HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-06-25, Page 5• Thursday, June 250141335 ZURIOR HERALD . SIMINESSCARPS DUDLEY E.,40,LivES iliikraliter, Solicitor, Notary Pablie Ikea Office on HieMilton Street, Viet oft the 'square, Gocieriela Priv- 44:0 /uncle to loan at lowest rates, VIC Bohn ee will be in Hansen on, Friday of each week, P. Hess, Township Clerk lister of 'marriage lietereeete Notary Coureassioner, Fire ant i A.nt# *Mobilo limatrarce„ Re prod ee tin literillei and Tilrie Mortgage Corttora” *re, The Canada Trust „CO, Zirich, .e' ii.a u 5 D. napp D D. S 1. 13 Sr. • DENTAL SURGEON;:: *AIN OfeFICE HENSALL T OSCAR KLOPF tirraduate Carey M. Jones Nat- Schoce ,of Auctioneering. Try, lee for Registered Live Stock 4I1 Breeds). Tering; in keeping AU prevailing prices. Choice teems for sale. Will sell anything Seywhere. 'Ozone 18-93 or write Zurich. ' Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for- County it Huron. In a position to con ilhatt any auction sale, regardless to size or.articles to, sellt • *licit your business', and ifAnot eatisfied will make no charges for *winces. • Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. *sane i,s-51 Zurich Meat MARKET 411.11111....01.••••••••••••*.owe .04.••••••••••••••••• Fresh and. Salt Meats j Bologna zausages, etc , Rashest Cash Price for WoUl CASH FOR MINS &HIDES urigblut • , • DeicheTt 41•••••••MIII..a Rimy*, alle•II0/1•1.."......" . ZURICH LI'VERY' 1 am in a position to accomo 'tate all requirements in -the Livery Sine, have Auto for hire. Any-. thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE 3. THIEL Vlione 58 Zurich 411•11INA•••••••ww..!•••••. G. S. ATKINSON L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST 'EXETER, ONT. Phone 3,!, At HAYFIELD Every Wednesday VENINGS IN EXETER BY AP- POINTMENT • LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED *Oen every day till 3 Oclock p.m. be. mot teed tow' saint, morning he Virougbt in. Highest Cash Prices -C.A.S11 FOR Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien PbaDe 94.. • Zurich -FK EE'" di TO -aea iare, FOR'D OWNERS . INTRODUCE 13ENIFITS OF A MAGNETO RECHARGE, :I *ILL OXEI QUART OF Tuxedo Chatterless Oil laceITH EACH' Eitel r.kftGE DU R- • ING THE MONTH OF MAY. . PRICE $L00 S. WEIN, Prop. DAsnWooJ MOTOR SERVICE PIrt Wants, Fbr Sale, LOst, FoundoNoticepEte.Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE A fine well built garage, lOxlO toot. Ieo r farther par la c alters ap- ply to Peter Corriveme $t. Joseph. is40 ' STRAYED jerem ea, jeaenh last week, an old soerel Mare. Finder' kindly notify Herald Office., Zurich: FOR SALE A. cellar steps, in good vondit- ion) would make an ideal steps for a bare/apply at HeralelOffice .... • HOUSE FOR SALE • Eight -roomed two .stoyey brick dwelling, With, tureace, wired for hydro, and in good condition. On the, Peenneesi is a good brick )st- able, good, was and fruit trees Property contains two-fifths acres of land and, is situated in Zurich. For particulave apply to A. Ile Hess, Zurich.. r -50 FARM FOR SALE Consistine*bof 100 acres ,with, go- od bank barn, drive 's*hed, com- fortable frame house. with summer kitchenand woodshed; good or- chard.. and nuraerens small fruit trees, about twetny acres •Eine hard wood bush. Parra ie -well fenced and fairly well supplied with wa- ter for all purposes. • Convenient to school and church. Poseession, givenin the fall or spring. For particulars aprply to A Hess, Zurich ti -50 FOR SALE ' One new DeLaval Cream Separ- ator for $81.60 cash, regular price is $92 cash. L. A. Prang. • Tires! Tires! CASINGS S0 3a Cords 83.50 • Fabrics ..... TUBE'S • • 60e3le Olympic at .. 