Zurich Herald, 1925-02-19, Page 3l - A dairy cow is not worth keeping unless she produces 6,000 pounds of milk or over. per year, Don't supporta low producing herd. Start now to weed out the poor ones. Breed the best ones to good bulls and feed properly—then watch results. Does it pay' Ask the successful dairy farmer. BETTER BULLS PAY tot'. ,13.,E aL a i ;U: i,. Se IM: X ee. Surnames and Their Origin RAINIES Variations—Rains, Raynes, Reynes. Racial Origin—English. Source—A locality. Here is a group of family names the source of which is not at first recog- nizable because the spelling of the source has changed since the names developed from it. There is an entry in the records of certain medieval guides in England re- ferring to "mercerie, canevas, conins- panes, fustiane, Chalons, draps dtt i Vernon is a town in Eure, on the Reynes and draps de soys." i Those who know their modern left bank of the Seine, near Mantes- French will recognize the word 1 sur-Seint. In the middle ages, how- "draps" as cloth, and the "soye" as the ever, it was not muck of a town. It modern "sole," or silk. derived its celebrity rather as a• fort - 'Traps du Reynes" was "cloth of •ress strategically located in a forest Rennes." Chaucer refers to it as ' district of the same name. Cloth of "`Raines." `° In the case of place names which in the middle ages Rennes, in Brit- have developed into family names tany, was one of the most importand there are two lines of evolution pos- commercial and industrial cities of•; sible, and in most .cases both of them northern France, and was indeed , hold good. famed for the quality of cloth it pro- I In most cases. the first use of the duced. ;place name to indicate the person was Among the English the name of quite naturally with the ruling family. this city was spelled in 'various ways, of .the district.. In these cases the and judging from the fact that most "de' or the "von" preceding the place family names developed from foreign I name denotes actual possession. The cities were borne by n✓ erchants, and ! other use, however, is accountable for the' fact that Rennes of the Middle the bulk of our family names to -day, Ages was particularly renowned for and simply denoted the locality from its commerce, there is little doubt which the person came, the person be - that those who first used it in England , ing -Most likely .a merchant, for mer - were actually merchants, former resi- ; chants were mere likely to travel and dents of Rennes, who had settled in ; settle in new localities- than others England. I were.. - • .•. Of course the surname at first had . In the case of Vernon, however, a prefix, probably the Norman French , there is. not •the same likelihood • of "du" or "de," and in its original form; the name tracing back to persons of was "Thomas of Raines," "Hugo of humble origin as to the ruling family. Reynes," and other similar informa tion. VERNON Rabiai Origln—English, also French, Source—A locality. titin' each n}an a part and t�Llcipg iaiff , p a neer Ij tful,' slll,ro with the test- ' �„�i share alike ,i l e late Lord Houghton, of En; - 1" lie declared, land, wase poet, and considered a �he next the the storm abated very impracticable person, but in one enough fol, the travellers 'tA launch their canoes and proceed upon their case at least he showed all the guier le different ways. into well -broken soil, He was to learn.The unselfish act of of a ward Politician. A poor wash the niissianarY, however, had Sallen woman's, little boy was arrested for .stealing a horse. " $ youngster and that actions as well as words preach another like him had found a horse grazing in a field near.London, had sermons, improvised a bridle froth a, handker- Not many months afterwards the chief, and they were liavi •• a fine five Indians presented themselves at ride when .arrested.' They re about the missionvillage with their families ten years old and small for their age. I and asked whether. they might be per The laundress knew Lord Houghton Witted to make their home there and . pitted the new way. • i and appealed to him for advice, "Put "Why da you come and ask me both boys -both, mind you," said he, thins?" inquired the missionary; who in nice clean pinafores when they go into court. Do that, and you need not did not recognize' e themr "T never saw ;fear. , The two little chaps appeared any of youu at rny mission service." in the dock in due time. "What la this "We are the men with au case?" demanded the judge in suprise. divided the jackfish," said the he'bpotpoises"• ,,Horse -stealing" was the reply. Here is a family name which has. claim to a simultaneous origin in France and,. England, and depending upon how you look at it, the French origin has the priority, for the locality from which it is derived is in France. You have been ilten4in8: to t> Rose." Why not now before You': f ►r*et . is goo tea lu The ORANGE PEKOE is extra gam. Try it! The Charin Of Window' Big Pgper- Maralannda. 