HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-02-19, Page 5Toho eddy, Febeesser 19, 192 thJS NESSCARDS' .. DUET ,Ealeativills elarrlatier, Solicitor, Notary Public Wee Office on.„Hamilton Street, OA Off the square, Goderich. Priv- tato /lands to loan at lowest rates. like Holmes will be in Bentsen an Fridley of each week. Liabrew F. Heap, TownahmD Clerk Omer et marriage licenses, Notary ab11a.; Commissioner. Fire and Ant - Insurance, Representing.. allaireta and' Eine Mortgage Corpora`. loarke "fle$'Cauvda Trutt Co. Zurich; 41101314a. ' C. Knapp, D. D. S., L. D. S. 1.,, DENTAL. SUitGEON°I OWN OFFICE -- . HENSALL OSCAR KLOPP 4raduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ;trlsal Schooof A c io a ering.Stock 1o7 g g' itell Breeds). ,Terms in keeping.. *its prevailing Prices. . Choice elletteni for sale. Will sell anything; err. write, Zurich. 'Places 18-93 or Licensed Auctioneer ;hlcsiueed Auctioneer n toount ail ninon. In a , position Suet ,ny auction Hale, 'iii to size or articles to sell. I ,aulilcit your business; and if not for satisfied will make' no charges -services. ,Dashwood. Arthur Weber, *BMW 13'-57 Zurich ARKET .. Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for °Wool GASH -FOR SKIN$ g. RIDES. ' atts16131 et rt ZURICH LIVERY I am in a position to accomo Nate all requirements in the Livery lase, have Auto for hire. Any- Ibieg done in the teaming line. GEORGE J: THIEL, - '1 1 ae 53 Zurich W 8. A.TEINSON, L.D.B., D.D,S, ,DENTIST *laduate of the Royal College Id Dental Surgeons of Ontario and •t Abe Univ. -inlay of Toronto. sate District Dental Officer, Mil- itary- il-i art► District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every alsin' Office, Exeter. Phone 34. Tat Zurich every TUESDAY -19 Phone 79 LIVE IIP O•U ,L T R V. WANTED Aiken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. +Do nbt feed fo;wl'.,:aame ,Horning; elation ;brought in, •. ,.; ..; I hest lash Prices: --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W O'Brien aRBf►laa (t!. Zurich • CO"A-L SEASON 1924 `SPRING AND SUMMER ,DELIVER- IES -ANTHRACLIE-We are now` re - 'raving our genuine Delaware & tiadeon di, ect from the mined, Nut *teve and- Egg Si.!zed SOFT COAL --Just arrived, an- ather car of our high grade soft. Mitt c'tiaxk has made a great hit for Ato bold me and our sales df the leave over doubled in the last 'sea.- ' BOVI,ETS••--Olin 13oulet .'Coal is noir in. a class by itself and is gr- t,eng iii favor rapidly.• ' ODA Telephones are ate your ..eiervlcei 'Use them freely or in - `!lame; !'time ;Alii & PRODUCE MERCHANT Vikiaw Office low. House 14 ''` SA :.. ,. N Ta P'Yr .'YQUR,.. • wants, For Sale, List, IN THIS( COL IMitl FOR.' Or rent, s suitable frame dwel- ling .property, with good stable, fruit trees, est„ apply to Chas. Weber, Zurich,': ...... =:M ,c FOR SALE p gas' .engine, with clutch, 1 10 -ins. feed grinder eboth in good .working order: -L Ae,,,Prang. FARM FOR SALE Choice 100 acres farm, well sit- uated,. Lot ',24, .:Con. 2, .Iiay, School half mile, Town 2 miles, Red brick h nikse with cellar, good bank barn and.shed, silo, windmill, . . garage, gopd clay -loam soil, all level, no ,waste, 5 !acres bush, Also 75 acres pasture farm, well fenced, never failing spring, Lot 10, Coir. 7, Hay .Township. For . further particu tars apply to Wm. Pearce, Hen- sel', ensalt, Ont. NOTICE. We are in 'a' position to store and keep your auto ;battery char- ged, for the winter. Also charg- ing done at any time. -L. A. Prang, Zurich. P. J. O'Dwyer, M. D. • ZURICH - ONT. OFFICE REMOVED TO HOUSE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY -1 Jno. Preeter-Main ,Street Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR .FORD CARS. GU ARAN'TEED TO STOP 'THE CHAT TERING =BF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tf18 Dr. Ft. H. COWEN L. D. S., -D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick Block, Zuriclirrev- ery,Thursday and Saturday. Main Office HAR gLEI B'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD COAL Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highestquality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case & Son PHONE 33 HENSALL.