HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-06-11, Page 5Maw ay, June lith, 1925 (:SIN ESS) CARDS irof-lEY. ., Jar °TAMES II'arriwter, Solicitor, Notary Public Rate Office on Hamilton Street, Mot on the square, Goderieh. Priv- taasedi to Wan at lowest rates, IOC Where will be in Hensel' on Pr'l:rex+ of each Week, i >"w' V. Hess, 'township Clerk 1111160/1111160/ at marriage liceneee. rk ray Commissioner, litre and ,Aut- 1010001111 In iuranco, Representing sed Erie Mortgage Corpora- * The Canada Trust Co. Enrich, 61111011101, II Knapp, D. LS., L D. S. DENTAL SURGEON': Atli OS+iFICE A-U--T-1-O-N-E- R; r OSCAR ICLOPP 3llraduate Carey M. Jones Nat - 711111011 School of Auctioneeringg. TTr I Vie ler Registered Live tock Breeds). Terms in keeping prevailing prices. Choice Una* for sale. "rill sell anything' • *h" D 8 *hens 18-93 or write, Zurich. HENSALL Licensed ::Auctioneer pteemsed Auctioneer ion Coto cnny re 411 liaroD. In a' po ardles- Ileet any auction sale, g 111 to else or articles to elf not Malta your business; a for, isatidied will make no charges pervi' Arthur Weber, Dashwood. eleae 113-57 �m.... Zurich , Meet MARKET 'Fresh and, Salt .Meats Bolnlxr.•a Sausages, etc lairigheet Cash Price for Wool DASB , FOR' ylt.INS & HIDES, Eckhart 111 'ZURICH LIVERY asste I ,44E .in a position to accomo- aats all iegcirements in the Livery. Ohre. hays Auto' for hire. Any - 'Ulna done in the teaming line. G!AO WE J. THIEL anises $ Zurich G. S. ATKINSON L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST IcET ER, ONT. Phone 3.1 $l:',YFIELD Every Wednesday f'S 1.+,NINGS IN EXETER BY AP- POINTMENT LIVE POU L T R Y. WANTED l ak.a every day till 3 Oclock p,n' De not teed fowl same mornins, When brought In 'Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR--= Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien lhObe 94. Zurilch samFREE TO ORD OWNERS • I1.`O,,INTBODUCE THE ,BENIFITS OF A MAGNETO RECHARGE,, I WILL GIVE ONE QUART OF 'Tuxedo Chatterless Oil WITH ' EACH RECHARGE DUR- ' NG THE ,MONTH OF MAY. PRTCJ $11.00. H. S. W ' IN, - Prop •b.ASIIWOOD MOTOR SERVICE ZURICH i,-1 111.1.? u(JR wan z For Sale, Lost, Fou ar i 1, tV otioe', Etc.Ads ", l I LS COLQMbl FOR SALE A fine well built garage, 10x16 feet, Por further partieularsTl ap- ply to peter '.'C'orriE'eau, St. Jose -50 STRAYED.• Frons St, Joseph'•last 'week, an LOCAL NEWS Mr ,and Mel. Ed, Merrier of Bay- field visited in town on .Sunday,, Mr. and Mrus, We,ll Johnston and family motored to London on Mon- day., REMEMBER GODER1011 RACES Wenldlesday, June 17th', $1.100 in Purses. Big Entry :Gish Mn. 'Chalet; Eilber is :spending a: few dayseat Stratf»rd and Wat- erl'o'o, - old sorrel Mare Finder' kindly notify Herald Office, Zurich; FOR SALE A eellae''sslteps, in ;good vondit- ion; would make an• ideal 'steps for a barn, apply 'at. Herald Office 'l. HOUSE FOR SALE 'Eight -roomed two storey brick dwelling, With, furnace,_ wired for hydro, and in good' condition. On the premises' is a .good brick !st- able, good wells and 'fruit trees, Property contains two -firths acres of land and ;ire ;situated •in Zurich. For particulars apply to A. 1 Hess, Zurich. -50 FARM FOR SALE Consisting of. 100 acres ,with go- od bank barn; drive 'shed, com- fortable frame house with summer kitchen and woodshed, gookl or- chard and numerous small fruit trees, about twetn,y acres finehard wood bush. Farm is' well fenced and fairly well supplied with wa- ter for .all purposes. Convenient to school and church. Possession given in the fall- or spring. 