HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-02-19, Page 4URI l 1SZ R ► F,elaxM#ttv 1.Am : I''1!" At , r n" E+'k1a",. 1�+R�13�,RIls {` •Aute' 5,., aEt +F flit. lolr.� ,�.' � �� r t 1 , Air, •1a L'uuboard, sinks, couch, VOW �'�0 D8 .,:'i�iS h <.. . nv '" +ate tna �'a .on 1� p i rocking chairs, ,assn chair, kit4la. Thee Hu�ronl �.f�unty Breeders are holding their on 'stove, box Stove, c benches, 7 7�lroublt�lme Pest ` , .: on the +it a ' ' " It airs; ltigii chair, leaf Plough the meld Thoroughl),_X eo! 4� , table, l d 1kog, meat barrel', eider ►,n � erns nznent Sale Qf Pure Brea krarrel churn, !small dryer, lat•ge a! BtxubkXe sarr,rt .4111, Other ,lterntxa�►to . tw'�" p!a dr3<er, 2 tin tttbtk, 2 wood tube R ried�---C,trm Dezrtt Corn In ,A , Cattle P lF •!b. �°' Ura 1.�e guilt frames, 2 flour. can# 1 full of of VIAD,•-- Try a wrap Girl(, dour, bag Isalt, • 2 dozern, grain bags Wantributed by Ontario Depeartmenit ,Y : w salt, 2 ;dozen; ;grain bags; spina-� a 1.g•ricuitixre, Toronto,) . Lo rd's Shed, �1 � h ; ®� Ing wheel, 2 stands sewin mach- , The methods • oto control are F _ ins, sere da ne0e sive and not contrary' Ga1r p1ei n 2 i�ax ors, 3 lanterns, ,st- , "z' ilY�ti 41 farmer t°CCtCth CSD 1 wC $k1 +. erne door, big apple peeler, 5 do- good farm practiceb says ' Prof, zea berrycrates,clocks o2 laomp>s Caajapyar; o the, Department .of Lniona-- i, r. t it Y1:9u� ly ll Sw2i�' eeb LC 9Yla C of th �, 926 birassukettle, 3' g O To, e . tura! C.+?llegvr r , l? , ka e a ra:ui+t ''.kettles, 5 . „�.i< a 41a,•µ.; .idea'_o't this peat le �, money uT hu'rsday, Feb -2' a that faa'm." `Z-he fFatct is th.4 he � gal, crack, \10 dal 1cFrg of vinepafr,, necessary to keep in mind that tlao: sad iroia<si, id pie plates, 2 -gal oilborers winter over and remain utkak no 4n Drb itl.ozicy than itis neighbour, but he At 1 o'clock; p; xn � can, Wash;. A nk, 7 window blinds, the ..end bt May in, guy part of tl4W� . THIS YEAR'S OFFERING IS COMi�OSgj4D' LARGELY OF BULLS, Crukinoi r bo:ard,. ,2 bedsteads, 175 arra plant above ground large euoui ec, #artrrd u great, dial 8x3gt1c. ,. jars Fruit, 24 sealers, some turnilvs to.eonoeril thein. Hence they Suilfl 1 OI+ BRJI. �`DI1`TG'. AGE AND a i?El4Et4Lf�IS::EI t laR BREI,►, OR WITEI , faxind' la the" stalks, stubble, cobs, a w, . "• ��,..buels ,potatges, large mirror,, :anY remnants or the crop left ii>< the CAL V JS A1' 'l� OOT: seine cal bags, dozen • erbeks, 12, J61d .,of; elacwJadl+e. They will also : Acquiring wealth is hely a matter, ; A : A>s1 t1<za BUlls small crock% 1paila, drier crates, 5 to some extent in stout weeds grate Of ilystettlatic spending and saving, single cords maple, chestnut . No. Gag auaoag the corn. Central mem 1 Hereford Cow 4 coal, rails, poles; forks, shovel, urea, therefore, .consist mainly to ab., . Without a de.