HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-06-25, Page 1-Vol. XXV No 52 If You- have any Articles or Cheater L. Smith, $1.,25 a Tsai leo, .4d'# i;so fl UR71n sSe.. $!2 Ntee Boa ORA,ROSA' Our Corner . The nacre who works hard sel -+slum eve rhas mush tough luck Advertising- will urin you -if you list your coanpetitro• els,: it all. Then, too while ;waiting for your • •hip to come hi, it might be a receivership. London Eng se'irtistt says wasps 'bate elfectioi ate. W'et wouldn't enjoy; one 'sitting ins our 'Jape. The population 'if the Kingston Penitentiary is ;at the highest po- int ofr 'seine yearn. Indeed, a'trip tothe Pen.: t4eeuma to he uiete the thing in thee' smart siet. Tho Cahaadiari dollar was ,quoted above par. ' at New York the 'ot- her ,dayii. It is boldiing its head pretty higlipe this; country, too, and will ;hardly stay' around long enough to .say dello., There are too many people get- ting marriedon approval' these days. ••••.••••..•.•MN••••••••••••••••••••'•••••••••••• • • • • SeasonableFootwear •iss • 4,11 ts ea tee • te es a• '• • • • Buy Here and Save .Mone `• s •• • O • • • • fi • • • • • • • • • • • • d • • .•.•.•.!•.•0411400.06••••0•••••••••••••••06410 C• 40§62 Infant's. Sort sole ee-5 _ _ _______...... ___ __________ _ 35c Infants Pat. •Slippers, sizes 1-5 _._✓ Ohild!' Kid Boots: and Pat. Slipper* 5-73e at l^xirl's Pa.t.iSt6ip Slippers 8-10% ___.-_ _..__ ____ r ___.. ',... $1.50 Miss" Pat.' Brown and .Rik. Calf Oxfords 11-2 - __. $2.50 Women* Pat, pomp Low R. Heel 23-7 ._.._ $2.25 Women's Black Canvass, 1 St rap B. Heel __:,.- ___ _ _. $1.25 Men's Elk Work Shoes 6-11 .... ___ ._. :$2_,95 Grob Work Shoes; Eke or Tait' _ ;$3.15 BROW BROS. REPAIR( NNEATLY DONE SEE OUR WINDOW; DISPLAY 4 .++++++'1'."g'' . 'n. . .g'°1.. ++ '.'± 4 .+' ' 444-++•+ +- ++`P'., ° '• '•!'i `t° "'$+- " ' e -..4 - L / , kly 4. 4. E TO R N AndOur 1 r .. SALE will be over and YOUR opportunity to. buy Staple Merchandise less than to -day's wholesale price will, be. -ended. IT WILL PAY YOU WELL TO LAY IN A. SUPPLY FOR `THE F+U FJRE WHILE THIS BARGAIN' FEAST LA.STS. WE STELL HAVE' SOME WONDERF'ULL VALUES IN PRINTS, GINGHAMS, GA p ATEAS, SHIRTING'S, DEN- IMS, COTTONADES, SERGES, VOILES, LADIES", AND CHILDRENS" HOSE, UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, fANDKEB ,. CHIEFS, CORSETS, ETC., ETC' Mena $2010 Suits for +. Men9se $24.00 Suits for..........„ _______ ~ .. Men's Safe •collars, .3for _. -_ _ -_ .-;s $12.00 ' 50.c All those who have hot already 11 sealed their accounts will please ..,...,�. • look after same ,on or before We dose Saturday -night,_ June 27th,; 4 AFTER; WHICH TIIE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK WILL K ` BE'TURNED OVER TO OUR SUCCESSORS. 4 ANY PERSON HAVING A CREDITBALANCE WILL -4 June 27th, .4 PLEASE CO1tLB`. AND DEAL IT OUT. ALL THOSE W110 OWE US WILL PLEASE BE GOOD ENOUGH. TO COME .&ND "SETTLE SAME WITH U a, THANKING YOiJ ALL FOR YOUR LIBERAL PATRON- AGE DURING OUR STAY`', IN 'moi 7IU0HC . L. Albrecht -"Zurich, Ont., GENERAL MERCHANT Its 44+.4 •44+-l+* Nice thing about having ily i& that'you can (think, they* the cause of your alw'a ';s Ong broke. LOCAL The cement cloride put on the 'street's by, tithe. trustees is ::- its work naeeiy, and :;this ,teen •cep'ti�onal good time; to, try. 