HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-05-07, Page 4rr,r ' Ill•',rili-IR r',C�JIlr11(MII�w'�",Imalliyll; un. _"".►. •---r,._�, !,,t. , �,�IV V jz lwa"�l\nlLi � aabnauu� 4..° �.,�, • �►!�It!1�i1 1pi'ul;,! �I! ryl';';lfil�11111111141„It;l'I Iqu rr! ,41��liilllili ul►►i111,l�l. �{f I�u> I �fi(1N1�II Idea, 1111-,4 ILII¢' m1 II ILP n ,I qi au . Illiilil II 11,1 l,l� ,111":”. Il9i1911Iilill , �, i �rw: -0 h' ,ilk baki SECURITY The Bank of Montreal numbers among the customers of its Savings Department thousands of men and women in every part of Canada. qiil Safety has been a watchword and conserv. ative management a principle with the Bank for more than a hundred years. The entire resources of the Bank are behind each Branch. Your Aunt, do matter how srnall„ will be welcome. Zurich Branch: C.. i is JOY„ Manager, 'TEAL "Total Assets! In Excess of $700,000,000.00 ltpays to use. r MA' 1ENOU MAP LE -ITE E FLOOR FINIS Nothing like it for ,far d'woc d Floors ° ft Iz ',arS like _Iron Write to }lead Office, Montreal for Free Booklet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY This a M°•el•ick—Zurich pring is to be i Season kto ora The plain (lyes Shi°ings. that have °been popular during the east few sea.- oiBs, have' been conductive : to price /tutting. Now is the time to get et ood shirts for Tess in oney ! e a 2uri'� uer T r1. Men's Furnishings WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM, REV. W.. B. M YER_ A former -Pastor of Zurich''Ev- angelical church who is this week moving to Dashwood where lie will have leharge'of Calvary Evangel_ ical church. • DASHWOOD Don't forget the t'Bnad .C'onceriee on Friday • night, May doth, comer out .and see the boys in their new uniform. Everybody,". Welcome. Mtn, and Mrs. gas. Smith and family of Windfsor are visiting With Mt', and Mrs. J, Hartleibt Mr and Mrs. L. "Edighoffer : of Mitchell • yiilsited in 'town. on . Sun- day. Miss Anna Bossenberry of Grand Bend spent the week -end with Miss Alice Hoffman. Dr. If Cowen spent Sunday in London • r; Mr. and Mrs, Stradelbaur of London visited with Mr. [adn Mrs P. Kraft on Sunday,. Mrs J Guenther is visiting in Mitchell this week, I3utsterr Zimmer visited in Lope dile 'o:n. Saturday). Rev. and Mrs. W,. J. Yager ;left on Tuesday for Attercliffe, where they have been stationed by the !Conference. Rey. Bruer is attending Confer- enee in Toronto this: week. • FLAKE. The regular meeting of ' :the. 1Vlission. Band was Mein the church. The meeting peened by singing Hymn 399, then repeated Mission Band 'prayer; the •Script- ure Lesson Luke 5th 1-46 was read then i'sang hymini 794; rand repeated the Text. ° The Seciretary's and Treasurer's reports were, read fol lowed by Roll •Ca!lr°, them went' to classes 'sang hymn' 212 and closed with the Lord's Prayer: There - were 20 members present and one visi Mr, and Mrs !Christ Bechler .i;nd falmiily 'spent Saturday with friends near. Tav i•stock, Mr, and Mrs), Sam IIe�- spent Sunday with ,friends in Zurich: Mr' and Mrs, J. A. Manson •an d family, Mr ,and Mrs. t,Eclniurid Erb accompanied by Mrs. Kennel and clan ghter Bide. attended the fun- eral of a relative ;near Baden on Sunday Mr A. Meyers !returned -to Lon- don on Saturday after epencling couple of 'Weekwith. ;f.rieiids in this vicinity. Mr. andeMra: .Mose .Gerber, ,acre c anipanied by Mr. and r1V,l'rs, John Gerber, ,spaet the week -end with friends at•'baledonia. 1VIxs. John Bechier left on Fri- day for Michigan, to visit her da- ughter, Mrs. Gaseho, who is quite seriously •ill, s I IEN A L I.,. George C. Petty, -motored to Ter onto, MPS. . Petty, who. ,had• been. visiting there returned with him Mrs. Geo. Cash tir.'.ts been .tor time quite ill, and her many friend look for her early recovery,'• Pleased to' report 'that Mrs. I.14 McAri]tur and eon, Sydney, rare 'able oto return home from the hos•- lista) at London and ,both are much unproved, Miss ' !Hattie Bili; ,who had to. give up teaching for a number of eetaks, owngi to the. i11ne$'8 an'l cle- ath of her mother, has restniied tea eking again. `Regret to state that , Andrew Johnston •continuos very ill and his condition is more serious khiad it; has yet been.