Zurich Herald, 1925-03-12, Page 7Perhaps you are >i sing good tea. We think
"Red Rose" extra good. Won't you try it?
•�. �;�1, tea
good tea
' the wane for 30 years.
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario.
Dr. Middlieton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat-
ters tIaroug1i this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina
Crescent, Toronto.
Oz' all the inconveniences that beset rise, in temperature; backache, pei-
humanity in this county at this time haps headache and a general feeling
of year, the common cold is probably of depression. This condition may be
;me of the most formidable. It is both followed by sneezing, profuse watery
discharge from the nose at the rate
a nuisance and a danger, It upsets of several handkerchiefs per day, and
one's poise, makes one irritable and cold, sores on the mouth, and. occasion -
restless, interferes, with all the nor- al chills,
mal functions of everyday existence. If the feet get vet or cold, there is preach Por O'IIiegins; and when tis
It makes a person feel dull and stu- a tendency -for the mucous membrane will was .read it was found •
that heen had
• pica and disinterested in 'and dissatis- of the nose to svrell and pour out
lied with life in genera.:. It is al water and mucous. Other changes in left all his money to .the friend' by
menace to health, because the common the environment may alter the thick- 'whose order he had diedi
cold, while not especially dangerous of the mucous membrane of the What an idyl of duty, friendship and:
in itself, always brings with it the; nose or may otherwise affect it. The understanding charityi
- Zo.•5ibiiities of a deeper, more severe' lining of the nose is therefore con-
on-nfection, such as broncho -pneumonia. i stantly changing in thickness, in mots -
The great trouble is to know just ture, in temperature, etc. If .the FOR MOTHERS OF
what is the best thing to do to cure I changes in the air change the mem-
a cold. Certainly keeping warm in, brave of the nose beyond a certain
bed, reducing the intake of food, and point, sneezing results. It shows at
keeping the bowels active, are three
of the mala points to be observed.
Colds usually run a definite course,
and if care is taken to avoid further
chills, a few days ;only elapse till the
sufferer has recovered at least enough
to get about his ordinary duties again.
The weather of the past few weeks
- has been particularly variable, and
just the kind that makes people liable.
tocatch a cold. One day the ther-
mometer is hovering at` or below zero,
the next x the weather resembles a
balmy day in the late spring or early
summer. In consequence, the ordi-
nary citizen finds it difficult to adjust of, cold that health departments have
himself or herself to the varying in mind when they issue warnings
climatic conditions, and a chill may about the dangers of colds. They lead
result. . to pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis,
The real cold, known in medical sore throat, many of -which may turn
language as "Coryza" is an infection ,out serious if not carefully treated.
caused by a germ. Colds usually start Therefore, if you can, take all nec(s-
with a dryness and fullness of the sary precautions to avoid the common
nose, and may be accompaniedwith a cold.
St•*'onger T wa:Death,
lit the British House of CoiflmQns
there ways revealed recently a Stara of
compr.e11ei iing friendship fit to staud
`beside that of David and Jonothan or.
Of- Damon•• and • Pythias or of Carlyle
ai?d..John Sturtrt Mill, .
purine the recent struggle In Ire
land two life-long bosom friends, Mr.
O'Higgins and Mr, Rory O'Connor,
were led by their political convictions
into rival canape, O'Higgin accepted.
the Free State treaty and eventually
became Minister for Home Affairs in
the new government, O'Connor
thought the Hien who necepted .the,
treaty were traitors to their country.
Subsequently Rory O'Connor Was
arrested, charged with Being impli-
cated Ip fortifying and defending the.
Four Courts in Dublin, as a 'result of
which action many lives were 'lost.
The minister found himself °•face to
face with the duty of condemning to
death his old friend, who hacl been
best mail at his wedding. The spirit
of justice ,:'aid, "Your friend must die:"
The heart of tile friend pleaded, "Save
After a terrible experience the spirit
of justice conquered, and O'Uiggiis
signed the death warrant..' As the end
drew near it was he that suffered the
greater agony. Yet what could he do?
