Zurich Herald, 1925-04-02, Page 3•,n r W^
Not Silk, :But Not :Quite
Yotu Need the Help of Dr.
'wiiliams'•'Pink Pills.
with the passing of winter many
people feel .weals:, depressed and easily
ttre'd. . No particular disease, ,but the
System lacks tone: You find yourself
tired, .low-spirited, and 'often unable
to get sound sleep at night. All this
is the result of is -door confinement of
t:he winter months, and shows that the
blood has become thin and watery.
Ne` , ricl>,,red blood is what you• need
to put you right, and there is no,othor
medicine -can give .you this new blood
as surely acid as speedily as Dr. Wil-
Pink Pi11s..Thai new blood gives
to every part of the body and quitckiy
: lmproves the general health. Diges-
tion Is toned up, you have a better ap--
petite, •nerves ase strengthened and
sleep is sound and refreshing.
Tile `value of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pi1Is when the system' is run down is
shown by the experleuoe of _llir. Wil-
liam Mitchell, R.R. No. 1, Bedford,
Pal„ who says:—"A few months ago
I found myself in a, badly run'"down
condition. My appetite was poor, I
was easily tired and did not sleep well.
I tried several s -o -called tonics, but did
not get 'any relief. Then I decided to
give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial
and saion found that r had got the right
medicine. Gradually nay strength
come back, the dull, tired feeling dis-
appeared, and after using the pills for
-about a month, I could eat heartily
and was as strong and active as ever
I have been. I can most cheerfully re-
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as
an unsurpassed tonic."
You, can get Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
froni any dealer in medicine, or by
" mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr.
William`s' Medicine Co., Brockville,
,r► •
In the motion -picture "Robin Hood,"
Lady Marian desires to send a mes-
sage to the Earl of Huntington and
chooses Little John to act as }ler mes-
essenger. She presents John with a
scroll wbich is protected by what
seems to be a black case or tube.
As he handed it over, a small boy in
the audience asked his mother what
• it was.
"That's a flashlight," she answered
in a loud voice.
Priscilla Dean, the movie star who was appointed master of Yonge Street
Station, for one hour, upon the termination of her "personal appearance in
Toronto,• thought after inspecting a Trans -Canada ticket that her education
would not be complete until she had used up just such a one. "The Canadian
Rockies and Victoria for me," she said.
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario.
Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat-
atters through this column. Address him at Spadina Houle, Spadina
Crescent, Toronto. • .
To thoroughly enjoy good health,' excesses of all kinds in eating and
we must observe the simple rules of drinking and chew our food thorough -
right Jiving. These include the taking ly at meal times. This relieves the
of sufficient exercise to keep the body stomach of part of the work of diges-
"Don't show your ignorance, Mary," active, eating the right kinds of food tion, for properly masticated foods are
said her husband. "They didn't leave ;n proper proportions, using plenty of more easily assimilated by the stom
flashlights in those days. That's a ther- fresh water within and without. But ach.
mos bottle," the latter remark I mean that water.{ We must also make it a point to
certainly a glass or two first thing unnecessary worry. Too many people
in the morning and between meals live what might be called a dissipated
throughout the day. It is better not existence, that is they burn the mid -
to drink any fluids at mealtime, as the • night oil, staying up late at 'nights,
gastric juice is thereby diluted and and through the stress of business ris-
It's far better to be homesick away
from home than to be home sick.
Seed Potatoes
New Brunswick Grown and Govern-
ment Certified.
Irish. Cobblers and Green Mountains.
,For sale at the follow,inntg prices
r� rrs,I3ag,: 9`0°`flit.; y eerie5. 1 .-�_,,,,-
Special price in lots of 5 bags or more.
