Zurich Herald, 1925-04-23, Page 3QN'rA�?IO Banking by Mali »*Province of Ontario The security afforded by the ... Savings Office, together with the facilities extendetl by every Post Office in Canada and other countries, make it passible everyone ever .one to deposit their savings in this institu- tion. Interest is allowed, compounded hulk -yearly, with full checking privileges. The confidence the rural communities. have shown in this Savings Office is indicated by the large increase in de- posits, which are now over $20,000,000. - All deposits are secured by the entire resources of the Province of Ontario Remittances should be made by Post Office money order, bank cheque, express order .or registered letter, and should be addressed to your nearest Branch, where they will receive prompt attention. Province of Ontario Savings Office HEAD OFFICE: 15 QUEEN'S PARK, TORONTO Toronto Branch OffIces:' Cor. Bay and Adelaide Sts. Cor. University and Dundas Sta. 519 banforth,Avenue, Other Branches M Hamilton, St. Catharines, •St. Mary s, Pembrokke, ke. Brantford, Woodstock, Oweri Sound, Ottawa, Seaforth, Walkerton, Newmarket and Aylmer. !active exercise ehoilld. practice poSsi 'e Ay�s'tlpy of tete &b t skiiisovolakd ensentsbek. ept 'Fheactive.. skirl. • annsdSpecimeof list sks;; swlnt lee r t In sniif,bt xte�ost gases people ,c in s th the sands of the Sahara Desert HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR, J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario. Dr; Middleton will be glad to answer questions on -Public Health, mat. ters through this column. Address him at Spading House, SDadina Crescent, Toronto. ,fat if they ,are •detei�sn'ined.and per -1 beteg exhibited at th.e A,rierican, Wasps an i e�a� 1 zee�n VdASVS have a keen sense of color. 031 ;mad is a member of the miniow Lord. Avebury Placed colored pallet f'astsily. Others resemble perch. over a wasps' nest with ,a Bole to al i The presence of these deli in the entrance', cons a ill i.e Ull, t t He �' , r . t u ce v r iieor' lacy free gn r4 n t.e,5ort rensaiiss t, iuystel - . O ie t y moved the papers to various distances is that the eggs :are ii'au ported. here from lite nest, replacing them PY. pertioles`of mud, or ,needs, eamried others of different colors.. The wa '1 1n the claws of birds that. visit the how to the "csolored''papers to which desert waterho'leR. they become ttticustottted; _M- T3eee, too, bave.. a. very keen sense a of soler, and the ability to disci;olio RA FOR ate between variations in shades p.f 9 Billed are fai writes, including 'pale cHILD,Ho iL 4 N � S slstent in their efforts. Museum of Natural li,lsfory. 1 BeCS Know Color' fey wore taken from subterranean 11e 'art water - pools, and are not of caro and Have Favorite Shades Sp ie , s might bave b expected. blue and violet, and though purple" reds are visited and in favor, yet sear lets are disliked. Yellows "or greens are passed by if ;towers of more fa- vored colors are present. I In souse of tho delightful rural shots in ;t nglall"tl. people still believe that bees ere interested in world affairs, especially when these affairs affect their owners, Failure to• inform` the bees is a serious breads of confidence, so grievous indeed that they are liable to. die of disappointment. To prevent disaster it is customary to visit the Hives and tell the news; to decorate th.eni on Yeasts and holidays and on . the occasion of a narriage:or a birth; to use colored cloth, while a - death puts the bees into mourning and black crepe is fastened to the hives. Good news or bad, the owner „taps three times and tells all he cau. It is always better to use the front -door key to tap If yon are overweight you are not year. In all cases obesity results from quite so healthy as you would be 1f a disturbance of nutrition. inds is eT and oo mn ch t yyou were the correct weight. Besides, food of all burden. They have there is danger. Statistics prove that 'enough exercise rncine food up into the final body ones eep, s�tomac t oubie,ttenervous- 1 wit WHEN THE SYSTEM Order from your grocer his best tea and he'll usually send "Red Rose" TJTIL!iS good • ted! The same good tea for 30 years. TrykG ill Mrs. Howard King, R.R. No. 5, Truro, 11.5., says; --"I am the mother of four children and have always used Iiaby's.Own Tal:sts when any of them ;. needed a medicine, and 1 can recons - mend the Tablets as`being unsurpass- ed,, for childhood aiiteuts." Thous- -Ws of other mothers agree with Mrs. King as .to the merits. of the Tablets. There are thousands of homes through- out Canada where the Tablets are el- 'tsays kept on hand in readiness for 'tire least sign of any o€ the minor ai1- mrnts which afflict little ones. Baby's Own Tablets never fail to regulate the stomach and bowels, thus they banish t:olistipation and indigestion; break up diads and simple fevers; relieve colic and bring the baby through