'Fos !particulars' apply 'to A 1F,. Hess, Zurich, tf-50 STRAYED. Unto my premises, Parr Line, a fine collie dog, owner can have same by paying expneses -to Ev. Broderick, R.R;.1, Zurich. FOR SALE Home Peninsular range, in good condition, . wood or cool. Apply ,to Mrs. G. mess, Zurich. " FOR SALE One new DeLaval Cream Separ- ator fors $81.00 cash, regalai price is $922 cash. L. A: Prang. - 'res. •CASINGS 30x3% Cords $8.50 Fabrics $5,75 TUBES 30x3y;., Olympic at .. . ...$1.50 3tx•' E .•tra Heavy Tubes $2,95 3:1x 1 E..tra Heavy Tubes $3.00 BALO 'N TIRES Any party getting 5 :Baloons ar:d glen"; me- 5 old casings and tubes I ;v111 all;r.,r them $27.00 for same, and this 5 new tire's for' $67.00 cash John Hey, ,Jr., Zurich. .LOST An auto -marker C.).5=311,'betwe- en Zurich and Exeter, finder kindly return to Haberer.Bros, Zurich. FOR SALE A nearly new Older Riding plow aipply to L. A. ,Franc. FOR SALE Government tested seed core, following Varieties—White Cap Yel low Dent; Imp. Leaning, Wiscon- sin No. 7; Early Bailey; Golden Glow, Longfellow. Also Sorghum Mengel and turnip 'seed. J. Gascho & Son, Zurich. Dr. H. I. COWEN :" L. D. Se, \I D. D. 9. 1 DENTAL SURGEON Al McCormick Block, Zurich, ev ery a1.`'hursday,. Friday and Satur- day Merin Office IiARTL 1111'$ BLOCK, DASHWOOD COAL Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of. highest quality. , GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND. Case & Son PRONE +` 35 H YJ,SALL -17 e • Meliek & I albfleiech have put a, new metal roof on ltl,ei fecal Fire Hall, which was quiteeneeesea. y. Mr ,and Mrs Eli Bosbart and family of Baden visli'ted with. re- latives here over the+ week-elitd, Mr. ',FI H. Lawrence -of Goderich relieved Mr.. Gortio•n, Wielper, of the Bank of Montreal here, while - the latter took his vacation. Mr. and 11irsl, L. Prang and Mrs. and Mrs. Martin Wurm were week end vi'sitere ,at the home of .Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Schenk; former res- idents of Zurich but now near 'De- troit. , I 1 . Mr .and, Mss,. A. Jervis! and sons Wilfred and William, of 'Clinton, Misses V. 0. O'sboldeston and A.M. Witmore: of Goderiehl, 'spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs;. S. Witmore, 'Babolonte Line. e There will 'be no services in the Evangelical church on Sunday ev- ening as the iDashwocid Evang. School are holding their Rally Day, and the Zurich congsegation. rs in:vited over. Mr. and Mrsl. Harry Rau of the Salable Line left last week , on an extended visit with relatives in the States of N. Dakota -and Minnesota They will also -visit Mrs. Rau's sis- ter, Mrs' Max. Bushey whom she has no tseen for thirty years. The Ontario Equitable Life and Accid;nt Insurance Company with, head office at vPiaterloo; Ont., have appointed Mr. Andrew F: Hess .as their leoal ag•en;t. • This Company is one of the fastest growing,. cont i;anies, in the Dominion of Caniad.a and issues policies . covering all .Plans of • life insurance at nonpa.r- ituipating rates (Mewl co* basis},. Thee Double Inde'mnnity provisino and the Total Disability provision are two features which may be in- cluded in, the policies. issued and are well worth ..consideration. - interested in any plan of,- life ina. suranco'it will mean money. in your pocket to secure..• our rates be- fore,: pla leg insurance. • The 1isislt league game ,of biase- ball,playedd onn, the. Zurish diamond took ,place. on Thursday evening, when the IInesall nine wee over and played -a friendly grime. Al- though the score was somewhat to favor of Zurich, the Meisel! team dons, Some •fine playing. hut J few -times they held tne the: bad' •. Gascho and O'Brein were the Zur-' lett battery and played eeorl ba.11. The fine gathering of f.ias were ell delighted to 'see the 'tee v leans Lee and Telly' on the line up. The next game .here will be on Monday .Jun' 15th when