Zurich Herald, 1925-06-18, Page 4have been '`� 7� ,. c ��. ox�tecl for this district to sell the New Superior line of CJTEV]Et OLET AUTOS If ;yor are considering a new car be u sure and call on me for a demonstrat sox and prices: John Hey, Jr., Zurich 1 ' ails+' * ... DON'T GAMBL: WITH WOOL!.. Buy Your Togs at WUERTll'S. 'Where yoti take No chance. Where every inch of Material displayed* is. GUARANTEED DEPENDABLE IN EVERY RESPECT t e O SHRINKING, SAGi;Ii' , RA' GINu OR BAOGINu ?YOUR MONEY IS ;NOT OURS JNTIL YOU ARE SATISFIED, E. E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich Men's Furnishings WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM. HERALDPRINTING THE OFFICE ADVERTISIN3• RATES leaned Wednesday: noon from .the la advance; $9.00 may be charged If Jot SO paid. 17. S. eubscriutie UM $1,75 strictly in advance. No paper . discontinued >2nti1 all ar- ',ears are paid unless at the option ear the publisher. T1ue date to 'which every subscription is paid to denoted on the label. Miscellaneous articles of not leisoliv than five lines, For Sale, TQ Bent, or ,W amted, Loetr. Found, etc. ..each insertion 25o. ;$.ddrees all communications to Display Advertising -Made known ibEo application. Stray Animal:—One insertion 50e Alaree,inaertions $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sale 'tt for first month, $1. or each sub- sequent insertion, AUCTION . SALES—$2 ' per single Assertion, if, not over five inches in length. adt ibecription Terms; $1.25 per year Card of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50c. not- . and Legaladvertising r, :Local g lib ekes, reading matter, 10e a line for ▪ 11irut insertion and 5c . per line for N.N. 'Mach subsequent insertion. Professional Cards not exceeding C ;$ inch, $5 per year. THE HERALD ✓ HILLSGREEN A Grand re -opening services will ▪ Ile, held in the IIillsgreen church on ► unday June 21st. At 21.30 p. nal. ► rand , 7.30 p.m. Rev. J. E, Hogg, ;40f 'Clinton will preach. Special ti-_usic for the occasion. Also 'so- p. aerial offering to meet the cost 0 -tat: re -decoration. Public con ti - nutty invited to all of these services, Mancini d lintels ,have until the 'Vali. of July to complete then • r�.emises for the sale of 4.4 beer t Area otherwise ordered by the in- .12Speletor. • Canadian Poet office officials rrGhive' been informed by the United ' tastes' postal department that it ' -bcomply with the regulations, un - SCHOOL FAIR DATES IN HRUON COUNTY Sept. 19—St( Helens!. 4 pept. 10—Wroxefer Sept. 11—Bluevale. Sept. 12—Ethel. . 'Sept. 14—Walton s. Sept. 157Fordwich Sept. 16-Belgrave • Sept. 17 -Ashfield Sept, 18—Colborne Sept. 21 -ZURICH 'Sept. 22—Varna Sept. 23r Goderich Sept. 21—Blyth Sept. 25—Grand Bend Sept. 26—Dashwood; Sept. 30=Crediton tOet. 1Winchelsea C ' !Oct. 5-Hensall Oct.' 6—Dublin t Oct. '' 7 & 3—Clinton- CREDITON The. ,!!methodist Sunday School are holding their annual picnic :to Grand Bend on Wednesday, Juric 17th, Sorry toear l n that t Mrs: D. 11IeIsead is undert he doctor's are and :hope ,for her Speedy recov- ery, Mr .and Mas. J .A. Humble of Sarnia 'spen to few days the past week the guests of Mr ,an,d Mrs; Ed. .Fahnler. Mr .antd 1Ylttsi, Hy. Ragman and Roy Baseman of Monkton were ,visitors .at the honie of Rei-. W'.Y, Dreier and D. Oestreicher. Chas. Tticty of Listowel is mov- ing