There were no extenuating circum-
stances. .
Rory O'Connor met hispunishment,
unffinclhingly, proud to die a martyr,
tor his country. He bad no woi'd.et re=
once that the new condition is a source
of irritation and the mucous lining vary a particle when the -noncarrier
has to adjust itself to the altered cir- Mothers are quick to praise any- was employed. However, this advent
Some people call -these thing which brings health and coni_ age- is. not yet being claimed, because
changes a card, or a cainman cold, or fort to her little ones -any medicine it has not" been subjected to enough
a cold in the head. Not at all. A that will make the baby, well: and keep tests to' establish it as a fact.
cold is a different thing. It is an him -wellh
will always receive earty
infection with some kind of a germ. Previous advantages which wereOne or two investigator's at the Pres- recotulnendation from the mother, claimed for the system and which the
ent time think they have found the That is why Baby's Own Tablets are final tests show as outstanding over
germ of colds. Perhaps they have, so popular. Thousands of motheis, the system now in general use include
but the again, the infection may be
kinds of
oneof d
due to any several zall.
germs. The condition is known among
doctors as coryza, and it is the
Experiments With Noncarrier
Waves Prove Many Advant-
ages of This System.
Success of the noncarrier wave sys-
-tem of broadcasting which war de-
veloped by H. A. Brown and C. A.
Keener, members of the electrical en-
gineering staff of tho University of
Illinois, is announced as positive atter
another series of tests which bore out
tiie results of previous tests held over
a period of more than a year.
The elimination of "fading" is an
added feature of the new broadcasting
system which now- seems possible. in
the last
series of --testa, instruments
which accurately measured the curve
of audibility of both the carrier wave i
system and the new noncarrier. system
were set up a distance of 100 exiles
from station W1M; the university's
radiophone with which the experimen-
tal work is carried 011. These instru-
ments showed the usual fading when
the old system was used, but did not
Has the Dairy Cow Been
x G iven 'a • Chance?
Dalry cows and men are very much
alike in one respect—neither ;has any
,-thing to say hs' to their parentag6.
l'hey are very different in another
respect—zein i master, the y owv a ser-
ervant.; Such being the case, are men
giving the dairy cows a chance to pay
their way and prove their worth?
What is a reasonable chance for man;
the feed available will simply supply
a maintenance ration. All the inci-
dental expenses are going on, and the
throughout the country, not only ' use increased sending efficiency; more se -
them for their ownlittle ones' bat are lective tuning at the receiver with
always delighted„To be able to recoin greater possibility to lune ont local
mend them to other mothers Thous- stations, opportunity to cover greater
ands of mothers have proved Baby's distances and the elimination of all
Own Tablets to be without an equaa•in
relieving their little ones of any of the
many minor ailments which: arise;out.
of a derangement 01 the stomach .audE
bowels. Baby's. Ove, Tablets are .the.
ideal laza tive--easy•to take but thgr-
otigh in action. They banish 'coalstt; system ..differs from the present type
pation'and .indigestion; break up _chide of broadcasting in that the 'carrier
With Twelve Matches
Here's a trick in which a foolish
question has a somewhat canny
answer. The trickster throws
twelve matches on the table and
asks: •
"What Is the smallest number of
matches I can take away and still
have nine on the table."
The answer is "One match"—if
the remaining inatches are ar- •
ranged as in the illustration.
(Clip this out and paste it, 2oith
other of the series. in a aeranbook.1
Minard's Liniment For Colds.
