, and the o you :hear? And dont you forget; She had came so'swiftly :and quietly it sent me to Sing Sing at the moment, she Lang and sho > it must- be seen under a d Yd f just so ithDonaldson. of Lux, the largest soap n m ream . f. Y may `i, otiverfie glass and it ,:is a 'difficult a i the world. atin on that' bit ofsurf be-+'?��""a moment he. lingeredon the, i saw from,; his face t a e _ P eaves` be t 11-i4 T in when a large ball is od on the hearth- she had no difficu ty iii excusingtlese interest by the arms, she! herself. She ran up the stairs with "I don't kn working n ttte Sizes f 8 it!` I se•� 't • y' d s I hear the that hAdid not -hear er an or los so long as gat even w makers in oke be om d fn it h t the new - and 10 ears Size 6 years i�riuiiof ui o to um ti I. , •., sock of his ,tae' somel.,od He "_led ham Y thi.rg to induce• a:ntosq t p_, p threshold, taking t comer was ,Y 2 . ards of 86 -inch or lrys yards of gondthe Ladies 1ulLe. And I see the' 4 Zrver Brotlier�.I irniced, Taronfo �- Y t f a man while the pump of d indows figure now very= gaunt and thin, of self together ah o• a sod en and i„ 64-inc material or the sur with I is ha ard:face and shabb a sax' n to together all worms like un short trousers; or 3?/s yards o ,.&- and her heart, as well as her enc cringe to their superiors. blood ou o �un on the win ows—my w , h i 1 f d`t f the insect is cut Into than slices and Jud d Alan s and mine h gg Y FF i ga g h" do f glass—the i d h d d mase e g ! u y—ygurs an Then he inch, or 1% yards of 54 -inch material glued to a piece, o a oii y Now, o you ear, an o you Dao ' , • Y - h i- ithat tongue ofyours for ever eyes, almost overfloed. There are began` to .tell his lies about me. I' — for the suit with long trousers. Price methodnby ow this much,e pipe can be seen. to hold g k few more pathetic pictures than that stood by listening, and when the new- ��y 20 cents. ! We know this that the mos -:and ever, except to sneak comfortable World's s Ole est Forest. • ti --'i shall . t d bythegentleman alone turned for confirmation to me Our Fashion Book, illustrating the uito sucks our blood ut we n newest and most practical styles, will1 never know hew be does it, be of interest to every home dress- I L maker. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. Each copy includes one cou- pon good for five cents in the purchase of any pattern. • HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Wrest Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. Too Short a Night. Once a city man out of work had "hired out" to a fernier. At four o'clock in the morning, the newly em- ployed hired ratan was called to break- fast. A few minutes later the old tanner was astonished to see the man walking off down the road. By the Late Viscount Leverhulme. ''Sony. Come back and eat breakfast "The secret of success• is no secret 'fore you go to work!" he yelled after "1 ain't gain' to work," the man called back, "I'm going to find a place where I can stay all night." Don't Look. Old 'Un—"In the matter of marriage you should look before you leap." Young Bach.—"My Motto is: 'Don't look and you won't leap.' " Success Points. .Help. add. £eo, a,,9 Add i � 1 ae •;, ;° F' Slip a paeka iia i )., s k your cit ethers you :. ` ► yo hark? to • fit . ) .slur the yuain.§sled this wholesome** .sweet - four pleasure tjeenefjit. Use i$ yourself after srtokins or when work drabs. Rea a gr atlilile f alteaer` at all. Will a man pay the price of success? That is the point. There is only one certainty—hard work, self- sacrifice, and service for others." "Believe me, there is much more money y m doing . than eve t wa i`I SU s .No. 30--••'26, words—for oh, my dear! we are two presen e poor gen eman a o e comer erne o lonely, heart -broken women, who need in an apathetic world! With an effort • I just shook Amy head. 'He's Amy sup- A � hundred million y e years a , many y, comforting; and if something doesn't Jean recovered herself, and stepping erior officer, I answered al last, and millions of years, lf happen to:cheer her soon, Margaret forward into the room, said cheerily: � I hope I managed to put intra my voice appeared' on the earth, there grew a Tenterden will cease tan charm, the "Well, this, is a sicht for sair e'en,' a bit at least of the contempt and forest,near what is now Gilboa, N.Y. British public! I Mr.. Rankine! And I'd like very well loathing I felt. 