HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-07-30, Page 4• E ETEj. Mrir, D acrid u s 11 and 'dangle) ox' Enc3a left last Saturda:y with their household e.ffewets for. De- troit to, join. Mr, Russell 'who 1145 good position in tblat city, IV1r. and • MP, , S, 1tlat*he1i•s and amity of Rochester N.Y., motored ,over and are visiting with i'vit,rand Mrs, Alb. Spencer, A. S. pias°is. who had been vi's- aitin,^ with, her .daiightcr, Mrs, G. Wells, 1i Windsor, met with an ac ' Rdent an 112onday fast that migh 'have proven la 'vee f;at;zl: Master' Jack Anderson; 'son o (Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Anderson, hit tis misfortune to fall and fracture Ws .left forearm while? playing, J. Campbell of Har•cliug, ea., has been visiting for a week with, Mrs. Simon Campbell. It is 36 years since he vi'aited this com- munity. The teacher )and pnrpiola of the Entrance class 'in ;'hie Exeter asch,- c or are it o he congratulated; all of the pupils Whe +tried. having srIrees,sful, • :During the post tour yeara: all of Mr. l'Ioxvawd"sl pupils who) have tried have pee - sed, 112aster Wililie Stanaake is'aza ,of J (axes Stanlake line been Isueces, slut in; passing 'the primary grade violin exams, held by the London College of Music, Eng, July 14th, at Mrs Ganbril'sstudio. Willie t is only 10 Velars, old, Eret�tir. bowlers lost ont in the f Free Frees, trophy Brent at t f lac. I I WI, 0, B. A. in, London on ,Wednes- day 'Wednes day afternoon iast when the .last bowl of 'ship Moser of 'Waterloo,' dislodged the shot that would have the trophy of this premium event to Exeter, , Mrs. W. A. MhLarert of Hennsall .*pent a few drays' last week, the uesrt of her' eausini, Mrs. G. S; 110 -ward. Mr .and Mrs.W. H. Johnston vis 'sited for a few days 'with. Mr, and ' ms's'• We 0. Pearce near Hensall. Herb. Bedford of town discov-J ,ored a real freak of nature near "!kris home on Monday last, it being a white. robin, it wad rather lar- � .*.er thaa the average .robin. but there is no doubt as,' to it being Mrs, Jantzi and daughter of • BLAKE Mr. Lorne Nicholson of :Detroit accompanied by his Mo•ther,. Mrs. Nialrol'son and his, sister, MrstSniitli and family of London called on friends' in this vicinity last week. Mr, and Mrs, John ,Rey Sr„ of Zurich called on, friends in. the t-il lags on' Friday. Mrs,.; G. S. Howard and (laugh, - ter Evelyn of E' eter, Spent a few days last week at the hoine ofMrl and Mrs, Jas. Carnie Chevroiet s have been appionted for this district to sell the New Superior line of CHEVROLET AUTOS If 3 or are considering a new Car be 4s, lire mid ca pp xu e :tori a demonstrat- ion ie .gnat ;t- iort and prices John Hey, Jr., : Zurich. ,a1i�:*:E1'D41***1$iA� 06**,6S90DOC ,el aftleJa'�i'ls 303 00Q 1)1110000000 00 rs • ab • Pertlilizer! Ferti We are distributors fon t' ,�i this . C�a.s" • tr et .dor the popular Gin's Brand Of fertilizer, 16 per cent. selling at $20.00 PER TON AND CAN ASSURE CUSTOMERS THE 'BEST OF VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY REGARDLESS OF WHAT OTHER �. 41 AGENTS OR CANVASSERS SAY. SEE US BEFORE BUYING COAL! COAL! • to WE ARE TAKING ORDERS FOR HARD ANTHR. CITE 3 ;1 COAL, SIZES No 4 and CHESTNUT, LET US HAVE tiOillt• * ORDER NOW a 49 DO YOUR BAKING 'WITH OUR CHOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR, 3 Pa AND HAVE GOOD I S(IL rS \VE CARRY STOCK FOODS- FLOUR .AND PEED 01,' HOST fan KINDS. VISIT Ot-1i VAR CE rV STORE AND SEE OUR 3 ely o . FINE DrSPLA.Y • :�t O e .un.. a .