HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-06-11, Page 4Niro r'o 2' ISR :Free ,Camps 'toillouses Aches. ZUR,ICJ gliltALP Thursday, Tune lith, ,1925 Vice on your foot. 'Pains I'reverie Seeeinen re nderness troubles Sore Limb* AFOOT EXPERT trained in the methods of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl of Chicago, will be here Thursday,June 18th If you have aching feet, pains, cramps, j callouses, burning sensation at the ball of the foot or toes, fallen arches, painful heel,. weak turning ankles, sore limbs, corns, bun- ions, or perspiring feet—you are cordially invited to see this Foot Specialist. He will be pleased to make recommendations, with- out any charge or obligation, as to what your trouble is and how to relieve it. BROWN BROS. Footwear and Foot Comfort ZURICH -- ONT. . ; , t There is a Dr. Scholl Appliance or Remedy for Every Foot Trouble. Chevrolet Cars have been appionted for this district to sell the New Superior line of t;HEVROLET AIITO Ivor are considering a new car be .sure and call on me for a demonstrat- ion and prices John Hey, Jr., Zurich Laurette, Holtzman, OC , findoe) aspen, tai .few days with tier p4),17 eater, Ale and Mires, J. .R, Holt+ ' n M This Spring is to be a Fac Shirting SeasQn 'i -Ile plain dyed shirtings that have keen popular during the past few sea- sons, have been conductive . to price ..:rutting: Now is the -time to get good shirts for less money L E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zuni Mens Pu: WHERE THE GOOl,) CLOTHES. COME FROM, CREDITON Sorry to report 'theft Mrs;. T.�. t'elsaac is ,suffering from rhuern- irein and almost helpless. :Mr .and Mrs. :Ed. Bertram, of 4 t -raft, visited at Crediton and ..i.Uesind Bend, Mr,, and Mrs.. Harold Moir and y Wolfe (of Detrdit visited rel- ve hlei`e. • .)1(rk CI1it.'gal attended, man. The regular monthly* meeting of tits JCredi'tont j Branch pf the, rWo - usen's Institute was alaeld o on- day •afternoon when (there was a good attendance px•esent including a anumber ,corn the Zurich In'slte itute. The lainnual convention „the Women's, Misfsiontiary Society of,the, Evangelical:Church, iCaxir c�9nf, will convene at Zion church, !Cred- iton on Tuesday evening, June ,16th sand co4inue with three sesaiona'. each day one W'ednesd'ay ilend Thr ursday. About 11,15 delegates and ministerd are expeced",tto be,upres. er>It. HILLSGREEN , A Grand re -opening services ,will be held in the Hillsgreetn church op Sunday June 21.ett At .2.30 -p. • •n . and • 7.30>pkm Rev,. J. E, :Hogg,' of Clinton will preaely Special n_u:sic for the occasion. Also tsp - ecial" offering to meet the .cost of re -decoration. • Public' ' cord salty invited to all of these services the funeral of the' latter's kbeotheer in Pigeon/Mich;. . The baiebali game scheduled for Tuesday ,evening last with Dash - ;wood resulted in 'the visitors be- ing outiseored, lthe score being 9 b a number lof errors on oth si e lett in the ,runs,, Mot was in fine form ,and with; better sup- port would have hacl a shut out. Clar r5sa Ilrli of Detroit, is holi- daying lrdaying at lthe home • other ,par - 4 r�es"iia lite,��..-x{,.r .A.rxr;;. t ill. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Oii' Saturday May ,30th at tho Parsonage; St. IThoxnias, the mar- riage took \plane of Miss``, Verna, Reid, youngest daughter of Mie A. Reid `of Parr Line, &Stanley, to, Mr.