HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-06-04, Page 51*ra, one dh, 1,025 ••• ZURICH HERALD. MINUS CARDS )1)111:0LET 141, HOT WiliS kitiet er • Selleitier, Ikl\tetary Public *bee Office on flanailton Street, lilt Off the equare, Goderiche Pv- *W te lean at lowest ratee. HOIMee will be in HeniiiarTm (11friday of each Week. fAildrew F. keno, Township Clerk 1,000, of 'marriage licelleeil, Notary 11111114e. Conenelastioner, Fire and Aut- 111111161bils Insurance, Representing 30blitiles and Brie Mortgage Corpora- alielh, 'The Canada Trust Co, Zurich, 1.111101110,, S. Knapp, ILD. S, L D.^S. DENTAL SURGEON]: AKA= OPEICI31 TIENSALL OSCAR ICLOPP Iltraduate Carey M. Jones Nate general School of Auctioneering. Try, Vies for Registered Live Stock Thee). Terms in keeping Olt% prevailing pricee. Choice 1144 inn for sale. Will sell anything) VIM* 18-93 or writes Zurich. licensed Auctioneer zikexised Auctioneer for County 4ff 31111POU, In a position to con - any auction sale, regardless ills aize or articles to sem , aolieit your 'business; and if not etatistied will make no charges for siervices. sierthur Weber, - Dashwood, '•pee 13-57 tt. Zurich Neel it A ET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc ••••./.../War/M/VIANNOMSOmetruezalroMmksmo,woonamuscons Highest Cash•Price for Woe' awl FOB, SISINS-St TI1DE Tunghlut SZt = Beichert. lIlleiop•NNMMM.m.•Mlliw•r•oosM•V•Nmin•••••••OSI•••••IV ti FUG H LIVERY en I nen in a position to accomo- easel all requirements in the Livery ca. Minn, have Auto foe hire. Any- _ thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL TeNeeneU Zurich G-. S. ATKINSON L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST EXETER, ONT. Phone 34 At BAYFIELD Every Wednesday '111VENINGS IN EXETER BY AP- POINTMENT aimelloommem. LIVE POU1LT R Y WANTED Veteran every day till 3 Oclock p.m, 3:0a mot feed fowl same morning -brought in, .11lighest Cash Prices --CASE( FOR -- Cream arid Eggs W. O'Brien Viten* 04. Zurich FREE YORD OWNERS 'TO INTRODUCE THE RENIFITS af' A MAGNETO RECHARGE, I ALL GIVE ONE QUART OF' Tuxedo Cha,tterless Oil • 'WITH EACH RECILA.RGE DUR- sING THE •IVIONTH OP MAY, 'PRICE $11.00 ft S. WEIN, Prop IS,AS3fIWOOD yipTog SERVICE I PUT YbUlt Wanta, 'For Sale, Liost, LOCAL NEWS Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN Mrs. J. Routledge is ,visiting re- latiViee in Detroit, F()R. SALE Rome Peninsular range, in good condition, wood or cant, Apply 1to Mr, G. Hese, Zurich. FOR SALE One new DeLaval !Omen Separ- ator for, 01:00 cash, regular price M $92 cash, L. Prang. Tires! Tires! .•••••••••••••••••••••r !CASINGS. • " 30x 3!,e Cords Fabrics TUBES 30x31,4 Olympic at ....... ...$I.50 3tice E .tra Heavy Tubes $2.95 nen E.trie Heavy Tubes $3.00, BALO 'N TIRES • Any party getting 5 Baloons.and gi nag me 5 old casings and tubes I will allow them $27..00 for same, and the e new, teres for $67,00 cash John. Hey, Jr.,i&wide $5.75 LOST An auto -marker 025-311, betwe- en Zurich and Eeeter, finder kindly return. to Haberer Bros. Zurich. • • :FOR SALE A nearly new Oils er Riding plow apply to L. A. Prang. • FOR SALE Goeernraent" tested seed cern, following varieties -White Can .Yel low Dent; Imp. Learning, Wiscon- sin No. 7; Early Bailey; Golden Glow, Lon,gfellow. Also. Sorghum Mang -el and turnip seed. J. Gascho & Son, Zurich. lir. 11. H. C 0 E L. D. St, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At leIcCormick Brock. Ztirich, ev eryThursday, Friday and Satur- day: • e Main Ofire0.• ' • •• LIAR TLEIBR BLOCK, DASHWOOIS. .COAL Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest sjuality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case &' Son PHONE 35 HENSALL -17 e Twenty-five officers and 200 men of the Royal Navy, from the special service squadron headed by H.M,S. Hood, enjoyed a-• trip through the Rpceltlee ?nee the gatseei dian .Pacific lines while their ships were an- chored at Vancouver recently, The sailors, who made a point, in true naval style, of seeing, and doing everything, were enthusiastic over the scenery at such show -places as Banff and Lake -Louise, which they declared the most beautiful they had seen in an their world cruise. To add encouragement to the raising of highadaes swine, which is being fostered by the govern- ments of Manitoba, Saekabchewan and Alberta, thelOanadian Pacific Railway is awarding a champion- ship cup to the Boys' and Girls' Swine,Clubs winning the club come petitions in these provitiels. The - cups