HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-04-30, Page 5Itlenreday, April $0th, i.92f • Y EISA ESS CARDS UDLE3r ...1-oI. vi s Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public *tee Office on Hamilton Street, mwlt off the square, Goderieh, Priv- ' funds to loan at lowest rates, Hensall Holmes will bei in on Friday of each week, 401,1 drew P', 'Rees, Township Clerk ';1sitia r of marriage 'licenses, Notary Xlo, Commissioner, fire and Au+. ieblie Tnsuraece, Representing }fires and Pirie Mortgage Corpors- - ea The Canada Trust Co,Zurich, ata fe. • C. Knapp, D. D. S., L D. S. t 'DENTALS RGEON SIN opFicD HENSALL IV OSCAR KLOPP. lareduate Carey M. Jones Nat- t School of Auctioneering. Try, las tor Registered Live Stock 11 Breeds). Terme in Choice {?An� prevailing paces. ilars. for sale. Will sell anything itil7Where. Zurich. Phone 18_-93 - or write, Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County Huron. In a position to con - Suet any auction sale, regardless Aria to size or articles to sell. I aplieit your business; and if not satisfied will make no charges for :Services. ,Arthur Weber, Dashwood. ; !?Cone 13-57 1 Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SHINS & BIDES. 'r1Igblut & D®ichert ZURICH LIVERY in a position to accomo-. Witte all requirements in the Livery Mine, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE 3...THIEL 059e 51- Zurich , S. ATKINSON, L.D.a., D.D.S,. DENTIST Sraduate of the Royal College lit Dental Surgeons of Ontario- and /flit the University of 'Toronto, Sate . District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont At Zurich every TUESDAY Phone 79 alral Office, Exeter, Phone 34. LIVE IP OU LT R Y WANTED illthen every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do,•not feed fowl same morning! ' when brought in. Illighest. Cash Prices —CASH FOR --- Cream and Eggs W. O'$rien Prune 94. Zurich COAL SEASON 1925 ',SPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER - IRS ANTHRACITE -We are now re- ieving our genuine Delaware & :Hudson direct from the mines, Nut Steve and"Eggsize's.. SOFT COAL -Just arrived, an- 1ther car of our highs grade soft. "Tb*a coal hats made a great hit for :hoowehold use and our sales of this 'Save over doubled in the last EOULETS-Our Bonlet Coal is 10110 in o Class by itself and is gr- t'wing in favor rapidly. 'OUR Telephones are at your 'Iervlee. Use them freely for in - :+r oation, ,sem../ edle.:w'iarlteio:a.: MJII & PRODUCE MERCHANT ie ° ;iboue: Office 10'w, House 10j on i'tr i t OHO Wants, For Sale, Loet, Found, Notice, Etc, Ado 1N T'kLLS COLUMN l1FOR .S ALE Four burner New Perfection co a oilstove, with high sliee F, ,nearly new, and new oven 'complete, Price reeseonable Apply to A., 1+. Hess, Zurich, FOR SALE Government tested seed corn, following Varieties -White Oap Yet low Dent; Imp. Learning, 'Wiscon- sin' No. 7; Early e Dailey; Golden Glow, Longfellow, Also Soroghirm 14/angel and turnip !seed, J.,Gascho & Son, Zurich, FOR SALE Early Seed Potatoes, Irish Cob- bler. --•Q. •Fritz & Son(, WANTED Cattle for Pasture. A limited number .of teethe will be taken for pasture for the season, apply to John Stephan, R. R. ,1, Zurich. CATTLE FOR PASTURE A limited nunxber: of cattle will be taken for pasture for the fol- lowing ,season. Apply to -,Henry Walper or Herb; 'Disj,rtrdiue, Zur- ich, - EGGS FOR HATCHING' Pure bred Anconas, good laying strain and the kind that never hatch. All !select hens Price 15 eggs for 60c. Lloyd O'Breire Zur- ich. Phone 127. Dr. H. H. CO WEN L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCorruielc Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday, Fridag, and Satur- day. Main Office HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, D ASHWOOD