HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-05-07, Page 3iit1tiiFii
.The Surest Way to, Relieve Stain- I
act Trouble is Through Hr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
When, the stomach IS feeble and
food lies in'it•undigested, the Poison-
ous gases distend the walks of the'
stomach and cause, serious interfer-
emee with the other organs., especial-
ly' with the action of the heart and
lunge, These poisonous gases have
other ill -effects. . They ate absorbed
by the blood and so weaken and cor-
rupt it as to ealise aches in remote
parts of the body and, the forlination
of unhealthy tissue everywhere. Ex-
perience shows that these troubles/-_
vanish just as soon as the stomach is •
'made strong enough to digest ,,the
food. In other words•, it needs a tonic
that will enable it to do the work of
changing the food into nourishment:
The tonic used ought to be ono that
will agree with the most delicate
stomach and this is exactly what Dr.
Williams' Fmk Pills do.
Here is a bit of convincing proof
given by Mrs., - Chas. Ladner, Eliers-
lie, P.E.I,, wlio says:—"Por some
years I was a sufferer from stomach
trouble. Everything, I ate caused dis-
tress, .sour stomach, and belching. _ I.
could not eat meat Or potatoes, and I
grew weak and very nervous. No
medicine seemed to help me until L
was persuaded to take Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and these simply worked
wonders. I took the pills faithfully
for - a couple of months, by which
time every symptom , of the trouble
had disappeared and there has not
since, been the slightest symptom of
stomach trouble. No wonder I praise
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
You can get these Pills from any
medicine dealer, or by mail at 50
Cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co.; Brockville, Ont.
For float the t time in history, moving pictures- wore exhibited in the
saloonof an 'aeroplane of the Imperial Airways, which flew over Lonc 011,
England, for an hour andea half a few days. ago.
Stories About W e1.Kown People
Menus of the Far West.
Rev. Edward Hester, the Anglican
Missionary, in charge of All Saints'.
Church, Akiavik, inthe delta of the
Mackenzie river, in a - letter to "out-
side," lays stress upon the quantity of
fish required to feed the Indian pupils
at the mission schools. "They have
fish and potatoes for breakfast-, pota-
toes and fish for dinner and both for
supper," he declare -s.
The Deepest Sea.
The discovery of a spot in the Pacific
Ocean, southwest of Japan, 32,636 feet,
deep, will not greatly astonish ocean-
ograp.hers, for the Pacific has long,
been known as the deepest of all the
great seas of the globe.
Nowhere else has any depth been
reached as great as 30,000 feet, but in
the Pacific as many as ten .soundings the results were equally unsatiafac
have beenmade exceeding that figure, tory with the following nine persons
Where Is Canada?
• Sir William Mulock, when on one of
Dial ible Mishaps.
'tipped from her mooring mast and
driven by a, fiftylnileeta ienr gale over:
the 'North Sea teward Holland, the
gi4tnt• British itish " dirigible 11.33 narl eWly
eecepetl the doom that befell the
]1-renrli Dixnlutle in the Mediterrare
ea,n sanie months, ago. •V+11lile the 1t-33
wag ilpht:ing North Sea winds the Am.
r o ('-'•1 hese 'dri:ming helpless;y
from Scott Field, twenty miles east
c,r ee. Jamie, in as wide heti' circle
e oes Ilse 1\1i$ Iselppi and ftp the val-
1ey. of the Missouri sone thirty miles.
Je little mere than a leer ago, Janu-
ary, 1924, the Shenandoah jerked loose
from Lee Moorings at Lakehurst and
l'otle out a seventy-mile-an.-ho1U gale
{ through the night. In August, 1921,
on a trial flight, the 11-38, greatest of
I3ritaii'L's "rigida, exploded and fell
burning into the }lumber at Hull, los-
ing' forty-six lives.
Against these mishaps may be sdt
the trans-Atlantic flights of the 11-34
and the p -t-3 and the many long' voy-
agei' of .American and Continental
rigid and semirigid ships. These are
ca1nbersome affairs, unwieldy in gales,
amain many respeots they have hardly
emerged from, the experimental stage.