Sergeant •Bonnet, a French pilot,
broke the speed record at the Istres
Aerodrome, covering twelve kilometres
at an average speed of 244 miles an
Thin eople
Thin, nervous, underweight people
sorts of sounds which are impressed take on healthy fiesh and grow sturdy
on the carrier wave and which only and ambitious- when B•itro-Phosphate
perfect modulation at the transmitting 1 as guaranteed by Druggists is taken a
end and perfect detectiolx at the re- few weeks. Price $1 per pkge- Arrew
ceiver Can eliminate,i Chemical Co., 25. Front St: East,
The suppressed carrier�or. noncarrier Toronto, Ont.
and simple .fevers,;, expel 'worms :chid
make the teething period easy. The
Tablets are sold by Medicine dealers
cows' are getting no food out of which or by mail at 25 cents a box froom
they can produce much milk: A loss. Dr, Williams' Medicine .Co.,,I3roe,
results. Farmer B. keeps half the Ont.
number of cows, but 'they consume an
amount of feed equal to that consamecl
by A's 50 cows, and half the feed goes
to pro.duce, milk alone, and half -to
maintaining life These cows, if the
proper kind, will produce a profit.
to -give a dairy cow? Third—Men must use all the Intel-
First—Since men largely control the 1, , enc, •, at their disposal to see that
matings o cattle, we are i, n duce the milk produced as marketed to the
bound, in the flrst•place 11 mate ani-, best advantage and in the best pos-
mals of known production, good type
and plenty of vigor with one another,
ifpseeeffssitgag isAg jzz expected to
Read tap- i n
Second -Granting that the first
necessity has been carried out and the
young animal has been properly fed
to the production age, we must feed
that ani al in filch a way as to give
her � a chant produce milk at a
profit. How can this be done? Brie -
Iy this; Every animalequi e a cer-
tain amount of food to maintain body
heat, 'life, and to repair the worn out
parts of the body. To feed this amount
�PPool Is not giving file'o`o`w chance
fo produce at a prat. We must feed
in addition to this amount of food, an
amount out of which we niay right-
ightfully ask the now to prove what she
can do. This food must be suited to
the demand expected of her, and it is
" this part of the daily ration which will
not only pay for itself, but will pay for
the food consumed in maintaining life
itself, ti.e body liter an t e repair
vioric out jams, a Just notiv m"iinh�ad
ctitionnl f00r� over alt above tl16 main-
i:ezlauee Mion can be Sect will depend
rig only on the constitution of the
Cow, but upon her inherited ability to
convert this food to intik. Here is
, 'where good breeding shows its value.
It le quite possible for two farmers
havingequal quantities and qualitl-
of Peed to feed this to cattle oi' nal y
good stype and b dila:-and yet tlnt
farmer may .eastatn a loss, and tie
other a pr'at; it can be clone in this
sible condition. If this has been done,
we may then be prepared to deliver
judgment on the cow.
Towns Boomed by Books.
Many seaside and inland resorts ad-
vertise their attractions hut the best
advertisements come from works of
fiction, particularly in England.
Tourists stili follow Dorna -Doone to
Exmoor, and Marie Corelli's_ eli.ghty
Atpm" sent thousands of visitors to
Ilfracombe and Combe Martin.
"David Copperfield" and "Bleak
House" did much for Yarinouth and
Broadstairs:. Thackeray's novels re-
Mr, Pester-"Yoii must think
made of money,"
vived the 'glories of Brighton, while His Wife --"I did think so when we
H. G. Wells' romances have done foe.were first luarried, but I soon found
Sandgate and the-Folkesone coast i out it was all c:1 -.!1_21.,t."
what Clark Russell and Clement Scott �,.:,,;
did respectively for r IDeal and Cromer. A Song of Ploughing.
The Yorkshire moors have had
thousands of visitors since Halliwell I will go with my father a-ploughii
Sutcliffe and William Riley took their To i11e-green field by the sea;
7oc 1 color from them, and Allen Anil the soaks and the crows and the
Ra ne'e novels sent similar numbers _ sea a is
to Wales. • - Will •cie , oc ing after me..
Twill sing to the patient horses
With the lark in the white of the air,
And my father s i1I sing the plough-
soeg .