that dread- ed teething'.lieriod in safety. ' The Tab- lets never do harm -always good—as they are guaranteedabsolutely free from any injurious drugs, They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at Qu cents a box from The Dr. Williams IS ALL RUN DOWN Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Often All That is Needed is a Tonic to Build Up the Blood. There are litany women who have been invalids or semi -invalids so- long that they accept their condition asea the overweights die The death rate from pneumonia among p p y that they have given up hope of enloy� excessive avoirdupois is very heavy.I oxide and water. The system cannot t a ve given In most of thesee Bright's disease carries off large num- 'get rid of the excess of food, par- eases a good health. diet,. fresh tbe5e bees of them, and high blood pressu5:e i titularly the starchy foods, so it con - d takes a heavy toll. To sum matters vests it rote fat and stores it in the ot come in atonic to build tile the blood wotla da up the motto is plain and self-evident. ! tissues. If the food did t such fre wonders, To- all run-down, nervous If you are overweight,' shouldI t servals if the body were peep p young. .canno eo le of ' products • of combustion—carbon di- ness, headaches and weakness so long "Say 99." Why does a doctor always demand of a patient, as he'applies his ear to the stethoscope: "Say 'ninety-nine' "? Why is that particular number chosen? \Vhy not "Say 'one hundred' "? Sir William Hale -White, president of the Royal: Society of Medicine, has let the secret out. He explained in a re- cent address on "Auscultation" (lis- 'tening) that a physician can often ob- tain evidence of the condition of his patient's chest by noting how the spoken voice is carried through'it. The. ' -such large quantities and. a ..trained ear can quickly discern wheth- r ohen yk •lit" you we re q ie the" experience of Mrs.. H. J. er the chest contains, air, solid, or duce, and when youn.get your weight give in , down, keep it down. The great trouble'given time and rk it -would to take Cameron,interest. She says:—"About two „Since the words "ninety nine" are t to reduce ;the food by work, it take the is that any people , stas,was sit a miserable run - power but comparatively few have the ,will- j materials essentially needed, burn up years ago i or determination to ''stick for the rest, and not be burdened by ex- down condition. 1 was unable to do any length of time to their good re- cessive deposits of fat. Generally my work, my head ached day and solutions. speaking; lazy people are fat, people. night, my nerves were all .unstrung, The normal pian is abbot twelve per The prevention of ,.obesity rests on and for three weeks I could not eat or ,., cent. fat. If a man eats each day just regulation of diet, habits and exercise.,awe.br:, y. Bride—I ]i'ot ght three hams here a little more food d ais he `uses iii his to No More food sliouR bbe`aakelthaa sleep. I then All ex-' lianas' Pink Pills icaetrial and got six I recently and they were fine—' Butcher I'm glad you liked them, lady. • . y Bride—Well, `can you send me up three more off the same pig? . An. English cattle dealer reports that 'recently he received 8 cents a pound less for Canadian hides than for English of similar quality on ac- count 'of brand marls. The Moral standard of a country will always be set by the standard the women set.—Dame Beatrice Lyall. A transparent umbrella, which per- mits the user to see where she is go- ing, and scissors with interchangeable blades, are two novel inventions re- cently patented by woven. produced in the larynx, they are the most suitable for this test SORRY—ONLY TWO• LEFT. work, and keeps it• up, he puts on. fat. can be used up' byte o y 'a. • • h foods and The amount of excess food required is cessive diet.of sugar, starch slight. For instance, an experiment malt liquors should be avoided. ' The was made by working out a' iutrition- real burning up of food is not accons- al' balance, and than adding two slices plished in the stomitch, but in the of bread and a good sized helping oflungs and muscles. Keep your lungs butter to the daily diet. This was and muscles active. • enough to add on fifteen .pounds in a The treatment fcr those who suffer, is chiefly along the above lines. Stop 'feeding the trouble. The diet should "The Standard by which other Irons are Judged." yOU can now obtain 'a genuine Hotpoint Iron for $5.50. This famous elec- trle servant has for years been the first choice among discriminating housewives. The thumb rest—an exclu- sive Hotpoint: patent•--•edim- lnates all strain on the wrist. This, is the Iron with the famous hot point. York;' sleazes soils Hotpoint Irons By •boxes, if used ha of the time s c I had t them I felt much better,, and when I had taken the six boxes I was as well as ever. I •could work all day and not feel tired and have been