� od '' - a i& izl a q 0 Caladonia, aetwrolAllied. by ' her two grandchildren !spent the Past week with tfiends in 'this licirtti Fionic particle to the lal,rsidetion tiling the,. order of the day. Mi, and Mrs, ,ins hies- zits(:tarn- ilv 'sporty Sutrday at the. home of 1ilr, and Mrs. M; xirowuron tiro Goshen Line , Mrs, Hosts and little daughter of Detroit acsconapanied by her.<sia- ter '!!Miss' Father Jantzi retru'rii j,, aiter e pen'drng .;a couple•wrgjcs with friends in this vicinity, miss, Margaret McBride spent,,a fair, days, with, friends( at ,Fruoe field. Mr. and Mrs, ,MOs&•arbor. lar;' fiiruily, �?.rconap:arriod bar Mr. 'and Mrs. Val, Gerber : Sr> speiat • the weekend with friends at Wellesley and vioinity,z Miss Dorothy McLean of Kip - pen Spent a few days, with friends on the Golsh'on Line: The mission Band meeting Wa's held in the 'church on Saturday at- •ernoon by 'singing hymn 768. Grace Kennel read the scirpture Lesson all repeated, Mission. )3and, prayer then sang hymn 148, then ,repeated the Mission Band Text, the reports Were read the roll was called With 14 members present and 2` visitors then went •to classes and' decides! to have the Mission, Bland quilt . u- iltsd on Tuesday ::afternoon, then sang hymn, 766 and Mrs: Finlay..el- sad with prayer. DASHWOOD Miss Leuna M. Redd is visiting in Blyth Mrs. R. 'Goetz and ion- Albert, are visiting in Sarnia Mr. and Mrs. Si Ireland of Str- atford visited friends' in town . on Sunday. Arnold Mer e'er of Detroit is ,boli- day ing at hie home: here. Rev. Bruer attended the funeral of his uncle in Petersburg on Fri- day. Mr. Emmanuel Ehlers of ,Kala- sas ie visiting his piare'nta•." ' !Miss Matilda Miller of Toronto, l3 s ihiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Miller. • Mrs. E. Desch; of Zurich' ie visit- ing her mother at present. Mr. and Mrs. Stladeelbauer and Miss Clara Kraft of London- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, .P Kraft Mr. and Mrs. A. Schroeder cans! fancily of Detroit flare; visiting in this vicinity:, Mr. Ernest Miller; •trident of'Si. Louis, occupied the' pulpit in the Lutheran church on Sunday,. ' 1r. Etlegsen 'has. had the hot°el tired and is now lit up with, hy- dro , Mr.and Mrs, Earl Geiser enter- tained a number of their /:friends to an, ice cream social onn Monday O 2D.1.1,"„i0• G'O:4', 'FtR�iY:Mt.: Pbpi.'.. ifr !deaths( NQli'.a'11,143lN lt`�ai;:;,8yfi2 a Ii`lra Nortlriantl Produces 1B•ln rli l T1z -- It is Best Sold on the '!fool or lit Milk—Settlers May e'na'�c?frame Cattlo Cheaply- Wireworni' Poison (eantxibuted by Ontario Deportment of Agriculture, Toronto,) Few pgonle in Old Ontario win, (rave not travelled through the north, ern part of the province realize that there is a territory lying north of New Liskeard, aztd west of Cochrane that 'will, In the pear future become ine of the most important producing agricultural ' areas of the province. The country adjacent to the railways. is now cleared or being clearest to such an •extent that the settlers are no longer dependent upon their Um- ber or pulp wood for revenue, bat are now engaged In farming proper.. Many farms, especially in' the New Liskeard section, are entirely cleared of bush and the while acreage is either under cultivation or in hay and pasture. Northland Produces Much Hay. With the wonderful producing. power of this new land thei:e is an