�ite pkn few Inen L L l' hoes, .spader rake, dishes, woodbox t •esiting these that the borers vW �� ,SIYOrt110rnS pans, ceabbago cutter, 15 rods wo be destroyed. It there is a silo thjw� . ywhere. Hard work is not enough,- pig nen wire 2 wire tea 2 +``N gates, pig t(- b eaa:aiy, for ail,that is necessary tine&,, the fruits of the dva)rk 1D4fSt lyra Thase are Good Cattle and it,�willbe St�orti your while to attend, oughs, wheelbarrow,' grinds one, k' `to cut the 'crop low, ensile t#, Write 'sesretaryl for Cai,•talogue, handsleigh, trussels, chgken coop„ V1040 the stubble under completely ronrvCd.. pipes, (fanning, mill, doors and nbt d O: Tuxnbiill Pres, stove .2 rag it up again, when cul— B. Strother, Sen., butcher bench, stoireboat, 2 ladd� tizang. The cutting krrivea an*, . ` Brussel, Out. K:'lixrton, Oqt, fermentation kill all the borers th.att;, Hers, lumber, chop box, barley" 60 into the silo, and the ploughla . . v t3tlt taxone ° rc,„,p��. fork;` 'lamb horse, o u" y` e a interest t Auctioneers-R. T. Amos, Guelph, Iy:.> Milk$r, I,ucknaw; J. Taylor, , 5 cal... can, hay destroys all IeEt in the field, prow dam be:arIng Savings Account, Bgl grave. rake, 50 (bush oats, 20 � � o a � ' , . pullets, 70, 1- everything is kept beneath titae2 , r ui Cher an ,yr, oId hon;s, 4 Kock roosters,d Surface, �'Ii<re Small Accounts afire We el - n Herons o articles, )Plough the lF'i�d 'I•lrorougidy. ~ Cho result of. her ankle being If there is no silo, or if the %claw . ken, a bio ton oY Hay Tp. met Cilie other ev- TERMS CASH will (rot hold all the corn the tach ening the; occasion of their 5th an- w a:axis ,b sometimes a little heists=( ,-Yn sock,, w Avory happy celebration nad mat eroarly of. the wedding, a ' IileO Arthur Weber, Auctioneer,' chaos the Bead crust be thoroimglilp•- 4 one that few are permitted to an- addieas Was read. Miss Stella Geiger, Proprietoress, Piou-ilied after the crop has been ra-•. 1 U;�-"'took p1:r,ce at the home 'of M' * ' 1�`ew amd hand�onteg old leaf let- mOved• In addition some metho* r and Mrs. Alen; Hackney, of Vi r ter ,sign;s ;naw aidorn the Bank of must be practaked of disposing of ttwc . M B 1� A� quhaz when this aged couple cel- AI1C�'IQPd SALE stsslka and ears or cobs. The_ a P nb2ontreai, fromerly known as the •, . M abs aced ' the 68th anniversary of Molsons Bank. -- plan is to run all of them through aaaa. r EMblished Mer 100 yea their wedding, ' Of Farm Stoll, Im laments cutting-boa or shredder, feed the *aR r T �Cgawson, of Manitoba, is , � - tie all :they .,will eat throw the a� r Estate and Household. Effectseal $ ".'W�ss'• I•i• Harvey,, 1V1C:L'.A. for Kin-. •aisztin;p; friends' in town, lie was an mainder into the manure and hare& .0�18�c i(al dsrsley Sask ' Leg'; is visiting ie! old• residelat of Hens,ail. The undersigned rluetianeer has this out and plough it under beia*ii. been instructed to sell b r atxt es and friends` here. iiliis. w�� IIi3liry h,ais� been con- Y Public the end of May. if for any reaawaxiaiu. a A matched race was held at the 'fined .to her home. throuo-h illness Auction on Lot 17 Con, 6, parr Eine the stalks are fed whole, the uneaetee&_ i, Downs