Zurich Herald, 1925-04-16, Page 3You have been intending to try "Red
Rose " Why not now before you forget.
®®, tee
The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Try it!
Stories About Well -Known People
Curwood's Death Threat.
James Oliver Curwocd, ' the well-
known author, lives in Owosso, Michi-
gan; where there have been complaints
lately that bootleggers are attempting
to sell liquor to boys and girls. The
author rnad•e the sensational announce-
ment a few days ago that if any liquor
is ever furnished to his twelve -year-
old son the vendor in question will be
killed and fames Oliver Curwood will
do the killing.
His Greatest Ambition Was Never
A. traveler just hack from India says
that in a recent chat he had with the
viceroy,• Lord Reading, the latter re-
called an intresting incident of his
youth. -
"My first visit to Calcutta," Lord
Reading said, was when I was a boy of
fourteen. I ran away to sea and went
to India before the mast. The next
time I came' as viceroy. •
"On elle first trip I made one resolve.
I -was so impressed with the smart ap-
pearance of the Bengal pilot who came
aboard to take charge of ns• that I de-
termined to be a Bengal pilot and
dress like him. That resolve—my
dearest wish—has never been fulfill-
"A Wee Bit Laddie."
The Prince of•Wales drove through
a Scottish. town, accompanied by the
Provost, the latter resplendent in scar-
let robes of office and a plumed hat,
and the Prince wearing the uniform of
a Highland regiment.. A child who
saw them drive by rushed home in.
great excitement.
"hither, I've seen the Prince!" she
exclaimed. "He looked fine in a red
cloak and a feathered hat, and by him
was sitting a wee bit laddie in tartan
Hills h Heaven.,,
Gott grant there be. hills' in di -Seven
For these who •beere roughs theirr,
iso; those ' who bee() struggled encs
r triven •
look to the helghts•for rest.
(soil grant there be quiet places
And heaths . where the hill -winds
\Vheee we bury our het, shamed fares
in the cool, wet mountain glass..
The sea with her magic portals,
The vale with her . plough -turned
Theee whisellg a while toy mortal's:
But Ube )oaks taut on with God.
To the yeomen their fields be given,
Aid the oaptains--give them' their
Taut 1 pray there be hilly in l':Ieaven
To stand through Eternity,
-Will l=l. Ogilvie.
A British Jack Miner:
Lord Grey of Falloden appears this
spring in a Miner role. In other words
he is the British 'counterpart of the.
Canadian bird -lover, 'jack Miner. On
his English estate he has converted
two little ponds into a home for wild
fowl. The birds have now come to re-
cognize his love for them and return
the great statesman's affections. As
soon as his footsteps. are heard they
flutter up to get the food he is sure to
have ready for them.
A MPH (11101100D
Little children quickly get out of
sorts but by prompt treatment they
can just as quickly be set right again.
Most of their troubles arise in the iirst
place ,from the stomach and bowels;
that is why a, good clearing out is the
'first thing the doctor prescribes. Moth-
ers, why not let Baby's Own Tablets
keep your children well? Unlike that
ill smelling, rank tasting castor oil so
dreaded by most children, the Tab-
lets are pleasant to take and their
action, though thorough, Is gentle and
causes: no discomfort to either the
'baby or the growing child. Baby's
Own Tablets are a. never failing reme-
dy for relieving constipation and indi-
gestion; thus they break up colds and
simple fevers, 'expel worms and make
'the teething period, painless. The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
-or by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville,
A Novel Ending..
'When little Bennie, who is fond of
,listening to the children's hour on the
;wireless, knelt down to say his prayers
the other night, be finished in an un-
usual way.
At the close of the customary string
of petitions, he said: "This. concludes
'mil- programme for tis -night. Good
.night and Amen."
A tiny field ant has been known to
hold in. its jaws a weight three thou -
'sand times heavier than itself. If a
pnan had proportionately the same
j►strength in his jaws, he could lift 275
Semicolons That Count.
This rhyme, -with the 'semicolons'
ometted, is always certain to cause
[nein iment:—
I saw.a pack of cards; gnawing a bone
I saw"a dog; seated on Britain's throne
I saw King George; shut -up within a
• box '
I caw an orange; driving a fat ox •
I saw a butcher; not :a twelvemonth
A 'Tonic Medicine .a Necessity at
This Season.
Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills are an all -
year -round tonic for the blood. • and
nerves. But they are especially valu-
able in the spring when thersystem is
loaded with impurities as a result of
the indoor life of the winter months.