COA Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. , GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case' & Son PHONE 35 ' H.EN SALL -17 FREE TO FORD OWNERS TO INTRODUCE TICE :BENIFITS' OF A MAGNETO RECHARGE, I WILL GIVE ONE QUART OF Tuxedo Chatterless Oil WITH EACH RECHARGE DUR ING THE •MONTH OF MAY. PRICE H. S. WEIN, Prop DASHWOOD MOTOR SERVICE SCHOOL REPORT rO1 S, 5,,. Nor 4, Stanley South, of the test eeamd..held in April, V -Victor .Masse 64%, Marie Etue 58, • Jr.. 1V--1VIayry Steckle 78, Nola Etue 73, Louise Masse 72,' Elmer+ Et ue .67, Liyd. Etue 64, • Sr. TTI -Mabel Etue 72,. Maryann Steckle 66, Maribel Genie u1, Fl- orence Gerber 61, Sarah ;Gerber 50 Sr, II -Oliver Steckle 70, Melinda Steckle •68, Jr. II-Genevi4e Etue 69, Eliz- abeth Snowden 64, Jean idiu'nie 60 Milton !Talbot 52, Walter ;Hehner Grant 'Turner 47. I -Robert Carnie 82, Eulalie Car- nia 79; Mabel Hoin r 75, Mary Cam pbeil 69, Pr. A-Mosea Gerber 72, Kenneth Etue t62, Lenard Etue 60.• T. 5E. Musselrnan, teacher, .LOCAL NEWS ;Messrs.' G. Fritz, A. Meiick, J, E, Gascho and Jos. Geiger motored to Chesley on Thursday in interest of the Evangelical church here. Von Hindenburg, the well known military general during the big war has been, leeeted president of the German Empire. The annual district meeting of Exeter district Methodist Church will be hold in, Crediton on May 1.2 I rm. we Ott =RICH HERALD Ut1iL WS. Mrs, Fr, Oesch is 'spending -t he week at 7)aehwood. Dr. and MrsI. A. J. 1VIacKinnon wore at London on Friday. Mr. Ward Fritz ;ins visiting~ a few Jen Jaye at Kitchener this week, 1VIr, Jhno Hey, Jr,, was a bus- iness visitor to London last week, Miss Ortlia Meliok of Detroit is lepending a few days' with her parents, here, Mr. aind Mrs, II. L Albright were at Exeter no business on, Fri- day, I• Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jhi oston;' and Mrs. A. Johnston and Mies Pearl Were at London On !Friday. MrEd. Etue of the Saubie' line has purchased a new iMaXe ell sedan auto. Mr. Harry Weber has again ta- ken his position as coatrnaker with Mr. E. E. Wuerthl, merchant tailor. Niagara Falls is !having an Old Home Week from July 13th to 18th, the citizens are planning a big time. • Mr. Jahn Peart purchased. the Farm of Mr. L. J. Willem, 14th corgi. of 'Stephen, at the auction sale at Dashwood on, Monday, last,, the price' being $5,400. Rev. and Mrsl. R. M,; Geiger of Ohe'sley visited at the home of the former's parents•, Mr. and Mrs. M. Geiger the pas tweek, Persons having Victory Bonds interest fkillwlgr due ton May: 1st, should invest it, in Huron .& Erie Debentures slid siecuret he good rate of 5 per cent payable twice a year. Applicationis for 'any mount over $100 received at any time by A. F. HHese,, Zurich, What might have resulted ina rnorJ 'serious accident occur2cl ''at the road intersection between the. Zurich. Road and the Goshen Line on. Sunday, when Mt Chris Gascho and family.- wore driving west, a car came from% the !south and hit the buggy taking off a wheel and thrwoing the +a escho family out with minor injuries. THE NEW BEER , It is exper:ted that the new l.•l beer will be on sale about themid- di.e• of May. The new tax on bev- erages, including the new beer, and gas tax all go ,into effect ori May 15th. It is not expected thatthis new beer willbe very extensively saki in Huron county. Met N.W. Trawartha, member for S. Huron, advised that he will recommend that only Standard hoteis:\bo allow ed to sell 4,.4 beer in his riding. Thd appointment of ,pastor for theZu+ •ii ib !Eva ngel:cal ch ur ah bee been changed since last week, a, Rev. Gratizebach will remain at IShalcespeare,.. and Rev: 3 G. Litt now has been • stationed at C den near lake Erie. Rev, • will 'preach hien farewell sermon Sunday• to the local