HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-03-19, Page 1a "VOL X) V No 38 'ZURICH, THURSDAY MO NINO, MARCH 19, (925 If You have anyArticles. or Real' Our Corner Some people saveeup for ,a rainy '4a'y. Others just figure ,they'll ',borrow' an umbrella. You miry, hate to wade through 151usla, but think of .the book rio- "Niew1er;s (who must read , modern f tovela. When; a mean does take his wife, o a !show' she knows he will be .1Zbragging about' it for we(eks,. Chester L. Smith, Pub110 $145 a Year in li dve s1.00 IN ARREARS, $2 MAX .BE QHARB1C1 a for Sale, try an Ad. in the Herald Sometimes you: learn! .a lot by turning over a new leaf. •lig—+ • Prominent actress is married a- gain. Her fifth time. ( They sw- ear off matrimony as we .swear of smoking. Wolf packs are attacking Alb- ertans„ while the artr"king miners In Nova Scotia are also finding it hard to keep the ,wole trona the door. a ' et •••••s�etesso •• ssme etssee••••••isesses •••••s••• ••e IS i JN h'e�es�' Fas ion- Thoughtsi •• 4 In Spring • • Footwear•• BROWN BROS.' WINDOWS FOR-etel • 411 TELL AN INTERESTING STORY `: •=:?/' • • OF NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR �� FASHIONS. THEY ARE AUTH f• •• • • THEY WILL IMPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW • • •• * • • • ••••• • • • gb ORATIVE AS THE LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE. a' STANDARD OF VALUE AT THE MODERATE PRICES. Repairing Neatly Done ShTUSED.E BRING THEMETOI US `, AND YOU ARE ASSURED OF SATISFACTION. Where Good Shoes BROWNBROS. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY IN••S•••�M!!t'•••••••.••N•••••NN•N•••••••..•••• Curtain -46 • a era :1.00 Curtain Net at per Yard only 90c Curtain Net, per yd. ...... 70c Curtain Marquisette at per yd. 3 45c Curtain Marquisette Per yd. 3 '50c Curtain Marquisetts per yd. $1.00 Heavy Madras for •1 40c Scrims for 4. 45c Scrims for ... 4.46 _. 4 • • 4 t • 59c 3 55c 48c 28c 31c'4. 67c I 25c 29c t. 4 4 PAP �'WALL ..ii. `7 L I +. All our Wall Paper is 22 inches 1 II wide. 6 Rolls .2 inch are equal to s, . 7 oUs in. .18 ines paper. Bess i. laborAnd less m.atchin.g. 'tt i $, :. . Caps and Men's Suits r1+.. WB HAV$ JUST° RECEIVED 4,' MORE EA T& PIT=:'Et•-'C'AT'S THE LATEST MODELS. A SHIPMENT OF NEW ' • i3 L'T= AND MEN'S SPRING SUITS, Di I • SEE US BEFORE YOU HATH: + +41,4444++++44++41+4,44+4444+4++++4 14.• ALBRRW4T P114011tTOS TA1il N 'Friday last the 13th was prinj-' 1,cipally (unlucky for -those tended !to plant gardens. 8—•A Quinine and . lemonade didn't cure all the colds last year. Ove? 810,000 Pers were issued. ,,, Wingham mime says !she can drink carbolic acid. ' She wouldn't be the first to !succeed doing that 4-8 Its only a matter oftime till the Ladies' Home Journal supersedes the Polio: Gazette in.barber shop! • Doctors have made the King;QT. England quit 'smoking,, , Your he- alth doesn't care: how importarit you are. 8-8 Spring 'styles are (so confusing; ',V can't rcmmeber if they wear sleeveless dresses or dre:,nles Sle- eves, r New systemn of t'pers' is hinted' at, IW''ouldn't it -be terrible (" if some (city doctors" -had to go to work. The Gerguson Government is determined to finieh the session by E. gss ,& Sons. Easter, even if they have to work night,and day for it. '•` Mrs. Hy,Hy,Eiekmeier, who has b+� e4ii• ill, 'for the (past Week is re-, . Miss. Olive O'Brei,i ippent Sat- 'u(rday' in London. • Miss. Mildred Hfofman is con- 4ined 'to her home with a severe cold. Messrs. P,.