HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-03-12, Page 5Thursday, 'March 12th, 1925 ZURICH HERALD ROSINESS CARDS DuDL ,, YE. IioL►. ;s PUT YE OU Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc, Ads melrater, Solicitor, Notary Public IN THLS COLfJMN B'. , Office on Hamilton Street. la>st off the square, GoderIch Priv- 1 ►to funds to loen, at .lowest rates, t OR ,'SALE We. olmes will be in Hensel' on • Friday of each week. Yellow blossom Sweet Clover Seed, well cieari;ea by a- 1 rk 1VIaohine�. A limited quantity only ;iydrew F. Erose, Township Cle Hy. ,eneesi}iso Zurich, Phone 6-94. IUDs of marriage licenses, Notary eab $aUc, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- obtle Insurance, Representing ',Wren and Erie Mortgage Corpora- �, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, ttario; ,.. Knapp,' LDENTA SURGEON OFFICE HENIS'ALL Mr. '•M O. 'Miliiltexr, opent Sun. day ,at Exeter', Mr. Jae. Wetse of Seaforth,, was in the village on Tuesday. :llilr'a A,. ell, Mesas and •children were to' London on .Saturday. .Mr. J. Hagen of Detroit, i specie visiting relatives • and friends in the vicinity. Little Dorothy Weido who .he beeon the 'stele list, is now again able to be m. Miss. Mary Kanip man and •her brother, are !spending a few, We- eks with Mrs. 11. Campbell. Mies Lulu Albrheet weer •a we d. visitor alt the home of Mr. L. Schilbe, 14th con(. Mrs. Garfield Brown and Ricl and Jeffrey were Sunday visitors at the Bauble. Line, - ' Mr .ands Mrs. Joe Meidinger were Sunday visitors' at the home of , Mr." and Mr& Elmore Thiel,;F3lake, OSCAR' LOFT graduate Carey M. Jones 'Nat °1 School of Auctioneerrng. Try, for Registered Live. Stock 1' Breeds). Terms in keeping th prevailing prices. Choice bran for. Sale. Will sell anything! i nywhere. Zurich. Phone 18-93 or write, Licensed Auctioneer Licensed' Auctioneer for County *1 Huron. In a position to con - net any auction sale, regardless tai to size .or articles to sell. I nelicit your business, and if not satisfied. %ill make no charges for Welton. . Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. iPbone 13-57 Zurich Meat ARKET Fresh and, Salt Meats Bologna' Sausages etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASHFOR SKINS & a11)ES, tI — ZURICH LIVERY 'i am in a position to accomo- :Sate all requirements in the Livery '!Nine,, have Auto for hire. 'Any- thing done; in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Pliene 58 ', Zurich Ifr, S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST zeraduate of the Royal College i•f Dental Surgeons of Ontario and al the University of Toronto, Sate District Dental Officer, Mil- ltsry District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every. Main Office, Exeter, Phone 34. `jlt Zurich every TUESDAY Phone 79 -19 LIVL POU LT R Y. WANTED *akin every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning 1;hembroug1t in, Highest; Cash Prices -=—CASH FOR-- Cream anti jEggs W. O'Brien ,l home 04. Zurich !SEASON 1025 6PRING AND SUMMER DELIVER- IES ANTHRACITE—We are now re- veiving our genuine . Delaware. Sz tudeon direct frgnf the mines, Nut *eve and Egg sizes. SOFT COAL—Just arrived,. en- tailer car of our high grade soft. lista coal has made a great hit for household use and our sales of this `Iasave over doubled in the last asea- BOULy3TS—Our 'Roulet Coal is$ io in a class by itself and is gr - Seeing in favor rapidiy. - OUR Telephones are at your 'Service Use themfreely for in- axrmrattoni, I t I . ►.., Carltaioxa. MOAN &�OPRODUCE MERCHANT'. !ltoae Office 10w, • House+ 10j, N6ALL, iI•, t FOR SALE Storage Batteries, Hot Shot Batteries . end Telephone Batteries. L. Prang, Zurich w.: tf-35 WANTED' A ,,dependable Salesman for our Trees and .Shrub.sl ' Free :equip-. ;;rent, Liberal pay. 