Zurich Herald, 1925-06-18, Page 2„n. r-1.'„�-I Tht Autorn obii CARE AT DUSK WILL CUT TOLL OF ACCIDI'; NTS. It ie said, that "regulatian of street traffic's was one of the dues iudus- triously performed by Marcus Aurel- ius Antanious, Emperor and Commis- sioner of Public Safety of the Roman Empire, A.D..,161. Ever since those ancient days -traffic has been getting .heavier and heavier until now it would seem that the point of traffic saturation has about been reached. But there is a big ,difference in re- spect to volume of fatalities that oc- cur in these days as contrasted with Roman Empire tines. Then a couple of chariots might collide with little possibility of any one getting serious- ly .. hurt, Now, however, the man in an automobile is operating• a heavy and powerful vehicle which can read- ily ,become •a medium of considerable mortality. About fifty deaths per day or 18,000 per annum, With 100,000 accidents that deal out no death, only injuries, is the record of auto fatalities in America, The question that must be aswered is "How can these automo— tive disasters be reduced to a mini-. mum?” The answer is not so difficult as is the task of getting folks to see ognize the answer and act accord- ingly. The answer to a large extent is "careful driving." People who oper- ate automobiles must exercise more care if such accidents are reduced. But there is another answer and that is, "careful walking." All the respon- sibility for auto accidents cannot be laid up against the drivers. Some ped- estrians are far more reckless than the most reckless drivers. They co-urt death by the way in which they viol -ate traffic rules. ONE QF CHIEF moues. One of the chief evils which affect the auto accident situation is drunken- ness. Other causes included reckless driving, speeding, under age, violation of highway law, causing accidents, couldn't read signs and wrong plates. If a motorist really desires to avoid accidents let him consider the follow- ing points: In the first place when go- ing driving he should be sure his ma- chine is in first-class condition. That will insure better control in an emerg- ency.: Then he can well afford to drive at a moderate rate of speed. A mo- ment or two saved by reckless speed - the driver and his carout of ematnt s cion for several days perhaps far sev eral months. 'I.lurrying to get 'ahead of a train, a street car or another ve biele saves only a moment or two at the ultimate destination, The gain is not worth the price when there is dan- ger of accident, The best drivers are especially cae- ful at dusk. There is then neither enough daylight nor sufficient artifi tial light to make objects distinguish- able at ordinary distance, Slow up for all' turns in the road, Blind cola ners are dange-When hen it is im- possible to see' what is coining from around the corner be prepared to stop. Sound horn a short distance before reaching the intersection, Use chains whenever there is dan- ger of skidding. Install chains on both rear wheels or none at all. One chain is sometimes warse than none. Drive slowly at bridges. A bad rut or a slang in the road may throw a driver's car against the structure. When attempting to pass another ve- hicle going in the. fame direction start turning out to the left at Least seventy-five feet to the rear. If you get too close your view of the road. ahead is obstructed and you may turn directly in front of acether car con- ing toward you. When you have pass- ed a car da not cut back into the road nae slow down too soon, BE CAREFUL WHEN BACKING. Aiways be careful when backing, Sound your horn; signal other .cars and look back to see where you are going. Mirrors are valuable at all times. Bumpers also have a safety feature not to be overlooked. Clean wind -shields give the driver a clear view ahead. Every car should have a wind -shield wiper which Will pre- vent snow or rain from obstructing the driver's view, When driving, do not attempt to carry an a conversation with others in the car. Small children should prefer- ably sit in• the rear of the car and cer- tainly -they should never be held in or between the arms of the driver. Safe driving demands the full and undi- vided attention of the driver. Be sure to signal when driving toward or away from the curb. The truffle officer liar a -difficult job at the best, and drivers should make 'every effort to assist ing is not efficiency, for :speeding may him. He ie responsible for all accidents result in • a smash that will put both which happen at his station. Do Not Pick the Flowers, Mr.00deli was reputed to be the largest landowner in the country, and it seemed selfish in him to put signs on his