• Kropf and Hy. How- s#ld 'tare visiting for a few days at ool. 11lr. Gordon. Turnbull of Park Hill called in the village on bust ►rens '..on Monday. e. M. and Mrs( A. Melick spent S inday lin Creditors, the !guests of I4/r. and Mrs. Dan. Mclsaac. Mr. Len Fraser of Forest spent a x week -end with Mr;. and Mrs!. Decher Jzrc •Mr, •Leith Kipper •has ,installed t .e ,'hydro, installation made by +—+ citizen tells t1,3 feVerinjg nicely. a .certain home in Huron •County. where twin girls arrived is shrot time ago, a sister of the twins said to a lady who Balled to see them; "Everybody 'wants them, , but nobody takes them." ' A St, Marys,)�.• Kenneth Routledge of De- •goi.t is visiting at his home here ftyr. a few weeks!, STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mrs. Beit Keys and some of her children have been seriously ill during the past week with pheu monies, but we are ,pleased` to • spay: they are improving. , Mr. Chas. Rem to is( having 40 • Rev. R. M..Geiger of Ohes'ey vis- ited 'his parents; Mr. Wand Mrs. M. Geiger 'for a few •days last week. The Wainer House has made some electrical extensions by adding a .riimber of lights, installation by I.iess & Sonis, ]llr. acid, Mrs. Jos, Wickens of In- gersoll (are: spending a few weeks with the latter's parents, Mr. and 7ytra 3. Hey, "Sr. ( ie Home made Making - sale Ai -cotton 'Sale of Ilia stock and. , an tea:' the; W aipe:7 Ilou;se•.. on Sat-, pletr, ntsr • on Fridray. March,;::. 7th:' iirct ;yer loon by the Lutheran. The 'fine weather of last week Ladi69 Aide :trade .the sap run, and, some of ess. our syrup makers had began, .op- esations, btu the sudden changein the weather put a ;stop1 to it for, a time. Mrs. Sana Oeach has returned' to her home after visiting with fri- ends on the Sauble Line. 41r. and Mrs. Herb Smith :sp- ent .Sunday at the hbme of the for- mer's •+mother, Mrs, J. tSani{th of Zurich. Mr. C'h.ester Nicholsons ;who sold his farm to Mr, Robit. Greer, is' having 'an auction sale on Merch 26th and is going to Clinton or Goderich. •Sorry to report that Mr. John Orr has been under the weather owing to cold, which he contracted at his brother's funeral. , Mr. David Tough of Brulcefield has_ been the guest sof his brother, Mr. W;. J. Tough of the; Bronson, Line, last week. 'Mr.- John Flaebird of Zurich has Peen spending the past week with friends on the Bronson Line. A Pancake Social UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ZURICH ;WOMEN'S INSTITUTE WILL BE ,HELD IN Dr. A. J. MacKinnon's New Drug Store ION Saturday March 21st IN THE AFTERNOON AN) EVENING. ; Conitnoncing at 3 o'clock, pan. • ADMISSION—;Children. 15c. Adu,1tS 20 cents,. COME AND ENJOY THIS SOCIAL, FEAST . Jaox 59 + I j I'1.;;OCEEDS TO GO TOWARDS M- tlyttOVE'1IENXS Ori' TOWN HALL was a decided succc- NEW .AADS—'H J Albrecht, 3, Gascho & Soni, Hess, the Jeweller, M' Beehler, A. F. Hess, Stade & Weido, /C'. Nicholson, E. G. Krue- ger, Bank of Montreal, L. Schoibe, Geis Estate, 0. Reman, Pancake So- cial H. FVurmi. " Mr. Ross Johnston, of north of Blake has sold his farm' tot Mr. Joseph !Bechle.r. Mr. Johnston gets the Blake hotel property as part payment, Possession is given the end of this month. Mr: John. Decher Jr.,ehas pur- chased to •96 -acre farm ;on the Go- shen' Line south from Mr. Sol. Zimmerman, who will hold in auc- tion sale 61 farm stock and ple!ne•nts on April 3rd. •' 314 Zimmerman will gi ve possession immediately 'after the sale. , Stade : & . Weido, Hardware Mer- chants; wish to advise the public that .they: are receiving a ' • car -- load :of White) Rose gasoline which comes in steel drums and retails out .that way. It's a fine chance to put 8n your !summer's'' supply of gas befroe the 3c. ;gal tax is pet on all gasoline. Deaconess Margaret Routledge of TTtikukan, Philippine Islands!, and Miss Ida Routledge of Hyde Park,. ,spont :r few days' last week at the home of their brother Dr .Joss!. Routledge. ' Deacones's Routledge 'hats spnet the past twenty !years as .a n issiitaroy the ,Philippines and mils again in May to 'resume her duties there. RESIGNATION. REFUSED •t<aat"Surid6y .morning Rev. H. Staple Goods for Spring and Sum- Reiitl�2l, �Lrt.` )36 S., preached beei- .fore an audience: which taxedthe church ito it;x.. capacity. Follow- th mer s wear. Come and see Our fine ing the .Services a regular meet- big u.f the Congregation ,was held ,Assortment at which the matter of the pastor's resignation 'vas! taken up. The two reebmmen,dattionsa of the ,ch- urch eOnneil, +naively, nott \o accept the pastor's'resignation, and to vote by secret; ballot were upheld by the chiu•e members; The vot- ing 'now •followed and when the result 'Was Made known it ;Was re- eoi� ed with match approval'kand a burst fcS applause. The vote stood 22 for . the resignation .and 86 a- gainst. ,The vote was then made unaniinciits, The pastor thanked the voit+ers in ',a, few appropriate: woi'c1s and promisc'd to give his decision, yitXt $liildAy, ' • FOR SALE Limited quantity of following seeds for .sale—Timothy, Alsike', 'Red,.,Olover and Alfalfa. No;. 1 Government tested seeds;. Prices right. T. Gascho & Son,. .. -38 FOR SALE — Galvanized 30 -gallon upright tank, with pump attachment, 'suit- able fro gasoline or coal oil. Prise reasonable. 1 Apply to A. F'. Hess, Zurich:. IN MEMORIAM In Loving memory ;sof our Dear mother, Magdalena Desjardine,who barred !away ori March • .6th, 1924. A Loved one has lone fx'oni our • circle, On Earth we will meet her no more She has gone to her home in heaven Arid' all her afflictions are o'er. Husband and Fancily. MODERN !COOKERY ;With A McOLARY'S Sold By HESS the Jeweler :•••••••M••••••a.♦••••ate s ••••••••• •M••••1►t••H • Seasonable Ilorse Goods 14,. 0 • s • • a • s • • • • • • • •. • Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen HOMO t, Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Ruga, prices •, Ranging from 87.00 to .................. ..__, Iltegt et - SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A. CALL. A BIG Stock of Harness and. Halters always on Nand. ' Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. + HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PHONI• Iiia FRED THIEL - ZURICH 1:. •M�•O�+••N!!���••A•Fld1AMiPs�►+••�►��p!paY�•+•Nl��bi'O :; :441 li' !'>I'•Y"jI"l"r'j'4+•td•'lJ.+•j„p,y'3II1'++°g.p'+++ j,•14+ •A • 4. • + • 4 Men, Women And Children: Let Rhino Rubber Boots Protect Your Health this Spring Every Pair Guaranteed, note extra re- inforced topeand backs, also Rolled Edge which '• adds to. the wear of boots, and costs no more, + Made by Aries Holden Tire Co. + C. Fritz & Son, Distributors. • ,• + +++++++++++++++++++++++++40414+++++++++++++++++4444401P. G. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS The Quality, S tore With Spring here once more the Public are in need of many new A FINE LINE OF LIGHT HARDWARE IN STOCK, ALSO SWEAT PADS AND MANY PARTS AND REPAIRS FOi! HARNESS. OUR PRICES ARE SO VERY REASONABLI THAT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO GO ELSEW'IERE, QUALITY AND SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO Re Nae DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 - 97 k LA 'EF 4 A 44 4