Zurich Herald, 1925-07-30, Page 1d.
Chester. L, Smith, Published
$1,/25 k Year in .lid'van.
ales INARrtii EARS, $2 51A.X Bt O8„ RGrED
or Sale, try an Ad. in the Herald
ANG. The present agreement be-
tween the rniners and the Mine
•,pw relent expires on the, 31st of
August. There may and may not
lee ;a strike, but be prepared.
:prices are° now at bottom, fill: up
.your ibins with, the best coal: Gene
arsine Delaware and Hudson Anth-
racite direct from, the mine. It
snakes .warns Friends: Egg, Stove
-and Nut size,
"1That higiieat grade, the beet
etnexcelled' `
afor domestic and thr-
ashing pnrpoeee-
Genuine Lehigh Bullets and High
eGrade Coke.
gistration; anclt. Aeroplane .welcome, ed by a . Football •earge'!between.
the latter conducted by Jack Elliott I KINBURN and ST. C'OLUMBIAN`
of Hamilton, Thie la followed oxr and a Softball game : is being ar-
Sunday Aug 2nd, by morning sole ranged •. for between Toronto and
vices being he'd -n the various "Dettroit., In the evening at ,7,3Q
churches and condaited by former o'clock aa open air convert ip',iven'
.Clinton and Huron Co. Ministers: by Clinton Old Boyts, and Girls in
At 1.30 pen. the Veterans togeth- eluding' Mrs'. Howard Humphries of.
er with, the various, organizations, Jacksonville; - Florida; : Will.iarn Har
with. bands will decorate the Mem- hind, Guelph; II. Stanbury, •Detroit:
orielTablet at the Federal BailieR.. B. Foster, Toronto; Robert
ing, the Post Office,:' thence parade Downs, Woodstock; and othem as
to Clinton Cemetery for the dee- sisted by the Royal Canadian Reg
,oration of graves of the many de- iment Band of London will be held
ceased me nbere and listen to var- at Recreation Park. On Tuesday;
sous addresises, the principal one •.Aug. 4t.l . ,at 2.15 p.,rnt a ,PROPES-'
beings. that of Brig. -Gen. W, B. SIONAL LE AGUE game of base -
King,„ R' B.,, D:S.O. and followed by ball : between LONDON' sand , 'SAG-
othere. 'At 7.30 Are. tConimen- INAW in the'Michiga:i-Ontario le-
e sty "and Open Air Service and Sac- ague has been, transferred to Clin-
red -.Concert will be given tat RRec- ton at great expenee, to the Old
reation Park, music being furnished ,Boy's. Arlso'eiations This attrac-
by the .combriaed church choirs of tion provides • the first opportun-
�*�, Clinton and addresses ,delivered by y ox . e pial c in :this, part of
a�.�iCara.,'t;elOY"1 Hone +coming Ministers: ' On Mon- the country of ,:seeing a real
day, Aug. 3rd, the, day's program eagLue- garxne of baseball contested
W E S A, 1...L O N T will start .:with a grand Trades pin by two great -teams standing well
Z).hones-Office law. House 1,0J cession, and :Oalithempaan parade in the .k sloe for this season: At
forming at the Park' at 9,30 a.m. 6..30 pain. a "Greed Tattoo will be
at the -conclusion of which prizes held in Recreation Park and part=
amounting to $110.00 will be .awar- icipated by the Royal Canadian
y ' ded to the three best:contestants contestants Regiiment Band, London;
' limners s Old Boys. in Trades representation, decor- Band, Stratford; Mitchell, Seaforth;
ated Auto and decorated auto with Gocleuch; Kincardine Pipers; Hen -
me -union farm produces. This will be foil- Gerson Juvenile Pipe, Band, Lon -
sewed in the afternoon at L30 a'- don; and Clinton Kilty Band. Fol
we iq e-
ad- lowed d lit. � will b£ ` ect cu gar f it
t s a 1
the (ficial opening p
Clinton welcomes all of us to 'clock dress of welcome at Recreation works.by Profestsor Hand of I am,-
'ttheir SemiCenteaniial and Old Park by' his worship, Mayor Fred ilton(. On Wednesday, Aug. 5th.,
Boys and Girls' Reunion, August r Jackson', also, of Oen. W. D. Otter, a (softball Tourn,rnvent has been ar-
)lst. to 5tli'reclusive. From the ;C.V.O:, G.D.B., the oldestlivieg Old ranged between teams'from God-
lhundreds being received weekly a Boy, and followed by other 'speak- .rich, 1VIi chell and Weigher'sthis
larger number of visitors and •:Old ,ers oI promsnence: At the conch- being fol ved by various Athlete
Tinton and Huron, County former usron of addresses a LACROSSE is 'Sporting events ween prizes will'
i sidents could not have been'an ;Match will: be pltayed.' between St. be' giveeefor• each;,, (See:. Large Pose of Me and IVlre .W ,ii .11offin a,n
r. icipated. They o en, • err 'Satur + ,s; edn ars. and: [a. real cop.- tars.): Ii the ; y '\he�ning :no :0 �n,7.VIaiy xn,d. lx is , ... - ,- I'`'+oda . Au 1 .•writli redtlo , re- E1ar f�oneert : will.; be" ivenby .Mrs,.y� g . si., P' xi,. test st a�ssu�ec"D�,.Tlr�rs ',till. be toll. ., g ,,, .. _ht wa"aiatia� oI ctaip s
( r s i.arelr ts 'Ver. and Mr
`H. G,. Hess w'as in; L*ndon 0n
Tstie ay
Win. Wagner is spendingthe
at Guelph(. i
Loyd. Hey of London.spent
with his p�areuts here.
and Mrs. Harry Angel sp-
,day' in: Owen Sound;.
`I+1manizel Koehler of Kitch-
r9 , visiting relatives' here. .
Mass•; Olive O'Brein its spending a
few ti.�eelas visiting in New Haven,
-1VXrc•h. .