That blesses the cleaving share. •
---a'oseph Campbell
-le `••
Nhen i ani asked: "1)o yen really
thing the League •of` Nations :will
Airy,.. which used• to be considered one avoid. war?" I am inclined to answer;
of the seven -deadly sins, and rade it "Do I think 'that a spade will dig°,a
one of the chief things to he desired. certain piece". of graunil I`.ti:1.`yfl
hv;a '• ': ermer A. may keep 50 cows and 1—The Bishop of Tytiro.
waves go out only when a mote is
sounded or a syllable spoken. Be-
tween notes or spoken weeds, the car-
`vier wave, does not go through the -air.
ghat Is, the sound and .: the ' wave on -
which it rides leave the broadcasting
apparatus simultaneously. 'This in
Leval of time between sounds when
there is no carrier wave in the air
makes possible the advantages noted.
''"Why I like My Work" is the sub-
ject'on which a newspaper of Czecho-
slovakia recently invited contributions
from its readers. One woman wrote:
"My life and my work are just the
simple, sober humdrum of a good
housekeeper. I take my daily life and
all its cares simply as they come,
without dosing aa a martyr. I do not
ask anybody to `understand' Inc, be-
cause I liave learned to find an outlet
for •tuy creative instinct within my
own four walls. I have assumed re-
sponsibility for the happiness of those
who are near me, with the result that
0 hey own troubles retreat increasingly
into • the background." It would be
hard to imagine a woman more con-
tent with her lot, and yet before her
I'm marriage this woman shrank from the
task of hontemaker; her ambition was
to be a locator,
The Isle of Masi owes an immense
debt of gratitude to Sir Hall Caine;
while everybody knows that before
Scott wrote "The Lady of the Lake"
very few people knew even the name
of "The Trossachs.",.
The world has taken th word lux-
"RUN DOWN" • MEN i t,. ' i
�a��.i: rw•rl t ' to �
i, y i ��� •
The.oupression "ren down"'Chines fly ni the' feeble ac-
tion of an tins ound clock, enc the eompatison is a good
s a
one. Applie5d to heatt;� it ,i��}bltt'�., candltialY-fn,wtxich the
is i0ti ailed, 1lxe hti+C.Ves impoverished, the complexion be-
comes pale end'fctigue is a cnnstant,symptom,
Dr. 1 `l 111
fink PiL1s,
hotiily fuhietioiis d t eilaae led. Appetite fails, digestion
blit;- 0tll'rlea lar organ being affected, yoft must look far
relief latiti'ogh the blood, and Er. Williams' Pink Pills are
i the bet, blood builder known to medical science, As your •
s blond becomes rich and red, the various organs regain
their tone and the botfly recovers its full vigor. If you are
weak, begin taking Dr, Williams' Pink Pills to -clay and see
hoer` ,Poon i1111ltove71ment Will show' In increased appetite
send roeewed vila]ity.
Mrs. Ohas. Bourdage, Five Fingers, N.B, stays;--„I3e-
fore taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I was completely run
down, I did not sleep well, my digestion was Boor and I
would take dizzy spells.' The use et the pills changed ell
this and 1 ain now' a strong, healthy :wotnsi .”
They Gi a New Vittdity nd More.
Dominion Express Money
are on sale in five thousand
tlirotig>loit Canada,
Health -Giving Sutter.
liver' oil can now be deceived by the
�scientist. Cows are fell oil Cod-liver
'which • passes into the butter and
:not only incorporates the; valuable
soluble vitamin A, but other anti•
rachitic elements dei;ived • from the
cow. I'7xperiments with cod-liver -oil
butter and .rickety childre i show sue
ceSsied results, anal further e peri-
teems are being made in an attempt to
Draftee a butter rich to every neces-
sary,,.form of vitamin useful to grow-
ing children.
