Zurich Herald, 1925-06-04, Page 4free wimps iz'ilouses chis sastitim URICR HERAID. Tv daF, 4u.no 4L14.192 your'vice on foot troublis Pains r�i, rIPr.T �.ir,.ul,Vlr. Sore Limbs Trud. " Mark'' R4ff., y� ypt�,rain`eJ/4d in\the � methodsypof ,►+� Dr. Win. M. Scholl lSf Chicago, mill be here Thursday, June 1 th 1 If you have aching feet, pains, cramps, 3 callouses, burning sensation at the bill of the foot or toes, fallen arches:` painful heel, weak turning ankles, sore limbs, corns, bun- '� ions, or perspiring feet—you are •cordially invited to see this Foot Specialist. He will be pleased to make recommendations, dvith- out any charge or obligation, as to what your trouble is and how to relieve it. BROWN BR S. Footwear and Foot Comf.irt ZURICH , Theme is -a Dr. Scholl Appliance or Remedy for Every Foot Trouble, hevri.iet Cars have been appionted for this district to sell the New Superior line of E V O , T AUTOS if yor are considering a new car be erne and call on me for a demonstrat- ion and prices John Hey, Jr., Zurich This Spring into be a Fancy Shirting Season The plain dyed shirtings that have been popular during the past few sea- ,Eoas, have been conductive to price sitting. Now is the time to get good shirts for less rn ohey E. rt, TaIIor3 Zurich Men's Furnishings WHERE THE 0001.) CL OTHES COME FROM.. CREDITON Geo. ,Wes, and Ed. ,Brown of Pigeonj` ,tviich., visited friends in —' the village, Pearl Dreier and brothe' Lorne tot Hanover visited at the Evang. 1 iarsonaget.. ; r Mr ,and Mrs,, :Mervin Brokenshire *id J'amily of 3'ergits visited Mr. 46n0. Mr .• Wilson Anderson, Mr' ,and Mrs. Ezra Oestreicher yhcl Ivflss Eva of Windsor, ,spent Lae, i ,isiting ,1r3 pat'ea.ta., Mrs, 0, hill received the news of the ,death • of her ,brother in Pigeon, and left for there, Mr and Mrs Russell Schroeder have moved into the house of Jo Lawson occupied by `Chas. Ander. ', i sod. ,„ lr r M .ar ,Brown fohr;.. boy occupied •the 'pulpit; art t]ae angelical church. Rhea* Collins of Ripley 'Visit- ed •R,e'c*, and Mi.'s, MoTavigh, , Fred. Kerr, of Crediton,`, Was high :gu,ia with ;score; of 97 at the Ingersoll trap Shoot on Monday last: HILLSQREEN A Grand reopening .services will be held in the Hillsgreen church on Sunday Jung 21st. • At 430 and. 7.30 plrmi. Rey. J. , HQgg,; of 'Clinton will preach ,'" Special music. for\the occasion Also ,yap•- eclat offering to meet the ,cost of re-decoa^ation. Public cord- ially ,invited to all of these services. BORN McBride—In .Stanley Tp. on May 29th to Mr. and Mrs, Roy 1vlcBride a ,son. Dashwood Miser Ida Gates of Chicago is visiting her \pa.rent.% Mr, and Mrs, T. Kluanp', attended, the funeral of a relative in Pig eon last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dark of Wind sor spent the week -end with the latter's parentsi, Mr. and Mrs. :0. St ei nhagen, Mr. and Mrs: Wellington Maier. of. Detroit spent Sunday in town Mrs. Pitt of Thorndals is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.!G. KoeI . Mr. Milford Koch, Miss Alma, and Myrtle Koch all of Detroit, .spent the week, -end with their Parents, Mr. and Mrs; P. Moffat. and Miss L. Guenther :spent the week -end iii Brueefield. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mr. Pcine in New Hamburg on Thursda'. Mrs. H. Elsie is viisting in Sar Mr, and Mrrsl, C. 14 Smith. of 7urtnh visited with Mr. and Mrs H. Schade on Sunday. Miss Ada and Gordon Witmer of Sarnia soe•nt ,r few days With their parents. Mr. end Mrs. Moon and Misr. .Rosa. Zimmer of Detroit visited in town on Saturday. Wiaa Stir of Buffalo :spent Sun day in town. Miss Gertie Fisher of ,Detroit i,S visiting her parents.' ' ' :M17iseres Rosa, 'Re der rand Idella Railer of Detroit spent a few days' with'. her -parents. tih*Id-:An's Dayy‘.will be obse in the ;Evarlrelical .Church on day ,evening, June 14thL a good program, is being prepared. AIr and Mrs. J. Msrner of fe- tt;hrt.. visit••^ad with: Mr. and Mrs. 'Addison Tiernan on Sunday. 112, .and Mrs. Ed. Siebert of Detroit spent a few days ins twos. Mr, and Mrs. Schenk 'and Mr V. Manz of Walkerton visited the former's brother ori Sunday. Mr .and Mrs, C. Stade •and ills. Merner attended the funeral of a relative in Tavistock on Monde. Mr. and Mrs, II; Zimmer of St- ratford spent Sunday in town. Mr .and Mrs. N. •Sitter, Mr. Geo. Sitter and Mrs,, Wambough of Arkona visited with relativ es.here on ° Thursday. • 'Ir. and Mrs:. J. Schrader. and Mr Arnold Eitert of Detroit,• 'visited in Tavistock on • Sunday. Mr. I. Snider of Toronto isvis- iting his brother Mr. Wm. Snider at present: Mr .and Mrs. Ed.," Noll, Mrs. Wil helm and Mrs. Getcka of Milver- ton. visited, relatives here over the week -end. Mr. N. Ogden of Exeter, .‘rhil" helping to 'shingle a barn for. his broths r• -in-law had the 'misfortune to fall from they roof .and sustain L compound fi'achate of his, right lag below the Mr ,and •.Mrs Stadsliauer of London visited sited wr ith Mr. and Mrs 1:'. •Kraft on Sunday;. Miss Clara Kraft has returned after spending ,some time in Lan- don. - HENSAL. Dora Sherritt of Tonorto spent the holiday with relafir s:, , Aaron Switzer of Detroit, •vis-- ited friends in town last .a eek. The Salvation Army Band of oLndon played on the streets here Saturday eve. to a large crowd. -Geo. Brock who Was up at Owen Sound attending t'hie funeral of his,I 1 ,brother, received word 'to be in! of New 'York :Tuesday where he will gi sail for England to look after the an interests' of Mrs. Helmer who .irs hi one of -the heirs to an estate them ty ivIr .and Mrs, Lae Redden are moving into the building beside the t garage, he has his, gas tank adn th pump ready and is givingtrdayand ye 'night `service. , R. B. Cook and family are vis,- w itin ;relatives in :Detroit, hi Mrs '.Jas. Doan, Sr., 10 Vis-. ,p iting relatives. ,in Detroit, en John Fiuk.er',, who has been two Jo months at. Auburn, :isr is'lso'ncl.in�; son*. Tillie here, *ft, Roy Wye er reeoimpanied- her' Another '),VIES. Dick and brothel ox a, trip , to ,"oro attiz The liberal C'onven'tion held here in the Town Hall, last . Wednesday, afternoon was very liargely atter- ded- The funeral of the late Wm. Rusin who ,died at the residence 'of has daughter, Mrs, Jonah Green of Tuckerswith, passed through the, village on Sunday last, interment was amide, at Grand Bend, Miss iSelintn, Beaver, and ;lady, frig end motored lip; from Kitchener, a.nid spent die holiday with her parents, Mr. • sand Mrs, Wm; Bea- Geo(c , Petty visited with his daughtef, Mrs. Lorne 'Scott, Tor- , Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Hildebrandt, Goderieh, visited the formers par ants, Mr. and Mrs‘ `W'ml.? Hildebr- aardt.. Ernest Bates' has rented Mrs,. Bullard's house on King, 'st, He i,sl busy getting ready for •, his bride whom ,he will bring lo- Hen- sall in ,the ;dear future. • Jacob ,Lindanfield; who had be- en spending the holiday with his. son in London, while boarding the train for .;home, slipped and spr- ained his ankle, he is{ getting np in years and had to snuffer. WM.-Towers is lying seriously ill at the r,home of his daughter, Mrs. :Carmichael, he Cis very close to the. •eenitury mark. A pleasant spring wedding took place on 11,la3 23rd at .the First Presbyterian church, Detroit, when Blanche Darling of Windsor., be- came the bride 'of Earl R. Parlmer sons of ,T. W. Parlmer of Hensall. On Sunday! the bride ancr groom came to Hensall by motor. Mr Earl has been in the ;enilploy of the Windsor and Detroit Ferry ;Co. for a number of years. EXETER • F aline 'Walker, M.A, of Toronto , l 11.,1 len « rk'• or Burlington, si ?nt a 1. '.e do ys with their p•ar- eni•s, Mc. and Mrs Wm. Walker, On .1 hursd.a, evening last amis•- celtarneor,s shower was held at the horne of Miss May Jones in honor of Miss Ferne ,Francis, bride elect Wm. Lawson hast been -succes- sful in passing his second year ex ams. at Toronto Dental college and George Hind was successful hi pas sing his first year exams. ' J. W Horn his purchased from W. F. Abbott the residence north of the farm of Jos.. May, London Rd. •south, Hern will tear ,down the dwelling and sold the land to Mr. May • r ; Mrs. D. F. Fergusbn of Winni- peg is ti:ere visiting with her par- ents. Mr. ,and M:rsl. •C. Birneyr - -- Ronald, wer and rr*P: rf Strat .. % ,here _Fist - f1 itoral in:town t Stuart /$tanhury is home from 'Toronto' University, but is `leave- ing for the Muskoka Lake"s where he will be in charge of Boy Scouts organization and Summer camps for three. months, the ,cariipirig gr Guild_ is at Vernon I;ake, near Hunts villa. , Wes. Welsh of `Calgery, is vis- iting her .mother Mrs. Poples'tone her. Mother, S. A. Popl•estone, . ac- companied her from •Blyth. L Harold 'Kuntz and Ernest Wells motored up lfrom Windsor, Miss Ella Link returned to visit in De- troit. , , i 1 , The death took place at Londin Hospital on Friday \last of) Mary \,nnn .Tuurnbull, rolieet of the :late Wm. Turnbull, aged 48y ears, the decreased"was fai resident of Win- chelsea, for a number of ;years, rnrn.irig to Exeter, following the de- alth of her tihusband; hsle • resided with her another, ;Mrs. Emerson. COUNTY NEWS. During a thunderstorm at .Oe1- erich the other morning the tow- er of -lie. public library -'on Mont- real 'st was struck by lightning'and shattered somewhat C The t$alvati�on Army Life Sav- ing Scouts lof the World are to, be started, in Clinton. Roy :Cook has been appointed by Capt F. J. Clarke as 'leader of thisi 'Scout Tro 01) for Clinton.