HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-07-09, Page 8ced Prue: Curtain and Drapery Materials Fine Net c>urtainsy 2 pieces`, Regular 60c. yd, for Fine Scrims, Regular 85c. a yd. fur , Fine Scrims, Regular 00c. a yard for Madras, 1 ,yard wide, 'special at per yarrJik .,,:.......... .••• Marquelsrc tte in, Rose, ;Brown, or-ange, 'suitable for side drapes Regular. 35c. yd, for 27c. 5 pieces curtain:• scrims, your ownehoice, at per yd, :.25e Fine Swiss Curtains, Reg, a .pairRegular $44.90 for ..... ........... $13.00 Marqutis,ttte curtains; Regular per pr. ($3,00 for $2.50' Frilled curtains at per pair .. ;. $1.00 Voiles and Muslins 22 pieces, of Voiles; Organdies, and Sport Muslins at les's than half price all the different colors and designs, in the lot;°priced from, 25c to 48e. a yd. 480 ;,;,..55c 450 35e WALL PAPERS A GOOD SUPPLY- STILL ON HAND, WE ARE SELLING NOW AT REDUCED PRICES TO CLEAR. NEW GOODS PLAT CANRON CREPES IN.F ASHIONABLE SHADES .SUCH AS ROSEWOOD, SANDALWOOD, BEIGE, SAND, HENNA; ASWELL AS BLACK, GREY AND BROWN. BROADCLOTHS IN STRIPES OR PLAIN COLOR EFFECTS. A SHIPMENT OI. FUGI'' SILK, BROADCLOTHS JUST ARRIVED. • SEE THEM. , MANGEL LIMITED i. SEEDS SEEDS AND TURNIP SEED -IN LEADING VARIETIES. A SUPPLY OF SEED CORN, SORGIIHUM AND MILLET , SEEDS Jt a., ASCHO' Produce Wanted SON Phone 67 Zurich's .Garage Sas, Oils, Greases Tires, •Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS 176a S. L. BATTERY AF ,IN NEED OFA BATTERY, WE SOLICIT 'YOUR PATRONAGE. , NE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXOELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND. BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE, WE JY FAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON 'YOUR OLD BATT• - ERY.' BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. , f ' . k 1 f ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE v. H. 1V[ousseau Zurich : •••• e00000oee.eoo00000sooeooto•••••••••••••0•••• 1 SPRING • TIME! • • •. • • •. • • • • • •0' • WE HAVE THE GENUINE FROST LIGHT LOOK WOVEN • FENCE, DON'T BE MISLEA D BY INFERIOR GOODS CALLED • JUST THE SAME OR JUST AS • a GOOD, AS EVERY ROLL OF :FROST !PENCE HAS ITS i,'ROS7' • WE AVE$IT. ALSO B ABB WIRE, STEEPLES, BRACE 5 WIRE, ETC. • • • GET OUR PRICES • ON CORRIGATED +!r &ALVANIZRD IRONROOFING, COUNCIL •STANDARD AND ORr�IVARi AT RICHTPRICES. WE ARE p ) THE ROOFING EXPERTS •• TIRES/ 'TARES. 1 ` p We have received a full and com- a 2 plete lineof 1 Brushes, Oil, Turps, n Lead, Sherwin Wzlliars paints, A Vas. nishes, Stains �+ ilia s Eresiders and Auto Paints. All these are the 1. old i eliabl eaint s at �. x ht ri � � �.. ccs. IN FENCING WE HANDLE: THE OLD RELIABLE GOODYEAR AND GOOD- g RICH TIRES. PRICES ON .1 N lz' OF„ THESE EQUAL TO OA'i' ALOGUE 'PRICES IN ANY SIZES. ?ABRIC', CORD OR B L- • LOON:,A • PULL .LINE OP ;HARDWARE AND SHELF , 0 AND ;GRASSES. STADE • ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST' Mr. and Masi. 'Elmer O;escla. nw — ored to Lo.n,don on Monday, PP ,Muse, E:' Oes!ch and' Mrs. 3.. Kip koa, 'spent Monday tat Exeter, Mr, and grist Barry ,Bose of 'Win 4ser we reholid;iy visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. •Bola Caldwell wes Sunday visitors' tors at the home ,of )kir. and Mrs, Ga}field Bta'Gvn Mn , 'Johns, 'Pus's is Ispendin$ ^a few •weeks, with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Schwartz of Deltrot Y Mr.. and Mrs. George'Ld>,ghoffer. were visitors in the vdllage on on Wednesdaiyj• ,• Mr,. Clayton) Hoffman ;ispetat a' f e tv dlalyls a this hone. here east We- ek. . 1, ..