HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-03-19, Page 5Tharsday, Mara 19th, 1920 41,NESS CARDS DtIDLEY E. HOLIVIES /Barrister, Solitiitor, Notary Public lit4ze Office on Hamilton Street, *it off the 'Square, Goderich. Priv *t� funds to lean at lowest rates. ilolmee will be in Hensall on Friday of each week. 011.1......./.4M011unolosibmiwanealmasoom.11•0•Masemporons fLudrew F, Hess, Township Clerk illia*sr of Marriage licensee. Notary :WWI* Commiasioner, Fire and Aut- AlMobile Insurance, Representing tirsiron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- **, The Canada Trupt Co. Zurich, G. Knapp, D. D. S. L. D. S. '.DENTAL SURGEON SURGEON MAIN OFFICE - IIENSALL #04` OSCAR KLOPP eraduate Carey M. Jones Nat - 11600 School • of Auctioneering. Try! 44 tor Registered Live Stock WI- Breeds). Terms in keeping silth prevailing prices. Choice ihirtnis for sale. Will sell anything; laywhere. Whose 18-93 or write, Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County, Huron. In a ,position to con- ..iluct any auction sale, regardless la to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business; and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood, pone 13-57 Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool •CASH FOR SKINS &HIDE'S: 11 Tizzigblut & Doichort ZURICH LIVERY iJIlil 1 'am in a position to accOroo- . , Lett 111 requirements in the Livery. Sine, have Auto for hire. Any- thing' done in the teaming line. . GEORGE J. THIEL 1111one 51 Zurich 3. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST iliraduate of the Royal College 41 Dental Surgeons of Ontario and at the of Toronto. lhate District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every 'nab Office, Exeter, Phone 34. At Zurich every TUESDAY Phone 79 -19 5r•••••ft.. *orsomommomft • L I VE POU LT R Y WANTE3D lioken every day till 3 Ocloek p.m. Do mot feed fowl same morning •44dten brought in, 'Highest Cask Prices •-CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien nolo. 94. Zurich LCUAL SEASON 1925 OPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER-, IES ANTHRACITE -We are now re. "Salving our genuine Delaware & Illation direct from the mine, Nut ciitove .and Egg sizee.' -- 1000T. COA.L-Just arrived, an - 'Other car of our high grade soft. thin coal has made a great hit for ignsimhold use and our sales of this IthaVe over doubled in the last sea- laa* BOTTLETS-Our Boulet Coal is Sew in a class by itself and is gr- in:4ring in favor rapidly. 011R Telephones are at your Service, Use them freely for in- iermation. IWO at' PRODUCE MERCHANT ?honeOffice low, House HI, HENSALL ONT-g PUI YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Foundx Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN zvple4 agaALD u Moe. E, Wuerth on the sick list. ; M. M. C. ,Milliken Was a Slue; clay visitor at Exeter: IFOR SALE 'Mrs!. a Price' of London is via- YeJlow .blessoin Sweet Clover Seed, well cleaned by a [special Machine. A limited quantity only Hy. Clausius, Zurich, Phone FOR SALE Storage Batterieta Hot Shot Batteries and Telephone batteries. L. Prang, Zurich tf-35 WANTED. •••••••••••••••••• A .dependable Salesmqn for our Trees and Shrubs/. Free equip -4 merit, Liberal pay,. Must be a hus- tler and 'absolutely honest.-Wel land Nursery Co., Wetland, Ont. • NOTICE. We are in A position to store and keep your auto [battery char- ged for the winter. Also charg- ing done at sty time. -L. A. Prang, Zurich. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ., . . NOTICE- is herieby given that all personsehavieg claims against the estate of •the late William ' F. Schwalnis Of the Village of Zurich, gentleman, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of January, A. D. 1925, -are' required to forward their claims, 'duly proven to the un- dersigned executorson or before the 25th day,: of '• Marph;„ 1925. AND NOTICE sis ,further. given That after this said date the Ex- ecutors will not be responsible for payment of any claims agiainst the said estate, and having regard only to the claims. of which they then, 'shall have notice. Dated at Zurich this twenty-fourth day of February, 1915. Peter Schwalm, Mary Schwalm, ExecutOrs. P. J. O'Dw. yer, M. D. ZURICH - ONT. OFFICE REMOVED TO HOUSE FORMERLY *OCCUPIED BY