HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-03-26, Page 5Th aredt y March 26th, 1925 .. .. +.•iA+'SitP rsSS CARDS,--.,,.... ia'rri'ater, Solicitor, Notary Public Office- on Hamilton Street, Ott of the square, Gedericli Priv- I FOR SALE g t a tla funds ,,to' loan at lowest rates. e sail. n a will bein i3 n o ,�otrns U Friday. of each week. POT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lo$t, Fourild, Notice, Etc. Ads. -,IN!] THIS COLOXN, - ,,►redraw F. Hese, Township., Clerk aster of marriage licenses,` •Notar ' i >bfo, Conlniissloner, Fire and Aut-, bite Insurance, RepreseXxtina 1 *re* end Erie Mortgage Corp ra 'the Canada Trust Co. Zurich, White B1sasoni Sweet Clover :Se- ed Also a Re • ister ed Shor il:orn bull. Fred Regier, Zui:it•h,. ,.Bole I S. Knapp, D. D. S., L D. S DENTAL SURGEON • toet .11LIUN ,OFFICE - ' HEN•SAI.L rt OSCAR 'CLOP? •graduate Carey M, Jones Nati Unit ',School of Auctioneeringg. tor Registered Live Stock - VW Breeds). Terms in 'keeping &NM prevailing prices. Choice Ikons for sale. Will sell anything; 'ihrfywhere. Zurich. ;Phone t8-93 or write, licensed ' Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County, A .Huron. In a position to con - *get any auction sale, regardless VI to size or articles to sell. I Indicit your business; and if not isztlefied will make no charges for ,services, - Dashwood. Arthur Weber, Plane 13-57 Zurich Meat MARKET_ freand Salt Meats Bniogaia. Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Weel CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES ' un,gblut &t Beichert ;ZURICH LIVERY 1 am in a positionto accomo date all requirements ' the Livery ]live, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL lCt+ one 68 . Zurich IL -S,. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, • DENTIST laraduate, of the Royal College VII Dental Surgeons of Ontario and 49L the University of• Toronto, date District Dental Officer, Mi- litary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Ir Office, Exeter. Phone 34. At Zurich every TUESDAY -19 Phone 79 LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED ilea every day till 3 Oclock p.m. X10 not feed fowl same morning Mien *ought in, Highest Cask Prices -CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien PhO*0 04. Zurich 0 SEASON 1925 IIPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER. IES ANTHRACITE -We are no* re. a etvi4g our genuine Delaware & ndsont.direet from the mines Nut $to've and Egg 'sizes. SOFT COAL --Just arrived, an- nother car of our high grade soft. coal has made a great hitfor iellsehoid use and our sales of this Aitve over doubled in the last :sea. BO'D'L1f :'S -Otic 'millet Coal is ONO in a class by itself and is gr- t'aig in favor rapidly, 'OUR Telephones are at your )liervice. Use them freely for in- 'goirmationi. 410&14& PRODUCE MERCHANT *hone: Office tow, goose 10, HENSALL UN Ll FOR . SALE Good clean !seed ]oats`; treat's 10 lbs. to bushel. 'Also a quabtity of Seed Oats J. Mousseau,: Phone 1-92, Zurich central. EGGS FOR HATCHING Pure bred Anconara;, good laying strain 'and the kind • .that never hatch. All !select hens], Price 15 eggar for OOc. Lloyd O'Brein, Zola. ich. 