exceptionally rapid growth of vege- '•ation and hay is now being produced - in such quantities that it is with lifficulty that a ntarket can be found for the 'entire production. So mueb 's this so that'even this year in June, stacks of 1924 hay may be seen as ono travels along 'the railway. Set - have not been -producing hay alone, but have been getting into live stock "raising as rapidly as circum- 'tances and conditions would permit. This, is evidenced by the fact that between New Liskeard and Cochrane there are creaineries at the following points:.. New Liskeard, Ramore, Eari- ton, Matheson, Val G tgne aha Cochrane. Ready Money Scarce With Settlers. As was the case with settlers in Old Ontario so it Is in most cases with settlers in Northern Ontario they have very little ready cash as their earnings have been used in clearing' ,he, land consequently the Ontari, ' srnfl ent is assisii ref• the settler: financially In the buzlriing of cream .ries and in the purchase of sews. Such assistance is being given or business principles only, that is, tL :ney for the building of erearnerree and the purchase of craws is belie!. loaned to the.settlerd at a inoderat, mite Qf interest and under certain aanditimes. We are ina position. to do Expert, Auto a.�r.�� an. �. Specialize wit eLau hli, or any • , stet of 'arm Work guarama teed. BATTERIES RE -CHARGED AND REPAIRED. HAVE YOUR MOTOR CLEANED FROM OLD ` CA.RBON BY OUR; LRURNING PROCESS. • Gas, Oil, Greases Tires_ and � nd all Accesst�r$ . D. H. Angel, Proprietor L ,Prangs old Stand, - Zurich ON'T JGAMBL WITH WOOL! iay Your Togs at WIJERTII'S Where °yon take .No chat ce. U7L�eret.- Briefly speaking, the new polies of every � ` f t ]( i> - Ui E e Department of Lands and t» orests. Ca y e d the Northern with the Do GUARANTEED ^i UARAN T 0� D nob, in co-operation with the Do ��L-i� tment of Agriculture through the e Stock Branch,- is as follows:— attle are to be. purchased in car- d lots only. ettlers are'to�appoint a Repre,rc,rr- ve to select the:animals, and are u'thorize him to' act on their let - in such selection and in deci;iine o price., .. ettlers are required to sign an lication form to this effect agree - to give - promissory notes and s against their farms for unpaid t:es, overnment will appoint a repre- ative of the Department of Agri- ure to accompany settlers' repre- ative and assist 'him in selection attle. overnment will advance full ant of money to stay for cattle at of purchase and to prepay trans- ation charges and to pay expenses ttlers' representative. ttlers will be charged $:1:2) per - cow to defray the transportation charges and the cost of thetr own representative. This flat rate' will tnean a saving 0! several dollars per cow to the settlers, and will give then( the advantage of knowing exactly what these costs will amount to. The total cost to the settler will be the amount paid for the stock pur- chased for hire plus $12 per head for those other charges. - • Upon delivery the settlers will be required to pay at least 25 per cent. of this total cost and as much more as he is able. Interest at 5 per cent. will hi' :her n „ad on unpaid balances and re - Payments are required at the rate of $3 per cow per month, and the settle:• shall give a promissory note to title, effect and a' lien against hie farm. Repayments may be made. to the et"eamery or to such other local office as may be designated `in the coru- macity,—L, F. O'Neill, Live