HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-06-04, Page 3♦ e :
not :.this three .
"is good, 1..
The 'ORANGE. PEKOE is extra good. Try -it
Washing Water is bard and requires a lot of soap to make a rather•-- ``Snewflake added t o any water
jinmediately turns it into soft Water.
" days and you will not need
i3se" �snaat�vflal�e oaewash d y
quarter the usual quantity of seep. "Snowflake"
will sweeten the clothes --lake them soft and clean
and 6
eve you much la 3 laces tow Snowflake
Satkic.-.00m,,D Laundry
inter ria . NEWS FOR'
Vlietber it ie the fineai't et inenag- „
lug a -llal sellold or the easecutive cor, I ATI PEOPLE
trot, et uu industrial c'oticerre eve:';,
being, however aided by miners
now algal then. 1 Now .1K.nown That his !rouble
In the :villa of South America there •
must be Treated Through
,are natives, apparently with limitless
�ti�nme before them and endless room the laid.
about there, sq.uattlng iii the suet and X'be, most a r}leulnatzc suPfel'er can
�' �•�nu.l:o ithe
i on
1 e to11
F� sli
Weaving am tl g
git rubbing 'n &o
g� for i z 1 bl
raving eyes of tourists tall upon those tender, aching joint is a little relief.
sinlpie, tranquil folk, and the malt >?�o lotion :or liniment ever did or ever
eidere are moved to declfit it a peace can do more than this, Tho rlreuma
fun pastoral scene anti "to, wide that
'tic Poison is •seated in the Blood, To
Northern industry.might. divest, lige
of the roar and bustle. of the factories get rid of it you must treat it through
in favor olw�"Fitch an icly]lic existence.' elle blood. Any doctor will tell you
Yet these laborers axe taxing sight and that this is •tree. Tt a ou want apine
straining nerves to make the web oe filing that will go rlgiit to the root of
almost micros'e?LL0, strands tor the the trouble in the blood, take Dr. Wil -
finest quality of their product, and they lianas' Pink PIUs. The whole mission
are exltausted atter a brief voriocd es of this medicine is to purify and en=
effort for miserable pay. rich the blood, and when they do this
all blood troubles, including rheuma-
tisni, disappear. Among those who
:rave proved the value of Dr. Wil-
liams', Innis Pills is Mrs.' Annie
'Wright, Woolebestor, Alta., who says:
"I Was a sufferer from rheumatism for
lits divested of compiicfiione an pr six years, and during most of that
time " my life was one of misery. I
ourselves for the coil- of civilized pre- tried several doctors and many
a�Liolis wherein we are enmeshed, I e • got more
humso le' ng, owe' w
soual rnechaniezil, `needs stn interlude , ,,
Wo look to the north and we,think
of the Eskimo as enviably lawless and
healthy. They are supposed to be
care -fee in the- kyak and igloo, with
plenty of flesh in the sea and abundant
game along shore. We imagine the
Occup a dice recommended, but never
But the fact is, that life for the. Green '
lander is` a terribly anxious business
and is prematurely shortened by the
endless battle for existence against
the elemental forces. advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
There is no land 'or is tual easel and, through these I found complete
fora loafer.. The rule is that human j'reliof and to -day I feel like a new per'
beings must work for a living, and• the , son,_ I can therefore strongly recom-
interlude of rest is. -sweetened by the" mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to any
toil that went before it and earned ?t'.` one suffering as I did from this train
Moreover, in that time of respite
than temporary relief. The trouble
seemed to affect my whole system and
-I was badly rundown . and suffered'
from, headaches as well. Finally -I. was
The Field Secretary for Ontario has ,
Gently ^concluded an interesting tour ,
i of
of o p
leo ,
- �o thop
.in i most sL f
Ds taI g I-
neo from North 13ay to Sault Ste. � The now radio -built
marvel of lightness, com-
aria. He speaks' very entllusiastieal- CON is a
of the splendid advances Seouting , fort, iann nulszeeuouse ase.s as sax io
malting there and the followingwwill delight You, xegardIess of what
rief remarks indicate that he has I other device you' are now usints,
00(1 reasons for !xis .optimism. i that ve invite you to try it 10 days
It should be here noted that the , without a pointy of rials. No 0
ork in this District ie under the tape •to go through:
swpervision of District Coninissloner Mo deposit ar paymenk of any
G.. R. dse P. Vsontom. lie has been very
argely responsible for the forward kind. Just send 'your name, address
eye, and is .admirably supported bY; and free trial request, to, or call on,
nous leaders, to whom credit is also Anderson Co.