are for annual competition, but will become the propexty of the, club if won for three year& in suc- cession. Medals will be awarded individual members. This year win- ning teams resident on bhe Com- pany's lines will also be' granted a free trip to the Royal stock show at Toronto. - ----- The Arbs, Science and Letters So- eiety of the Province of Quebec re- cently sent a questionnaire to the various parishes of Quebec and Montmorency. coenties, seeking in- formation as to the age and eize of families residing in those terri- tories. It was discovered that the family of Ismael Bedard had re - on the same land at Charles- bourg since 1629, that the largest family in Montmoreney was that of hector Laliberte, of St, Jean, Island c of Orleans, who has 20 children live t itig, and that Jeeeph Gagnon, St. P. Pierre, Island of Orleans, has the s largest nember of living descends n e.hte. elO, • , ---- • Mr .Warel Fritz ispent Wednes- day be London IVfr, M ,0, Milliken and friend are spending the weelr at Parkhill. Mr .Jecp. Meidinger is improv- ing, the appearance of his honse with it fresh coat of plaint. M▪ iss, Driscola. Smith. bf Detroit is visiting at her home here. Mrs. W. L. Siebegi" left .on Mon day for Deeroit ,to !sleeted ea. few weeks. • t Dr. Mas. MeGeeggor of ,Sea- ferth. !spent Tuesday with Routledge. • MOULYSWEET May Cause 0,isease or peath to Live ,Stock. SYfriPforne of the Troeblee-Cattie May Weed to Deeith-saPreventing the Mauld-(ood Sweet Clover Harmless. tC'entributed by Ontario Department ot A.grieuiture, Toroutp.) Reports of serious sickness occur ring amongst the cattle being fed uPonesweet clover have been received at the Veterinary College. The die ease which is now frequently spoken of as "sweet clover disease," 01 "sweet clover poisoning," made Its first appearance, as far as is known during the winter of 1921-22. The Symptoms of the Disease. ` The presence of large and small Mr .and Mrs. Chas. Gossman- of swellings in different parts of the Pt'. Huron were Sunday visitors' body is usually the first thing wnieb withethe laetter's father, Mr. Louis attracts attention. Ttese swellings Wurm. ' ane generally located along the back, Open the baseball season in ()Ter the shoulder joints or petween . the thighs. They vary much in shaPe Zurich. right by attending the first size and may feral quite slow') game to -night, Thursday eve. and -or with marked rapidity. They ark, A goodly nurab;r 1rhere here at- rarely painful, and when opened ark tended the races at Exeter on Wed found to contain either blood or 'a nesday afternoon. t watery yellow „fluids The affected animal does not appear to be very Mr .and Mrs. Jack Taylor and sick and either stands or lies in the son of Detroit spent the week -end accustomed way. Fond may be taken at the home of 1VIrs.•11ppp. in small guanines, but the appetite , is not good. The outer part of tat- • Mr And 'Mrs. Baker pf Preston eye Is very pale, so also is the liniug visited with Mr .and Mrs, H. 14 membrance of the nose, The swell - Albrecht on Tuesday. ingS which are so characterlitic of the disease are due to an escape of Miss Pearl Wurtz, 'who has, been blood from the vessels. The small onto, has retureed to her home spending the pasit week at Tog- aenrteedriebsy is made easy. atilhde vdeiisnesashea vs% htehcaetm reuNpv Let here. - In another form of the disease ti Hay Council met on Xotday blood loses its power ofclotting so for its monthly meeting, the min_ that animals may bleed to death al- ter giving birth to their calves. in Uteks at the council will 'appear in one instance a farmer had branci,.(1 next weh•s /ague. his cattle by clipping a strip of skin from the border of each ear. All ut blissl Leila, Seibert, who has hPen at Detroit for some time, the animals would have bled to deatii turned to her home here for the re - had not the hemorrhage been stoPP,u by ligatures. entre191". • - Daniaged Sweet Closer Dangerous.4 Mrs. ;Hy". Yungblute Mr. Jacob In all the "cases investigated the and John peicheett Mrs. Jnole sick animals had been fed sweet clov- Decker attended the funeralof dela. mhaagyedor byesel xagc:seviTvheichhehaaticingb'et101)1 Mrs. Weitzel at Tavistock. moulding. Sometimes the change Mr .and Mrs. H. H. Little and produced in the hay has beau su family 'More Sunday visitors ,at ssleiegatitthaor thtahsetght it lou fhaorumerliaseiteollerfioplut the home of Mr .and sMrs. Julius n Bloch. consequence. It is frequently rjJji- eult to make the owner believe that Mr. Lauds Schilbe is' putting in such slightly- damaged food is respon- a new concrete floor in his bus- sible for ,the serious distase of bis mess block, which willanimals. add great-. The ly to his •convenienctby having a Prevention of Mould. goocellar. e • Whether the mould which la so d . generally found in.the damaged le ,d Mr. and 1VIrst Ea. ,Siebert and is the ultimate cause of the dise.,se family of Detroit, Is -pent th•°*:\ve;" Its presence is a danger signal wbieh is not .a. matter of great importanile. Mr. nadnaw„.."