strong and healthy ever since. I have never tak- en any medicine that did me so muck good and will always highly recosu- be cut to at least one-half the usual mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. " amount. Fats and sugars and starch- You can get these Pills from any es should be limited a little more than medicine ,dealer, or by mail .at 50 cents the proteins. The amount of liquids la box from The Dr, Williams' Medi - should also be limited. • Indolence and cine Co., Brockville, le, Ont. disinclination y to exercise should be strenuously combated. Too much sleep or Idle lying abed should not be en- Good Beef Sires Pay. couraged. Invalids not able to take - Some men breed beef cattle for plea- sure, but more men breed then. for profit. If you expect to make profit you should breed what the butcher wants, who is, the final judge of all block anirnals. The butcher wants a steer low down, square, thick fleshed and fat. Ifyou are using a scrub sire can you ever expect .to:, produce such animals? The answer is "no," because such sires do not possess the low down, blocky, thick -Set form. A -beef bull breeds into his calves what has been bred into him for generations. If this is scrub blood he will breed scrub ,;calves. If it is good blood 'he will breed good -calves. The market wants thick, meaty steers and will pay a' premium for. them. The right Lind of a sire will put the meat over the back loins and in the thighs. This is what the butch- er wants' when he buys a steer. If you 'are using a eorub sire• you are producing steers• that are small in size, thin fleshed over the back and loins, and which usually have•tt laarge paunch. This iLcheap meat and sells for a low price. Can you afford to continue this pmac- tice2 Not if you expect to put, your business on the same plane as the banker. If you do not have ready money most banks will idan you a suf- ficient amount to purchaso a good beef sire. A good sire will increase the milk p'rodndtioti-will increase the. fat pro-! duction—will enable one td get mored preduct from same amount of feed --1 will increase selling price of surplus stock. All these will increase the net profit. - Tlie lnik pr.o:biotiott of th.e heifers mit of ordinary down sired by Holstein, Asrrshire, Jersey, and Gueris$ey bulls increased over that of ;:heir dams by 64 per -tent. The tat production in creased by 52 per -cent, The second generation increased In Seed Potatoes Irish Cobblers and Green Mountains. Grade A, $1.5a.piar bag f.o.b. Brampton or Toronto. Cash with order. Lots of 5 or more -bags 10 per cent. less.. H. W. DAWSON P.O. Box 38. Brampton, Ont. WE W NT CHURNING CEA We supply cans and pay express charges. We pay daily by express money orders, which can be cashed anywhere without any charge. Our Present Price Is 37 Cents Per Pound Butter Fat. Nett to you at your station. Price is.subjeet to change without no" tide. To obtain the top price, Cream -must be free from bad flavors and contain not less than 30 per cent. Butter Pat. Bowes Company Limited, Toronto A Canadian General Electric For references—Head Office,. Toronto; Product. J3an z of Montreal, or your local banker. :flee. )Established for over thirty years. 1 A dairy cow is not worth keeping unless she produces 6,000 pounds of milk or overp er year. Don't support a low producing herd. Start now to weed out the Poor ones. Breed the best ones to p good bulls and feed properly—thew watch results. , Does it pay? Ask the successful dairy fariner. BETTER R dl br dJLLS PAY He—"You remind ire so much of my flrs•t wife. Will you marry me?" She—"No. I wouldn't marry a man who could ever refnember what his first wife looked like." 0 In Bulgarian Villages. Bulgarian villages are very oriental in appearance, and most of the houses are' built of mud or wood and rubble work. For Sore Throat Use Minard's Liniment The world's longest railway plat- form, the total length of which is 2,175 feet, has beenreated through the linking up of the Victoria and Ex- change stations at Manchester. USE ® NDS SAWS Their teeth are of a toughness which makes thein hold their keen cutting edge under every usage. p,. sisosoS, CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED VANCOUVER MONTREAL BT. JOHN, N.B. The Ritz-Carlton $C Atlantic City Nese jferee3 America's Smartest Resort Hotel. Famous for its Euro- pean. Atmosphere. Perfect Cuisine and Service. Single rooms from $5.00 Double rooms from $3,00 European Plan New liydziatric and Electro - Therapeutic Department. GUSTAVE' TOTT, Manager Classified Advertisements FREE CATALOGUE. - f j ASPSERRY BUSHES, GI.A - — iotas, Iris, Peony, Fancy Dahlias: and Barred Rock Eggs. The Wrile9P Farm,, Brockville, Ont. rl MONEY TO LOAN. ARM LOANS MADE. AGENT$ wanted, Reynolds, 77''Victorii43 Toronto. Mapping Canadian Wilds. Approximately 2810 miles were flown and 1700 photographs taken bye the Royal Canadian Aim