Zurich Herald, 1925-06-18, Page 8e oce fiCe Curtain and Drapery Materials Fine ,.Net curtains, 2 piece, i Regular 60c, yd. for I 48c 55c Fine Serim , Regular 60c. a yard for 45c Madras, 1 yard wide, sp• eial at per year'.` b I 35c 1Vlargriasette in Rose, Brown, or-ange, suitable for side drapes Regular 35c. yd, for ... ..........�_27c, 5 pieces curtain scrims, your ownchoice at per yd FiheSwiss Curtains, Reg. a pairRegular $44.90 for ....,. Marquisette curtains', Regular per pr, 1$3.00 for Frilled curtains at per pair .., „-.,... Fine !Scrims} Regular 85e. a yd. for Voiles and Muslins .25c $3.90 12',50 $1.00 22 pieces of Voiles., Organdies, and Sport Muslins at lea's than half price all the different colors and designs in the lot priced from 25c • I , to 48e. a yd. WALL PAPERS @i GOOD SUPPLY STILL ON HAND. WE ARE SELLING NOW AT REDUCED PRICES TO CLEAR. NEW GOODS FLAT CANRON CREPES IN FASHIONABLE SHADES SUCH AS ROSEWOOD, SANDALWOOD, BEIGE, SAND, HENNA, AS WELL AS t , ,BLACK, GREY AND BROWN. BROADCLOTHS IN STRIPES OR PLAIN COLOR EFFECTS. A SHIPMENT OP FUGI SILK, BROADCLOTHS JUST ARRIVED. SEE THEM. 'SEEDS SEEDS 0.1ZANGEL AND TURNIP SEED IN LEADING VARIETIES. A LIMITED SUPPLY OF SEED CORN, SORGHHUM AND MILLET, SEEDS J. GASCHO,& SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurieh's Garage Gas, Ods, Greases. Tires, Tubs; Repairs GENUINE :FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS V. S. L. BATTERY AF IN NEED OF A. BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO $tEPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO .AC- ETYLENE WELDING. r; l ( I ! 1 ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE • 1i. Nlousseau Zurich eseseesi•••S••S•••••••••N••••••••••••essee e•••• • • • = SPRING TIME! • We have received a full and C0111-• plete line of Brushes, Oil, Turps, Lead, Sherwin Williams paints, 1 Varnishes, Stains, Fillers, Enamels 1 and Auto Paints. All these are the old reliable paints at right prices. II IN FENCING 3 u• 2 ,144 • 2 Ite t• 2 WE HAVE THE GENUINE FROST LIGHT LOOK WOVEN FENCE, DON'T BE MISLEAD BY INFERIOR GOODS CALLED UST THE SAME :OR JUST AS GOOD, AS EVERY ROLL OF. FROST PENCE HAS ITS FROST WE HAVE IT. ALSO BARB 'WIRE, . STEEPLES, BRACE WIRE, ETC. GET OUR PRICES ON CORRIGATED GALVANIZED IRON : ROOFING, COUNCIL STANDARD AND ORDINARY AT RIGHT PRICES. WE ARE THE ROOFING EXPERTS TIRES! • • • • • • • • • • • At the HAT S PPE, Zurich .,-..� .. IN ORDERT.' ,TO DISPOSE OF OUR ENTIRE ,STOOK OF MILLIN- ERY, ETC., WE ARE OFFERING THE PUBILO OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT PRICES THAT ARE SO LOW AND ATTRACTIVE THAT IT WILL MOVE OUT ,QUICKLEY. BE ON'THE JOB, COME EARLY AND GET BEST C'HOICE, OUR,.:. STOCK NEVER LOOKED AS ,GOOD AT THIS TIME .OF 'THE YEAR, AND YOU CANNOT AF- FORD, TO MISS THIS®OPPORTUNITY; , t t Hats selling regularly at $6,75 and $6.50, now go at .... ... $3.95 A fine line of Children's hats, suitable for School and play 50c, 25c' 'Ceeneage Hats, ireigul'ar at $5.00 must go at ..•.,....$2.00 We have many more similar bargains that space ''ill not allow us!' to numerate, ,All we ask you is to eoma& ,and see for !yourself. . DON'T MISS : 'THIS ` SALE Vera1/ Siebert ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. F. C. Kelbfleisch is visiting in Detroit. Miss Ethel Hess is ,holidaying, at Saltford Heights and Goderich. Mrs. .Julius Thiel has' returned to her home after her recent ill iwea. \ , Mrs!, g Fas!sold of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. Josiah Geiger. • Mr .and Mrs. Wm A. BalkwilI of Exeter announee the marriage of their daughter Dorothy Isabel b Mr. Melville Cecil Milliken -of Zur- i ich, The wedding to take place the latter part of this month. . The County Court and General Sessions of the Peace opened en Tuesday last fat Goderich before Judge Lewis,-- Three cival casesof the docket were all postponed and the action against Wnii Nesbitt, of Morris township charged with cut- ting the ,tires of Inspector Pel - low's car at Blyth about a month ago, is "being proceeded with