HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-07-16, Page 8,PKt .y% I4aelt s ur New Store We are now moved to Our New Storeiin II L. Albrecht's Block anq formerly J. Preeter's old Stand. Where we are pleased to welcome all our old customers and friends and supporters of this Store in past years And solicit the continuance of your valued patronage. It is oar earnest effort to sere e :you to best of our ability to carry a well as.. "sorted stock at all times at reasonable prices • WHILE STOCK TAKING AND Ir; 1VIOVINct OUR STOCK, WE HAVE 'LAID ASIDE LINES WHICH MUST BE CLEARED OUT REGARD- LESS OF PRICE. WE WILL ON LY ENUMERATE A FEW - 4 pieces 27 -in. Gingham, Reg. 25c. for yd. ... ...16c :Voiles: of every des:_riptioi at 25c. yd.. to 48c New Beadora Voiles now at _.. 63c .Apron Gingham 30• --in. wide at 25c 5 pieces stripe toweling at ...10c pieces Turkish tow-4ling at 12c.. Glen's khaki work shirts at ... Sbc Mon's work tdox pr. Remnants in tDress goons, Prints, . Ginghanxs, Voiles, Shirting3, Etc. GROCERIES Quaker corn flakes bx,. _.. .--... 10e Polar white, London Special and revento Laundry .Soaps, Reg, 10c, at per bar p ... 5c J. GASCHO Produce ',I/anted Phone 59 Zurich's Gara.e Sas, Oils, Cream Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A .SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES NYE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS TNT S Ilrr ��, U ATTERY iIIP' IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. iWE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHL'• n P BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE 'YOU SERVICE. IWE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. ATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- TYLENE WELDING. ! + ' r i t j I ( > ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. o sBeau Zurich L sesw s+embeemecoe Decommessesooa+aess eose•Gessooses e • SPRING TIME! 3 We have received a full and com- plete line of Brushes, Oil, Turps, Lead, Sherwin Williams paints, Varnish(s, Stains, Fillers, Enamels IL and Auto Paints. All these are the a ' old relita.e paints at right prices. IN FENCING WE HAVE TII�::^ENUINE FROST LIGHT LOCI( WOVEN 1n FENCE, DON'T YF MISLEA D BY INFERIOR GOODS CALLED �� JLSa• THE SAME OR JUST. AS I GOOD, AS EVE'RI ROLL. 0 F FROST I ENCS HAS ITS FROST To WE HAVE IT. ALSO :BARB WIRE, STEEPLES, BRACE WIRE, ETC. m1 .ER OUR PRIES.ip ON CORRIGATED GALVANIZRD. IRON ROOFING, COUNCIL • :ice STANDARD ANI ORI,INARY AT RIGHT PRICES. WE ARE 9 it 'THE ROOFING EXPERTS • 0 0Q064980116)1100000000000•00116 49001100110001 • 140 TIRES! n TIRES! • WE HANDLE TIIE OLD RELIABLE GOODYEAR AND GOOD- RICH TIRES, .� RBS. PRICC.>4 ON ANY OF THESE EQUAL Td CAT e ALOGUE PRICES IN ANY SIZES. FABRIC, CORD OR'BAL. 0 LOON, 0 PULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF RARDWARE, SEEDS 0 AND GRASSES. e 111 0 Si • DE & WEIR 0 0 • i ZUFOCH - ONT.. : 000/11•••0414 0,00••••ati4G�r�pAl•00.11 ,1 +� �di�NlM�d��lMdNIN��I�AdI�Ml9Mrl��lri� a ,G±u:t;.lt ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. Andrew Thiel Was in Strat- ford fay a few drays last weep. Mr and Mrs.. 14, :li'(. 1Arliertla., ()red to London on We4tnesday: Mr. iTed. Rau and friend have returned from a trip to Quebec Mrs Fred,. Thiel and two char- dr;.ea are visiting at' Kitchener. A Monster Ford picnic will • be held at hayfield ort, Wednesday. July 29th Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey, Jr. and Mr.. and Mrs. D. H'. Angel 'rnotored to Owen Sound on Sunday. Miss Irene Alette and girl friend of Windsor are visiting at the home of Mr. 3. P. Ran. Mr, ancl Mrs. Sam Oliveer of Kitchener were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. Cq".Frita Mr, Russell Preeter of Kitchener and friend of New Hamburg, were Sunday visitors' in Zurich. Mr .and Mrs. A. P. Hess and Mr. M. Hey motored to London on Th- ursday 124. Mrs. .Percy ',Clarke ,and two children are 'visiting with the for mar's parents, Mr :and Mit. Jos Ga'scho6 , The ,various officials Of the Hay Tp. Mutual Fire Insurance Co, me at Grant. Band on Saturday ;for business meeting. The Ilensall nine baseball tearn will play the Zurich boys ori Th- ursday eve of this week. Come out and see this. isplendid game by these two well matched teams. Dr. H. H. •Cowen, of Dashwood, wishes to announce to the public that he will be taking a week's holidays commencing on Monday 26th and his offices. at Dashwood and Zurich will be closed during this week,. :TRADE -14i ARY INVALID; a TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS tir;Itr1,W) LQu,,.