Yes:- by year, however, they become a
little more airworthy, a little more
able to came safely through gales and
Mishaps. They are not so nearly mas-
ters, of the sky roads as the airplane,
bu€ they seem to be slowly and solne-
tin es painfully achieving that mas-
"Look a 'ere,", she replied, blazing
with fury, "if you sye that again I'll
give you a slap in. the face. Dont you
dare insult a lidy."
Sir Arthur Cfirrle Explains.
Sir Arthur Currie recently address-
ed the Canadian Club of New York,
protesting that this talk of annexation
showed a lamentable ignorance of the
Canadian state of`mind. Next day, ac-
cording to the story, Sir Arthur met a
prominent American publisher and the
subject cropped up again.
"Well," said the American, "we're
his periodical trips to Great Britain annexing a lot of your authors any -
fell to discussing with certain govern;, way. Andive have annexed the great-
ment officials in London the knowledge er part • of your market for reading
of the average Englisil.man regarding; matter. I was surprised .to.learn that
Canada. in 1923 the United Staten shipped to
-"I'll warrant," he declared, "that if
the question, 'Where is Canada?' were
put to the first ten people you met on
tate street, nine oe them would give
incorrect answers."
The point being disputed, it was
agreed to put it to the test. The first
person -a man—to whom the question
was put, after meditatively scratching.
his head, replied: "I've lived in. Lon-
don nearly all my life, but am sorry I
cannot direct you to the place." And
In the Atlantic' only two places are
known with depths greater than 24,000
feet, the deepest being a spot north
of the West Indies, where the lead
found bottom at 27,972 feet.
The 'world needs m and women'
hput 1 good above the dollar
interrogated. With the tenth person.
—which happened to be a. woman sell-
ing trinkets on the kerb—the question
was varied, being, "My dear woman,
can you tell me if you favor Canada or
Mothers are quick to praise any-
thing which brings health and com-
.fort_to their little ones—any medicine only to our own income, but we will
• that will make the baby well and contribute to the revenue of •Canada.
keephim well will always receive l• No farmer can afford to neglect his
_hearty recommendation from the live stock in these days when feed
mother. That is why Baby's Own Tab -prices are soaring.
lets are so popular. Thousands of. The use• of pure bred sires, careful
selection of females, with judecious
economical feedings, together with
the keeping of records are essential
points that the farmer of to -day can-
not overlook and prosper.
Made Himself at Home.
A young deer of Mt. Rainier Park
knows a comfortable bed when it sees
it. Last summer the guests at Para-
dise Inn were startled to see a deer
enter the great front door .of the hotel
and, walking up to the fountain in the
lobby, take a drink and then go out.
After that the animal remained in the
hotel grounds and allowed people to
pet It at will. As a fawn the same
deer had frequented the grounds the
summer before. A few weeks after it
had drunk from the fountain an em-
ployee entered one of the guest tents
to make the bed and found the deer
lying comfortably on top of it,
Perhaps you are using good tea. We thin
"Red RQSet" extra. good. Won't you try it?
The . same goodtea for 30 years.
Pure Bred Sire Essential.
Back in the old days, when our an-
cestors paid no attention to the keep-
ing of live stock, the native stock run -
Classified A,dvertisernerits
11'11BH CATALOOC . a
��ABi'I1BItHX 1rUfi1IE:a, C:LADIOLAf, Irtls,
reony, Fancy D hlias and vaned noolt Bgya t
Who Wright Farm. 13roekrino; ons,
ning wild throughout -the country, pro---- n>~afoivs leATox Wt1,'T p
dueed only enough milk for their j' `
1 o a1T0'YP 0An l'ItODIIC S Ta TITS
As time went on, however, hell i� rarmng trade. Must kava car and the beet
discovered the value of milk as a or personal nuantlea, bright, honest. and of good
appearance. SO to 40 yearn of aye. If you aroi he_
food for human consumption and they
begin to select the cows that gave.
the largest quantities.
Thus we find that for many years
live stock men have studied .their
herds, carefully selecting females that
possessed high producing qualities.
These females were bred to sires
whose dams had displayed high pro-
ducing tendencies.
As time advanced breeders learned
to keep records of all the milk given,
an well as the feed consumed.
The result is that now we have
records of individual cows giving over
30,000 pounds of milk in a year.