fences that read: "Do not pick the Sowers." Surely be ought not to begrudge a few flowers to the boys and girls who loved to wander over his grassy ftelds acid through his flower - in picking' thet and throwing them away withered, but in seeing them growing in their natural surroundings. We want the children to enjoy them, and we-. also want them to thiuk of The late drier justice of British Co- :That's mine," said the judge and, other children who will come rafter lumbia, Sir datthew BaiiIie .i3egbie, taking -a beautiful silver handle from them." combined with more notable ualities 1 bis pocket and screwing it on the grip- u tie, added: "Now 'you .know'.how I �---=� uncontnian shret4dness' and -huiuor in 1 CRI . WO D PUZZLE MOP. ZQNTAL 1—Early form of an insect 5—A kind of • illy, 9. -Gin's name 10—Lacking moisture 11 --Note of the dove 12—Ever .(poet.) 13—Russian national drink 15—Changes In position- 16—An acclamation of praiso to God 21—Sad or evil destiny • 24 --Interjection 25—To have existence 26—A tribe 28 ---in the year of our Lord (abbr.) 30—Prefix meaning "with" 31—Tho bird of peace 83—Bereft, without ;mends 34—sailed 36—Generation 37—Sufflic expressing `quality or state 39—An Inland body of water 42 --Trim, orderly. 43 --Conception, mental ;Image 44—Girl's name 46 --Personal pronoun 47—Latin for "for the sake of ex- ample" (abbr.) 48—Solitary 51—A noted living French philosopher 54—.To move smoothly and eaelly 56—Unmounted, as a gem 55—Personal pronoun 69—Mate child 60 --Soy's name 61—To go wrong 62—Abounds VERTICAL 1—Lead-colored 2 -Unnecessary activity 3--WIreless 4—Hebrew ornament (Gen. IV 19) 5 --Stupor 6—A horizontal surface 7 --Famous Southern general In Civil War 8 -Malicious burning of property 14 -Fourth musical note 17 --interjection 18—Interjection—"Stand as you are!" 19—Province of Canada (abbr.) 20 --Point of.;compass (abbr.) 22 --Possessive pronoun 23—The Virgin Mary 26—To convert from fluid to solid 27—An Insect 29 --Receiver of a glft 30—A small rali-bird 32—A church festival 33—Symbols of Easter 36 ---Definite article 8& --identical 40—A musical direction meaning "slowly" (abbr.) 41—A metal 44—Lacking in weight 45—Racket, row 49—One of various European thrushes 50—A entail hallway 51—Girl's name (familiar) 52—Proceed 53—Without feeling, as If dead 55—To give a deceitful Impression 63 -To make fast, as a rope 57--HIstorleal period HOW to Keep An Umbrella. ! that, althongh of fair quality, had no handle. r the small affairs of life. At a time..keep my umbrella."• B �C as eckie Facts. when many complaints were heard of 'TM presencg,of colpring matter un-.: the theft of umbrellas feasts public Housefor rOur Souls. The Physical Basis. Dr, Jabot, of Harvard, says that b bas spent little time during his nin decades in .thinking about his state .of Mina or body, and be a4Yises your. bleu teat, to Indulge in the Ingrowin. aiad'deleterious habit of introspection 1 is Mind and warrantable counsel Mat we all need to realize is that a good many, major and minor worries dismiss themselves like'a ground finis dispersed by the anorning sun when we and keep the bodily maoiline in ex. cellent repair. Much of 'tate disease of the sou which prbduces morbid and lachry inose mortals is the direct outcome of easily rectifiable physical conditions. The outlook on life is tingued by the way we :feel. Our nerves react to a proper or improper regimen of sleep and food, A roan who gets in a tan- trum and flings his -job, along with a taunt, in the face of his employer may be the victim of maladjustments in his hone life which are not publicly advere tiled. The woman who is dreaded' among her neighbors as having the tongue of a fiend is like a puppet pull- ed by jangling and intertwisted wires, moving her to .gestures and postures that are really not essential in her na- ture. She does .not rule her being; slie is the unhappy creature of a physi- cal condition, and when that is correct- ed, as if by a miracle the trouble. dis- appears. A man travelling amid high snow mountains was moved by their majesty and beauty to a sense of their eternal peace and inimitable strength and felt rebuked by a sense of his own little- ness in the worshipful presence of na- ture. But when he carie to snowfields and glaciers the wind blew down his tent, snow six days on end whirled and whooped about him, the poetry faded out of the landscape. When Shackle - ton's men rowed 800 miles in an open boat across wild Antarctic waters to Elephant Island they lost the beauty of the sea; it became hideous. So our own condition changes the text in our reading of the world. Whether it is a valeof tears or a hill of sunrise