'latest be a hus- tier and ,absolutely honest.—Wele land lii•ursery Co., Welland, Ont. NOTICE. We arein a position to store and .keep your. auto (battery char- ged for the winter. Also charg- ing done at -any time, -L. A. Prang, Zurich. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hedeby given that all parsons having claims against the estate •of the late William 'F. Schwalm, of the Village of Zurich, gentleman, who died on or about the tavenhy-ninth day of January, A.. D. 1925, are required to forward their claims,- duly proven to the un- dersigned executors, on -or before the 25th day of March; 1925. AND NOTICE is further given That after this said date the Ex- ecutors will not be responsible for payment of any claims against the said estate, and having. regard only to the claims of which they then shall have •notice. Dated at Zurich this twenty-fourth day of •February, 1925. Peter Schwalm, • . Maxie Schwalm, Executors. '• P. 1, O'Dwyer, M. D. -ZURICH: ONT. OFFICE REMOVED TO HOUSE FORMERLY .00CUPIED BY -1 Jno. Preeter--Main Street Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL, FOR FORD CARS. GU A.RANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OP' BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. - • tf18 Dr. lI. H. COWEN L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON; At McCormick Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thiu+sday, Friday and Satur- day,.. Main Office HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD COAL Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest' quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case 8z Son PHONE 35 HENSALL -17 A °'MESSAGE TO FORD ORD OWNEr s TT&A FACT THAT e FORD MAG- NETO DOES GET WEAK • LET US TEST, YOURS FREE Wl -HAVE INSTALLED THE WON DER RE -CHARGER, APPROVED BY, FORD MOTOR COMPANY THE nnstTLT,S OF A RE -CHARGE ARE WELT, KNOWN. PRICE $1,00 H S. WEIN, Prop MOTOR D Y1 Ort IJASI.IV�'OOa).rIOTOR S R C,, B 1 Mr. and Mrsl, Bruce Bosisenberr.y and family of Grand Burd were Monday visitors' in the 'village. Mr. and Mrs(. Jos;: Wickens of Ingersoll, •axe visiting "tlye %,1attez's iparents, Mr. and Mrs.` John Hey Sr, Mr. C. Silber was at Crediton on Wednesday - to attend the ;auction sale held b f his' brother, Mr_ .Cleas. Milber. Mr. >lWnn. Lamont of the village was a pleaslant• visitor with Mr. Wm. Conesitt, Parr Lino, on Men - day afternoon. A number from the village ;at- tended the auction sale of garage equipment 'of Carlin Bros. at Sea - forth 'on Friday. Miss Vera Siebert, who ha,s 'se- ent the past fSw weeks in Toronto has returned home and re -opened her lnililnery store. Mr. Albert Kallb.fleisch has pur- chessd from Haberer Brso. one of their apiaries, it being ..the . one located ton: Mr. ,L Kalbfleisch's. farm. r1VM: and Mrs. Sol Bechier of the Bronson Line left Tuesday morning fro New Hamburg to attend the funeral `o'f the former's aunt. Owing. to. a' 'typographical error in Room HI Z. P. School Report, last week, we stated that George Dueharrne had 63%,• this ahoud-have read George Albright 63%. Real nice and warm .springlike weather greeted ,us the past we- "ek and the robins 'are very plenty- ful, itseems rather early, but when one looks back, we have had win - Ler almost since. Th k:sgiving TFf„ roads are beginning "to settle'- -the auto •Vialee fairly .good. •The abode or valuable property of the '"Riney-4Dinky„ Club, was • completely devasted -by fire on 31on.day evening, and the loss sus- tained by-this,Splendid- organizat- ion .twill be a; heavy ole as well as a complete. lo'sls, els the building was fairly good :for "the shape it was .in." • E. R. Wigle, M.P.P. C entre Hu- ron., 'twill introduce in the Legislat- ure this week a bill tela lajnend