•AL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) I:,Yga- 21-25-28 ii'alter per lb. 35 Potatoes per hag ...... . 75c Dried apples lb . Se O ats 50 Barley 80 Fuckwheat ... 80 Flour cwt. 4.00 to 545 Wheat .._ ,. 1.45 Shrot's ipar ton 34.00 Bran per ton 30.00 Hogs ...... 1::.75 Wester Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Ca. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over 827,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losseb in ,1923 to amount of 856,143,20. No ass- essment during the year and have a balance on hand of 839,000 G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- Justice Rosie Dismisses Action br- ought by Frost Wire ,Co; Justice Rose has dismissed the action for an injunction and dam- ages brought by Frost Steel . & Wire Co!. tLd., against A. N:,R. Lun- dy, also a fence manufacturer. Pl- aintiff's objected to defendant us- ing a-miark in advertisements show ing a particular kind of tie attach- ing the uprights to the horizo.ntaI wires, wh ch they claim was iden- ticai to .the registered trade -mark used by plaintiff. This tie on wire fences is made by the Imbler machinjes ,and his Lordship finds defendant cannot be restrained from stating ;the procesls of mak king or lt,he characteristic of mak- features they possess. The regia- tration of the trade -mark is found to be invalid, EXETER Main Street Union Sabbath. Sch- ool held its picnic on Wednesday at Springbank.. The :school tur- teecl out wel land the day was pl- easantly spent in garners and sp- orts of various kinds. The Entrance Class made a 'sp- lendid !showing. All of the pup- ils wete and all were successful, eight taking -honours. , During July Rev, F. E. Clydes- dale is holidaying at Grand Bend, while (chie services are being talc - en here by localt talent, .Mn. Clys- dale is conducting the services for the campers each riroirngn and ev- ening. - STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr. Sara Pohllock and hie sis- ter; Mrs. Pollock, of Canora, Sask., are visiting friends in Stanley, it is a good many years) ,since Mr Pollock went west and we are glad to see him looking so hale and hearty,. Mr. Charlie Smith and .family- of Detroit have been visiting at the home of Mr. Sam. Desch. in the Orange celebration at Brussels, -on Saturday. We are glad to -notice that Ed- gar Smith, of S.S. No, 5, Stanley,, passed ,&,kie recent Entrance Ex - recent Entrance Examination with honors, 1 A union pinicc of Varna, Kip - :pen and Goshen, will be held t;, Bayfield on Thursday. of this week. OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 DR. J. E. DUNHAM DENTIST . ANNOUNCES THAT HE , HAS OPENED A MODERN DENTAL OFFICE AT ZURICH (Over Post - Office.) OPEN EVERY DAY EVENIiNGS BY APPOINTMENT TELEPHONE 134 South Huron BIG FOUR League Baseball Schedule' May 22 --Crediton at Hensall May 25—Zurich at Crediton. June 2—Dashwood at Crediton June 4—Hensall at Zurich , June 11—QZurich at Dashwood June 11—Hensall at Crediton. Juno 15-0rediton at Zurich ' June 18 -Dashwood at Hensall June 25—Zurich at Hensall June 25 -Crediton at Dashwood. July 2—Hensall at Dashwood. July 2—Zurich at Oreditnn. July 6—Crediton at. Hensall July 9—Dashwood at Zurich July 16—Dashwood at Crediton. July 17—Hensall at Zurich July 23—Zurichat Dashwood. July 27 --Crediton at Zurich July 28—Dashwood at Hensall. Aug. 6—Hensall at Dashwood Aug. 13—Zurich at Hensall Aug. 13—Crediton at Dashwood. Aug. 20—Dashwood at Zurich. Aug. 21—Hensall at Crediton. TENDERS WANTED BAYFIELD IPUBLIC SCHOOL 1, Rewiring Belfry 2 Decorating Waite !and painting woodwork, f 3. Building new.chimney. May tender for all or separately Thole tendering to meet Trus- tees at School, Tuesday, July ,23rd, at 7 p.m, F. A, Edwards, Secretary FOR SALE A limited number choice Type young pigs( for sale. A largo number from here took i Ply; to 5, Grob, Phone 9-81: BLAKE. Anniversary services will bn hold in Blake ,church on Sunday July 19th, when Rev. • Mr. Armour. of Brucefield : will conduet serviG.es at 11 o'clock: a.m. and; 7.00 •0'clo+.l;, pm. epeciai music by the choir, Gv- erybody welcome. • Mr. and Mee, Sam Hey and fam- ily ,spon tSunday with friends in. Zurich. Mr, and Mrs!. Paul Masse