- Fred .Greenbury: of IF1int,Mieh The ,cereomemy was .performed by Rev. Mr. Moo'rehouse of St. Thom as. After :srpending • a few days, at the ,home of the grooni'.s, sister int St. iThomals, the bridal ,couple, came to the. ehlome of ethe bride's brother, Mr. Geo Reid, Stanleee where a recepttion was -held for. there. ; They spent a week vis itis g friendd sin Stan1iey and Chn-'1, ton after which. they returned'to. Flint where they will 'reside, they ,have the best wishes of their man.yt friends., ;Rev. J. Durant of Varna was taken; tserieusijy ill last week and. wail unable to take his work on Sunday,. , does for Thos, Sherrift). t'tl, Cueunnber; growers;' wile ;now quite acltively engaged in,g ettine in seed during the present favor. - able w'eat'her, ,and sonie already have a, good ah'oWi\ig of ,plants a - hove .'the ground, Miss;; Alex Munn > has' returned front a plea•sanit, strip and visit stn Toronto and Buffalq. What .has been known as . the Priest Drain 'Suitt was 'settled by Referee. Henderson of Ottawa, af- ter he; had 'gone very thoroughly into the ,merits of the case and had visited the ,dr'ainl..,that was comp- 1'ai.n d of by Mr. Piens. •and also it^W and cle$150 to Mr; Priest. - iMSS ,Gladys ,Slay, of Sarnia, has ;beeel 'here.viisiting her friend, Miss Greta...Lammie and staking part in eoiieerts: •at different ;places. Mie and Mee. Alonzo .Ortwein, W. ,Stonm,....Kenneth White and family mid 3Mi4s °.,Irma Rennie of Detroit were;'visitors with friends, here. "''Pleased to see Mrs. Alex. Mee Martrb Itoriirefrom the Clintno ho -s. ental ' and 'doing Wisely after 'her gp,9; aitron• Mr .and 'Miss. E. Rennie and son Samuel rwere'viisitd by David Van Dusted and Ray Cromer of De - Cr t'''. -Pett ym'otoned to Toront„ accompanied'•, by Mr .(and Mrs. F. ;SmimO YS° and. Mrs. Loco Petty. .1:4 Dore E. 'S!herri'tlt, R. N., who h s�been home on a visit from Pt. Tlurn; had an operation perfor•- :liie fc,r removal of tonsils. Tlie Steele Briggs Seed Cbz„ of Tor'nnt )' through their local agent D 1n1 ' D4ggs, ase making most Wenide7rf'r 1 • nand splendict improve - Meets "to this fine large sale and exchange stable they recently pure chased: from Mrs. T. J. Berry. The. `fir•. sttoi y is of solid brick and thhe ceaond framee it is providers t iflr' hydro lights throughout. COUNTY' NEWS Miss Pearl Stephenson is vis- ylting, at present with her uncle,Mr, W. II. Stephenson at Marlette.. Mich. Miss Roxie Palmer of •Hamilton:,, slpen tithe pasty two weeks ..at the. home of her cousin Mr. •Will Reid of Varna. Mrs. Malcom McNaughton left this; week dor .the westto visit her sister. • Mrs. A. Reid ',who has :spent the. past 10 ;mon;th,s• at :Flint; ,'Vlich,lr us returned to Stanley'. HWOC1D:OAS Mr And Mrs;.. J. ';C{. Reid 'attend- ed the funeral lo the late: Mise. L. T. Rutherford; of . Exeter. • Mr .an.d Mrsi, II Kraft' spent the. week -end in ,Sarnia. Mr. • end Mrst, Wm. Hooper of Exeter visited with Me. and Mrs. Earl Guenther on Sunday. Mr. p. Kraft is visiting in Lon- don. Mr. G. Nadiger ;a visiting in Michigan(. Messrs. Milfred and Arnold Mee - tier of Detroit add Miss' Verde of Windsor spent a few days at their home here, owing to the illness of their mother, 'Mrs. Geo hfern?r,wlyo is improving. e Mt. iC( Stade is onf the sick list,. Homer Guenther of Teeter ap•- ent Sunday at .his home here. Children's Day will be 'observed next Sunday evening in the Ev- angslical church: The Band gave thein first open air convert on