What a debt we owe to those old
improvers of our breeds, we cannot
repay them, but we can continua to
oarry oir the work that they so nobly
In s'o doing we will add greatly, not
Canada 564,000 tons of paper, books mothers, throughout the. country, not
and reading matter, or more than half only use them for their own Tittle
of our imports of newsprint from Can- ones but are always delighted to be
ada, which were just 1,000,000 tons.
That- tremendous amount of American
reading matter must be making an„im-
pression on the Canadian mind, even
if Canadians are on exceptionally hard-
headed people.”
"If the American mind was as
weighty as. the inatter it requires to ex-
press itself to us, doubtless' the im-
presion would'he profound," responded,
Sir Arthur. "But when the discrimin-
ating Canadian mind has separated
the chaff from the wheat in'the ;im-
ported product of the American' mind
—well, it finds a few grains worth
grinding . and mixing with i'tn native
who human,
sign,. and who are more interested' in,City.
below the surface
character than in cash: -L. J'., Taber.. Submerged 30 feet
WE WANT CHURNING of the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast
the ruins
lire supply cans and eay express
charges. We pay daily by express
money orders, which can be gashed
anywhere without any charge.
To' obtain the top price, Cream
must be free from bead .flavors and
contain not less than 30 per cent,
l3utter Fat.
Bowes Company Limited,
For references—Head Office, Toronto,
Bank of Montreal, or your local banker,
Established tor over thirty years.
Hotel ANtlanew Jticar
j 1
America's Smartest
Resort Hotel.
Famous for its Euro-
pean Atmosphere.
Perfect , Cuisine and...
Single rooms from #5.00
Double rooms from $13.00European Plan
New Hyd? iatric and
Electro - Therapeutic
r. AVE TOTT. Manager
of Tunis,
of an ancient city
have beenefound by divers. They re-
port that many large stone buildings
were visible, outlined in dim shadow
and sandy bottom, and that fish swarm
in and out of crumbled doorways.
Scientists are preparing to make fur-
ther explorations. Additional interest
is attached to the discovery as the city
lies in waters described by Virgil and
near the "Isle of the Lotus Eaters"
of which Honiel "sang.
-a --
Hangar'Made pito Church.
Situated in the English village of
Cranwell, the Royal Air Force centre,
is a church—Yormerly a hangar—of
whieh the font is an old aero engine
and other fittings from disused aero-
Birds That A e, Born Blind.
Yo'Ytng penguins are born blind, and.
are fed by their parents for a long
time before taking to the watee.
able to recommend them to other
Mothers. Thousands oe mothers have
proved Baby's Own Tablets to be
without an equal in relieving their
little ones of any -of the many minor
ailments which arise out of a derange-
ment of the stomach and bowels.
Baby's Own Tablets are the ideal laxa-
tive—easy to take but thorough in
action. They banish constipation and
indigestion; break up colds and simple
fevers; expel worms and make the
teething period easy. The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
,mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Wembley's "Treasure Island." Arctic Fliers. .
richt man your earning power witl1 u57e 00001
leter. nepio'to 5150 7eto P.O. Box No. 11014,r wook, Giro local oMontreal.
rences in p}
Anybody who is British born can
buy the Freedom of the City of Lon-
don. A proposer and seconder and
payment of certain fees are all that is
required. It costs less than £5.
The youngsters are to be special tier . "There is little romance about pull-
frozen htnnmocks
of a sled aAs Rass-
af the Arctic;'' said Peary
rnussen points out, the men who fly
across Polar wastes cannot hope to
escape all the toil and tribulation of
explorers. With x to
and' floes ander tho solar burning -
glass of summer, the calm blue ex-
panse of an open lead may be invested
roes moment with fog that endangers
shibmen and airmen equally.
The risk is a spur, insteadof a de-
terrent, to scores • of men who are
eagerly applying for the chance to
pilot the amphibiue machines across
the top' of the world. We need not
in its'elY: The little visitors may go back through the centuries to
mayare or they may go a boat, or they Elizabethan .sea -dogs to find the in -
walk along a gangway where Elizabethan
bde rivalries of man with the
they Arkl see theoanimals going into elements. The sea of the air from
the as Yell they .veliers, Axel Heiberg Land to Point Barrow
On the island elig will find a whore and most of the surface of the globe
seriesh of fresh delights. One feature thereunder are as great a mystery as
ing which theheuhl prove model
of fas Gol- any V that Sir Francis Drake and the
den half-size modele' the Cos:' Golden Hind encountered in the South
den Hind, Sir .Francis Dralte'safamous Pacific.
ship which is moored in the lake. -
catered. for at the British Empire Ex-
hibition this year, and the "Treasure
Island,", which has• been specially de-
signed for their benefit, should prove
one of Wembley's most popular fea-
"Treasure Island" rises in the midst.
of a lake in the eastern part of the
Exhibition grounds. The young folks
who visit it will bo .met by guides
representing suck perennial favorites
as Robinson Crusoe, Peter Pan, and
the Pied Piper of Hamelin, and shown
how they 'may reach the island.