` Mr,., and Mrsl. John, Preeter an. family of Kitchener called" on Yfri ends here last Weclneisdlay A number of interes,ti1ng Schap reports have beers, held over let next weelk41 , Mr. Robert Eisenjbaef and. Lloyii,, Sar aras aud Irvin Fisehr spent the first of July here' : from Kiteheer•,n Miss Jessie Bucha.nan;':of Hensel visited at ;1kI t. • and Mrs. . L. Wl Hofftnans over the weekend. tl: r a SAY, MARKJTS'; °(Corrveted every Wednesday)" Eggs 21.25 28 ,l , ttter per lb •, 35 Potatdes 'per hag ' y�„ 750 Dried apples, Ib 8r Oats 50 Barley 80 Itr�ekwheat, 80 Flou • 'cwt.. -.... 4.00 to 5,25 Wheat , 4'".1.44. •Shrots )par,.. toz>f 34,00 Bran. per ton , f, 30.00 Hogs g ... 12,75 Western. Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF WOO1. SToCK Carry an' Insurance of over $27,000;000. Niitnber of Policies in force 11,2.87, Paid Losses +in 1923 to a►nouint' of ' $50,143:20. No 'a'ss- e&ament' during the year ;and have a balance, . on, hand of $39,00b ,' 1VLiss( Leona( Geiger who has; GHoltz �.IfB—Zurich., been visiting with Mr': and .Mrs. � l John Geseho, returned to her home AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH in Pigeon, on Sund'ayY )kir, Keinneth Routledge of De- I TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS d'8 OF:FIRE INSURANCE,tf-39 troit spent the week -end with. hi parents, D .:anct Mrs!. Jon: ,Routle ge of +;town• Mr, and Mrs. Joho Albrecht, an 'claughtei Rtsabella visited with M and Mrtis 'Henry Vlloand Usborn Tp. over the week -end. •` Mrs. W. H. Frank and little• in - tett aria spending the ` week (at 'the honfe ',of Mrs', Arthur. :Edigh offer. Mr, and Mrs. L. Kelt:0i and Mr. J. Dieksonc of Detroit, spent the week lend with ;Mr. and Mrs. Et` Oesehj. Hay council met on Monday; for iter monthly lneeting, a ;full"- re - Port of the businesis transacted will appear next weeks Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Albrecht and son, George, .left .an Tuesday for a e Di . J..- E. 'DUNHAM DENTIST ANNOUNCES THAT HE .HAS OPENED A MODERN i)ENTAL OFFICE AT ZURICH (Over Post: Office.) ' )O1'EN EVERY DAY EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT TELEPHONE 134 two week'`sl trip to ,Bradford the . Erne of Mrs. Albrecht's parent Mr. ,and Mus .E. E. Steele have returned to Etown .after spending their vacation: at St, °Thomas), and Delhi. ' Mess*. Milton; Bossenber'y of Sarnia, and Alfred Bossenberzy of Detroit, called on old acquaintances heie last weeks :1South Huron BIG FOUR League Baseball Schedule May - 22 --Crediton at`'• Heneall May 25—Zurich at `Crediton. 'June 2—Dashwood at bre4iton Juno 4—Hcrnsall at Zurich, June 11—QZurich_ at Dashwood June '11—Hensa1l. at Credito'11,-,, J 1 e"15—Crediton at Zurich June 18—Dashwood at Hensel). June 25 -Zurich at Hen'sall, Juice 25—Crediton at Dashwood. July .2-Hensall at Dashwood July 2 -Zurich at, Crediton: July 6—Crediton at Hen;slafjl July 9—Dashwood at Zurich July 1$-1Dashw000d at Crediton. July 1T—Hensail. at Zurich 4u1y 23—Zu'ichat Dashwood. July 27 gredit'orn at Zurich' ' July 28-5)ashwood at Hensel]. Aug, 6.-Ifenlsall at Dashwood jj Aug: 13 ---Zurich at Henisall Augw';..13—Crediton at Dashwood. Aug.. 20—Dashwood at Zurich, Aug. 2a—Hensall at Crediton, Mr. anal'°Mips. Rudy Oesch and M' ar,d ;Mrs), Dave Oes•ch.