Saturday evening and as,as enjoyed by a large crowd M. Levi. Hamacher o•f Detroit, spent m • few days at his home this week;:; Mfr MeeMeyrer of ,Chicago, I11. visited elev,, F. B. Meyer on. Sat- uurdayi. The, piano recital given by the pupils, of ;Miss E. Schroeder was a sercess. Those taking part we- .e; Howard Klump, Kathleen Mer - nee Stewart Wolfe, Florence Ba- ker, Maurice Klump, Greta • IIofi- snan, Verna Birk, Selina. Rader, Gr- ace Guenther, Helen nadiger, Flor- ence Guenther. ]VI.t ,and Mrs. Wm. Reid and .!au- ght +r, and Miss M. C. Reid visited at the home of Mr. andMre. ,. C. Reid, last Friday. .. HENSALL • Mrs. Drv, 11'19x, tcft (for :a tripe to her 'formes ?home an itanitoba, iitad +ff ll'. ilk,► ' yi it tn.' Asaskntchew- a • ; i 3;, , Mr., Nathan, -WO:roger. •aecomp- allied by ,lairstwo sons, .motored' here from Pontiac, Mich., and !sp- ent a 'couple ;of ,days with friends here: Last Sunday, June 7th marked the last Sunday of the .i1eth'odist, church as a Methodist denominat io:n, It becomes the' United Ch- urch after ,June 10th"and" ;on June efth, the ina!gueal Sundiay 'service of the United phurch will be held. The Uen,sall. Union Cemetery Co nrrnittee are isoliciting, Subscript- ions to make up for expenditifres incurred la improving the cen- eliery the last year. • ' W. J. Otterbeini has wonted Miss McArthur�'a dwelling at the east end of the village, which will !be, ver,; •coil n,i.:xit Jos' I>..iir yv wa hes The' annual ,Troyer Union pie- -die will ;ler 'held in Jewett'•s Grove Vafre-Id on. the 13th day of June. They. mapy relatives and friends .of xns: Thos. Laing were sorry to blea i f ger death., which occured at her? home at Exeter on Sunday last. Mrs. Laing, was a. daugh:- ter.,af late Mr..and Mrsi. Daniel Bell of the, Townhips of Hay, and was highly,Tespeotecl, She was only in 'tial 51st year, but had been in declining • health for .some time. aTr,,i, .'.ins were interred in the stleri9all iJiiion Cemetery on Tuee- daelelastee Much sympathy is :felt lox thee:.bereft "husband,; two ;.man ansa •one daughter. The, friends of George iw Wren of th.a- of Hibbert tniear Chisel- 'aurst e c)rd• to learn. of the; ac- •cid nt -tln t,,, •, happened hirer on Friday: Eibrraing last. It appears bh,a;t in tb.e early .hours of the inc- urning: he .took one of his horses to go to his 010-acre'farm • for the ,sow&;' an,fl lipping off the horse in malting a dump (struck :tum on the leg With its hind afoot, break- ing his leg between the rankle and the love. ", Mr .and 'Mrs.. J. Gingerreh, Mrs Oingeeit:h, •of Bad Axe, Miele,. • rested ober: ,the week -end with the foriinei, Gingericli s par- erits, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cleave, E y- lic1d. T:he 25th carnriversary of the Presbyterian church wast celebrat- ed 'at Varna on Sunday -last. Seri were conducted by'Rev.,„Mr. Armour o1,. Brucafield, •acsistec� at the etyening rseivice by 'Res,. lefin Nfacfa.i; pane, retiring pastor, who gave his 1at+ewell :a.ddi-ess. The minor cyclone which pas - sect over; Bayfielc : on Monday aft - last did' considerable clarn- a,geeto the fine shade trees and al- so to soma people's .Property.The veranndih"rof W: Helunt'hs cottage was' lifted up and blown across a =isle” iind''ianded in `Robt. Elliott's gardeiiw STEPHEN COUNCIL ,'bursday;, :the Itth of dune next at 8 pail, 'T'he••following orders 'were pas- sed; Mt. Carmel. ;hall rent 2 .years 4.00 Jos:. Guinan