be- fore a jury which brought an a a erdict of not guilty, Jn the local Police Court on Monday last Walter Miller of, Hay Tp. wlas fined $200 and co;std. for having spirits unlawfully ,the fine being imposed by Magistrate Reid under the In- land Revenue Act. • • ••• 0. • • • • • s 0 • • • • • • 0 TIRES! i• WE HANDLE THE OLD RELIABLE GOODYEAR AND GOOD- 0 RICH TIRES. • PRICES ON ANY Y : N OF THESE EQUAL TO ALOGUE PRICES IN ANY SIZES, FABRIC, CORD OR 13AL-'I 0 LOON. • ,• FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, SEEDS • AND GRASSES. ' . STADE ' ' & ' WEI DO i Z U iC� : •itioio•l••••••••••4941•••l •••••••a•••••••••••••4•••••• 1 Dashwood Mr. Wilbur Ehlers has returned to Detroit after 'spending several months with his parents. Mr .and Mrs. G. Powell and Mrs. Kibler of Thedford. visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan on Sunday Mrs. J. Guenther spent last we- ek in Mitchell and New Hamburg Mr .ancl Mrs. NV!, Graybeil of Woodstock vi!4,tied ,with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graybeil over the we- ek -end, Mr .and Mrs Geo. Edighoffer and Mat and Mrs. Lloyd ;Edighoffer of Mitchell .were Sunday visitors, here. Mr .and Mrs. L. Zimmer of St. Agatha visited lin town on Sun- day;. Mrs :Czar Steinhagen of the Canadaian Bank of Commerce, Wo- odstock, is holidaying at his home here. Mr .and Mrs S. Ireland of Str- atford 'spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs: E. Tiernan, Mn E, Hiller of St. Louis is holidaying at his home. on the 11th Icon;. t Z• There will be nio !services( in the Lutheran church on Sunday owing to, the absence of the \minister who is conducting services at Linwood. Rev .Dunlap, returnee' Mission- ary from China gave an interest- ing Address in the Evangelical ch- urch on Sunday eveniing. DIED SOUTH OF DASHWOOu The death of Leo ,Dietrich took place at his home south iof Dash- wood on, Sunday morning. The deceased wast in his 35th year and hae been •ill for some time. Be- sides his bereaved wife he is sur- vived by eigh tchildren, his mother three \sisters and seven brothers. The funeral .was held, on Tuesday morning to the Mt, Carmel cemet- ery and was largely attended, BASEBALL A league ,game of ,baseball was played on the local diamond last Thursday eve. between Zurich and the Dashwood nine, It was a win for our boys, the score ,being 5-2, Mervyn Tiernan was, in the box fon Dashwoodchgd .nn d a r pitched t very y steady game allowing the ,Zurich Sluggers only throe widely 'scatt- eyed hits, and struck out mix me,n He got into trouble in )the seventh and 'his brother Lorne came to• his rescue and immediately struck out they fust \,hatter to face lhiyn, the ;m;9xt batter• grounded otu to ;short and the game vitas over. c,, Gascb.o, the • Zurieh piteher.:(,str- tick out ton men bbt 'Ayes. bit freely h the fourth and our boys put acs LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs •..._., 2125-28 Butter per ib. 35 Potatoes per hag c,,,• Dried apples lb. Oats Baxley Pitcktvheat 80 Flour cwt. •4.00' to 5.25 Wheat1,45 Shrots !per tont : _._. L. 34.00 Bran pear ton 30.00 Hogs 12 it, • 8c 50 80 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over $27,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losses in 1923 to amount of $56,143.20. No 'a'ss- essment during the year and have a balance on hand of $39,000 I G. lioltzinan—Zurich AGOTIV ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND " ALL KINDS OF' FIRE INSURANCE, tf-34 IDR, J E. DUNHAM. DENTIST ANNOUNCES THAT HE ,HAS OPENED •A MODERN DENTAL 'OFFICE AT ZURICH (Over Post - !Office.) OI'EN EVERY DA Y EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT TELEPHONE 134 co* athirele yiunis, enough Ito win the game. The battery for :Dash- wood Was M. Tiemanj sand L. Tie man' and Kellerman; for Zurich, Gaseho'end O'Breirt. • Come out fans and'cheer for the boys 'and encourr>tge them on_ -to victory, ' They need your ,support and as the season gets older they promise to \play good ball. On Thursday evening our boys. jour ney to