1. It is reported that .the world's largs g. est paper mill is planned for northern Veranda and: window boxes do not Ontario., Tt is to 'ha've 1000 'tons ca. need to be expensive affairs; satisfac- paoity and will utilize Smoky Fella i capable of man and he reminded tie mien. -9 any "Stuff and nonsense!" cried the judge. tory ones may be procured at almost on the Mattagami R ver pe e,,The idea of these. infants stealing a any store. By placing a couple of making 200,000 horsepower, and the their experience on Lake , Wini- peg. "If you bad been a fur'trader," horse! They stole a ride, T dare sag. inch or wooden brackets beneath the largest and beet power site in Ontario ,continued the Indian, "you would have The case is dismissed:' window er eaten what was first set before you and h called for more but when o perhaps you did what you did we knew you BABY'S WELFARE were a good man, and we no you to teach us the new Way," DURING wish DURING FEBRUARY Lighthouse Story. Bishop's light rises near the Scilly • months of the yeer•on little ones, It Islands and gives a grim February is one of the hardest warning of the dangers of the coast. I•t is. one of is a month of cold, blustery days .that the most exposed lighthouses in the . prevent the mother taking her baby this keeps the soil from becoming world and the three tenders have a out for the fresh air so necessary to sour. The box is then filled with a ASPBERRY BUSHES, GLAD - confined time. During a recent storm its welfare. Baby is consequently good loamy sail. loins, Iris Peony, Fancy Dahlias the beams from Bishop's rock carne confined to the home. More often The right combination of Bowers to eral tons and revolves on. supports near to falling. The Eight weighs sew- and Barred Rock Eggs. The Wright than- not the rooms are overheated, be planted is now an important' item, Farm, Brockville, Ont. and badly ventilated and the little One of the prettiest boxes I ever pos- sessed was made by using the Kenil- worth ivy, alternating withthe green ADIES WANTED TO 1)0 PLAIN and white winos, for the trailing vines and light •sewing at home; whoa at the front of the box. A bottle -blue or spare time; good pay; work sent fuchsia was placed at each end, with {any distance; charges paid. Send a large double white fuchsia in the stamp for particulars. National Manu- , centre. The fuchsias had a back- lfacturing Co., Montreal. ground of several of the black coleus 1 plants. The blue fuchsia has a glossy green Soliage, flowers large and double, with bright soariet sepals and a rich dark blue corolla. Another pretty box of mine was ailed with pink and . white tuberous begonias, the box edged with white sweet alyssum, with a pink ivy geran- ium trailing over the sides. I have always liked the veranda boxes filled with pink and white geran- iums for the central plants, with a couple of white petunias at each end and a row of blue lobelias placed in front of them. Several of the trailing asparagus sprengeri ferns go beauti- fully with this combination. Of the old-fashioned sorts of owers the petunias, geraniums, lantanas and verbenas are always dependable, cer- tain to blossom- and thrive splendidly. The important point is to see that the , colors are grouped harmoniously. the veranda railing, one north of the St. Lawrence.., Happiness becomes complete only, when it is shared. can easily fasten the box to them. Af- ter they have been given taro good coats of paint, of the same color as the house, they are ready for the soil---- .lrassifned Adverti ernents Before putting the Ioil in .the box 1 ' REMNANTS. usually place broken bits of crockery $2; 6 LBS. or stone at the bottom to afford suf- patches, $2. ARGAIN PARCEL,CCreery, Chatham, i flcient drainage. Over these I place Ontario. . a layer of charcoal, if obtainable, as - ', FREE CATALOGUE. and plants. Pure Bred Sires Essential. Back in the old days, when our an- cestors paid no attention to the keep- ing of live stock, the native stock, run- ning wild throughout the country, pro- ducedonly enough milk for their young. As time went on, however, men discoveredthe value of milk as Lake Winnipeg there was. great dan- s food for human consumption and ger, especially to. men, in so frail a ves- they began to select the oows that selas a birch -bark canoe. gave the largest quantities. In one of those open places a storm Thus, we find that for many years caught them, and there was nothing live stock men have studied their for them to do but to fly before wind herds, carefully selecting females that and waves. They dame on a little is - possessed high producing qualities. land in the lake and there found re- resting in a circular trough,, mer- cury. It is balanced so delicetela a child may turn it by a touch of the fin- ger. On this night the tower was so shaken by the heavy 'seas that much of the mercury was spilled out over the concrete floor of the light chamber. The three guards fell on their knees, scooped up the mercury in their hands and pulled it back into the trough. Dividing a .Fish. The missionary traveler in his haste to get over bis journey urged his In- dian canoe -hien to strike from head- land to headland rather .than follow the short line. In crossing the .wide mouths of some of the bays of stormy --- WORRIES IN THE HOME It is These That Cause Many a Breakdown in Health. Almost every vl'oman at the head of a home, meets daily with little worries in her household affairs, They may be too small to notice anhour