HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-07-16, Page 11 r• 11 XXVI No 2 ZUR I CH, THLI'RSDAY MORNINQ1 JULY, 16 1925. Chester L. Suilth, Publis1:0011 $1425 a Yirctlie Advintiwir te.so 3NA41ReARS, $2 nee 010.Reelee If You have any Articles or Real Estate for Sale, try an Ad: in the Herald SCHOOL REPORT t- SCHOOL REPORT' % Report of S, S. NO. 12, Hay•r. Names are arranged in order (0 Jr. (IV to Sr. IV—Ora Schoch, -Mabel Haugh, .Harold ,Horner. Sr. III to Jr..IV—Vallencienne Corriv eau. t Jr. IIII to Sr. III—Verde Berra- eister hone 'Greta Horner hon ;Rh Inhart Ifeckerane, Annie Druar and Elmer Masse equal, Leonard Becker Leonard Merrier. Sr. II to Jr.,III—Greta Btirmelse 'ter, hole 3r. II to Sr' II—Jeadllorner, Fr- 'eenklin Masse, Napoleon -Corriv- -ea u. Jr. I tin Sr: I—Wilfred Klopp '111,on; Anaelascia. Corriveau, Her- -x.190n Schoch eqUal, Adolph Masse. Sr. Primer—Alice ‘Stire, Marie :Miller, Monica Druar. jr. Pritner—Caisol Steinbach and 'Cauretita, Masse equal. J. MoDonald, Te.acb.er. SCHOOL REPORT Result of No. 6, Hay Promotion xaminiationsl jr. Pr. Honee;Gladys Gingerich Thrace Meyers; Bas's, Rose Hoffnian, -Anthony Voisin. To Sr. Pr.—Winnifred Battler Mon; Anthony 'Hoffman: To Pt. II—Orlando Battler, hon. To Jr. II—Marjorie Francis, -Martha• Foster, (Alvin. Gingerich, !Louis Farwell, Olive Wilmer eand Lorne Gingercih Hons. Pas's, Joe --Hoffman', Peter Voisin, • To Sr. II Pase--:DorlseGreb, Ken eneth: Grate T(oJr., UI.1Ios.--Elda Farwell.; Pas's. Neil 'Witmer, Andrew Faster, Earl Gin.. egerih Wl1ie Watson[. ' jr„ IV—Pass', Beatrice Farwell 'neacher, A. ,Campbell. The 'following le the report of the exams. held in June at S,S. No. 15, Hay and Stephen, Union. Jr. IV to! 'Sr. IV—Olive Turn; bull 85; Ethel Walper 72. Jr. III to Sr—Janet Turnbull 78, Marthaeleader 69; Otilla Waiver f.)0, Harold Keller (60 Front S; '1 to Jr. II—Arletta Walpeir 68, Ida Marriott absent. Jr., I—Elva Turnbull 73, Ivaa She arrow 10, Luella Weber 70, Harry abset4 . • . . Pr. A.e-Jack Turnbull 68, Lillian Wilson 60. Pr, Sharrow, I Hazel Marriott, Freda Rader, Erma Kel- 1. er (. Not on. Roll 18 Miss F, Talbot, Teacher. HAY COUNCIL The regUlar meeting of the Co- uncil of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, July 6th. All the mem- bers were present. The minutes of the last meeting were 'adopted as read. The Court of Revision of the 1925 Assessment Roll for the Town ship of Hay was closed vs no fur- ther appeals 'wero received, and the Roll revised shall 'constitute the Roll upon: which the 1925 rates' sh- all be levied. t The petition of Rk: L, Talbot and others •reliating to drainage work in the village of Zurich was received Ad the Township Engin- eer will be instructed to make a report, plans, specifications and estimates of the work referred to in the petition!, Mr. McPherson, solicitor -for the Township of Hay ini th eBSlack Creek Drainage 'scheme, will be given instructions to make formal application( to (the Drainage Ref - el • kla ira 0 tta • real It ,..., 4 00.0060000e00.6 OfilaveStileapeesseeinessemeecepepowseee: I oree to Olave lands using Said Drain,L aa outlet taken in theiessess- meat area. 0 • The following accounts were • passed., • ' Burlington ,Steel Co,, 'steel 17.09' ox,g.. freight oresteel 2.70.; P, onbAlh, cement tile 22,30; N: Bale- ares, cleaning Zurich Drain 341,75; sv X. (Bell, stringer& 'for culvert Rd 15 5.00; N. Sailer* ditching, Rd, 15 24,00; S. Hoffmaneepsysheet re Rd. 8 766.90; Neele and assistant Rd. Supt. 1.13.50; North- ern Electric Co.' supplies 17.56; Bell Tel, Co. poles and tolis 91.70; Can. 