sock Branch, Ontario Department of 1 gricultzire. Cut -Worm Poison. i'urrcha;se of Cows. to „ eev: :h {hr Bra Jai Liv C evenang� r. dor Mr. C:hamberlain, of Pt,' Huron, 5 and Mins. O1VLara of Saginaw, vis tali ited with Mr. and Mrs. J: C. R to a "hal o�-er the week -end. as t Miss Pearl Sch:rde is ,spending : ' s a _' 1 week's) vacation ran at . the e i aonle of app bi. and Mere. Con Truemner, 14th ring con Dien Missy Laura Reid is ;visiting in bal; it Blyth. I ?. G Mr ,and Mrs. Sid- Reynolds and 'seat daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. cult Ehgatzi *Ind daughter of Howard' 'sent City, Mich., who have .been visit- ;Aro ing thier' aunt Mrs. C. ,Kraft, have mo :returned home. tim Mrs. Wm Kraft, aft, of'C'av�tlier. N, omrt Da%•ota' it visiting Mrs€ Cl. Kraft' of so l.lr. and lel, a B. Kitchen avid Se lily of Toronito and',Miss 'E1.-- ir Yeats of Sarnia are visiting Harry Krafts!. Mr. and Mrs, ed. Willett ,and 7.,anrl s family of ,Curio, Mtclai, t'isrted i; town on Monday. 1 83 ,a @ Q i. t♦F�f�6?`,�,yid( (g pig a �yA� s y� � �� atford call9d on. friends in town On 90 Miss Margaret O'Rourkf St'- 9acte000000000000000s00 Sunday!, ,beauty Flies For Speckled Beauties '}Y�%.: {?a::.-i>}S. \' .. yob, � u•.' .: .. ♦ . . ... .n.. .. , ........ .• :.. •. .•. . ..:yam,. ...� .Tx Mie-•° <�' � .•_ > t. stertmer thend (inacins of Northern Quebec is famous whiter resort. Winter tithes they use a wingless aeroplane fer ski joring, but in summer they _ . wings and a body on and use it for Ilshing and swimming. the 4 hind almost every mountain of the Laurentians there is lake ohills to so they plane comes in handy for jurn it1 ehase the sporting bass and trout to their lairs.' The st eoine hi from a flying trip to a nearby lake aid is justly proud of hove pretty girl, one of a party of five, has er string of speckled beauties, „.CIL.,.. Bran, 25 lbs. r Paris Green or White Arseuto, 1 .lb. Molasses, 4, gal. "DGtt ater, 2 gals. l4'_Xix the bran' ant-polson tc;' 'thtr• :try in a large vessel, Adci the nin- •asses to water. ,Stir well and then aia`lxr the liquid over the poison bract Ind mix •until every pant is moist aid will tall through the fingers. Apply half a teaspoonful near each plant ai dusk and see that chickens keep away.—Dept. of Extension, 0. A. Co1- lege, Guelph. Sweet Clover Hay. A recent press bulletin froth the Federal Department of Agriculture .fates that where any other suitable Trot can be grown it is best not to i:re sweet clover for hay, As it is a lobos stemmed, coarse growing giant, it is rather hard to •cure sweet lover properly. tt must be cut at -he right moment, whteh is usually wring the rainy period of early elan- legumes lam R ' t,ua; As a silage orpasture.�.a J� � • � �a `� ��'?? ecrap, i'mwover, sweet clover is one of our y � legst umes eime1i plants, Ott l `v . > ggp_ i, B e� �>r if}1 uiltJ� b311dt'1 t Yax. �.�1���� DEPENDABLE IN EVERY RESPECT NO SHP:INKING, . SAGuTlv,,, RAGGINu OR BA GGINu "YOUR MONEY IS NOT OURS UNTIL YOU ARE' SATISFIED E. Eo hulk TeEicr, Zuric Meri's Furnishings WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM. rto. r_ INSECTIOTDES e have a reliable Stock JmseeticidesofQ all kind �� aro Greeny Arsenate o ead, Bordeaux Mixturo ice�,,,, ate' BIue Stone, Insect Powder,,,,,,7j HeiIebre, IPIypad Tangie:foot Gedar <i Ii." k;51 Toilet Preparations, Patent Med. killers, School Supplies, Stationery if • Photographic Supplies.