'or Sere. Throat Use MinardaiLinirnent
Ontario was the largest shipper of
meats of the provinces of the .Dort iit,-
ioil i.0 192a, shipping i•x all 210,3(3 7,918
pounds. Of this amount 90,791,873
pounds were exported ,to Great Bri-
tain and 21,778,554 pounds to other.
countries. Manitoba was next in the
Shipping. of meats with 45,501,190
pounds and Quebec third with 29,-
9;812,41.9 pounds.
Coveted -in buses will probably „be
London streets
e ih in the
chid of the yeax•. They will have wins
the doves to raise or lower, and uphol- .
upper seats oil t pp
er deck.
Anoint Irritated Scalps
With Cuticura
On retiring, gently rub spots of
dandruff and itching with Cuticura
Ointment. Next morning shampoo
with a suds of Cuticura Soap and
hot water. This treatment does
much to keep the scalp healthy and
promote hair growth.
Sample Bub Free it ' Mail. Address Canactian
Depot: entrcnra, P. 6. Bol 8616, Montreal'
ee Soap26c. Ointment 25 60c, Talcum25c,
Try our new Shaving Stick.
Classified Advertisements
Patches, $2. McCreery, Chatham,
I" iolas, Iris, Peony, Fancy Dahlias
and Barred Rock Eggs. The Wright
Farm, Brockville, Ont.
alie Ileading Boards, dressed one
side to %" and saw -jointed both edges.
Quote P.O,B. here. Reid Bros., Both-
well, Ont.
Why is the letter 0 never rich?
is always in poverty. -
cause colds. Use Minard's, the
great preventative. Bathe the feet
in Minard's and hot water. Splen-
did for cold in head, throat or chest.
Read How She Found Help
in Lydia E. Pinkham's
\ Vegetable Compound',
r Arnprior, 'Ontario.—"1 must write
and tell you my experience with your
medicine. I was working at the factory
for three years and became sorun-down
that I used to take weak spells and.
would be at home at least one day each
week: I was treated by the doctors for
anemia, but it didn't seem to dome any
good. I was told to take a rest, but was
unable to, and kept on getting worse.
1 was troubled mostly with my periods.
I would sometimes pass three months,
and when it came it would last around
two weeks, and Iwould have such painsat
times in myright side that I could hardly
walk. I am only 19 years of age and.
weigh 118 pounds now, and before tak-
ing the Vegetable Compound I was only',
108 pounds. I was sickly for two years
and some of my friends told me about
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.
pound and when I had taken a bottle of
it I felt a change. My mother has been
taking it for a different ailment and has
found it very satisfactory. I am willing
to tell friends about the medicine and
to answer letters asking about it."--,
Miss HAZEL BERNDT, Box 700, Arnprior;++
A day out each week shows in the pay
envelope. If you are troubled with some
weakness, indicated by a run-down con-
dition, tired feelings, pains and irregu-
larity, let Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta .
ole Compound help you. 6i
An lauglish farmstead, with. .prize;
cattle and poultry, model dairy, aid 1
fruit orchard will be a feature of al
'London faodd exhibition this spring.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Lumbago Colds
Headache - Pain
Neuralgia Toothache
Rheumatism Neuritis
Accept til... Y 6 "aver" ac C�i- s
which dnfltaiils proven directions.
Band 4 Beyer ;loxes _l
Also nettles of 24 and 1G"�,�-)rtl lets,.
Ai ttln i5 111e untie Hair; trestste d In C1ann4al tat �13krer A4nnura� o' o'b"
acldest,2r of saliert{eae'.7 (hc,ist �niicytr: A�rtct "A. ;i. A."l wlltie lt: is wb1X l:notaa
that AslilMm Ynnan6 l,iarer' mrumtac(rie to assist the r,nldle acgtrinst [1ttntidna, file ?'nb1et0
of ilxyti ' uvUixll`aai' wll1' be st5ape1 tsltb titer: gsuelui trade mark, flit+ "13&yr I' flraes.1O