due. •
The Troop at Sturgeon Falls has its
wn club rooms. These have been „lit- j 357 St. Catherine St.. West
ed and completed by •te boys entire• Montreal, Que.
ly. It has involved weeks and hours No Deposit. No Expense.
of hard work, buts u
f 2' Sumrer Goatee in.the larsoot, sn4
most up-to-date ;Sc11ool in if`ana>d.e,
Toronto, .0nt.
718 Yonge, 231 Yonge, 617 Danforth AV*
i now one of the
finest in existence. It is to be ofacially
World's Water Power. •
dedicated and opened for Scout opera-
tions on May 22nd.
At Coniston a fine group of Cubs and
Scouts gathered for a meeting. Un-
fortunately the Scoutmaster, Rev. J. D.
New; was too i•11 to be, present, and it
is doubtful if he can continue his lead-
ership for this reason.' The N!eke:rites l U.S. department of the Interior.
will sae to t'that the work does not "Put into your life sunlight and
laughter." That was the advice given
to a boy by Robert Louis Stevenson,
the famous author.
The developed water power of the
world has increased 26 per cent. in
three years, from 23,000,000 horse-
power in 1920 to 29,000,000 horse -power
in 1923, according to estimates by the
The new Troop in Sudbury, in the
cars -of Scoutmaster Fred Cress�eY, is
P site there bre..
ff making astounding progress. Bot..
are few who are content to do nothrng You can get.these pills from any Fr ops are well officered and making
at all; the inanition would make most medicine dealer, or by mail, at 50 cents things hum.
real men miserable. What they want a box from The Tar. Williams' Medicine j
Espanola once again demonstrated
is a change of occupation. They aura Co. `Brockville, Out.
' youngand eager by exercise up- I itself as a real live centre of Scouting
• afternoon was spent
outdoors in Scout game-, w' i - L
kept g l activities An. of
on the hobby to which they turn. h le other
-In each day, as in the year at large, 1
there should be interludes. We should!
interrupt and alternate the strenuous
hours with 'moments of aspiration and ! ;
reflection. . If, as the homely saying
has it, the nose is kept to the grind-
stone all the time, the whole being
pays for it with a lost edge, a ruined
temper. The conquest of the worldis
not sufficient- recompense for the loss
of one's own soul; the business day'
crowded and valuable as it is, cannot
afford to leave human nature out of
its reckonings and banish the sunfrom
e its overhead as a superfluous charge. .
At all grocers itIc large paskag
Authors' Dream. Children.
Most authors have an affection -for
certain children of their imagination.
main is an easy first in Sir H. Rider
Haggard's esteem.
W. NV.Jacobsseeis his affections on
st .Bo Pretty,,
a - Jerome- r
k with�a wistful on
h 'in ills book. Similarly, "Three Men in a Boat'_ ihe o0cs host `No--bnly struck by my, ear
ft is no sec Y made his name but- a' mild but 'thorough laxative which
friend." ill.
' In
.the rn y
only ten r c g,
not Y wee n
ick d s nda
, h els an u y
w o rn • S
1 he b 2
Wolf regulate at
-• ua vY P
he W ,e
i t g
"1vIow 1 •�.
inlet g ar
it ' o secret d l h �„
" the "Jungle Books Is Rud- Wendy r :yY o
-: /+� =n
ti that preacher, finished diplomatist,
`Vhen the baby Only Struck at Lightning 'Speed.
and sly humors b whilst
Dickens confessed ct to a
pecial .fond- cies and perhaps more Visitor (looking over grounds)—('My
with all his 1 tion ar patting rn 1 s him happy,
gel r • k b
arStruck largelytit y
• and bS
0 Eover! cCpushed Y .
for ppbeen
ne,,s.has lerhap� on account of the element of - lolls bac f do ass i ° him without delay. The Tablets ,era lihtning, suppose?'~
groups 1,000 yards apar'tdid good work
in n.oeseesignalling.