'My word don't count (Dr, John M. Clarke, New York state "So now you see What your mission to -have some account,of you, and to' against his, no man's does in this, geologist and paleontologist," pro is in life—to keep me up to the mark ask you whether you think you have inferno, but if you happen to be any -I nonneed this grove on oldest known and able for work, and no grizzling. behaved well to yours truly?" Ibody that matters I'd advise you just forest. He has resurrected it from the Now let's sit down and calculate what ,.-He wheeled. round suddenly and his to put a flew questions as to Donald -I clothes we shall iiequire for an Atlan- smile, though brave was somewhat pa- sons `treatment of the young ones and remains in the rocks and be finds those tic voyage and a brief season in New thetics' He drew off a worn woollen the women here. It amounts to cram -1 ancient trees• to have been much like York." glove and came forward to take her 1 final cruelty, and if I knew of ' any- modern tree ferns, probably attaining outstretched . hand. He had been body who would listen to me and take bights of fifty feet or more. CHAPTER XXIV, j through many experiences during the action, I'd cheerfully speak up. I've , !,oast few months, but he had not for- nothing to lose by it, and they might Minarets Liniment for Backache. our OP THE DEPTHS. ' gotten the instincts of his upbringing, have somethingto gain.' e____ nor, grown careless of his personal ap-"Donaldson lared at me like a fiend Following Orders. Jean Dempster, walking to and fm.; arance. He was very shabby, for • incarnate, and began to speak rapidly Doctor --"Did you open both win- between her work in Broadway and had now only one suit of clothes. in that thick voice of his with the ac- dows in your room, as I spec ifietl?" her boarding-house in Forty-second Jean's assumption of gay bandinage I cent of the gutter in it. The man hi patient—"Not exactly. There in St y to p theMan- died under the intentness of his look, the tweed suit waved him to be silent. only one window there, but I opened it Street, had each da ass a flatten Theatre, on whose most prom -the auras in his eyes. I could see that he was chewing some- „ twice. inent notice -beards, early in the new .• "Don't look at me like that," she thing over and over again in his mind year, this announcement was printed said falteringly. "Have you been down and trying to arrive at some conclu- in large, arresting type on your luck again? Of course, I knew cion. Also he looked very steadily at "Graham. Madox, •with Margaret int, but why didn't you come and tell rne• I met his stare, for, as I said, I Te g'The Search- Inc had nothing to lose, and I enjoyed the nterden as his leaden• lady, in their �„ • h Handkerchief Worth $30,000. Among the fineries possessed by' the Dowager Queen Margbarita of Italy is. latest London success, "'I couldn't," he answered quietly. burst -up in spite of the fact that very a lace handkerchief valued at $30,000. light' will open at this Theatre now I've only come to say good obably it would give ea re on "And taste of a bed onme another February 6th." „the Madison. Square •-'- _- Many such legends had Miss Demp- by"Won`t you take- off your coat and benches in 8 temperature below zero!" ster paused to glance at outside the hal make the coffee?" she said with ant (To be continued.) door of the Manhattan and other unsteady note in her brave, clear Forgeries in Frames. historic banknotes to the number of 27,000 have been collected by a London business man. They include notes Is- sued in China 600 years ago and a whole series of forged Bank of Eng- land bank notes. It is believed . in certain parts of England that a holly bush •planted near a• dwelling protects the house from lightning. ' theatres, for she loved a good play, voice. "Dpn't you remember the first and just very occasionally, when more night we met in this very room, and than usually tired of the monotony of .'how you praised it?" her life, or more a coupe 1 You were very kind to a stranger who take somebody a little to offer—though than herself and to 'who m. t„ ads in something better a than usually home - d ome "Oh, I remember it right enough. r i