Rink, last Friday evening be The death occurewd in St. Jos- ffIay, Tp" i milp 'soutlu . of Zurich Portion should not be thrown out 111. r. tweeri Lee Redden of Hensall and e,pTr'a Hopsital, London on Feb. 6, Road on MONDAY FE13RU1+,1��'' x3 t4'a'thei xuauure, but should lie k p Ed Anderson of town when the of Mrs. Maxy Dick, relict of tlralate 1�2b, L°oxaixneuc?ng at 1.00 o'clock scpaYi>its;hail'sir srrn,•out-:and bursa , sharp. It is better to burn' r atter ;as ,hPelessly outcla'ssed'. Gilbert_ Dick, a,ge 64 years, 'she has p' Y the remnaxnts . h The, race ,uas;'the-,O*comer of a ch- ` Bev, fling for •soiree time and was REALjBSTA,rE--Consisting of 50 tr io plough them under, beaausaw allenge made ,at Hensali kit the car °Finally`::t lcaix to the Hospital tvh» acres of land, known as the blenno it -ls bard to cover thein ,eoimpl�,t81r- a Kipfer I'arm4 14 acres are lou- wtZx'the,plouii. The great point ilea,. h BAflGAINnaval when ,Redden defeated An t- Kai ended ,in death, •she':.lic*ed iii P w1th in %ladle that no stella, t arson: , g'aexi, 1L (acres•.are,, resp Mown to vistaIks or cress cobs Should be is _ ppep For of time land some ih f Melville ;Howey of Cereal and y0ais, etgo moved to 1Jensall, short g ss and the liaiznce in grad's. The '�flve ground in the . S'eldl - 0. In Tu it ���---ppp Drumheller, Alb, cleft for the west, ly after her husband 'died, she soil consists ,of black loam, and is along ienee§ or in 'else.' 1saixxa . p he days Uxumheiler iso city of 10-'%s sur�*ivad by. two 'sons and two in: geed cultivation. The �terana •the barnyard or anywhere ab 0, 00 o Population rapd , is situated oil dau�d t Vra. of farm will be made known oil ,call burning or plottghinc day of sale it Moreover, p r h' of railway.• It:,is ,situat- A' Ht ";Little, wale has been in riot Previously sold. must be ctxmpleteii by the Sisal awl OL ed in a valley 300 feet dee and years,, LIVE STOCK--1 black Carriage May, -tor otherwise •the borem. p° •poor a!a?ealth the last 'two lior se 12b pAll j] ` about a (mile, ,wide on the bank's was b.Lke`g to St. Joseeph's Hospit. yrs, alai; 1 aged horse,�1 change into moors,- by aroui:tl; arwii¢ �� Q�d�i� ���� c (SA of the Red. Deer river, irr.,the con ai, ,Loudon, on ivednesday last acid caw snlajr their -eggs {The moths, aii►pa • ire of a rich coral district; bperatec�:•on; land is. doing as well to x ow isupposed „ in ppos4d to be • rr Fart of June, i June and. � and Seconds Regular 1�.5 Tj"6 •community was shocked on ilial asci. be hoped for, � be in calf; fresdi eo�t*• 2 cal- vac Ste pth y •� � a for .................. �5m�5 � r4• Seconds Regular 7.50.'now ................ 00 Sunda cabal to learn of the t'E's• 10 hate Rock ......... ......... ep � of Jas. Yellow aiF the 2nd of Ltlx • , •, �'l': Rock ya3axlin, s • 1 p>al efts; :02 • ' Ploughing 1 p , � � ek g , Rock coos- down of the stub]pi'e ; ±c,c►Irltd Cords Regular 9.�� UtiBI;�V. '�.