There is no other season when the
blood is so much in needof purifying
and enriching, and every dose of these
pills helps- to enrich the blood. In the
spring one feels weak and tired—Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills give strength: • In
the spring the appetite is often poor—
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills develop the
appetite, tone the stomach and , aid
weak digestion. It is in the spring
that poisons in the blood find an out-
let in disfiguring pimples, eruptions
and boils—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
clear the skin because they go to the
root of the trouble in the blood. In the
spring anaemia, rbeunatinin, indiges-
tion, nedralgia and many other trou-
bles are most persistent because of
poor, weak al blood and it is at this,time
I saw a greatcoat; cackling like ascold
I saw a peacock; with a fiery tail
I saw a blazing comet; pour down hail
I saw a. Cloud;; enwrapped with ivy.
I saw -au oak tree; swallow up a whale
I' saw the bozdless sea; brimful of ale
I saw a pewter potififteees soot -40e»
saw a well; 'flit- of men's tears that
weep .
I saw wet eyes; amongthe things I
saw '
Were no sore eyes nor any other eyes
sore. •
‘We supply cans and pay express
lehargee. We pay daily by express
!money orders, which can be cashed
itunywhere without any charge.
Our Present Price Is 37 Gents Per
Pound Butter Fat.
Nett to you at your station.
IP•riCe is subject to change without no.
Rice. To obtain the top price, Cream
(xnu.st be free from bad, flavors and
,contain not less • thaan 30 per cent.
!Butter Fat. e
Bowes Company Limited,
For references—Head Office, Toronto,
/Bank of Montreal, or your local banker.
Established for over thirty .years.
Considerable over a hundred years
old is this description of a woman and
her nails:—
Every woman in the land
Has twenty nails; upon each hand
Five, and twenty on hands and feet,
And this is true without deceit.
What the barber meant:—
The best
Tob, cco
for thepipe
I; spur teen Advantages of a
Pure -Bred Bull of Good
Breeding and Good
hxdi v>iduality.
1. 'Economical and RapidImprove-
ment.---lane pure-bred bull will im-
prove the herr) as rapidly as. 50 pure-
bred cows.
2. Lasting Influence,—The value of
a pure-bred buil is not seen entirely in
the first generation, bat continues in
the following generations.
• 3. Fewer Bulls Necessary. One
pure-bred bull properly managed will
do the work of -four scrub bulls, as
,they are managed at the Present time.
• 4. Advertismen.t Valuable. — Well
bred stock attracts the attention of
buyers. •
5. Creates a Demand for Our Local
Pure-bred Bulls.—The breeder of pure-
bred stock in. Ontario are sometimes
dfs:couraged because of lack of demand
for their stock.
6. Affords Opportunity Gradually to
Work Into Pure-bred Business —If
there is a pure-bred bull in the com-
inanityit is an easy matter to pur-
chase ane or two pure -brei cows and
'soon be in the pure-bred business.
.7. Co-operation Possible.—If there
are as many as four or five pure-bred
bulls in the community there is an ex-
eiellent opportunity to co-operate by
kYchanging bulls, pooling cattle, etc.
8. Pue-bred Bulls Will Sell for More
'Than Scrubs • After Their Period of
ltsefulness is Over. ---k 2,O00rpound
when all nature .takes on.new life that 4 are -bred bull is worth more, for e f
the blood most seriously needs often -.r. ism a scrub which --usually
00 to 1400 pounds.
9. Prepotency Important. .A. pure -
red bull will have octaves more like
=self than the dam. This is due to
A Volunteer Fireman,
Lady—"I-hate to bother you again,
but would you mind giving me just one
more glass of water?"
Clerk—"Why, certainly' not, madam,
but would you mind telling me why
you want so many? This is the
Lady—"Well, I know you'll just die
when I tell you, but I'm trying to put
out a fire in my room."
Annual Meeting of Bovril
tion. Some people dose themselvesf
with purgatives, but these only further
weaken thems-elves. A purgative
merely gallops through the. sy-ten
emptying the bowels, but does not help] pncentrated blood lines. •
the. blood. On the other hand, Dr. Wiley, 10. Uniformity Increases Value.—
hams' Pink Piles enrioh the bloom Buyers will always pay more for a uni-
which reaches every organ in the body, i'orm bunch of cattle than for a mix -
bringing new strength and vigor to tore of sorub and pure-bred..
weak, easily tired men, women and 11. Offspring is Worth' More. -A
children. Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills calf is worth $5 to $10 more, a yearling
this spring -they will not disappoint $15 to $20 more and 'a, two-year old $25
^ 0, if sired by a. pure-bred hull.