This journey will be an adventure
Then, too, the children can "enjoy a Troubles of Lineitnen.
The Can. National Railway is the run through the Rocky Mountains on a
train. If they feel hungry after this
only railway in the world to give a experience, alarm -with real cows wilt
wireless service to its travelling pat- provide them with -milk and all the
cakes roost calculated to appeal to
the ,juvenile fancy.
Kangaroos outnumber sheep two to
-one in the Australian northwest City of Night Noises.
where they are proving a nuisance.- La Paz, •in Bolivia, is a city of nos-
turnal noises. The big town . clock
Grapefruit, carefully cleaned
atnai -strikes loudly and sonorously the guar
stored in moiat.sand or sawdust will ters and in deeper tone the hours A
keep several months. • corps of policemen patrol the city all
night, blowing loud and weird blasts
on their whistles every few seconds.
Far in the dis'tence you hear the
lugubrious answering call of others:
Those sounds and the ceaseless tinkle
of bells and the brawling of 'Indians
usually make the first few nights a
harrowing experdenee fora visitor. •
Sun Canon:Tetis Time.
Free to Stockmen
50:000 one dollar bottles of Dr. Bell's Veterinary
Medlogl Wonder. Cannot bo given wrong to
sick animals. Smell• doses very effcouve, no
drenching, fiend 25 cents to over mailing and
packing, .Agents wonted.
Stook owners' friend for over 05 Yotr,.
S. to
Ontario Sheep
won at Chicago in 1024 in the
classes in which they
.63% of all lst prizes
55% of all championships
• 62% of all reserve championships c,
Flow was it donee ---''BY using
i ogrti he give lg careful atten-
'^•either home bred or i p s docking, etc. ,
tion to selection, feeding, dipping,
12esu!t—A tq'dnderful dersittlld for Ontario bred sheep.'
Are you 4ollowing these tit"aeticos ? It lsaysoi ' 114
Keeps EYES
Clear, Bright and Beautiful
WtiteMurineCo.,Chlcogo forEyeCateBook
Don't suffer from lumbago, ueural-
gia or other pains. Apply Minard's
to the aching spot and get quick
Always -keep i•t in the house.
To Gam Weight
for Sore Throat at
Use Minard's Liniment
Timely Warning.
The Astronomer Royal of Great Bri-
tain relates that one day his telescope
was accidently shifted
that it commanded a part of London.
Straight in front of him he saw a
church steeple down which ran a crack
so wide that even the vibration of the
organ might have caused it to collapse.
He telephoned at once to the vicar,
who on being told that his st+,eple
might fall at any minute thought he
was the victim of a practical joker.
When he finally realized the serious-
ness of the warning he closed the
church at one.
Telephone linemen have their trou-
bles. -Bears, it seems, sometimes mis-
take the humming of the wires for the
humming of bees, climb the poles in
search of honey and by smashing glass
insulators, cause a short 'circuit. Gray
squirrels bite the lead cables and leave
deep holes' where moisture may gather
and temporarily disrupt the s,ervice-
.WVoodpecleers injure uprights and
crossbars with their stout bills, and
.wasps, beetles and field mice also
make work Por the linemen.
Following he Dog.
A very•smail boy was trying to lead
a big .St. Bernard up the road. "Where
are you going to take that d6g, my
little man?" inquired a passerby.
.'I—I'm going 'to see where—where
he wants to go, first,' was the reply.
One of the greatest secrets of pope -
The onl?y knowii automatic faun .gun.J larity is to keep your troubles to your -
in the world, located at Cintra, twenty -1 self.
utiles from Lisbon, Portugal, boons • --- -----
the correct time'to surrounding towns;
and hamlets from a height of 2,000.
feet, says "The Popular Science;
Monthly" for March. By a convexi
lens arrangement supported by they
cannon and controlled by a sun dial]
the stin's rays are concentrated at
noon each day on the touehehole of the
cannon and thus it 18 automatically
fired by old King Sol himself.