Atheep valuator 2.50; Peter MsGreggor ;sheep killed. by dogs 4040; Sudrny persons, Serve lee of raetieers, of appeal re; Aux Sauble River Drainage 4L00; Getel Silber, tile .Sold %R. ate: 16.29'; Henry Appletonnt drawing tile and plat.:- ing KB. 18.09; Frank Reeder, dray - i'ng steel culvert 3,50, The 'council adjourned to meet again; in Crediton' on .Thursday . .Tune lith ah I p.m. ; Henry" ] ifber, ritiowr. Zurich Drug $t�re 1 INSECTICIDE`S We have a reliable Stock of Insecticides of all kinds, Paris Green, Arsenate. of Lead, Bordeaux Mixture, Blue Stone, .Insect Powder Hellebore, Moth Balis, Flyfox Flypads, Tanglefoot, Oil o Cedar The Council of the Township of See.phent met in the Town Hall, Crediton(, ba :May 20th 1925 at 10 a.m. Reeve Alex. Neeb absent•,: Deputy -Reeve Hayes took the ,hair, t. They Cour tof Revision for hear- ing appeals;ias' advertiised in ref- cirnce to'the Walker Drain 'was ,op:eneda e. There being no °com; t .lainttst or -appeals against• the e ng•ineer's erepert ,the court wars elesed: The poTv".nlship; Court 'of Rev- ision to ,:ceitidcler appeals lagain=est the Assessin(enit -Roil of the munic !pal'ity wait+li''(then opened and af- rer each res ber'isubs'cribed tohis oath, a slumber 'of minor chan- es were c ealt with,. A't' t oirclVek,i' p.m lther Council I met for geil'eraI b& massa. The mi enter of ithie,5 pr`e'vious 'meeting were read` and 'adopteil�, The question, of changing .the Boundaries 'cif '"School Section 7, It and 124wag then taken up and there beinOo persons` present on behalf of •the •, petitionyersl, it was moved by Mt:' Sweitner, Seconded. by Mr. Sneii'"Thrat no action be, taken; on behalf of the Petitioners and the IStailie he filed; The gravel contracts ,,to 'gravel road& %rr the Township'' were then lot. Xt was ele!ntolvved that ,Tenders For the eon: truetioe of Thee Wat i~.y,.kDraint .rw .d bu r �aw,.ud up; for Toilet Preparations, Patent Med- icines, School Supplies, Stationery, Photographic Supplies. Dr, A. J. MacKinnon,.,Zurich +eaUWYtNuuM+uuunrwW s eeesseeeeee �•eees•e•eeee•••eeeee••NM • •• 0 • •• r pi .ED .7: • •r. • ESI :•.Teri receivingour SpringShip a marts of Seeds such as: Clover, 11 Timothy, ATsike, Sweet Clover, etc. •... i''-liC. RAMIE IN Sro(.'°I A LIMITED SUPPLY OF REGISTERED t• ! BANNER SUED OATS, MANGOLD AND TURNIP SEEDS Z tri+ i1 0 GEWNI AND MILLE'TT SEED yj illa lit Wr. ABR ALSO TARING ORDERS FOR ALBERTA COALFOR 0. 411 MAY SHIPMENTS. lb - ! FULL. LINE OF 1 LOUR AND FEED. STOCK AND POULTRY �, • FOO ALWAYS ON HAND ALSO, RED ROSE. TEA. Ilm • OUR SKIED CORN HAS ARRIVED AND HAVE A GOOD SUP-- a PL.i ON HAND. SEE OUR"S BEFORE MAKING ANY Fes";- S CHASE. ( • • Louis Schilbe u Zurich • • •' 1)Nl eO•eeeeiN•••Ne•••••N••••e••• ,.. GARAGE - GASOLINE Our Garage is again dorig - big bnsiness with Peter Kropf as Mechanic' - GASOLINE—We would consider it ,poor policy for anyone to put in a sup- ... -.ply of gasoline at the present prices when they are at the highest peak. LAST YEAR AT THIS ztRASON GASOLINE WAS RETAILING AT" 1.1 3e. A GALLON, AND IN A FRW MONTHS IT DROPPED, TO 9411 OUR ADVICE IS DON'T STOCK IIP WITH HIGH' PRTCEti GAss BUT FOLLOW THE GOOD OLD WAY OF•. BUY -AS -YOU -NEED. WE HANDLEA • S LINE Olt+ HARDWARE, SUCH AS STOV .• : • °URN-A(tc`ES, 'BA FORKS SHOVELS, AND ALW S'r ANT THINfi' YOU :ki'RRD. Gas Oil ■ � ase ir WE SELL FROM CATALOGUES AT A VERY SMALL MARGIN 011P PROFIT PIPING ALL SIZES. L. A, PRANG - auric