'Pol. Tel. Supp. material 144.50 Workmen,'s Comp. Board 1.98, St- andard Underground . 'Cable. Co„ cable 320; StrornbergeOtelson Co. material 88,57, X. G. iDeitz, 3 months salary 412.50; P. MdIsaac, 'salary, ete 486,40; Cl.N.R, freight on cable 10.85, The Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, .August 3rd, at 1.30 o'clock, .p.m. F, Hess, Clerk. LOCAL NEWS • Miss Anna MacDonald 'spent last week -end with, Margaret Mee Bride. • Mr. and Mrs. 1?. Koehler and 'Mr. Ed. Bossenberry 'were Sunday yise itors in Stephen. - Mr. and Mrs. Louis poster of Kitchener 'spent the -week-end with friends and relatives here. Miss Ida 1Vianson and Cl- ifford Manson are visiting at the home of Sohn IVIansoh. • M. S. McBride Sr, of Zurich, - 'spent a few days at he l3.ome of her son, Bob. Mc.Bridio, last week - Miss Vera 1VIcWaters "Of Detroit -- is spendieg' her vacation at the haine of Mr, and Mrs. Feld.' Hess. 1VIessirs 'Clayton land Clarence Hoffman of Galt are spending the week under the paren'tal roof. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Volland of Hensall spent Sunday at the home of MISS Carolina Volland. Mr .and Mrs. L. W. Hoffman and • Mrs. W. H. Hoffman were visitors the past week at Stratford, Hayse ville and Galt. Mr. Gordan and Sydney McLin- chey, Miss Lilly Anderson andElva Walden( of Blyth ;were Sunday vise • itonsi at the home of Rabe McBride 01 Mr .and Mrs. W. Hartman from • Stephen, Mr and Mils Hartman • and Mrs. M. McIsaac from Detroit and Mr !and Mrs. John Foster 'sp- 35c ,e emit Sunday at the home of Ma C and rj Mrs'. Alex, Foater. 38c • People wonder !sometimes how Seasonable Footwear I. • 41' • • • •• Buy Here and Save Money Infant's Soft sole 0-5 Infants Pat. ,Slippere, sizes 1-5 •••• ',le Child's Kid Boots and Pat. Slippers, 5-7% at _ $1.25 '21,1b tGirl'a Pat. ,Strap Slippers 8-103 $L50 OA) tie • Miss" Pat. ;Brown: and Blk, 'Calf Oxfords 11-2 _ $2.50 • Womenis pat. pomp- Low R. Heel 2%—e $2.e5 ,ght three dozen eggs and had them other people get Money to buy cars and gasoline. Well, here s a lihgt .on the subject, From; Orillia. A. man up there, •so it 'is said, went jntoa store eind bo -u • 4 Women's Black Canvass, 1 Strap R. Heel ...... $1.25 ols Men's Elk work Shoes • — $3.45 • 4.10 Greb Work Shoes, Bk.1 or Tan les i BROWN. „.„••••••••••• EPAIRING NEATLY DONE R -OS• SEBB otrR WINDOW DISPLAY 0 0000000,000.••.*******010.4446eelmegewg4v. .re 4 m , , 2 I 40 „k. ••••WaIlime...1,11 WIMMIILT110124,1.1112S14,109,1 intro, At the' HAT. SHOPPE, 4...zurlca .Ploommommenewelownwemmeamornemen.Mos..6*rossnuemvanrevoonemetoommom ” IN ORDER TO DISPOSE OF atm tiNTIRE,STOCK OF MILLIN- SeERY, ETC., WE ARE OFFERING THE PliD311,,C OUR ENTIRE,. TOCIC AT PRICES THAT ARE SO LOW AND ATTRACTIVE Vela ' ;IT WILL MOVE OUT QUICKLEY. BE ON THE JOB; COME EARLY ...est.ND GET BEST CHOICE. OURe, STOCK ,NEVER Loox.nD AS "41GOOD AT THIS TIMii OF THE YEAR, ANt YOU CANNOT AF - :WORD TO miss vars. OPPORTUNITY. :Matsseliing regularly 41t $6.75 and $6.50, now go at' A. fine line of Children's hatt, suitable for ,Schee end play 50c, 2,5c 'Tee.urage' Eat* regular at $6.00° must go at have many more similar bar,gains that_ PPaeol will not tallow us •Lite nOmerate, All 'we A'Sk 70.11 Is to tome And see ie iyeerselt., charged" He took the eggs to amo'llier store and s'old them ;for ciesh, with which he purchased gas- oline. There's a financier for yelp. To all who do not Worship elsewhere! We extend a hearty