HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-02-19, Page 1' i/o1.. XXV No 34 ';ZU R fl CH TH URS FEBRUARy 19 1925. Read they Home News, Our Corner Well, if there:"s no kick in this t roposed beer hole can the pre. ''3aibitioni'sts kick? s4! It is estimated, that many cuss ' words have been, added to our lan- ,.guage by alarm closure+. Listening to a 'vermeil the other 'might wo ;imagined we were ie eh - search and absent-mindedly went to a1eep. Whatin four Tetters id going to be stronger? "We must get at the bottom of this thing?" said the sturgeon Las he glanced at the patient's purse Habit is `shat inakea a smoker reach under the covers to strike a match on his foot. The ";boyish' Uguee ter girls and the girlish figure for boys continue their popularity. 0 •••eesec n.04••••!•!••••!•••NNN•••••!!••••!••• 0 0 • ••• Brown Bros. Sage Zurich's Great est Value- Giving Event ! - • Now for the balance of our Winter Footwear. Prices at eost 1 and below cont. Not one pair of Winter Footwear will we car • 2 ry over, out they Go. Come and see for yourself. Here are • <4 only a few of the many lines we are clearing out;— ' • New Lumbermen's Rubbers, Reg. $4.50 Special $3.15. Boy's Rab- 1 •w hers, Reg. $2.75, Special $2.10 Youth Lumberman Rubbers, i • Reg. 2.50, Special $1.65. WomenaFe`t Slippers Reg. $1 for 50e. •• Ditto Reg. $1.50 Special 75e. Ditto $2 Special 98e. Also big ! SENSATIONAL SHOE SALE P2 reductions in leather footwear. i. THE RELIAB LE SHOE STORE " SEE OUR BRONVN B O WINEATLYN A NG•Di3W D S LE ISP AY r •+ �• ►•••wi ss••••••t Chester' l,... Sixs ttli,. PRI) A25 Yeas AdIf �ri.gd'IN ka a 4tRS, s2 Mid BL aludeselD • and patronize the hams Merchant CHILDRE +i; ,4 I�' WORK CONTINUES rES TOkGROW The !(tiildrien,'s� Aid Society Of Huron County helde their monthly meeting on Feb.,' 3rd "with a •Lair: attendance, The Pierident w<,e unable to attend :.on accotun ,rix: ell - nese; Revk J E. Ford: oceepiei the chair. ,The first item attehded.. to was a .res'olutionl of '.sympathy' extended to Pres.. Mitchell in, his illness. Accounts totaling 100.00 were presented Land ordered'.;pr.t. Owing to the generosity of •ufund i friends during the past monthtlere was enough in -the treasury to pay the bins. The Supt .reported that the, Co. Council had Voted (a grant of $375.00 quarterly for the yeee. The committee are hopeful that friends of the Society throughout Mr. Milton Hey ispent the we - el: -end at Exeter. Mr. John;Gesew io ast on a bus - nese trip to ,London on Tuesday. Mrs. E. E. Steele is spending a few weeps with her mother at St. Thoma. Mr. Wi. H. Pfile of Heneall called at his home here on Tuesday ev- ening.. the County will supplement 'this' • Mre Edighoffer Sr. is at present with contributions ed., that the upending a few weeks' with her work may !successfully be carried' grandaugh'ter, Mrea. E. Weida. . be carried onj A great deal; of Mrs. Sam Schoch rand Mins Ad - correspondence was submitted and many cases, discussed and advice die Surerus of the. 14th' con, are e- visiting relatives at }Detroit for a given, as to the bust method of d aling with .them. Two children efw dayla were placed en homes during the Mrs, A. G. Elin.es left Thursday month and ,two others received. ,for a. visit With relatives and fri- There are, nine children at preent ends at Stratford, Tavi tock and in the shelter, ,girllsi 5 to 14 and Wellesley. ' nboys 7 to 11 for whom, homes are earnestly desired, We "'also. Miss -Muriel How'ald ;alio i sate have a desirable baby ,:oy} 6 nuns, tending Stratford Normal School, old for adoption'. Communicate- ,spent the week -end att • her home ons sent ;to G. 1V1. Elliott, Goderieh,in the village. will receive pr`o;npt attention. Miss IDonella, Ruby has left for The following contributions'heve, London` to take up bier paaition as been. received during the pa•st , milliner at the established' firm of, month and are gratefully acknow Johnston & Johnston. ledged. • Brussels W,.E.T•U. $5.00; Mr's. W. Mrs. Martie Worm 'of tho'vill- A. Coulthistu 10,;0; Miss Lyon, Lon age, and daughter Mre,. D, Oswald desboro 1.70; Geo'. D. Curry 2,09.; k,of the Bronson Littre, are spend-. 