the r.editon bods will be, over, this assure'+, to mala an interesting game as the Cred- iton team .has a number of well seasoned playiers on th'eir lineup. Be euro and see this one and cheer for your favorite team. WINS GOLD .MEDAL Theodore Wagner, eon of Mr. and Mr's. Wm. Wagner of Zurich, Zwon the .first annual oratoircal cont^at of (the Waterloo College of Arts on, Mayl this 27th, when 'be spoke on, the subject of ."Dope". The chalemna.n `Prof. Fred Landon, Director of LibraryCServices of ;the University, of Western Ontario, st- ated ini ;awarding the decision to 'Wagner thlalt the speeches delivered were of (the highest order he had ever heard ;in, collelgelsl or univer- sities. It Shows us that these men are receiving some real instrctions ,in ortory said the Prof. Five stud ents took ,part in the, contest. The winner of /the Rotaryl Club's gold medal T „Wagner,deli opening his dr ass on. "dope" questioned ,the audi nee as to what a 'dope addict 'was The public (mew of is dope aeldie't is a w»etchl, la ,murderer or a, villain; said the speaker 'who cl- aimed Some dope addicts ,are cit- izens) sof thee -very higheslt _order. 'Ninety-five per cent 'of dope ad- dicts 'are 'additos thee n.o ;fault of their own" he continued, stating that calculations (show ,there are over two million addicts in Canada and the U. S. The 'speaker pre- yed drugs are administered and. ►areseribied as,ein, a medical tease and he showed, dope addicts only suffer in, mind' and they !themselves find it impoessible to• leave it alone and ala ,a. result beeome patients. What ceintlaidoae addret do then? queried the speaker: He must Ire - Sort to lthe illicit methods (an,d act as a dreg bootlegger. A `'person„ affeeted by, ,drugs is( affected by a disease,. He stfaited there are $,60,000,000 wortih, of deugs trafficked in, every year and yet 11he goy ern meet turns a deaf ear to+ the dire neeessitiies o•1 . the public. He spoke in, a pleasingY' manner and ;wee .easilyeind Weil nesse^ by allin. the hall which was; ?packed cap- acity:, Y .. 1 acity:, t ,i r 1 p,Ige Five GROW CORN FOR SILAGE POINTS ON SELECTION OF SEED t AND PHOT+> 1(t CUTLTIVATION testing for Oerndnation Is Recom- mended ;for Good Results Cannot 'H. a Expected from Poor Seed. a i Weatributell ey:4statio Department of Aericelture, Toronto,) • There is rn tch difference in opinion pie to the best Variety to grow, ane, the selection' generally; hinges on two points, vis;, =•-the. value .et .the land and.the coatf' ,pipbor.- ,,,, It youibave to par high for labor and your ,:rtud is high priced, thee, grow the _seaaviest aieldinr variety that YOU: entr 'And, taking -a chance as its reaching maturity. - Production per acre .you•`7rnust have. It you ireeon•lo r -priced land, then select a -"geed ?yielding variety that you know'wlll-mature early and also make higheeiass ensilage. Rig heair r eorn,'full of; juice is hard to handle, •-i costs .money to make - silage out` p . it,—while the lighter yielding,, early maturing corn is Bas- ler to handle,costs less for labor and makes a iicbet silage. True, it will not produce as much milk per acre as the large "heavy yielding variety, but what It does produce is produced with the 'aid, of less, supplementary grain., SO- t•,you have abundant land, the, early•maturing, high quality var- ieties wine be. - most suited to your need. On'tha, other hand if you have few acme and: must get the most out of the area ' lrrespective'of labor cost, then you„ had best select the heavy yielder variety. Was" tae See1 corn. - Test for germination every ear of sore that: is used forseed. It does not take very much time to do it. Testing seed is the only insurance you 'have for a