HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-03-05, Page 80.re 'Eight '. Env' AdRIVALS IN U�O�S Spring : is d i°a w i ng near and you will be anxious to k.)cgin.your Spring Sewing. OUR STOCK OF Sl'APLES IS .NOW COMPLETE AND WE 'INVITE YOU TO LOOK OVER OUR NEW LINES, SOME OF THE DESIGNS ARE GOING OUT FAST, AND I1' IS HARD :TO REPLACE SAME. SO COME ,NOW AND HAVE FIRST CHOICE.' is NEW PRINTS Our ,prints are No. 1 quality, In•- dego Dye, guaranteed to give sat- isfaction+. G ROCERT ES Gran. Sugar, Redp ith cwt. 7.55 Brooms, e.' ch 43e Pink Salmon. Ki tie B: and ___ 19c Prunes, 1b. _ 9c ':White cups & saucers. doz. 1.35 AMANA PRINTS This is the old reliable German. print, •extra - ,heavy weight, fast colors, 1 yd. wide at 40c. yd: - We have only 5 pieces on hand and will not be able to procure any more this season. -Come 'Early. GINGHAMS. In New and pleasing designs, al- ways sercicable, can be used for so many !purposes. 32 -in. Ginghams 30c yd. CRETONS, CHINTZES For quilts, comforters or drap Bary purposes; entirely new patt- erns, Come and see -them. We have also new Chambrays;. .teas, Nurses Cloth, 'Denims, Cot- tonades, Rock Fast and Standard Shirting, Grey and Beach .Cotton, Nainsook, Lawns, Longcloth, Cern- bries, at reason•able prices. J.(:.SCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND OEENUINE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS U. S. L. BATTERY IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING, I: i ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H, M�usseau Zurich *1104100 06000000®6/f0cl00001110000 111009000sr1111.0 111011i/Mf00 oG w Seasonable Arrivais • We wish to inform the public that the following Seasonable Goods are arriving: Carload of FROST FENCE. Farmers tell • • . US it excells all others o • • Large Supply of SHERWI - WILLIAMS• Ready Mixed Paints and Varnishes have arrived. r o a SEEDS! SEEDS • • • WE ARE IN 113E MARKET TO BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GRASS SEEDS, ANY' QUANTITY, WE HAVE111 JUST FEC- • LIVED A LARGE QUANTITY FOR : SPRING USE. - ORDER . • NOW so I StADE & WEIDO I ZURICH ONT.' +M01•1600010111t 4111),0600.0.110111011101100001001•00,000•14001••• ,060 Aa Ito IM«0Al1001•00 000•140 rr ITEMS ( ,Mr, Ynh i to hie house 111'r. Goaa ands in Hens. e, Jr., is cone aaasti,3 a sore throat. Valper evistited frier on Sunda'. Mr. Gordo a ',Valper was on the sick list on_YI )nday, M'. Milfer.z 3ehilbe of the.1,4th con,, was a S,i,iday .visitor at the home of Mr. aid Mrs. J.. Albrecht. Mr. T. L. Worm. lie 4ponfined,to .hie? .bed with a severe cold. (Mrs;. E. E. .3teiele, has Teturnecl alter stpendi.i4 a few ,weeks in St. Thomas. A bad ,epeuem'i.e of cold is go- ing the rounds and many people are laid up with its. Mit. John Woodss 'o'f Bd fi,.eld'ity impending a fe,v ,weeks' ,with her daughter, Mrsi. 2. L. W'urnu 1MIrs. WE L. Siebert is spenicing the week with friends at Niagara Falls, Merriton and St. Catharines Mr. and ,Mr+si. John Walper ,...,of Harrow have arrived in :town. They are moving td Exeter where Mr. Walper ''is op;en;ing• a :pool room. The 'cash sale contest at Wurm's store during the .month of January and February, closet on Saturday .night. The winners, of the contest a.a+'eas follows; Mrs. Ezra Koehler, arstl prize, la tea, set of fine ,china. Mrsi. 5V1. C. • Callfas second prize, an Axminister earth Rug. . A peculiar accident happened to Darius Windsor, fa farmer near' Clandeboye, while he was carry- ing a barrel through 'the =horse stable one of the horses kicked and Smashed the barrel up' against i the stone wall and completely rev-. ered one finger. TO LICENSE APIARIES' ' One of the bills introduced • by Hon. Mr. Martin provides that' no person will be permitted to -keep bees hereafter without first secur- ing from. the Minister of Agricult- ure griculture a .seertificate of registrb:tionL Such eertifae is to be obtained an or before April 30 in each year, and in case of ,an apiary being, es- tablished. ?after April 30, a certif- icate •of registration) is to be ob- tained within ten days of sueh eat- ablishment The bill further pro•= hibits is bee -keeper • in ,whose ap- iary y infectious. disease has ;appear- ed, from selling or giving away any of his, plant or apparatus until 'h has secured a •.certificate from the Provinclsii Apiarist , showing that stick plant is' free of