HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-03-19, Page 81 R.. 6 a!r NEW . ARRIVALB S R1Nti 6000 Spring is drawing near and you will be Rot anxious to begin your Spring ''Sewing. OUR STOCK OF STAPLES IS NOW COMPLETE AND WE INVITE YOU TO :LOOK OVER OUR NEW LINES, SOME OF THE DESIGNS ARE GOING OUT FAST, AND IT IS HARD TO REPLACE SAME. SO COME ;NOW AND, HAVE FIR $T CHOICE,; s, NEW PRINTS Our print are No. 1 quality, In dego Dye, guaranteed to ;givesat-- isfactionl, GROCERIES Gran. Sugar, Redpath 7.75 Brooms, each .•43e Pink Salmon, Ki.tie Brand ... 19c Prunes, lb. _._... _._ 9c White cups & saucers, doz. 1.35 cwt. AMANA PRINTS This O. the old reliable German, print, extra kheavy weight, fast colors, 1 yd. wide at 40e. yd. • We have only 5 pieces on hand and will not be able to procure any more this season.—Come Early. In New and pleasing designs, al- ways servicable, can -be used for so many (purposes. 32 -in. Gingham, 30c yd. CRETONS, CHINTZES For quilts, comforters or drap cry purposes; entirely new patt- erns. Come ,and see them: We have also new Chambrays; Gal- a.teas, •Nurses Cloth, Denims, Cot- tonades, Ros.k Fast and Standard Shirting, Grey and Bleach Cotton, Nainsook, Lawns,. Longcloth, Cam- bries, at reasonable prices. J. GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zuri�h's G Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND GENUINE FORD PARTS e4UST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS V. S. L. BATTERY iF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. ATT - ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. `♦ I{: r I 11 ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. Mousseau Zurich • ••••••••••••••••••••u•1••••••••••••••••••u••••••0* . GASOLINE i TATE ROSE • • We have a Carload of the famous Wb.ite Rose Gasoline in Drums, j which we will sell in barrel lots. I ITHIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PUT IN A SUPPLY BE FORE THE 3e. GAS TAX IS PUT ON, AND W'ITII A PROD- • ABLE 2c. RAISE IN PRICE IN SIGHT. BUY NOW AND„ SAVE 5c. A GALLON. SEEDS! SEEDS • • • • • • Ji WE ARE IN '1 HE MARKET TO BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS 1 OF GRASS SEEDS, ANY QUANTITY. WE HAVE JU m ST REC. EIVED A LARGE QUANTITY FOR SPRING USE. -- ORDER : • NOW! • JSTADE • ZURICH - • , ONT. I/• tooA•A••iO•rrM•••NN•i•N•iM••N» • 4t:ifilf,'1! Pi .r .. ++ AI!M!'!4%^ .. .... .... M+n_..,aM nqd. • .ma+�e,�x„ ttUrxclaY, pp - LAA.11. tylAKKETS ITEMS Of L WAL INTEREST. Mrs, John J Smith who • has been seriously illi` is \improving.. Sorry to r;3ori; that Mrs, ptoses Geiger continuos quite ;poorly, Miss Susie Johnston left'f.or Kites-. chen'er on Wednesday morning to visit her s'ister, Mrs, WI.. Ec Stos,. kopf, • Pleased 'to repor tthat Mrs. ,yL,- dia Geiger is•i►aking favorable pro gress from lies recent ilines's Miss Irene. Vollanci of near filen,: sail visited with( her Cowin Miss 13osab:ella and Luli, Albrecht '• Miss Ida Routledge left en Wed- nesday ed•,neaday mroning fo}• Dutton,' to. visit. hoer brother Jack Routledge: Mr., E. E. Wperth; ha's had a new W;estingho.use• radio installed by W. G. Hesi s& .Sons. Edgar belie - 1,0'8. on keeping up, to ,date. • A miscelieanous shower was tendered Mrs. Sol. Zimmerman by; the Woranes' Institute and Evan-. ge:ical (Ladies' Aicl Scoieties ortTu- esday evening, for which Mrs Zimmerman expressed her appree- iation very appropriately. r.•° • . .Something unusual will take place in Z irich on Saturday after- noon arid" evening,, ' The Women's Institute are holding, a pancake social in Dr. MacKin.non's' new drug store. And if you 'are a lover of paneakes ro not come anyway, as we can assure you. -at this time of the year the maple syrup is just lovely, land the ladies want iey orybody to partake in !this social feast. Bring the whole family. SCHOOL REPORT Of U.S.S. 9, ,Blake, for the month of January and February. The names rare arranged in ,order of merit. Sr. 4th -Ivan O•each, Willie Desch Alice Meyers, Blanche Jeffrey, Mur- ley Ran, Ervinf McBride. 