„•and family visited, with Mr. and Mrs: Henry Volland over Sunday.. ' Mr.. and Mrs.' Q. 4.N. Taggart and Mrs), A. J. Raabe left last weak' fort heir home in; South Bend, Ind. after a Pew weeks visit with rel- atives, here. • Mrs). Wi. L. Siebert who spent the post ,mottih at Detroit, has returned, home, her grandson, -Jack, Siebert; returned with her and will be here for the 'summer months. Mr. and Mrsl. Ed. ,Siebert and Helen, Miss 'Marion Green, Messrs R. Brown, `4. Sheerr and F. Siebert of Detroit and Miss. Velma Hilnian of Windsor spent the week -end at W. L. Siebert'sl.' The General store conducted by Mr. H. L. Albrecht its none ..thing of the past. J. Gasfcho & Son and T; L. Wrum, have absorbed the gro=- ,cery' and A rygo'ods part, while, Mr.: L, -:WI. Hoffman, has taken ov- en the gent's' furnishing stock and will run a. store w•tih.;this line of. goods. G. Gasfeho & Son will oe cupy the store vacated by fir. Al br,echt and M 'r,L. W;., Toifnsau is going into Gascho; sl lator” ti ' A +very initere'slting matrimonal event took place art St. Peter's R. CI. church, Drysdale, on Monday, ,•tme 29th,when Rev. Father 7R J. Gerard performed the ceremony which united in the Holy Bonds of matrimony, Miss Irene, daughter of Mrs. Mary 1Regier, Gosehn Line,' Hay Tpr., no Mr. Sovereign.:Dno acme, of Stanle Tp. Tlie happy young couple will snake theri ho.}'ne- in Stanley Tpt, The animal meeting etrag 'of tlre•loqaJ branch oft +hay"''lenitern Ontario eE3'aC V rbl S tet, � as held in tJ1ei Town, Hall, on Monday, June 29t;h, N:r, Alfred Melick, the president) presidecli ' The treasurer's finals- 'cial report !showed that $51,,....+64. Veen ;' 'ntit;ted to headquarters at London, and a balance on .hand of $3.67, .•'T ia' following : offieers we r'' erected;—Pre,siden't, Mr. 1Vtehek,`,,,;Vice pacer (iriin,tsters crf' "tli:t e'er 1604 'churches;'' Sec +Z `rE1 sir Mr. A. E. Hessll Advisory Cor inrit w 1 r1,eE, R. 7" S,ta,ck,'b> iCxinger•icla,I'�e`4 John Garbutt et London, gave a very 1nstructi've addr+t sis, • I- ENS.ALL. • Mr s.< Nathan W arr Dreier, an, clrert'r�c, ort' . f I' r 'tVlio visited ;61eil�3s hsreleftfor Goderich Diet}roue lir; 're(tnrtli'ng. • The Zurich' „b,o$0all;;nine appear e:d o11 the lolal lot Ithje. other even-' ion, and were' defeated by stilesee f`70 �y' t i 'O Dr . 'errs s a, t z {� t this box- :tor the visitors' brit ;. the home beans batted' him hard aid 4041100.40.00.46011104101140.114,'forced to ,retiree in. favor rye ailgt;ho Who went •well for' a e, hile but soon blew 'up, and it was left to tlb•a Old 'veteran Lela Hoffman to finish the game and was' not 'scored upon. the, ifival (score was 10-61,.' A -very interesting event was celebrated by Air. and Mrs. W Chapman. And coif., of Hay,. on Friday evening :lash when about sixty of their guest met at their home in honor of their 25th ann•iv ersary of their wedding. The guestls who arrived at 6 partook of, a. very ,dainit,y !and appetizing: luncheon ,served by five; young ,geniUiem.en, afters which !speeches 'Were ;made and tortes' giveif.Th:e i 'Was a •fat1� ea ably t a r presided over by 'ev ,:,, Sinclair, several fine mus- ical ;'i umbers. were ;given. ' . 1Vtben; the news reached'.H'eusall ,n Sunday las t of thepaSsing of 4 Doctor.; P ,ek ' of London Hospital a shatr' of glossa was ;east, over COnnnun1ty became SIICI-•. dendy1 ill aboiut'•eight days previous to his s ears which was folio \\• ed by operation dor 'appendicitis. Al •though in' a critical condition, hope c '�.a101, enitezt.a;ned.,�•foi )reel recovery; when he coassed away 'on ';Sunday 'ttne• 28th. , • (The .doctor wits a son Esf •Mrs azard iVtrs, Nathan ,Peck. of t ertjsal:l ,'vase ,born on the family, y tca?esiead, .BAaygi�•Stanley. I'p°thirty sai'cen •iyetrle; ago land i eeeii' d 41# ;jeei+ire leclueotrOd. at the, lai;tic +scPOpl 1•zoustE3 )sear 'i•.