invitation to YOU, to worship with us. MO:R,NIN'G WORSHIP 10 O'clock ' BIBLE SCHOOL 11 O'clock 2 V ENIN G SERVICE, _7.30 O'clock figARTyi CONGREGATIONAL " SINGING SPLENDID CHOIR GOSPEL SERMONS Pine Growieg Sunda y School Attendance at all serviceincreas- ing. :Over e00 present last Sun- day Evaning, It was a t great service: ,Cortie 'along next Sunday and every Sunday. Join us ie eprayer apd praise at 7..30 Friday Evening,- " Let the Members and bleeds maintain the loyalty tatheir churell wbich .thoy ',aye ettownt ov Teeny gems. . Pray for, and Bost the, Chereh Wild God will Bless es and the Commenity wonderfully. 6 D014'1'1111155 THIS SALE Emmanuel Evangelical Church (THE FRIENDLY cuulton) Vera,' V Siebert °11TAM° .11.011•••••••••011111111110 • Mrs, E. Oesch and Mrs. L. Kekoa wire Tuesday visitors at London. Mr And Mrs, P. W. Bests of Hen - sell were Sunday visitors in town. • The Evangelical 5, School picnic: has been ,dated for uext ,Wednes' day, July 22nd. Mr .ancl Mrs. Geo. Thiel and fain • ily, motored to London one day last week. ' Mrs. Tames Connolly of Goderich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Thomas' Johnson, •Mr, and Mrs. Charles' Smith and family of Detroit were 'visitors with friend& here the past week', • • Mr.,Lorne and Leonard McBride of Windsor span ta few days last week, under the tp(areetai roof. re- turning to the city on Saturday. A very appropriate reception, wted tendered by Mrs. C. Either on Wednesday 'afternoon and evening last, and a most enjoyable time spent 1VIessrs. 3. Gascho & Son have moved their entire stock of dry goods' and groceries into the place of business ,vacated by 11r. H. Li Albrechk The MOW tenants look cjuite happy in this fine spacious. alarp,,tinent. a -Adolph Weber and Mrs. D, Bennett of Windsor ,visited relati- ves and friends! here for a few days last week. We understand that irs. Bennet, is making arran- gements to move back to Zurich.in the near future. , Messrs Les and Will Byerneann and the Misses A. ,and T. Miller of Broaclhagen, Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Witmer 'and daughters, Ella and Laura of Dashwood, spent Sunday at the .home of Mrs': D. Witmer, Babylon 'Line!. Mi. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe and son Laird, Mrs. R. Pfile and daugh- ter Pearl'and Master Delbert Gei- ger were week -end visitors at Shakespeare, Kitchener, .Guelph and Niagara Palle returning home. on Tuesday) evening', Mr. Allan McDonald of Hensalf got himself into trouble last week by forging a check in Zurich to. 'the amount of $25 and on Wednes- day last was arrested by County (Constable, Jul Block of the vil- lage, at Grand Bend and was tak- en to. Goderich where he wast rem- anded in the jail for a week be- fore his trial An interesting matrimonal event isi being held in Kitchener on Wed- nesday of this week *when a church 'wedding will .be celebrated which will unite tMise Mina Ehlers, dau- ghter of ,Mr, and Mrs. Wm,. Ehl- ers of that city and forinerly of Dashwood, and Me. Clarence Yager son of ,RPT. and Mrsl. ,We J. Yager, also formerly of Dashwood. The happy young couple have. the best wishes .of their enemy. friends in this ,vicintty. The District S. School Conven' tion ot the Ev. Lutherann church was held in the Zurich Lutheran church on Sunday when Delegates from the ,various churches were present and the large church was filled to capacity at 'both. warn- ing and afternoon "sessions, and 1 some very instructive thoughts were eepressied. A quartette of. our teenage