Among diose"�iS"ITaY•e
y_Q1>;:w.. _..� 'i'.� .V-`iSeei'ei•. p -..ease' ittr se.
•:""pravett�r#- r
value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is Mr ull means more money which. in turn
Austin Wise, Hemford,'N.S., who says: makes poesibie better homes, better
-"I have reason to be deeply grateful schools, better churches, better roads
for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have and a better and more satisfying come
done for me. An abscess developed try life.
13, Good influence on Owner.—When
What do you think
I'll shave you for nothing
And give you a drink
seems, at first sight, an attractive of-
fer. But, the story goes, when people
took advantage of what they supposed
to be the barber's generosity, he ex-
plained that he meant the lines to be
punctuated thus:
What! Do you think I'll shave you
for nothing and give you a drink?
The answer to the question was in
the negative! -
A kindly but, somewhat patronizing
landlady inquired of the professor's
young bride how she and her husband
planned to spend the summer vaca-
tion. "Our plans thus far," replied
the bride a little distantly, "are only
tentative." "How delightful!" the
landlady exclaimed. "I'm sure you
Will enjoy camping out more than any-
thing else you could do." -
Heed Potatoes
Early Irish Cobblers, and Green
Guaranteed Pure Grade A, $1.50 per
bag of 90 IUs. Guaranteed Pure Grade
B, $1.20 per bag of 90 lbs.
P.O. Boit 38 Brampton, Ont.
Progress in Marketing Lambs
A. Study of the Toronto Market shows that
31% of the lambs rrmrketedduriii 1923 Were
Bucks.- In ,924 only 9% of the Lambs ducers xiot
'were 'Backs. This meant that the but got an of
15niy� saved the two -dollar y► omit of
creased price `through selling a better' quality f
mutton, This
Will the Sheep Breeders Continue .
Progress in 1925 ma"
in my head, and the doctor who was
called in said my whole system was a man has pure-bred livestock on his
poisoned. My appetite ,completely farm lie naturally takes more interest
failed and I grew so weak hwas unable in "it and feeds and cares for it better
to :do any work. •Tire doctor's medi- than he otherwise would.
cine did not help me so I decided to 14. The Farmers' Gain is Not Some -
try Dr .• Williams' Pink Pills, At this body's Loss.—A. farmer can raise a
Presiding at the annual general
meeting of the Bovril Company, Sir
George Lawson Johnston emphasized
the fact that the Company had main-
tained its pre-war prices in the face
of a most difficult trade situation and
the payment of very heavy taxes and
were able to show record sales and
record net profits. This was due
largely to the increasing demand for
The year just closed showed net
profits of £390,992. The capital em-
ployed is between twenty and twenty-
five million defiers.
stage I was -reduced almost to a skele-
ton, and my friends did not look for
my recovery. I soon found, however,
that the pills were helping me and
after -taking them for about two
months 7 was fully restored to health.
My case was known to all my neigh-
bors and my recovery looked upon as.
almost a miracle."
You can get these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine ._Co., Brockville, Ont.
Throwing Buns at Brides.
The throwing of rice as the happy
-couple who have just been married
emerge from the church, or set out on
their honeymoon journey, has almost
given way to the throwing of the more
harmless confetti.
The custom of throwing rice prob-
ably came from the East, where rice
is the staple food and where plenty of
rice means comfort and prosperity.
Thus, to throw rice means: "May you
never- lack a good meal!" or, in other
words, "May your Married life be pros-
The Romans used to scatter corn in
a bride's path, and in Poland the
neighbors throw handfuls of wheat,
barley, oats, or even beans, at the
bride,'s• door.
In Italy nuts take the place of cer-
eals, and one can imagine that the
Italian children have -a happy time
picking them up; just as German child-
ren, incountry places. pick up the
cakes and tiny buns flung from cottage
widows at a passing bride.
better calf and no one is the poorer.
He thus, creates wealth.
It was Charles's fist visit to the
country and everything was interest-
ing. - He came running in from the
learn exclaiming, "Oh, Mama! I saw
some white pigs and an also." "An
also??" asked his mother. "Yes, a
black ,,,also," repeated Charles. His
mother was bewildered until the little
fellow told her what his uncle said,
"Here are some white pigs.; and a
black, also."
Flowers Use Gas.
Put a piece of mignonette and a rose
together in a vase. Within half an
hour each will make a perfume "gas
attack" upon the other. In the battle
of odors both flowers, will lose their
freshness and scent. Separate them
and each will revive at once.
Seek and ye shall find. The people
who look for trouble are at least
pretty sure to find fault.