the Marriage. Act with a (view to the - owing additional..safeguards a- bout young people and •curbing the pro -verbal tendency to "marry. in haste." rf the bill carries, three days notice will he required be- fore a. license can be issued, and it will be necessary to submit ei- ther abirth certificate or an affid avit from an elder member of the famriies lof the parties .concerned, trialing clear they are of age. The bill has not been drafted as yet, but these are the main features,No Bhangs is contemplated as to the office from Which marriage lic- enses :are now iseuted. G OTTSCHA LK--GEIt ER A pretty church wedding took place in Ingersoll at St. Jaynes' church, on Saturday March 7th, at four o'clock; pain, ' when Rev. Mr, McMillen of Ingersoll united in the holy bonds of wedlock Mrs. Eliz- abeth. Geiger of Dashwood and Me. Samuel .Gottschalk of Seaforth. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Wickens witness sari the •ceremon•y.` Mrs. • Buck:, Organist, played the wedding Mereh, The . bricle, was dressed in navy blue canton trimmed with. satin, After the ceremony the wedding luncheop was, served at the h nue of Mr. and' Mrs. Jos; Wickens, netce of the .bride. Af- ter e'diich the bridal .Couple left for St. Thomas. BAND ORGANIZES The animal meeting of. Zui ich Jubilee Band wits:Aoki last Thurs- day evening at the band' hall.The treasurer's report showed that the finances of the band 'were iri a sat- isfactory shape, The election of officers, resulted as follow',&—Pres.i- dent, Louis Weber, See.Treas, Al- bert G. iiess; Executive 'committee,. Theo Haberer, Henry C4allmnn and. Dan. Steribus, The band consists of 'twenty members and itis exp eeted that a n imber of n'ew in- struments Will be added this year. Any yourig man who" wishes to be- come a member ahould register with the secretary and as: vacancies occur or new ititstrviii^'its purch— ased, new members will be takers; I GROWING THE WALNUT A. Tree That is. Desirable Both for Nut and Wood Soutiarvestern Ontario' Can Grew Then; --.',!'ire Walnut Tree Described —1'l, tit liah „ly Grafted or Budded Stock-=13esf. & arieties,lor Ontario. (Contributed' by entailo Uepartrnent o, Agri x:wlture, Toronto.) Ontario grown, soft shell walnuts Of excellent t Lu 1ity have been pro dui,ed in the Niagara Peninsula. A fey; trees have given good crops los thirty years or snore. The number of producing trees that We know o1 now is 165,•anci these are located in a district fifty miles long and twerit;r miles wide, an odd tree here and there hi the dmryard or the orchard of well kept premises. a .Trees are, fruiting as far east as Clarkson ori the north shore of Lake Ontario. Southwestern Ontario Can Grow Natrr The Niagara Peninsula and the counties bordering Lake Erie have a climate more favorable to production o the soft sb' li walnut than certain distriots in i u.•ope where nuts are grown to take care of the local mare ket demand. There are large areas b( deep, rich soli In the district north of Lake Erie oast to the Niagara river and west to the Detroit river that will grow acceptable soft shell. walnuts, and Japanese Heart Nuts. ,. Why not keep the $5,000,000 at home? There is satisfaction in saving }Honey,' and there is more satisfaction .in sitting before the home fireplace. on winter evenings cracking the fruii of our own labor. In about 100 Oie Eario rural homes this is being.etoni< now. The flickering wood fire is pleasant in itseif,'but a plentiful sup- Oly. of walnuts at hand, easy to crack i,nd sweet to eat, will help one to enjoy life. Thousands of rural homes clan have. walnuts, providing of course that the. home is located in the Lake Erie ebunties, or in a district where the �liruate'will permit the full develoli' {tient of the