HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-02-19, Page 8e :greatly wish to Thank our Manyustomers for :..tiie � very liberal. patronage awarded us... durthg our Two Weeks Sale And ,we assure You of a fair and, square deal at all times x.� • • ITEMS Olt OCAL t 'l } , 0,4'; 1VIr. Fred Kerr of. Crediton. ca1- . 1 d on Mr. 0, Fritz on Monday. Mr. M. IC. Milliken, ,was at' his home at Parkhill on•,Sunday. ". WE ARE NOW TAKING STOCK AND WILL CONTINUE BARe.. • 41110. GAIN PRICES IN ALL ODDS AND ENDS WHICH MAY TURN Up REDUCED PRICES ALSO IN MANY LINES OF WINTER GOODS FOLLOWING 'ARE PRIZE WINNERS OF OUR GUESSING CON- TEST DURING THe SALE The amount of money in Jar was • $22.96 THE FOLOLWING ARE :TIE FOR FIRST PRIZE All Guesses were the 'same amount namely $23.00 Mrs. Pearce Farwell, Zurich. Mrs. Edmund, Walper ,Diesbevood. Mrs. J. Gellman., jr., Zurich:. • Mrs. Milton Jacobs', Hensall. Mr. Aaron Gingerich, Zurich Mrs. Jose Wilds, Dashwood 2nd. Prize - Mrs. John Decher, sr., Zurich, Guess $23.04 3rd Prize - Mrs, Con;. Siemon, Hensall, guess $23.05 J. GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 --- Zurich's Garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND :GENUINE FORD PARTS OUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS V. S. L. BTTER7 IF IN NEED OF ,BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 'WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON (CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- . ERY. ATT - ERY. ATTERY REPAIRING AND 1.3ATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- rr;. TYLENE WELDING, , , 1,,,t_ ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE II. Mousseau : Zurich ,....______ .34eseeesesseeeseseemessimmetoseeemiemeemem* 1 • Seasonable Arrivais .1 . • We • wish- to inform the public that I: the following Seasonable Goods -.'. are arriving: I Carload of FROST FENCE. Farmers tell I us it excells all others �age SuPalY of SHERWI - WILLIAMS Ready Mixed Paints and Varnishes • have arrived. SEEDS! SEEDS WE ARE IN 1111E MARKET TO BUY AND SELL ALL ,KINDS OF GRASS SEEDS, ANY QUANTITY. W.S EtAVE J't7ST REC- EIVEDA LAiGE QUAI III� FOR S PRING USE, »-+ ORDER NOW/ ZURICH-- t ►i1 'T. rl Si Miss Elda G';zlifag, whia has been, at London for some time, has re- turned hoixue, Sprii 'Suits: are advertised, but the only one we're likely to get ' l through division! court. A !skirt is a :garment t which di - Ways seems to be too• long, toff short, too tight, or too •something.' Skirts will have 'Ca ;be. shorter, They couldn't .be tighter, net un less the .girls' use crutches. A large number of young gio-e ple of the village pent - Sunday aftea:nooiiat the lake sightseeing Messrs, Ward Fritz; Lorne Me - Bride and Chas. •Davids'bn left on Tuesday. for '•Win.d's'or and De-; troit. ^ Mr. Louie Prang and son Leon.e and and Mr. Herb Warm were on a 'inorot trip to Detroit, over the week -end . - Miss Foist of 'Crediton and Miss Turnbull` of Grand Bend were we-.' ek.` end guests with Miss Dorothy Fritz. • Miss Dorothy, Fritz is leaving on Friday of this week for Victoria Hospital, London, where she in-, tends to take a three -year's co-. :uses in nursing 'work. Real nice seasonable.winter we- ather is greeting us these, days,the nice clear sun brightens` up ''one's :spirit, and the. cold,, .snappy ni- ghts makes the home fires 'a.1I. the more appreciative. With the re-: cent, falls 'of -snow, the .sleigh runs tine, while the auto is also used. to good advantage. On, Tuesday 'afternoon a good number of the local Sportsmen of they village armed themselves with •shotguns and dogs and journeyed to the big marsh on a Jack Rab- bit•hunte however they were un- able to• • land the 'bacon, but they say, the story :goes; thay they ih- agin:sd they .sial some Jacks• a long distance away. The auction, sale of merchand- ise in; Albright's :store' and the'sale of homemade baking at the Wale per •Hoii;se,created a large amount of stir in; the village.. on ,Saturday afternoon, and both were very euc cessfu), in their undertaking. Mr Albright will :continue'.. his auction sale ; of merchandise on Saturda- of this: