HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-04-30, Page 11 Vol.;. XXV No 44 .ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, (925. Cheater L. Smith, Publin+ $125 a Year In Advil*** 1601lRARR4ARS,$2 MAX BIJ UHA tG011 If You have any Articles or Real Estate for Sale, try an Adin the Herald Our Corner tIt's none of ,our business, but =soma peoplelook as if they were raised Ino lemon; juice instead of Laziness ,ti is said may be due 'to imperfect glands. But it is not no roach the Cause of laziness we Gleed, t ais its cure. ' SII• -D? Wearing these new above-the- knee shirts( ,combined with rolled =tatockings will bet al • kneesy way to :attract attention. -Hamilton eHrald •The birth rate of United States is decreasing. Automobiles dont' cry at night. ' In Detrok a taxi . driver's heart is on hist right side. If we weret one, ours would he hi our mouth. Our guess is that most people who think they love someone -mer- ely want to be loved by somebody, A minister -says the girl'sof to- day in looking for husbands clo not care particularly about a -,man be- ing educated. No, give them the man and they will do the educating S • Seasonable Footwear. • • le WHETHER YOUR CHIEF IN- v • o `• TEREST IS IN THE STYLE OF o SHOES .YOU . BUY, OR PER- • • • ‘416HAPS THE COMFORT AND i• `sP ^< \ �' PIT OR WORKMANSHIP AND • to o2 MATERIALS, WE Le- • • ,• to THAT YOU WILL .,NOT • • • BE DISSAPPOINTED HERE, AND BACK IT WITH THE PRO 1 ▪ MISE TO MAKE GOOD ANY PURCHASE THAT DOES NOT • y'r>R SATISFY .YOU. • •• • • t,• a•► 10 SLIPPERS AND S; N Lts ABROWN'ROe S RENE ea EPAIRING NEATLY OUR W NDOW DISPLAYO Gs•• ®®e •® j . SPRING AND SUMMER s e: eeseamtl3eseeaceele ac tootosee••••Gel ec *sed► 4IF ,+. +1+++++++++++++++++++++++++04++++++++++-e++++++++++4 4,4 J+. yL .+L yL e+4 -4. -4. -4. -+ ..y. -. -.4. • •"+ w • GET Y a+. 4..44 OUR Sale s Still On and; G ing Strong At UR CURTAIN' MATERIAL FLOOR OIL DRESS GOODS SPRINTS G INGHAMS FLANNI;LETTB COTTONS HOSE 'UNDERWEAR , sem�; �r • , To -days. , �.�.��, Prices +++++++++++++4.+++ PRONE 59 lesale ^s• 410 stV 4.41/10* t? *At: tr Via• `? *4,44 add. It's a( hard life: in which you must eventuary become either an old batchelor or an, old married' man. Three men were lined the• oth- er day in a Saskatoon police ca- rat for assaulting reporters. Bet- ter be careful how you treat news- paper 'people. Occasiionaly they ge•t jiistiee. EVANGELICAL CONFERENCE Report of Statioing Committee The annual ;session of :the Can- ada Con;terence of the Evangelical Church- was held at Hanover, Ont. from April 15thi to 20th. Bishop S•, P. Spreng, D..D., was chairman The reports from most of the. fields %of labor indicated progress during the past year. The follow- ing is the stationing;Se t . Hamilton District -W. J. Zim- meramn, Presiding Elder. . -Atter- cliffe Sta., Circuit -W. J Yager: Campden -J. G. Litt; Hamilton• --W E. .eese; Morriston -J. We. Ham- mett; Pelham -WI. M'. Sippel Sel- kirk Circuit -J. M. Oeestreichei• ; S. Cayuga -A. V. Stoltz; Toronto -W J. Zimmerman; Willoughby -N. R. Ernst. Hanover. District -K L. Wing, P. E. 'Chesiey: iN H. Reiblin,g',• Elin wood -F. McYer•; Listowel -M. L.'_ Wing; Hanover -E. D. Becker; Mildmay -K. Gretzinger; Milverton W. O. Hehn.; Normanby-H..13. Lei- bold; Pt. Elgin; -G, F. Brown; Wal- lace -L. H. Pletchi. Ottawa District. E. 