'Phone 127. FOR SALE Limited quantity of following seeds for safe-Timothyt, A1�sike, Red .Clover and. Alfalfa. No. 1 Government tested seeds;. Prices right. J. Gascho & Son. " '-38 FOR SALE Galianized • 30 -gallon upright tank, with pump attachment, suit- able.. fro gasoline or coal oil. Price reasonable. Apply to A. 1♦'. Hess, Zurich. FOR SALE' Yellow blossom Sweet Clover Seed, well cleaned .by a 'special Machine. A limited quantity only Hy. Clausius, Zurich, Phone' 6-94. . FOR SALE Storage Batteries, Hot Shot Batteries and Telephone Batteries. L. Prang, Zurich tf-35 WANTED -4 ,dependable Salesman for dur Trees and 'Sht'ubsl, Free equip- ment, Liberal pay. Must be a hus; tier and ,absolutely honest. -Wel- land Nursery Co., Welland, Ont. NOTICE. We are in a:position to store and keep your auto battery char- ged for the winter. - Also charg- ing done at any time. -L. A. .Prang, Zurich. r-. P. J. O'Dwyer, M. D. ZURICH - ONT. OFFICE REMOVED TO HOUSE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY. -1 Jno. Preeter-Main Street Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON: At McCormick Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. . Main Office HARTLEI.13'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD COAL Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case &. Son PHONE 35 HENSALL 117 A'MESSAGE TO FORD OWNERS CTS A FACT 1.13AT A FORD MAG- NETO DOES GET WEAK LET US TEST YOURS FREE WE HAVE TNSTALLET) THE WON DER RE -CHARGE I, APPROVED BY FORT.) MOTOR COMPANY THE RESULTS OP A RE -CHARGE ARE WELL KNOWN. PRICE $LOO H. S. W EIN Prop T T . ZURICH IiERALU iN I ai'tL6 l Mr. Herb Uttley we's oxt bias, 5iiat ^.s to. London, on Wedpesclay, Mrs, 0, Peitz and;,son; Ward ,,tno ored toL4:txclon oxi•Weilrae.say, Ma M1, CCMette wa,s a{: Lon don on. Sunday'•illik 112r, Pal D'lasse o>i' .Detroit; is ,tis iting a slits home on the. Bronr$on, Mr. Wiz. kloffmaail ion: 'soil Lt.'s, bisi`tod• ,relatives ,at 'Crediton orr Sunday. ' 'Mrs. Caroline Price. ,on Landon is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Frank KoehemS, M. Wen R'othaerinel was a recent visitor with friends at Dash- wood Mr. W. H. Pfile fo Hensel] apoet ;Friday night at the Pfile home in town. .Mrs. A. F. Hess and. two (sons Quimbe and Paul were at London on Saturday. Miss Xessie McDonald ;spent. the week -end with her friend, ta Miss Meda Surerus. Mr, and Mrs. E. Desch ]pent Sun. day with Mr. and Mrs]. H. Elsie? -:it Dashwood. Mr. W. J. Ortwein of Henaatl,, was •n bushiest visitro in ;town on Tues.iy. • Judge Lewin of 'Goderich pres- ided at the Tenth Division Court here on Tuesday.. Mr. Milo. Snell, Ford District°de- ales of Exeter, called on C. Fritz & Son, the, local dealers. Mis's Vera Volland ,of Heai:sall, was visiting with her Icousin Miss Lulu Albrecht the pat {week. Mrs:. Jas. Clark fo . Hennsall re- turned home after a week's teliiit with her eoiisinf Mrs. J.. J. Smith. Mr. Mono. Gt. 1. er, who ha,s pur- chased the ,3 :r':.Mg property iIr the 'villat'e .,;,t to the carriage akop, :tram, A^ a, Jacob Koehler, is h;plclin ; an A, e , t ,.i sale on Saturd d'ey..alternwfthis week, .•'A real.';s to •seal of sone'',:' inter - 'as ttaix,,iuUr-tt this week in Zurichwho , Herb. Moussoatt Iiiircltased Irtet. tate Bank ref illola- treat the. ua a:il; site bust west of tt).e Baast. alio- object of Me, Moussoau'a •l,u •abasia i tai erect a Mice new o4 -1,4:;,,i up-to-date gar- age, wh.ime ,a,,ely be baiit the coining ye f' :his will make an ideal place ar.° chis kind of bus - Mr. Sails twee ha:s .sold his com- fortable tl .. t tgr property in- ilu.ding foul acres of land at Wag- ear'a Corneas to Mr. Chas. Remelt of Stanley ata 14Ir Rupp has purchased .o Jo acre farm owned by Mr. Ilea if ab?rer on 4th Con, Hay Tp., ivId • will move thereon shortly. I"l,s session in both cases Swill be ghat;, it. a few weeks. What is escroded ast the worst tornado that is in history was ex- perienced last Wednesday after- noon and night- in the Status of In- diana and !'