1. Jr. 4th—RussellManson, Ida Sch- .wartzenitruber, Edna Schwartzen- truber, Harold Finlay, Ida Gin ich, Lloyd McBride, Edith yMeBride Sr. 3rd—Eva Bechler, Mervyn Walters, Gwed. Clark, Donald .Sch- wartzentruber, ,lean Hey, Anna Gin gerich, Grace Kennel, :Lenoard jet frey, Roy, "Gingerich;, .. Sr. 2nd—Gortie Bechler, Rose Foster, eLe Oesch, Lloyd Jeffrey, Harold •Thiel, David .1 reyerr% Mar3r Clarke, !Mabel Gerber, .Earl Ken- nel. ist Class—Tena Wiens, ,Gordon Erb, Lloyd Jantzi and ,Gus Clark. equal, .1Loyd Kennel. Advanced Primer—Sugie Oesch, Eph Gingerich, +Clai. Gasch'o, • and Wallace Gingerich equal, Lela Wal- ters. al-ters. Middle Primer—Willie • Bechler. Carl Thiel, Mabel,, Schwartzen{tru- ber, Lewis Schrag, Rubors; Ging- erich, Beatrice Manson. Jr. Primer—Arnold Kennel,, Leon ard Bechler, Clemente Jeffrey, Al- lan Schwartzentruber. Best spellers for the two months are—Sr. 141h, Ivan Oesch; Jr. 4th, Ida. Schw,artzentrbbuer.; Sr. 3rd, Eva Becher; Jr. 3rd, Edith ,Walter, and Anna Gingericbl equal; Sr. 2nd Gertie 'Bechler, 1st. Clads, Gordon Erb. Total enrlmoent 60. Wm. Finlayson, Teacher. HENSALL Wm. Buchanan of Dauphin, Man who spent the winter here, hast re- turned to lhia home. lloilalr,d Little who qa short time ago underwent an operation at St. Jo:seph's' Hospital, London', con- tinues improving._ , Tommy Simpson ran 'a sliver in his thumb the other day and is su fferiing from blood poisoning. :Levi Rands has purchased from David Geromette his property en: ('rock St. now occupied by Win, Jones. Fred Smallacombe of,. Guelhp, ins• visiting relatives here Mrs. Euston, who has 'spent the rim here with her nn Robt. Frig gins, left for Clinton,ishe has been ill all winter. Mr. Skinner of Granton, who re Gently :purchased the W. iGti, Davis gen store, purchased the, rsidence of Mrs. Urquhart., Mill 1St, paying a, good figure He ,will arrive this /,week, and Mrs. and 'Mist? Urquhart and daughter will heave ,fol the south, ' Win. Consitt of 'flay To. has purchased 'the 'residence property of Mrs;. Dick on. king A. for $4,250. He, has, secured an handsome home and willmove in. shortly. . 'Constable W.hitesides hays been in Goderich recently as an official in connection with what has been termed the burnt offering 'saci'i rice, where al farmer under certain religious, influence shot 10 of his hogs land then piled them on ,a stone heap and burned them, There diec'i in. Heneall on Mareh 9th; Thos Cameron, aged 74 years., he had been vconfined to the hey use through illness for the Iastp few yearn and passed peacefully a- n way, h� vti a �.s in born Scotland • act Ya came ito C'in;ad<a', when 'sixy ears of age, and has been a valued dent ,of Hens:all for some foully, - years, was, well read man and WAS greatly iri;teretedsr in public af- fairs,. will be Hauch, missed by (Corrected e ver EggS utter per ib Potatoes per bag. ,)rigid apples lb.. Oats Barley 'Fact wheat flour cwt. Wheat Shr°ots I ejr ton( Branp r 'ton' " r Hogs 5' Wednesday) 21-25-28 35 ..... 75c Se 50 30 ;80 4.00 to 5.25 1.45 34.00 30.00 12.00 ; Western Farmers' Mutual 'Weather Insurance Co... OF WOODSTOCK • Carry an Insurance of over $27,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losse'o in';1923 to amount of $56,143.20. No 'ass- essment during the year and have a •balance on hand of $31,700. G. Hollzrrian—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING •RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 • EGGS FOR HATCHING BARRED ROCKS The -never -stop layi'n;g kind. All pews malted to Early, Maturing, Out standing cockerel's as points of bred -to -lay smart active birds of goo dsize. Egg& 50c, ,per dozen, '45e on. 10 dozen lots or over.. From our pen; of• imported • B. Minorcan we opper a ,limited sup - ,ply of eg•gsr at 50c. per dozens. Also have a• few choicely bred Yrokshire slows, ready to ibreed, 'Splerydid type, prolific ;train, e1- egible for regilstration[ • E. G. Krueger, R♦E.2, Zurich, Phone 1-85. liis..neighbors, his widow and chil- dren who -consists of two :sones and one; daughter at home:, The re- nsuains aver elaid to Hensall. cem- etery.. • CREDITON • A very helpful seriesi of evan- gelistic services were concluded the other.Sunday evening wiaen eong- regation and pats orrreport 115 de- ei$tovs 1otir, Christ. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Silber \'Vas the scene Of a very en- joyable, evening on 11larch•,3th when neighbors and friendst ;gave ,thein � a -asa-rt• surprise prior,' to their regal toCrediton. Miss, Bernice Eilber entertained some of her friends( ito a ' birthd'a.y patty;' When a 'dainty lunch ,. was served. Th,e town fathers have arranged with';.the Hydro: Dept. o put up nine: more (street lightst This is a step• in the right direction. l�trs::5. Girvin pf Lu,eknow, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Herb. Eilberr. Nast Moridayc eve. a very enjoy able 'time was spent in the Meth- odist church it being the anniver- sary of 100 years( of missionary work in they Methodist ;church. A fine ,supper was, served sby the ladies ,latter which an enjoyable time, ;ivas ` s,peii • 'The Women's