his 'furniture into the village, having purchased the house for- merly owned#•by Mrs, Thos, Year- ley,. Mrs. Mattew Morlock has return ed to the hone of Mr .and MVIre J H. •Iioltztn.art after 'spending several rnon;ths: w ith relatives ` in the States. . The !big %Voruene Missionary 1Con.v'ention is in full .swing ' this week, •startin.g:on Tuesday a evening On 'Wednesday eve at 45 youn people's' rally will be herd with Mrs. A. IS. Oxessman of Waterloo presiding. A pageant w°ill be given and addresses by Miss Vera Switzer and Mrs. Stamen, of Nap- , vi le. Thursday morning at 30 business ses;;ion, afternoon at 2.15 among other things an .address by Mrs. Stamen. Thur'sclay even- ing w g at 7.45 installation of officer' awarding banners, address by Miss Ilaaenflery. The Crediton choir till sing on Wednesday and Eliurs ay evening, 1 -Miss' Easily Graft, olois t, Hanover, will Sing :a ,nuns- er Cie"" wL'lect.one, �ti+will be' necessary from May 1st; to 9 ` taiee dale rate :ot't parcel pont be'- -.ween Canada and the United St- t hay - )hag to 14 !cents: a pound, i )hag beton previously 12 cents' a� ; intend, Th.ts rate appll(esi to par t l.:s marled in Canada a.dres'seit furl Wiltdivery in the U.S., and when :iia- j d a"1 s 1 in that country addressed for( s i( iivt a'y in C+d,uac1a + b A:. • 1 HENSAI.T Miss Rala.l has been engaged in nursing at Grand . Bend, ' Clarence Shepherd, of the :Sank of Montreal staff, Hanover, is home on holidays,. Mr's!, Frank Hroton visited relate, ves in Stratford. A. L. Case has' 'purchased :a'new Essex ooaeh . + 1 , ,C Mrs. G.0. Petrty; 'Gladys; Jim McDonald and Jiacic �Stea,cy took in the ;Detroit excursion, ti\Ttax, iliorto'nf Detroit, spent ,a few clays at hiis, home 'here. Mrs. G C. Hassell nand daughter Eleanor, of Chambersbinig,, Pa., are visa ing Mr .a:ad Mrs' Ja's, .Pattersn•) Mrs..Cholloe, formerly Mis's `'Ola Cook, of �Lo sAngles!,, Cal., is. here.. to spend the summer with her: p .parents, Mr, and Mrs; C. Cook. Thos. McMillan:, the Liberal can- didate ,is spending a time amo ag the electors west of town. and in 'S'tanleyl Pp., he is starting early. in his political campaign. Louiis, arid Russel' MaKay of Tor- onto and London respectively, are home fort he summer vacation, Mrs. Eisen of Moose iJaw, Sasl4, formerly Mrs,, W{ Currie is here'vi!s- iting her ,many. relatives, she has been absent for 15 years. s Mary McEwen left here .recently to visit her brothers' in 'Alb. Rev. Mr ,MdConn'ell preached' his farewell sermon to his congre- gation on • Sunday morning last, and on Monday evening 'a large number of his friends, met at the church for a ...social evening. They presented the pastor. with'a, purs of, gold and Mrs', McConnell with a service set. O Geiger and sons have a ' very large acreage 01 flax which is looking well an&,,good promises of lots of ietuployrn,emt during the fail. and -winter months, .. Roy Robertson is! gins •week me. - ring into the dwellitie on Brock Street, on, ttlye west' side :of the tr- ack, that ,Jrais. Kilpatrick recently recently purchased • from, Thus. Partner. Peter Mann, one of our much respe t'ed residents passed away in the early !hours of Wednesday morning, he had been in declinin,•g health for the past year or so, but during tho past few months had. bewen very, ,seriously ill and for a number of days (Iliad