HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-03-26, Page 1441: VOL XXV No ave any Articles or Real Cheater L, Smith, Publish* $1.25 a Year in AcIvaneue $1.50IN.RRL+ ARS, $2 MAYBE OFSARGB& Our : Corner i'risoners, will be allowed to use tobacco'^ Just. • step right up ' to the basis and get` it. • • Trice of haircuts ,psi 'up in the *Sty. Jut when, it's? spring 'and. everybody nerds ,one. Once when a .man all in love Eis barber got rich. .Now when a man's in love his filling .station .gets f eeiche Ie March preparing for a Uan�ih- like finishl. A bushel of March dust ilU war a;' kings ranaon*. .Some women! alre a bit too for- ward, but personally we don't mind the advance of Iti'sid ,Spring. 'Don't you envy ithe farmer with a team (*.horses land a swell mud hole 'on the road ;in friont of his place? h e I Newest Fashion Thoughts 1 In Spring. :1 Footwear BROWN .BROS.' `WINDOWS FOR - 4 TELL AN INTERESTING STORY t• OF NEVA SPRING FOOTWEAR re 'FASHIONS. THEY ARE AUTH el' ORATIVE AS THE LAST ISSUE c�r� 1_ ,; 4..„ OF VOGUE. - le ' THEY WILL, IMPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW ',.STANDARD OF VALUE AT THE MODERATE PRICES. ••aseps••fQlim)6AE1:+R- eves osee•®••.••••••••••N••••••••• • IkTV 140 $1.00 Curtain Net at per Yard only 59c 90c Curtail. Net, per yd. ...... 55c 7 70c Curtain Marquisette at per yd. 48c 4: 45c Curtain Marquisette per yd-` .... 28c f50c Curtain Marquis'etts per yd- ....- 31c • $1.00 HeavZ Madras for 7c • 40c Scrims for 4. • 45c Scrims for 29c Repairing Meat Anne IOSNLUYSEBEST GOPTHMATERIALS U AND YOU ARE ASSURED OF SATISFACTION. BROWN BROS. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i 0 • ••• • • • • • Where Good Shoes. Cost Les's SEE OUR WINDOW -DISPLAY • 0es•sums. • 000.0001 600of•••Ml•i••••isi '0• ••0x0.06 4414.44+++4.4.44+4.+4,4++4.4.4•4•44414444+4.+++444. 44•14.4 1 SAL i PAPE c . All our Wall Paper is 22 inches 1, wide,. 6 Rolls 22 inch are equal to 71/2 Rolls in 18 incs paper. Less labor and less etching. Hats, Caps anti. Men's Suits HAVE J'UET RECEIVED A SHIPMENT Gita? NEW • MIT-- MORE B T=MORE HATS Ilt'IT-:CT.-GAPS •rt.ND 107 EN'S SP.1;ItsTG SUITS,' lel. 4 THE 'LATEST' MOELS. !SEE VS B.EFOR E you BUY.. TAIt;cuete 'Ile. per 1b. to .put tea up lin, Lead. Fae1tages1. . Why not try, our ,Bulk Tea and sate ,the TSe Green and :mixed la$e.. Black 43ic. per 'lb. Specie price in :20 lb.. lots!. 00.444+++++++V++444. 1-1014, L RE e:" T APPDIT013.� �1 "' PH '1;iNE 59 ++• 4 *e '*4.14lel1*: l •ei• +`E•d 'e14t$.sx. w5 - We (.1..4: Minimum penalty, for ,deinking) liquor lin, public is;Qrreduce�d: to $50, but `•that's, net what .you'll call 'a' cheap drink. •IIS*-- f Irl Italy the ,girls (oust of jobs, are tasking for husband's. .This ie" one «way of finding iwork: Weather's getting much warm- er, so ,you'll prolbably have a real thirst eby April ].st. When a man Es ordered to clean a, •rug lie usually; beats it—one 'way or the other. 0 ' Doctorst pars. alre rut td 30 a month. Rediculous( No' doctor can: live( on $60 a month: Those who have been used to a gargle of liquor will have to, be satisfied /With 'a bath of beer. Only a few ;days, uintile spring housecleaning shards .anf(i you get youlr peck 1of dust ell in one wee!;,,. • Women are good !looking ,but. Peculiar. ' They all want \ their clothe's just alike, only ;different. A utor were carried. several block by the recent tornado. Even they mortgages on !thein were.,lifted. o0-• Wiet 'feet,are said to be one ca.:_ use Of spring colds, !so'" we've have just. 