HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-05-21, Page 1Vol. :XXV No 47 1 ZUH1C1'-1, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1925. Cheater L Smith,'Publish,* $1.25 a Year In Advs $1,50 INAIt]i,BA4$,Ca MAY BE OHARGEi If Your have a y Artic1e or teal Estate for Sale, try .ars Adin the Herald Our Corner Beware of gilt-edged !securities. when, all'the gilt shown is on the • ¢lecroative certificate& of the sale mane, Judging from, the, number of pol, itical conventions being held in. different parts of thle .country for th.e •selection; of party candidates, the roil war-horses eaeast sniff an. election in tihle air., . Wonder`if they are right.? • Impiorted workmen, sheeld be few in. number and high in cqi ality a—. Harsh critics of winter will soon begin, to raetract their statements 'The Prince of W;alos' new name for the empire, "Brcitherho.od of Pee Nations," isi apt anti' stimu- lating. The maid who kills and :speeds on in his motor ,belnage to the same ilk as( these who believe in "frightfulness." eseestee see a eeafee4eoeseeembo••0000•••oe •••eye se''''wn® 2 Footwear • O • • o • 40 �'�. 0 WHETHER' YOU". CHIEF IN- TEREST IS IN THE STYLE OF +ua SHOES YOU BUY, OR PER- �9ib k b'1►' HAPS VTR COMFORT 'AND 40) FIT OR WORKIIMIANSHIP AND MATERIALS, WE GUARAN- TEE THAT YOU WILL NOT 113E DISSAPPOINTED HERE, AND BACK IT WITH THE PRO- ` 2 MISE TO M'AK 1 000D ANY PURCHASE THAT DOES NO2 0...SATISFY •YOU. . -00 SPRING -AND SLIMMER LIPPEIIS AND SANDALS G NEATLY DONE •. SEE OUR 'WINDOW DISI'T� tee••••••••••••s oeseo••••Os••••••••000000ses eseeee • • • ee • • • • • i • • 03 • • • • • 0 • 1 • • ee..4. - +++++++4,4-e++ F+++++-: en.+4. C ' .4.44 4.4.1 eF +++4`4^ :.l See Me Values We Offer w 41. 3' s ,. .., 411 48c 40c 4 32c 28c 9c t 25c4 27c 4 .50t 17.50 3` M Get your Summer Underwear, :Dote t During Our Quitting Busi L 60c Black Denim at 50c Black Denim at 4 40c Anderson Ginghams at 35c Anderson Ginghams at 25c Gordon Ginghams at 4 30c Prue Prints at 35c Steel Clad Galateas at 7 $45.00 3x3 1-2 yd, Rug at $25.00 3x3 Rug at 4. 0• 4.' ' LET US FIT ,.YOU 1TP. WITH .A 4 NEW SUMMER ^ H4T WHICFI GIVES ;EXPRESSION TO THE NTS W PICTURESQUE soAPES ,, 'WHICH ARE LARGER AND MORE '''1* ATTRACTIVE FOR THE WARM WEATHER 4; We' ltiavO a real good cheaphat 4 ; for isiddyis to weer to School or 'l" ' et Home, So,rt�eth ng you will tike./ ee *l ; All ors ;New Bata command tt- teni.ion by showing' new designs of th.o very latest,. new shades and •4 tints that Medea charm to every. ,,neb 4- YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED + TO INSPECT 'OUR STOCK ' 4. Vera it Sieber). amd Socks while the Stock lists 14 GROCERIES Rolled 'Oette •6 lbs. ,for --- 25e Matches 2 boxes for 25e Shredded Wrest 2 for ...,. 25c Corn, 1i'lak es each ......,--.__._ — 10c Sala dna "1fea, per lb" • .;,.. e% Red Rose Teal pet! lb ,.._._ _-die L. ALt. .:L!..J4 rRaxE ss The i' centi'y issued ;'ti arid, le ( ce'nt-.Utlited. Stater!, statYi;:' e care now in Use: ; c 'arta r°'s, ex61.1isionl `ere to be run this year ,.again,, Jelee .9, 10, 11. and 12th, being the dates,•,'arranged. Huron, is being grouped'with Well- ington, Breee, Grey 1)40e -tele le Sim_ - coo and Muskokau'1 ua�:e 12th is: the day. i ft The kluro'reC'ouut' Social Service 'Counci'l is eedeavouri, i •;, 'yo have the O.ZPA••, 'susipenedecl in so' far as this comity is concerned and have the C.T.A. which was suspended in favor of the 0.T.A., again become operative. at is a q,Yr:. tion, who - thee .this, would be a, wise move, even, if it leould be brought about so far, according to'"'A. 1. Cooppor secretary of the , society nothing definite has been done,' OBITUARY LATE MRS. 