HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-07-09, Page 5Thursday, ;J.taly 8th', BUSINESS CARDS IVnLE ' E. UOL7VfB$ y, .70'arrl'ter, Solicitor, Notary'ublic liter, Office on, He'Street jot oft the square, Goderaclt„riv� 140 .l uncle to span at 1oweatrates ice. Holmes will be in Hellsailr'ain Friday of each: week. u••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk iwasr of marriage ;licensed, Notary ; e,, Com 141ssioner, Fire ar d A *Wane Insurance,. RePreeenting Stem and Erie Mortgage ,i''iorporaa- , Alla, The Canada 'Truet""'' Co. Zurich, liitaele. r D. S ;�Cna p ..D. D. S,, DENTAL SURGEON_' IIYaaN. (Ii1FIC1I -- HENSALL„ A -U fC-T-I-tS-N-E-E-R? y OSCAR iU OP'P leriduate Carey M. Jones .'Nat- ;�ptp 1 BeboOl of Auctioneeringg. StoTry Vie for Registered. 'Live ' k Breeds). Terms •in keeping Va prevailing prices. Choice thrini.for sale.: . Will sell anything! tha7where' to Zurich. 'hone . 18-93 or, write, Licensed Auctioneers,:, 4Liicensed Auctioneer .for County lit iuron. .. Ina position. ,to eon-• �uanat. ;any auction sale, regardless e9s t ray •to, size or articles to sell. ,not *elicit your business; ;satisfied -will make'. no charges for .hrthur Weber, -~ Dashwood, Wane 13-57 Zurich.;. Sea: MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats 33otcrg'ara Sausages, etc Highest Cells Price for Wool OASH'rr FOR SKINS & E1DE5' Ttuteblut I)eicn.e, ZURICH LIVERY, 1 mm in a position to accomo= '3at!e ail requirements in the Livery Niue,. have Auto for hire: , Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Sane 58 Zurieb G. S. ATK.INSON L D. S. D. D. S. DENTIST, EXETER, ONT. • Phone • 31 ►t BAYFIELD Every Wednesday EVENINGS IN ,EXETER` EY- AP- POINTMENT L,IVE: PTMO U L T WANTED ORaken every day till 3 Oclock :Do not feed fowl same morning 'arkem brought in. 'Highest ' Cash Prices --CASH FOR Creams and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 84; , Zurich F R EE! TO. 'OR'D. 'OWNERS D .INTRODUCE THE ,BENIFITS ?GP., A MAGNETO RECHARGE, I NVILL GIVE ONE QUART .017 Tuxedo Chatterless Oil , 'WITH EACII RECHARGE DUR- ING THE MONTH or MAY. .�. PRICE $1.,.00 It S.'µ WEIN, ., Prop, DASHWOOD MOTOR SERVICE it w PTJI' YoIR. 11 ant ., pQy SaIe,, �.0st, oLu )d',, NO'i:tKrl N •TIIgJ$ £ QWMH FOR A. 4 -burner Ail:st�av ivi u' Qvelanit G .FOk SALE A t,nuxnberN of 'Collie pups. Ap^- piY to Garnet pliters; ,FIerrsall,'. 'WANTED :.I .General ,maid ' -wanted ,for July ;aped, August at 134yfi6.. Cottage NI. 11, ejewettS'' Grove, .Good w .9:4 : Apply; ;to Mra, 13. L. 11io;nithauae Bayfield„ tf-1 Bet`V77e'n 14tb.- con and', Bronson Lina, on 'Zur idb. Rd. a quarterboot far a. racelioire. Finder kindly,re- turn to David Geromlette. • • LOST In Zurich. on Sunday y' evening., •a Woman's scarf. Finder _kindly, re- t`urn;.to Peter Brennerirman, .or leave at Herald Office. . ✓• FOR'SALE A ,good mower' for sale, very" cheap: L. A. Prang: FOR , SALE' A fine well built 'garage, . 10x10 feet For, further articulars ap- ply to Peter Corriveau, St. Jos- eph. i i , -50 RIC HEI:•ALIS' spent the holiday at..,her ?ours h0r"e' Mi'as Jernimna. Johrilaton,Spent t1r;0 boiday with frineds at 13,41w, lyfr,' wHerb, Pfile of 1betr'olt ited relatives here over; ,Sineday',^ 1VTr harry "G Hess, ' MISS •Ethi61 and Eva Willfaurai s`p,ent ' 1V,fondaY" in. ,Loirdo}r, . • t Miss ' E+illiark .Burka of •IStratfor spent• 1$1.irrday , With ;tVli•s's .A.lrna Ittleya M. and 'Mrs .George 14110,' Sleaforthi visited "with talendee, 410 town' on . Sunday. i'• 1Vrrs(, ;F, Preece`• of jDrtsirwood'y ilsrr vis°rjturlg the".horne ',of Johan W eido.