-17. A 'r 1\11.-0.'." S SAGE To FO DD OWNERS ITS A FACT THAT ., FORD MA.G- NETOIDgES GET WEAK LET US TEST YOURS FREE WE HAVE INSTALLED THE WON DER RE -CHARGER, APPROVED BY FOXE) MOTOR COMPANY THE RESULTS OF A RE -CHARGE ARE WEIIL KNOWN. PRICE $1.00 H. S. WEIN, Prop DAS I•. Vir'DOD MOTOR SERVICE Dvxriver the haat four years the Canadia:a Pacific REailwayhas handles! some 85,000 west -bound harvesters. Last year this company inaugurated the lunch -counter ' car, . which afforded facilities hitherto unknoa'a, and, although perhaps not as direet result of ithia inno- vation, direr 26,000 aewan travelled in - 'special qtr^iia omr Canadian Pacific lines. The setae: ler of a movement to Toros Wilson, eerliesit guide in the Ca*.ditio :Itoekies faetnree the ^first dey's• meeting of the two kundred and aid s embers of the ]frail Riders of the tlanadlana Rockies at Yoho il Cam Mr. Wilson, who was press t► ent et the eeretemony stud, now sixty- five (tears of ager, resides at Ender- by; B.C.. discovered Lake ',ouise and the Yoho iia 11382. • elle C. Fritz ,.has, .isiirreh new' Ford (Sedan. Mr. H. L. Albright gals'on, butte in:oas to London on Wednesday, Miss Rose Hess Ispnpt the wO ek-end at I3rinsley. Mr. ande 11,1rs. R. P. Shade vise. itod friends at Dasb.vyood obi Sun-. day. r t InSpectoro!nt of Goderich, led on the 1oeak, wheat here lest week. Mr. and Mire. T. 14. Weems and Mr. Nesbitt. Woods were Sunday visitors at Bayfield. Mr. Chrite. Erb, of the 13i onson Line, has • purchased ,from I0: Frit; & Son, local Ford lagenta, a new touring car. Mr. and Mini. .Denis( Bedard of the village attended ;the Jeffrey - Bedard nuptials at tthe iSauble on Tuesday. , ..r.,.• Mr..'B. F. Stade left Tuesday morning for Toronto to attend the Retail Hardware 'Association,.which is held there this weep , Mr. Robt;. ,Delgaty of Bayfield was in the village on Tuesday, he called at the Herald Office aod'erie gaged in a social - chat whit h was very much enjoyed by the editor, Much !sympathy is extended to Mr. Earnest eeenoany or the .Sa-, uble Line at the loss' of .their in- fent dat g.hter Doreen, on Feb. 17 aged one month and five days. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon has moved h',iS professional office into' his fine new rooms in his creditable .block that he erected! ast 'is'umnier, while it will still be a few weekst•before the drug store part and the resi- sidental part of !flue building will be fitted up to occupy; 'Andel, beloved wife and life eon panion of Mr. ICyiprian Jeffrey, aged 78 years, 3 months, and 4 days. She was a highly and re- spected resident of the Sauble Line, Stanley Tp., and lived there for many years. Beside her bereft husband, she is survived by a large grown up' family: Mr. Newell Geiger, of the ;vil- lage, was: the foi:tunate winner of a fine certificate accoeip Snied ,by a cheek certificate aeeompan:ied'by chock of I$1b.00' for winning the highest marks in the Lowe;•, School Exeter, the Mast year, and we -con- gratulate Newell on his slplendid showing. His isi'st•er Mi's's Eu'loeen has also been, successful in receiv- ing her !High School deploma.' • • A very pretty 'wedding took, ,place'•at St.- I'eert's• R; C: church. Drysdale; of 'Tuesday, df this wee ek when, Fahter Gerard united in marriage Mr. Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lean Jeffrey to 'Miss Beatrice, daughter of M and Mrs Joseph Bedard. ,The l..v•ppy co- uple will reside in. Parkhill where the prominent ,busines , .>.en. DO YOU KNOW THIS? The.'Herald Office Iii as the ag- ency Of practically ialh; the mag- azines published in Canada and the U.S. ;W(e notice tli;e other day a salesman: ;in town from Mclean's ,Magazine selling it at $$3.00. We beg to advise that we are selling this same magazine at $2.50. There are about '20 subscribers in Zurich which if they would have renewed then; with us would have saved $10.00, which .would we think, be a whole lot ,better in the subscriber's gnocket thio, in the pocket of a ;ravelling salesman, who is no ben- efit to the community. And fur- thermore you are dealing with a _elan you do not know, and if he pockets the money and does not sand it in, all you have is' his re- ceipt and the magazine company will not (stand good for it. ;Play safe, renew your papers at the Fferald Office. • NEW BOOKS AT ;THE LIBRARY The following new books were ,placed on the library shelves;. Title Author. Aunt Diana -Rose Carey. The Rosary-Florenee Barclay. The Covered Wagon-Emerson, To the' Last .Mini -Zane?. Grey Helen of The Old House - Harold Bell Wright. 'Cowboy Dave -Frank ,Webster. The Tough of Abner -H. A. Cody.• Fair Harbor-J.osepb. Lincoln, ' Courtney, of The Cenitre Garden - Burt L. Standish Our Mailing List has been corr- ected up to Feb. 17th i,,f you have paid your Sub. previous to this date died have? -not been given cr- edit on: your label, kindly let us know and -we will arrange the anis take. The,figures on (your label indicate the month "end year to whieli you Sub, is paid and not the the date of the neteela as many think. We (thank our many eub-• scribers w.l):o have already paid, and we would ask those in arrears Who have neglected °so for to be so kind and ao,rvis across, and there .show r , by oli tl�crr appreciation of the credit given, Pa,,y up, be in"'good standing, ztswo cannot meet our gsaymen,ta by the, credit„ iven tfr you. "` ZUks ii HERR L%>' LSE WILL ER tk oabl l the P .t >to Gop WCC, ,'�a,tip 2irC 'acid Phosphate' Omer/ t,,.r, Clover and AIfa1fa.---el, Ghent:: f ,t . Fa�'n2er N.itreee of Sodas .f ,'p " in Cold Springs ---Poultry 1.11911;q."- PrS• Won+MDueeq,bY Oittnrlc .gosrtmen I of A.garloultura. '1°a, .. to ) Did. your-. Clover kW out in...tba; e'pring?• If It did, y.,,, had better Ferrite the Departmioel , 1 Chemistry, Oastario, el.gr1eultural Cr.?'r•ge, Guelph, for directions for tatiee a sample; of your .soil to..*'isCore;r es-, reason_ . Pte Ports from sore , llstricts thi'8 Year :show ..a good.,21t.a1, of winter Wheat and clover lollt d out, states. the Departnient.,of Chemistry, O.A.C. This is highly undesira i le,. and can be prevented by the ust of lime and acid' phosphate aWied' w-ith'the crop on whith the eelever is seeded. In some cases, .lime is not •necessary, for- the orthe soil is nbteteid; but. where aeidies oec irs lime is very essential. Phos- phorus ...is a great root farmer, and it is the strong deep-rooted clover and wheat plant that withstands .the al- ternate freezing and thawing of spring weather. Result of Limo Phosphate Expert - :rents. In answer to a circular sent out last spring to the twenty-five co- operative experimenters handling our Lime Phosphate Experiment, the ma- iority report that the clover on the half acre which received crushed limestone and acid phosphate in the fall of 1922:is in perfect shape, 'while in inane• eases the untreated section did net winter nearly as well and in one or two cases will have to be ploughed up. If seeding is- done with spring grain it is good business