'ii Tb. road i.s .Ways kept rn free from dust where t`fD,ese''' icals ili,ave• "'been. put on, much cleaner than /the +scree and hal no 'odor. • Mr, (:and Mrs, Jost, Meidinger t oin lucre Sunday vi'sitora a .. Dat'shwood, Mr .n�d. Miss '11...Eisie' and M,r�s. • and F. Gue'njther (of Dashwiood spent Sundfay with NiCr, •and M'rs(. L E. Clasclr:• Mr; and Mre. A idrew F. Hex's and family Were Sunday visitors at• Goderieh. Mr. an,d, bare ' Jno. Turnbull 'of ;tile For d4 days only„ June 4.4,e to July 8tbi, all 10, -inch double sided _Milverton; called on Mr.- and Mra. 7750. Victoria• recorder for 55e,,tCe1no U. L. Albrecht on .Salt it lay. early and, have fire; choices'.11 " Mrs. W4 R. Major of Toronto is we hiave not test what yot`r wean;, visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs =e will get them for you Sales "se L.S ag s Mr. Philipi Sipple, of'Plgeonj Mrs - we i rata, .: r w§ iob�ert, ends July \8tie W" C W v ,Mich,, is here renlenvange aequain- "The. New Outlook" is. the name chosen for the paper Whichisfi tq 'ta nates, For' a. few w► el s, be issued' iii, the intesetsts ,{ifs hte Mr. E. E. -Steele 'left onSatur-. United Church of Canada aper evies,,day for St. Thonntas and Delhi,' ich takes the place of the l?isaby,=` whtrre• he will Spend his Vacation.: terian Witness, the Canadian- ese. • •'14tr. Emil Tleniclrick oft`he Bauble gre.gationalist tend tlrfe C'hriitsian ...Line spent the • week -end with fri- Guardian', at (present published ins:en,d's+ h, Brussels and Wiirgham. connection with the thitee Belli se mations which are united The Zurich Horticulrural .S¢aiety, are doing a( 'great work ' 'tins Summer,and one needs only ;to' gd, through Mill Street i.i,nd see.e.the. immense plots of iflowers grOi g. there and yet too early lin the ,sea- son Th:a town can .feel nreed of -this "beauty ,sfpot ', aenotlaer •plot has ben [started north of the Town Hall, .and will also !goon be in fine shape. " Much credit, / rs' due to Mr. Peter 13aberer, OS. Worthy ili y pa esident of the Society, Re r„Mr. and ,Mrs, H, H, Leibold o'f Ayton spent Wednesday ..lastat the home of the former'e brother, onl the Babylon' Lina: • The (pubile school .pi.enic held at Grand Bend .last Weclnes,clay by Z, P. 'S., ,was w'e'll .,attended in eve ,ery way 'and everything passed, Off finle. Mr .and lefra JY.. Gerber; Mr. and Mrs. J. Erb, Mr. IGIenno eBeehler, Messrs. Chris, Jacoir Schu>axtzentru be %and, Sol,' Beehler• of the Bron - Son 'Line, attended the big Amish IC'onferenre at Zorra, lash' week ,:' . tubo IS ,a tneles'a worker in..;,, -,this ; beautiful cause. a Mr. rand Mts1, R,;;;Earxzr'ov(and Son, Mr. orad: Mrs John stenei and HURON' OLD` ,:B0Y•S PICNIC daughter of Kmcle, Mich., and Mr.Tare` manual picnic of the Huron and Mrs,: Geo, Willert and: farrely Old Bo`y's .4lslskiciation of Toronto of-F''e'txolia )spent Sunday at the will beese1d• in Are•aisi 5 and 6, Ex- hon' of M3 and Mrs/. S. Gieb. hibition. Grounds,and in the TransMrs,. Harvey church 'of Niagara por•tation Bldg. on the afternoon of Falls, and whoan etre' m''ide menti Niagara June 26th, when a full program' of her bereavement; last week, is' 'al games, etc., has been .arranged. rzocing her household effects' to for thetentertainni nt of the old Zurich, having purchased the deed.- 1.