• The executive of,the S. Huron 1;pited farmers• Assoc.. met in Hen salt when optimistic reports were presented from the Municipal rep- ;e,senitati' es• present. A commit- tee wale appo.rn�ted to arrange tor Public- meetings to be (held in Cl- inton and Ex eter. Resulting from what is' thought to' he; ptomaine poison through eat ing .canned ,salmon the ,sudden d-. occured near Granton of ,Roy Langford, aged 35. As is remit of blood poison wh ch developed from a small curt on r'e Whig fingers, : Campbell Hod - ns, 'a' Well-known :Bidclulpls far- es, died (a,t his house. He wa`s in s 44th 'year and had been, ill' on - live days, One of ,the oldest residents in i he cosnrnranity' of Exeter,'died in e person of Wm. Rush, in his 43 •ar..Ile had been; 'a, resident of ti':eter for a., ;number of yearsand as .a remarkable shnart man for s age. Last fall he suffered a ar;alytie stroke ;a,nd since has be- llying with his daughter„ ,Mrs. bahGreen, •Puckersmith. DI Mav 20th there passed away, leo lioate.iGodeilali a termer res, of GodRaieli ' .•pts,. lin t1he son of 7 e,• 3,44d111o,tun, who before her wiatriage was IRaz'riet Bri:ttiarl, tars Trz Onirvilio 75";years ago, Iah!e , eame ,aa a child to God»- erieh where she We* till her mar- riage. . JoIzi Dratomoxu ,, Tit Et., Wast, Middlesex Mediu Ottawa on l•'?.a,y r24tahl &orq Daeamonia, Rum ;• 4611Vergt. a, Xner', opieratlo s . When pneumonia yet in, lie; eond,ucted':; a• large, farm near Ailsa Craig",• arji , for PlaTty 'Years was the clerk' McGillivray, was borni in that asp, and always *took pan active )partin. municipal life, \beings ,r'ee've ;ter • t years, 4. Zurich Drug Store 1 INSECTICIDES We have a reliable Stock:_ of Insecticides of • all kind_s�. n Paris Green, Arsenate ofi Lead, Bordeaux Mixture ,t 1 Blue Stone, Insect Powder Jllellebore,Motja Paas Flyfox- F1ypads, ThngIefoot, O11 of Cedar JToiiet Preparation s, Patent Med- icines, School Supplies, Stationery, 3, Photographic Supplies. , hr. A, J, MacKinnon, Zurioh NylipmminmwmpipvimmtmwAm, eeeee0 60019114110!®iii•11)* 98?en,•.11)8 WOO.it• 04)*CIO. 3 600 *06 111 •0 • • sI 0. • • • •W eiuei.v g our Spring Ship j 0 anents of -Seeds s .�ch as: Clover, 0` Timothy, .Atsike, Sweet Clover, etc. 6 WE .HAVE IN STOCK A LIMITED SUPPLY OF REGISTERED • * A.aNNRR SEED OATS, MANGOLD AND TURNIP SEEDS At • ASLO .SORGHUM AND MILLETT SEED i : WH .ARE ALSO TAKING ORDERS FOR ALBERTA COAL FOR 'o' MAY ,SHIPMENTS,. 0 • FLllia. LINE OIs'=,•'LOUR AND FEED. STOCK AND POULTRY £, • FOODS ALWAYS ON HAND ALSO RED ROSE; TEA *• OtlR SEED ,C".ORN HAS ARRIVED AND HAVE A GOOD StiI=- t • • PLY ON HAND. SEE OUR"S BEFORE MAKING ANY PUR- 11 ,7 0 CHASE. hv�� LOUT - Zurich.. • i GARAGE - GASOLIN.� Our, Garage - is again doinga big euiiies WithPeter Kr�pf . s Mechanic '•SOJ--We would consider it- poor t,poor policy for anyone to put.in a sup ply of .gasoline at the resent. prices; p p cs; when they are 'at the highest peaks LAST YEAR AT .THIS ,SEASON GASOLINE WAS RETAILING AT' 32c.• A GALLON, AND pi' A. PEW MONTHS IT DROPPED TO Z':9ty. OUR ADVICE IS DON'T STOCII UP WITH HIGH PRICED GAi% BUT FOLLOW THE GOOD OLD WAY OP BUY -AS -YOU -NEED. WE HANDLE A FINE LINE OF' HARDWARE sum AS STOVES, FURNACES, `,BATTERIES, FORKS, SHOVELS, AND'ALMOST AZI7-1.. THING Y01J NEED„ asy J Grease Tires es ST;f.,,I. rIiO CATALOGUES. AT A VERY SMALL MARGIN a, : PRO:I'IT PIPING ALL 'SIZES. PRANG 2.urick 7P,u.en''�rarylFpu+u.;fr:+x�rs`P.