'SNOWDEN It iisi with. feeling of deep sym- pathy' find, re,grietf thlalt, we are cal- led upon, to' record off., one of the mostT espeeted citizens of Stan- ley township in this person of Mrs Elizabeth Sn;owdenq. „who de- parted this life onSaturdn 7, Ma.y. 9th. iShn was horn in, tDevonsliire, 'England,, on December .26th, 1835 and was a daughter .e.f the late Mathew )anal Mainly Westlake. When ,seventeen yea*o f ago; ;iii the year 1842, she tams with iter parents to Canada, who Isettted o•n' lot eleven „Saubte Line and foiir yearn later she was married to thew late Barn- ard Snowden, who pro -deceased her : nu'mlaer of eeetee iilrs4 Snowden teras a; eery active h;omeloving' woman. Friend. or stranger were ever welcome in bier ftiaspitaible home and ale ,will he very much mi9,sec1 in the commun- ity where she resided pa 'Many ye- ars. •1VIrs. Snowden brat) ,tot en- joyed very good health fair the (past live, years( and has beena?.- - moat an invalid for the •1: zst two years), bet it was, not 0 -few days before her death 'that her con- dition becasne ceitial. She is' stu'- vIve.d by three daughters, and one sen; Misses Elizabeth. and Rosa- mnod at horns, 'Mrs. John Sowerby; Goderich Tp(, and! Thomas Snow- den of the Sauble ,eline. One son Robert ,and two daugi terse dtre.S- deceased her There are seven( grandchildren and two great ea:r- ;andchildeen. She was a member of the Anglican) church. The funer al 6n Maly llth was largely At- tended. Service's at the house and graveside were conducted by eRV. Mr. 'Paull of the Anglican church Bayfield, assisted by the ;Rev. Mia. Macfarlane. A large number of friends and relatives, from to dist- ance, also attended, the !funeral wh- ich was held to the Bayfield tem-: story. LUN E Y AT . THE a °t Shoppe ZURICH • Mr. I . a. Milliken:, .spent. Sun- day with friends in E;'ceter. Mrs. Perch. Hess was at Londoe on Thursday, Let u's show you our fine array of 'summer hats at the Hat Shoppe.. Mr and .Mrs. Hartman Steinbach of De'ti'oit visited at the home of Mr, land Mrs. R. P. Stade. Mr. and MO. H. L. Albrecht and son; George, were visitors to New Hantuburg and Wednesday last. To -day, Thursday, is Ascension Day and is observed in •most ch- urches hurches a l a holiday!. Mr. Gideon! Koehler is making considerable improvements to the interior 'of hie house. Miss Edith, Bassow of the Bron• - son Line attended the Miller -Bell nuptials, a't Elmville .on Saturday; Mts.'Carolins Price ,who has be- en visitiing relatives, here ,for a few months, returned to her home in London on Friday, Mr. and Mrs...J. Foster of Fair- grova,,•jIvIich., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs!. J.. Douglas, Town Line, for a. ,few,,days. 373..• and Mrs,; Joe Campbell and the 1ormier's mother of Fairgrove, Mich:.; visited et the ,home of Mr, Wm, Lamont endother eriends ov- er the 'week -end. Dr. J. E. Dunham„ dentist; who bee . opened his office ! the, Deitz Block, over the( ' Poet. Office -3344r all rig.gsd ttp 'ready for business and 'solicits. the patronage of the public,. An Old Tithe Dance will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich on Friday eve. May 22nd, under the auspices of the Zurich Band, prpceecls go towards new instruments. • Messrs. R. Eibon;bachi and H. Witmer of Kitchener 'visited at their res•ective ,)tomes, over the - week -end. They motored up in the latter's new Harley-Davidson 'e otos cycle. • • „.. Last Wednesday afternoon, be- ing . two first half -holiday observed in Zurich for the season and the burg looked rather quieit, Our business men are fortunate in hav- ing a. lengthy season of the hell-- holiday all-holiday by extending it over :t period of five months, while most other 'neighboring towns have it only three months. May 244th falls .en next Sunday' and as it happens .no the Sabbath this, year it will be celebrated on Monday 25th. There are .no at- tractions in Zurich this" .year, but the 'closest we know off is Cred- iton, who have their annual event Our baseball team, goes them ort; that date and play .their first le- ague game, which should attract Considerable attention 'as well has other Idpinge 'at that. place. Our .Horticultural Society is to be congratulated on the splendid work they have already done this eal% The nice large plot of vetted on mill reserve behind the ol'fi,ce.,ef Mr. A. F. Hessl, has been fiertilizeid a's, well