after- wards, but it is the same little 'worries that breakdown the health of so many women. Their effect -may be' noticed M nervous headaches, fickle appetite, indigestion, pains in the side or back, and a sallow complexion. To those afflicted in this way Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, by improving and purifying the blood,bring speedy relief. Among thousands of weak women who have tested and proved the, merits of this medicinie is Mrs. Gustave Hutt, Brux- elles, Man., who says:—"It is with profound thanks' that I; write, to ell you what Dr, Williams' Pitilftoese have done for me. Before 1 began;tak ing these pills I was weak, and my blood thin and watery. I was so thin that I looked like a skeleton. I was troubled with headaches and indiges- tion, did not sleep well, and was ter- ribly constipated. I , decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills .,and T soon found that they were just what I needed. Under their use my appe- tite returned, my food digested pro- perly, and I slept better at night, and gained in flesh as well as strength. The result is that now I am a per- fectly healthy woman, and there is no doubt that it is due to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a supply of which I now always keep in the house, and I would advise other women to do the same." You can get these pills through, any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. These females were bred to sires whose dams had displayed high pro- ducing tendencies. As time advanced breeders learned to keep records of all the milk given, as well as the feed consumed. The result is that now we have re- cords. of Individual cows giving over 30,000 pounds of milk in a year. What a. debt we owe to those old im prover"s ' of our breeds we cannot fuge, . but five Indians, storm -tossed and with no provisions. had reached the island also. The little that 'the missionary had he shared; he hoped that they would soon be able to reach their home. The storm, however, con- tinued day after day, and on the fourth day the storm -bound men • had to "tighten their belts" because tbey had no food. Most of the Indians were filled with one catches' cold or grippe. What is needed to' keep the baby well is a gen- tle laxative that will regulate the stomach and bowels; banish constipa- tion and indigestion and in this way will either prevent or break up colds and grippe. Such a laxative is Baby's Own Tablets. They are mild but thorough in action; are absolutely safe as they are guaranteed to contain no opiates or narcotics. They never fail to be of benefit to little ones and may be given to either the newborn babe or the growing child. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. repay them; but we can continue to despair, but one of the missionary's carry on the work that they so nobly canoemen rigged himself a fishing line commenced. with a bent pin for a hook, untwisted In so doing we will add greatly, not hemp rope for line and a bit of red only to our own income .but we will flannel for bait, With that rude con - contribute to the revenue of Canada. trivance he managed to land a jack - No farmers can afford to neglect their live stock in these days, when feed prices are soaring. The use of pure bred sires, careful selection of females, with judicious economical feedings, to- gether with the keeping of records, are essential points that the farmer of to- day cannot overlook and prosper. 4 A small piece of soap mixed with the starch makes ironing easier, and gives a splendid gloss. ' Scientists say that birds originated from reptiles. fish. A fire was quickly made and the fish put on to boil, but before it was much more than well warmed the hungry men had it out and were pre- paring to eat it. One third of it they out off and placed before the mission- ary. He appreciated their generosity, but disapproved of it. "That is not the way to divide the fish," he said. He placed his third beside the two thirds telt the Indians had kept for them- selves. Then, taking out his knife and pointing to the men, he counted, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight," and cut the fish into eight shares, giv- An Indian Sherlock. • . The traveler Charlevoix, who died in 1761, tells a story of an Indian who rivaled "Sherlock Holnies." One day a piece of meat was stolen from his wigwam, and he started in pursuit of the . thief, He had not proceeded far before he met with some persons; of whom he inquired whether they had seen a little old white man with a short gun, accompanied by a small dog with a short tall. Asked how he could thus minutely describe a mau whom he had never seen, the Indian answered: "The thief I know is a lit- tle man by his having made a pile of stones to atan:l upon in order to reach the venison; that he is an old man 1 knows* by hisshort steps, which I have traced over the leaves in the woods;. and that he is 'a white man I know by his turning out his toes wheu he Walks, which an Indian never .does. His gun I know to' be short by the mark the nuugsle made in rubbing the bark off the tree on which it leaned; that his dog is small I know by his i • tracks; and: that he has a short tail I • discovered by the mark it nacre in