3tei E •tra Heavy •Tubes $2,95 3exi E „tra Heavy Tubes $3.00 BA1.0 'N TIRES. • ' Aiiv peaty gettieg, 5 Baloons and gi Ting ma 5 old, casinas and tubes 1 wal alleet them $27.00 for same, and the 5 new tires ,for $67.00 cash • Joh', Hey, tJr., Zurich. -1,SALE • 4 „ A neartY hew Oliver Riding plow apply to ...L. .A. Prang. FOR SALE „ • Government, tested seed corn, following varieties -White Oap tel low Dent; Imp. Lea.ming, Wiscon- sin NO,. 7; Early Bailey; Golden Glow, Longfellow., • Also Sorghum 1VIanger and turnip seed. J. Gesell° & Son, Zurich. • 1 • Dr. H. 11. COWEN 2t." Se, D. D. S. :DENTA4 SURGEON • At McCormick Block, Zurich, ev ery Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. • Main Office EIA.RTLEID'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD CO Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sr Soft coal of, highest quality. • GOOD SUPPLY ON H4ND Case & Son PHONE 35 • HENSALL -17 • BORN' Erb -At Bronson Line, Hay Tp., on June lath; to Aar, and Mrs. Christ. Erb, a sone , LOCAL NEVIS: Mr. and. Mee. T 14. Warm spent Sienday Bayfield.'; • Mr .L. ,A, Prang tie•giving his dwelling a fresh coat of paint, lefre. Adam Truemoier who has Vent the pat winter in Letrole, Kee returned to her home , Mr, and MrsI. W. R. Ho fereen, air, $ axed Kra. L. W. jIeffman Were- un - day visitors at Orecliton: • eand Mrs. H. Eiclerneieet and Mr. e-nd Mrs, C. Weber were Sun- day visitors' at St, allaryle, ' Sorry to report that Wirer. (Bev; S. R. Koecheel of New Hamburg eontieues serioefsly 111. • Mrs Celina Jeffrey Is; holding an auction •sale of household effects in Zurich on Saturday of thee week. Mr .ared. Mee. David IVaanle and daughter Betty of' Kitchener were Niteitare with relatives in this. •vie - 4' Mr. and lafre. Jaocb tWatrm and children' , of Seaforth; vieltecl at the home of Mr. and MIA, • • john Fuse on Sanday,.. • • • , Mr .and Mrs t George Appel, and a/fr .and Mrs t Ed. Appel of':New Hamburg were Sunday visitors'with friend's and relatives in town. Children's Day wasobeervecl in the Evangelical. church on Sunday evening and a large audience was present to eliettrethe programme• .' 1V1r.-andeVare. W. P. Dumart and son Billie of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs,. S. Schantz of Beaten we- re week -end visitorat the 'puma of Mr. and Mee. H. Yungblue, Mr. Kenneth. A. Routledge, who hee spent hin vacation at his bowie here, loft for Detroit on Tuesday to take un his position as eravel- ler witb. 15. MeFerry Seed Co. • Mr .and Mrs'. Joeteltechter, aceotn- panied by „Mr. aid Mrs'. • Frank Lane of Cli Tit on vi ite a at the li one e of Mr. Wm. Leibold • on, Sunday, Rev. WI. B, Dangle motored• to Stratford one deer last weak, aucl was, eacompanied to that citynby his mother, Mrs/. Mr. 'lead Mrs!. Harry Cook of 1.13.rtn3lree, Mr and Mrs. Joeeph Wilhelm of Wellesley, Mr. and Mrs Sane Rupp ad Strattford, anal Mr. and Mrs, John Geiger, ief Heicile- burg, were week -end !Visitors at the. home•of Mr .and Mn. C. q. smith, Sauble Line The „rather pleaastnt veal wea- ther the \past week haw been very 'agreeable The hay crop will be light, while the summer ,crope are looking goodb only in want of more meisture. Rain is needed • very badly ale tbe. is gettifi quite dry aghin. ee--+ The Amevicau well-to-do -farmer for a ,heme for himself .and hie slpyinte out _the' land and 'looking dew ;dente is al gein, tecomiag a treaders ekrich friends for the elupport famil;ar figure on the trainee in the giN'en'*• and the heli' 'extended in hatals' seal the land 0 ffleas of the contribution or news, etc., dela Weatern Canada; and bne earl note ing the pelt erea', and we ha re the in the Vaal press of the Welk con encoaraging satisfaction of feeling stant referennest to Property* ch- that our little weekly is geinieg angee Ine ,to purchases by Imola- groued