1Miss , M 'J.-Guindry, Los,Anaeleo ,g a few dayfs tth,it week at the - 5.u0; Matthew Bates- 5.00; Dr ' J. C„» u e of the formers dauighter; Mrs Candler Clinton 130; 'r'hos&.A;lli`t e.4 .Lev $, ,Clintoreei r Duetgannenel ,eco r1Ai,ty , alible Cx'rk�y �F 131yth W. t 10.00, : Hoey 1400, Di Field 1.00; 'McKillop Tp. 20.00;I1u1- lett Tp' ,15.00; Usborne Tp. 10.00; Hay Tp. 10,00; Brussels. 10.00; Turn Iierry.,Tp. 10 Q0;: ,Exeter 10.00; Mrs. Noble Holland, Clieton, 1.00; 'Wes- ley Meth Sunday School, Clinton 10.00; Ii. B. Sturdy 2.09; Mrs. W. Price 1.00; John A. Wilson Seaforth 1.00; Soaforth Town 25.00; Rev. J. ,E. Ford 1.00; East Wawanosh 15.00 Burns Ladies Aid, Blyth 10.00; Wo- men's Institute, Auburn $15.00. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The following are the standing committees for the year as rep- orted by the striking committee and adopted by the council; Executice—E. F. Klopp, J. J. Hayes, B. C. Mannings, R. Kennedy We D. Sand.et s ' Special—J, F. Johnston, J. Hen- neberg, J. Hanna, O, Ginn, J,. J1. Moser. • Finance—Thos. In ales; O. Geiger, A. C. Baeker, A. Pt. Johnston, R. H. Sliortee:k. Education—J. WI. McKibbon, A. H. Neeb ,R. Coultes, J. M. Dodds, R. Clark. Road and Bridge -0. Ginn, J. J. McCutch;eon, .J WI. McKibbon, T. Inglis, R. H. Shorteed. County Property --B. C. lVlnnn ins, T. J. Sullivan, G.B, Hanley, T McDonald, Geo. Hubb rrd. Warden's—J. W. Beattie, J. J, •MeCutchson, H. Weston, F. . J. Mc - +Quaid, .J L. McEwen. House of Refuge --C. G. Middle- ton, J. J. Hayes, J. W. Beattie, E. F» Klopp,• Good Roads Comimssion—F. J, "McQuaid, A. H. Neeb, J. L. M. even, Grants to the • several Colleoei- •ate ingtitutioiis, and High Schools in, the county were as follows; Clinton $7,210.98. Win,gham $6,551.09 Seaforth $9,388.70 Rueter $8,782.88:, Goderich, $6,880:79, foe maintenanc. $ Goderich, $1;19038' payment ;;on debenture. 'The summary of expenditures for the annual returns to the De- partment of H ghweya is as loll- Ct'N9; Provincial County -Roads Road constriction ... ... $20,981.55 13ridge construetion .. ..10;230,71 Maintenance and repairs ..27,7.t6.7't Special grants ' 21,174.43 :.,* d+344 ++++++++4444+++++++++444.44444+444* wirror OSCAR KLCPP At io,eers will continue the action Sal On Sa day, February 21 + + 1' 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 + 3 4 .4 +F 4 + 4 + 4 4 . + sII• At 2 o'clock -sharpthe C1J1 TUN s, CVT N 'itritADRAS; ' IMPS .S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, 7itbYS' EJITS AND O.VK RCQATS, SWEATER'S .. • EN VS SWEATIER Al'I'S, LADIESi HOUSE DRESSE L.tt,ta;<ES” + APRONS, ODDS AND 1NUS: "1 N PRINTS, •., GALgiT <' 1S„ VRI .- I VETEENS, area 4 4 + —TERMS OP „SALE, CASH, • 1/1.00 OW TEA, Blaek, ,Gree A ctgr naamal, lair SatgralAY Oi 1 Villa -lb H.4 ALSREG'H 3 COUN 1'`i' ROADS Itoad construction$11,36913, Bridge constriction 2,199.641 ditiont.' Whet proved very int- :Maintenance and• repair ,».44,303.99 teresting waa the pietuxes of the Mac ethere' 2,163.83 Special grants $3;411-.60 Suulrorintendenee• 4,651.�it *r:. and Mrs.. Wm.' Bassow,• and son Barry, end daughters Edith' and Mrs. T McAd,ains and •.family of the Bronisbh iLne, attended the funeral of their uncle; the late Mrre Mangus at 'oditon;, on Tuesday last. .The local branch of the: Wom- en's Institute hied their February meeting at the, home ,of Mre?. W; L. Siebert, on the eveningtaf• Wed- nesday, February' 11th, and was much enjojyed by all present. The roll call being answered by verses and a bottonhole' contest conduc- ted by. Mrs. Sieberti. The prize winners were \Mrs, J. .,Gaseita and Mrs. T. L. Warne. c The offiemel of the Zurich Agr- icultural Society met on Saturday evening in the office ,o1 the Secy., Mr. A. F, Hess'.,and transacted con- siderable business. The Fair gr- ounds were .xented to Mr. Jf. Decher, Sr. The