congiegacic at Zurich. -, Messrs. Oscar !Cholate and Ge Hess have exchanged aLI, to8 1VT Hass receiving-- Mr. Isi , ajr s 11Ia well, which certainly -looked th worse (of wear, having timet atih • bad'.accident on the icy roads las fail, white Mr. Kopp got the large 7 -passenger Chalmers six irhich makes a very }1(:c('i, ,and r' oany car. Some of the 'streets' in the •t i' lags were graded on Saturday, am are `much, improved. We do no know of a village the size of Zur ir_h with such well graveled and good kept 'streets as we have. On Mnoday evening as number o members of the Lutheran churcl called at the parsonage and ple- asantly surprised eRv. and Mrs, II 'lamb's, by presenting thein with a, pair of beautiful rnryts•. Thee ev- ening was spent in is social way and brought to, a close by a light unchedn served by Mrs. Rembe. A number of houses in the vii - age are receiving attention as o repairs; Mr. W. H. Hoffman has lisp.sbd of h:is kitchenls to, Miss E; Volland who haa anzoved same o the• south end of the village, while Mr. Hoffman is, erecting a nice sun room and sleeping porch n; place of th., kitchen. Mr. Hy. ipphardt is 'remodellin'g his kit Ilene and putting a Wall under arta, C. L. Smith is also making omr changes in the interior : of rxs house. SOUTH HURON LIBERALS At a meeting held in Hensall en pril 15th, of the Executive of the outh Huron Liberal Association, s .constitmted for Federalp ur oses p was decided to calla nomninal- ng cnovention of South Huron Li - rale at Hensiall on_,_Wednesdays ay 27831, 1925 ,at 1.30 p.m, for the rpos:o of selecting a candidate contest South Huron in the Lib - al interest at the approaching ederal election!. An apple case, Durnin vs. Web - r was tried at the none -jury sit- gs at &odeicrh on the 15th, be- e Justice Lennox. Mr. Durnin, apple dealer living 'at 'Clinton, ed Mr. I#;boert Webster, of , St - ley Township, for $2500,0,0 dam- es arising out of an apple dein. er '.hearing the evidence Mr. stice Lennox 'dismissed the ease d rodored the plaintiff, Mr, ,Dtie t t s 5 1' A S a iit i b. pu to er F •ste tin for an tsu an ag -Alt J u. an n to pay mill :costs; Witnesses re present from, Fort IVilllanis, awa and the Townships of ,Mc - lop and Ilay\ Mr,. J. ktakine, The Chairman Peen. G. W. Rivers 13,.:1., 13, D. of Parkhill will pre- side, t This T will be the 's •- final di ti. t as at present constituted before' tering, g the United Church of BQ�► MORE ALFALFA I' laVIL )S tTh THE SOIL AND MAINTAINS T+'li;IiTILITY. Eradicates the Worst of Weeds and Furnishes Great Abundance of Rich For Day ['or thv !viva Stock. (Contributed by Ontarlo'papa rtment of Agriculture, Toronto.) In a 'survey covering an inveatiga- kion on 900 farms, those that were growing alfalfa showed ars average net profit of $1,200 per farm against $72$ per farm profit for those that were not growing alfalfa, This dif ferenee of nearly $500 in. profit was due to the alfalfa, and farm practice that goes with it, Use Hardy Strains. Ontario Variegated and the Grimm varieties are more winter proof than the common or southern grown. These alone should be used in On-'^-' tario. The seed may cost a little more, but when everything is at stake against King Winter, the additional cost of good seed is your insurance for a return in crop. Hardy varieties last longer, and when once establish- ed and given rational treatment, re- main vigorous and profitable for. many years. Alfalfa's Greatest Need Is Lune. Alfalfa is a lime hungry plant; it cannot succeed where lime does not exist in abundance. Each ton of bay produced requires approximately 100 pounds of lime. So the attempted growing of alfalfa on soils that are sour or lacking in lime, is time, money and labor thrown away. Cor- rect the lime deficiency first, if