It is difficult tobalways true to,
ourselves, to be always what weee
Classified _Advertisements
Patehes, V. McCreery, Chatham,
-Liolas, Iris, Peony, Fancy Dahlias
and Barred Rock Eggs. The Wright
Farm, Brockville, Ont.
►� VanWinckel, 1399 Lansdowne Ave.,
we ought to be.... As long as we do FARM wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria,
surrender the ideal of our life, 'Toronto.
s right. Our aspirations repre-
the bus nature of our soul much "'117
o three our everyday life.—Max
all i
For Sore Throat Use Mlnard's Liniment
New Tobacco Tin.
safe by millions and prescribed by" hysiciaannoy11S for
The history of the development of
tobacco is. a record of innovations,, -_-_ _.�
modifications and devices planned to AOE
make its use more enjoyable. TheColds Headache �t ye
latest of these 3s a vacuum tin in
which ane tobacco company is novoalll Neuralgia
packing several of its brands. It is
ciaimecl for the new- container that it
presrrves 'unimpaired the flavor and Toothache Liill'1.T3ago
fragrance and retains all the natural
moisture. , Neuritis Rheumatism
Rjtz Car1t. n
Hoe1 Atlantic
9, New JerseCityy
America's Smartest
Resort Hotel.
Famous for its Euro-
pean Atmosphere.
Perfect • Cuisine and
Single rooms . from $5.00
Double rooms from $8.00
European Plan
New Hydriatric and
Electro - Therapeutic
Minard's eases them, soothes and
It protects them from biting winds.
Mix Minard's with sweet oil and
use as shaving lotion. Makes your
face feel fine.
Gray hair is beautiful its itself, and
so softening to the complexion -and', so
picturesque in its `effect that many a
Woman who has been plain hi her
youth is, by its 'beneficent influence,
transformed into a handsome woninn.
•Miss' Oalm.
Minardl'tt i-lnlment .for. Colds,
Acce 't only :`Bayer" package
which contains proven directions,
Handy "Bayer" boxoe of 12 tablets.
Also bottles of 24 and 1o0 ---Druggists,
aspirin is this tratle mark .freglat(.tc l to Canada)
d i) of Tour, `i..mniet 11 c Macos:nnt -
et Sitierlieace (acetyl snits., genera ,trade mark, Ilia. Sr, the
ilarlt A•ai>trttf ttin>tini Bayer titahtrfaotnre, to as51sC thr, public against lmitalloas. tits Tablatir
et ;Payor doruranr Will be stamped with their
fol Your
wholesome esome Cleansing Ref roshin
or stuttering disappears quickly and
Permanently under our methods of
treatment. Thousands have been re-
lieved of this distressing trouble. Write
sLor free advice and literature.
Unexcelled in purity, they are
regarded by millions as unrivaled
in the promotion of skin and hair
health. The purifying, antiseptic,
pore -cleansing properties of Cuti-
cure Soap invigorate and preserve
the skin; the Ointment soothes and
helps to heal rashes and eruptions.
The freely -lathering Shaving Stick
causes no irritation but leaves the
skin fresh and smooth. The Talcum
is fragrant and refreshing.
Semple Each Free by Mal. Address Canadian
Depot: Btenheue . Ltd., Montreal" Price, Soap
Sik 25c.
After Taking Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Ingomar, N. S. --"I took your medi-
cine for a run-down condition and inward
troubles. I had pains in my right side
so bad at times that I could not walk
any distance. 1 saw about Lydia F).
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in the
newspapers and have taken five bottles
of it. i am better in every way and
you can use my letter to helP other
women, — Mrs. AL VITA M. Yb
Ingomar, N. S.
Nervous Breakdown Relieves
Toronto, Ontario.-- "Itis pretty hard
to explain your feelings us nervous
troubles. I felt low spirited, had pains
in my head and eyes, always crying, and
did not want to go anywhere. I do
knitting and fancy work, and I would
• get irritable after a few minutes of
work. I.have been in Canada five years
and have been this way ever since t
came. I am taking Lydia E. Pmkham's
Vegetable Compound and T sleep better
and it seems to make me eat, and I must
say 1 am feeling moreolly. I have
great faith in in your medicine because
of what it has done for my husband's
sister and she recommended it tome.",
---Mrs. A. SialTii, 10 Burleigh. Avenue,
Toclinorden, Toronto, Ontario.
All druggists sell this dependable med-
icine, and women suffering from these
troubles so common to their sex should
give it a trial flaw.)
ISSUi3 No. 15�•�-'25.