in interest ae he in en - DEEP COW FERIA'S. FIT SUMMER DISEASES IT IS ,NECES-- SARY ¶EQ quitop AoAthstx. Method of Detection and Methods of Treatment Are Herein Outlined -- Black Leg Is From Soil Germ - Methods of Vaccination. (contributed by Ontario Department ot sikarlcuituro, Toronto.) Black Leg, Black Water, Quarter I11 and Quarter Evil are' apron= names applied to a disease that takes its toll in young cattle from many herds each. year, From July to Octo- ber fataltles are most , numerous, Vigorous young animys, physically in good condition one day may be found lying stiff and told the nort. When post roortem is performed and the swellings opened, the affected tis- sues present a dirty brown or dark red color and a frothy liquid with a „fteculimsickly odor is exuded, The tissue surrounding the swellings show a straW-colored appearance and the lymph glands are congested. Pre- vious to death the swellings occur- ring in the region of the hind quar- ters or over the shoulders or along the neck are very painful and the animal manifests severe lameness. The Disease. Black Leg is caused by the Bacillus Chauvei, an organism that inhabits the stifle and is most troublesome on low lying, poorly drained pasture lands. Fields with small areas. of swarap, and scrubby shrub growth seem to harbor the organism in greatest abundance and to create con- ditions for its destructive work. Animals Attacked. • Susceptibility under natural pas- ture conditions is confinedtocattle from three months to three years old. Yearlings are most affected. Calves fed on milk and not allowed to graze are rarely affected. Calves at pasture are readily affected. Sheep are sus- ceptibie but not as much so as cattle. Humans, horses and pigs are virtu- ally immune-, Stabled cattle are rarely affected. The bacilltis gaine entrance into the animal bedy through a small wound or scratch or by ingestion with feed. Symptoms. Once the organism gains entrance into the tissues and successfully establishes itself it develops the dis- eased condition very rapidly. The coarse and duration are very short, death occurring in from one-half to three days. The first noticed symp- tom is the animal standing away from the rest of the herd. If moved it shows a severe lameness. Soon after lameness appears, swellings develop in the region of the thigh and shoul- ders and over the neck. • Swellings • may develop anywhere, but usually where the muscles are large. At first the swellings are hot and painful, but subsequently become less tender. The skin in the •ce.ntre of -the s'wollen Rev. F. la Howaal, of '1,1OW' area becomes cold, dark colored and - 'fl'''''• dry like a piece Of leather, These Dundse, accompamied ,by and -eldest swellings when pressed give a crack - Car* Miller, bf Bufeallo son, of Rev. WI. J. 'Miller, a former ling sound, ueto the air or gas a pdstor of the LatlierEea church- in present. Swellings raay form' on tb a Zurich, spent al few eleeee with internal or thorasic wall or may be Eriencle here.. Rev. Cad Millerhas, confined 10 the head and throat. In just recently gradriaa,a into th,e ,addition • to the characteristic swee7.- - iiigs, systematic disturbances, as load ministery. beating of the heart, labored breath- , A Welat.S. Union meateog eves ing, high fever and abdominal pale held at Blake church on June 17th; may be noticeable. Finally the af- wh.en the..varioits Soeieties of Kin- fected • animal becomes prostrated, pen, HilleGreen, ' Vern% Goehee . lies on its side and appears greatly ine bloated. Once prostrated, death us - Line were presaat. A very ,ually follows in a few hours. spiting meeting was the result be - When young cattle die suddenly at each of the ;societies 'conteibuting and giving a topic. Special