HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-05-07, Page 1• ER Vol. XXV No 45 ZURICH, THURSDAY 11 ORiNING, MAY 7,1925. 'Cheater L. Smil:lag Pu �. $1.20 a, Year in Adispp e' •01,50 IN ARREARS, $2 MAY BE OBARCItpps rD , ou, have any - rtic es ®r Real Estate for i e, try li Ad. in the Our Corner • ,A i ote1 is a place where men • lkic1i about things they. are afraid t0 kick abouie at homei,- iR dio, 3;s! dangerous. • Man sang eve •th;e radio in ,Missouri. Girl Crard Ihim +sang and married him. It's a staggerine ttthoueht, but in a few days most Easter bonnets will ,be hopeleasey out of .style. Some 45,000,000. tines were consu- ted by Americans, bast ,year. Per - Serially 'we always found rubber. gave us indigestion. • • Of emereie we: can trot up to the Mr. Black was dealinlg ;with causes and be all set for another reckless isea.soni attic •Idtust off the old straw •kelly, 1 for the financial condition of the country. He declared that the day -light -saving resolution which DOES NNOT LIKE DAYLIGHT i • SAVING Wm. Black, M .P. for :South. Hur- on', is, not an (exponent of daylight saving, las` the following dispatch. from Ottawa •says; "Daylight say ing is •the ,grjeaitest curse this eo- ,untry has ever seen," declared W. M..Black, Prog;, S. Huron;, speak-:ing on+the budget in the Commons eseesseese •4r) Alb QP a e ie Footwear J WHETHER YOU,A CHIEF IN -4 TEREST IS IN THE STYLE OP SHOES •YOU BUY, OR PER- : HAPS THE ',COMFORT AND : FIT OR WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS, WE GUAI.IAN- siO TEE THAT YOU WILL NOT: see BE DISSAPPOINTED HERE, AND BACK IT WITH THE PRO - 6 'MISE TO MAKE GOOD ANY PURCHASE THAT DOES NOT 3 SO SATISFY YOU. 3 SPRING AND SUMMER 1 SLIPPERS AND SANDALS n 3 BROWN BROS REPAIRING NEATLY DONE*' SEL OUR eitINDQW DISPLAY a • n•+44+404•000 1++++ v i 14+4.00,,+0 4• of+•t`++, 4 • IS • a . Y OUR Still On in trongnIN1e`� -. -4 -4 At kss CURTAIN MATERIAL FLOOR OIL DRESS GOODS PRINTS • G iN GIiAM$ FLANNELETTES - 'COTTONS ]OSE " UNDERWAIR. had •passed the Haase 'some years ago, had dens naore harm and made more lazy men than .anything ol, the Iatetute books of ' .e oountry He favored cutting the 'civet ser - visa lel two. If the civet service commission was no _ teapable of d ing its duty he would dis'iiiies it. If the ,prsa'sent over -staffing was due to the deptuy tminiis,ters he favored dismissing them. An, export ;duty, of 42 cones a bushel on wheat moving to the 'United States was advocated by! Mr. Black, It "would be a ,great boon, to this country at present, he said. If the United States, wishes to take some retaliatory Measure that was their affair,. , PRESENTATION• - On Monday *yelling; May 4th, the members anal friends( of 14th, Con,., Hay church. assembled at the Evangelical parsonage, Zurich, to 'spend a social hour :and to bid their 'pastor Rev. J. G•, Litt and' family adieu, prior to -their remo-` val to bus new appointment at Oamden, A apeeial.feature So the evening was the reading of ,a complim- entary address (nd the ,present- atieu of a purse of money to the pastor, who in. wall chosen Words th.znked the visitors for thier many kindness shown him during his so- journ 'and the hearty co-operation received. by the members, of the •society and invited all to visit therm in their new home., After thepar- taking of refreshiuents the .gatles erieg dispensed by singing "God be with you till we meet Ag airir" Followinb isr the ;address - Rev. J. G ^Litt , Dear Pastor he.