'Burn: P EC Arnprior-E Burn; Golden' Lake - eefss Rose _Albrecht ,is on the sial,.i; list. Mr. Ward. Fritz ;motored to Lon - dory on Sanday. Ray •Council meets on Monday for the May meeting. Mr;, Albert Gies, 'spent the past Week with relatives et .Gdoerich, returning home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams we- re; 'Sunday visitors at ,Hurondale. `Mr .and -Mrs. J. E. Gascho were at London on Tuesday,. Mr..and Mrs. Frank O'Brein of Staffa, were Sunday vistiors at the home of. Mr .and Mrs. Wm.O'- BY.'in. i Mr .and Mrs H. L. Albrecht and sea George, motored to ha -wick un Sunday, to visit the former's fa- ther. r • Miss Dorothy Fritz, tours° in training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don was a Sunday visitor at her he ale here 11/14 and Mrs. Allan and Mr. and Mt'>i•. Davis and son Wilbur of Lofadon, spent Sundayl at ithehome of Mr .and Mrs. ,Wm: Baasow on the Bronson Line. _ Mr. L. Goodbrea.d of Detroit C. R: Katith, 'Parry Sound N E i speed -lee, a ;few Stays this week at Dabrxis•; Pembroke -A. E. Pletclr, .Rockingham -Jr G. Domrn; Locksl- 1ey--J.. E. ,Bender.. Stratford District -H. A. Keller- man, P. E. Crediton -W. Y Dr- eier; • Dashwood -F. B. Meyer; Mc Kiilop-G ,L. Gross; Rodney -J. U Burn; Sebringville-A. W.' Sauer; South Easthopo-J. H. Grenzebech Stratford -J. B. Dangis•; Tavistock, H. A. Kellerman; Zurich.-? ? Waterloo District. E. H. Bean P. E Bridgep•o.rt-A. Clemens; El- mira -E. II Bean; Kitchener (Cal- vary) -YE. G. Geil; Kitchener Zion, -S. E. Schrader; New 'Hamburg - S. 11. Knechtei; North Easthope--. W. S. Hendrich; Roseville -W. ,R. •Campb: ll; St. 'Jacobs -J. C. MOP - lock; lock; Waterloo -J. P. Halide • Northwest District --L. H. Wag- ner, P. E. _Bruce A. Knopp; Ed- monton -L. K. Eidt; Esk-A. A. Rieger; Didsbury--H. E. Roppel; Hanna & Drumheller -C. S. Finkbe- iner; Happy Land -Hy. Senft; illi da. F. E. Martin; Kenasiton-A. _ S. Caughell; Lipton -J. S. Domm; Med icine Hat -E. I1L Gishler; Melville E. N. Mohr; Morse -A. Wetklo ;i ' Morris .Camper -J. S. Burn; Neu- dorf-Served with Lipton; Penn- ant --A. W. 1Milier; Regina -W. Y. Krotz; 'Rhien-Served with Mel-. c,ille; Rosthern-H. J. Hoitzmian; Siebert :and Mayton-A. W. Gauerk Warner -C+. A. Beaeroft; Winnipeg -•S M. Hauch.. 1 LH ER AT THE Hit S ?, `ppe ZURICH WB ARE NOW ORRN FOR :BUS- INESS WITH A REAL NIOT.4 AS- SORTMENT OF SPRING HEAD ATTIRE FOR :LA.b1 ES, WHICH CAN ONLY BE REALISED) BY ComIN(;+ IN AND Ii-SPECTINC3 THE SAME. Tha now Spring Iiat.s are high color'fuland artistic, showing a wealth totnew styles and mater- ials.. Flowers, ribbon and the wond- erful new shades give the Sea:on'S Modes o charm that is unsurpas- sed, Yi:11U ARE CORDIALLY INVTTEI) TO INSPECT • OUR ,STOCK. Vera if Siebert 'hernia of E. A tt:' . Mr. Ce. Zrrk of the Bronson iLne has purchased from C. Fritz & Son a neW Ford Sedan:. Mrs;. Dempster and son, Win. of Toronto are visiting at the homes of ,Messrs J. Decher, 'and E. Rader. Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick and fam- ily and. Mrs. Ort were weekeend visitors with friends at Kitchener, New Hamburg and Tavistock. •Catechisruai services will be Area chsn in the Luthenra church during the -:neat few months. The first of these will be delivered next Sun day evening and will bear thetitle "Idolatry Ancient and Modern." Kathryn Howald and -Olga Mil- lar of Detroit, who after spending the Easter holidays with .their par- ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jacbo Howald, left Friday for Stratford, Owen Sound and Kitchener.. Mr. Milton Deitz has disposed of his building formerly used fro implement repairs, just south of the town hall to Mr. Jacob Deichert, of Hay Tp.; who. will use it for ex- tracting honey, etc. A happy, matrimonial event took place last Wednesday evening; when Rev. C,. •Schrag united in the. holy bonds of weddlock, Miss Mattis Kennel, daughter of Mrs. N. Kennel to Mr: Edmund Erb, son of Mr, and Mrs. John G. Erb, both bridal' parties of the Bronson Line. The witnesses were Miss Ruth gchrag and 1Vfr. Mich. Kennel.They. will live on( the Erb farm, Bronson Line, where they have the best wishes of a large circel of friends. Mrs. Fred. Calley, nee Carrie Either •who was born ;at +C'rediton, died at her home in:Detroit on Ap- ril 1.8th and bueied no April 2alt. aged 06 years, for 45 year& she was a re:sidewnt ,of that city. She is survived by 3 daughters and. one silo in Detroit.. Her surviving