tot"use aeid phosphate at the rate of at least 300 pounds per acre, and preferably 400. If the soil is acid, lime is also neces- sary to give a strongly -rooted clover and alfalfa which will carry it over the first winter, the most critical per- iod of the life of the plant. Nitrate of Soda Helps In Cold " In sueh aseaasson as the spring of last year, cold and wet, the greatest need of the piafit-is,8or nitrates, says the Department of Chemistry, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. The :ground will be so` cold. and .wet thee it takes a long time to warm up, and as 'a result bacterial activity is at a. low ebb. As a result no nitrates are. formed in the soil, and plants. can- not make vegetative growth To correct this and &table the dant to get away to a jaood stare pply nitrate of soda one hundred pounds to one hundred and fifty pounds per acre at. once. If bought in lots of several hundred pounds' it 'can be obtained -at a reasonable price, and its benefit is almost certain. Do not however, apply if 'heavy raid thr stens, as it is soluble>a,nd will be •: evashing. ,.Another benefit which .will be de- rived is this that the nitrate of soda dissolves In the soil water and soaks down into the soil. The roots go after It, and hence the result is a deeper rooted plant more able tr, withstand the period of drouth whit.!! so often follows a wet aced time. Poultry Pointers. An ointment of lard and kerosen c le a -good one for scaly legs. Nothing will more quickly snake scrubs of your stock than scrub treatment. The best tonics you can give your stock are fresh 'air, exercise and a variety of foods. It is usually the best policy to keep the hens shut up on cold, rainy clays. They are better inside than out during such weather. "Bad luck" is nothing snore than a penalty for Mismanagement. Before you begin .to complain, it would be better to investigate. Fowls are naturally of a hardy nature. They can be kept so by good tare and breeding only from the strongest and most vigorous speci- mens each year. The poultry building should not be so wide that the rays of the sun can not reach the back of the interior of the hottest. Otherwise it will be damp. Fourteen feet is a convenient width. Chicken mites do riot feed to any great extent upon other hosts when chickens, ere. at hand. They are car- ried abbot' chiefly by the interchange of poultry and in crates and boxes in Which :Tenets _megshipped,: Pbtti.iile raising is similar to 'farms ing in that it is not so . Introit the number o! acres owned, but the num- ber properly bandied that gives the 1?eofits. Small, well• eared for flocks elw;.gys bring the best returns. .The lien's giteetesit proat-produc- ;,ii{ig- period esetitat7iftnet and second years, and unless s hen Is an especial- ly good breeder she should be dis- losed of it the end of her second laying Season and before starting to molt. Bogs and girls should be encour- aged to start in the poultry busiaesa. It requires little 'money to ineest..and the current expenditure may be re- duced hi part by utilizing farm and home wastes. If the project begins with a laying Sock the return begins early, e0peeilally by supplementing the food supply of the home, Legg Prodeictioe et 0. A. O. The average- egg production of the one thotasand pullets that were trap- nested for.; the year was 168 eggs each. Vite,sre trying •to improve the st.raial in sit& Of bode, sire of eggs and color, rather th'ah increasing the imbiber of eggs. Five pens of ten pullets each were placed in laying 7 0." ni f tittona. Y birds fifty 1>n p , rata av .er S a •. llgiitly above 190 eggs :atilt, The wee ',irtl nT ;Hose in the ootitests was 263 +, s, and the high bird of those no the plant was 296 eg, s. --Prof, ;''. .:, 0. A, C.,, Baa,' i►it RASO $11f. O L AVE I THAT CT7SSINe AEtOUT THOSE 'ORD SIDE CURTk1INS SSSS• WILL. FILL THEM SO THEY OPEN WITH THE DOOR REPAIRING Paibting; Feed bail; One Post, . $15.00, Two Coats ,.. $20.00 ,iCoverin FOetiI •,Top. Good Material; less cureaiias ... -; $12.00 ' Ckiangin Ford Cuetaalyp ' to open with Detip, `115:00 Paintini; Buggj. L.''