•ni,enaoers ""Mi'''.and firsG Edighoffer, and -friends•fo Zion EvangelieaI ch- ° iilrs, Ida Bull and Mr. Wm. Brown zrch 14th Conf., Hay, !have, •:assem,- visited ,relatives in. Kitchenner and bled in your home to me -end . a Waterloo- over the week -end. ,social hour ,and also, to` voice our appreciation of -.your services Our- Me• Josna'h Sar d' .th the Sa- ing your three yeaes' pastorate a able .was at Toronto past mong us week, and returning by motor e. • 1 Hey -Council met for its monthly meeting on Monday p , nlr+ Llyod. Hey of London vise • itIid""under the parental roof over S'sndayl, 1 Miss Margaret McBride, .who has 'sent the winter at Detroit, has returned to her home. M,r Henry E.ilber of Crediton, .,a i ^sided at the Hay Tp. Fire Ins. meeting held here on Saturday. Mr .and,>Mrs, Er. Rennie and faiuily of Hensall were Sunday vis - iters at the home of Mrs. S. nee - Die. • Mr. and Mrs. August Koehler of aihs Goshen were Sunday visitors wvitli Mr, and Miss - Ienry Brown, i4,th con. •{ Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Zeller south. of Dashwood, spent Sunday with lSe. John Neuschwanger on , the Blind Line. • . Mr .and Mrs. ;Ed. Beaver and fnuly of Dashwood were Sunday s,ltstiors with Mr. and ,Mrs, Jacob • G' alloxan. • Mr .and; Mrs. C. O. Smith and flons, Gordon and Stanley, were we etc• -end visitors with: friends at New ,Hamburg and Baden. I: Mr. and Mrs Lee W. Hoffman, Mrs. WmHoffman; Mr Wm. La- mont and daughter Jean were Sun- day vistoirs� in Detroit. 1 . • In the week of the Sunday bi ought with him a, new Stair Seh.o 11 you have given ,very ac - Spacial touring o�u. ceptable help, always punctual, a'ncl ready to speak (r<a, e ird of encouragement when needled; end mthe pulpit you fearl+essiypro- claim4d the Gospel teethe, so that altho umerically not very strong, the' attendance was good 4. and aflne spirit of unanimity prey veiled between pastor and people. "You also rendered ;very appree fable leadership in song (and in • 4 ▪ ' this. capaicity your 'assi�strincee will be much missed, and in token of t our very tenderest regard and tie of sincerest affection we bask you accept this Purse and may it be e. a happyren•1in,der of your friends e• of •this,- society. . May the blessing of Him in +1+ whose. si'rvice you, are &aboring ae- • -company you and yours 'to your s• este filed fo labor And make you"'a "4' blessing to malty;. a 4. • 'Signed. on behalf of ;Zion Evang. Church, .• 1 Li E Y, • Hat Sh AT THE n ' o -days Wholesale 'prices +d++3+++4+4++4+4+4+1++"4+4 +1 + ++44 REetIT PnoNE 59 p ZURICH WE ARE NOW QPT+1N• FOR BUS- INESS WITH A REAL NICE AS- SORTMENT OF S] RING IU AD ATTIRE FOR LADI ES, WUICH. CAN' ONLY 33.13 REALISED -13Y COMING IN AND INSPECTING THAs- SAME. The new Spring Hats are high colorful and artistic, showing es • wealth iof new styles and mater- ials. . 'Flowers, rebboa and the wond- erful 'new shades' give the Season's Modes charity that is' unsurpas- sed. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED ° TO INSPECT OUR, .STOCK. Vera. V.: SL:bert • The Women's, Institute of Zurich are holding their annual election of officers on Wednesday May 13, eight o'clock, sharp, pan:. Also nzusir_ai programmeell be given all Ladies -are crodially invited. Albert Siebert of •Niagara Falls son of Mr;. and Mrs!. 'W. .L. Siebert of the village, was badly injured in an auto collision, on Tuesday, 8th. He was driving a sedan of his •oavn. when another tar crashed into las, cal' containing himself,Mr, and Mrs. McAvoy and six children. One of the children had her. throat cut and narrowly escaped ,death. While 1t 'the other occupants we- re 'more -or less serious injured. The other driver was arrested, but i rsi but on ,$5000.00 bail. HALF HOLIDAY • • The half -holiday will take ef- fect in the business places in Zur- ich next )reek, on Wednesday af- ternoon, 'May 12th, when all places of business will close at 12110 o'elocl( p.m and the store's will be kept op<e.n oil Tuesday evening in- stead of Wednesday evening. Peo- ple should •bear this in -mind and not came to town with. the inten- tion of doing shopping on Wed- nesday afternoon of they will get fooled, ' ; FAREWELL •!SERMON The