%5 borne, he wa;'s taken ill ttith a ter; 2 turkey hens, other corn remnants plays a l cold, pnouanonis, de-Velopfng and his, .: COUNTY' 'NEWS IMPLEMENTS, E(TC"?—wagon Part in the control of the borem b� Other Curds Regular 10.00 X1t? ...... ;.$8.25 end came ,quite :su ids n. 'the dee to be, effectige what is ploug'.aed xtrar& _ �`r. gravel box, flat hay rar_k, bob , W llrst Cords Regular 13.00 IlOtflt..... � 60 ceased wets i�x: the. ,p>tiygi of .life,' Siii�11 catghc�s of lake heriinaare 'sleighs, Froat & Wood 13'�d' <Rer, must not be dragged up a�tw, r . , ase drill, :rheic auitivatfng the field, but claret Was; oF';tna.nxfzcent lis a' " spring tooth » +.t;%e~✓ Regular .�.rJd f!)!":..::::. .:.:... o - ` igvi' axrti .relaortf .• rum Gratzd•.-Bned. va#ox, disc' bef ft 00 . haus enjoy d' .good healtlx; his' a e' rR ander s ' 3 `section hal owe 13zssel dried, for it,they :are draag e b taixvxi agent' of , w:alkiti' g plow, . xp .iiishy�tiorers will esc3ipe"etaq�attw "~: w . ..-1(12 e3 IZfsgll,tl'ar 1,60 fir ,. � 25 was 'i5 ,year�i, 1xe was, manager for the L''4.I�;R. God�ericU tarlxo has be= root pizlper,. top bias• , ,•••--..•--•-- a ..,,,; 1 . , a$Y,. Portland tion; � An exaaxxple-of th-jae oec� the Lite iStock Shippers: en 56 vpars with' taxa railway, has to , ' 24 ► • tills ear is Seld In Elgin eol%e ilrst Tubes Regular ,2.25 for ............. .. 175 � y' chs 2�s rPo jr sera bags re of t,a l whe ,much the lou he8 siaa� tk . cutter, recext eCl from the president, Sir ggi g , s; Hovels, sae- P s �" y henry Thornton, in appreclitio:n of ek yokes, 'thiffletrees, step ladder was dragged up by a toothed aualtfivv,xt . �edo "ha t""leer otor Oil b lt1e ' �111!on 80C his Iono;,sv�xaico, a general pas( set heavy breechfaf harness Sin le for. In this Sold•over 10,{►QO liv�ima(�• �a CREDITON ov er.all. klin;es of tlxe system, laainess, 2 !horse blankets. g borers Wert found. If the stvaEib!k* . j�` Mechanic --- The -First robin of the season was HOUSEHOLD EFFEOTS--Renfr- dad. been lett covered almost ever#— A AGE"Peter Kao f 4 11Vllr�cl. anic Mian. mrist p'alxiier ' is ew cream separator orer: would have quite ill seen, near St. James church, Sea- parator nearly new, the,, cultivation of he field asRa � �' at her home here;, and little„hope forth, last .w:eek. linoleum 5 .yards long and 4 yards not he dace with a toothed i.,mplemaut PRANG Zurich-is held for her recovery b7elsoxl ,Ravelle and faznilc- of wide, paxlti'r heater, stove pipes, but with a disc, had a disc dxdlil, flat` ® e1VIxaa. Geo, Eillisr is• improving Grant! :Bend, ;moved to fart ETu- stove, board, 6 kitchen chairs ifew, possible, used in sowing, Sriouis)4 � sioAyly we h'o;re she; will soolo -be ron, taxes past `•,reek. window blinds, ssprinkling clan, 5 however, some of the stubblax ,. �' -----� around -again.' r; pails, o brought u t Sri11 a Johvx' l�ediger, one of Clinton's alv' P tatoe sprayer ,and n p i ri Y well, and vrjW ClarisS( Hill has ;returned to very best; Iiockye players', had the other numerous. articles, of a mueh;, time to pick aim* n take i - Detroti after t*isatin her GRAID- burn it. for few dot 4 Visiting-her znissfoltilus to pcollide with one of 3 ton xnixAd, hay, 1( ton l the sturdy lxnenib6rs of 4 the Kin. alfalfa, 90 bush. oats; soave turni a The Ploughing should be Bone witi, I• A ver p' a wide-burrow plou^ ` y plea�scarit afternoon lyes card:ne tc'am early in the vame�on and sorguan,: potato digger attach.