Jno. Preeter-Main .Street Tuxedo Chatterlesi AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich, tf18 Dr. H. 11. COWEN L. D. S., D. D. & DENTAL SURGEON.,' At McCormick Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. Main Office HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD COAL Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. • Soft coal of highest quality. . GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case & Son PHONE 35 IIENSALL -17 A 'MESSAGE TO FORD OWNERS ITS A FACT THAT FORD MAG- NETO DOES GIRT WEAK LET US TEST YOURS FREE WE HAVE INSTALLED THE WON' DER RE -CHARGE-, APPROVED • BY FbIlD MOTOR COMPANY THE RESULTS Or 'A RE -CHARGE ARE WELL K NO WiaT. PRICE $1.00 H. So WEIN, - Prop D.A.SHWOOD MOTOR SERVICE iting /relatives here. lYiesses Wm. and John Decher Jr. were in Froest one day last week. Mr Sam Me.icf Ile ! 11 l- . nlet nsa ca led in the village he IVIonday. Mr .Jim Trevithidk of .Brinaley pont Sunday 'with friends' in town, - Mies Nancy Gingerich ,left for her home at Petersburg; On Tues. day, Mr, 0, Fritz is a•waY to O-wn Sound and other northern places nn a businesS trip. Mrs. L. Jeffrey and Son Rich- ard left for Detroit, where the; in- tend to. be for a time. Miss' Lydia Gingerich has gnoe to Clinton where she twill' take tip the nursing profession. • Miss Jessie McDonald bf the 14th' con., was a week-edn Ivisitor wtth Miss Pearl Pfile. •• • W. G,/, Mess. & Sons have equip- ped 'the ShipkP aiPublic School with a large (Hyloplate) blackboard. • The Officials of ,the Hay TpePire Insurance Co., held a meetingin the Walper House on Saturday. Mr. E. K. Kepkay of SUatford, visited at the Evangelical parson- age a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger lo Hansen were Monday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. Moses Geiger Mr. John Eckstein of ,Pigeon, Mich, visited his sister, ,Mrs.r. Geiger, wh'o over the welt - end. 1 • ' • The lait few fine dayihas made quite la flow of sap, and the vil- lagers Aregettins• sweetened )11,wonder [will thee bo a taffy pull. Mrs. A. Melick was( a few days at Crediton thisi week, nursing her mother, Airs. Ort, who 1.10' been, very 'seriously ill, but is' ow .iree prov trig. Mr. andsMis John K. Ehlers have Moved theri effects from Dash- wood to their residence in 'Zurich. Wo welcome them as citizens to. our village. !Mr. Valentine Gerber, Sr(., of Blake, lhas leased his kf•arm in St= aSiley Tp. to hs Son, Mr. John K. Gerbeisewho recently moved , to Mr. Albert IKalbfleiscli of the 14th cont. has purchised .the helf interest from M. A. Alehck in thi.)• hardware and furniture bueiness in Zurich and will be taken in on Ap- ril 1st. 'We wisk tho new firm. every 'success. ' iMr. John Gascho is sporting a new Ford CoaCit, whi',3 Mr. Frank: 'Croviveau of Drysdale has pnrch- ased ta new Ford tont' lg. Both purchases have been made .through C. 'Fritz & Sod, local ageets. Ontario from the( State ,of Indiana. :The iollowing summary issued the other daallay the &hutch_ union bureau of information showedthat 1,408 Presbyterian churches had voted lin, favor while 499 voted a- gainst union. Mr. and Mrs. Franz Dick and family, the Russinn family, who lived on the Goshen Line, Stanley; left on Monday for the Canadian West, where they will likely hon When ordering your new auto license don't fail to drop in the Herald Office for a new read map, .and see where you are O- ng ony our next trip, the price is easy only 50c, The. proposed new tax of three' cents a gallon on gasoline coming' t o effect on April ist, is interest- ing those who are Iodizing forward to 'the coming automobile season whether ffor busineas or pleasure. The tax is to be paid by those who operate cars on public highWays, the full amount to be rebated to the owners of tractors; ,gasoline en- gines, etc. i John P. Brown ,aged 83 years, a fornier (resident of Crediton, died on •Monday morning at thehome of ,hie daughter, Mrs. O. 0. Bier, London, following an illness of seve 'oral v4eek% He had lived •a re- tired life iss the ,city for eight ye- ars„andis 'survived by thila wife and one daughter. The rehlraini will be brought to Credito h on Wed- nesday lfor interm,etn Russian -1Vrennonites, who !settled in \Waterloo- County last !fall, are leaving for Manitoba on ,a 