HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-07-30, Page 5ursddy,1y 3Ot1i, 1020'' BUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY E:.iOL11MEs liarrieter, Solicitor, Notary Public lifteee Office on I;Iamilton Street, li lit off the square, Goderieh. Priv- ate funds. to loan at loWes.t rates, leee, Holmes win be in Hensall.,-+3p •Friday of each week, 'Andrew '. R6se, Township Clerk Vis:+ ► sr of marriage licenses, . Notary ltrgs'arlie, "Commissioner, 'Fire and Aut- '*ague Insurance, Representing Sweet and Erie Mortgage Corpora. 'i m, The Canada'Trust Co Zurich, �pt�slrxi. O. Knapp, 0.-D. S., ,DENTAL SURGEON a "WAIN OFFICE — HENSALL OSCAR ISLOPP ieraduate Carey M, Jones Nat - Masi School of Auctioneering. Try for Registered Live Stock 1►11 Breeds). Terms in keeping 'Jett prevailing prices. Choice Alirmls for sale. IN ill sell anything sywbere. ebofle 18-- g3 or write, Zurich nsed Auctioneer 'Licensed Auctioneer fir t pnneon Dt Boron: In a position `net any auction Sale, regardless 'fids to size or articles todel. not so'l'icit your business; for satisfied will make no charges Arthur Weber, ylar•th - Dashwood. :!♦ ?lobe 13-67 Zurich Meat Fresh and Salt Meats $olog>na Sausages, Ste illigheat Cash Price for. Wool CASH FOR SKINS & Yill)Ea: DeichertZURICH LIVERY I am in a position to accomo Sate all requirements in the Livery ;i5tte, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in.,the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL 4001113 58 Zurich G. S. ATKINSON L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST SIMPER, ONT. Phone 34 At BAYFIELD Every ,Wednesday 11EVENINGS IN EXETER BY AP- POINTMENT LIVE POU LT R t WANTED c Tech every day till 3 Oclock p,m. Do not feed fowl same morning Wheel brought in, "Highest Cask Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs O'BrienW. iPlioae 04, ° Zurich nstr; la Ford Mille field BAND IN ATTEi`l'T)AiVCt rOALATUU.MPIAN PARaDE MELD AND WATER SPORTS ;plat :ee the Auspices of the Ford eters of the District. Wednesday Jul S.F"i WEEN, - Prop •;D.A.SHW'OOD MOTORR S eEPVICE PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost,. Found, Noti6e, 'tate. Ad$ %1V %lugcoLUIYLI'I FOUND. IIn Zurieb, a p urse containing a email amount of money. Owner can have Sam< p ing e.1ca ses of tidy. at Helier & I albfleiech. FOR SALE A cook stove for quick Rale only $15,00, Also a 3-burnor coal oil Istove. Apply %rise Greol Hess, Zurich. WARNING Notice is given' that ,any person caught damaging or otherwise in- terfering with the exhibition hall or other property of the Zurich Agricultural Society will be prose eeuted to the .full extent of the slaw. ` , , By Order, A. ,F. HESS, Secretary: AUCTION. SALE Of DRY GOODS, CLOTHIN & 'CROCKERY. Having secured a large quantity, of GGenerialDry IGocdsl, I will offer it by 'public Auction at 9'oe. Duch;arn-,e's Shop, in the Village of DRYSDALE, On THURSDAY, JULY '30th. 'Sale to cornnienee gat 7 o'clock sharp. The Stock consists of Dress .Goods, Prints, Ginghams, galateas, Toweilings, Cottons, Ladies' and Children's Sweater Cota,s Raincoats Blouses Middies, House Dresses,, Stockings, Underwear, Men's She. ills,. caps, hats and many other useful articles. 1 Do not miss! thi Issalel; it is ,e rare opportunity to buy this class of goods, at your own biclditig. TERMS -Ali amounts up toe.00 c`ash., Over that amount 60 days credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, OSCAR KLOPP, Propis',tort• and Auctioneer. WANTED General maid wanted for. July and August at Bayfield. Cottage. Set 11, Jewett's Grove. Good wages Apply to Mrs. B. L. Monkhouse, Bayfield. tf-1 LOST In Zurich on Sunday evening, a -Woman's ;scarf. Finder kindly re- turn to Peter Brennerman, or leave at 'Herald Office. FOR SALE A good mower for sale, vary cheap. -L. A. prang. FOR SALE hr S One new DeLaval 'Cres epar- ator for '$81.00 cash, regular piece is $92 cash. L. A. Prang Tires! Tires! CASINSxS ---- '' 30x 3'4 Cords - $8,50 Fabrics ...... $5.15 TUBES 80x3;. Olympic at .