'about - decided to give thein wpl. t l• �•-ted• :Who said; what the people of the ,wcie d desire is/ a league that �wrlt 'make them bettor .than ,they expect to ibe. �y If 60,000-perslons% are hunting dig mends in Brazil there isolikely to be some "diamond uct-cliamonu prob- lem. :;. One doctor saysr five look like 'what we eat. We flay he must live on pumpkins, If the dodtor is right !then;' it's surprising the a- m;ount'o^c ,crab'sf that are consumed by 'some people. •i•-�o� Radio fans who fail to play lic- ense fen are having aerials seized. The rest of the aeriala will prob- ably be seized by this' storm • If many ;aerials are seized you can imagine the number of. ]fans who will go up in ;thie air. • Thi recent death pf Peter Ver- og.in, leader of the !Doukhohers, has brought to the public lettention this strange, sect. However, the death of this lender has changed their wa ys, and British Columbia 4s having serious difficulty with them. Ever ,since they came to Panada S the t)aukhiobers have steadfastly c'+ung to their 'customs( and their old ha- bits. Outside of a ,few who have broken away(, the,majority ,are .�.s alien to -days as when thye launched in Canada some 20 years ago. They !particularly object to being edu- cated in Canadian schools.; .as a result the Oliver Government has a problem on its hands and trou- ble is evidently. brewing. e ILLINERY AT THE at Shop e ZURICH :WE ARE NOW OPr;.N FOR BUS- INESS WITH A REAL NICE AS- SORTMENT ''OF SPRING HEAD ATTIRE FOR LA DI ES, WHICH CAN ONLY BE REALISED 13Y COMING IN AND INSPECTING TBE SAME. The new Spring Hate are high tbolorful and artistic, showing a wealth tof new styles and mater- ials. Flowers, ribbonand the wond- eigul.new sr axles give the Sen"on's Needesr la. charm, that rryl un..,urp;as- .'Shed. YOU, .ARE .CORDIALLY, INVITED TO INSPECT OUR, STOCK, Vera V. Siebert try. an Ad. in the Herald iC'.. Fritz wast a week-ned visit , fat ,ipashwood. - 1Viit and Mrs. P. R.avelle were Suns y f'rjisitors, at the Bend. rJ r Wn . Truenuser of Hensall, wast' x1 tie' village an \Ve_dnesday. 1V.tass Pearl Wurtz who has been at "La d'on the past few months, has +r„ erned ,hone. halt noni E. ,Creasman' of New Ham- nducted .ser vices in the Men $church on Sunday. "L'he pancake scoial held in Dr. A J I acKinnon's new Drug Store on Saturday was a decided suc- cess • in every way and many flab - jack' was enosumed^ Rt v. H. Rembe, Lit. BA Sr, who received a "unazrimouc call to the Wall 'tori -,'Mildmay •churches, has declined fhe ,same, and will remain With, his present congegation. Messrs. C. Fritz Si Son, Ford deal ers Coat this vicinity have recently 1secured an, assigned closed territ 'dry 0 sell the ,renown Ford cars. They; have many prospects for new care Nii;d are looking 'forward to a good ,yyear•'s business. T'b0 Tenth Division Court snot inr they Town, Earl, Zerich, on Tues- clay.afternoon, when • an (aterest- usg es' a Foster vg. Masse was up :bat .•djournec to the May Mk - 'kin he:,Court. ; Mae.Norman Holtzman of Pre - ton vas e Friday visitor with his father, ,Mr. Gab. Holtzman and Mrs. Norman Holtzman 'are making, preparations to move from Preston. on to their fruit farm pur- chased in the Niagara peninsula, where. We wish them much success in their new undertaking. Word Was received here on Mon day of the passing away of Chris. l4echler lat. Pigeon, .Mich(., brother of Mr .Menno Lechler of Zuricht Among these who are iattending the funeral - from here we mote; Rev. 0. Sclir<ag, John