_iinois% The slorlli was so terra ie that it carried peo- ple and automobiles for a mile, Mid other articles for .several miles away. Whale towns; were swept away, frame houses; kept rolling over and over until +demolished, One e3e witness saw two flashes of lightning and then darkness came, 'and when he looked again a whole town was swept a ., ray. The total loss of life is estimated at nearly la thousand lives. DASHWOOD Mr. Chas. Steinhag•en, Sr., is very ill at present. Mrs. Dan;. Sehroeder returned to her ]lone on Monday, after visit.- Messrs P. Haberer and J. CTa'sch.o 'ng her mother Mrs, ,Lippert who were at Seaforth; on Wednesday, is ill, in intore's:t fo the Zurich Horticulc- Dont miss the ,Easter Cantata ural Society. given :by the Evangelical ]choir non Sunday eve. April 5th. Miss Ruth Makins fo Tilisonburu Dr. If. H. Cowen spentSitnd is visiting with her aunt Mrs, Smith and other relatives for. a few weeks. Miss Lizrie Volland •who "las be en on tlel sick list for the past ice ek,htts ,resumed her position in ;Wise; ).:forffman':s(tailor shop. Mr. Earl- Yungblut had the mis- frotune of having his leg .erushud by a cowl the :other day. We are however, glad to repos, 'tthat he is Mrs. Vanattor of New . Havens Mich., who has been Visiting tt the• home of Mr. and Mrs'. Will. 0'- Brainy left for her. home this week. Mr. and Mrsi, Ed. Beaver family iiof Dashwood well()Stxaa$`ay= visitors With Mx,. 'and Mrs. .neob Gel1n tni moth' of the village. ;RSV. H. Rembe, trait. 17.S, .wrs a welcome visitor at the hors of Rev. E. Bruer, Lutheran 'parsnoage Da.shtvood, .last Monde; i sternen, .Last Thursday, Mlir7'l 19t11, Mae. Gertrude Hess treated :.t number of her friends with- feiss'1 rhubarb sauce. •T11,e rhubarb L grown this year: Who .1.-4 1 beat this? t.. Mr. John Etue purchased the 6l - acre' farm on the Saublt' Lincalorth of Drysdale, at thetauetion sale of the land's and effects; ifo the late. Alex. Orr. , Masers Lloyd and Lee O'Brein, accompanied by Mr. Geo'. Deichert spent Sunday afternoon with. my'. Clarence Daters who had been on the 'sick Hat but is nava improv- ing. - R"al fine springlike weather is greeting us these days. ( The ro- ads are dried up .nicely, but nee.] dragging badly to put them in good condition. The Auto runs fine and already one again sees the dust fly. ,]Among triose{ who attended the funeral fo the late John J. Smith, that have been overlooked in men- tioning 'We note; -Mr. and alrs N. Patterson, of London, Mr, and Mrs, B, Mal:ins fo, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs', Levi ,Makins fo Seaforth; Mr. Geo Makins fo Tillsonburg, Mr. John Makins of Ingersoll; Mrs. 'T_.Johns of Hipper and others, -Mr. W, F.C. Kerr, the veteran ed- itor 'of the Brussels Post, has not boon enjoying good health the past winter. He intended' tear- ing for the -South early in the win- ter but has never felt well enough to make the journey Hism•in y - friends throughout the county' and district trust'that when the warm weather comes his condition Will improve. . Mr :Frank Uttley of Zurich, who left for London the other day, wase attacked il,o Monday night, ti is thought by three negroes of that city and robbed a t 1$210.00, Mr. Uttley was cut around the head and face from. the beating with empty btotles in the hands of the offenders, Mr, Uttley was found in a half-conscious condition, and taken to St. Joseph's' Ho.apital,On whore he is receiving treat/ ts and by last reprots is improving quite favroably, The