and haleasotkurlee,gone should be suspicious of appropriate 'muse 'Was( rendered for Tre,atineut. the occasion, Rev. Durant and Rev ',way also eipepea., • ., Once au animal es infected, treat- ment is unsuccessful, because the die- , With the ,clase 'of thiseweek Will • ease is so rapidly fatal. Many- stock end the general merchant business owners, especially those that have of Mr, H. L. Albrecht in Zurich, as .sufteredaloss, have learned the value noxt Week the two other stores in- of protective vaccination and prac- tice this method of protective im- chiding, L. W. Hoffman, will ,. ab- We munization on all tattle under three sorb' the balance of the saock. years of age, every spring before the ave indetd sorry to see Mr. Al - animals are turnell out to pasture. bright cease activities' in Zurich as he is a fine business man., , Soth e ITihe.vancnination of a herd with a re- sale prices; and we would urge • season. Immunization, against the a few more days arr tir lc. Le,g. aateetne can be done 'Albite hail onlyv y. small test, and it gives lett toaparchase these articles at perfect. protection daring the pasture (be people, to act quick before it Black Leg bacillus is strongly recom- ie., all .gonee mended to all stock owners living in districts where yang cattle have BIBLE SOCIETY METS died, as it were overnigat, white at pasture. A plablin'meeting in the later- Bnae.• Methods of Vaccination Do Use.. eats of the Western Ontario Society will be afeld in the Town (1) Pellet, Cord and Powder Foru• e of vaccine. '. Hell, Zurich, next 'Monday evening (2) Standardized liquid vaccine. ,Tune 29th, commencing at • eight o'clock. The iprincipal apeaker 01 (3) Natural Black Leg agressin. (4) Black Leg Filtrate ---or artifi- the .re_v,eninerf will be :Rev. John ' dal egressiiii. Garleatt, the 'newly aPpointecl Field 'All are effective. The pellet form is Secretary ,who succeeds! Rev. R. J. conveAnienai but the Natural Black Doweri., Rev. Mr. Bowes was coin- higher efficiency, -L. Stevenson, uad ill hiealtIP . A 'hetirty invitat- Dept. of Extension, 0. A. College, lone is i ;extended to the people of Zurich! and vicinity to aettend this meeting and make it a isuccesS, NO HERALD NEXT WEEK, The Zurich Herald hale again re- ached *ether milestone, ,and is now twenty-fiveiyears. old, and at this theta iwe will as usual, observe our annual „holiday weele, so there will be no publication on Thnre- day Jane ,2ndi but the follewhig week Ve try and be on the. lob agape We have great oxia to lbe thankful to'per limey tti Arri 44, lerging our eubscripition, Feeding the Roar, The quantity of meal to feed a boar _will vary with circumstances. During the season when he is Used most, he will require liberal treat- ment, but at no time, Should he be fed more than he will eat up clean before' leaving the trough. During comparatively idle seasons a very light meal ration will be sufficient, and if on good pasture he will require but little feed in addition. It is en- tirely a "atter of judgment, and the feeder must be guided by the condi- tion of the boar. It is never wise to Make Budden changes in the ration e-thet is, to change suddenly froth a light ration to a heavy one, or front a heavy ration to a light one. Changes should be made gradually, and the etedee, knowing about when the heaviest • season. commencee ShOUld Stilt In plentyof. time to pre - Pao MY. 011 LOOK? S THAT CUSSING ABOUT HESS WI14L FIX THEM -REPAIRING Painting Fwd. Car, iqovexiug Ford, Top Changing Ford Curtains l''Irainytru Buggy yT "-S.E.1.1-V-I* WE RERUBI3ER YOUR 414 HESS 'WE ,11AVE l'il i SO One 'oat, Good to .... BUGGY - , THOSE FORD SIDE CURTAINS THE V OPEN WITH T OLE DOOR $15.00, Two Coats ,.. ... $20.00 Material,less curtains ... ... $12.00 open with Doors -------------85,00 " WE-HAE IT . . ' - " - $ WHEELS, -,,,,,.:t., , ZURICH ''.44.' ' ++++++++++++++++++*++++++01,4÷4.