* ,bouts ands' girls of the Banner ,CUS h�+ ..4. .M .4 -4+ 'of the 'Dominion. Needless to say. suitable,prizes will be awarded to the successful competitors, and the athletes, both young and • old have been: advised to bring ,along their running togs. Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT The 'following is: the Lower iSchool report for Zurich Schon. iCourss consists of 8 'subjects - Botany, Zoology, Physioggrephe Grameaar, Arithmetic, Art. History Geography. Average of 56 marks demanded on each. subject. Nam- es in order of rnerit, Sr.. V -Idella Hownld, Helen Foster, Luella Farwell., Evelyn De- cleanse, Kenneth Koehler, Leonard Prang, Claude Meiclinger, Anth ony.Regier, Austin lIny, Botany. Jr. V -Vera Kalbfieiseh anti Victoria Deiehert 6 subjects;Rus- aleen Sararas, Martha. Heidemn, Gladys Moliek, Myrtle Weber, Ag - 'nes Deitrich, Hazel Bedard, Mac1- eline 'Ueliiian and 1Vlarcella Farnell on 5 sebjoetsf. Principal AUCTION SALE . OF HOUSEHOLD • 'EXPECTS AT ,,ZURICH, on, SATURDAY, JUNE, 2.tth:, 1925, at 200 o'clock ,., ,p4m. Cook stove, heater, stove pipes, "4" i +.it'ehen cabinet, sideboard, bureau I bsd (lonasuite, 2' iron bads; 2 e. �4 l 41 4 V+++,++++.44++ Springs', 2 mattresse,i dre. r, 2 wash, stands, extension table, kit- chen table, sink, organ, 6 dining. room chairs rocking. chair, a quantity of fruit, crocks, 3 dozen sealers, 8• -day clock, carperts, lin- oletrans, .some plana$'s and lumber, quantity' of ,wood, hanging lamp, lamps, tubs, „kettles dishes, pie plates., Raymond drop head 5•e117- ing machine almost new, and num- erous other articles( TERMS -Ali .sums of $10 and un- der cash.; over that •amount 6 month's, credit tvi'll be given on ap-. proved 'note's;. MrsJeffrey ?ropri,eteteSs Oscar Itleippa Atl,tienleerk king • property owned by Mr. W;:. F. :Braun;, at ths' south end of the village and we welcome her ae a •citizen of Zurich. Hilisgreen re -opening miniver - eery services were held on, ,Sun- day'afternoon'. The church now stands' for thirty year's and it was, freshly painted and decorated,and is a credit to the s'oiall congreb atio'nt. After the dedication in the afterntoon by Rev. R. A. Lundy,_ Rev. J. E. Hogg, of Clinton had charge of the _services' and deliver ed two powerful addresses. The musical part of the . programme was: assisted by Misses Vera and' Leila Siebert ,and Miss, Ida Rout- ledge of Zurich. BROWN-SIEMON An interesting niatrimo pial ev int took place at Port Elgin on Saturday June 13111, when the Rev., G. I+'. Brown united in marriage, Miss -Luella, Si rneei, dangleter of Mr. an�d`'Mre. Conrad Sion -con of Hay Tn•rvnehip and Mr, Garfield Bream;, 'son of Mr .Jacob Brown;, of Zurich', The happy 'bridal couple hate arrived in Zurich where thee, will reside, as Mr. Brown is one of enichi`s popular business men being a, shoe merchant. The Herald jails their many friends in extending 'congratulations. AYOTTE-JEFFREY ,A very halrpy event was cel- ebratlecl in the R. C. Church on Tuesday morning .tine 23rd,, when Rev. Father A, M. Stroeder united in :the Holy 'Bonds of matrimony Mrs. 