perfect stand. Why take a chance and loose by spending your labor on a field with only hall as many plants as there should be. Better test the seed, and get started right. Two weeks before you figure on°planting corn prepare a seed box with moist, sawdust or sand, plant a representative sample, give it care and watch for the sprouts. Be guid- ed by the perfgrmance of the sample tested. Good seed corn is not abun- 'daiit this year, so be careful in your purchase. Soft or moldy seed corn never produced a strong plant. Don't. ;forget that, first of all, your crop depends -upon the vigor of the seed that you plant. Preparing for Corn. Clover Sod ploughed in September and surface worked 'until late Octo- ber, and then ridged up and left -ex- posed -to -the frost action, until dry enough' to' harrow down in the spring is,a successful method for corn. The application•,of not less than 20 tons of good -stable manure sh'iuld be • trade: in early May, and the land re-_ .ploir,.lrind• worked down teethe fine til+h .of:- a good seed -bed. Planting. , when ate White Oak leaf Is as large as .a black squirrel's foot (cast week !Allay) plant the seed in check rows 40 inches apart, using machine planter or drill, cover two Inches deep and arm...'-` Cultivation. Start cultivation by going over ih area with a weeder just before th corn comes up. Follow each week with machine cultivation to keep dust mulch and prevent weed growth, until such time as the corn has grown too large to permit of further tillage. Corn tillage should always be shallow, much damage Is done by cutting' the roots of the plant. Testing Chickens for Bacillary White Diarrhoea. This •disease has played havoc in many poultry yards during the past few years, and, like tuberculosis, it has been spread around largely through the exchange of breeding stock. Chicks and eggs for hatching, from infected breeding stock, have carried the bacillus puliorum from one end of the country a? the of fere so the disease hi now wide spread and citifies tame finafCial loss to many poultry ow erli. nlhe 'bacteria responsible for the trouble (bacillus pulorum) centralise in the ovary of the mature hen, caus- ing lesions -in that organ; and Its in- ability to properly function and pro- duce normal eggs. The bacteria pass with the ,ova and are contained with- in the 'shell of the egg. When the egg hatches' the chick is.. already infected. Chicks: less than a week old have the following, post mortem lesions:,— (1) Enlarged liver with red spots or streaks. (2) .congested lungs. Chicks ever one week old show:— (1) Enlarged liver with greyish spots.. . ,(2). ,Friable, nodules ,in the lungs, oceaslonalty in'the heart and lungs. Diarrhoea' does not always have rim. to develop, so if the chicks die look for the'lesions. The Only really suseeseNI way to combat white diarrhoea, is to elim- inate the breeding etoek infected with baeillu* puliorum. There trouble pro- ducers may be found out by applying the agglutination teat to every bird on the premises. Eliminate all re- actors to this blood test and be care- ful in your purchases of eggs, chicks, er breeding stock.' The disease will stay with you as long as you harbor infested hens on your farm.—L. Ste - yeomen, Dept. of Extension, 0. A. C. Economy InFood Production. The dairy cow is the most econom- teal animal for the conversion of farm ilroduetS into human food, swine are the most efficient animals in the pro- duction of meet food products from raw ntaterial,•und the hes) converts the feed that she consumes into an- ise/el n•ise l` products most rapidly of ail wlaiww'ie; 1 OIC LOOK! WE ,lAVE IT STOP THA r.0„ CUSSIN,(I ABOUT THOSE FORD SIDE CURTAINS HESS WILL FI$ THE SO THEY OPEN WITH THE DOOR RLPAIRIMi Painting Fo:d Car, One' oat, $15.00, .Two Coats ... 