'spec - !al O. P. R. colonist train on March 18th. lO'er 300 Mennonites, lanais fans) and Andtrianay will take up near land in the ,Weetern Provinces in the neighborhood of other Men- nonites Settlers ‘vho took upland there several years ago, These [settlers were billeted through 'the Mennonite section outside of 'Kit- chener as hireld Men Iduring the past half year, learned %something of the farming Conditiona. kof this cpuntry,. Their exodus to the • Wet es part of their original plan, • MILKING IN Hui.,14ANIA. Milkers Carefully Teained to be Clean, Riad and :[:1Perougin In Denmark and liteland the Milk- er starts his future p.o.d.tssiou at the age of 12 or 14 yeai`s. He then ea- Aeys the privilege of lissee allowed to milk such cows as are ie the drying off period, although it im Sone under the severe supervisne use his father, Who fears that his s Or pupil, may opoil the animal. 1 i[miember well my fleet leseons In leileiug on our Holland farm, and I. is proud I was of being allowed to milk. Before jumping on the stall •e.th my bucket and stool (the Res .eia stalls are some 2 34 to 3 feet a. ,de the regular stable ,fioor) the eoe, was given a little warning of u., (willing by a couple of caressing prercis, then the bucket was put bete ten. the knees, the bottom on the inaste of my right wooden shoe. The ;we trout teats were milked first, aliti if one of the teats milked out suoata than the other 1 was Inclined to take one of the back teats. This Wali not allowed because it might resui in an unus- ual development anu oee.reased stina- Ulatiott of one of the quarters. The two front teats had to be empty be- fore going over to the back teats. These were the preliminary Instruc- tions. After being au.v.i: to milk sev- eral drying off cows 1 'was allowed to follow with the seeviol class. This was another important step, and 1 •believe It cost me still 'more sweat than the first lessons, for now I had to milk rather quickly and with the full hand, as strippieg of the teate between thumb anti sezefinger was never allowed on our farm. Aside from the rather quicx tailking, we were not allowed to make strippers of our cows. Still there was a third class, and that was Lae milking of fresh cows and heifer. My father vas always milking tb.ese, because he had the idea that nobody else but himself could break them. The milk- ing of the fresh cows, thrice a day, was not such a hard job, but to milk those stubborn heifers and never lose one's temper was a difficult job. In- stead of milking first two the front quarters empty and afterwards the rear quarters, with the heifer a front and a rear quarter were dist milked' and afterwards the ether two oppo- site quarters. This was done for the purpose of obtaining aa equal devel- opment of all four quarters in the future cow. • We were then called fully skilled in .he milking science, but let me add that we had to receive a good • many side instructions, such as not to talk or be noisy during milking, never to be rough to any animal, nev- er to lose one's temper;to milk al- ways one's own cow and in the same order and at the same hours, and so The test method of paying for the !emu i to make it exceptionally ductive, and the way to do this is to seep the right _kiwi of dairy cattle ,thcret,m, Sometimes hoeing is hard work, tee( because the ground is eapecially 7oedY, hot because the hue is not set e. the right angle or is dull and • .ey. 13r eht, sharp tools make the urk mole case. Th�IIIT:r.1:0'!ICY of : , ho i,;txicao gele e' CI11:11 . Dashwood Mr .and Mrs. Henry Ehlers are visiting 'in Detroit, Mr. Gordon( Callfas left last week Lor Carnia 'Where he will remani fore(Sinoe time. ,Mono of Detroit and Mrs Isaac and son Jimmie tfo Londno, spent 'Nednesday in town. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Schroederleft on Friday morning. for their home in Saskatoon after spending isev- eral ',months in this vicinity. Mrs. '13. Stacey s'' Svisiting in NeW Hamburg and Kitchener, rM. John Lippert of Burnipa, is visiting his mother,who is still suffering from a paralytic stroke. Air .and Mrs, J. K, Ehlers moved to Zurich. last week. , Congratulationto Mr. and Mrs Harry [Kraft on the arrival young daughter at their helots lOaft-At Dashwodo oni vo, Un.h to kt and Mest Harry Krafkis a daugtetsh "Margaret )lliziabeth" Last Monday evening the Lad- les' Aid of the Dashwood Evangel- ical' church held a farewell gather- ing at .the home of Mr, and Mrst Wen. Gt-iesenalts. , The following is the. addiess Wei the members of the Ladies Aid have conee'te bid you Gods' speed in your new home. ,We re yet that you Will, no longer be ab- le to rxieeb'Witele US at: our monthly meetings,' ,bat., should you on any occasions be a.bleto attend our aP- aereoiation your presence, How- ewver, though absent, we 'hope you continue tor he connected with us in feliewalhip and prayer and we will ever' pray ;for you so that that when our race is no parting. In conclusion will you ,accept this small gitt as a lfokekof our re- spect. Signed in behalf of the Ladies 'Com „Sec, Attb,e close p,1 the 'cveningeTe. Gossman presented • each. of the tadiesiNVitli an Irish lineal sham - rook wich he obtained 'while over rE7' • Aiago: PIS OH LOOK! IA E HAVE JT SIT 0 P. THA :', CUSSING AEOUT :TROSE FORD SIDE cuirraws HESS WILL FIX THEM SO THEY OPEN WITH THE DOOR REPAI IcING Palle • g Foal Car, One rloat, $15.00, Two Coats _ $20.00 iCov, ,,ig Ford Top Good Material, less curtains .-. $12.00 Chana,ng Ford Curtains to open with Doors Painc.,,.4 Buggy ....... - $8.00 IF 'tJ WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE -GitliTj)313;BE YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. HESS r ZURICH 1"""ini".."7"14111a"all"1"1"111121 ••••••..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••0•110.•••••••••••••••••••••=A !Bird's Neponset Roofs .f., . ' "GOOD CiLD PAROID" + 4. WE HAVE RECEIVED ./C: laRGE SHIPMENT OF THE-A.BOVE 4. +• PRODUCTS OP BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER t WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS t: + t. AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND *- 4 IALTY. + SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND, CUSTOM W,ORK OUSPEC R - n 14 4i F. 0. KALBFL i ISC .,..*,. ..._, , .. 4. PHONE 69 ZURICII + •V + ............. 4. 4.' 4--, i te•-+-4.--+-14.-+-4*-+ -4.-f-4e-- . 1: Stone Built Clothes I .. FROM NOW ON f t All Woollens Used in the manufacture of STONE BUILT CLO - t THES are treated with the famous LARVEX MOTH -PROOF PRO -4, I CESS, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under 4. I , • a $250,006 Globe Indemnity Bond t• qa WHY DO WE GO TO THIS EXPENSE? + -, + 1 DECAUSE Moth are theg retest factor in the destructon of 01- 4 - flat othing that are laid away for even a short period. 4. Et ECAUSE This nena' . scientifio disco v ery,-The Larvex Process- -entirely eliminates' aiti danger to your clothes from the rav-: ii. ages of Moth and their Larvae. I Fp ECAUSE Stone -Built Clothes with the added attraction of the: + • TA -i LARVEX MOTH PROOFING PROC-ESS, is a ,combination that t +defies all competition, -that cannot be beaten. There is no extra I i- charge to you. 4; i WE SELL STONNE-EITILT CLOTHES * i r • New Spring Suitings Arriving Daily W. H. HOFFMAN i + 1 i +TAILOWAND FUNERAL DIRECTORI 1 .,1 DAY AND NIGH t' PHO..NE No. 84 ZURICH HERALD'S 1925 Clubbing List HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph $5.10 HERA.LD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 HERALD and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3,25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star . • 43.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily News ...... - $6.00 HERALD and London Free Press, Morning edition ... ta.00 HER.ALD and London Free Press, evening edition 86.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening edition ... 86.00 HERALD matt London Farmers' Advocate ... ... $2.26 HERA.LD and Farm andDairy „„,, „„ HERALD and Farmers Sun . , $2.65 HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly Star ... ... $2.75 . HERALD and Canadian Countryman ...... - ... ...... IERALD and Weekly Witness • . $3.15 HERALD and Farmers Magazine HERALD and Youth's 'Companion . . - HERALD and '§eaforth Huron Expositor ... HERALD and Ontario Journal 4.141411.• HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada 0 El 4'Y Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers N with us. See us for papers not listed above $2,50 ...,83.75 $3,25 HERALD OFFICE, Zurich 11419 1;11 ••• ,44 a 4 1 4 4 4 4 41