�1rs• t o 'A!ter r i '."ii r; r tl T om A t t syi 1a oar 1 the I b I kl . rrr t o s to l a w co u o � til s ant to S+rafc i'bh to attend.' the •nolieg'iate, atter a. brilliaruli co.uk4o there •he,:entered. *Gilt vthiiN,ersit'y, Moiicreai 'and4 yt'riiliecl •'inettlicin?„ anal, vitiated '. �solnle t.�wellve :;yeaz! _ago,: a,;f er 'sp- endiiig:'two 'years in `Montreal hes- pztal „he crani),' to I ezr,siall :and: st-, a.rted',tO practice' izt. Mensal), ksidos li,ii i5tjs o v'irtg, •wLdow�,' trvo 11r,dall oliileltlen, I t+1 leaves to emit i n•; later hither anti' 'mothor`here and The bzothe, 13et on the borne- lfadl, ' St♦azaly;. T7ie ft7nerai wa.q, lurald privately to `3ayiield edit- ,eitii'r+y ;Trine ;v'as• in ,cha;rg'e of the. 1104010'e, Lot'ige, t , ,',J trey ` ate,11023, •S _+TJSABOU•T ,sonable Hardware Ar Reasonable Prices Such as Forks, Hoes, Fencing, ,.:t4 Gates, Scr r,D ' bag, Etc.. This is the 'time. of the year a to, do .your outside painting: REMEMB'ERa'aWE THE ONLY GUARANTEED 1Q0 M• PURE PAINT ON TIIE MARKET; MARTIN SENQU Some real good Secondhand.Furniture.ancd• Stoves which_ we will• sell cry reasonable :ALL:I INDS OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE It EPT ".IN - STOOK. • i f WE ARE AGENTS' FOR .THE OELEBRATED• IMPROVED VAC= TUATE CARPET SWEEPER. COME .AND SEE THIS ONE,.., AND LET 'US DEMONSTRATE, GET IN THE WAY O1+' BUYING HIERtE Me1iok Ca1bfioi$ch Hardware & Furniture. ;.,Phone 63 ea A Life Insurance SOME REASONS WHY YOU SHOT—MY' CARRY LIFE IN-` SUR ANCF` To provide : for' your loved ones and those dependent oit your To provide for your: owir,old age. ; To help you to save regularly every year. To create an estate for yourself and family. To give your wife the money to pay off the tmoirtga+ge if you should die before you have accomplished it and thus 'save her from the hardstruggle to keep,'the home together an;cl, from ,sending the children; to the or"mtphan° hoine. To provide forthe payment of your deb• ts, funeral and oth, er expenses after you (lie Andrew F. Hess, T Zurich MY IVIOTTO,—SERVICE AND SAFETY v'• Have You .iVtADE YOUR WILL?:.: Painting and Paper Hanging LRT US DO ,,y0U11. PAINTING, GRANING, PA1 tHAN . IN,1 & DECORATING. ;WE MAIOE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR NEXT H. EId1 EIER J 01`T WAit Drugless Praction- eer and O -i ' iticia i EXETER Phoh0(', AT WALPER HOUSE, BURICtie ZURICH~^-- ONT... Rv.ery Tuesday; ,10 a.m.; to• 4 . r,,ati, 4. D0 You Know THAT W.E ARE ALWAYS -AT' YOUR SERVICE POR- .i. GOOD RINTINR P THAT WE CAN SUPPLY.YOU WITH.,PRINTED WEDDING s INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. THAT WE 'PRINT CALLING CARDS; G � N DS , STATJtaN ERs, scrcu , • ; .T. AS LETTERHEADS,RHEAD S6 BILLHEADS; ENVELOPES 9.NIa.•. NTE THAT :WE ARE AGENTS.F• GTA N U>FAOT OR TWO LL`ADINCr. MANUP'A.G'fJ�. •t • VEERS OP -COU,1;NTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP' ... PLY ANY QHANTI'r'Y AND SIZEH OF CHECK BOOKS - THAT'' WE' CARRY' IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS', ENVRL- k OPES IN ALL SIZIES, CAIID 'PAP11RS CARBON O • TRACING PAPE` > OR 4k, R, SHIPPING TAGS, IVIEigORIAM' ET. ATIONERY, .NOTE :BOOKS,: RECEIPT BOOKS INTWQ 4, SIZES, FOOLSCAP, BTC.,, ETC, •'4414, t T '14�A,'I' �1, R. FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE NK BOTTLE #t 'I �I W TiI'' GOOD FOUNTAINRN P INE: E: h" OR l;' C, 1trA'R Gk. 1 GER QTJAN .IPTDS AT ' BIGGI+IB l EDUOTYONS * THAT WE PRINT ,POST'ING ;BILLS, AUCTION SALE POE. TER Sb 1E RCANr rL E POSTERS S D ALL OENiqtAlfa° PRINTING, OUR SPECIALTY y� i **„+++++'• ++4+ 4014+++ 41++ +lls 4•4r+, ++•+r3 + ++++4a++++++++4444.4•h+• ++++444.d.1.1.34++3144 ',; ERALD OFFICE -*