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Zurich Herald, 1925-02-05, Page 8
;ZUitIC, e;. ,greatly wish to' Thank our Many Cfor tbe every liberal patronage awarded us during , our 'Two Weeks Sale And we assure You of a fair and square deal at all ,,times. • WE ARE NOW TAKING STOOK AND WILL :CONTINUE BAR- GAIN PRICES IN ALL ODDS AND ENDS WHICH MAY TURN UP I13EDUCED PRICES ALSO IN MANY LINES OF WINTER GOODS FOLLOWING ARE PRIZE WINNERS OF OUR GUESSING CON- TEST DURING THe SALE The amount of money, in Jar was $22.96 • THE FOLOLWJNG ARE TIE FOR FIRST PRIZE All. Guesses were the (same 'amount namely. $23.00 Mrs. Pearce Farwell, ;Zurich. Mrs. Edmund, Wolper, Dashwood, Mrs. J. Gallman, jr., Zurich. Mrs. Milton Jacobs!, Hensall, Mr. Aaron Gingrich 'Zurich Mrs. Jost. ,Wilds, •Dashlwood 2nd. Prize Mrs. John Decher, sr., Zurich, Guess $23.04 3rd Prize Mrs." Cont. Siemon, Hensall, guess $23,05 J. GASCHQ&SON Produce Wanted Pone 67 s Gas, Oils, Greases AND GENUINE FORD- PARTS r, Tires, Tubs, Repairs JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS V. 8_ L. B&TTEPY IF IN NEED OP A .BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD B ATT - ERY., BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. 11 t t, t I; r t.. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE Mousseau' Z1Tr1Ch, ••R.00•••••••S•••••••i•••••••••• • 1 41' ■ DS, HAVING TAKEN OVER THE • ESTABLISHED SEED BUSINE .3 OF MR. .1. PREETER, AS' WELL AS HIS CLEANERS, AND MACH- .iNERY, WE ARE IN THE' MAR.; FOR BUYING AND SELL. ING ANY QUA.N.TITY,, OF .ALO VER, TIMOTHY, ALSIKE, ALF-. ALFA SEEDS, •ETQ. LEAVE .YOUR ORDER WITH US NOWT FR RED.CLOVER SE WE CAN ED SAVE YOU MONEY WE ALSO ;DO' CUSTOM CLEAN-. ING IN AN QUANTIPry EE • • 1 1 (TUNIS tit Liit,A ' ftitE Mr. T. L. Wurin was !a. bast - visitor at London on Monday.. Mr: Emery Ruby was at Kitch- ever for a few days last„ weak.''.• • Mr.George Grani�'of Ilensalli :was in the Tillage on :['xielsldy j,' Gasoline has taken a, jninp in price of t4 cents per , • Miss I,,ulu Albrecht of Detroit is, visiting her parents,' MrR and Mrs. John ,Albrecht. Miss •Naney Gingerich of Pet- ersburg is 'visiting relatives , here for a few weeks. Mrand Mrs. Lloyd O'Broin. were visitors at ,London, la fe'W days this week, : ; '• Miss Anna Daters of Kitchener, is, spending a few 'holidays at''her home, Hay 'iTp : • NOTICE. -Our accou'n'a are. now ready to be 'settled, all part- ., es, owving us kindly 'call and do so •O. glitz .& Son. Among those who attended the big hockey •game at London be- tween Niagara Falls and London on, Monday eve, we notice, C. Frig,; Wm. O'Breinl, E. Oescli, W. Johnston and T. L. Wurnii. -Next Wednesday evening, Feta'. riiiry 11th a moving picture :s'how. of, the plant ,etc., of the Ford Mot or Co., will beg iven absolutely free- in` the Town Hall, Zurich Every- body is invited. Miss ;Donella Ruby', who had beep at Kitchener: and London, returned` to her ,home •here last week. She has accepted' ;a posiitionl at-Lon- don t"London as milliner, and ,will leave for that place (shortly. The regular monthly 'rneeting,gf the. Wornenjss nstitute will be held. on Wednesday kevenin;g Feb. 11th •at the home of Miisi, WL;P: Sieber -if promptly at i 8 o'eloel: : A socxal evening will take place. All lad-, iesl are ,requested to br. inig a .thith. bis and needle along. A respon„ -sive roll ical(1 will be held of sub- jects for usleful information. All ladies are crodially invited. EGGS MUST BE GRADED Owing to the fact that the gov- ernni:ent will strictly in force �'" the egg -gradin; re,;u]iation5 