HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-03-12, Page 8P9 CY N VI A RI ER,IVALS I (I 0 Spring is drawing near and you will l t` anxious to begin your Spring Sewin • .OUR STOOK OF STAPLES IS NOW COMPLETE AND WE INVITE YOU TO LOOK OVER OUR NEW LINES, SOME ,OF THE DESIGNS ARE GOING OUT FAST, AND IT IS HARD .TO REPLACE SAME. SO COME 'tNO W AND HAVE FIRST CHOICE. NEW PRINTS Our ,,prints are.No. 1 quality, In- dego Dye, guaranteed to givesat- isf.action. • GROCERIES Gran. Sugar, Redpath cwt. 7.73 43roonie, .earth 43c Pink Salmon, Kiitie Brand ... 19c Prunes, lb. 9c iWhitee cups & saucers, doz. 1.35 AMANA PRINTS This is' the old reliable German, print, extra klteavy weight, fast colors, 1 yd. wide at 40e. yd. We have only 5 pieces on hand and will not be able to procure any mare this season. -sone Early. GINGHAM'S In New and pleasing- designs, al.-_ ways servicable, can be used for so many purposes. - 32 -in:. Ginghams 30c yd. CRETONS, :CHINTZES For quilts, comforters• or drap ery purposes, entirely new patt- erns. Come .and :see th^m. We have also .new Ohambrays; Gal- ateas, Nurses Cloth, Denims, Cot- tonades, Rock Fast and Standard Shirting, Grey and Bleach Cotton, Nainsook, Lawns, Lonacloth, -Cam- bries, at reasonable prices. • J. SCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garag;e Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND GENUINE FORD PARTS ti ,TUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS U. S. L. BATTER IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE ,YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO . REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. I ' f ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE JL NIousseau Zurch *ee••easeesooesee••eesels? twaitaseeA/OLette•s••••••O•* Seasonable Arrivals • • • • We wishm• to x��.fo�.� the public that the following Seasonable G-oods are arriving: i 1 • Carload of FROST FENCE. Farmers tell us it e c lls all others y • "Large Supply of SHERWI -WILLIAMS • • Ready Mixed Paints and Varnishes'.o X have arrived. o • • SEEDS! SEEDS A • WE Alt.E IN J HE MARKET TO BUY IND ,SELL ALL FINDS OF GRASSSEED'S, Y ANY QUANTITY. V. � "I' .. WE %IAVI! JUST EEC-. I' C : 'a EIVED A LARGE QUANTITY FOR SPRING USE. -- ORDER • • NOW ,r • . 0 WEIDoJ • s . ZURICH- Q►NT. • 41;• • .viloO fog► +000tAlsoos00000 0os00000Ma40s•••/$11ee0N' X trE SO ►.', elfin ;IN e file' — T 'Il a1.ir 11 a, Mareill 12.Ex .19 5. 1 p 6, Iitou ..._..^..-+.%+ T!"-` -..—•ter._..—,•..,..n..-r+.+ ^.'.�r�Tl� {a19 f V`i"l R T LaCKAL MARKI~TS l ',Corrected 4vary. Wednesday) The stere with the Libra! Cash Oi coan Mr.Wm;. Cafes was 'a business visitor to 'Loudon' this week. Mr, Gordon Walper was an a11- by Sttn:itty visitor,; at 13:ensall, Miss Dolly Hagan nurse, of Hills been is attending Mrs'. John cT e nith, 'who is ill. Messrs' Sterile Galilee and Beulah Siararas accompanied Dr. Cowen to Dashwood last Friday eve. The many friends- of Mrs. John Smith ,will be pleased to know she is impro'iing from her recent ser- 1011 sillneas, The nice warm weather ha-& laced the farmers to tap their maple tree's and the "saps retnnin+, Mies Gladys Melick was a Sun- day visitor with her friends, Miss Edith and - Mr. Oscar Grab, Babylon Line, .on Sunday. Mrs. Levi Baker of Cedar Grove near Toronto was in the .village. last week -attending the funeral of her cousin the late John Smith: Misses Elda Cailfas .and Lylyan Rader of the village 'ep•en!t an en- joyable (afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader, 14th ton„ ,on Sunday. It was announced the other day that the new taxes. imposed ., by the Provincial Government on soft drinks and gasoline will 'commence on April 1st next. The third- call has come to Mr, Wm. Finlay of the Town Line thr- ough death on the 8th of January. Mis. Andrew Thompson, his aunt, =.t Kincardine, who was so -badly burned was burried an Mareh 7th;• her only daughter,' Elizabeth, is being burried. of Typhoid fever, contracted two weeks after . her mother's death, leaving to mourn their loss an -aged father and two brothers. 14r, Finlay's sister-in- law was- hurried the 27th :-of Jan- uary. Wm. Finlay of Blake went up- to attend the burial, Miss Al berta tF'inlay, of Blake has been vis- iting these and remained for the funeral else.. AT IT ALL THE ,TIME Last week, another ,big shipment of ,catalogues from two: mail or -- der houses were eeceired ;at th 1 ennal post offices For distribution in, this• district. These people ad- vertise 'all the time ,an -d never let up, because they know their mail_ order .business would not ,!tier • six months if they qu'ti standing out catalor;u s. 