Hensall and Allay a league game du the Hensall diamond .This will be a good gams aai these two teams are evenly matched, South Huron BIG FOUR League Baseball Schedule May 22 --Crediton, at Hensall Hay 25—Zurich at •Croditon. June 2 -Dashwood at Crediton June 4-Hensall at Zurich , June 11—QZnrich at Dashwood June 11—Hensall at Crediton. June 15—Crediton at Zurich June 18 -Dashwood at Hensall Jt'nne 25 Zurich at Hensall... June 25 -Crediton 'at Dashwood. July 2—Hensall at Dashwood. July' 2 -Zurich at Creditnn. July 6—Crediton at' Heusa'li July 9 -Dashwood at Zurich' July 16—Dashwood a1: Crediton. July 17-Hensall at Zurich July 23-Zurichat Dashwood. July 27 -Crediton at Zurich; July 28-0D s wood at Homan.al. Aug. 6—Hensall at Dashwood Aug. 113—Zurich at Hensall Aug, 13—Crediton t Dashwood. \nig. 20—Dashwood at Zurich. Aug, 21--Hensall at Crediton."' Visiting team provides umpire i't club. Horne team provides um- pire for bases. Two leading te- afn .. jla •'off home and home ga- mes, Teams allowed to draw payers' 'a radious of five miles. • 47111.1r• day, ,i1u.e lath, SEE US- ABOUT Seasonable Hardware AT Reasonable Prices Such as Forks, Moes, Fencing, Gates, Screens, Screen Doors, 'Roof- ing, Etc. This is,the -time' of the year to do your outside painting: REMEMBER WE SELL THE ONLY GUARANTEED 10o PURE PAINT ON TILE MARKET MARTIN SENOUR Some real good Secondhand Furniture and Stoves which we will sell very reasonable. ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE KEPT Ili, STOCK. WE ARE AGENTS FOR 'ME CELEBRATED IMPROVED VAC TUATE CARPET SWEEPER. COME AND SEE THIS ONS AND LET US DEMONSTRATE, GET IN THE WAY 'OE BITYING HERE Mdlick � K�,lb$eisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 1 INSURANCE Auto Insurance INSURANCE `'TO COVER YOUR CAR OR TRUCK ANDI" AND PROTECT YOURSELF IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS INSURING YOUR HOUSE, BARN OR STOCK . Insurance on cars' and trucks can be taken out in following classes ;— • Legal liability for body injuries or death $10„000.00„ one ac- cident and $5000.00 one person. Legal liabitity for damage to property of others, $1000.00. r 1 Collision damage to automobiles Full covering $25 deducted, $50 deducted; $100 deducted. FIRE AND TRANSPORTATION AND THEFT. FOR RATES AND FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO l 1 I I Andrew F. • Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO;,—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERHANt . & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. •TRY VS ON YOUR NEXT JOB. H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH — ONT. JOHN ' 4 Drugless Practiou-i eer and Optician. EXETER Phone. 3 AT WA1PER HOUSE, ZURIQI Every Tuesday, 10 a.m., to 4 p:aw. 4 4'r 4. +1+ 4. 4 • ••• • ••• •• HERALD OFFICE. k w�o You Know?ga' THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR -SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN StPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDINNI INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENT . THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; S"IhATIONERS, ,'SUES AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND' STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MAU'iFACt URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SU]!- PLY ANYQ 'UA TITY AND SIZE OF C$ECK Booics T:ATWECARRYIN WRITI NG PAPERS, E Nv OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON ON e TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM SPT- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT ROOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. • THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARYSIZE INE`` SO . E t WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PRN INK FOR Sc. I,A$0i- '• GER QUANTITIES. AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS TI.IAT WE PRINT POSTING RILLS, AUCTION SALE POS. "*• 'ERS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY , 6+401. ' eT+++,1'E,4.4,40 IN4.14'6+++8++iso+s4i410 R44 ^R^!E' M+'0 ++++*+ Jrriu