boys had a , rather enuenal experience on Sunday( night while motoring tlear Grand Bend, Isoiliething wei7t wrong with the work's and the 490 ceased fto funCtion,,and after a number 01, attempts was unable to carry the ()cell:pants bad: home. And we ore tol4 that when 'Mad" called the- boyo next morning to get up for work, there Were no boys in the bed, as evidently, two remained on, the ear and used it as a "pulltuan sleeper" while the other two enjoyed the Moonlight trip- of "hoolAng" it back tour - oh, tirrieleee here well. 'Mitthe break of day, and it puke • was' What people at that agq leek for tisitely COAL Electric THERE IS A COLD 'DAY COM- ING. The present agreement be- tween the miners and the Mine Owniera expires on the. 31st of August. There may and enay not be ,a strike, but he prepared. Prices are now at bottom, fill ep your bias. 'with, the best coal. Gen- uine Delaware and Hudson Anth- racite direct from the mines. It makes Varna Friends: Egg, Stove and Nut size, SOFT COAL. That highest grade, the best unexcelled for domestic and thr- eshing purposes. • Genuine Lehigh Bullets, abd High Grade Coke, , carltei.orn., HENSALL ONT.' Phones—Office 10W, House 103 Wiring WE SPEOALISE IN 'WIRING GP" LL 3UNDS, LET 13S GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON WIRD. YOUR HOUSE. GARAGE, BARN; • ETC. COOK. WASH, IRON AND TOAST' WITH HYDRO WB CARRY AN ASSORTMENT OF ELECTRIC STOVES, FANS. WASHING MACHINES, ,HOT ri .eTES, TOASTERS, IRONS, MAIlie CEL, WAVERS, LAMPS, ETC. W. G. Hess & Sens 1 Seasonable Horse Goods lust • • Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Bores *t* Blankets in Assorted colors. Size 72x84. ,L0, Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Ruge, peceir 4.A; Ranging from $7.00 to ... ... ... ... ......—..z.;€. vim SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A. CALN. ,62 A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hanrd. t: • ,Club Rags, Suit Cam; and Trunks at Right Prices. 41- 0 HARNESS REPAIRING .A SPECIALTY PEON'S l•e • FRED THIEL - ZURICH 004040000.004.4-4•••••••••••••••0.00.0.....•41..........*.k. 414444+444•44+444.4444444.+++++++++44444-1•44444+8++.1++014. Reliable Footwear • At Prices that save you Money • Missies Patent 2 Strap Slippers, Rubber heels size 11=2 $L95 • + Misses Pat and Oxf. rubber heels, size 11 to 2, pr. ..... ...$2.75 Childs Pat 2 -strap slippers low heelesizes 8 to 10% at Wants pat. slippers size 2 to 1% at ..... . . — . ... .1,.. Womens Pat. Tie, Cuban heels, a few left at Growing girl's light tan and pat slippers, Murray at $3.95 Wmo, 1 strap Pat. slipper, low heel, size,2% to 7..q 82.50 Men's heavy work shoes at. P Greb's Work shoes, No. 1 grade tan and black pr. $3,50 Woraen's canvass slippers, leather soles at . .95e ALL OTHER LINES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS 0. FRITZ & SON • SHOE MERCHANTS •••••*“.••••......e* The Quality ore 'twill be to our mutual advantage if you will call and See our well assorted stock Stock of Spring and Summer Goods in all the lines we carry NEW GOODS COMING ALL THE TIME, INCLUDING- DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, PAIN'S, OILS OF ALL KINDS,HARN- ESS REPAIRS, NEW GARDEN' SEEDS, ROOT SEEDS, AND GHLII11, AND WE EXPECT OUR FIELD CORN SI= IN SOON would advise our Customers to place thei.l. orders early ,good seed will be hard to secure. • You, will find our Prices right. Watch onz Bargain Counter, Quality arid eer. vice is our motto, R. N. DOUGLAS &EIVERAL iVISROFIANt. PHONE 11 9 7 131.A.Ke