No charge for bags or packages. Can
seli . you . Ontario Grown, at about 20
• per cent. less.. You will have to order
early as quantity ins limited. 0 sn with
1-1. W. DAWSON
P.O. Box.38 • Brampton, Ont.
should be taken at frequent intervals, get enough sleep and to avoidll
results in 'delayed' digestion. ling fairly early in the morning after
For some reason or other, there insufficient rest. - This leads to nery-
seems to be •a tendency on everybody's ' ousness and irritability which in; tine,
part Yt0wad tya,••tcr eat too much sterele may is sr roll lanais eaeenana i
gee-elegee�--seeenc-erev eetteer3?m nmen•,antrcaner irr'ita`ting cori•(kktiofl$. One
starchy food causesfermentation of must not forget the dangers to health
the stomach and intestines, which that result from mischievous gossip,
often results in constipation and auto -'saying or hearing unkind things about
intoxocation, .the effects of intestinal:people' with whom you: ar'e acquainted.
stasis : or inertia. One and all, we Sooner or later these unkind, ungen-
ghould cultivate the practice of eating; erous thoughts will react on the per -
more fresh fruits and making theson harboring them, and bring about
leafy vegetables a larger part of our ' an impaired state of health. Thereis
it, Will and Testament.'
"nese falage 1 gat: by the Sweat of >xb7
' "IOW:
A fallow hexa an,4 airenelen't phew;
And these :.:l bought with tate . songs X
1iave isnng:..
'lie wait and the spray the salt stla
And these :era the thln€s that I got
rein Love:
ae, o tall spine tr•oo and a st€tr above.
1, being in my,rfaht mind now,
Bequeath to my son my land and plow,
Arid VII leave him also tine wind and
'*tae , sen,
And Tlll :even leave him my tall pine
But X'i1 keep that star so my soul estn
One' golden trinket in her hair.
—Bonnie .cones ManClelland.
Ivlrs, L. M. Brown, Walton, N,S°,
says`:—"I cannot recommend. Baby's
Own Tablets too highly. I bane found
them havaluab-]e for the ailments of
little ones." Mrs. Brown's testimony
is the same as that of thousands of
other mothers who have used the Tab --
lets, Touse them once is a sure guar-
antee tbat they will always be kept in.
the home as long as there are babies
or young children to be cared for, The
Tablets are a laxative—mild but
tl7 trough in action—which never fail
to.regulate the stomach and bowels;
relieve constipation and indigestion;
break up colds and simple fevers and
make the dreaded teething period
easy: In fact they banish all the
minor ills from which little ones suf-
-fer. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, On -t.
daily dietary. We should refrain from
We Challenge Ontario Farmers
To Make Money
By the Use of a Scrub Bull
We believe a Scrub Bull is the most expensive
piece of cattle flesh in existence.
Is This A. Challenge To You?
The Province of Ontario
Savings Off ice
Deposit your savings regularly with the Province
of Ontario Savings Office.
All monies deposited by you are guaranteed by
the Government of the Province of Ontario and
can be withdrawn at any time.
Department at each Branch.
Branches: Toronto -Corner Bay and Adelaide Streets; Corner
University and Dundas Streets; 649 Danforth Avenue,
Aylmer*, Br
arltford Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa,' Dwell Sound,.
Pembroke, Seaforth, St Catharines, St.. Mary'a
Walkerton-, Woodstock.
In Turkish Prison.
A British oflrcer who was captured
by,the Turk -s in the Great War gives
'some amusing extracts from the prison
coniinandant's• - daily bulletins to the
prisoners. Here is one: "Everybody
is -:obliged neither to cook food nor to
have any sort of fire in the rooms
Where they live and ide, as a very
Slight carelessness as regards fire,
eleanliness and neatness may be the
cause of -great dangers. It is rather
good to consider the heaviness of the
legal penalty that -Shay impend for a
damage caused by a lack of precaution
-and care. If a fire starts, • it goes.