the soil needs it apply up to two tons per acre every five years. Most On- tario soils do not require more than a ton per acre every five years. With a yield of four tons of alfalfa hay per acre over a period of five years a ton of lime will be removed from the soil. So you- see the need of re- turning lime to.the medium in which the plant grdws. How to Apply Lime. Apply lime to the surface of ploughed land. Do not plough it under; work it in with the harrow. Lime may be spread over the surface of the land by using a line dis- tributor, the - manure spreader,. or shovelling from the waggon box by hand. Autumn is the best time, after the fall ploughing has been done. Vigorous Growth Follows Inoculation. - Areas on which alfalfa has not been grown should be treated through the application of 200 pounds of bacteria carrying soil per acre. Soil obtained from successful fields fulfils this requirement. Seed may be inoculated to accomplish the same result. This is generally the easiest way, unless soil is close at hand. The Bacteriology Department at the 0. A. C., Guelph, will supply for 50 cents sufficient culture to treat a bushel of seed, the requirement for three acres. Seed Iced Should Be Well Prepared. Select reasonably rich soil and pre- pare it well. Do not waste time on worn out, -land unless you realize the 'necessity 'of applying lime and ma- nure to feed the crop to a point of vigorous establishment. Land Via! has both good surface and-. under drainage is best. Avoid heavy, nat areas, with hardpan or tight clay subsoils. Alfalfa is a deep-rooted plant and must have root room. Pre- pare for the seeding by working up a 'fine surface on a firm seed • bed. Autumn ploughing worked down in the spring -with cultivator, harrow, and corrugated roller will give the desired condition providing that the weather is right for work on the land. Use Plenty of Seed. On land in good condition and adapted to alfalfa growing 15 pounds of good Canadian grown Ontario variegated seed is sufficient. Timothy may be mixed with the alfalfa seed as an agent of security to hold the blue grass in check until the alfalfa i's well established. Its presence en- sures, ,a -hay crop should the alfalfa winter. kill the first year. It is a good practice to use three or four pounds of alfalfa seed in the general hay mixture over the farm. Such a practice will bring the entire farm into condition for successful alfalfa growing without very much effort or cost. ~ Alfalfa needs a protective covering over winter. Eight inches or more of growth to hold the snow is provided by the alfalfa plant in its September growth. Those that cut or graze alfalfa. alter September 15th kill all chances of future profits from alfalfa growing. Two good crops taken at the right time should satisfy, then give the plant a chance to recover for winter. Early cutting weakens the plant, late cutting gives a coarse, poorer quality hay, Cut when the crop has nearly a ly reached the full bloom con- dition. Cut but twice a year, leav- ing the third growth- for winter pro- tection,—L. Stevenson, Director of Extension, 0..4. College. Rotation of Crops. It is highly important that the soil be given a rest, oats following oats, or corn, following corn is not good farming, it is soil mining. If the soil 1s rich the evil day will be de- layed, but the time will surely 'conte when those who do not give the soll a chance must pay the price and suf- fer in reduced crops, plant diseases, insect injury, and weeds. • No one rotation is the best tinder all conditions, but to all accepted Crop rotations, certain principles can be applied, so that each particular farm can be fitted with a definite plan s s ICC. of Strat•forl, a f, l for ' Mr. Durnin ,and Mr .J, M. 133est, of Sea - if uited to. its •peculiarities. Give the natter of crop rotation some cnn- ideration, it will pay you. Tho staff 1 the Ontario Agricultural College will be glad to help you with any :n'm arob1e:u.