HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-07-16, Page 4RNf At hc.vro.Ii..,.t have been appi.onted for this district to sell the New Superior line of IIEVIWLE T AUTOS ifyor are considering a new car be sure and call on me for a demonstrat- ion and prices John Hey, Jr.,' Zurich V. • Zurich Fee. Stere r 1 We have in stock a full line of =. • Seasonable Seeds of thebest quality ;• Just received a, quantity of Seed •i • i • s Buckwheat. 'COAL WE ARE. T , ',, 11 'r ,az Fail? ANTHRACITE s i COAL. SIZES Ne .`x,... ..: "S=a,_T. t HAVE YOUR •, • f 2 DO YOUR BAKING wura OUR CHOICE BPA. DS OF FLOOR, • • • AND HAVE c=OOD RESULTS elais WE CARRY STOCK FOODS. FLOUR AND FEED OP BIOST • KI?O NDS. VISIT OUR VAREErY STORE AND SEE OUR e f t FINE DISPL AY > a • is 4 LOUiS Schilbe - Zurich • le a was@Zsg:tttatieseo Steisolntinsas*Oaealis aitatsetss 0aro0060011a .51-11E HERALD PRINTING OFFICE ADVERTISIN'S RATE'S )issued Wednesday noon from the In advance; $2.00 may be charged it not eo paid, U. S. subscriuti- elan $1.75 strictly its advance. No 'paper discontinued until ail ar- ''tiara are paid unless at the option et the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid) la denoted on the label. Miseallaneous articles of not Wore than five lines, For Sale, To Ment, or Wanted, Lost, Found, ete. each Insertion 253, tkddress all communications to lDispiay Advertising -Made known 1513 application. Stray Animals --One insertion 30a three insertions $L00. Farm or Real Estate for sale fl`3 for first month, $1 or each sub- iac uent insertion. AUCTION SALES -$2 per single im!aertion, if not over five inches io i gth. Subscription Terms; $1.25 _ per year mrd of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50e. Local and Legal advertising not- ices, reading matter, l0c a line for ibtr st insertion and 5c per line tor •xch subsequent insertion. Preteesional Cards not exceeding 4 anch, $5 per year. Sr. ;IIt o Jr. IIS -Napoleon, Ger- omette, Claire Surern.s Jr, lI to Sr. II -Milton McAdatus Sr. I to Jr. ri't-Emmerson Erb. 'Olevia Masse. ' Primer to Jr. I -Norman ,Ger- orxmtte, Laura Masse, -Sr. Primer -Dennis Masse. Jay. Primer -Della Smith, Elzer Masse, Gertrude Thiel, Gerald Masse. M, Surerns, Teacher, Dashwooc. . 312'rsE. R.. Thompson of Detroit visited with friends in town a few days last week. 0 Mr, Chester Geiser spent th week-ned in Pontiac. Mrs. C:; H. Porreett and daugh ter 7lary of Calgary are visitin with Mrs English.: r , Mrst C, Finkbeiner is visiting in! Sarnia. I42r .and Mrs. J. E. Ehlers of In - di tzrapolis are visiting the furan- et's parents, '1 tilt, and Mrs, Henry Ehlers„ Mr. and Mrs., P. Mcisnne and Mr, R estarneyer spent Sunday in London}, Mrs. P. Kraft agent last week THE HERALD Mr London, Mr .and Mrs. Cz•rr Heist of Cretl- iton visited in this vicinity ,on Suri, - d 0, -"SCHOOL FAIR DATES IN Pir IHWON COUNTY : ep!t. :9-Sti. Melena. ► t3ept. 10 -Wroxeter Sept. 11-Bluevaie. :Sept. 1s=Etl>el.. s ▪ -I l5ept. 14 -Walton s Sept, 15-ia ordwich s wept. 16.33elgrave Sept. 17 -Ashfield els p't. 1S -Colborne, Sept. t. 21.-ZURICH e pit. 2 -2 -Varna 2:3-Goderie1 Sept. 21 -Blyth (Sept,25-Grand Bend 2b --Dashwood. 44ep•t. 30 -Crediton Oct. 1Winchelsea 5"-73:n call iE%ct. 6 -Dublin Oct, 7 Be 8 -Clinton • SC'HO'OL REPORT Eeport of S. S. Not,041, Kay T'eo *notion Examinations, Names are )arranged in order of 'aicrrit. Jr, IV` to Sr. IV-C'hat"old Sul as its, • Delbert t,eiger a. hr Sr..lIlt to • $r, IV -Eldon CFn'rct, iT, kryrrm Surcrus, Rene Erb:, Dorothy, rh Weir. N9 ,Tr, TU to' Sr: Til.. R.ay Orta'ein,� {VOL'Ldia '.t ay. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. St=idelbutte of London spent Sunday with 1tIr:and Mrs, P. Kraft. Miss Clara Kraft and Shia and Verna Kraft ate visiting in Lon-, dons. Nits,. Oliver and two children of Kith ,,,^r, are visiting with :l•Ir. and Mrs, ell. Kellerman. Ml'. W,n, Zimmer has disposed Zof his property they Comm•ercia! h.toel to Mr, John Eilitsen• oI11tit cl>el]. e Mr. (and Mrs. A. Ciplin of Lis-= tr)rr ^-1 and Mn. and Mrs. Cha.pd]n of the 'vest spent Sunday with Mr and Mr J, Kellerman. Mies Pearl Krafa spent Sunday in 14Iiir'chnl 1. Mr, and Mrs. J. Geiger :led son Eimer of Ohio spent Friday with Mrs Jane Guenther, Miss Anna Vincent of ,Seai"orth is a isiting in town, Mrs, J. Guenther and son: Homer are holidaying at Grand On Sunday, July 19, the dedicat- ion of the new pipe. organ in Zion Luthin'an charelt will take place 0-ermnn .services at 10.3e a.m. ,'will be conducted by Rev. R Rifest of Tavistock, itrtnc]k and English .sr'r a ie•es y,t 7.66 pan. will be condectt'd by. Roo atrn"r' of Loudon. 7trc. xN I I Vaw of ITnrrtl)t`r 4tti,te .t1?! ia•tll: tee ee di t:he nivak V Dirt ea the , e. will give an Par•.,•'' t r sena)). e •,,,,.,t. d ay Ile 1 quaftaltte .of .Zioj church, The, r cZolleeti0u, to be ,lifted,, 'ale both aerx'ieeel on,S;u>_day f.axad..ego• at the• ale cl.tal will flow into the oegan fund. Everybody eordial1y to vitsd to attend both, COUNTY NEWS. S. .aind Mrs, Henry ,Wieillanrl of Sea rtn�tli announce ervnagc�, titer, l% ar- N, Fingay�- .Ta�s.:Fin- will talke did that g ' dime encerthree exei�ter day sand ureh and: by stir., ,past 'and s'ociation ' 'took pi- dnesd�ay tissie Ai1� Mrd. of Mr. Yeter,was cArtney, ried by eter, • tong be, eb 3roi'-, eh T .. at the' s! R. 1'. Years, ,e b 1862' ✓ were rs died pro deo ago. Grand 1•ast of 's! lie olusie cheer- as up re his rY.Re widow fres- asters th oc- wh�e n azflai. life le R, noth e,- or short drug reale on of store ere he led a'. ;no- ndit lead ice w,ater• (heti on,, merit of� theironlthe gere�t, to Mr. y •dein x William J. son„ son of Mr Ana Mzts. laysoze. The marriage . Placa in July, • Nevewr ini its history portion of� ,Hibbert .has*iv arty for its cei>jtre e .peri 'laps of such pleiastu'able merit as on Saturday, Sun ^bf'onday last. Faamily, eh' communlity life, wigs k'rela' red by (me nories, lof th;e the renewal of tender las was ma'niifes'tett.: A very pretty wedding. ace on Gode'rieh x'p,. on We June 244th,; . when Mies J . "ea Murphy, daughter of rf.4nry Mnrphep and :sister Richard 1t 'Murphey of E; Tarried to 'Mr. Har trey the ceiretnon, M Rev, A. �' was �perfor A. Trumper, of Ex Charlotte Moriock, Oredi loved wife of the late Gottli loch, was born,in Pus1in Wellington, Co., -• Sept. 10, end passed away peacefully homElba : of her daughter Ilfr Eio'n�tlt;s and Crediton ,aged 84 27 days,, She - married to Mr. Morioek, Fe Pour sons' and four. clai,ghte. born to .them, taro daughto, in infancy,, 1VIn. Morloe k eased her ,about 144 years) The ilea t took end on Thursday mernplace at g alvin Wilson, raged 46 yea/ e a d been ailingYc a. or sonye time, with tube s ui dtrrin� Was: always , n,2 <.uottnd his and ry eatN The funeral week held 'clay to .Grand Bend `Held av'eg' to' mourn his lo4;seznt'te rvo sons' andhts one d�augIit�er, Ies four brothers' and A. veru sad tragic ;s red in Seafol.Itli on July th, rays. Brown Y 6th, a well known, f Hullett tof. took his . o)vn e had delivered some catt safo.rtlt; 'that morning, and g unusual in his' .appearano nner was noticeable, when before noon he 'vent into a re and purchased Ironic ar rlag it was for the destructi oars, atter leaving the drug went to a reetaurant,. wIi er,ed a dish of ice cream a ss of 'water, No .particular was • taken of him `there a s not 'noosed until Iafter.he ne out:(prat he had left the am 1itasted, but that. the... es was empty and. it is supe t is rheic he tool: ,the pois IB ti tIQ C•11 Cl of SI in nt I y sto cro ]r.9 ord ties o ere ;la tha STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the ,Township or Stephen met in the Towyn II r'l Creditor:, on Iti7:onday, JuIY 8th, [523 It 1 p t,r. All presentl, ,Minutes of previous; meeting' read and acl- )ptecl, Ae petition signed by P. Sullivan and others asking the council tc establish a 1VIunici-pal 2'elephone System. was presetn.ed by Me ;'heob )1d Dietrich. The said petition was laid on tiffs table .and .filed for iuture0dll- rideratiozl, - The resignation 91 Daniel Vs - Is ;a,: as a member" o TJt Athletic, ''lead Board was 'aeoepted and +-reveth,ic appointed in his st•n3. i%Iovecl by Mr. Snell ,in anendm ant, no 'seconder, that Mrs. tDr,; Orme be appointed to succeed .V t ' AcIsa ac, ion was ,carried. es Goets•-T'ha.t .Peter Risen o awarded contraet to , or1- n cement bridge on thnl6- t•essiCn'8 known as .!roller Pridr;.