as' fifteen loads of block inucl soil hauled thereon which mikes, it an ideal sot for for the growing of flowers for wh- ich. it will; bo • used. The Socielty did welt M chasing Mur. Peter J. Haberer 'as their Presidentt, as he It an untiring worker and is well ?Basted ,ori.horticultural lines,. A. •sirmilam ".Beauty Spot" \V D. be 'mads just nortth of the: Town. Sall ;ott.the- municipal property, and a a COW more beds probably aounrd town if :suitable places can be found The Society as well as the villagme are very geatef uul to the Williams. Bros. in giving absolutely froo for ..ai \term of years the use of .;the lanl tin the first mentiinned Plot, Out it ,needs- finances. to etir ry :on the work, and a canvass! of the buistneso ,section, of the tower hats been• niade with good results, IVa think it would be very much. in piece if the( Tp• Council as well esu the, Vi1l`agr; Cot mail would COAL THERE IS A COLD {DAYCOM- ING. The present agreement .bee. tween the miners and the Mine Owners! expires on -the; 31st of Angust. There may and may not be strike, but be prepared; Prices ark now at bottom, fill up your .bins with, the best coal. Gen- uine Delaware and Hudson Anth- racite direct from the mines. It makes warm Friends: Egg, Stove and Nut size. '- SOFT COAL That highest grade, the beat unexcelled for domestic and thr- eshing 'purposeis. Genuine Lehigh Bullets and High Grade Coke. =c.a.- Cam:talon.' HENSALL ONT.I Phones—Office low. House 103 i Save' the Pieces WE MATCH ANY SPECTACLE dRe EYE GLASS LENS LET US FILL YOUR NEXT SP -ca• ECTACLE PRESCRIPTION. TiW:I: CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK :OIC NEW ALL SHELL FRAMES, 'ETa.' PROMPT SERVICE AND AT A, SAVING HESS the heeler �•4••o•`a••4•w•wa`04••0o- am ••••09044404410•4.44004:•0WF •• • • • • o- • Seasonable me Coods Just Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horns • Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. • • Also • • • • • a • • 4 • a Number of . Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices' Ranging from • $7.00 to ... ... ... ......... _ -- MAN SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALl4, A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand., Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. , HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PHONE 14+ FRED' THIEL - ZURICH sd•00t••bQ�aGt`•O•Cb•4+e•4•••C�dFr�r 4RFdPo7AcD@v94>�ut 9M•f•4���1 9 44 ett', 44440+++++++++++++++++++++++.i? -144++++++++++++++141W Nip 0 4 0 4 0 4 4. 4 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 4. 4 Reliable Fig w of fear At Prices that save, you Money Missies Patent 2 Strap Slippers, Rubber heels size 11-2 ,$L9S Misses Pat 'and Oxf. rubber heels, size 11 to 2, pr. -.- ..:$2.74 Childs Pat 2 -strap slippers low heels, sizes S to 101e at ..-...$1.65- I•n,f,ants• pat. slippers 'size 2 to 7g, at L ... $1.23 Vellens Pat. Tie, Cuban heels, a few left at $'2.95: Growing girl's, light tan and pat. slippers, Murray 0t $3.96 Wmo, 1 strap Pat. slipper, low heel, side 2} to 7... .... $2.50 Men's: heavy work shoes at P $2.85 Greles Work shoes, No. 1 grade tan and black .pr. .. • $3,50 \omens canvass 'slippers, leather 'soles at 95c ALL OTHER LINES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++40+++++++++++++++++44+++ ita The Quality B ;or� It will be to our mutual advantage if you will call and' see our Well assorted stock Stock of Spring and Summer Goods in all the lines we carry NEW GOODS COMING ALL THE TIME, INCLUDING- DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS OF ALL i INDS,,EARN- ESS REPAIRS, NEW GARDEN SEEDS, ROOT SEEDS, AND et:44 GHUM, AND WE EXPECT OUR FIELD CORN SEED IN SOON Aad would advise our Customers to place their orders early as good seed will be hard to :secure. You will find our prices right. Watch our Bargain Counter, Quality and ser- vice is our .motto. R. . I M r DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE it 97 make ,t very,. liboriel $',coir to 1 this nee,) , Organized Society. LILA Ka