three ane - miras have been arrested early Tu- esday inroni,ng Whileendeavouring boarder a Hamilton passenger DASA S ,QOD 11,1.010•,_ . ERV1:CE' .raid. in. Londo' ay • Arra. ,Chea. Fritz of Zurich, sp- ent the week -end with her sister Mrs. J. Kellerman. Miss Verdi Fassold pof Thedfor,i Visited at her home ion Sunday. A public meeting for the pur- pose sof organizing an ege 'e-epool company 'wilt ',be held in Zirnm- er's Hall an Monday evening, Mar. 30th. The Choir of the Dashwood Evan galical church have arranged for a special program. consisting of a sacred choir contata entitled "The Thorn ''Cru\trued King," an=1 an Easter, 'Sermon by Rev. D. McTav- ish fo Crediton, which. will be given the Dashwood .Evangelical lirhitrch no Sunday evening, ;April 5th., at S. p,ni , D. V. Collection, Si1vL'r SALT F) L 'E STOCK vorlsideced Ne esuary for Pi'ace tic.ally Ail harm Anima's„ Be t'arc-hti Not 10:5ait'Too I eaciiy-- Live Stook (,i•uty Untln•ifty AL'iti•. out It -Milking in Holland- li:itnlues:, tarso t:l aniiness Strict]) insisted lemr. •e'uneributed Us cin+arin Department of Ag tui 0, Toronto.) Salt the cattle, Nall the sharp, and Hatt the norsts. Why du we practice it? You stockmen have Leeu doing it .all your life, ants your fathers diu su before you. [nit why did they do it? No doubt it was u:iservod that the stock liked to lick aiiytilrlin that had a salty f:.avur-a nah cask, ur soil 'where salt had been spilled or a na- tural salt deposit. Like all our ani- mal feeding practices, toe feeding of salt has developed through years of observation, unili it is now regularly practiced by ail the best herdsmen and feeders. Salt For Animals a Necessity. Animals must get salt trot() some source if their outlies are 4o tuuetion with full e1ticielicy. if no salt is 'available to the animal through the food medium ur tniaerals given, the digestion is iuit,airt:u. Large quautt- des of salt are as uarmful in prat. lice as no salt at ail. But a little is absolutely essential in thus it suptri,ts the chlorine so necessary iu i� „•iaa a initiate part (toe hydrochloric .tui„ portion) of the digestive butd. 'lira duantity of salt given to tarua ani- mals should not exce.:d ons -Half ounce per day for fully grown horses and Cattle, small animals in propor- tion. Do Not Salt Stock Too Heavily. Many people make the mistake of salting the stock heavily once it month during the summer, and for- getting to do it at all during the winter period. The live stock kept by people Who neglect this work usu- ally develops the appearance of neg- lect. The use of blocks of rock salt, in troughs or mangers erected In either the stable, yard or Yield' is a good practice' that willpay good re- turns for the expense or effort. Just remember that the stock must have salt from some source, and that the salt that yon give them supplies the chlorine essential in the formation of hydrochloric acid in the animals digestive system.' Animals that leave`been kept with- out salt for a year became very un- thrifty, and animals that are given an overdose of salt do not thrive Half ail ounce a day is. about right. It is not a food, but it helps to make the feed materials ]available during the process of digestion, -L, Steven- son, D"freetor of Extension, 0,A.C., ; Fags Pira, LOOK! • WE. 1 S'T THAT 7USSING A130UT THOSE Ft) SIDE CURTAINS HESS TILL FIX THEMS0 `1 HE Y OPEN WITH H TU i DOOR EPA I - ' Puiitt%i, Fo,d Car, One `"pat; $15,011, 1`wo Coats .. .. $20.00 iCoveri::. Ford Top Good Material, 1,-,ts curwins ... $12.00 Chang Ford Curtains to open with lawns .. �. $b:Oq Paintii,.