Therefore, don't smoke in bedrooms
for goordnees' sake."
tea your grocer cer , recommends
usually good tea
And most grocers recommend it'
bathers' Allowances,
Now .that the Mothers' Allowances
Aet is so well established and aecoinp-
,lisbing such good work, it is Interest-
lug to recall that for nearly ,twenty
years Mr. Relate advocated this' as 'a
necessary feature of efficient calld
ii'eifare"work. In his fourth annual re
turn to the Ontario Legislature, pub -
listed in February, 1.897, he reported
as follows:
There are poor but respectable.
mothers who require temporary help,
but this should be given to them in.
their own homes, eftiaer by the munici-
pality -or church organizations, so that
the home may .not be broken up. It is
no real ehar]ty or Help to a poor moth-
er to close up her home and send her
children, one to this institution and
one to thet, thus•, robbing both of the
ties and influences that are, after all,
the only things worth living for.
The principle here laid down is.
sound, and it is gratifying to know it
has worked -out -so well.—Globe, March
For Sore Throat Use Minard's Liniment
Among the children left at the day
nursery at the Wembley Exhibition
there are three who have never been
The coal deposits of Canada are be-
lieved to comprise about one-seventh
of the known supplies of the whole
Perfect home dye- ...
ing and tinting 15
guaranteed with Dia-
mond Dyes. Just dip
in: cold water to tint
soft, delicate shades,
or boil to dye rich,
the question, too, of havinimaginary permanent `calors"
enemies, and of eheving that certain Each i.G-cent pack
persons hold a grudge against you age .con -cans pack -
and are plotting to do -you an injury. tions so airs any
These surmises ; may be.merely fig-
ments of the imagination and if the woman can dye or
truth were known, the people whom tint lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts,
you suspected had no unkind thoughts waists, dresses coats, stockings,
of you at all. Another thing to re- sweaters, draperies, coverings, hang.
member is that frequent bathing of lags, everything new.
the body is absolutely essential if one '..Buy "Diamond Dyes"—no other kind
is to keep in perfect trim. one,
tell your drugist whether the
In these winter days We have a ! material you wish to color is woo] or
doors in a superheated atmosphere.
tendency to spend too much time in-; silk, or whether it Is linen, cotton, or
What could be more healthful and in -j mixed goods.
vigorating than a brisk walk in the: -
open air. Walking is an exercise that /�
everybody can indulge in, and there R .
is no better recreation. Still, there ,
is not half enough walking done, even
in the country. The automobile is an
asset of course, and brings conven-
ience and comfort to every home
where it is in use, but when a person
develops the habit of riding every-
where, even short distances that could
easily be covered on foot, then the
automobile is little short of a menace
to health. I have heard men who own -
cars admit that for their health's
sake they would be far better off with-
out an automobile.
A powerful aid to the preservation
of health is relaxation—of both mind.
and body. If we have business cares
or worries connected with the daily
grind, we should. as far as passible,
put them away when ovening comes
and enjoy the fellowship of family or
friends or recreation or books. The
mind needs a rest as well as the body,
and this applies to women as well as
men. Of course there are instances
where it is difficult to get rid of worry,
and responsibility at special times, but
as a rule, .one can, by systematizing
his or_ her work, find time for relaxa-
1 Above all, we need, once a year at
least, a complete change from our nor-
, mal •surroundings, and this is espe-
cially beneficial if those who , live ;
strenuous lives, go to the woods or a
`quiet summer resort where they can;
• hve close:to nature and get a chance.
'es it were, to find themselves and.
take, stock of their mental, moraleand,
physical progress.
I Moreover, we should always try to
cultivate a cheerful spirit, and to meet
adversity with calmness and fortitude.'
!accepting with geed grace what tli,'±
gods have in store for us always try-'
ing to play the pact of real men aryl
Women who know how to pay the
game of life to the best advantsge.
Minard's LlnMient for Colds,
1tz Ca.riton
,,,1; Atlantic City
New Jersey,
America's Smartest
Resort Hotel.
Famous for its Euro-
pean Atmosphere.