depends on our will to be- lieve, our spirit to fool; and the first thing to do is to put under the life of the soul a corporeal substance that is an effective agent.:And even a frail body can be made a remarkably good servant by compliance with the rules of the greatest of games: the thrilling adventure of living a day at a time, though our eyes may contemplate eter- nity. ',lover, Through the Ages,. e Gloves have .a CtlriotlS anecdotags .ef e their own, espoolally in regard to their` use as sy nboIs, Perhaps the fact that zg Y11�oYeS 'Were asst important item In tt;,e a growth al' lit eery during the age of •. chivalry has something to do with their • prominence over all other articles f wear" in regard. ttq symbolic use, Gloves adorne;l wit.it rubies and sap- phlres, and perfumed glover; tepee Spall, were part of the outfits of tits, wealthy people :et an early periu:i in our bes,tory, and stories of the convey - 1 anee of poison, through richly orna- • tweeted gifts of this sort brought with them the ill-omened phrase of "poison- ed gloves," Naturally the poets took an early op- portunity of making a prettier use of this article of apparel, and, "0 that. 1 were a glove upon that hand, that I mighttouc, that cheek!"'was only anc of many coneeite of a similar kind. --.Frani this. it was a short step to tiro granting of a lady's, glove to her aava- Iier- as a symbol of his. •ehamplonship, and the prize of the Queen of Beauty's glove In tournaments. The symbolism of the glove wills used again between men at variance. A coronion way' of provoking an enemy to a' duel was to flick a glove across the fano. A glove, too, was somethnes a mark of fealty between friends. Then there was the custom of flinging down a glove to be taken up in defiance, of which the last retie in' this country was the challenge of the King's Ghatu- pion• to all and sundry at a coronation. Another form of symbolism has passied into our proverbs • with Cox - per's "As if .the world.and they were hand and glove." Again, we: have the phrases about "kig-glove diplomacy" and "kid -glove methods," whieh may be set against that "trailed dist" of which we heard too much. in the first years of this century.. 1 A Smile. A single thought of kindliness, And one small word of cheer, Do mare to help a man along Than preaching for a year. Asdngle act of friendliness,, �"A: bandsbalce, firm anal true, 13o more to help a lame dog on Than most advice will do, besprinkled woods. In fact, he seldom der the skin is not confined to the saw his own Bowers, for. his business places a friend asked him how he assn Make yourselves nests of pleasant Negro or colored races, but is common aged to keep possession of his -a very thoughts. None of us yet know, for - in the city took a1I his tinge y Writ • to all. ' handsome umbrella. with a chased ail- none of us have been taught in early should he deny them to the children? , ver handle, • youth, what fairy palaces we may build To tell the truth, it was Mrs. :Goddess la the darker meas it is, of cottrs�e who. was the utfor the signs. She inneh more abundant,. probably due to i The judge evaded tho question, but of beautiful thought -proof against all been es eager student of botany' the stimulating action of the sun. The a week later they met again in the adversity. Bright fancies, satisfied had her enhaol days. She Int o flowers' pigment or coloring matter is found cloak room of a court. The judge call= memories, noble histories, faithful eay- tn the fourth of thefive layers of skin • ed his friend's attention to the umhrel- passionately and wanted everybody of which the epidermis or outer skin I la rack, which contained hall a dozen else to love them. ; ...hlss. gitntuons tiv � tli t� � •- is composed. !umbrellas of all sort and conditions; lags, treasure -houses of precious and restful thoughts, which care cannot disturb, not pain make gloomy, nor ut just one R ord`of sympathy, With just one sunny smile, square his jaw— And things seem worth his while. —P. N. Hart Scott • Children of . Jewish parents are, as a rule, well fed, well clothed, and,_age for age, slightly ahead of Christian children of the same social class in intelligence. Asa general rule, arts live from as ca. z an ..1t5. It has long been thought that the and asked eBich of them he consider- poverty take away front us,—houses Goodell one afternoon when the con- browning of the skin is due rather to • ed was least likes: to be taken "1i • i ,r eight to ten years, although sIiecfntens. versation drifted to wild flowers. Iles. r y bili:. without hands, our souls to ,captivity have been la the suns light than to its heat. In re -mistake. The