'Celina Jeffrey of Zurich and Mr Christ, rerotte of Kinde, Mick. The neinain,d•er of the day to rasp spentby the happy bridal party. ar tithe-•honire ofthe bride's, and in tthe evening were tiepenad."d by the younger element with a int of uselees noise and: ratt,�eling this iwaS however followed kap by ,r few livelyselections by the Zurich. Jti,bilee Band, 'which 'week much appreciated, The 'evening Was Vent in ars eujoiyabie Way. Mie arid' Mre, Ay'ott will reside on the ;groom'si home at Kinds, ,Mich., w•h- e»e they ha`q - the best *ishss 01,E a holt .o$• Zurleh ifriei d% THERE; IS A. COLD :J)AY COM- ING. The present agreexnent ,be- tween the miners and •the lilixre• Own(erisl 'expires #, on the 3/4 02 August. ' There may and :pay not. be ,a Strike, but tae prepared„ Prices -are poor at:',bOtt orn, fill -':up your 'bins with -the bestt coal, Gen- uine ;Delawareand„ Hudson Anth- racite nth racite direct from, the xnineis, It make's -warm Friande. , Egg,- Stove and Nut size. , SOFT COAL Thrit highest grade, the " .bese unexcelled' for domestic and. thr- eshing .purposes, Genuine Lehigh Bullets and High Grade Coke. Cars.te1on. HENSALL O.NTi Phones -Office 10w.Rouse 1.0.1 fecfric WE 'SPEC'ALIS:E .1N WIRINGOs. LET TTS'- GI''l,F' . YOU AN :ESTIAI.�,TE, 'ON W f [11'C ; YOUR l0USE.. GARAGE, BARb4r a`• 'ETA • 000X,;:WAs. , z. Orr A aD TOAD W%fi'lI Ani o WE CARRY' 9.N • 4.SSORTMEN"ke •'.- O,F ELECTRIC STOVES, ' • .FANS, WASHING MACHINES, 'H01";PL-• ,ATES, TOASTERS, IRONS, 4/Mee CL, -WAVERS, LAMPS, ETC, fess&So t44.***i**r*i4* • Seasonable Horse Good. A • lust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Home e Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Ruge) price Ranging froree $7.00 ,to - •11;Ni & SAVE MONEY BY•; GI VING ITS A CAL( . • A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always ou h'an'd. aClub ` Bags, Suit Cases • and '1reeks at Right Prices. • HARNESS REPAIRING A. SPECIALTY *4*** +w. *•*•••♦•••••••••••••s• m, ,a. m, 4.e44> 1 spesessesa.*P s essesssse•as•, eta 4 PROiriR ' 1i t ' 4' * 4' 44: 74 4- 4k 4' 4 H 4' 4- ,p *+ 4- 4 +F+ .a. 4. 4- 4' * X4,44.1 3. 3'^Y k•4.+++++++1.4.* 44+4.444.4.4+444+444441.4444 liable, Footwear At Prke:s that save you Money Aliases Patent 2 Strap Slippers, Rubber heels size 11-2 $1:95 Misses Pat and Oxi. rubber heels size 11 to 2, . Childs Pat 2 -strap, slippers low h:eei's, :siz.eis 8 to 10;1 at -__---$i.65 Infants pat. slippers 'size 2 to 7% at .,r_ -. $1,25 �a Woizrens Pat. Tie, Cuban heels, a few- left at $2.95 Growing girls light tan end pat, 'slippers, Murray at $3,95 Wino, 1 strap Pat.slipper, low heel, size 2% to 77_-, ___ -_-_._ $2.50 Men's heavy work shoes at P $2.85 $3.5o Greb's Work shotes, No. 1 grade tan and black pr. ._• Women's, canvass 'slippers, leather -spies at ALL OTHER LINES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS 95e O. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 4.44++++4++4+••++++4++4++4++$+3++4 44.4 4 4S 4.4++4 4+4++4++4+++¢+4+4++4+••+++• ^4^Tr•44094';+,. The 'Quality Store It will be to our mutual advantage if you will call and see our well assorted stock Stock of Spring and Summer Goods in all the lines we carry NEW GOODS COMING ALL THE TIME, INCLUDING DR GOODS, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS Ola ALL KINDS, HARN- ESS REPAIRS, NEW GARDEN SEEDS, ROOT SEiEDS, ANI) sOR GHUM, AND WE EXPECT OUR FIELD CORN SEED IN SOON And would advise our Customers to place their orders early as good seed will be hard to secure. You will find our prices, right. Watch our Bargain Counter. ;anality and Wit-• vice is mar motto. RM :DOUGLAS aeNE'RAL dillEROHANT PHONE ii -SiL„A, 'E