• at 89.00 per .cubic Th price to include nreeeslsary' for the ,, p ,� on thereof.. tiff temporary. roadway and all precautions d for publicisrafety. And e :R;eevo be euipowerM to an 'Overseer- to Superfin- e. work, following orders were pas.- •o-Elec. as.- ro l✓lec, Com, acct 18.67; G. oem tole 10,90; E. Hall, Ry - labor 10.50;' N. Scott, coin, 4 2.75; War, Preszcator,con cls 4, 33.00; P. J. Wickwire re; Walker 'drn, 2.00;. Mu.ri- nrhd acct 6.85; Exeter pub - ties, footlights' 24..29 1�Ienr Mot Rea bach b street 17 con er't n s yard. .r rneti ;wary ;hat til r pp'ri n,t Lend th The sed- /1,y ed-- /1yd Eilber, l e's St. ;Elk. Rd, rarct :tintiri "ipal W J*tiii CIark gravel ,cent 30.;00 ditto g y� ea el 7.50; S. G.t` i,50; . L. Hill bal c6't'tp!S tRdUt5 50. J'as, Willis, content. s. rd, 1.25; Sun- dry persons Exp. of preparing by l•t,vs, etc, it S,S. o: 8, Stephen and B asanquet 93,.50; J. Ryan, rep. ,rd. rind drawing tile 5,13: 15,00; 'Main' Tinker Rep, ,cult', eon 14 8.00; Cert. ttralia Far'mer's Co),Operative Co.. ' cement 16.25; P. Bogan gravel ,16.30 H)gan gravoi S.B. 24.75; Geo "-Ildi;irtsl ,gravel 125 ditto gravel 8,8. 75c, ., The courier] adlcnn'ned to meet tI .igain in tho Tnw i hall, •Crrtliton, ,n Monday, flagrant 3rd, 1925 at 1 Is S arzi'y Eilbez• cork, TAENIASIS IS:THE NAME DISEASE' ii',i31.1't W APIP +lO']$ 5120414 FARM ANIMALS. `4lreep, Poultry,end Dos Are All Subject to Attacks 1"rou tho Tape. Wolin --- Liow to Deal With 'nib Parasite. WQntributed by .Ontario t)eps rtmemt Agriculture, Toranto,D The effect of tapeworm infestatior upon the host animal isnot tnarkee unless the parasites' are present ID numbers. The following disease .conditions may result from tapeworm hofesta- tion: (i) P,aptial or Cozziplete block- ing of the 1u'iien of the intestine: this may cause toxic or inflammatory disturbances; (2) Irritation 'and dis- ease of the liver due to the passage of worms throughh the bile ducts into. the liver; (3) ,Irritation of the mu- cous membrane of the intestine by the hooks- of the armed species,': (.4) Anaemia due to taking of nour- ishment from the injesta in the in- testine.; (5) Qenerai debility of the animal due to the absorption of toxic matter that has been excreted by the parasite; (6) The cystic form of tape- worm causes the condition known as measly pork and beef. The foregoing remarks will indicate how serious a ,gest this seldom seen internal para- site is to certain of our domestic .animals. Life History of Tapeworm. Most of the taenia undergo les of complex metamorphic el 'zivolving larval and sexually Parasitism in hosts of differen cies: When an egg is swallow a suitable host the shell is di and the embryo liberated. Th bryo pierces the intestinal wal by way of the blood and lym carried to the particular organ body, specific for its further de meat, where -it become incisted, forms a bladder cyst, the stage gives the measly pork and In bear condition well known to eaters, The next stage is the forrnati The cephalo -cyst, which is done budding from the bladder cyst it is the development of the s or head. If at this time the hla cyst is swallowed by a suitable the head becomes separated from bladder-lIke cyst and attaches 1 to the mucous membrane of th testine where it develops into adult tapeworm, A sexual por present on either one or both gins of each segment. The aegm is virtually an egg pouch, and usu contains many eggs, it breaks a and.passes.lrom the body of its• on becoming fully developed. heador scalex with developing inerts remaining in the intestine til expelled by drug treatment. tapeworm has no alimentary or testipal system, the food that it to pas diredtly through the surf of the body.