+++++++++++++++++++444 3 I.+ ÷ $ * ,1' 4' + 4. + t ee +t f...............++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4m--4,. ,-_ GYPROCK board. _.... Gyoroc is clean lumber. Gyiproc goes was troufble Gyprbe will your rooms GrMproc may ered, painted For information, 7. C. PHONE 4 • . a a • The Ever Ready Wall - Will not crack, buelde , warp or burn and easy to handle., it saws and nails like up in a flurry but once up its up to, stay, al - proof and repair proof, afford you the isatiefaction, of knowing that are fireproof. be _applied to old or new walls and may be pap- I or panelled. • Oamplr () es annd quotations call at ouICce. : * " I- ' l .-_KA L B F IrE, ISCR t ( n gm - . . it. X . 1.- ZURICH ............. *+-+ ++ + 4. + a 1 • it 4. ..t. .e. 4 + 4.-s-rl• Stone - All Woollens THES' are treated CESS, and guaranteed + t E0AusE * ()thing that T ie ECA USE +1-0 entirely -•ages I no BOA T_TSB + LARVEX + defies all competition + •4. New + + + + + + +--+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-* -t.• I -s. _ Clothes .4., Built C 4. 'V + + is FEOMff'NOW ON + + Used in the manufacture, of STONE BUILT CLO-* with the famous LARVEX MOTH -PROOF PRO- el - immune from the ravages of Moths under a 8250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond * WHY DO WE GO TO THIS EXPENSE?' + 4 - Moth are theg reatest factor in the destruction of 01-* are laid away for even a short period. 4, + This new scientific discovery -The Lan vex Process- #1. eliminates any danger to your clothes from the rav-4, of Moth and their Larvae, + Stone -Built Clothes with the added attraction of the MOTH PROOFING PROCESS, is a combination that t -that cannot be beaten. There is no extra charge to you. .1t° WE SELL STONNE-BUILT CLOTHES 4# Spring Suitings Arriving Daily H . HoFfrinAN 4: FUNERAL DIRECTOR* • DAY AND Nleell 1 PHO,.NE No. 6$ + + 01. + + + + Iw . am...,- +ITAILORtAND I • + + + + 4-+ 4. 4*--+ 4. + +-* n plc.,F inEENISIONIIKLEgitl 11115111111118EMMENI1111111111g 11.11111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111M1111111111111MEr" -m_ .. . . .- .5 .„..._...... . . 0 -- -M. E. ==. -m m -- Za' a E NI --• ... O •ffl M:74 - 0- :=_,--'-,t. 75.-r---= '.# -2 .- HERAT - liaa: *tale • itrena• Etaaa,. HER 4%.,75 El ER HERA. to R AL •HER eeLe HERALD :HI il.7 114:RA*4 . HERALDITHEERAli1.OD ......"it5 N.- stom.tv S a vwei ZURICH ' ' - . 0 44 o • i I 4::1:1 -)DDr) • M thounse.y ....,,,,nwpimmillitmotivTit '11 UllibipiPtg and Toronto ni , •,,, ea,'•leeereettez -- Lee a al ee- .,i, -aid a ..• ee t a., ', ,. aaal"rtin:1; YWF'ol-uf311:;:"; aanainladd :Oen:citfar)ralistonhaTJGIloului:rnIlital ra ands • - lea,. • ..c,a , eeursfoie 1 , 'lave a .. 'le ' .,., -, ...44. ' Touh IA, 9 i Daily .0bily "'!y ,, ,, ; tanie- e .+02', ' ae • r•-- .g,›.., , ,,,,, : 4 It Cloinligp. rpbayperresnenwng ,A1,11,1111111911111TRII(11111111111E1131111NIIIMEMIIIENNINEINNIMMi -----_ - -M 1 . .- - - .._=,:. BEHAI DS 5. _,.... . 2 5 List . Globe $600 Telegraph $5.10 Mail and Empire $6.00 ez=a .bay Mail and Empire $3.25 -E.1 Star ...... ... ..... .......... . . .. $6.00 FM - $3.25 0_ .,, .eeays ...... ... .„ ... ... $6.00 tart•aa, Morning edition ae.00 --a---- • evening edition $6.00 em Morning Edition -$6.00 ____.------, - ee a 'veiling edition ... $6.00 ff._ ,' .3. ::ocate ... ... $2.25 M- ,, .. $2.75 •L'_-=. $2,65 ,4„, ,aemtly Star ... -. $2.73 He i .; .4.41 I•4 . . .., .$2.25 ---- • $ . 1 5 - - - - $ 2 . 5 0 Ila;n1110% 0...s:i. ;or .... ..... :1332:1555 Cv.,x.;416T,..,_,....i.„„•,,..,w......,,..sos:9 YourotilistedaPapers u lc FI E Z r h -- 1 t .., . ... ,. ............ 41.