HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-05-21, Page 8105 • p : er LINOLEU : S New 4 yard wide Lin- oleulms now opened up 4 patterns to choose from. We have also floor oilcloths in differ- ent widths and a full range of Congo/cum Rugs in all sizes. Get our prices. P4PER We carry the old reliable Wats o'n Foster's Wallpap- ers again in Stock. Pleasing designs, and quality a n d prices hard to beat Let us, show y ou our Samples. Seeds! Seeds We have the following new Field Seeds: MANGLES, TURNIPS,'CARROTTS, SORGHUM, TIMOTHY% SEED, MILLET, SEED CORN, AS WELL AS GARDEN SEEDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.... J. G 40. SOFT Produce Wanted Phone 67 :Zurich's Garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, rubs, Repairs, GENUINE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS Z. Lt. BATTER:7 IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIIfS WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. :WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD, BATT- ERY, BATTERY REPAIRINfG AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. Alc•Ig0 AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE Mousseau Zurich filCtl;. ITEMS OF Lo(;AL INTEREST• Mie. C4 Fritz was at Bayfield no Tuesday on business, 11P1, W`, C9, Lallfas wias a few days a,t London last wdekr on business, Mr. Robt. Green, of the Parr, Linin is renjoEy'ing al new C'hevP rolet touring ,csr. ' 1VIr ,and Mrs, Ed. Merrier of Bay !field called`on'the forrner's mother' Mrs. G. Merner, on Sunday. Mrs; :Celina Jeffrey 'whosPent the past few .months in Michigan, hasreturned to her home here. The Zurichi, Public Library, will be open Tuesday afteilnoon land evening of each week instead, of Wednesday from now on. Mrs,. J. J. J arrott, who has sp- ent the past winter 'in London has returned to Hillsgreen to visit . her !eon. J. ' 1/ Mr, and Mrs, •Andrew Disjardine of Gradid Bend were Wedne:sdlay, visite ,$... it the home of Mrs. Celina ,J effr yr The South Huron,' Liberal organ ization Will hold their convention in Hensall on '4Rrednesd'ay of next week, when, a large iainount .of business will be . transacted. Dr. .H H. Powen, denticsitr'wishes to advi!sle the public that he will have his offices at Zurich and Dash wood closed. the . coating 'meek, as he is attending a dental Cnoven- tion ato,Toronto.. Mr. and, Misr, Jhdn Latpoi+tee of the Saulble Line have just ° retiann- edi.from a week's vacation in the city fo New' `York. IMtr., 'Laporte is quite interesting (tol' listen: toas' ha describes the wonderful sights to be seen In this, the second lar- gest city in (the w]yoldi. Mit. Wra. Lamont of the, village and Mr. Jas;: Rennin oaf the Babyt- lon, Line are the new Purchasers;. of Fords Touring ears, the past. week, from our local ,,authorized ,Frod agents, C. Fritz & Son, who report as pr. os(peets verybrilliant for a good sea.son;:s bul<siness. The St. Jsoeph Fishery: has com- menced poeration,s and is' at pres- ent fishing three pound 'nets and the catches( have, been .favroablel,, The Company is now under the able management of Meagre. A. 'Sreenian and N. A. Oantin who are both eYperien(ed men in this oc- cupation, olid we wislln them every su•ceess and a good years Batch, : ukvii 693ei2ot1s498rdbKlrfmose etrosssssso Tari 'y'+`+AsetioaU®aeusosit KCeese 4405 •• rw • • We have received a full and com 1 • I .pfete line of Brushes, p Oil, , Turs,, SPRING TIME! Lead, Sherwin Williams paints, Varnishes, Stains, Fillers Enamels and Auto Paints. All these are the • old reliable paints at right prices. LOiatt, MAL KETS lOorreetede very W ed nesda *) Eggs . 21-25-28 l;ut,ter per lb. 35 potatoes per hag .. , ;,, . 75c Dried apples lb, 00 Oats • Barley Buckwheat IN FENCING 80 „ ,80 Flour cwt. • 4.00 to 5,25, Wheat 1. i5 Shrots par ton( .... 3.100 :?Bran per tan 10,00 e'gs .. .. ....... ...... Iii. 5 J..F Wester ..• Fanners' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an tInsuranee of ove>!• $27,004,000. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid: Losse in 1923 to amount of $56,143.2.0. No ass- essment during thio year and have a balance on baiirk of $39,00.0 G. /Holtznani—Zurich and Mrs!. W. R. Dengis. and two ` children arrived from Dids;- bury, Alb.; on, : riday anc1 Jw - wel- leonze them as 4itizen4 to oar vil- lage. Their houlsehold effects ar- rived also last week and were coati veyed to the .local parsonage on Saturday, .and they ,are ,busy set- tling down. The Rev( igentieman greeted with, two splendid au -,l - lances ;on Sundayand he preachedhis first sermons in Zurich in a very capable and :spiritualtv.ay0 BORN May Frank—At Waterloo on ay 14th:. to Ili. and Mrs. Wm. H. Frank, a 's, , • AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH-' TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf.-34 DR: J. E.)u-NTrAM • STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Rev. J'. Durrnfn of Varna and Mr J. T. Keys are ,attending the la.n- nnal Methodist Conference at Lon- don this weeks. This Will be the last Methodist C'onlference, as we June 2. -=Dashwood at Crediton go into the -United 'Church ". 'on June 4—Hensall at Zurich June 10th, iT1lere` will, be no preaching ,sery ice, in the Goshen church: on Sun= clay owing to 4hee absence of , Mr. Durrant, Sunday School •at the usual hour. Mr and Mie. Oscar Wright and family of Ke!nzaelworthi, have been visiting with Mrs. Wright'b• par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo,'Dow.sonfor a few daysl. , ' Mr. W., 0., JRobinsioln of Walton, has been .visiting at •the home of his ,mother, Mrs E. 'Robinson. The Methodist and. Presbyter- ian congregations of Varna are coning to-gether .and will wo'r.-, ship in (the 137esibyteriah' church'af- Iter June 10th. Mr. John Stephenson, Goshen, who recently niet with on accident .passed •away onl Tuesday evening. aged 85 years; 3 months:and 20 days, the, furiterai will the held on Thursday afternfoon, May 21st, to DENTIST ANNOUNdES THAT HE HAS OPENED 11 MODERN DENTAL: OFFICE. AT ZURICH (Over Post- Officer,) 01'EN EVERY DAY EVENINGS SY APPOINTMENT TELEPHONE 134 DASHWOOD Mrs "., Kellerman, is, 'visiting in Toronto. Miss Hazel S'ne11 of Toronto is visiting• her parental at present. Be.tE. Bruier .spent Sunday with his brother in, London.. -1, Mr. J. Fried of Toronto', visited 'iris :sister, Mrs. J. Kellerman: last, week. , i . dean, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.G. M'olton, bled the mis- fortune fall and 'fracture her arm \ 1 i. Mr. and Mrs). J. Eidt of Ailsa Craig :spent Sunday' in town. Mrs. Win:. Nadiger is suffering with. a •fellonl on her thuinib. Mr. ,and Mrs). C. L. Smith , of Zur'ieb :were Sunday visitors at the Evangelical parsonage. South Huron -BIG FOUR League ®Baseball Schedule' May 22—Crediton at Ilcnsill May 25—Zurich at Crediton. •••. ism WE HAVE THE GENUINE PROST LIGHT LOCK WOVEN I 0 PENCE, ;DON`?' RE MISLEAD BY INFERIOR GOODS CALLED • IS Is . JUST THE SAME OR JUST A5 c• GOOD, AS EVERY ROLL OF FROST PENCE HAS ITS FROST • WE HAVE IT. ALSO BARB WIR,:C, STEEPLES, BRACE g WIRE, ETC'. •• GET OUR PRICES ON CORRIGA.I ED GALVANIZRD IRON ROOFING, COUNCIL it '1 STANDARD AND ORDINARY AT RIGHT PRICES. WE ARE o el THE ROOFING EXPERTS - •e • •. A TIRES!. TIRES! • Wl HANDLE TAE OLD RELIABLE GOODYEAR AND GOOD- i1 MOH TIRES. PRICES ON ANY OF THESE EQUAL TO CAT '• ALOGUR PRICES IN, ANY SIZES. FABRIC, CORD OR BAL • • LOON. • •! FULL LINE 0 ' ]HEAVY AND SHELF' HARDWARE•, SEEDS • •• AND GRASSES. . • • 1 TA.."' &WEIDO • zURicH O1 1`W ilr«te.446 i►.40441. 11001 ••••••ws+•wsseiltiO r Poseisse•wett� • June 1•i—QZurieh. at Dashwood June 11—Uensall at Crediton. Janie.