„ • Mr. and Mir:ejFleniing, of Peeve ton, arrived ;here last ,week, Mk., Fleming is thle newly !appointed manager of the Starid ird Bank here and hiss •entered ttpon hist duties, • Fred Stacey left ,forPiattyvrlle, "Where he has• secured a position with the :,Stanc1ard Bank. 1 Mrs L, Bishop of 13. ttlefo:rd;, Sas. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Richard ,Welsh and other relatives here, • 'i 'M; Consuitt" 1st improving the/ propertyt hat [he bought from the late Mrs, Dick estate r.iy building i rta,1 VLi.'r.c"ifl:£ an:T Iiwi?Xkiiig• m t Ort `i'4rui sd earl 4,04 t pass meth, taig, under tihA auspioest;6f the, Sal-- ovation 4xmy'Masheld, in the Town -eting held, Miss Dora S1r,e,rritt• was 11ouue. froan 'Pt, 1Iwron. IXo.spital'` to visit her mother and brother:' Plealeed to see Thos. Murdock, who hats. been, confined r' to his bed. for el ,.few weeks, Ible to be out again and oar,*ry the. mails as us- Leui's A, McKay‘ Isbal of Wni4 McKay, [of Fle,ilsal',, and a ::student of Toronto Un1 errstityy has again added to 'his laurels by writing the play that is spoken) of as: the best ,work •of anly Toronto ;wndergretu ,ate, The play is enititled "Free- cl' lin of Teanl, Guichlet", a three act play and Fas ,1 eslented in Hart House Ithfeatre on April 20th . George Brock Mala ,sold out his blacksmith. shop business for at. term and intend) in .the near .fut- ure taking a trip iwith a relative lady to Eugliar d and )likely on to Pales,tin,e in connection with some ivatt:ans.o1 eslttae in kwhich his re- lative is pirgely .interested . and wants Mr. Brock to eccomrpanyland assist int :the bulginess, • A meeting of the baseball club was 'held. the other evening end the following officers were elect - •ed -Manager, Laird Miekle, Secret -- Fare', Sar* Rennie; Treas. ,r, McLau- ghlin ; coach and director, Dr, G. Knapp. ,'Snappy workouts) are he- ing'held almpet revery ,eveninlgland ITsns,an islhoultd show la good aggre gation when the league ,opens. CREDITON Jacob Sweitzer is critically i11. :il'I.rs, Chas Zwicker has returned home from visiting in ,Toronto. • •Clarence Eiiber and friends vis- ited at the home of his. parents', Mr. a6d Mrs Chas. Eilber, Miss Hunter, who' has been vis- iting her grandparentis, Mr. and Mee Win. . Sims, -returned to her Baine, in Stratford. 11Xr. and Mrs, Harry, Kuhn and •daughter Margaret left for a few months visit in the west, Chris;. Heist has purchased a 'yew xasier coach. • , Wednesday, of this week, being the first Wednesday in M.y, the Stares .are closed int the afternoon. .They will also be closed every Wed nesday afternoon during May, June Jirlp, Augbst [ and Sept„ unless there is .a holidpiy in the week. ' ' Mother's, 'Day and Go to Sutndiy School Sunday may. observed in the .Mott edist church on Sunday. Tri thee evening the plastor took his subject Beholding Mother, and the sacrament 'of Inflcnt Baptism was 01:30" administered, • • . On Thursday, May ,7th the Jun- ior League of the lylethodiet ch - arch •+pu't • on fa playlet enit•feed Mother Goose and her Missionary Family. Along with this, the pas tor will lecture- on The Measure of a mans. - A public meeting hva:s held in the '.Town, Hall, Crediton, on Thur) day eve. April. 23,, ler the purp-.ns.e _ of deciding on a celebration on May 25th, A ;very .fair repre•- ientative gathered add it eves de- cided that provided the .baseball club was able to'arrange a ser- ies of games for that day, to hold a celebration consisting of a trade 1iamide vabottt . 1 p.m., a series of hrise•b,11 games and concert at ni- ght: Disc tis riou followed te'ative to the purchase of, a •mot ing pie- hire ma hinge It was decided to nrtrehase. o -e io'n"ly with •Brins'ev 4 lt4 ;u,tel'iine will be ['owned by the community ;and it is being pur- clr..tstid with ith,e one idea of it be- ing• •used, for the tb•enefit of the coma -Minty. EXETER :Mr. and Tvlrs. Ronald Witwer, of Stratford ;and 'mother, Mrs. Fred, Witwer are visiting in `Exeter. Mr Witmer ,is recuperating from , an operation for appendicitis•, Dr- Wt. E, Weekes, of Glencoe, is loeating ie' E•xe. er ;and has rented the rooiela of B. Elliott over Yell - awl's. millinery; store, Fred. Elleringtbn and John*Cole. have purchwas!ed, an Al premium iQlydeedale fr'om Ja,sr Norris, of Mit••c`tue{il. y 