week.. Britain. has' announced her ' in- tention of returning to a' gold at-: andard. That indeed; is .golen news. The raising of standards the world over. -where they. have declinedW-will follow upon this move, for it is admitted by all and: sundry that' l-reat Britain has done the lion's share since the war in restoring economic harmony and stability. NOTE -I am 'salesman for the Herbageum Stock Food and the various kinds of Chemicals for al) kinds of stock and poultry. Also sell Fertilizer for the American Ag- ricultural Chemical Co., A. A. quality, Fertilizer means Fertilizer that have the highest • quality rat' ing, And I sell Agricultural Lime for Niagara Limestone Co. Nia- gaga pulverised limestone is 99/4 pure carbonate of lime and is al- most as fine as flour, this lime has given • wonderful results for all kinds of crops. -J. Hey, Jr. One day, not long 'since, a Bap-' tilt preacher of the disitrict was out hunting. During the, day a rainstorm carne on. In order to keep dry. 'he crawled int& alibl-: low log. j When the rain began to fall the ;1'o, began to swell, until' he could get neither ways He thought his end had come.. He thought of (alI the wronge he had done, and .,wbien he .recalled that he had not sent his :subscription to this paper, this`` year he felt ep small that he crawled right 'otut of the leg .,i,yithout difficulty. apes, this story fit; you? -Tho Western Baptist, Winnipeg, Mark. t BA 'FIELD TO REMAIN INCO;ztw r PORA rED VILLAGE Bayfield, b{y`'a vote of 100' to 64, decided op. Tuesday That to remain an: independent corporation, rather, than to merge itself into the town.=', ships of Stanley and Crodorich. Bay field has been meorprrated for 50, years and is rather proud of its independent cafeer xra a municip ale ity. Last year its reeve was :ware den of the- county, .eo it has some reason, forpride, but there is a, movement to get hydro for the village and at present it zppeera almost out of the: questio`it' to ob- tain 'sell rice from the System ave a. separate municipality, 'and it, was thought it might become pas-. sihle aa part of 'suriotrnding mtrnie,. ipalitios. ..7t isl ,hoped,,: howaVet<, that some way w►li be found to l Thl rtp Eayfield,with the hydro system without its ,losing its iile1 titg. or,.. ,...MARKETS very Wednesday) 35 '30-38-40 .. ‘...... 75c ... ec (Corrected e Butter per Eggs Potatoes per ba Dried apples lb Oats' 3arley •Ruckwhea;t Flour:cwt.... ... Wheat, ` 'Shorts per ton Bran par ton 58 90 90 ., .. ...... 4.50 to 6.00 .... 1.70 36.00 34.00 ...... 10.75 Nestem Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carly. an • Insurance of . over ,$27,000;000. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losses in 1923 to amount of $56,143.20. No •ass- .eesteent during the year and have a laalahee' on hand of $31,700. '."G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS 6P FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 STANLEY TOWNSHIP.. Mr.. Milton ;Pollock', who has been taking a course at the Gu- elph Agricultural College the past two years has returned home. A meeting will be held in the Goshen school house on Monday evening ,March 2nd, when taddres 'ses will be given by Robt. McMil- lian of Seaforth and Mr. W. D. Sanders of Exeter. Other enter- tainment will also be provided in Music, etc., to vary the „program. Full announcement Fater. The :services of Rev. J. Durant are very helpful and instructive,and are much :appreciated as is evid- enced by the good congregations 'which .gather. each Sunday morn- ing to hear him. Last Sunday his siibjeet was "The second coming of Christ". This is a much discus- sed subject and poeple have wid- .ely different view's on, it', but Mr. 