-. to a depth of at least six iuc�el�.,�•� spent alt the Yhoxne of Missy ((Dx•,) the oth� r evexxino, sustained jaw Ment, a t Orin-e, on Feb 3.rd, -when the men, as, a result, may be done either in the fall or tIO hers of the Crediton Women's lir At a::; TERSE OF SALE- spring, but if in the,fill'the "rMaK_ nx ting of the prohiblt $15 and txra- the better, sttiute, held (their nxonthly meeting iorxisis df. Centre Rueben, held iia d0r cN81 . ` Over that am�oli�nt 8 Mrs. Zwicker �iaesided for the act the ,P,resb to ran: church, Seaforth months credit will be ar Often the stubble cannot is f be ro)Xf ,. y x orven on Fur ed completely calces it is first roll sting. The members decided to the othelt .-des•, a :strong' resulut- off 'approved joint notes. 5% 'or- disced, or both rolled and. disco „ . hat*e a speaker from the Depart- ion was -passed indorsibg the O,T.A off for calsh on' credit amounts. sir in some cases xrnle:as a ag►kit lard aY snt for .the suminer tweeting and as a x io'sti '.effective piece of leg- .clay, Grain? `corn, roots cash leveller is run over it to brei lis, also to intrite. the nxenibers of the siatxon in a rtllilixxo the evils of Arthur Weber, Auctioneer., 09 or loosen or especially tone when the sora ZixricIx Institute- -to, be their !guests I tliei loclu,ol traffic, W. S. Johnston, Clerk, Pull it he co, �b;w 9 t that time. be at i hills or b� r _Oscal Neaa}, : ti ost for 25 ye,l has C)rplxpn:.Weber Proprietor. cut high or eaten !down by stox �• Gottfri0d.141a»sus tta� boiai oa .Caixdncte3, a xrxast aucc6stsfut eon- , Januaxy 20th., 18.16 at urlcnxari.,Cter 1 fectionet>g,,'and resturaent buinsess Grow :Bent . Cairn and Net llrhl,e t, p many, and departed: taxis life Feb•, iVSain St:;r Seafoxtlx, die . osed of In the parts of the county wilrea AN OLD FRIE;•7D 1S LIKE C OlW1INC, 'I0 pi�1TL 7, 1!125, abed '79 yeast and IS days, the l+uisi-ny�sIa to Ko W.hnb Bras., of 'HE HERALD PRINTING the borers are numerous it will bqa.: ` at"tlan hoxxze of leis son-ln-law and Torc6ta•;, ;,who took puisses'si'u,n, able ADr a; time to gxoie d dawgliter; :11ix a nd .`Mr% lot. (Xtieaa� Last Monday inortrino fzre, was OFFI corn instead of ,film,, beea;use'°it N a latior-ShOptaxer; of. Iirtclxenel,p la'ere' ix�, 'li"ad a noticed i,n the belfry of the Bay- �� ;etoliter Land: 'so withstands attach*, go6d:home at tlae�4innd's tit leis da 'field 'sciiooI An alarm 'tvas g•iveix ADVERTISING ItATE9 belles. uglsst.r a'• He FCfirate::etrtj Afneric't :ix and c16wd,'jsoon 'oathexed., ,_tare A• 11`1,41) crop will Be of -benefit. have us tailor you d^ ,.