'Covering Ford” Top (rood 1'luttri.. ;, eurta,ns Changing. Ford Curtains 'to ops,! Painting Buggy .. ... ... • IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE J1:1. VI7 IT •$WE RERUBBER YOUR BIJGi)Y W1I1 ELS, HESS - ZURICH .. $20,01 ... $12.0I $5.00 $1.011 5 4.4.4•401.444.444.4.44+4.4.444.4.++.1.44 :a + e+++++4.44444111.4444++++0 ++4.444+++4.+++++++WI • tFYPROCK'The Ever -Ready liI'a 1 board. Will not y it: i t kle, + warp or burn + Gytp:roe is clean and easy to handle, it :saws and mile like lumber, Gyproc goes up in a furry but once up, its up to stay, al- + ways troufble proof and repair proof. t.. Gyproc will afford you the satisfactionof ,knowing that • your rooms are fireproof. + + Gyipeoc may be applied to old or ;new walls and onlay be pap- ered,+ painted or panelled. , i+• For information, !jtamples annd qubtation:s call at our officer {t... C. K \' LBFLEISCr } PHONEPHI69 - - ZURICH I ..... t + 4. 4.÷4.+++++++.+4.4.++++++++++. t•i•[•+3••t•++++++++++•s+++4+0 `a + �--!• + +-rM-4—�F 'F + + f—+ 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 Stone Built Clothes z PROM:NOW ON ' A11 Woollens Used in the manufacture of STONE BUILT CLO- THES are treated with the famous LAR VEX MOI'H-PROF PRO-+ I CESS, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under + a $250,00,0 Globe Indemnity Bond .g WHY DO WE GO TO THIS EXPENSE? '1'D`EC`AUSE Moth 'are theg reatest factor in the destruction of01- 4.JD� othing that are laid away for even a short period. DECAUSE This .new scientific discovery—The Larvex Process—: •1'Li entirely eliminates any danger to your' clothes from the rave! - ages of Moth a If their Larvae. .p. B • ECAUSE Stone -Built Clothes with. tho added attraction of the: + LARVEX MO PH PROOFING PROCESS, is a combination that +defies all competition—that cannot be beaten. There is no extra charge to you. WE SELL STONNE-BTIILT CLOITHES New Spring Suitings Arriving Daily W. H. HOFFMAN A LORE` AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR! DAY AND NIGH T PHO,,NE No. ®® + * + + + + + +—+ + + ►1• 0'-4 + + + + + + + * 11111111111W� EN UIlIIElilt IJIMIfIIE1llljJIIHI 111 a M M M N M - HER i' and Toronto Daily Giobe ,• $6.00 l'' . 'Zt ily Telegraph ... $5.10 . e , l; Mail and Empire ... $6.00 ea .ge., - .....„*,..,. ;ere lay Mail and Empire $3.25 fan. - -''.. i)aaar Star .......................$6,00 an • .v,,- Star ............$3.25 I I 'lllilU;011i; ii I ZURICH HERALD'S 1925 Clubbing Iiist 1J, r, U+ r . s.16. HER ) 11E10 HER: -•.•, HERA u RERAL" HERALI HERALD HERALD JER A.LD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD a ,; h . cava i . ws ...... ... .....$6.00 see de,' t o -e aaee, Morning edition ... ,,f,00 at,n u rye •• evening edition $6.00 an !Morning Edition $6.00 .,• *.'r4'-;., 'f'vening edition ... $6.00 a P-- ' - lcate ... ... $2.25 rind Sale tills-•Uo.., ... ... t `$2.75 dr►r► r .41110 .s..+iiiiii... ..,h $2;65 .,x,,. .1....n-9 . ,riaie an^'A''eicly Star ...... $2.75 and C anetfe ee ..-e,-0 :nen ... ..........$2.25 $3.15 $2,50 and Ween `'. ,, to sa .. ... and Farmers Magazine .. and Youth's Companion .. $3.75 and Seaforth Huron Expositor and Ontario Journal ...... end Rod and Gun in Canada ...... 000 Oal• 3.25 .. 2.71' ..»» . .ib ,.3;i IPS1111 0 011111111 111 111 II II Save Money' and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us. See us' for papers not listed above !RALD OFFICE Zurich lea i4! I 'i6(11101!1141111(11111111111i1111111111111111111111111118118111111111111111118111111. i7��111101111111111('(11111111@1111111111(Illl111111111111111111111111111111(1111011161111111111111111111111 II IiII�11116