dates of the? fair were set for Oct. est and 2nd, but if arrangements, can be \made to have+ the. Fall Fair and School Pair held on the same datc•';e(. these da- tes inay be changed'.. The Soc- iety will again, enter in the Stand- ing Field,Crop, and Threshed Grain competition, in 'the same vein as' competed for in 1924 Banner oats No charges' were made in, the prize lice$ ' 7Cwo, horse faces will ba on the pro:grana at this ye- ar's fair. Free-+Fors-AII, purse $75, Green Race, purse $15.00. All the various committees were ,ap- pointed for the Society. ( It is the intention of \the society to make 1925 ,a real interesting fair, and to excell every pre'u:iouls one .if posy, xible. THE'.: FORT)' PICTURES The moving ; pictuures put on in the Town Hall here last Wednes- day evening by the Ford Motor Co., of 'which C. Fritz & Son,: are sub -agents, was well patronised a'a a ttilr house.'vas ly esent., 'anti the reels, wet'^ vary educative; The Hest pictures were of the co}vboys ranching, and branding the 'herds of cattle, in thle West, which., was followed p» very hunorous incid• eats of :a..•ng the green broncho as, well as the steers, 'his was fol- lowed d by scenes of tb,e Canadian Western ranch, of the Prince of Wales 'and hie' fine cattle. The re- el of :shooting and capturing the whale an ,tinptis'ing of the ear- case Was very, interesting, ass well as the alii;ator in. its native con - w• Exeter Canning a acl;ttry, handling the corn 'pact fi riot the time the •veli n was husk fn the field until it'ee,0 fe ext4•i, In t<3seS all ready ,t i17$,2X3.i16 ., motto. rI Isn't it a pity you c'an't trade in your old shirt on a new one, like teafding in an old auto on a new Que. FIVE REASONS WHY HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES ARE SAFF, 1: The Gov'er'nment authorizes ee- eentors to invest trust funds in these debenture s'. ' 2 Deminion Government Officials aaneeei inspect Huron & Erie t re, books, and ,accounts, 3 .The Huron & Erie is one of the el a '41; fii.ancial institutions in Ca.<i i it having a Paid-up Capitl of $5,000,000, or more. 4 Surplus Security for debenture+ ownere and depositors totals $6- 650,000. 5 &First Mortgages of choice pro- ductive Canadian real estate form throe bulwark of !security. Applications 'for 'Huron & Erie Debentures are accepted at any time by Andrew P. Hess, Zurich. Fine Diamonds WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED Alf NEW PARCEL OF .THESE BEA..ea UTIFUL STONES IN THE VER- NEWEST STYLES OF 'MOUNT INGS AT EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD PRICES RANGING FRONt $25 to $50 We would be very glad to ho'Ss you these and compare the eel' Perfection, Cutting and Fine unting. HESS the Jeweler eesss+sss+s+•a+,+•Pc ♦sssssssls�s!!A!N!!3!liil t • Seasonable Horse Goods *lust Received a large number of Genuine Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72 Oleo a Number of Beautiful English Plush s to Ranging from $7.00 to .._ ... .. Woolen Bono x84. Op. Ruge, prices' . ......— o...woo t SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A. CALT A" BIG Stock of Harness and Halters atwaye oxl ‘kit • 40 Club .Bags, Suit Casee and Trunks at Right -Prices. iAE NESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PHOS e FRED THIEL - ZUR-IH , e►s� e♦see+a.�a►eesessesssssseeweesessssssssets 4 4444+++++++++++++++++++++++++444444444444441. On• Balance Of WINTER POOTWEA SPECIAL SALE + + + + + + + C. FRITZ -&c SON t SHOE MERCHANTS Ss+4+yyy444 444 4,y_,yy Ley,}. 4yyyy 44y,y +4,y ON BALANCE OF WINTER FOOTWEAR AT BIG R1DUCT-. IONS AT COST AND BELOW. THIS SALE INCLUDES . V- ERYTHING YOU NEED IN FOOTWEAR FROM NOW• ,fele SPRING, INCLUDING WOMENS GALASHES. MEN'S Ohm. AND FOUR BUCKLES OVERSHOES. HEAVY RUBBERS, S ATS, HOUSE SLIPPERS AND OTHER FOOTWEA', PRICES THAT WILL.,SUIT EVERYBODY. CASH OE CREDIT Tolour many Customers andfriends we wish a, Bright and Prosperous New Year R. Na . DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 0,97 E LAK