Directors the Hay T held.' a meeting consid:or.able and Manager of p,. Fire Insurance Co. at the Walper House, Zurich. on, Saturday when business was trans- acted. Rev. J. G. Litt, et A., w•,lio for the • paint three years has ;;leen( the dens toad paisitorof the local 'Evan- gelical church -here, pAeaehi"d his farewell sermon, on Sunday evening prior to his removal to Camden:. The ,chua'ch: tvais filled to capacity which ev':jxltt o show lie interest 'in which ;the pe,rple take in his, disctX,sigions. They ,sermon Ovals full. of love, :service and loyalty to the caeca based upon, the .life of St Paul, 1$&v,. and Mrs. Litt had made many wvarni friends in Zurich 'and virginity during their ;stay here and their departure is keenly re- gretted •by these friendsi who eateed then, the best of ..sv sihee and istiocess Ax( 11431V noel of lobos. COAL THERE IS A COLD (DAY COM- ING.. The present agreement be tween, the minexs and the Min )•w'niertsl expires 'on the: 31st of August. 'There m'ay' and (may not be .a" strike, but, be prepared. Prices. are now at bottom, fill up your `bine with the belt coal., Gen- uine (Delaware and Hudson Anth- racite, direct frorrb the .minus, It makes 'warn. Friends; Egg, Stove and Nut size. SOFT COAL , at righeast grade, the unexcelled for domestic and eshing purpose's. 1 Genuine Lehigh Bullets and Grade aCoke. e A best. Due High Save the Pieces WE MATCH ANY SPECTACLE Ofee EYE GLASS LENS LET US FILL YOUR NEXT Sze. ECTACLE PRESC'RIP'TION. WA i CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK (3E" NEW ALL SHELL FR A1-1ES ETC' Cantelon.I PROMPT SERVICE AND AT SAVING H ENSALL f 1Tm l HESS . the -Jeweler Phones—Office lOw. House lOJ L ,4o o49 eoa 04t 6+44444.r4+,osoos#4M404 . 4: •qAT � x vx � J;! ds S'.. Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horace Blankets in Assorted colors. Size 72x84. Also a Number of •Beautiful English Plush Regal: price Ranging from. $7,00 to ...... ... 6 SAVE MONEY BY GIVING YTS A CALL, • A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always cm hand. Club Bags, Suit Cases and. Trunks at Right Prices. HARNESS REPAIRING A. SPECIALTY `REDS THIEL 4 9 • • . PugN• i :ilii ; ZURICH �a •4d44oes®t4p4a44m440444m,9#4 +449.04 #44w.>sc 404444.4 , • *VP!IIS4.+44444+++4+4.+444+4.4044444+4.4.444.+4.4.444.+1.4.444.4444*. +4t++++++f+4+444+4'444.q,44+4.. 44•+4.4.444.+F4.444. P0,ii 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e+ 4 44 4 0 RFlable Footwear At Prices that save you Money Misses Patent e Strap Slippers, Rubber heels size 11-2 $L95 Misses Pat ,and Oxf. rubber heels;, size 11 to 2, pr..... ...$2.75 Childs, Pat 2 -strap slippers low.heels, size ,9 to 10; at $1.66 Infants, pat. slippers size 2 to 7% at « $2+25 Wom,ene Pat. Tie, Cuban heels, a few left at -- $2.96 • Growing girl's, light tan and pat. slippers; Murray at $3.35 Wino, ]. - strap .Pat. ,slipper, low heel, siz`e.2? to 7,-- -,- $2.50 Men's heavy work shoes at P $2.85 Greb's.\Work shoes, No. 1 grade tan and black pr. .. $3.54 Women's ca ivass sIipper.s; leather soles at ------ 950 ALL OTHER LINES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS i< 't 44)44+'4++4+4"4+4+<II+4'14+++++ .4e+ i+ 3+ 4+444 +++ ++2 + ++ +414 gee -...__.� ,. The Quality Storp It will be to our mutual advantage if you will call and see our,f well assorted stock Stock of Spring. and Summer Goods iii all the lines we carry NEW GOODS COMING ALL THE TIME, INCLT.TDING DIRY GOODS, HARDWARE, 1 AtN eS, OILS OF ALL KINDS, HARN- ESS REPAIRS, NEW .GARDEN SL+"EDs, ROOT SEEDS, AND eOR GHU11i, AND WE EXPECT OUR FIELD CORN SEED IN SOON An,d would advise our 'Cuetoniers to place their orders early^, as kood seed will be hard to secure. You, will find otu' prices right. W atoh our bargain Counter. Quality end ger+ Vie& is our motto. R N DOUGLAS GENERAL NTEROHAAir -PHONE 11 97 BLAKE 4t •