peach, The Wairurt Tree Described. The walnut tree, when dormant, avi11•stand heavy frosts in midwintei+, but it will not stand late spring or •early autumn fronts. Areas reason; 'ably free from frost during the period April 20th to -October 10th along •Should be considered. The soft shell ivalnut grows to be a very large tree is of the deep, tap -rooted type, hence the soil must be deep enough and richt enough to support a big tree. A good surface soil of clay loam or sande lioam that is underlain by a deep, ;;}orous,'sandy sub -soil in which the water table is below fifteen. feet, s, moil that is rich, cool and moist, buy. not Stet, will produce the finest specie ;Hens of walnut trees. However, the' r ange..of soil types on •which the wal- eit tree grow is quite large, since chis tree 'sato be found growing on earidy, gravelly and clay loams, and eueceeding in proportion as these soil i pes furnish depth for root room. plant food and moisture. JTse Hardy Grafted'or Budded Stook. To be successful the walnut tree inust he a vigorous grower, off a -var- iety that blossoms moderately late, a self -pollinator, and it must yield an abundant annual crop of desirable nuts: These factors are best obtaihed by planting hardy grafted ex budder! stock. The native black Walnut has the hardy and vigorous charaeteris•• tics, it is most des! gable as a root system for a soft shell English wal- irut. Get your start by growing seed- ling black walnuts up to a size suit- able to graft. Three-eighths of an inch-lh size does very well, then whip graft a scion obtained from a hardy soft shell . tree, making an entirely new top.The black walnuts for seed- lings can be planted in the autumn or slating. If kept until spring lay away in oold, moist sand. Plant the seed with the pointed end up, two inches deep in good garden soil. Keep the soil well raked and free from weeds, The little trees will be . large enough for grafting at the end of the second season, or when, growth is starting.the following spring. The grafting of the walnut offers more difficulties than apple grafting, re- quiring greater care. The following conditions are essential to success; fully dormant wood for scions, the cambium of stock and scion must be brought into exact contact, the work rnust. be done as the leaf buds of the tree to be grafted on are unfolding, a condition that varies with indivi- dual trees. The cleft in the stock or amputation and the shaping of the 'talon should be such as to give a perfect fit, The exposed surface of the stock and scion must be held and protected by tape and wax, the entire scion should be waxed over, the scion wood should be secured two or three weeks before required and kept in cold, moist sand. The scion wood should be firm and have, a very small pith cavity. Both seedling and graft- ed trees usually bear at eight years. Best Varieties for Ontario. N The' Japanese Walnut or Heart Nut will stand lower temperature than the Solt Shell .English Walnut. • It, too, is of good quality and easy to crack, A tree planted twelve years ago at Scotland, Ontario, gave two bushels of free from the husk nuts last year. Some of the older Eng- lish soft shells in the Niagara Penin- sula have yielded as high as twelve bushels of nuts in a single season. A few soft shell walnut trees will add value, beauty and usefulness to any farmstead.—L. Stevenson, Depart- ment of Extension, O. A, C., Guelph. If a little flour paste, say a pint to teeth ., i s iia , ti y i added to t re; W ., aae11 used on the inside of the poul- try house it will Stick better and look s ll lar •L r -i d r 1 l .r x a dir to f arr unr,r . of. kb Sill' i1r •i, • l e ranee w:11 :fee 1t01tr'i1x :;uW•vnm,u„�baxrx ... ,.,-.. Page PAYS, iOOI -” _ VE4 1T..: P !'HAT CIUSSING ABQ'll'1 THOSE. FOR D-SI1)l: CURTAINS HJISS WILL FIX THEM' SO THE Oielt .N Wi1'i 1'1U DOOR A, REPAIRING Painting Ford: Car, One ^oat, $15.00, - Two • Coats .