inN blew Eyes
AA* set yea C611 PreenCe to
• 9ot ;�,a►y e,i.an,Heallhyeersdillas
��U,seMurine Eye Remade
Night and Mervin¢.'°
' Eeep your Eyes Clean, dear and lalea1tiut
Write• for Free Eye Care Book.
triches in a 2cfrady noeeflasi Oslo d;sectst 1E^eage
on rot being left out, arranged an
evening meeting indoors. One has yet s � �g�» to meet a more lively Pack with their Ill�Al�'S Relieved
I two eyes very'much open.
is Rheumatism
splendid meeting was called • in
Creighton Mine, embracing boys and •
inset is one the 01rnlaf y Minard's asa tile-
, a.dulia who, -under the chairmanship of in cases oe rheumatism: have
the nine superintendent, listened in nen relieved of rheuzvatism be
t.eutively to an explanation of Scout• a out liniment. I thought I would
I ing It was an audience that very bad-
••eve•- be free from this malady
ly needed to know -that the only fig
ing we teach the boys is that which
has to do with their own evil desires
1 and impulses. Good seed was sown,
and the y ottng Troop will undoubtedly
make fine headway under the direc-
tion of Scoutmaster Pascoe.
Space will not hermit references to
is ill; when he cries
a . great deal: and no amount of 'atten-
should_ g
' Own
Baby s
what a pity that fine tree on the drive
is n - -. made the wort . aug t� t
„ t .Ea.ch ' �. drive out „�or�tst.' L � �
L'oy of t, e ung Books," Not even cf-
yard 5. 1,- nb', favorite among his fie- Si "' eines fevers d
i for and simple
5b>e Stam ti
,„,�,r� {and Without Lay�.S...
Sarrre 5 tion and
inn on; break up c�
first'plaCe in r� and make teething
Th creations. heart; but it is probably his ove
to d
ran e
They are absolutely gag
Though Sherlock Holmes is Easilyh eases Y
tIonal i eehool, Harrow, Which c a andnarcotics
his old
from 'o fates
fre opiates be e
and can be ;given to even the. now -born
'babe with perfect safety and always
with beneficial results. The Tablets
are soldbymedicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
The Secondhand Car.
There's a grievous mistake you are
likely to make
If a car you're determined to buy?
When you go to the dealers and put
out some feelers
And find that the price is too high;
Then you say with a vim, "I will be in
a the swim;
All my neighobrs have beat me so
first in 'public estimation among all
the characters created by Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle,: first place in his own
esteem is occupied by Rodney _Stone.
A very good second is Sir Nigel. '
Thomas Hardy prefers to consider
himself a poet rather than a novelist,
but 11 he -a'ere to stand or fall by a
novel be would choose "Tess•," whilst
H. G. Wells would probably choose
Tono-Bungay. - .
Stevenson bad a great affection for
"Treasure Island," and Allan Quater- . The longer I live ins more I am
`convinced that the greatest of all'ne-
cessities for human happiness is to
talk things out.--s-Mr. T. P. O'Connor.
Ii Osaka, the Japaneses city, now
' fifth in size in the world's cities.
The first four are London, New York,
Berl n, and Faris.
Horace Annesley Vachell to love The
Hill"better than any other member
of his, literary family. Itisoften dif-
ficult to account for these literary pre-
ferences. Mark Twain, for instance,
regarded that little scallywag, Huckle-
berry Finn, with an affection and de-
votion worthy of a better cause, and
it is possible that, next to Copperfield,
"The Artful Dodger' most to
See That This Label
is on Your 'Fox Wire
Prince Edward" Brand English
t roll—has
Fox vVire--recognized 'by the •
above label on every
given more than fourteen years
• of perfect service on pioneer
ranches and is being used for
most of the new ranches.
"There's a reason.
Write or wire for free sample
and prices.