-. ...$150 3tx t E tra Heary Tubes $2 qs 32x! E tin Heavy Tubes $3,00-. BA.LO 'N TIRES Ally party getting 5 Baloolis at:d gi rin.g me 5 old casings and tubes alloer theta $27.00 for same. add -the 5 new tires for $67.U0 cash John. Hey, ;Jr., Zurich. FOR SALE A nearly new Oliver Riding plow apply to L. A. "Prang, Dr. H. H." C O W E N L. D. S,., D. D. S. ;DENTAL SURGEON; At McCormick Block, Zurich, ev ery Thursclan Friday and Satur- day. Main Office . 'IARTLEII3'S BLOCK, DASEWOOJ) • Scranton Coca Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case & Son PHONE 35 HENSALL -17 BORN Meidinger-At 1•ith con, Hay Tp. on Jnlr 2t611. to Mr, and Mia Al- fred Meidinger, a daughter.' Turnbull -At Sal ubla Line, Hay ;Tp, on July :36th, to Mr. and Mrs Fergus Turnb'i11, a sone. Lamont-eAt Sttnley. Tp;, on July 28th t'i Mr. end Mrs, !Roy. Le- iii iter; r.i .deu; lt'tez; w Mrs, J3ert Rate , of Tavaistoel ;visiting friendel brere, Dr. Dunham wa.s. in Der in () on Tuesday{, Mr. Jack Deichert spout ISun- day in Pt. Elgin, Ma's. Henry Kraft of 'Ciavalier,N. D, visited at time home of IYIr. !attct Mrs. 'C(has, Fritz on Mrs. Harry Eiclt':maier was a vi;e- itro to St. Marys and' Galt, the Past weep', Mr. Morris Weber of Goderich: is spending a few cleys in the yil=• lege. Mr, aaecl Mrs. t orauae Caseli:o of Windsor are spending then^holi- days here;. Mr :Gideon Koetlileris�bzight- ening up hisdwelling wits. new pa inti. • Mr. A. F. Hess is improving;thie appearance Of his office with a fresh coat of paint, Mr. James Moore land family of Troy, N. Y. have Teen•,visiting alt the home of Wendel Smith. (aid Boys Reunion :• are being cel- ebrated the eotiin.g week; one a;t Clinton and then one apt Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, 'FT .L. Albrecht ,and 'son George, are spending the week at Howick, - Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Leibold : of Stratford are renewing vld acqu aintances here.' t' Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson htttereta- ken up housekeeping In.. the rooms above the band heli, Mr. and Mrs. McW'hitter andl'fam ily of Galt vissli':'d nt ,the home. of Mand Mia. W. H. +Hoffnean..i'ec.- enr;tly.. Miss Freda iiaibfleilscb. telt %or Detroit, on. Tuesday morning, ti.'Ite ere she intends 'spending her vac- ation. Mr. Chas. Weber has purchased from bia son Morris of ,Goderiah the dwelling property owned by the latter in Zurich', Mr;. and Mrs. Emery Rube'. of Kitchener and ,Miss Donella :Ruby of London, are, visiting with their Parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm. Ruby. Mrs. E. II. Voalker, Mrs. Ira C'atn labels, Mrs, E. VaIlett, iJ4iis's Heria Veiled all of Flint, Mie1d, are .Vis- itors at the home of ,Mrsc. G• , Mess this week. 14Jh .and Mrs!. IClhiasi, Fritz end Miss Pearl Wurtz, E. OLsehi;Sand Mrs•. J. Kellerman of. DashwOotl, were Sunday visitors!' atS,tZ.ti- ley and London. Missals Velma and Winnifeed Hil- ivan of Windsor, blies Nora SiebeLt Messrs Frank and Will Siebert end Mr .Schiafle of :Detroit visited at the home of 7di .and Mrs.; Wni., L. Sieb€erte • 1VIr.. and Mrs, J:aeob.' Kraft ' acid ttmughter of C'avi.iiet. ere Di'letteakett Mrs. Haugh of :D,aeh_trood, :carted at the hone of Mise idi. Brij cine 1'ue's,day'•• Mr. and Mrs. Theo lit' e+itnis n ud taniiily, and Harry Bas, ):, "i Clic Bronson Line, visited =ti`. Sun. l :y at Mr. and