- .. .$20.00 ii.:overing Ford. Top Good Material, less curtains ,...., $12.00 hanging Ford Curtains to open with Dooai's „+ --- ,-- $6,00 Painting Buggy .• 88.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE,. W.E HA VE 'IT WE RERUBi3ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS, HESS - ZURICi ,1,4„x. • e+4.4+4+3+4+4++4.+4+3++1F4+4++++++++1+4++'1'4+'1+'i'd++il'4+4++1+4.4eiee i4.44+P+3 3++g ird's Neponset Roofs "'GOOD OLD PAROID" WE HAVE-RECEIV-E- A LARGE SHIPMENT OF THE ABOVE PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER WALLBOAR:DS ROOFS INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND. CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC- IALTY. C. XALBPJLEISQPHONE ,.®, _- 91=1 ZURICH S r�r� .+-►,a a �rr���t ,�,. .. r'�Kr rr�ra x a r Ha r•��^k��r�43t *4•- g h—+ — —+—+—'r -4•--4•— —4+—+—+—+—+-4•—+-4•-'o* Stone Bt.it Cflot 1 , FROM NOW ON + All Woollens Used in the manufactut'e of STONE 'BUILT CLO- T -HES are .treated with the famous. LARVEX MOTH -PROOF PRO -4. CESS, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under 4.1 • • a 8250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond • WHY DO WE GO TO THIS EXPENSE?' +¢ BECAUSE Moth are the$ reateat .factor `• in the' destruction of 01 I ,olhing that:ar`e laid` att:aeafor even a short Period. +F• ' BECAUSE This new scientific disccryery-The Larvex Process—.g entirely, eliminates any dans•» to -your clothes from the rav-+ ages of Moth .a nri their Larvae. r 4• .l. BCAUSE Stone -Built Clothes with. the added attraction of the ,$ +LP I.ARVE3 MOTH PROOFING PROCESS, is a ,combination that 4+ III+ defies all competition -that cannot be beaten. There is no• extra 4" eharge to you. .' WE SELL STONNE-BUILT CLOTHES New Spring Suitings Arriving Daily W. H. HOFFM +i+ I.TAILOR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR* t • - DAY AND NI(.4I-i •1' PHO .NE No. 86 +� * +i+ 4• 3+ 4• 4+ 4—+ + + .l 4--+k 4+ + + + + 0 WI arg ' 0111111111111111N111111111111111111111111110i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i, 011IIIII1111111M11N111111IIIIIIIIIIII1111N111111UIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIII1111IIUIIIIIIIII11111111111111111I1111f 1.1 ZURJCH HFIBALffS 1925 Clubbing List HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HER A LD .HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD 'HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD •'JERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe and Kitchener Daily Telegraph _-_ ,., and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire .. and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire and Toronto Daily Star and Toronto Weekly Star and Toronto Daily News and London and London and London and London and London and Farm andDairy and Farmers Sun $6,00 $5,10 $6.00 $3.25 $6.00 $3.25 .....$6.00 Free Prose Morning edition _,. ,;,a. ^-0 Free Press, evening edition $6.00 Advertiser, Morning Edition $6.00 Advertiser, Evening edition .,. $6.00 Partners' Advocate ... __, $2,25 ,.,$2.75 $2.65 $2.75 ..".$2.25 $3.15 $2.50 ......$3.75 $3.25 .$2,75 ..,$3.15 and Family H'raid and Weekly Star and Canadian Countryman .. and Weeki3r W'iritness and Farmars Magazine and Youth's Companion and Seaforth Haran Expositor and Ontario Journal and Rod and Gun in Canada si Fr Save Money and Trouble by renewing Yoiir Papers with us. See us for papers not listed above -7'1 HERALD OFFICE Zurich I t r rIG'w!�d%�I!!1!1lr6i"Glli�i(QlhJigV!(iill�lll!IlfiliN(iNli!<illflllllluUl;!hIi!' !l''l!!!!I!;;1llrilii{h►il!IiuIIII,,1!i,l!16ii1alllllllll;i!la�lllllpClJllli9p)1V➢IfiiQC .. 4'