the dust while he was sitting at the time his master 'eves taking down the meat." 10EMEAXM REI M W.e.N5BD. 1 ADIES ONLY --OUR BOOKLET, Ladies' Friend, mailed in plain envelope, free. CASIER 2423, Mon- treal. on-treat EXCELLENT ENT for rheumatism, neuralgia, back- ache and kindred ills. Rub it`;in well with the tips of the fingers. An enemy to pain. • Vocabulary Enlarged. Payment for articles advertised in Professor of English — So you've this column should be made with Do - recently made quite an addition to minion Express Money Orders—a sale your vocabulary of English words?" way, of sending money by mail. College Studerlt - "Yes -T thought- lessly told a woman she lookedyou �Sa1k gives vies a lustre to the hair if p for her age." I sprinkled on the head when going to i For 1925. Of course we are not superstitious, but anything. about the weather al- ways interests 99 per cent. of the in- Dwel3ers in towns and cities ter;der� habitants. In a very old book we're themselves more susceptible to colds J centiy found , the following: "When the year begins on Thursday, the win- by eating too little greenstuffs and too many sweets and rich cakes, says Pro - ter will be long and severe, and the year healthy, but often. windy. The fessor Hill, of the National Institute summer will be temperate the harvest of Medical Resrarch. will be occasionally rainy, floods will We are interested In obtaining overflow the river -banks. Wheat and wine will be plentiful, and profits de OLD RE r rived from them. The spring -wheats, the grass and the hay and fruits will thrive." bed and brushed well out of the hair ' the next morning. For Every, 1ll--Mrnard's Liniment. BOOKS ----- ON CANADIAN SUBJECTS. Send A little powdered sugar dissolved particulars to West 1son P blishing in the washing water prevents rough Company, Toronto, Ontario. 3sands Cheaper Vet. A young matron, shopping, asked a butcher the price of hamburger steak. "Twenty-five cents a pound," lie re- plied. "But at the corner store it is only '12 cents," said the customer. "Well, why didn't you buy it there?" "Because they haven't any.' "Oh., I See," said the butcher. "Wflen �. r'k .. r e l the dome of the famous st, Paul's I don't have it t sell It for ten cents a t'lrtrrltrnrn alr•� filling. filo Cl�tr.k, it pound, • •. - Catlledral, London, with compressed cement, In their effort to save the towerteg'edifice that has overlooked tits City for so many years. For.First Ald---•Miriard's Liniment.. 1 1=0 Ro ,r'• Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Rheumatism Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Ac cwt oil "Bayer" packe which contains proven directions. 'llandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of. 24 and 100—Druggists, ssraiaAnal, to ii• er ). uYh t it is Bron knower ac doote 18 . S Tiede vatic or1711tsederile�A. d, . s• a. ). While i8 � f trt1 that £tr on salir.rllrale mArrirl the tl,ntsree C means Baler aetaiAptd with Assiut generalbltrada imarirmthe "rtaior amis." mf Tablets Rayer Compaq t{'Cil bo Dtaml+a$ e Suffered Misery With Itchy Eczema Cuticura Denied "I was troubled with eczema for, over two years. At first it appeared in small spots and then begu to spread, all over my face and head until I suffered awful misery. T b e itching and burning were terrific. At times I thouzbt I would go crazy, and was e.i 1 ; ed to give up my work. - " I was treated and tried different ointments without any benefit. I read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and decided to try them. After the first application I felt relief. I Continued the treat- ment for 'a time and now I am healed." (Signed) Miss Y. Wood, 886 City Hall Ave., Montreal,. Quebec. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum are ideal for daily toilet uses. Sample 8c6Pram 0BAddress 506 xtea1n Depot: iasm,Fo1 Price So ap 260. Ointment 25 and 60c. Talcum 26a. Hicaita Tri' our now Shmvirtg Stick. PAINS IN BC A t SIDES I Ended by Taking Lydia p Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 Fusilier, Bask.—" For two or threei days every so often I would have su pains in my back and sides that I could hot do anything ---could not even lie quietly in bed, and my head ached, toe. I was this wap about three years, but was worse after I was harried. I was on a farm with not a house nearer than five miles and there was not a person to advise me, as my folks live in Manitoba." nkhom's Vegetable Cme ompouout nd anal anal told me to try it. I took her advice and have been thankful.for it ever since. After taking the 'medicine for three monthsd me a lot m s fine..y it I am as glad to rec- ommend ec ommend the doingegetable Compound to :others and you may publish my testi- monial. "—Mrs. HBIAti BAI A OPT Fusi" ' lier, Saskatchewan. Often some slight trouble will cause pli general upset of the system. Suo$i, syrnplems as nervousness, painful timed 1 irregularity, backache and headach "ll indicate some form of felilale weakness 1 I Women so bothered should give Lydittoi E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. This dependable medicine has helped thousands of women and it i reasonable to expect that it will del you. Try it today. Your druggist set this medicine. r issue, No. 7—'25. 6