` fi'' . ..,.. $i.00 _ ^., TF YOU . WANT)!i81IItVIC E, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBI3ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS," EESS ZIIRICH 4.4-1,44444-1.41n+++++44+++++.1.0 a+++++++ter++++++++++++ 4. Bird'a Neponset R 4.+ "GOOD OLD PAROID" it WB HAVE RECEIVED, A LARGE SHIPMENT OF THE ABOVEhe PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER d�. WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDI1TERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND t+ IA SHINGLES• ALWAYS ON HAND. CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC LTY. + :,7. CO X_ `'LBFLEISC I a'- ' PHONE 69 .p .r.e 4. + H.++++.164-1•44.44•4•44.44+++++++4.4-+++++++++++++++++++++++44 ra is ZURICH -I i 1. - Ji r*•-+ I. + + + +--+ + + + + *4,-+ +F +* tonEBui1t tJlothes + ;NOW ON ' Ali Wooilei>s Used in the manufacture of STONE BUILT CLO THES`are treated:With the famous LARVEX MOTH -PROOF PRO- CESS, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under a •$250,000 Globe, Indemnity Bond • 1. t WHY 'DO WE GO TO irHIS EXPENSE?; '• + ECAUSE Moth; area theg reatest factor.in the destruction off �0l, TB Iothing that !are Haid away for even a short period. rtECAUSE This ,neve scientific discovery -Tine Larvex Process= '4' la entirely eliminates any danger to your clothes ,Froin the rav-. 4. Agee of Moth a nr1 their Larvae. ,t. DECAUSE Stone -Built Clothes with the added attraction of the: + LARVEX MOTH PROOFING PROCESS, is a 'combination that t ,d, defies all competition -that cannot be beaten. There is no extra charge to you. .F +lief . f WE SELL STONNE-:BTTILT croon ES. + 1. New Spring Suitings Arriving Daily fW 4.TAiLORrAND FUNERAL DIRECT -01,4 O +( DAY AND NIGH T PHO -NE No. U + + + + + + +-+ + + + $b-+ + + + + + + '(?'-- z 4IIiI1II 1011111111111111 11111(! 1111111[11111!1111111u11111111111111111111i!i111111IIIIIN111111111R W11111111111lV(1111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111iln111111 1111ESlMUlft IM IIIIIiJNI VNII(UIIITIMIIII lllfE111(N11111111111 11 1 set ZURICH HEItALD'S 1925 Clubbing List HERALD and 'Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 HERALD and Kitchener Deily Telegraph $5.10 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3.25 Toronto Daily Star ::$6.00 Toronto Weekly Star • $3,25 Toronto Daily News ... ......$6,00 London Free Preset Morning edition ....;,8.90 London Free Prt•'sa, evening edition $6.00 London Advertiser, Morning Edition $6.00 London Advertiser, Evening edition ... $6.00 London Farmers' Advocate ... .,. $2.25 Farm andDairy ...... - . ... x..,..$2.75 Farmers Sun ....., .65 and Family Herald and Weekly Star ....., $2,75 and Canadian Countryman ... •..................$2$2,25 and Weekly Witness' $3.15 and Farmers Magazine .. $2,60 and Y'outh's Companion ,,...$3.76 and Seaforth Huron Expositor ...r. ; .. $3.25 and Ontario Journal $2.75 and .., Rod and Gun in Canada .. ...$3,15 HERALD and HERALD and HERALD .and HERALD and HERALD and HERALD and HERALD and HERALD and HERALD and HER ALD and HERALD and HERALD HE12AI.D HERALD 1ER ALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HER ALD HERALD II,1 0 NI Ilk `.es,- o la Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers withus. See us for papers not listed above with p p ers sir HERALD 'OFFICE Zurioh 111111II1111M un11111 0111111111Wllgllq'