P. E. lslaed
Ontario Sales Agent
31 111 use
SAWS z,'&
rUMAcrn toys
hit 111'0
4 O DUNond are w., Tonouro
11VAnoau'fn MO„ TnlAL or. JOMN, N.O.
Ops� ort ities
.lar. Profession
If you desire a profession you should consider what the field of
ar Science has to offer. Graduates have splendid opportunities
Voter iu y
for a sttccessfttl career, The. live stockindustry is dee corn�s=s����est
agricultural devve1opmen t and the veterinary profession Is its g
i>r><s 6etaber 1, 1:925
., S�Ssion g
•1 ,1 al
-5c p
ra +
.t++IcGi yr
ta'C.. D. Write for bulletin and calendar-,
Ontario Veterinary Co ego
Guelph - Ontario
it oronto. Under the Ontario Department
Affiliated with Untverslty of Toronto.
of Agriculture, w
HON. JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister -
But i.'.11 dig tit the jack to buy some
kind' of a hack;
And you purchase a: secondhand car.
each place visited, but even at risk 0f
transgressing we must mention the
Soo and North Bay. At the Soo one
masters Wagner and Noble have d
wonders. As a result of their work
Scouting has now a great opportunity
to develop;
tiie air of important events in the mak-
is situ-,
In North Greenland, which ' 'ing` a in connection
'-es of the North I The final gathering
twelvemiwith the tour NaasaNorthwhen
aced within. te
Pole there cure' practically no laws, the respective Troops,. with Cubs,rmet
together. c Anyone can imagine the
electrical disturbance likely to be
created when 120 boys join 'in fun,
games, and instruction. It was great!
And the "disturbance" only terminated
after singing the National Anthem as
only Scouts and Cubs can, the first
three lines as a prayer with the re-
maining lines in a more vigorous way.
The impressions made on one as a
entirely result of meeting these various live
ents.W.hen a couple tire of each other (groups is themtS tot ding
isedoug and
they simply take other mates. There job it set
is 'nothing,ng• that corresponds to "court- I building up sensible, manly, Canadian I
ship." ' Christians.
it s
and there are certainly none with•r
Bard to, property, for all that that men
possess are their bunting -knives, while
the women have only tb.eir household
The stone houses in which the na-
tives live belong to nobody in particu-
lar., If an Eskimo family fend an empty
one they simply move into it and it be-
comes theirs. until they vacate it.
Polygamy 'is permitted and "mar-
riages" are arranged ti ly by par
Then the first pleasant day you start
out so gay;
For a time you go straight as a bolt
Ah! but right in the middle of some
sloppy puddle
You stop with a jar and a jolt!
You may step on the juice, but it's not =
and I tried Lenny ram males, but
Minard's wits the only wee which
gave me relict."
ALPIIOi;S 1 k .1rA D,
St. Sara, P. Q.
Mlnerd's la . also splendl 1 for stiff-
ness of the joints, sprains, braises,
In 'such circumstances seem
strange that, the Eskimos are among i
Sans Sore Taroat Use Minard's Liniment
the most -devoted parents in the world., If you play the gain with th°.worldl
If a separation occurs, the children al-1the World will play the game with you.11
ways go with the mother. . e This a s —Sir Henry Curtis -Bennett. • I
rangeuient, asmaybe expected, leads
to interminable complications, but, 1.1 One of the trials of Old I`ogeydouii
spite of _ dt. a11, Every cue seems very -
ie. the exasperating suspicion that the PANS .OSShappyyoung generation is right.—Sir R. •
The liner Majestic is about 1,700: Terry.' ;
tunes the size of the Santa Maria; l -----
-flagship of Columbus.
Necc and Chest Broken
Out, Ouitieura Healed,
" My daughter's neck and chest
were very badly broken out with
red pimples that f_atered and itched
badly. She scratched the affcciad
parts and caused the trouble to
spread. At night she could not
sleep and the breaking out caused
' I tried everything 1 could th'_ii1i
of but nothing helped her. T, read
an advertisement for Cutkure Soap
and Ointment and sent for a irce
sample. I purchased more, and af-
ter using one cake of Cuticula Soap
and one box of Cuticura Ointment
she was healed." (Signed) Pere,
R. B. Cross, 81 Seneca Parkway,
Rochester, N. Y. - -
Use Cuticura to clear your shin.