Mrs. Da;•, lcDdarns, neer Granton, Mr .and Mrs. J>.ntzi eer O^;e H'tntburg, visited i ;rt tisi h •n'e of Rev. and Mrs. Seh.ri, Mister Lewis Schrag ,who hid tense tis iting at Wiltnte Centre reirlued to. hie home with them. Parties wishing to rel, ,etc' a Sli .'eiel prize for competition at the %u cell. F 1 Fitter a ould gee in to e -e erith the secretary, A, F Mass, at of 3, as the prize lists will be lee sued and distributer) in .a fee, weeks. Tho fine enol weather is quite agreCcible at this time of year. as well as, the nice shower., The farmers hove commenced to' cut; oats, and soon the'summer's crop` will be all garnered in and. the summer ofe1925 will he over. 11Ir. Lee W. Hoffman has opened.. up his Gent's Furnishing Store in this stand formstore, and by J Gas..^ -he & San, general carries ai,, fine line of .gent's iter nish.ings, ste. and solicits the pat- ronage of the public. The Huron Veterans with their tfariiilles and friends will h.olcl their :tnnu tl pt."aie 1 nJewettzs Grove,. Bayfield, on the afternoon of :aug- ust 26th: when sports, :nf 'eche anri ,upper will catertain the gather- ing, At a special meeting of the Clintim Public ;School, Board held rtseehtly the resignation of 'lilies '1l.,llatli was accepted and dies 11Iyrtle, .Armstrong was en- gaged 'tri fill the vacancy. Miss, �, ,,raustronrn hos been teaching at Grand Bend during 'the peat year, It is stated that plans are under way by the Department of highs ways whereby every rod, in Ont-•. aria; ev-on oto tli,e back township. highways and byways will be Mime bored and marled with, signs This will mean that there will lie ass r snlntely no difficulty for tourists to find their ,way .through the eosin- try. It :is to bo understood thal- the signs are rto be neje by the: C+ iv ernine it ai: Bost swipe and gi- von to the v''inns iii unleapn.lztiEis to plaoo up. The GoNtrirment will else 'i eyt !slime near rill clnngc';rouil erneeeinge and :glt.'1Vf curves and take over ,to ,Feern.e e;,;teot the: sole 11 1 tvr;rh i ,,,,e •fc,r 'li+.'e ii 1et ti.n years by .the Ontario Maa,• League] CORN FIELU MOISTURE Mi%X BB PRESERVED DURING' ri'Jf'U7siASON. Cultivation or Intertillage the Thine ---How ZVMoistisz o Evaporates. --Cul- tivate Frequently But Not Deeply •--l'arasites (Contributed by Ontario i7epa,rtment of Agrieultltir•e, Toronto,) Cultivating, or intertillago, is so generally practiced with corn growing,* that we assume it is necessary for growth and do not stop, to ask for reason, But there ara several rea rocas, the most important of wince are to conserve moisture and to de stroy the competing weeds that tie. corn may have the best possible chance to develop, Tntertillago lienelielal, Intertiliage also assists the freeing of plant food and an open or loose surface soil will, in case of heavy rain,. take up and hold more moisture than a hard or uncultivated surface. As fast as moisture evaporates from the surface more water moves up from below. This is as nature in- tended it should be, and was quite the right thing when the soil surface is covered with decaying leaves and growing vegetation. But under our crap growing systems of to -day v here we reduce the soil toan abso- lutely bare condition, and then plant corn with the object of growing corn and nothing else on the land, we must save the moisture, prevent its escape from the soil until the corn plant develops a root system extensive enough that no moisture may pass from the soil surface. We know that moisture is lost from the fallow field if there is, no cultivation during the warm dry weather, and we know that tillage practiced on the bare fallow held will retain the soil in a mellow condition. How Moisture Evaporates. 