�( ,' 1873.,1116 "119 •in ,>r abet Crediton, St fxa a lacici s ,aixad buckets were pro- ysued vsredneaday noon from the It will altio hal P, '. p great!' in sacra epheii, 'l:'pa,. Svhere he resided clue- cured from the Town, :k$alI where. � 1ld'Pthbd!"; �•tltl anial►.bbcharged placeal'�iP a trap aro of 8iiit-•-•Yor ora,... ''�o ��. � � ��' �� iii. d, rng axis, entire' life aeZceptilig the willing "ilds..<.Soon got to. tate i:t not ala maid. tr. S, iUbserip 4anP1e,,5nxutnose� Cbnsi,ztin i to g aS� �� last five xnontlza- -He 'vas united roof. and ;worked. hard to eating- ftff 1,04 •Ataietly ,•ip,,kdvance. No tlbaut a cloxen rows is planted aboei�. in marriage to,.h'aedericka Poechel. uz;glx t1ia,•1:H1a7.e:' AS( the weather' Oaper didroxntint>deti arEltil all ar- or the of ,iVfaq and the plant fir ydJl] let us and can depend 1[DI1 main prop postPo>riexl anti j, This union tva§ blast 'frith ... foal had bpeij ,wild Saturday and Sun m A be re P, Id unless at the eptioa June 11 t oa as late'as ' < sons and five tiraitghters. One, day, theafur,nidce fire had been let pu licher. Ju (antro an r Possible 419- �7a The date to g Y Zak. Thr, ainvu3iaaa �� `�' your garments Q �+ His be died in iz,ftlucy, ee-"outt a»;d t'i's supposed drat a Whick every sub sexi tion • then will m son and dautrhter a P is Tvidd lap their eggs chieki ►7 loved companion rbde'ceas 'shark I' & bIotrn, •from t$e ciaixnrw a 'denoted on the labo the early corn and leave. ed his 8 Years" expo, 1? e�< from the fie til lgleaillameoue croP..l2ar el ..the Will Y;r ,. y kindled txe,to +4rticIbs o! aaot -largely. unin#e9ted:` Che iTeli enjoy 9W a l'll'l 11P�111.. r i3>b belfrx ' an"d Ila, d ignited A. thartii rive:flues, ' 'nr: sale.'!'o n)ws be 'eat lona; in q 3 <,, a . ,r0snjt .,of a •boinxg bout % tet, or ” Vainted, Lost, Foiaand, etc. `a sand to as lxeld xn, One .of the livery ares At ±w,eRi lhd ertlon 25a, "IIE)rlSLi, xns destxoyeadthe.. , TlotlCxodexxclx;. -on ..Sunday eevenix ,Feb. tdi ail commun2catioto lake aboveures ii�,rolt�a* oa�lqUedh TWO,�r��� .:�. gA hiirch' was' o , ai num- 9111 la' Advaertisin p small aanuunt of extra'Work for a� 1st, . whala:, .c A 9 Fater St®wart lx:ls secured. the uex :of youtirxg_;:men appeared in a 8"'MRda> l�rnamn r• Tho corn crop Iswellwort COaxti•act a.2i caretaker for the sohool all..^s: ec ,.. :G: � - pplletlioi�, ::taxis, and fheit'efor n rail t tbV „following Thirs- � e we hope that ca,Cllio M+ q ;,:. • ' . for the ;veal•: d(xv bef . r..> t ,,.. a Aolwals-- 000 1helot. fi (mer will ,l'dl -dao �/ �, I►ixs, Thos Slieiritt Sr., e 111 . xdt . COrry 'mos rovelr Obai#00 : .., . I „his •par.. ale* 11A�i ►�' ' ir�i tx eilcolxrage 3i1s nal hbox• s, -par ti a ., of Lon- and Precinue; °who .pl�eaxe�l to ibe titins $1.00, don, who lyes there on a visit rP,- tom, •.Ar Itoa " '•�r1ee;:lVottr facet control sneasu,rQsi'1� WHERE ''TkIS GOOD CLOTHES CO1�aL x�` CGIYt,. , Lias+ pxontliteCs; :were Sarah tined '$50 BAtate tor, sale -bftn dib o ° turned, to ,facet ally. H fbr titt`st month, $1 or eae a vexed and made; '�Osel p : s` t: tgta.7izag $69:50:., Mr, i h sub :. a ntz', costs •gtaetit, insertion. ,tha8 •�;q+,•oblem sf sttarinffi f tl4e •' -- :-_ _ ----•- Mrs. E. Rennie has been .m •Dt?