'When, oh -'when ,will ,will the smaller merchant take the cue. -Brussels 'Past. SCHOOL REPORT . S S. Na. 6, Hay for January and :February. Sr. IV -Anna, Far ell 80% 'Orville. Witmer 69, Geo. Foster 5,8. Sr. III -Beatrice Farwell =80. Jr III: -Alphonse Dabus 43. Sr.'`II-Elda GingaricE 95, Pris- cilla :Farwell 89, Neil Witmer , • 72, Andrew Feaster •67, E'irl Gingerich: 58, Willie Watson 46. Jr. II-Ken:neth Greb 75, Doris Greb 64, II --Martha Foster, -,Olive Witmer, _Louis Farwell' and Alvin and Joe Hoffman equal, Lorne Gin-. gerieh, Peter Voisin. Sr. Pr. -Orlando Battler, Law- renee Voisin. . Jr. Pr.-Winnifred. Battler, _A.n- thony Hoffman. A. Campbell, Teacher.1 DASHWOOD Mrs. P,. Moffatt and Helen Have returned after :spending the past few weeks in l3rucefield. ' Mrs. D. Schroeder of St. John. is attending her mother, Mrs, J. Lippert who is ill. 11ir. S. Gottschalk of Seaforth, visited intown last week. Mrs. J. Burns of Port Huron is visiting her mother, MrS. Witzel, •Mr. P. Schroeder ;visited in town over the week -end. Mr. Harry' Hoffmani 'made - a busines's trip tp -London on Mon-. day. , Mr. a S. Howard of Exeter, sp- ent Satueda_y in town. The spring miltinery opnineg of J. C. Reid & Co,„ is• being held on Saturday, March 14th. STANLEY + TOWNSHIP. Mt Earl Wanless -spent the past week (visiting his. friend, ,Mr. Wil- bert Johnston. ,The Sox Social held at the Go- shen school under the ,auspices of the U.F.,O, was quite a succese,, de- spite the cola. and ,stormy weather Tho !chair was alsly ,filled by Mr J. T. Keys, splendid aciclres'ses \ie-. re given by Messrs ,R. J, Mci�Iillian and We D, Sit;there, Music was fuereshrecl by Mr. John Armstrong. and his sister, and Mr. Oscar Klopp disposed Of the boxes, Mrs, AF. Reid $ as gone to Ot- tawa, ,I11., too visit her sister Mrs.. (Rev.) IR, Murray, - Rev.a J. Durrant is giving alec- t ati"tl� ttl Goshen church oh Ttr- ssday evening, . March 10th, ens titled "Walks aroend London and Edinborouhg", 'the. lecture will be 1114strated 'by lantern slides. l ' The building, for some time va- cant but once used hag `a barber shop by Alert. Ferguson, Bayfield, was moved down the Sauble Line. recently, to "Peel 'C'leave's he,. having purchased it to 'use for ex- tracting honey, Some say i~tlits the first move of g3ayfield to Ste anley Township!, ,suitor• per lb. "35Asamia..1011110.1111•1110.Mtinia1M11.11.111•111.11•1141,11•11c41=1.1eamilponatoks11.1.••••14+11111:{s1.1... 1.1.14111....11.111 - euta.toes per bag 4 .... 75c. hied apples Ib. Sc Harley ,.., - . 90' Buckwheat 1., 90 Flour cwt.. 4.50 to 6.09 Wheat ... ............ .......... ..... 1.70 Shorts per ton 36.00 Bran. per ton ... .......... .........34.00 Hogs 'cwt. 11.75 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over $27,000,000. Number of. Policies in force 114287, Paid Lown in 1923 to amount' of $5=143.20. -No ass- essment during the year and have a ` balance on hand of $31,700. 6. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGE- 't isill C+ RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 HENSALL SEED SHOW The annual Seed Fair , .of the South Huron. Agricultural- . Society was . held on tie Town `Hall, ken - 'salt, on Feb. 27th -rand in Spite of the severe Storm, there was the largest entry list in the history of the eShoW. Competition, was not only keen, buts .the quality was ex- ceptionally good, there being only a small margin, in the differences. The officiating judge was Prof. W. J: Squirrel, of the Guelph 0.A. tvho ',gave a short address during the• afternoon on the Value and ,selection of good seeds Prof,'. Squirrel 'is net a !stranger to the people in this district, as he hes judged ;the 'Insall Seed Fair for a number of years. The following is ya; list of the successful exhibitor's; Nb. 72 Oats -Wm. Forrest, Wm. Pepper, Alex. Buchanan. White Oats -Root, McLaren, Os- car K1opp;, E. Klope 6 -rowed ' barley -Wm. Pepper, W R. Dougall, C.. Truemner. :Field Peas -Alec:., Btichan!an, C. Truemner, G. E. Thompson. Field Beans -C. Truemner, Owen C4.4e_ Wm Consitt. .,hy Seed -G. E. Thompson, W .C'onlsitt.. , RPd .Clover Seed -Andrew Bell. Alsike !Seed-W.m 'Consitt. Potatoes., early variety- W. W, ,Chapman}. ' Potatoes, general crop -C. True- ntnei H. ,e. : Soldan, W. W. Chap- man.z Sweet Clover -Oscar Klopp, 1st. and 2nd. . B eckwheat- O. Truemner. •I BIBLE ` THOUGHT FOR TODAY O Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel 'before the Lord our inalter. • For he is our God and we -'are the people of his pas- ture. The wolf ' also shall dwell with the, lamb, and the leopard •shall lie, dawn with the kid; and the calf. and the young lion and the fatting together: and a . little child shall' lead there. -IS. 11,6. h1HE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE .L.DVERTISING RATES deued Wednesday noon Ppm the In advance; $$.00 may be charged Moot so' paid, U. S. oubscriuti- onee $1.75 sto•iotly irn advance, No paper diacrontinuied Lentil all ar- rears are paid unless et the option of the publisher. Vire date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. . Miec011ameous articles of not acre' than five lines, For Sale, Te tlemt; or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc, $ach insertion 254. • eddress all communications to Diaplay Advertising -Made known rn application. Stray Animals -One insertion lt0e 'bre. t'neertiona $1.00. Farm or Real ..Estate for sale fd for first month $1 or each s u b- leeuent insertion, AUCTION SALES -$2 per single eiert onn if not over five inches in nubhob cription Terms s ; $1.25 per year Card of. Thanks, In Memoriam, 50c, Local and Legal advertising zs�ng not - ,COs, reading matter, 10c a line for tirst insertion and 5e per line for each subsequent insertion, ,[ ef'erslonal Cards not exeeeding 1 inch, $U per year. THE HERALD, ' - incubators a America's Leading Iiycubators and Brooders are now sold lee - your own town. THE IDEAL INCUBATORS & BROODERS Have beenthe leading machin- ens in the United Spates' for 38 years. 3° his year they axe be- ing 'sold in Canada at a' prise much below other .makes of similar' quality and these mach- ines are built to last a lifeanie. fit 41 There ins ;only one way to make money out of poultry today,. ' andthat is by 'artificial' incu- bation. and brooding. Got your cockerels on the market when they are worth the highest pr- ice and your pullets laying in the fall when eggs are the highest prices. Call and :see these - machines ;and be convine. cad. The prices are right. COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, FENCING, AUTO ACCESSORIES, CUTTLERY, ETC., ON HAND. TRY US FOR 'TIN&IMIITHING AND PLUMBING COME TO 'THIS STORE WITH YOUR NEEDS SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. MELICK Hardware It Furniture. Phone 63 .04 INS CE Agency for following lines of Insurance: FIRE AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS PLATE GLASS SHOWCASES, MIRRORS, ETC. LIVE STOCK. INQTJ1:RES ON ANY OF ABOVE LINES WILL BE GLADLY ATTEN - DED TO .- Andrew F. Hess,. .. Zurich • MY MOTTO; --SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? armommanwr low Painting and Paper Hanging See Our New SAMPLE BOOK of Wall Papers I. EICKMEIER, ZURICH ONT, DR. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN Heavy Shell Frames to Your OW'* Lenses at $4.00. Broken SUN Rims Replaced while you; Tarim;. Spectacles Complete large IONIC $2.00 up. Main. St„ EXETER, Phone 711 AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURUCII, Every Wednesday, 10 ape. to ++++++++++++44++++++444.01444e+44++4+44+++++++++*. .,:. �� HEBALD OFFIOE _ Do You now?t THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINT/Nei 4, THATWE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING 'k' INVITATIONS AND ANNOUN'CEMEN•I 'THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; 'STATIONERS, SUCH e" 'AS LETPEREEADS,,.E1LL,HEADS, ENVELOPES AND , STATEMENTS +. THAT W E ARE AGENTS. FOR TWO LEADING MANUFACII.' ' ' ;,*. URERS OF 'COUNTER' CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- * PLY ANY U N`'.EIT Q A Y AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS. 4+ THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- 4* - ' OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PATERS, CARBON Olio'-' TRACING PAPER,SHIPPING ' +3+1I. P NG 'GAGS, MEMORIAl13'�t9'1E- + ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO • .p SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., EiTC. THAT WE FILL 'YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INE BO11'U + WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c+ LARG- 4" •GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS 4• THAT WE 'PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION' SALE POSe . d'ERS MERCANTILE posrERS Al II ALL MINIMAL • +++++++++++++++++++++++4+sPRINTINGOUR.ancI.aI T1,14+44.4•44t,,++.1.4.4,44.7.4.+4 ir, { 1 p ,@ er- ac.