„ 17—Crediton at Zurich June 15—Crediton at Zurich. June 18 --Dashwood at Hensall June 25—Zurich al He�rsall. June 25 --Crediton at Dashwood. July 2—Hensall at Das wood. July' 2—Zurich at Crediton:. July 6—Crediton at; Hen 1.1,,l July 9 -,--Dashwood at Zurich July 16—Dashwood at , Ceed.iton, July 17—Hrnisrall at Zurich. July 23—Zuaiehat Dashtit�ood. July 28 -Dashwood at Hensall. Aug. 0—Bens�all at Dn:shwnod Ana. 13—Zurich at Hensall iAud, i8—Crediton at Dashwood. Alt 20-Daishwoad at Zurich, Aug Zit-Hensall at Orecliton. Visiting team provrd,es umpire in club. Home team provides um- pire for bases. TIvo leading te- aims play off 'home and, house gga- the •,;Ba.yfl� ld cemetery for iiiiter- nae,s. Teams allowed to,draw inenit. ,; plovers la radious of five miles. :111"..1;'ae`Iay, .l'Mixy `?,tial, ,925 OTIORMINOL The sture with the Liberal Cash Discount Brighten Up Tim, e. AT THIS SEASON 01? THEYEAR EVES YBOD Y GETS THE -NOTION OP BRIGHTNT.NG UP. LET 37$ SUPPLY YOU' WITH THE BEST PAINTS, VARNISHES AND STAINS THAT MONEY CAN EU Y. , Furniture! - Furniture! C'OIVIE IN AND SELECT YOUR FURNITURE ;F. OM LIE( W;) 9,RE CARRYING, A BINE L ENE OLS'' VERY CHOICE ARTIC- LES, THE VERY LATEST ON THE MARKET, AND OUR PRI. CES ARE RIG:fir, ; . - ; , 4.01;,. ' HARDWARE FENCING TIME IS HERE AGAIN, WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN WOVEN O'R COIL WIRES, GATES, LAWN FENCFS, ETC. SHELF A,ND HEAVY HARDWARE ALWaYS ON HAND. SEE US ABOUT ROOFING. STJ2ER-BST GASOLINE WE ARE APPOINTED, SOLE, RBTAsTLNR.S FOR ZURICH FOR 'VTR' FAMOUS SUPER -TEST "BEST 13Y TEST" GASOLINE, AND AEE ERECTING A NEW LARGE FILLER FOR AUTOSs TRADE. GET IN: THE WAY O1± USING THIS SPLENDID GAS AND YOU WILL. HAVE NO: OTHER. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO Hardwareac,Ealbfloisch & Furnitt�e. Phone 63 pa,stoase MARTI N- -SENOUR w - FINISH MARBLE -ITE TE FLOOR Nothirt like it for Hardwood Floors It wears like Iron Write to !load. Once, Monf'ree,14`Por free Booklet HOME, PAINTING MAdE', LASY SOLD BY • 1,y o, f' .�SftAVia., Auto Insurance INSIMANCE TO COVER YOUR CAR O.t1 T.tfUCIt AND F AND PROTECT YOURSELF ;IS JUS?' AS IMPORTANT AS INSURING, YOUR HOUSE, BARN OR.STOCii .Insurance on cars' and truckscan be tnlaen out, to following classes ;- Legal liability for body injuries,' -or death; $l(k,000.00„ one sae-' eiden;i and $,,000.00 ono' per •,n, Legal ' liabitity for damage to property of others, .$1100.00. • Collision damage to automobiles, Full covering $25 deducted, $50 deducc11:t; $100 ucaucted, , FIRE AND TRANSPORT 1TION.AND-THEFT. FOR RATES AND FULL PARTICULARS 'APPLY TO Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich . MY MOTTO;—SERVIc'E AND SAFETY Have You MADE YCU R WILL? 111 Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR. PAINTING, GRANING, PAPE.RHAN(iIN,, & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MO1 TO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY .T033 WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR. NEXT JOB. H. EICKMEIER; ZURICH — ONT, DR. JOHN WARD ' CHIkoPRACTOR &`OPTICL&N:' Heavy Shell ,Frames. to Your clue Lenses at 49,00.' Broken obis Rims Replaced while you w' Spectacles. Complete , large l.': $2.00 upl. _ Main. St., EXETER, Phony 9P1 AT WALPER: ROUSE, ZURI OI Every 'Tuesday, 10 a.m., to 4 120*.' 4~ 4. 4. lO`I%, 4+ 41. ;;4++1+4.4+++ +++R++4 + +.1"14+++44+4.4.+4.+4. ++3• 4.4. +++$x'44+ IIERATJD +.. Know:' 4. THAT WE ARE 'AL' YS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR l + t oo U PRINTIN4 ,•4§, THAT WE CAN SUp LY YOU WITH PRINTED- WEDDIN I ',.• 4' INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE 'RIMA: CALLING .CARDS; STATIONERS, -Sul-31 ,..• AS I,E 1. 1Ei1I11Ai?S • .1. ` , BILL HEADS, ENVELO.}'ES AND ` 4. _ TA'? NT THAT Wil ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADINGSMANUFEAO".I`S 40 +b URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND°CAN SUP'-.. 4 PLY A.N Y QUANTITY ANI) sIzn-oP.CHECK I#OOFS,' ..: THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEI +>: 0I'ES IN ALL SIZES, CART) PAPERS, CAR13ON Oa, 4x •* TRACING .PAPER. SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM .S - M ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS_INf1 + SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC:, ETC. ' THAT WE FILL Y017R ORDINARY SIZE, INK BOTTLE, WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INH FOR 5e. LAEO; ' • GDR QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS . ' ,THAT WD, PRINT POSTING BILLS f AUCTION SALE. POSok '! TERS, NMIIRCANTILE POSTERS -AND- ALL GENERAL ••, ?METING OUR SP'ECIAL'.CY