^ Mr*. Percy Weido • has purchased a new' Ford eoupe fro'n, C; Fritz 8; Son, .dealers. . Mrl,. • and Miss. J• 11Ioritz; • of Guelph, -,were Sunday _vilsatote .at the bogie of 'Mr. and Mrs, 0,i F.titz. Mrenand Miry. Lsn nis ,Califs as,• and C'hildre'n of •.4itTeliene!r_ titiere• visit ors id town hosier thin; holiday*' i12r, and Mrs Harry �.Y3a:g'eil ofDetroit, renewed Zurich friends ov- er Sunday , + M . And Mrs Deadles o -f Kitch- ener visited with Mr,': acid Miss iEleanor Lindenfield of Loire don visited at the home of her cousin, Mists Jemira'Jo]urston Mr. 'Nasbitt Wnods has been ap'- poin;ted principal of the Wellesley public school for the 'coming year; Sorry to report of, ,the illness of Miss, • Ada Deutz, our. well ,known HOUSE FOR SALE tel. operator,. 2 Hope for a 'slpe- Eight-ropmed, two :'storey brick .edy rec'overytt ,.. I dwelling, with furnace,1rared for • Mr.. and Mies A.bert Rosla and hydro, anid in good Icornciition. On 'faulty, 112! Tee Ma1o'y' 6f IW,Iitchel1, the premises) is. a ''good. brick 1st- 's'n.,nt the holiday With 'Mfr able, Kooc16 wells -and frruit ,trees: Uttey, Property contains .two-fifths acres 1122.: I.a d • Mrsl John ,Snide; and of land ancle isc situated in Zurich, For parti9u1arl ,apply to A, ; Hess, Zurich! -50 FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres ,with go od bank barn, drive/shed,. `coria fortable frame house with supine kitchen ;and wood:§hhed; good or- chard andnamor. er r small 1 . frui ts it z 1 trees, about twetny acres FinGli'ar wood bush. Farm Is well fenced and fairly well 'supplied with w:oa ter 'forall` purposes eonver ien t6 �sch.00l'and chic h. et.osses5 siot given in the fall or "spring. Fo !particulars! aj,(ply to A .F.:Hess, Zurich. ' • tf 50 r t 1 • t i• FOR -SALE' One new DeLaval :Cream Separ- ator for '$51.00 cash, regular price is $62 cash. L. A. Praito+: Tires! Tires!' CASINGS ---- 30x3"' Cords. . $8.50 Fabrics $ar75 ` • TUBES 30x3'44,' Olympic; at 31x' E..tra Heavy Tubes $2.95 31:c ! L,.tra Heavy, Tubes 83.00 BAL0 'N TIRES Any party getting 5 Baloons:ar.d giving m> 5 old casings and„tubes 1 will allele, them $27,00' .for same, sett the 5 new tires for' $67.00 -'cash John Hey, Jr.,cZurich, FOR SALE A nearly new Oliver Riding plow apply to L. A.,Prang, FOR SALE. Government tested seed corn, following varieties -White Cap Yel low -Dent; Imp. Lea mtng. Wiscon- sin Wiscossin No. 7; Early Bailey; Golden Glow, Longfellow, Also _Sorghum Mangel and . tulrnipr seed, ..T. Gascho• Son, Zurich. Dr. IL H. COWEN4 L.D.Sy,D..D.S. („ 'DENTAL' SURGEON] At McCormick Block; Zurich, ev ear Thursday, Friday . and Satur- day. Main OIfice- rr- f3ARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASFIV OOD Scranton Coal Chesnut and.Furnace Sizes. • Sofcoal . of highest quality. • GOOD SOPPLIt ON HAND ^+a p.� ''letting Rid of Ants. ase & • Son 0 1 r These Deets quickly disaiipear 'if I family of rBrucertield;• spent Sun- day at thehome of. Mr. and Mrs). Louis .Schilbe( Mr.,' and Mrs:. ,Clifford. Levy ' -and family- of Clinton, visited With Mr and Mrs. Dan,„; Oswald over Sun- day. ! • • The interior •,of tae to al teleph- tine system here is"being renovated d ai bor of 'ni,' rovetnentls and hi to i p rma'der,• C Mr. and Mrs, 1, SVilireim and,two ddughteri of Milverton were,,Sun' day. vilsltors at' the home ,pf Mr: and” Mrs: 0, L.. Smith:, " Mr. Milford ':Verner :of Detroit, aecomp'aured by' Mr Herbert Kalb fleisch and Mists -Clara Kalhfleiseh• sj ent the week -end alt' Kit�chenet: Mr. and Mrs. Edd: ,!BrodriclE of near Rensall were Sunday visitor's -at the home of the hatter's.,f'ather Mr. "Alex Rennie, -,of the Babylon Line, i . Mr ,.and Mrs. 