spent Sunday y at,y ..tda the home. of Mr. and Mrs, Ica, Hartman,. / •- Mr .and Mrs. Chasaixtith and son of 'Detroit, are visiting friends in this, vicinity. Mr, and Masi, M, Brown called on fti.. c e n Id i:n tlxeMai • v ge on Sunday Mr John Brennerman of Detroit motored o� over on Saturday, return' ing en Sunday, accompanied by his parent's,, Mt. and Mrs, Peter Bren- neman n- nernnarr ,'carbo intend visiting friends in Detroit for some tits te, ` , Bacon Ap- FOR SALE A 'riintber, of Collie pups. Ap- ply to Garnet Deters, Hensall. Enthusiastic cele: ons too': place at Vancouver and Victoria, EC., when the special service squad- ron of the Royal Navy, headed by H.M.S. Hood, the largest warship in the world and flagship of the squadron, visited those places re- cently. The squadron is expected on the Atlantic seaboard iu. Aug- ust, when efforts will be made by Canadians on that coast to outdo the Pacific cities in the warmth of the' Welcome they extend. The an- tieipations are that thousands of visitors will gather at Quebec and el.sevhere ,to demonstrate their af- fection for the officers and men of the fleet "You may say that Canaaa is be - corning ' more and more interesting to Englishmen and before re long ad- ditional English capital will be used here in the development of Indus- tries. I,ani very optimistic and I believe- that we are now `progress- Ing towards an eraof Unprecedented prosperity. What we need more than all now is the ii immigration m gration oi' good men who will become an asset to this country," declared d SIr John Aird, President of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, on his return, Irmo Europe' -recently aboard the Canadian ' Pacific steamship 1pxed 'zaucot,'� ... ThurzIay, JTaly 3,Gth, 1925 rrwor+u•reu i SEE US ABOUT Seasonable- Hardware Al Reasonable Prices Such as Forks, Hoes, Fencing, Gates, Screens, Screen Doors, Roof- .. ing, Etc. This is the time of the year to do your outside painting; REMEMBER WE SELL, THE ONLY GUARANTEED 100% PURE PAINT ON THE MARKET MARTIN SENOUR Some real good Secondhand Furniture and which we will sell very reasonable. ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND �FURNITURI; KEPT IN S I OC' K. 'L t • WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED IMPROVED VAC:. TUATE CARPET SWEEPER. COME AND SEE THIS ONE, AND LET US DEMONSTRATE. GET IN THE WAY OF BUYING HERE Meliok Kalbfioisoh Hardware 8e Furniture. Phone 63 N4. 411411110111 TQ 1JNDERSTAND• Life Insurance Is To Have ItI Many :People have a wrong inlpres.sion ,of rife Insurance For every dollar you pay for Life Insurance you get value As soon as the application is accepted by the !Company yotlf and y ours 'are protected. , c If you live you reap the benefit yourself. . l c If you die those dependent upon you receive the ben- efit You -cannot afford to be without Life Insurance. Agency,. i ONTARIO EQUITABLE LIFE — Head Office, Waterloo Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO; --.SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERHANUIN.,. & DECORATING, WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR NEXT JOB. H. •EICKItrEIER, ZURICH — ONT. JOHN ' WARD Drugless Practiou. eer and Optician EXETER Phone: I11V, AT .WALPER HOUSE, zunzoce. Every Tuesday, 10 a.m., to 4 puq,. 4.÷4,4.444.4.444.' ++++++41.÷÷++++++* .14 4. :Do You Know? } HERALD OFFICE THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTIN S THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED .WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANN OUN.CEMENTS. TEI4iT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS,, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFACPP URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY 'AND SIZE OF CHL CR BOOKS TEAT, WE CARRY IN 'STOCK WRITING ' PAPERS, ENVEL- O.FES I.N ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, N'O'TE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZ.Ii;S, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. a, TEAT WE FILL YOUR O,RDINA,RY SIZE INK BOTITI WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN' INK FOR 5e L.ARQi GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER R 1'D[JO! IONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION ;`BALE POS- * ,TE,RSMERCANTIL ! OSIERS AND ALL GENE t,AL •,, PRIX/MG OUlt SPECIALTY 4+4.4,44 X4.4444'F++++ ++414 4,44** k*+> **10+H+491 is, 44** • • d(w