been quite delirious so •the end was not unex- pected, the funeral was held to Ex- eter cemetery!. The funeral of the.....late John' Doig took plans on Saturday fat- ernoon last sin Tuckeraii(tt,h' Tp he was highly respected and dely known as one of the best far- mers in the 'county, had built or nframad nunrlerous barns for many years 'and was busily engaged in his: 83rd year, right up ttol the time he suffered a stroke while at hi's- saatmill property and from which lie 'seercely became tonst•ious, and ;passed aw,atFyr in just ,a, ,few days. The funeral 'servicesi was conducted by the Rev. Mrs Naylor, p1 , St. Panel's church' • EXETER Mr* J; Witi„niomi of .Duluth is vissting hei�mot{`hor, rMs. L. Hardy A joint mee'tiii,g of the Huron - dale. and Exeter Institutes was held in ,James St, church last Tuesday afternoon, the speaker for the oc- casion west Mrs. Douglas of Dur.. ..lama. 1 i Mi .and Moss. Percy Rowe `tif Saginaw, Mieh „mo'ore'd o er'and anoint a few .days' alt tthe home' of R .N, Rowe. ( , H, Bowers, 111.A,, teacher in the .H.S,. has recured from the Toronto Univ,els,4ty the degree of Baehlor. of Pedagogy.. , ,r Mrs. Samuel Smith of the Lon- don Rd. died Saturday evening last the h• result • tof being hooked by a cow while stn the act of milking Mrs!. .Snrlt'th was iinethe open, ad- joining the stable and had Bust seated htersielf preparatory to 4lirlking a Jersey cow that had been in the !'aril!* for years.a,n'd ,vhich was considered 'a pet, ,N‘ hen the animal turned •on her \and lif- ted hes.' on, its horns(, injuring her in,ternally. The deceased was in her 72nd. year. Last Sunday morning, While W. Walken of Exeter North, was pre- paring for ,church he was sti'ick•- .,a' with a paralytic stroke, his left aide being. affected: He lost con- •trol, of his loft limb and is at pr- esent ,confined to his bed, a,ncl is impro&ing ' :slowly. The remains of the late A'luilla '4anaing were brought to Meter from Evanston, ,Ili., for intern -Ina nerve. He was an Exeter old boy having been born in Usborne Tp. He was unm'a�rried, and died on Jun, 3rd, agsd 61 yeatu, 2 months and 13 dayisl. t• A +shadow of gloom was east o- the community on Saturday ning last when it was learned Mrs,, ,Leslie T Rutherford, e of the :accountant at the C'an'- Can- n Bank as Comaneree, had ac errtly shot and killed her+s'el£.Mrs herford''s :sinter, who resvirides, them'cv ` a was, vis•tt � n at z„ one Of ryeighbo.r;a ;and on her return to five o'clock i the evening. incl sister p(otetr. ate on the The day previous she ac. panned a number of 1adids -to Gran Bend. • She wag +antieipat- sne'r ave that wife adia cid Rut with t the abs faun floor mina CTra ing a visit from tWo: rrie es, from tlb Ottawa and it is thought ;that she e.1,.a lining a revolve#' Prior to tutting it (away-01ta.t of ]rehash of r , girls. who were eoaning, when.. it discharged, the bullet locl,ging.in her heeet. ,Mr, and Mrs!. ;;t3uther fow•d cam's, to Exeter last July, 10.1- lowing the !closing. of the Dash- 7vood branch, wham Mr. Riither+- ford was, manager. Bothe Nvere 1eld in high esteem STEPHEN COUNCIL. at" A 'special meeting -of the Coun- cil of the Town�ship of Stephen met in the Clerk'» Office, .Crediton, en Thursday 'evena(ing, Jeune lith at <'8 p m, All' members, were present. Tenders. for the "construction of The Walker Municipal Drain were opened. Mayes—Goetz--That Jos.