'Harvey .:Cohesive, of-Detr'oit.teeisited' the ;rfornier's part entS over Sunday gnrvey sport.; at new C.l:ii3'v. ,.s'eda'n and;looks very prosperous. Messrs Herb. and L Lt rr n Wit moor of Detroit a^_coml toed by Miss P. Fetter of Brow'' `" t' . wore visitors with ,relatives• here the pat few days) . t ENTUE Y ET IOK SEAS S,;W1fi11fC1i:% OFTEN SPOI;Zi Nish Grata ,Sciailbe +of 14orrdon MOM IN WITIMEY.R.4usrm Pnepinoaia, Roan and tlackhead „ Cause ' Most Trouble T'nuely Pointers In Deaiixrg With These Maladies, , (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Three diseases, pneumonia, roup and blackhead are, responsible for the greater part of the losses in turkey rearing. Pneumonia,: ; Nature • bas not Clothed the ,young turkey with a, thief coat - of dowe or 'baby feathers sufficiently to protect. it from the cold rains that are quite common '-during May • and June. Renee many young birds perish, dy- ing of inflammation of the lungs :shortly after experiencing the first , +sold rain,, Little can be done to ef- fect a` cure. Everything lies rn the .direction of prevention. Do not let The young birds get wet, provide suit - 'able shelter, and do not let them get ;too far 'away so that they may be 'quickly rounded up and protected from • cold and wet until they' are }well -feathered. Roup. This trouble is' due to an infectious organism gaining entrance to the nasal passages of the victim and set- ting up a catarrhal condition usually easily recognized by clogged nostrils, inflamed mucous membrane of mouth, very offensive odor and swell- ings on sides of the head. Housing young turkeys fn unsanitary', poorly ventilated o •draughty quarters cre- ates conditions which make the bird `very susceptible to the infections or- ganisra causing roup. If the disease gains a. grip on young birds, it is best to kill them off at once and correct, the. hygienic conditions for any that remain apparently normal. Exposed birds that are to be kept should be given good nourishing food and a physic of salts once a week. Birds 'showing symptoms may be treated, if so desired, as. -follows: Massage as much of the material as possible out of the nostrils, clean out the eyes, and if swellings exist open with a sharp knife. Use Boracic Acid solu- tion or " potassium permanganate solution or argyrol solution (10 per cent.) as a wash for the n nstriis aiid eyes. Such can be applied with .a medicine dropper or the bird's ,head may be dipped in the solution. If birds do not make good recovery tit a,reasonable. time it is best to te- stroy them as they will carry the: infection along and may be the cause 'of more roup. , Blackhead. This disease is the most common and destructive pest affecting tur- keys. It has been the cause of many 'fit farm giving up turkey raising. The cause has been attributed to a pro- tozoan parasite, that is taken up by .the bird en its feed and 'water. Soils ebe.yorne infested,. breeding birds be- etim'ecarriers, so the young have lit - tie , chance of escaping infection if feeding over ground that has pre- viously supported tuCkeys. The -young birds show •sigus of: distress in the late„sunrtner or early autumn, become. listless, drowsy, stop feuding, feathers become ruin. ed,, wings droop, and they hang .behind the flock_ The dropping; are yello.-ish in color and more fluid than normal. The head may become dark ptir.ple in color. The after -death symptoms generally noticed in black- head cases are as follows: Liver spot- ted on surface with whitish yellow to faded gleen spots, the cecum, either one or both are thickened and distended with a gray cheesy mass.. Treatment for blackhead lras not been sitccessful and its control lies in prevention., If troubled now, clean out the entire flock and' give up tur- keys for three years. When starting again, secure eggs,front healthy birds, wipe'thetn with cloth moistened with 80 ger, dent. denatured alcohol to re movd. any -possible contagion, then hatch -in the incubator, When the' Young poults are ready to leave the incubator place them in a brooder or enclosed ground and • protect from other poultry or agents likely to carry the 'infection to the pen. Keep the house and its equipment clean and disinfected. E, S0 U spur milk or butter- milk b Iter - milk liberally in the ration. Keep the birds confined all the time that infection may be prevented and treat- ment applied. Powdered ipecac ad- ministered in the mashetwice a week, at the rate of two teaspoonsful per 20 birds is considered, a useful pre- ventative.. The use of ipecac should start when the birds are two weeks old and,. continue for three months —L.