..itli thwe:fLor.m.seiaillers Pt, a_i.erits, Inoki be heeded. it can -be said with ce inty that if the hay 'snows uo A. new sidewalk is' being .built onl the west side of Main St.,' from the post office south to the Bank block, as the hew walk is raised up lever with the road it will make a big improvement. ; . ' i . The fine warm weither the past few deye has made things mould in the mow, and the ensilage no mouldln the silo, that either can be fed with safety. How then can the mould be prevented? For the most satisfactory methods of (mill- vating and harvesting the .reader i$ referred to .Bulletin 296 of the 0;..• tario Agricultural Cdllege. Apu from the moulding which may occur in the field due to damp weather, grow wonderfully. a 1111.., the mow due to insufficient eilring, •••10 1110r0 - rani would also help. The fall wheat looks exceptionally fine,, re-• gaidlesa of the cold and backward spring • we ha& 1VIneand Mrsi. R. F. Stade, Mr. and Mrs. Kraft, Mr. end Mrs. Sekoe maker, Mr. and Mrs. E. DaterS and Albert and Anna Draters motored to kitchens% Hamilton and Niag are 0.7ft the weekeenel. On Thursday evening of this week the first baseball leaguegame of the teeason will be played be- tween the (Hensall team and the local boys. The Zurich diamond is veryfast and. so are both of these teams!, so la good ee'veirign sport an be Looked for. • Mi, Theodore Wagner, a student at •thes Waterloo Serniniery won a gold medal as first prize in a pub- lic speaking competition. held by the Rotary. Club, Kitchener, the Subject being "dope". We will try and give a fuller''account of it ii4xt week. The annual district meeting ,of the South Huron Branch of the Women's Institute will be held in Senior's Hall, .Exeter on Friday, June 5th at 2 o'clock: ,Repeesente atives, from .0reditonbeZurich, Hur- ondale and Exeter branches are ,expeoted to be presene. Mrs, Edwarde. of .Kontokol will be the main n-peakere All:ladies are cor- .dially envited to be !Present, as this meeting will be of great in- terest. 1 e A prediction that{ the Progres- sive party in (Ontario wornct ,ctene back strung ,aftee the next Fed- epal election was infAcee recently by John W. King, North Huron, The Progresgive partir, 111e said,, is A modest., retiring ,party:, and we have been Isubjected to politics, thriest, senile of them not ,,,:vory el- eart from all sidles of the House - even frOxii, '.;,ontr ,own but I &site to affirne right here, that net only Will the Progressive par- te come belt after the nen I el - bull: twill coma (back .more han a (mere remrsant;--thore than std hernrtt. The Progrce- ive party is here to( de bueiiiess 1, tiles Itenebl ann.. nil the other there,Is another way which must considered. It is the development le snoule due to the moist air rising through the ceiling of the cattle stable below and settling out on the hay in the mow. This, I feel sure, has been the cause of mouldy hay in several cases. it meet be prevented by either a tight ceiling or putting a straw bottom in the mow. Com- mon salt seems to be. of real value in checking the growth of moulds in the hay mow. From fifty to one hundred pounds is required for each ton, and this must be sprinkled uni- formly through the hay while it is being spread in the mow. Good Sweet Clover Harmless. Many experiments have been con- ductea in the feeding of samples of good and bad sweet clover to calves and rabbits. The animals receiving the damaged food almost always be- came 111 and died. In no case has there been any sickness in the ant-. mals fed upon good sweet clever hay or ensilage. In one experiment two calves were fed an exclusive diet of good sweet clover ensilage over a period of six weeks and both remain- ed Well. Rabbits have boeu fed on samples of bad sweet clever hay which were taken froin the same hay mow. Those which received the gent hay lived while those which recd the bad died. In Conclusion. The use of sweet clover for hay is risky, because if moulds and other organisms grow in, the hay it may become a highly poisonous food. The ten cent instrument, so fre- quently peddledeat the country fairs, which es supposed to serve half a" dozen purposes fr,ont opening tin cans to drawing a three inch screw, rarely does more than two things well, and that is all that should be expected -for the money. Sweet clov- er has proved to be an excellent son - builder, a good ensilage crop, and to make valuable pasture. Why en- danger the reputation of a useful M plant 4by requiring it to accomplish that for which it was apparently not intended.