1VXi�s. ' Johnstion and daughter, ')'earl left . for Sea•forth to make their homein futreu, Mrs. John istonis goinlg•.to live with her,da, tighter alVItsis ;flay who has a !good position id that town. (Goo Winidsot✓ had in narrow es- cape frotm asph'yxation on Friday. last, Befone retiring he had ape plied'Isenile fa're,sh coal to the kit- chen Iangie and left one of the lids off During thge nughlt the , bas elseapled and asr hie was not seen around' the, next day?, the neigh- bors broke in and( found+, him un- conapions in Kurd. "" r?r>ltn Johns received woad of the death of his brother Richard, of l'ana.r+ sfa Alta., cylio diel at 1114 plaee a4ir April '23tb,; aged 5s ye- a 'stroke." and Dyer orrhag,. TXeI W as born! ie il:sborne" and was i'a dead at Vilna -lite and, resided ,in ater, leaving for the west same ye- ar'a ago. There we a tall house at the Salvation) Army, mast mooting in ars. The .crew of his death was 141,40 ay Kw .9th; 4920 the Opera _Hose the .othear.evedi fog. The ,m�eetuig. was '.preparat, oi;vrto tliiie.Array's Self •Der' 1 driver Commandant ,EIurd, financial" rap,.. re,sentaitive for ester%) Ontario, ling 1,ia1 address The O'nderworii, tire' largely front his experiences Jana observations during a quarter elf - s century; of 'Se•'r ices; INw+wWWuriWuCH'Sy TT U New Drug Store We have opened_ our newDru Store and carry a complete Lhie of Merchandiseusually kept in Drug Stores FREE! FREE! Commencing on Saturday May 9th for one alir week only we will give absolutely Free a Box of 25 cent Talcum Powder to eyery ' purchase, of one Dollar's worth or more of goods TPILET PREPARATIONS We specialize on ,TPilet Preparations /and keep in 'Stuck alt the'well known and widely advertised varieties,. In Face Pow - dere we have Arman;d's,. Three Flowers, Cote Pompeiara Yardley's, and many' others. In' Face Creams, we have Pond Dile Woodbury':s"Pompeiani, and Ingram's. In Talcum. Powders e stock 'all t'hei well known lines. A good assortment of High Class bulk perfumes always kept ran ,. Stock. In ,Tooth Pasta we keep Foreans, rPepsciden t, Lyons, Golgatea, " h Huta • and Minty's. We hays ,a barge variety pf Tooth Brn- rhos, also a large 1pissortme0t 01 the better class! of 'Toilet; Soaps, 4.tfine new stock pf-Combs,Hair Brushes; IGiothes. • Brushes, \'�?•1].i.SICa',. Shaving •Brwshes, Powder puffs)' [Channoisle Skins Skins, Safety Razors encs B1&dill', Kodalts, Films and Photos graphic Supplies, also do developing and printing. A large new stock .of up-to-date Stationery heal 'been put in, also Sch- ool :supplies, Scribblers, Pencils:, •Pen e Ink, etc, : - Patent Med-, icines of all kinds'lriept in Stock,—Everything which lgoles from ode Store is guarianteed to be as- represented. Wie have taken all the stock of the above mentioned. goods ironn the General Stokes., and solicit your patronage,4 Dr. AI Ji:Maciii. on,• r = goeseizesess spososessearieIvo,Drnse trews asesee@ser a1 ° 0 O BSI I We are receiving our Spring Ship— : ments of Seeds such . as: Clover, 'it 'Timothy, AIsike, Sweet *Glover, etc. s WE •HAVE IN STOCK A LIMITED SUPPLY OF REGISTEREDi ® BANNER SEED OATS/MANGOLD -AND;._ TURNIP SEEDS ' O r it WE ARE' ALSO, TAXING ORDERS h"OR ALB'CttTA COAL FOR MAY SHIPMENTS,tt t 1 FULL LINE OE -FLOUR AND FEED, STOCK AND, POULTLfl FOODS ALWAYS ON HAND ; 6 0 46 QUR SEED CORN HAS ARREVED AND .HAV.' A GOOD SUJE-- • PLY ON HAND, SEE •OUR"S BE:FO'RE MAKING MANY PUR- a e `, CfIASE, • uis Sch i 1 a ▪ Zurich t regrew/ats3o(Aset iivoseeea 9s evefteeSeesosea*motes esos0*a GA AGE - GASOLI Our Gi.s again doin a, big business dit�� Kropf. as Mechanjc 4- GASOLINE—We would consider 3 . ,poor policy for anyone to, pint in 4sup ply. oI' ga oli•1.1e at the �.rese.. p o.t �iYl:ees 'when they are at the highest peak.. LAST YEAS AT Tiffs SEASON EAS GASOLINN � E, WAS RE7'.rILINCz • AT" 32c. A GALLON; AND IN A FEW : MONTHS IT ;DROPPED TD # OUR 'ADVICE " IS 'DON'T. STOCK• UP ,WI,CH HIGrr oa BUT FOLLOW THE GOOD OLD-PT-NE".ID GAS AY OP BUY -AS -NEED„ 'WE HANDLE A FINE •LINE ' Oii HARDWARE . s SUCH AS FURNACES, BATTERIES, FORKS, SHOVELS, AND A.ILMOST ANT...4. TRING YOU NEED. as, 011, Grease,Tires VTI SELL FROM CATALQQURS AT A VJ3RY SMALL MARGIN 10.),•` PIPING° .ALL SIZES. PRANG L: ►�Ir 1?. PROFIT