Missionary and Aid Soe. of the''Ev. church did a very noble work in the installat- ion •of a' perfectly modern bath` room::oujtfit at het parsonage, eq - nipped .with electric motor and air - pressure tank. EXETER ' Autos ` are now running from here to London. Mrs': J. WI, Powell was\ in Lon- don :axid wnderwent a 'op•eration on her head W J Str;atham is around on crutches owing :lo a sore ankle. :hos Acheson purchased the fine red brick. dwelling of D. Mack on Main:St., the price paid being $5,500 T1his.ils 'ono of the finest homes in E ceter. `Cbri;st Wein of Crediton purch- alsed:ar fine team 'of horses weigh- ing '1!800 earth,. near Prtrolia. '!Th,e Jaynes St, 4E, church have esctended , ave invitation .to Rev. J.H. 'Johnston; of Exxer,,; to become their pastor for the ;next ' confer ence year, to !soeceed - Rev. W. E. Donnelly, who goes to Stratford. The remains of the late Amelia Gai=dors illy adman who passed 'a - Way at Lo'ndon', on March 7th, were brought and interment made in the Exeter. cemetery. Mr, and Mrs! Wilbur King and 'ianiily !of Harniota, Man., bravo dis. posed of their interests there and reburied +to Exeter, having clic Hosed of their interests there and have decided to reside here. G'. Cochrane, who operates a u aabirl Chop •here, will, •ralso run srnril•ar hopsp in; Listowel in con - ii c,troir. Anot9ixes' of the Fortner residents of 'Eb etex', )i,as, passed +away in the pers±in• tr1' 112rs: Win( Ila;ttrkshaw, :Who died March 60, at Str.atiforcl. .She, .wes 'born 52 ;years' ago and •lilies air iin'valid for muauy years, The store..w h the .L berat Ga il. OasCpiiot • incubators, u. America's Leading Incubators and Brooders are now sold in your Own town. THE IDEAL INCUBATORS & LSROODERS Have been the leading machin- es in the United States, for 38: years." This year they are be- ing sold in Canada at a price much below other makes of similar quality and these mach- ines are built to last a lifetime. There; is only one way, to make• money out of poultry today, and that is by artificial incu- bation, and brooding. Get your .cockerels on the market when • they are Lworth the highest pr- ice rice and your pullets laying in the fall when eggs are the highest prices. Call and nee these machines land be convin- ced. The priceosare right. COMPLETE SITOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARD,. FENCING, AUTO ACCESSORIES, .CUTTLERY, ETC., ON HAND. TRY US FOR :TINSMITHING AND PLUMBING COME TO (TRIS STORE -WITH YOUR NEEDS SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. MELICK :..- Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 ■ INSURANCE Fire Insurance Do your fire insurance policies adequately protect you in these days of high cost of material and labor? BRING YOUR INSURANCE PROBLEMS TO ME ,FOR AD- JUSTMENT. I HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WHICH' ENABLES ME TO HANDLE ALL LINES OF INSURANCE IN ANY AMOUNTS AT REASONABLE RATES. BE CARE.- FUL AND AVOI]D FIRES BUT PROTECT YOURSELF' IN CASE FIRE SHOULD DAMAGE OR DESTROY YOUR ,PRO•: PERTY,. • Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO; --SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting • and Paper flanging See Our New SAMPLE BOOls:.. of Wall Papers H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH ONT.. DR. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR dt OPTICI&N• Heavy Shell Framea'to Your ow r Lenses at 84.00. Broken' Rims Replaced while you wait, Spectacles Complete barge WOW $2.00 ups' . Main St., EXETER, Mops 7!f AT WALPEiR 'HOUSE,' Want Every Wednesday, 10,..ion. to NNW, 4' 4' 4 HERALD • y Do You Know?ri- * THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT,3€OUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CANT SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNV'CEMENTB THAT WE ,PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS,, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE, AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAOT URERS Or COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN Sap- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEIi- ODES • IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- . ATIONERY, NOEFE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS INTWO .g SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC.,' ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN 1NK FOR 5c, LARGli• . GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS , TRAM. WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS BES, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY ° et 41