-Pratik W. Scofield, D.V. Sc„ Ont. Veterinary,College, Guelph, .P*ge Fy� OH LOOK! 17VE WAVE IT STOP. THAT CUSSING A.BOITT 'THOSE FORD SIDE CURTAINS HESS WILL PM THEM SO THEY OPEN WITH THE DooR REPAIRINO Painting "Feed Care Oneeloat, $15,00, Two Coats ... $20.00 iCevering Ford Top Good „Material, less curtains .- $12.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors . $5.00 Painting Buggy .... IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS, HESS 1 11:11111111101$11111MMIMEMMEICalmanim“. • • li▪ ver. 46 ÷ 4. + + -For Immediate Sale . 500 Cedar Posts Regular 50c eacWfor 30c 4. + 4. ANY FARMER HAVING ANY FENCING TO DO SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TIC'S BIG REDUCTION IN PRICE 4.' • JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF :No. 1 GOVERNMENT IN- + • SPECTEDXXXXXBRA.ND B.C. SHINGLES WHICH SELL AT • $1.70 PER BUNCH. ALWAYS A GOOD SUPPLY OF BUILDING MATERIALS OF t + ALL KINDS ON HAND. ÷ 7.; + 1 , eft, -: U. KALBFL.E.ISCH + ee PHONE 69 4. MIIMIGSSISMaSnomma $ ca ZURICH :I ÷ 4. + +.k.+ +-I.+++ i, -74.i. + i, ,1•4..i. ÷ + ++4- ÷ .t.+ - Stone Built �othes FROM• NOW ON All Woollens Used in the manuNcture of STONE BUILT Oto_i THE ars treated with the famous LARVEX MOTH -PROOF PRO-+ I CESS, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under a $250.000 Globe Indemnity Bond HY DO WE Go TO THIS B.XPENSele• • +BECAUSE Moth are the,g retest faetor ie the destructionTof ECATTSE This new scientific disco • 01- • ceiling that are laid aWay for even 'a. short period. et y r Lean ex Process- + +B entirely eliminates any danger to your clothes from the rav-4. ages of Moth a -el th8ir Larson. trelICAITSE Stone -Built Clothes with. the athied attraction of the +1../ LARVEX MOM PROOFING P.ROOESS, is a combination that t defies all competition -that cennet be beaten. There is no extra charge to you, 'TAILOR:AND FUNERALDIRECTOR DAY AND NIGH I' PHO..NE No. 80 + , , ' WE SELL STONNE-BITILT cLonlgs 1 I - New Spring Suitings Arriving Daily ' + ' geilLen H. H FF * geeenteetesee. • The Horse Remains. It is true that the horse will never again occupy the same position in the vvorldie economies as lie did in the past. Motive power has changed rapidly in the past century and it is well that it has, for transportation improvement has been the greatest known stimulant to eivtiization. It has annihilated distanee, and brought leren ..e e- • INIIIIII11111111111111101111111111111311111111110111111111111111111111111E11 „ZURICH HERALDS 125 Clubbing List IIIIf 1111 lIff II HERe and Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 nr1 nesily Telegraph $5.10 , . „eve Mail and Empire $6.00 • . ay Mail and Empire $3.25 e• ".• $1.-z4:vs' Star . .. .. $6.00 HERA .... ......$6.00 El I. ewe •-•' es, Morning edition ... elfin° HERA. 4) ate. se e HE I; e • are HER. ' HERA te evening edition $6.00 elorning Edition $6.00 aseaseneee, evening edition ... $6.00 • .• s "ocate $2.25 SERAL erre asap s HERALle - .. .. „ $2,65 HERALD s• . • vete se * -, netsly Star .... ... $2.75 HERALDline (ninon -el. • ..- • ...tan ,.. ...... .. -....$2.25 IERALD and We. - ec .„ r 3, . * . $3.15 HERALD and Farmers nee g a zine . ... $2.50 HERALD and Youth's Companion HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expositor $3.25, HERALD and Ontario Journal ...$2.75 HERALD and 'Rod and Gun in Canada Frals PeaFwEVe ave Money and Trouble by renewingl Your Papers ✓ with us. See us for papers not listed above • . • e • HERALD OFFICE, Zurich peoples together and. in doing this it °late:Wee7 ,1ttd plesits,ed_i:ebto tob,liVe. ututoti64404tuto b `XIII eheat a greater blenran .64 11M111111111111M11111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illall MIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIM111110111111111011011111111111111111111111111111111111111MINIII •