• Buggy. $13.b0 PF YOWANT SERVICE, WE HAVE -IT WE It1 tUI3IIER YOUR 13uciGy WIHE"ILS, ESS, ZURICH aisisiratistemssusaiteseadaismoute 44+4444+. -44.1-4..1.4.+++.1.4.-1-444-14- e,.II•.q•,t..Q^.D•�k4.��1 4.4.4•x•4.44 -B• •4 For IA i. e date Bale ter .z. 4* 44 -4- 500 Cedar Posts Regular 50c each for 30c ANY FARMER HAVING ANY FENCING ,TO DO SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BIG REDUCTION IN PRICE JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF No. 1 GOVERNMENT IN- SPECTEDXXXXX BRAND B.O. •SHINGLES WHICH SELL AT $1.70 TER BUNCH. ALWAYS A GOOD SUPPLY OF' BUILDING MATERIALS OP ALL KINDS ON HAND. ®XALFflI&J PHONE 69 L. o ZURIC 043112:19MINIMINISIMMILI 4. .{- 4. + 11,,i,++++.1-1-i..1/4++++++++++++++.i, .„.,-c-q•-t-+a..y,+•r..,.:,..r.-4.dh++++si++ +-i•41 StoneBuilt 01 FROM NOW ON tVii'' all �'Voollens Used in the manufacture of STONE BUILT CLO-: t THES are treated with the famous LARVEX MOTH -PROOF PRO - ,4, CESS, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of 1'Ioths under. a $250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond + 4. WHY DO WE GO TO THIS EXPENSE?' ' • ECAUSE Moth .aro theg re.ttest factor in the destruction of Cl-. ,, ECAUSE This new scientific dis est er,--'i'il.* Larvex Process- t ;•:+ entirely eliminates any dont , your clothes from the rav-+ .y. ages of Moth a nd their Larvae -'r othing that are laid away far awls a short period. '�° 1 ECAUSE Stony -Holli Clothes with. tho added attraction of the adefies all competition -that cannot be beaten. There is no extra I, charge to you. + I •�. New Sprig Suitings Arriving Dail4. y + •t• ... •_ F! -i ..trVeci5 ''. 'I'ti �' tf . + dv "'' .4. 'TAILOR:AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR: • LARVEX Mf) • lI PROOFING PROCESS, is a combination that. WE SELL STONNE-BTPILT CLOTHES 1' DAY AND NIUII T PITO.•NE No. 86 -�N--i---i--d-- I•^- 1•--i-4•--g--l--•F•--�*--�-3-$-+4--�--•d-•--i4--3•* - n9a�ILNP��Iiil;f��IV :�'l�I��;€i? 011i1l!imilll!i n!!Ins!Illilill!iiiliilllllllllllilllllllllllll!111111III!!IIIIIIIIIIIInnilim mil811i1 i!lll]!II!!InitlIIINIIiIi!lli'lllliiiiiii!iiilllllnn111111111111111111111101ill!IllinlnlillilllllllllilllllinnillF HERALD'S i925 � ^Clubbing List HERAT,D HERALD. HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 and Kitchener Daily Telegraph $5.10 and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire .-. ,$6.00 and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3.25 and Toronto Daily Star ..,.._ .... $6,00 and Toronto Weekly Star $3.25 and Toronto Daily News ...... ... ......$6.00 and London Free Press, Morning edition ... 00 and London Free Press, evening edition ......$6.00 and London Advertiser, Morning Edition .46,00 and London Advertiser, Evening edition .,, $6.00 and London Partners' Advocate ... ... $2.25 HERALD and Farm andDairy ..................$2.75 HERALD and Farmers Sun $2.65 HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly S• tar ...... $2.75 HERALD and Canadian Countryman ... ............,,$2,25 TERALD and Weekly Witness HERALD and Farmers Magazine ....,. HERALD and Youth's Companion HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expositor HERALD Ontario and d it�a to Jourrlal ., HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada $3.15 $2.50 $3.15 $3.25 ,.:$2,75 ..$3,15 _'�(a '✓ {tib :, Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us. See us for papers not listed above HERALD FFICE, Zurich Illi! W!ACIINffIIHiIIHi1Ni@31nIINRIMII iIMIN irOiiTilillllunlililiilllllN!ffillin1l1I111111IIUI 11111.001