Sample usTelroePilon
Dent*Mahae, Lid, 6entrE,.
26c. Ointment 26 end 60e. Talcum 2:e.
Cuticura. Shaving Stick 25e.
any use,
So your pliers and wrenches you
If it isn't the tires why then it's the
If it isn't the wires, it's the brake.
There you tinker and fuss and you
cuss, the old bus,
And, you hope a garage isn't far—
If you want all your trouble tea- cer-
talnly double`
Just purchase a secondhand car!
C. Ballard.
Too Much, Silence.
ilong the Irish coast are lighthouses
1 which fire a signal gun at three-minute
intervals during foggy weather. To a
visitor the noise is irritating and un -
bear able,
making sleep an impossi-
Witty; bat to the seasoned lighthouse.
keeper not only does the monotonous
boon:_pass unnoticed, but a break in
1 its regularity reacts as ft disturbance.
One old Irishman of long service
slept soundly and peacefully during a
winter night while his wife fired the
roaring three-minute signals—that Is,
he rested comfortably until by some
shortening one of thep charges failed
to explode.
• Instantly he awoke,, sat up, gr1.z
wildly .aronnd,,.and, shouted, "Maggie!
What the deuce was that?"
A: man's dollars are net necessarily
' a measure of his cert ice.
Minard'a Liniment for Colds,
__:- ..lfr
We supply cans and day express
charges. We pay dally by express
money orders, which can be cashed
anBA )0-4;9
ere without any charge. Say "Bayer" ., insist!To obtain -tiro toil price, CreaseI
must be free from bad flavors and
contain not 'less than 30 per cent i For Colds Headache
Butter 'rat.
Bowes Company Limited,
T; •or references—plead Office, Toronto,
Batik of Montreal, or your local bauker.
Established for over thirty years,—
ideal Sppringc1Vacations
�I oft weAOnly 2 DoysYront kleeNdi•ic
Go in May and June
whom l#erinuda !s ablaze with
lowerseeparfeet days for test or play,
Pa}attar, TW3n-Screw Motu -nos
Foe filustraied BooklotsWrIto
34 Whitehall 'Street - 14 e York'CltY
or Any totalTouuriet Agerf
Neuralgia Rheumatism
Lumbago Pain
Accept only a
Bayer package
Relieved by Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Mitchell, Ontario.—"I have taken
our medicine for a number of years.
I do not take it steady all the time but
' 1 am never without it. 1 always ;eep
it in the house. 1 took it first for pains
in the abdomen and bearing -down pains,
headaches and pains across the back. I
have my hone to look after and many
a day I could not get up at all. 1 saw
the advertieement in the pa er about
Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Cont -
pound, and Mrs. John Miller told me
about it, too. Every time 1 take it, it
makes me feel bettor and I always rec-
onmend it to my friends... I ant willing
1 to answer letters from women asking
about this medicine andou may use
this letter as a testimonial.' —Mrs. P.3.
WASSMANN, Mitchell, Ontario
1 - The merit of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is told by w o r; en
o each know by
��aa •once what this medicine will do
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets and they are ,-Helens for others tolcnow•
h other. Many '� omen
\Ylllcbcontailisprovendirections ex eel
a c y ., -
i Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists Stich testimony. should cause a tly
Aspirin Is the traria 'mark (resisterod la
Canada) of Boyer Manufacture of alouo-
aeatioeoleester of Sane:lcade.
+ e• organic phosphate, 'knownow'knownto
most druggists as BIM -Phosphate, it
what nerve -exhausted, tired -out peol4'
must have to regain nerve force and
energy. .That's why it's guarantee!.
Pried S1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical
25Front St. Bast, Toronto, Ont.
woman suffering from the troubles
common to her sex to give this well-
known medicine a fair trial.
Do you know that in a,recent canvass
among women users of the Vegetable
Compound o
er 220,Q00 00
replies rtes
To the question, "Have you re-
ceived benefit by taking this medicine?"
98 per cent. replied 'Yes,"
This means that 98 out o every 100
women are in better health because
they have given this medicine a :'air