+ep'h Law son be awarded the contract to 'construct The Walker ;Municipal Drain according to the plans, pro files and" specifications prepared by Gee,. A. McCublbin, OL/,S. fortlie suns of $2990.92 Th3 work to be completed by the lath of next Oat ober and that the _contractor g. vie his Bond 'for the duo completion of thio same. The following orders were pas- sed; it Prov. Treas. Hall Liceriae $3.00 Lorre Hill, pt gravel contract Bila, 2', Rd, 3, 11.00; Jas Willis, const and rep rd.3 6,00; Henry Shienk, drag ging blk 3 and 14 rd. 3, 11.00. The council adlournned to meet agairl:' in the Town Hall, rerediton, on Monday, Jul 6, 1925 'at 1 n,anl, Henry Either; iC1grk, 1 ere and'here It is estimated that over 50,000. acres were sown with corn in Al- �berta in 1923, as compared with only: 1,000 acres in 1919. This is a good indication of how rapidly corn culture is increasing in Western Canada in connection with mixed farming operations. 41, All previous records of Canadian freight transportation were broken when a solid train -load of automo- biles reached the Pacific Coast from Windsor, Ont., over Canadian Pa-. cific lines recently. The distance of 2,932 miles was covered in seven days, or exactly 169 hours and 20 minutes, The train, which consisted of 40 cars, each containing 6IFord automobiles, was more than a third of a mile long and was handled on practically passenger schedule. , The splendidly sound position of the . Canadian Pacific Railway is well shown in the annual report for the fiscal 'year ended December 31st, 1923, which has just been issued.. The gross earnings of the Company for the: year were $195,837,089.61, the working expenses $158,358,- 079.54; Sind the net earnings,. P7,- 479,010,07. • A large party of Scottish farm- ers, ploughmen, . farm workers and their .families, is' expected to arrive at Montreal ,in June. The party, which " will sail on the Canadian Pacific steamer "Marburn," will be conducted by the Scottish repre- sentative of the Canadian Pacific Department of Colonization and De- velopment. 4 Alberta has maintained an aver. age yield of spring wheat of 19=/4 bushels per acre over a period of twenty-six: years, according to a; chart prepared by the Department of Agriculture. In addition, winter wheat has averaged over the. same period 20.19 .bushels; oats, 35.79 bushels; barley, 26.10 bushels; rye„ 18.84 bushels. and flax, 8.71 bushels. COUNTY NEWS. A large, amount of excitetuent- is 'created. around �1 to ha m the Wing ham �k r week z lti ti I>: , 'with t1' t o bandits ,� ho ar.) robbing tills as' well 'as other articles an -d steeling auto's. Num - arous constables' have b'eene 'sum- nenccl to the ,sone, and on Sat- urday were, captured •and proved, to be.two ar,dianfa�, John Zarwsli, ' who since Christ man has been 'employeed with N. Towne, Lrsborne was prostrated by- tho-heat on. Fi•iciay last while plant ing pota;toe's, and died a few hours later, , Stanley Tp. road master, John Ra.thwell is having :the road wid rued on the 4th con. This. is quite necessary as the cher traffic, ; •de- mands wide roads. Mr. and: Mrs. John Schoenhals Clinton, • announce the :engaged-- '+nitof their, daughter, Resells lVlar- 4 av: t, to Edwin C. Nickl+e, (son of Moe. •N Niekle all of `C1iptton. 