s done •before than in sick, she would pay for 1 of good seats and had no credent• ials doing something new—far more," fC "Some think hard work may kill a the evening would be' a treat, to share. he has fewer now, man. It never. did. .It is a good habit, the pleasure. I He.'had `all the' credentials I want - is hard work, and It is bad habits that From the first moment when she had ed, or ever shall want," she said light- kill." ight- . , read in "The Sun" a brief, epitome of ly as she pushed up the biggest, most inial.' comfortable rocker to the side of the II Young men of to -day„ have a bet- the plot of The Searchlight,”she lowing fire, conscious of.nothin but made upher mind to see it. There gg ter chance than ever, but the sacrifice, a.certain blitheness to see him thgre is greater owing to the opportunities `Were incidents in the story closely re- is again, "And now, please, just begin for amusement and self-indulgence." sembiin those in her own life;'in again, me what you have been doing fact, the motif .was that of a woman since Y saw you last." thegreat men • all perfect o that amarried,ingood ,. "Some -i„ saywho had,g r • wlueh won,t bear tell - died It s a sto y 5 ere o e, o „ , r;,,.�,;t,,;,-t;,. ,s >,,,� „x,,,,+�;�,a veered. And I ve come to say good - are years ago., Don't believe it. There faith, a man with a wife still alive. - zn Better heave it at that,” he 8115- finer young inen in England to -day SheT,we determined, th f i t g arrived 'byey .oecaus�r I'm going West to -mor- raw " t ;y e midnight "It sir capital that is looking' for clays before the company she gh b th d ht train. young fellows all the time." had an astonishing piece of good luck. "'1'o -morrow night?" she said rather A business man, who . brought a good blankly, thinking all,at once.of her deal of hie typing to her office, salted little r1 in about the theatre which had one day and offered her two stalls fot crystallized the moment she saw him. cr the first night which he was unable Sl�e knew then what she had been. "Tbe best chance a young Ivan has inlife is to start either without capital or short of capital." "The fact le that the foundation of to use himself, as he had to take his business success and of Christianity wife rather hurriedly off to Florida waitin'geand hoping for! are the same, and that foundation is for the winter. Ii&v you got a permanent job It had. been a long winter, and! th service for others," It offer of one, at least; and "In all the ups and downs of buss harder than usual. Snow was in heavoii send 1 ins be able to kee tl el arrived to port with The Search on the sidewalks on the day the steam , Hess, Art is the rock tinder the shadow• - +" „ W For I haven t ata much luclt in ew of which business men revive their light" companon board, twenty-four, Ydi' ." kind of a job? ` You don't souls: �.�.._-_ -e- ededutbsyb terriificmggales - With fhaving ogandmind niy asking—do you?" sho,asked,. snawsiormlay- s. Consequent -P1%01.1)01 tad pausing in her delicate, woman s task If you do less work than you feel. of having tyro clear days bstart of arranging cups and saucers. ' I yourself capable of doing, you cannot ins warlc, the players had ropare sontehaw fell that, If I haven't exact- help losing sotrie of your self-respect. hurriedly for their first introduction 1y the, right, yet 1` ought to know, for to a New York audience eeectly last tie I caw Yon there was some - !'For First Aid— Minard's Lininies r. twenty-four hours after their arrloal thing brybur eyes I didn't like to see.' la II7 peap 11 SAWS anon. o► MACHINE KINives I‘II ,; They stay sharp longer. S SIMONDS CANADA SAW 00. LIMITED III I 1060 DONORS OT. W., TORONTO VANCOUVER MONTREAL 6T.d0„N,N.O. �w ,yam!/ .'• 1! Iq !Corsi°�ood Sam;• .User Write Simonds Canada Saw Co., Limited, 1650 Dundas qt. West, Torento:,. Ontario, for prices en Simonds Special Circular Cord Wood Oaw ` M *1 Pict R:Q''d Mustard inYour lift Right at the top of the list of tamping necessities is a tiny. of res`! Mustard. or two • Men who fish and men who shoot know what a spiciness and flavour mustard, freshly misted with cold water, adds to the ham, bacon, fowl, ven- ison and other good'- things they eat in camp. COL1\,IAN-KEEN (Ctinada) Litiiittit Amherst et MVIONTR.EAL a7i1 ard ales digestion eseaseet