infection. Canada with its immense ac- reage, fertile Soil, id a country especially designed.byu.nature ,,, or the prdduction of foods of super- ior 'quality and in . uantities that could supply the needs\ of a large Oroportion "of the population of the earth. Of our peoplle, atthe present time 50 per cent. are dir- ectly engaged in practical food ?production, with additienial 'great mongers rwhos}e occupations have to do with the various industries arising therefrom. Agricultural implements makers, millets, curers and packers of meatsr, ,wakens of cheese and butter, shippers and those engaged in the transport Of and the commerce in sgrain, hay; live stock, meats, butter, cheese, milk, ,eggs, fruits and 'other prod - nets, , Canada also makes twine in considerable quantities, and could were wine -making encouraged in this country, compete with the world. Further, Canadian honey for color, flavor and ;substance is unsurpassed. In a word, this" land, to use the .Scriptural phrase, is "a good land and a large, a land flawing with milk ,and honey" wholse people- may eatttheir fall• and delight themselves' in \the fru-, itfi 1ness of nature. That the peo- ple whlo have possessed themnsel- ves of Canada are largely a people suited to the •country de, proved not only by that 450 per cent aiz. ready engaged in agricultaire ;and the large additional numbers ,ivhoser occupations ,have to do(with in- dustries arising out 'of j agriculture. • HAY COUNCIL. The regular meeting of the Co- uncil of the Township of Hay was held in the 'Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, March 2nd, Owing to illness Messrs L.HHi1, Rader and ,J P. Rain were unable to , be present, The m.inut:ess of, the previous meet- ' were rv..i.e a,doptecl as red. 13y -law No. 5-1025, tauthorizing the reduction of the .annual teleph- =.1n:e rate to $10.00 of all subscribers who signed the petition ,under+the. first by-law, viz; By-law No, 8-19.12. was read three times and finally passied. The following accounts were pas sed ;.-- Tp, Clerk, registering B,. M. R D., 25.50; Northern Electric co. supe plies 117,41. The Commit adjourned ,to:'meet again on Monday, April 6th, sat 1.30 o'eloek, . p i, A'. r Hese] Clerk, -r Lfjk; AJ(. IVIA,�i•G ,ETS tCorrei.it. d every "deduw day) Nutter per 11. 35 Rigs 30-38-10 iu aloes per hag `, ,.- Dried apples lb. Sc Oats 58 Harley - ,,. 90 i3 reek wheat 90 Flour cwt..._ 4.50 to 6.09 Wheat ,..... 1.70 Shorts per ton .... 36.00 Bran per ton ,.. ......,..34.00 Hogs ... 11.50 0. Western Farriers' Mutual 'Weather' Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK. Carry an In ;urance of over $27,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losses in 1923 to amount, of $56,143.20. No ass- essment -during the year and have a balance on hand of $31,700. .G. Holtzman -Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF .FIRE INSURANCE. V-34 B1esss thio Lor'. , 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits; who for giveth all thine a, ic,luities; who h '.; ealeth all thy do ,ses; who rede- etueth thy life f r',nr destruction - Ps. 103;2-4. When thotw pas: -est ,through the waters; I will be with thee; and through the ricer=,( they ,shall not overflow thee; wl:en thou ;walkest through ,the .Eire: thou shalt not he burned., neither shall the ;flame kindle upon thec.Is, 43;2. Thou art a God ready to par- don, ';gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness Nan. 9,•'17. e; ii Labor .not to be rich, cease from thine own wisdom; For riches cer tainly make themselves wings; they fly away. --Prov. 23;4,5. The grass( withereth, the flower fadeth; but the word of our God shall stand for ever. -Is. 40;8. • ere. Tri re ] In response to the appeal of the University of Bishop's College, Len- ;noxville, Que., for $500,000, to meet present needs, the Canadian Pacific Railway has supported the plea by subscribing $15,000 to the fund. Canada will soon be the mecca of many moving picture directors, ac- cording to Herbert Brenon, producer for Thomas Meighan, who recently arrived at Banff to Min the big out- door scenes for James Oliver Cur - wood's "The Alaskan," nmuoveritare The fish catch of the world ap- proximatess; $1,000,000,000 a year in its Cost to the consumer, of which $780,000,000, goes to those who har- vest it, statistics furnished by the United States Fish Commission