'The marriage takes place; this month. • Decenden'ts of the Moon fam- ily held a - picnic It Grand Bend on Saturday last 'There were a- bout 125 present being there from differerrlt pants incluc"ling London, Detroit, Lansing; Thedford, Park hill and Exeter, TheB , Moon fam- ily settled` near' Toronto and ,stat - tared froth there,. The death occured inn t0iinton oxo, Saturday last of Albert 'Trooper, following., a: long illness he, ., was born in +Centralia, but had been a resident of Clinton i'Or the greater part' of hes lite. For '24 years he was rep-, of the Marr'fg. •T.,ite. T7�aboru:e:;lost Daae of its mai.' prominent' risen on .Tued:ay in the nees'on of b.''ved Stewart' who pas -:301 away ,al; Wein tags: of 52 years, 3' na antthl% and olay:•a.° for over Via. YoaT,l�. he was t rotibtacl .vii b, rinun+a.t tis: from 'wb1ie1 her ,ew ,aria;dai- a1lY twee ter,, hie was, ,a Joiner faa� ;rker Etnd. tar Some ye«art Was a mom bar of the lishorne .eoa veil. Geo'. M, Elliott. of •God+eric a, Oh- 'ildren's. .id' Officer, is iarveatE;igla,tiing 'th;r :+calsis ,o a 15 -y4 -Old Jad who `hanriaday arl,j ,e 10th, 1oo2i Was caught by Albert Foxtora q near Winglaasa, us . he returi'aed to tiro •ehureh shed with as horse and braggy owned. by Poxtos. 'Ef,e , horse waspin bad .:shape baviu �('� been driven( hard and its, ,ni'outta was badly !injured with the bit and it was :the seconfl times th's, horat hard been,. takes. t wraliViiiiWWwwwwwiiwik440-416441Q17 ,h'Sto-ro INSECTICIDE We have a reliable Stock of Inecticic1es of all kinds,. Paris Green, Arsenate. of, Lead Bordeaux Mixtures Blur Stone, Insect Powder, "1"' illeIlebre3Moth Balls, Plyfox JPlypads, Tanglefoot, Oil of 1 Cedar Toilet Preparations, Patent Med- icines, School Supplies, Stationer 1 Photographic. Supplies. a� Dr, A. J. MacKinnon, Zurieb mwwwwwwwywwwmpth\v„ • • 6e6gUIMPSf9t�eleO6•060000 o 00000) PBeellt506�S6f6A®bb1,00y A rl 0 SEEDS! SEEDS., 1.: 1 W are receiving our Spring Ship.. A ments of Seeds -such as: Clover; ,;aa�;.. Timothy, Alsjke, Sweet Clover, ete. I: g WE .HAVE IN STOOK A LIMITED SUPPLY OP REGISTERED - •• BANN HEED OATS, MANGOLD 'AND TURNIP SEEDS • • at ASLO„SORGHUM AND MILLETT SEED lb its WE ARE ALSO TAKING ORDERS FOR ALBERTA COAL FQR * MAY $HIPM.ENT•S.- PUTUF,I2Ni OP MOUE AND FEED, STOCK AND POULTRY ODS+ • FOODS :ALWAYS O V' HAND ALSO RED ROSE TEA ,ems, ; w OUR ;SEED UOEN HAS ARRIVED AND HAVE A GOOD SUP•. I. to PLY ON AND. SEE OUR"S .BEFORE MAKING ANY PUR- i'is ^ • i , , , CHASE. , dl0 i Lour blibe m Zurich ,: 0 660046046496m4669®6 MYaa 'k���411®!®6®0@®bs6®!s®0t9660®ti•1 u GARAGE - GASOLINE Our Garage is .again doinga big business with Peter Kropf as Mechanic GASOLINE --We would consider it *,:poor policy for anyone to put . , in � sup— ply gasoline at - the present prices; when they,are at the highest ghest peak. L,.1S1T YE+AR"` r' ATTHIS:,rt3EASON GASOLINE WAS RETAILING A 32c. A GALLON, AND IN A PEW MONTII OUR' ADVICE IS DON'T � S IT DROPPED TO Nei. T!P WITH HIGH PRICED GA • ' BUT FOLLOW THE GOOD OLD WAY OP BUY -AS -YOU -NEED. NEIZID WE' HANDLE A lffNE LINE O,PHARD �'URN�►�°?iTS WARE, SUCH AS • ST!O►'i'r?S ' ;' , BATTERIES, FORKS, SHOVELS THING YOU AIRED. , A ND ALMOST 1sll�il}'y: . , ()if, Grease Tires VitE LI. PROW' C.A ''(�'� ^^., �, t�, , 'I:'ALbG�UES AT Ap V'1),It.Y SMALL M,'A.RC�I17� �j'.�.... . PIPING ALI, SIZES. L PRANG •