• Stevenson, Dept. of Etxensio.n, 0. A.'Cohege. Mr. John Wagner, 11: .anLt"Mrsl, 'Bert Sinipsloir land ch1+1dt'en of Guelph, who -:wEer e visaing .for a few dalys with, Mr. and Mrs„ C. Wagner, have returned .horns.' "•Miss Marguerite Prang of De troit and the. Missies :Ruth land Ar- leen Schen). of M. (Clemens tsp- enit the .tice'k'-end at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. L. Prang. • Miss Lillian W+e'seloh. who has spent the past week ' her home here, left (for Detroit last Friday where she vii? "spend the remain - dee of :the holidays With her. sister Mrs,, Tom J. Gettus,, Miss Edna Eckstein, and Mr. Mel vin Brown of Kitchener and Mr, Will Eckstein of Lost Angles, Cal. spentt Sund a(y at the home of W. L: Si•ebeirt,, Miss Erma Bi -own of Kil,clienie , wh !ohas been visiting here fetttiriied^ of c with them. h e t i.tl t. n. • Mr. Sr, Witmer and sons, Gar- field and Niel, accompanied by Mr Isiah, 'Witt'ner. • and sett Earl of Dashwood, spent, the,past week at Kitchener where to Witmer Re- union was held and a number of five ',hundred being present on Dominion' Da, A Gra'n;d Rally of all the 'Mics- sion BanGts of Hut= Pre'sbyterial will" be held D.V. at ,Blyth, Frichne, July 17th, Two sessions; 10 ,asci,. aid 2 p.m, Picnic and .sga}nes at the noon hour. Pull program et both seslsionls--every band taking some' part, Special Speaker, Mr. W. 13. Djang ,B.A,, a young Chinese student at Knox !College. Neigh- boring bands cordially invited. S. S. ,CO7vVENfi ON The S� S, Co:ir;t enittibty 1oQ, j the Western district of the Ey. Lnth, Synod of Canada, .-Will hold its: , an- nual .rneetin,g a at_ Znrich,'Sunday, July 12th, .. The morning sertrice. will t he 1m charge of As ,pastor loci, and Rev. I?. Boeruer, of Ellice will preach the is'erinoi4 The, af- ternoon ternoon Ig'es'sior will begin at 2.30 promptly and will be presided ov- rN by the president Of the Con- ventionz, `ReeV. Ii. Rem,be, 4Lit, D.S. T'wo pitpni*a will 1 e presented "The importance of :he Cbt'itoilisrat ni Heine andSxhoof" and- "Our Little r„snit , ,.+' Tte +'hof `ot "l,oe'.n Swat the Roosters. When the last lot of hatching eggs has been delivered the finale birds should be :'removed from the fleck,. disposed of, or kept by themselves. Fertile eggs are an uncertain article in warn"`tr„weather, so the aim should be the production of infertile eggs. for dornestio use. Germ development will start in a fertile egg at any tem- perature above. 68 degrees Fahren- heit. At ld'w temperature the de- velolament-of the germ is very slow, but It may reach a point in ernliryo development where decomposition is likely te''set in and thereby produce a condition not .desired. Any factor likely to„ cause spoilage lir eggs will be more serious in the fertile eggs than in the infertile. No one wants fertile eggs for domestic use. The remove,) o± the males is the one sure way of preventing trouble.—L. Ste- venson, Dept. of Extension, 0. A. d. 1lIslcatv,l, Milipee,..1 rsi.t ;i'l• • .te Lill whole stoves. are spriu]tied on the HONE, 35 :prii:VSSALL e17 err!"i rpccila •iii th,me. Thi'.�?laiitr;v shelves or any place that the . ' to re, sat frequent, ,f, :, •..