11 we set a pan of water on the unprotected surface soil it will loose one-half inch or water daily during the dreeeweather. A similar pan of water set in the corn field or wheat field where et is protected by the growing crop will not lose as much in a week. From the foregoing it will be noted that the most import- ant tillage to save the moisture for the corn plant is done previous to the time tlhat the plant has attained a height of 12 or 15 inches, When the corn is that high 11 has developed a root system large enough to prevent loss of soil moisture. Tillage done after the corn is 15 irchoe hir.;lt has its main benefit in removing the weeds -that compete with the corn for moisture and nourislimt,ut. All taken by weeds directly robs the corn crop. In experiments that were conducted to determine. the influence of weeds on corn yield it was found that shal- low _cultivation gave an increase of 63 bushels of corn per acre over where weeds were allowed to grow. beep Cultivation..Not Necessary. There is no real necessity of cul- tivating deep, 'sinless it is to cover large we -ids. If the work is done in proper time the weeds will not get large and shallow tillage will take. care of them, and at the sante time the corn roots will not be incur-' by the eultivator teeth. Broad ce.- ing cultivator teeth that do net loosen the soil chore than two inch deep, give conditions most favorable to the full development of the cosi plant, The type of cultivating usur-1 ly spoken of as "Rip her up deep," "Let her down deep," increases the ,,labor and reduces the 'yield. Frequent Cultivations a Benefit. Up to the time that,the corn shades the ground cultivate frequently, and not over two inches deep; after that, continue to cultivate shallow princi• pally with the object of destroying `weeds.—Department of Extension, 0. A, College, Guelph. Parasites AIL When the dog flea kinds the dog, It is happy, so much so that it be- comes very active and fleas become numerous. The flea found its host. And so it is with plants, they all have their bacteria. Generations of living • together have developed kinds and types, with their lilies and dislikes. Eecli particular plant has its asso- ciated bacteria which become active when they collie in contact with the root. We have long known the close association between the roots of the clover plant and certain bacteria, to the general advantage of both. This diseovery was made largely thtou e the bacteria carrying on the wore in a way that left large i i.,I are nei.,l, on the clover root. It has lone; et. suspected that plants i -e l ;n:; See other orders had asenciatcd wi,h them bacteria that carried 00 0 wore ` similar to the clover or legume bac- . teriee Axid it has now been ,doieon- atrated that the corn piant has associated with it "'bacteria that do for the corn roots what the legume bacteria do for the legume. It has been a tnyst t'ry to many agriculturists •slow the corn belt land could go on growing: corn year alter year and still have an adequate supply of available nitrogen for the next crop. The secret is now out, the corn pi;ant has its .parasite, a nitrogen gathering bateeria that multiplies in the pros - epee 02 the corn root, just as the ilea will t2irive only when It finds a suet- rzble host, It is to. be hoped that nitrogen gatherers will. be found for agr.ieultural plants, --Department ef•..Extension,, 0. A. College, Guelph. Worms Among Potepbereies. if yeti see any evidence of the ar- rival of worms among your reap.. berries use a pound of dry lead arsenate in a barrel of 'water anti eon er they upper and lower suet c r of the leaves. That is, nee lead ae- senate up to the time the frult sets. Alter the fruit sets use white `.lelle OH LOOK! 1r E AY: *5'.C' THAT CUSSING AI3OU'r THOSE FORD SIDE CUR7.'AINS HESS WILL FIX THEM $0 THEY OPEN WITH TILE DOOR Prig.e T n REPAIRING Painting Fo.