Oesch, INIrs, Rudy Oesch, Mr. and Mrs.. I.eno Bechler, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bechler Mr C'h.rist. Gaseho and .Mr. Josh Geseho. The fishermen; at the lake haVe on Monday taken up their gill netts used for herring fishing. Wh- ile the St. Joseph Fishery owned by Messrs.'N. A. Cantin and Arthur Sreenan, is getting things in shape for the 'season's work. Two new pound note .have been purchased. and probably one or two of the old, nets will be repaired up for use, which ~will make these two veteran fishermen a fine outfit. Reeve E. Fe Iflo(p1p, .Clerk, A. P. Hesse, Road Supt. R. IT. Neel), and the four councillors, including most of thel road .commis'sioners of Hay Township; attended an instr- uctive meeting conducted by , a• Government Official at Huesall on Tuesday afternoon of this week. The object of the Meeting was to encourage and educate the various officials along good roads in the Township tux', well as to get them well acquainted with the work of the new system that is in consid- eration; to be done. NEW BOOKS The Zurich Public Library plac- ed the following new books on the Library sbelve'sj: The Trail of. the ,Conestog'a. i By B. Mabel Dunham. ibla.Brie Marie, by Eleanor Porter, Steele, of the Royal Mounted. Janes Oliver Durwood. The Radio Boys at Mountnin PASS, by Allan Chapman. The Wagon, ;Tota the Star, ' by :Joseph Hocking, 1ho Taundtr'ing Herd, by Zane Grey,. Pimpernel and Rosemary, lay bar,rioess 0rczy, Pollyanna of ilsw C.renee Blossom, by Ikarr•iat I,, fSnn;tad. he love Star angai, iyy Zane Cell', The leyste;1011% C,jlrr, By Zane Grey', .'�. Hensall Spring Show HORSES and CATTLE THE ANNUAL SPRING SHOW, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SOUTH HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, OF STALLIONS, HAR- NESS AND , HALTER HORSES, BULLS 'AND COWS, WILL BE HELD !IN HENSALL TUESDAY, APRIL 7th SEE LARGE BILLS FOR PRIZE LIST. 1 Wm. Cnositt, President. • , Keith McClean, Secretary. 1 MODERN COOKERY With A McOLARY'S "17 ED D.a'�¢lary4 it Sold By HESS the leweler 4••••••••• •44 9* • • 44••••ooa0 ♦••000000M•oo��i••N•O r, b v ♦ • FRED THIEL ZURICH ao• oaeooa000c�ooaaaao oaaooa o�eo�ovaooea000aaa��a�sa►+��,.' Seasonable Horse Goods 'lust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. • Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Ruga, prices a Ranging from $7.00 to ...... SAVE MONEY BY GIVING U5 A. CALIFS. (4k hand. 0. • 4 PHCNB 3!s 4g A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY yb 4,4444+4.44+44+4•44+4-34+++++++++++++++++++4444.44.0f44149 0 0 0 d• 4, 4. •g. 4. 0 4. Men, WHIM And Children: Let Rhino Rubber Boots Protect Your 11ailtb this Spring Every Pair Guaranteed, note extra re- inforced topsand backs, also Rolled Edge which adds) to the wear of boots, and costs no more. Made by Antes Holden Tire Co. C. Fritz & Son, Distributors. 0. FRiTZ & SO - SHOE MERCHANTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++444+44+++44+44444.+++44+++++* 4t The Q4alityStour: With Spring here once more the Public are in need of many new Staple Goods for Spring and Sum- mer's wear. Come and see Our fine Assortment A FINE LINE OF LIGHT HARDWARE IN STOCK, ALSO SWEAT PADS AND MANY PARTS AND REPAIRS FOR HARNESS. OUR PRICES ARE SO VERY REASONABLE THAT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO GO ELSEWHERE— . QUALITY AND SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO N. R. ,�" �/ . G :'' S GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 - 97 ,E3LAKE 4