•,,,,,, • q remedy is qu.ick,. l is ofd' di •.'tJlt., is cordially 1.7,+.LM.t 1 y • •l j cioau gnu uerL xAt i .. '. �. , , a il t r. rlrlr, THAT HESS Vii, w ... -. CUSaIli1'G APOTJTO 9.H SE FORD SIDE GfIRTA.TNS WILL, • FIX .THEA so TT-IEY orozIN wrrm T1 E DOO1t REPAIRING ING Painting Fo.ed Oar, One "oat, 815.00, Two Coats ,$12.00iCoveriag Ford Top Good Material, less curtaris """$12.00Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doo.$5;00Paintin Buggy IF, YOU WANT :SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RI3BUh3BERr 'Y'QUit BUGGY ,-,iiY WIi1;Ei✓S, 1 HESS - ZURICH;” ++++++++44+4.4.444.4++++++++44M -14+++++++,144416.144444+++,0 +++ l•++^II'!8,.g +4 4.X4+4.4+'6'+`II ++ 3 +44 : ,5� •14 i3'.i.'gj'++,yN'yN'}" 16.1'°Itf l ^A'Y4+''d.+ +• GYPROCK The Ever -Ready all- beard'. Will not 4. crack, buckle, M warp or burn it Gy,proe is elean and easly to handle, it 'saws and nails like + lumber,N+ 4• Gyiproc goes up in; a furry* bolt once up its up to stay, al- ways troufble proof and repair proof. -1' Gyproc will afford you the ,satisfaction of knowing' that your rooms ai.•a fireproof. Gyprot m'a;y be applied to old or ,new walls and may ay be pap - For information, Samples mind !quotation's call at our office. � erect, painted or panelled, 1?.. JCALBFLEIS 4. PHONE ., 4. immerenuteasseco •II+>>:•+ ••>~+44+++ ++++4++++ .4,4-ee-e 4+++++4+.1++✓0e4.+4.++I•++4.,4.,, • l Stone C1 , + FROM, NOW ON •- I All Woollens Used in thet"inanufaelure of STONE BUTLJ. CLO -'4' e. THE3 are treated with the famous LARVEk MOTH -PROOF PRO- + 1 CESS, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under: a $250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond 4 4 WHY DO WE GO TO :THIS EXPENSE?' ie ÷noECAUSE Moth are theg reatest factor in the destruction of 01— , ill0othing that are laid away for eve.n a short.period. 4 - 1 ECAUSE This new scientific discovery=The Larvex Process - 4. d Li entirely eliminates ,any, dangee to your clothes from the ray- 4, 4,; ages of Moth a nil their Larvae. &- 1 DECAITSE Stone -Built Clothes with the added attraction of the : 4--LARVEX MOTH PROOFING PROCESS. is a• combination that f defies all , competition -that cannot be beaten. There is no extra charge to vou. .g 4. WE SELL STONNE-BTJILT CLOTHES New Spring Suitings Arriving Daily r1 ,¢, Vii„ •6 rfA1LQW,AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR DAY AND NIGH 1' PHO .NE No. 88 + 4. ih :hip 1111111 61i>EM11111051 li011111111!i111111ltr14!!iiliillllll111111llllli111111IiIIIIIIIIUNlllll!11i!Illllfll!liillllll!IIII!IIIiImUIsr- m IZL RIC HERAL]JS "P 1925 ClubbillgList HER.a, ' and Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 nt '7sily Telegraph _.. ... $5.10 lb, 1.' Mail and Empire ... $6.00 Li lay Mail and Empire .13.25 li - Star ...... ....... $6.00 " • . Star .........$3.25 131.JRA.: IEEE l',A.I ail"t WOO 11E111 ane • HER__ • ,. HERR u an EIER.AL" sac s�:a Baa HERALI'. , N HERALD' ' r ' CI HERALD '1Ett ALD and Wee I HERALD and Fariu rs HERALD and Youth's HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expositor ...... HERALD and Ontario Journal HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada a 1 , 'News - .,. .. $6.00 ";+, Morning edition ... 5,04 • evening edition $6.00 1torning Edition ,$6.00 vening edition ... $6.00 ,Cate ... ,. $2.26 $2,75 ...r $2.66 .,70.4 0.1 • .t •,c.rly Star ,... $2.75 min ... ., s ..... $3.16 1llagazitre+» .., Cotirpa?.cion .$3.76 , $3.25 ..$2.75 ,,$3.15 • r,. til •P.... • Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers p with us. See us for papers not listed above HERALD . I, 11n,. I; 1 ppl rtl 'rplll 1 1, nl , ' 91 Il,l.7 . : ,+1: , ., I r,• .1,1 q•� " 11' I'. 11(um ! 'I I p ,,T SII 111111 I nll.� ... Vint„ 1 li,llr!11.I11 Irl,;a!6..II.IIIIiII'Il•G1!111!IIIIIIIVii01.1,1 sl11,, ii ld 1 ' i�,ll!!iIi `!I;1!!;i111h1 ', II:I:1VI,:;,Ll,llfi! i III, !:III{I„IVI,IIIMIIIICIiIlillll1,11111111I6111u1111+!�! EgE EE Eff A X 4 4 1 1I