'Durrant has clear views' on it and backs up his reasoning by Script- ere. x1 A S'RWOOA Mr. and Mrs( L. TG Rutheaford and 1iss B 'gad$pot, o(f Exetefr, ep- �ent Sunday • !At ith Home° o,Mr;,. ,,,!bre:. J. C. Reim • Mr. and Mrs!. R.' ,Stade of Zurich: asited in town on Sun'iay. Mrs. F. Wil_ ds;, who has been; on the sick list is improving. Rev. E. Bruer .hs :speeding a few days in Stratford. Inspector Tom of Goderich vis- ited the 'school on Thursday. Miss Alice Hoffman !spent the week -end in• Exeter, D. H. Cowen. visited in Zurich on Sunday. Mrs. C. Finkbeiner and Cathern have returned after :spending the -past few weeks' in Sarnia. • Mr. and Mrs,. T. Isaac of Green- way Visited in town on Monday. A very thrilling game of hog- key.'was played here on the local rink on Tuesday lave., when the •Exeter team was ;up, and while'. our boyls were n;o't in the beat of playing mood, the visitors tucked M away the :vine by, the score of 5 to 2. Thursday, iFebr.uary '19, 19211 <. • At The store with the. Liberal Cash Discount :. NEEDS Will be cheerfully attended to' in Our large Furniture and Hardwar Eporium.. We cavi supply' 'Yo't wit! almost aniythingyou• require aloin these lines; and.- ourr prices are sue that they will stir your means WITH WINTER RAPIDLY utII G AROUND, NEW THOUGHTS OF SI?,12ING NECESSITIES ,ARE ONLY IN PLACE. VATU OUT 'YOUR LIST OF SPRIN.G'''REQUIREMENTS AND ;TTEENI COME TO OUR STORE ARID WE CAN ASSURE YOUOIC SATISFACTORY RESULTS. -•• A FINE LINE AND DISPLAY OF FURNITURE ALWAYS ON HAND. • COME IN AND TRY OUR MASON & RISG.I PIANO „ . WE ALSO SELL PHONOGRAPHS COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWAR1 , FENCING, AUTO ACCESSORIES, . UTTLERY, ETC., ON HAND. 'TRY US FOR !TINSMITHING AND PLUMBING. COME TO ,ITHIS STORE WITH YOUR NEEDS • SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. MELICK Hardware 8c Furniture. Phone 63 noir- g Oh that emu would praise the Lord for hes goodness, and for hie 'Wonderful works to the children of .men. -Ps. 107;21 For God so' loved the world,that he gave his only begotten Son,that whosoever believeth `kin hien shoe ti)d not perish,, but have everlast- ing lifeeeJn. 3;16 • • Thou shalt: love'the Lord thy Gnd .rt'ith ell: thy heart, and with all t1ty soup and with all thy sitz- ength,`"and.,}with all thy inland; and thy neighbor thyself.-iLke' 10;`1; • • 4-I4 Love, Joy, •Peace, longauffering geiltlenes0i• goodness, .faith, meek- testa"- Temerpance, • • 4.-i .. Ageinst's ieh there Is no Gal5;22;23: • Seek ;ye the. Lord while he may be found, 'e.11 ye upon Him while. He is, near. -IS, 55;6 44--4 Lettthie mind be in you which v;as ao() 11n',.0lirist Se/EMS. ) Let• i- oth.ing be • don, ,t hroitgh strife or vainglory; "but• in lowliness, of mind let each) esteem-' other better •#zh ithemselVez -Phil. 2;5,3 1NSIJ ANCE Agency for following lines of Insurance: FIRE AU11OMO BILE ACCI DEN 1' AND SICKNESS PLATE GLASS SHOW CASES, MIRRORS, ETC. LIVE STOCK. INQUIRES ON ANY OF ABOVE LINES WILL BE GLADLY ATTEN DED TO Andrew F. ' Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO; --SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ': Painting and Paper Hanging See Our New SAMPLE BOOK of Wall Papers H. RICKMEIER, ZURICH -- ONT. 4. c DR. JOHN WARD. CHIROPRACTOR & OPTIMA* Heavy Shell Frames to Your mint Lenses at $4,00. Broken Inuit Rims Replaced while you m016 Spectacles Complete Largo h7i. $2.00 we. Main St., EXETER, Phoma Ot . AT WALPER HOUSE, matte* Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. 40 lel& ITERALI) OFFICE . Do You Know•' THAT E ARE ALWAYS AT,IOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND, ANNOTtNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCt 19 S LETTERItEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND ST.ATEMENTT THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANDPAt EJRERS OF COIYNTER CHECK BOOKS,- AND CAN .S . PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOQ$BI t' T AT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVIi OPES IN ALL SIZES, CATER .PAPERS, CARBON oa .TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIA1 of - ATIO1'ERi(', NOTE ROOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP' THAT WE PILL YOUR �ORDINARYETC., ETC. SIZE INK BOTTLE) ' s, WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN IAIN PEN INK FOR 5e. LADS GEIt, Qt7ANTvrnES AT magi 1;t ItOutpc i'IOI+ it TI EAT 'WE- PRIN1T, POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SAIC . ;I EAS, '4 EI3.CA rtt POSTEES AND ALL, 'GE'N A + •.°PEINTINGI O1Jtt SPECIALTY 44+++++4,4444++++++++444+++4441444,444.44s1444ds