- I . Stevenson,.Dept. +rcr .t - � ., w ., ter- r Ca_ a,da -or z i tl meted forr M . Webster, H � �.r � l �, j o. Ex.ieasion,i 0., A, Coileke m�? .4. C. K PHONE 6 I' ▪ f,++++++++ 44+ + +++++++++++++ Y',•,1,•,i•-4•++.y.•f•,€•++`S•++.1!++•Far'i•$G.+++41 TO e THAI' CUSSING ABOUT THOSE FORD SIDE CURTAINS HESS WILL FIX THW SO THEY OPEN War/ TL I DOUI * 'REPAIRING N rai:r(irrg Fo...d Car, One ^oat, $15,00, Two ' Coats $ ,. .. '20 00 iCo a &'ring Ford Top Good Material, less curtains ... „ Changing Ford Curtain+e to open 'with Dogra -- $15.00 ;.. $6,09 Paiineoes Buggy ., ' • IF• ; YOU WANT SERVICE, WE. HAVE$8 00 - IT 1Vk itERUB13ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. JIESS - ZUBJOH For Immediate Sale 500 Cedar Posts Regular 50c each for 30c ANY FARMER HAVING ANY. FENCING_ TO DO SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BIG REDUCTION IN PRICE JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF No. 1 GOVERNMENT IN- SPECTED XXXXX BRAND N-SPECTEDXXXXXBRAND B.C. .SHINGLES WHICH SELL AT $1.70 PER BUNCH. ALWAYS A GOOD SUPPLY OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. BUILDING MATERIALS OF 12 ZURICH f 4"—B f, +-* + + + + + 4• t--+ + 4• ,+ + + + + + f Stone Buiittllothes�1 ..,. . . FROMNOW ON t All Woollens Used in the manufacture of STONE BUILT CLO- ▪ TRES are treated with the famous LARVEX MOTH -PROOF FRO- t CESS, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under ,I. I a $250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond ,g. 'I' • WFIY DO WE GO TO THIS XPENSE?' • + I > EC'AUSE Moth are theg re•r;est factor in the destruction of 01-4. 4' 'othing that are laid away for even a short period.' : fECAUSE This new scientific discovery -The Lart-ex. Process- t ' entirely eliminates any, danger to your clotthes from the rat. --o---- ,� . ages of Moth a: i -their Larvae. + I` ECAUSE Stone -Built Clothes with rho added attraction of the'!' �4 LARVEX MOTH PROOFING PROCESS, is a combination that , defies all competition -that cannot be beaten. There is no extra .g I -' I I .. ! charge to you. WE SELL STONNE-BTTILT CLOTHES es I New Spring Suitings Arriving Dailyi 4 ! l • His HOFFMAN I tTAILOR' AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. DAY AND NIGH T PHO..NE No. 88 + 4 - r IIII11 I 1110!111111 ommIillfls;911111111111111111111111111111111111111nllllll8►IIIIIIIIIIImIDInalllllf se ZURICH HERALD'S 1u25 Clubbing List HER and Toronto Daily Globe • .,. $6.00 'filly Telegraph ... .,: $5.10 .;:y Mail and Empire .,. $6.00 �•- -� .r' _ .ay 1MIai�" and Empire 83.25 3 Star ....,$6.06 1 Star ....$3.25 ea. :ws ......$6.00 R' • " a, Morning edition ... ,;,5.00 evening edition - - $6.00 !Morning Edition ...$6.00 �•.. ' < ventng edition ,., $6.00 ar • }cafe Vic' er;w .,, tic'ti ,...p $2.65 ,.r , ., .va ma w L • :.ly Star .... $2.75 aria C,r ;s••,. . •. .,eau ...... ... ..:$2.26 and.,, $3.15 and Farmers Magazine .,.,... $2.50 and Youth's Companion ...... .,i..,i . -. 11 ....- 1l Eli eaten. -4 HERR le HE le • `r HERA- u EHERAT, HERAL I" i HERALD HERALD 1ERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD two 3t 1 - nee , .....,$3,76 and Seaforth Huron Expositor........, ... $3.25 and Ontario Journal ...$2.75 and Rod and Gun in Canada ...$3,15 o"SSP`` - 111 FA Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers ',with us. See us for-�er alisted' p p s not above HERALD OFFICE, Zurich rillill1IIIIlllifin11'I, i1LlIiilit,111ii11f1111111111111111il11'IIIIIIiE11Iil Ci �? t4 °I l�llli,ICl''IVlla f6i'iI III;h; ilii �ll',1111i11111 N1iIIPl 11(Ii" 9 I"lily I +� ( 111111.111lIII�� III.I IIl1111��