- In most species th are two drainage canals extend from the head to the posterior s ment. These worms are of gr interest because of their remarka process of development, In ea stages the immature worm exists a bladder worm, living in the bo tissue of an intermediate host. In t second stage the mature form found in the intestine of the demi host. Sheep. ---These animals are qui frequently affected with either o of trvospeeies. Ii' lambs shots- such symptoms as emaciation, arrested de- velopment, loss of appetite, lassitude and diarrhoea the sheepman should be suspicious of the presence of tape- worms., •• Poultry.—Few or many birds in a flock ' may show signs of infection. Early symptoms are a ravenous appe- ite, excessive thirst, and later food may be entirely refused, There is a eneral unthriftiness and wasting un - i1 the birds become weak and ema- iated. A yellowish -white diarrhoea ay be present, the comb and wattles ecome yellowish or pink. The most eriously infested birds will mope round with drooped wings, separat- e theinselve's fro;n the flock. The Farni Dog.—Dogs are more sequently infested with tapeworm an,any other farm animal. Mature gs may harbor matey tapeworms ithout receiving apparent injury. Lure dogs may harbor many tape- orms without receiving apparent in - 'y.. Young dogs are much more sceptible, and if showing the fol - wing symptoms you should be sus-, ions of the presence of tapeworm- s symptoms are those of gastro in- tinal catarrh, hungry at tin'ies, and tunes refusing food, pendulous omen, retarded development„ ema- tion, and restlessness. Convulsions zuetimes occur. An interesting nt in connection with the.tape. rm that infests the dog is tha4 intermediate host is the dog flea, works like .this, -=the flea• eats the 1 matter from the dog containing" tapeworm eggs, These eggs hatch within the flea, forming: the bladder' -like cysts or seeond stage in the tapeworm's life history. The dog"• then eats the flea, and the tapeworm head or scaler is liberated in the dog's intestine, where It becomes at- tached, to start the life cycle again. Horses are rarely'infested with tapeworm, cattle and swine some- times are, but fortunately not very frequently. --L, Stevenson, Dept. tot Extension, O. A. College,. a ser - lenges rsature t .spe- ed by gosted e em- 1, and ph is of the velop- This that eab.ly meat on of by a wall, calex ddor host, the tself e in - an e is mar- ene ally way host The seg- un- The egunThe in- kes ace ere Ing eg- ear: blet rly ae dy he; is te te ne g' t c m b s az in f tit da w Ma w Jur su to plc Th tes at abd cia 80 p01 wo its It feta the l'he estimated eest" of supporting te rats that prey on our fetid pro- ticfcaon the farms and irt tine homes •ry heavy burden to carry,' and we Le better eel' 'a.ifaeout the rat' TifivxJuly' letln, 1925 AGE REPAIRING We are In a position to do Expert, Auto Repairing and Specialize 0111 or any make , of caro ll' work guaran- teed. teed. BATTERIES -CHARGED AND REPAIRED. itass- nfAvglirOUR,11Cf0TOR CLEANED FROM OLD CARBON: BY OCir,! ] 1 ,BURNING PROCESS. Gas, Oil, Greases, Tires and all A CCG'53oril; D. H. Angel, Proprietor L.Pang's old Stand, - Zurich O'T G MBL ITH WOOL? uy Your Togs at UER9T 'S fi� laereb-cu take No chalice. Whert- GUARANTEED DEPENDABLE 01 EVERY RI):SPECT "YOUR MONE'' .NOT OURS T1 NTIL YOU ARE SATISFIED E. Wilt% Teter, Zune Men's Furnishings WRERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROTel. eiwilumwamilmwwww,mmiviamkil. n uric_ Drug Store INSECTICIDE have,, a reliable Stock of Insecticides of all kinds Green, Arsenate of ea Bordeaux Mixture taBlue -Stone, Insect Powder, Hellebore,Moth Flypads, Tanglefoot, 011 oft Cedar ,Toilet _reparations, Patent Med- 3:ielnes, School Supplies, Stationer3-„ Photogrnphic Supplies. A MadKinnon, Zuricb,, AmilmmximmpvtirmiwimwolimmytyymcAta‘.