de- clare. e-clare The value of the tourist traffic to' Canada is proved by figures sup- plied by the Parks Department of the Dominion Government, which show • that the enormous sum of $136,000,000 was spent by tourists in this country in 1923. This rep- resents the Dominion's fourth larg- est source of foreign cash income. On her arrival at Quebec, June 14, the Canadian Pacific steamship "Empress of France" broke the rec- ord for. the fastest time made' be- tween that pert and Southampton, England, from which she sailed, +having maintained an average speed of over 10 knots. This vessel also 'holds the record for the run between Quebec and Liverpool. Arrangements for the Pageant of Empire, to be 'held at /the British Empire Exhibition July 21 -August 30, are now rapidly completing. Episodes showing sowi lag the history of Canada and the other Dominions as 'well as. of the Mother Country from the earliest times' to the present day are being organized with the assist- ance of prominent residents of the Dominion now in London. Hon. J. E. Perrault, Minister of Colonization,. Mines and-Fisheriesfor the Province of Quebec,., on his s return from a recent extensive trip to the Temiscaming district of that province, stated that there were over 2,000 prospectors exploring the gold -fields of Quebec and at least a million dollars would be expended in development work in the region during the courae of the MIA 02. '.i $u,'s1 y tlrreh ; 5th, 1325 0111111,11111.1111111.111161.1116•11111011111MMY.M.1110014..' *1.44941.40... The store with the Liberal Cas) disgolit Incubators and Bro A:merica's Leading Incubators and Brooders are now sold in your own town. THE IDEAL INCUBATORS & 15.ROO.DERS Have been the leading ntabhin- es in the United States for 38 years. This year they are be- ing sold in Canada at ,a price much below other makes of similar quality and those mach- ines are built to last a lifetime. There; is :only one way to maker `money out of poultry today„ and that its by artificial incu- bation and .brooding. Get your cockerels on the market when they are (worth the highest pr- ice and 'your pullets laying in the fall when eggs are the$ highest prices. Call and see these machines land be conviu-. ced. The prices are right. COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWAREq, FENCING, AUTO ACCESSORIES, CUTTLERY, ETC., ON HAND. TRY US FOR '(''INS MITRING AND PLUMBING r COME TO THIS STORE WITH • ,OUR NEEDS SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. MELIOK I Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 t f .1 a 1 SURANCE Agency for followin'ag lines of Insurance: FIRE AU 1.0111013ILE ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS' PLATE GLASS SHOW CASES, MIRRORS, ETC, LIVE STOCK. INQUIRES ON ANY OF ABOVE LINES WILL BB GLADLY APTEN DED TO Andrew F. _Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO;-.-sEEVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper flangiag See Our New SAMPLE BOOK of Wall Papers H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH -- ONT, DB. Jots r WA C$IROPItAC7`OR & OPT/CI Heavy Shell Frames to Your ow. Lenses at x;4.00. Broken BMW Rims Replaced while you Spectacles Complete large ) $2.00 upt; Main St,, EXETER, Phone tN ;. AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURzO�` Every Wednesday, 10 cm. to ++++++++++++++++++++++++4+11+++++++++++++44++++.114** • HERALD OFFICEI Do You Know? THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR' SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND A'NN O THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCR AS LETTERHEAD'S, 13ILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO .LEADING MANE ACP URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS 'AND CAN,.SITP-. PLY ANY QUANT' ' ITAND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEI.- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER. sarppING TAGS MEMORIAM BT' ATIONERY, wart :BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO F' D 11 C EC„ , THAT WESIZrS FILLOLS YOURP, ORDIETNARYDTCSIZE INK BO'.k'TLR WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c. LARCH GER UAN Q TIXILS AT IUG•GEE REDUCTIONS TH'A,T WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS* ;TE:RI'S,3f l RCANI ILj; POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY +++++ff+++ ++fi*f+++++++ f++fir + §M+4*+