brothers; and sisters were all pres- ent at the funeia! as foi•ows- Chris Ettbae Zurich;' Mrs. Wenzel, Chas. Harry and Geo. ililber of Crediton Mrs,. oLttia Raymond of Bufedo,and West. Silber of New Ark. Zurich. s. n n tv Dreg Store will open for liusiesss-•on ,Saturday of this °are r, and the piopti"rter Dr. rL. 3. Mackinnon has 'weal to a large expreditnr n f.ai. lit this up ii,ic ornly, the fixtures, etc. nae all new and expensive, and a fine sel- ected :stock of toilet preparations, t''at, tedod'rcin s;°etc., have `been put in. Frnin now on the general :st- ores, will not handle this line of goods, and the drag store will be the place to pi rebase these. Make it your habit of going to the fine place of business, for you toilet -pre Tari tion s tattepery and Pat. leedicinece. • WANTED CATTLE FOR PASTURE A lim- ited numbers Ok cattle will betaken foe pasture on( Lo t7, sCon. 10, Hay Tp. !For further particulars ap- ply -to Mrs. Louis Debug, R, R. 3, Zurich, Ont. , L. FOR SALE 12 !Yorkshire Bacon -type pigs, 6 weeks Old, apply to J. Hey 34 FOR SALE Brood sow and 10small pigs 3 weeks old, one DeLaval cream sep- arator nearly ,new. Apply :to Ti. J. Wilson, Balbylon Line, Hay: FOR SALE A nearly' new Oliver. Riding plo w apply to Li A, .Fratrg. LOST 'Between Zurich and Dashwood via BronsontLine, a bunch of keys. Finder kindly -return to Dr. H. H. Cowen, Dashwood, Ont. APRIL The Month of DIAMONDS -AND WE ARE ESPECIALLY " WELL PREPARED FOR IT. Our April Selection is excep- tionally good. We would be pieta& ad to show you these for Quality; of Stones and Mountings, nicely. boxed from $25.00 to $100,00 • HESS the kkweler :............4.4....e......o.................... • Seasonable Horse Hoods a 4!, Tust. Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Bore* + 9• Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84, o e Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices e e • Ranging from $7.00 to ... _ M, , es a a SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALE,.. e• 0 A BIG Stock of .Harness and Halters always on, Y and, e. 8 Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. �" HARNESS 'REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PHONE ief 4w FRED THIEL ZURICH BS• dt<+edli?.eeee�G,+4*t99ee e•edBU®��dvt P+�dC9ih0?bmD6v Cd��64�@���ec $+4.+++++++++++4.+4.+++++4.4. 4..444+++++4+++4+++4 ++.0 p"f'**Emt 4. + 9. + + + + + Miss: s Misses •Childs e a' le Fof e At Prices that save you Money Patent .2 Strap -Slippers°, Rubber heels size 11-2 $195 Pat and Oxf. rubber h,e:else, size 11 to 2, pr:. ......$2.711 Pat 2 -strap slippers low 'heels), sizers IS to 1034 at ..e..$1.65- Infants, .•.x..$1,.55 I7rfants, pat. slippers size 2 to 7se a't .........................L. i$1.25 Womens Pat. Tie, Cuban heels, a few left •at $295 Growing girl's light tan and pat. slippers, Murray at $3.91' Wino, 1 strap Pat. ;slipper, low heel, size' 2;/.• to 7.., ..•.... $2.50• Men's hieavy work shoes at. ......... P $2.85. Greb's Work shoes, No. 1 grade tan and black pi. .._...$3.5% Women's canvass. slippers, leather soles at 95e ALL OTHER, LINES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ++++++•l+++Mfr++++++++++,l,.i.,g..1..l,.ir:4+++++4.+++++++++++++$4> t%, The Quality Store It will be to our mutual advantage if you will call aid see our , well assorted stock Stock of Spring and. Summer Goods in all the lines we carry NEW GOODS COMING ALL THE TIME, INCLUDING DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, PAIN tS, OILS OF ALL KINDS, HARN- ESS REPAIRS, NEW GARDEN SEEDS, ROOT `*l 131)S, AND •.OR GIRUM," AND WE EN.PIiO:C ova i+11,I+[) COR?, SEED I1 SOON- And would adviser our Customers to piaci; their orders early as good seed will be hard tt' secure. • You will find our Prices right, Watch our Bargain Counter, Quality and ser- vice emvice is our ntutto, O lA DOUGLAS GENE&AL. MERONANT PHONE 11 97 :SLAKE -Tea* aeetgea �.n