Force in con• junction with the topographical sur'.; vey in producing maps of the little known regions of Western Canada in' 1924. Ground traverse work was also' conducted by the survey and upon the completion of the latter it will be pos.' sible to plot an area of about 15,000 square miles. Loud speakers sometimes need to be tuned down. �. /inNEYOu e e iy' ' ''o G aa,lleallhou can yCon idem 1 7ouR UseMurine Eye Remedy "Night and Morning." deep your Eyes Clean, Clear and !Stealthy. Write for Free Eye Care Book. bisrlasCreftestedyGesSEssiOblo.asseLellicsaa ideal Spring, Vaca tions Only 2 Disnysl'rom. NewYork Go in April and May when 'Bermuda is ablaze with Flowers—Perfect days for rest or play. Palatial, Twin -Screw Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT ST. GEORGE'? For Illustrated Booklets Write FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall Street - New York City or Any Local Tourist Agent STIFFNESS Rub in MInard's with the finger tips. It penetrates and heals. Re- moves inflaiumation. A. remedy for every pain, Old Pe.pe milk production over the original cows , Hitro-Phosphate feeds the nerves 1.3,0 per cent, In fat production 109 per cent. Trying to find a short cut to success lies developed a great' many failure... Minard's Liniment for ;;olds. / ©AFNESS Pike te1.25 -D0,61tis• ,/It 11 _Druggists foFOLDER ABOUT.an/ESS"ON REQUEST. A.C. LAVE., EW VrOC 7n •sem ,ave 17Ew l ODIC For Liver"Troubles-- Jaundioe-- alistones Flatulency --Aridity Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Rem- edy a'most reliable medicine used for nearly 50 years all over the world and attested by medical men and thousands of persons who found this remedy a great boon. These troubles rause more suffering and disturbances M. the human organ- ism than any other. Sufferers should not delay in putting faith into this remedy, as a trial will convince the most skeptical. Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25 a bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Toronto, Ont. WARNER'S Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. rtr- 1 and old people need ii; to make them feel and look younger. It's the one best nerve builder for weak, nerve -ex- hausted men and women and that is why we guarantee it. Price $1 per plrgC.' Ari'ew Chemical Co., 25 Front St. 'East, 'Toronto, Ont. Say "Bayer"- Insist! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer prod- uct proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. Accept only a Bayer package which contains proven directions Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles'wof 24 and 100—Druggists Aspirin Is tlO tunic mark (rrgistered in Canada) of ci,Yre Nano tctidetet of JTCHY EGZEMA.. ALL OWER FAGE In Pimples and Blisters; Healed by Cuticura, '" Eczema broke out in pimples and blisters and spread all over my fact. It itched and burned causing me to scratch which made it worse. I could not sleep on account of the irritation, and could hardly talk because the sore eruptions were all around my mouth. The trouble lasted several months. " I tried everything I could get but nothing helped me. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and got relief. I continued the treatment and in about eight weeks I was completely healed." (Signed) Wm. J. Romanchuk, Samburg, Sask. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum are ideal for daily toilet uses. Sample Zech Free by Mall. Address Canadian Depot: Stenhouse, Ltd., Montreal" Price, Soap 26e. Ointment 26 and 60c. Talcum 26c. m'"'"` Cuticura Shaving Stick 25c. ASK THIS HAUAX IIRSE She Is Willing to Answer - Letters from Women Asking About Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Halifax, Nova Scotia.—"I am a man ternity .nurse and have recommended Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound to many worsen who were child - loss, also to women who need a good Lone, I am English and my husband is American, and he told me of Lydia E. 'inkharn while in England. I would appreciate a copy or t,wo of your little boiks on women's ailments. I have one which I keep to lend. I will willingly answer letters from any woman asking about the Vegetable Compound. "--Mree. ;4. 51. COLEMAN, 24 Uasiacke Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Could Not Sleep Nights Dublin, Ontario. —"I was weak and irregular, with pains and headaches, anfst could not sleep nights. I learned about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound by reading the letters in the newspapers and tried it because I wanted to get better. I have got good results from it and I feel a lot stronger and am not troubled with such bad headaches as I used to be and am more regular. I am gaining in weight all the time and I tell my friends what kind of medicine I am taking. You may +7Ail use my letter as a help to' alias." —M -3. 11 RAoao, Box 12, Dublhk, Ontario, Ileus 1.1d- 'I --%h.