+d Car, One "'oat, ,$15..0, Two Coats .- ... $2:0,00 iCoverin •g Ford TopGood# ; 112atcaial, lees curtains ...... $12.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with .Dooms ... --- --,.-. $11.00 Painting Buggy .... .-. , $8.00 IF YOU . WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE EEEU813ER YOUii BUGGY WH:fEELS. HESS ZURICH' 44.41.4.+++++,+++++4...++ ,4.+•1•+'4.• .4•444+'B4•4•H.•D••i GYPROCK The Ever -Ready Wall- boArd. Will not crack, buckle, warp or, buir n `Gyproc is clean and ea.sty to handle, it saws and nails like lumber, Gyproc goes up in a hurry but once up its up to stay, al- • ways troufble proof and repair air proof, Gyproc will afford you thesatifaction of knowing that your rooms are fireproof.• Gyproc may be applied p y to old or new walls 1p11 and maypap- ered, painted or panelled. be a P p •g; 4- For information, samples annd quotations enll.at our office. F KAII3F1 4.4444.44.4 PHONE 69 Z UR IC 11 4, +i+ ,0, lot. i•5•d•'l.4.4.•1.44++++.1.+4.+•1••4.4.44e F r 4 f•dh 1 4 3 v� i g. •p. p¢ g, p .F p •k II• 4 .p n. 4 9� '!•�-•i•-•F-•b--*4•-•F-•i•-3•-•i•-•1•-.;.._^4•-•4•-•g•-•4•-•4•-•F-•4•-•4•-•4•-•A .II. Stone Buiit ClothesI +glarar„.. +. •FRO'Mi OW ON t All Woollens Used'in the manufacture of STONE BUILT CLO- J'HES are treated with the famous LARVEX MOTH -PROOF PRO- + I CESS, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under + a $250;000 Globe Indemnity Bond 4. 4. 4., WHY DO WE GO TO THIS EXPENSE? 4. '� • EC`AUSE Moth are theg reatest factor in the destruction of 01-; othing • that are laid away' for even a short period. •A �4. E:CATISE This new scientific discovery -The Larvex Process- 4 '1' entirely eliminates any danger to your clothes from the rav- 3' .t. ages of Moth a red their. Larvae. DECAUSE Stone -Built Clothes with. the added attraction of the '1' ++s LARVEX MO PH PROOFING PROCESS, is a combination that 4 +defies all competition -that cannot be beaten. There is no extra : charge to you. WE SELL STONNE-BT?ILT CLOTHES New. Sprig Suitings Arriving Daily a F1, •r 4. f ITALORHAND FUNERAL D RECTOR+ DAY AND•NI(,li T PHO ,NE No. 00 +3h --M-+II•-•II•-•P-�--+4•-+4••-i+-H-�•-+1•�-4^i•-•6•-•4•-•l•-•i•-•a..-.l•-•1•- c itis IN111Hrllr<ellill{(IPJi" nflm(IgleaQ11sIlrI1nIIIII niIIIIIIIBIa I ii;iVilii oiliRI!6i'!III!'InhliCGI!li"" m' 'Prulllllll[or ?ZURJ[H HFRALDS Vs4 i O.ubbthg List HER. T. 3i rl .. ... - bees 11::t.c• , Mil HEb TiER4.. • HERAI_ l.0 FTE R AL' HER r1LP 111311 13ER ALD IER ALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD rind Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 atoe ,,^ ., r Vtp int +illy Telegraph --. '.,. ,.-.--$5.10 .hail and Empire .-- ".....46.00 ly AAtail and Empire ....•.43.25 eel r:tnr $6.00 .Star .,$3.25 .1-ws ,.46.00 "...Morning edition ... evening edition ......$6.00 ',Taming Edition ...46.00 ar. • vowing edition -., $6.00 'este .., ... $2 75 ... $215 •et,$2.65 *-e' •N -ly Star ... ... $2.75 ... ..• "....: 9 2.25 and \'4 ee e., and Farm' r; Magazine and Youth's Comnanion and Sonforth }Tins 'Expositor and Ontario Journal and Rod and Gun in Canada •Oily $1 15 ,..... ... $2,50 .."... ....,.$3.7 5 ... .,$3,25 ..$2,75 ...$3.15 lig~ Save Moneyand Trouble renewing Your Papers by ... I \ with us. See us for papers not listed above HERALD OFFICE, Zurich ,,,,Ii,l ,IId.6,,, ! alllllull +lalari,;,, il,,llr• u, I„': 'i,, 8 , .li{.I „ k :V , ,,u., l!L :; �it,,l,;.i(Il!rV,?!,,•°r, a:a:Gll: 11 llrr,ll6 „J 510 • C mffinV;U11onslnual J