-• ,Tcffrtaws','t'at'ixex• of one 'oF t �• i• .. .... lm+l*xte>< e troll fixe apgt:(reel 'Visiting n he prin AYT4"TTO 'C yrs rritth-f*b'far.►nexs t ► �" E►E"I E fined to his Ipniraa :altHoitl he is , z her eipats, :tad McN0z1; one of t1xA N° �AL1�lI3.; $;, �r sin le �,areizelvoe,' .w . w .� .. _ .: inapicxtnxx ralau,lxtar, Ertn t. z a0prtloA It root opfir tivb inebiasgio - ., " - b , 11l'rs, ,Califf 1V1eGiil ti0 p]`anCi x1;5 .,rose 'finaYd $20 teVh lx , and A4iCth. When horses went otxt i+ 11, Murphy`; left,fol, bis, aconic Clxaxlos• .zt�41 I�zr'rit"-Nd,�1�+itlxecjtt a Miss Helen„ caste,: ..... � .,,�,,. t of fa. t* exxd sastbr Marr or :Ran ' x °. crrtytion Tear in soaiie parts ►irixalpp Defter %tin here, 11) 1%q 'vlxr>1,, ,,zs.S nm ilii ms.,f Her rear P . is of the eou,•nrry.'th t; t hozn, ria rlefiinzint, . Nfaax * ..: and of tea: k horse sen 7CtisYa 0, 1.n Meinor,rini 0 se with thene: ' ` �, �e8slrrig:hrr nn. A c, �,'"�rra Jan,Wr tvlr,o' hie ireazr cif' • vt+i't< li-.�x'ie • kai� 'mtaart; 'tii!�xr fa.r!h�:r, v, .: � .. A„ r_F-___----•------: , t i ; w j 'h, 1)r, A. flair', `sicca . relktti Local and Le of ti su .t al, access i 3oa~et fv�irtlar.,a..d jai. ia.aivi!1 to tixrYtQ:Ar E advertising not- 'build a tsar a y ta>r tt r Vi :icat'i<i tlr3stsit€rl, I.ourlon, taa,l ;i- t. z.5 . ,seed readxn matte home to' xaa�a> it nx :. . >4f� rt an operpti vex f'er Yap xei,ttic� t.0at. .Mr g r, 16C a line for iilttractive mora,t, . L"rriie `iV'Ixxtes,des .left fix :. f&n - ; `wr rpt iusertian an . PAlut and shrtubbc, r x Ol` HOIJSBt1[OT,U EFI•T d 6c. sarititi iio r .etrai'zax(l to her lixxixYt ltii e, r Sxs• J•uh ux 1:ai.:•�, beef ttx vii nxtit: ,.ill rty, tixr r~ fi, fair , Per lianl9 four 'wrrrk wn>uders. w axe has securtacT a noel reit Lot 0 Co s arch subsequent insertion. t goo farm trifle ii : lP:iinfrid ait;r,#!.i•,�ett lase .otrr-+ t•xa►""ticxrx. �' � • , . n. it Hay. ".CrlWhslrrli ; ... good fa,i in ria er !s . . 'ii i;: zr5y f„i, -ads R., .a, t1 . } . �., r r. _ : l i ;, lir 1't®�Ccilslon"al Card efk x p a cixeali trA! `' ,, ,( lnxi0i �xxorth ,ot Dfialiwood !toad, . a not 6 ceb8rn etive correspondence n � illi K h kixra ..i}! ►+, .1: c�,x zacxai� A irtr:tnibor 0,, t.lx.-,Trintd,,; a °•1 t inelx> 5 r g scito.,.� w w . xa nez- Tare. tii'tcicrsi nest' ,laxctione ars ulture, you %n.. �..i..a You, B:yi:.'.',cvy':tir'V't�„ i.raw.' ;i:.:.: l,: .re..,:.:'%fk SLN' 41;t tlaiE'1 '%"..nt'�' �i... tX':�L”' itt'ta'iYat.. i'.lx, r y,.. ,: lia9 _ �'t"a aagi n�.i.. tget ir.ora s.- g;a;x.a, uYa M,. uzxcl;,;tile:.11:xlz,y IYer poen g. r t y $ � r, a . a a �� haat( abed for ottr moitr,y in tsubsc�irf ia�L� ta.dti.,lro Sal' ' � • �'xl; ' r¢ a r ..:����'wo ,liY ii ri ,alturs�,l bbpw g ._11CN Stlflft 131i � M u � a • s w