friend pointed to one jive in, --Ruskin. thetuft to ;Bath Simmons: bad the reputation of asking age of fifteen, for what she wanted and, true to that cent years it has been prof ed that this reputation, site asked Mrs. Goodell effect is caused chiefly by the ultral. edirectiy: "Why does your husband put violet rays present in sunlight. up those signs? It does no harm to let the children pick a few flowers Sentence Sermons. where there are so many." The Punctual Man—Wastes a lot of "I'm glad you asked the question," time waiting on the tardy ones, said Mrs. Goodell, "for I have long --Usually has good credit at the thought that the signs were misunder- bank. stood. They were put up at nay re- _-Finds it easier to be the master of quest, and not that the children should'I IIs time. be denied the .flowers but rather that —Never mortgages toenorrow's suc they might have them. Flowers that rens io to -day's delays. children pick soon wither in their _Does not con ruse busy -nese with hands and are thrown away. The business. seeds do not mature, and in a little —Makes Takes a better employee thau the while the flowers are gone, The large brilliant man. yellow lady's-slippers that adorned the Soon learns how to eliminate the swampy places of my girlhood ]tone ; non -essentials. are almost gone. The bloodroot, the - wood anemore, the yellow violets and the Dutchman's breeches are fast dis-; Wood in a Newspaper. appearing. ! it takes a block of wood two inches "Unless our- wild flowers are allowed 1 wide. three incises high and four laches to reproduce thentselvos by seeding' long to supply the pulp in a twenty - we shall soon have none. Cattle, tour -page newspaper, •A cord of wood, horses and sheep are thinning 'them i it is estimated. informs 3,600 persons out. The greatest joy in flowers is not of the day's news. IMMINOW Desolation marks this view of Ring's Bay. on the west coast of Spitzber- gen, 630 utiles from the North Pole, where Amundsen's two Seaplanes will take off in their sensational Arctic dash. 'Sentence Sermons. Nothing Worth While—Was ever se- comiplished by watching the clock, --Can be expected of one who is a1• ways telling hard link stories. —Ever resulted from passing the buck. —Is accomplished by the one wbo will not earn more than_he is paid. —Was ever settled by a religious controversy. —Ever needs to be promoted by fraudulent advertising. —re ever gained by,selling out a friend. The Foliy.eof Worry How serenely Nature rebukee the impatience of the fretful worrier. A man planta corn, wheat, barley, pota- toes—or' trees,,' that take live, seven years to come to bearing, such as the orange, olive, 'Walnut, date. etc. Let him ret ever so touch, worry all he likes, chefs and fret every hour; let hint go and dig up his seeds or plants to urge their upgrowing; let him even swear in his' impatient worry and threaten to smash all his machinery, discharge his men, and turn his stock loose; Nature goes on her way, quiet- ly, unmoved, serenely, unhurried, uu- distUebed by the folly of the one crea- ture of earth who is so senseless as to worry viz., man.• --George Wharton James. e- . Origin of..,Ozark. Ozark Is a corruption o£ the French words aur arcs, meaning ':with bows," a terns descriptive of the Indians wbo inhabited the country. Two salesmen niet in the outer of- fice of a prospective customer. The one coming out said: "No use to see him to -day. He is not in a buying mood." The other one ::aid: "White I am here it is my duty to see hhn,' He got the order. Answer to ir,-•t Creek's, puzz'e. tOeTATo o -LAT-rER el R A A.D't PARSE ;'AC'x=•A ELTDE E '; C R{ ROOS l 6 T ��®• L7:. re•. ecE DS ^BACON ':t1 E ',...3111121,g Q ©DOVER-OB4": 4L,'';ORI Pt7TTEO- CLES O5. NO©E ae+mE allaRRED R EC • ,; Te.ART i S T R D T :'• N I ON I {'rEre .'C '.5 E O'' TO._. THOSE ,v1211 R35 `;N •,RESENT M ► i'T'T AND JEFF—By Bud Fisher. ARE, YOt1 DOING? 1 n Yov LITTLC Foot: r+1HA' wAi, T1•ie Mete? ;5 dx �+1 rm etckeeee of et ?un ALONG, MterT: eee 9' •i-SriuEu -;rte Defctie SI pp FLATBvsei`S DoG FreeFreeee GerriMG' KiLLtb ale 0ZFlc: to t: A`% - I AM:s ,0e.*, I'm let Love turtle -` lice; 113 1r icy Loire t S t-totaeLeiS. shells oF teo`iAL StRTI-t WHtLE- 'r'tet ntolesoOec: A iht`T Got` keeeell'ITLe. To eQVGfe t1r~to' "fey • Romance Enters the. Little Fellow's Life. t�pN'T 'Givd'vel • 5o ones`(-•-- T ;era_ MAY, F3.6 IeJYe4 leeb+3A ti'1 `(sate"V 1lUS: Dtb YOU EIJ.P .. Haut ANY or Ycs'jr AleCeSToRS Tt' Aceb `1E 5: 'M Y Unicic'; t e Salla me SOMe i3vM OIL 'SToctc AP1b rt -test 11-eAce•61 D ttiM AS re'AR As CHi.LI AMD T1ioei LOST HWMtoe 0 it *7 1iIt u•rs efteat P. n7, .5i', est e, it 141, 141, aehkr) 7? V R 8: fa tb