Perfect Cuisine and
Single rooms from ;p5.09
Double rooms from a8,00
European Plan
Classified Advertisements
R] iV. NAL"tTS.
111, ARGAIN PARCEL, $2; 5 LBS.
Patches, $2. MoCreery, Chatham,
iolas, Iris, Peony, Fancy Dahlias
and Barred Bock Eggs. The Wrighft
Farm, Brockville, Ont.
New Hydrtatric and
Electro - Therapeutic I
Department. I
�L3S=T`A�7E TOTT,-It?anR�er
t t. i1 Dru r ists 1.25
70-5tAVE., NEW YOi i
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Rheumatism Colds
Headache Pain
Neuralgia Toothache
Accept o "13' acktire
which cOlitailis pravUn rlirectir7lls.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of la tablets.
Also bottles of 24 end 100—Druggists,
Aspirin Is the trace mark (reglsteri1 in Canada) of BaFO7'raunFnelO * - well 0 stis-
ncldrste,. et Sall vilcheld (AceLl •.nlie,•71n held, .. q
that Aspirin means never,mseers turn, la pasts. the reale sestest'ilnitations, il+ee 'lablet•s
of IlL*Ot 'Company will be stamped with their general undo marl:, the 'Slayer ems,"
Idea of Space.
One znay judge how great is the dis-
tance to even the nearest stars from
the fact that Vega, a near neighbdr,
is about one and a ball million tiniest
mare distant than the sun. Vega is
25 light years, 10 trillion miles away.
That Is, a ray of light from this star
will take 25 years to reach the eavth,
though It travels with the speed of
lightning, which would take it nearly
seven times around the earth in a sec-
Eggs in France cannot be sold as
"fresh" if they have teen in cold
you STAR s 4ER?
Don't suer under this Handicap
any longer. Successful pupils
everywhere r e c o nun en d our
methods of treatment. write
for tree advice and literature.
We receive letters every week from
people who find Mlnard's indispens-
Capt. Geo. W. Dolbow, Philadelphia,
Pa., writes: "While in British
Columbia I used your Liniment but
I cannot get it here. As there isto
my knowledge no other liniment on.
the market like Minard's I would
appreciate It if you will advise me
how I can get another supply, for
I do not want to be without
A Charming 1
Is Obtained by Using
Cutieura Soap
Daily, assisted. by Cuticura Oint-
ment when required. It keeps the
pores active, the skin clear and free
from eruptions and the scalp in a
healthy hair -growing condition.
Sample Saab Free by Mail. Address canadlan
Depot Stenhonse,Ltd.,Montreal" Pnce, Soap
25e. Ointment 25 and 60c. Talcum Sic,
• Cuticura Shaving Stick 25c.
Wants OtherWonnentoKnow
About Lydia E. Pinkham's
j Vegetabi.e Compound
Mount Forest, Ont.—"Before I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound 1 feltweak and
li i9 _ �'�' �„ miserable, and hadpains all through me -
I was living in Ailsa
Craig at the time,anei
one day a fel end came
in and told me her ex-
perience of using the
Vegetable Com-
pound and advised
me to take a bottle,
r y which I finally did -
Fu; 1 -.began to get
stronger and those
pains Ott me. "'I am glat' I found out
about this .medittine as•I,think " ere ie
none equal to it for women :who have
iroublea of this kind. I cannot praise
the Vegetable Compound too highly for
the good it has done nee. Whenever T'
know of a Woman suffering Yam giadr
to tell her of it. "---Mrs. 'WWI. Rlbsnnz.n,
R.R. No.1, Mount Forest, Ontario.
Women throughout the Dominion are
finding health m Lydia E. Plekham's
Vegetable Compoilnd.
Noharruful drug's are Used it' its prepa-
ration-•-justroats and herbs—and it can 4 •
be taken in safety even by a nursing..
mother. For sale by all druggists. I, .
.> 5 t i it D. illi.-