For everyday over one' week that
eggs for hatolhing are kept four per
cent, less will hatch, poultry experts
African land crabs, which spend
their early fife in salt water, have
perisCoupe eyes,,afd leg pacts on which
to wipe thein- .
'at Linn esit;tOr Colds.
u inaX" Growing Mash
tri MIXTURE the world produces.
The Feed Which Raised the Winner of
the Ontario Th -Laying Contest, 1924.
Say 6 'Bayer" _ Insist'
For Colds Headache
Neuralgia Rheumatism
Lumbago Pain
�y Accept only a
�'""/ P-�
Bayer package
which contains proven directions
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 1001—Druggists
movie Is the trade mark (registered In
aeioetgofellcof Doho-
Write Ag nt. Theoklet n Motherwelnanao of l Grain
NAK ,,Agent.
Co., Limited, Dundee, Ont.
We guarantee Bitro-Phosphate to re-
build shattered nerves; to replace
weakness with strength; to add body
weight to thin folks and rekindle am-
bition in tired -out people. Price $1 per
picge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front/
St. East, Toronto, Ont.
On Forehead, Cheeks and
Chin. Cuticura Heals.
" My face began breaking out
with pimples, first my forehead,
then cheeks and chin, and it was
en awful looking sight. The pim-
ples were hard and red and after a
time carne to a head and sealed
over. They wore very painful at
times and the trouble lasted about
three months.
I tried different remedies with-
out any benefit. I began using Cu-
ticura Soap and Ointrnent and I
was completely healed after using
three cakes of Cuticura Soap and
one box of Cuticura Ointment."
(Signed) Mrs. Algot Lundgren,
McCord, Wis., Aug. 12, 1924.
Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes.
gempls Zech Fres by Mair, Ad,ire.s Canadian
Depot: "Ilt.nboasa Ltd,, Montreool2. um ,Price, Soap
Y6 Ointment
u a Shsi
Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy
A reliable remedy for the treatment
or derangement of the Kidneys and
Meader. Far 'fifty. years it has proved
aa panacea to sul'Ier'ers all over the
Dont vtn folia but
the first s, p
use 'this fatuous remedy. Neglect will
soon have serious troubles elowiy de.
When you have backache, unusual
i t ict-hate with 'soatding sen -
Read Alberta Woman's Ex-
perience with Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Provost, Alberta.—" Perhaps you will
remember sending me one of your books
a year ago. I was in a bad condition
and would suffer awful pains -at times
and could not do anything. The doctor
said I could not have children unless es; I
went under an operation. I Vegeta-
if Lydia E, Pinkham's Veg
ble Compound in the papers and a friend
recommended me to take it. After tak-
ing three bottles I became muchbetter
and now I have a bonny baby girl
months old. I do my housework and
help a little with the chores. I recom-
mend the Vegetal Compound to my
friends and tam willing for von to use
ADAMS, Box 64' Prrovost, Alberta.
"— Mrs. A. A,
Pains in Left Side
Lachine, Quebec.—" I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound be-
cause I suffered with paths In my left
side and back and with weakness and
other troubles women so often have,
I was this way about six months, I saw
the Vegetable Compound advertised in
desire 'O'fl the "Montreal Standard, and I have
cation, fluttering pains in the hexa ,sicicwon e And x�feel so mtt h hostel ]G
irritating and dry skin, shortness' o
breathing, fickle appetite, you may.' ,remould not be without it.. I also use
know that the Kidneys are deranged' Lydia E. Pinlcham's Sanative wash, r
and must be relieved before 'serious' recommend le medicines to my friends
constitutional diseasti Is caused, and I ani wig frig yoee to a my let-
s,, trice $1.25 as ateetinial. Mrs.M.W.1t0BBa
i 11. druggist ter
Sold i
er bottl :'''vi'rarner's Safe ll,emedies , 6d0 Notre Lla St., Laehlne, Quebec.
C rdl ' ', Uhltario: „: --- — .-..claSUS No. 11—'26. .
u` irMirle,t�eanna-,