and • that they are , not 1, equipped to .carry out these regulations the grocers; of Clinton will not after Feb, lest; 1925, purchase eggs fromproduc- ers. : All eggs must bekeen to the candling stations,; of which Cl - linen now (has two.. The groe req' will continue to ,supply their tail +-0r.de witff�w ,cq Which: the! candling ,station will sups HURON & ERIE ADDS• $100,000 TO RESERVE FUND Debentures and Deposits Increased ,$1,600,000. , The remarkable progress of The Huron & Eris Mortgage Corporat- ions during recent years is well kn- nwn to . investor& in this district. The result for, 1924 'was equally gr- atifying. , Total.assets increalsed .from' $26,= 800,000 'to over $28,400,000. -� First mortgages upon improved Canadian Real Estate now total ov- er $19,000;000 -and the Corporation nownsi not a dollar's 'worth of real. other than, its own office pr- emises. Liquid 'assets (cash on hand to-, gether with immediately saleable ,securities) totalled•over $1400,000 gr- eater than, the total bf deposit& in Huron . & Erie savings .depart:-.. ments. Huron & Erie Canadian ,Deben-, tures and Savings( •Depositis incrd eased $1,600;0,00. • Funder now in - E1�;.9.1�11 LCA,;AL (MARKE'T'S :'{r0orrected • every Wednesday) 13 ,t `er ih,•., : . •40'. 45-5U k"utataas pen bag l.pied apples I►er ;1b. 7c ukch Setts, 'per !Ib, ,.....7c. Oats 50 .Barley, Bnekwheat per bushel .. 80e rllonr ew"t .. 4,,1r 0 to 6.09 Wheat ;, .. 1.75 Shorts per'" ton 36.00 Bran per ton ... .,. ..34.00 80 'Western. <.. Farmers' Mutual Weather ; Insurance._ Co. x , :OF WOODSTOCK 3� C� Nail "'M" Ieisiiranice of over 1273Oo0 000 'Ntitknber, of Policies in forge •`.11,287; . •Paid Losses' in. 1923c to amount'' of $58,143.20. No ass - eminent' during the .year and have a balance 'on hand of $31,700. G. Holtzmaan--Z.urich AGENT,, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH= THING RODS, AND *ALL 'KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 CARD OF THANKS The • bereft widow and children oft the late W'm.: Schwalm, wish to greatly thank their neighbor s and friends for the kindnesls and assis- tance rendered during the illness' and death) of. the -departed. ' Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT ROOM. it, for January,. . Jr. II A -Harvey, Clausius `769, Albert Deichert 719; Roy Smith; Harry Foster 598; Hazel Uttley 190 absent. • Jr.:• II • E -Margaret Haberer 610 Dorothy Stelck 605; Alwyn, Staub - its 580; 'Beatrice' Gas'ehi 507; Ste- wart Koehler 507, Armand Grenier 476:' • Sr. I -Alice ,Decher' 529; Quimbe Hess :437, (Chas. Thiel 412; Stewart Thiel. 398, >Rosa Zettei 3887; Albert 19.1, Reta F9eischeuer 17.3 • Sr. Pr. -Louise . Willert 230 ; Len ora, 'Haberer ^- 212 ; Shirley Koehler • 202; Ross johniton .202; •-Vera Dei - Chert 197; Rena • Koehler 185; Ralph Uttley :126,,Paul Hess • 97 iabsecnt. Jr:-Pr.-Lelan,dSchwaIna 160, Mor ley Salmon J39, B1ancIze•::Grenier 116 Honner' Sa} not 21 rMrs G Koehler, Teacher Rooni II a • LL Sr ` III -Richard Bedard 250; Helen Thiel. 244; 'Pearl Sararas 242, Franeis ,Kipper, 219; Earl Yongblut 206,: Adeline 'jFleisehauer 205, Mary. Kochems 261.E Jr. ,III -Violet Schwalm 290, Ivan 114'illert 275, Lauretta Farwell 260, Harold='Stade' 257, Byron Ducharme 218, Hugh'MacKinpion 238; Milverna ;Geiger 228; Albert Heideman 209, •Clarence. ;Smith 210; Margery Gas eho 1.67.;' Roland Grenier 152; Olinn Foster 148; Charles Myers 103. *`• Sr:'II-Leonard' Smith 237, E. Flaxbir.d 227, 0iif. Salmon 223; Fi- ossiep Stelck 219, George Ducharme 207, Gorden Howeld 161, Gladwin Mellick 158; Antionette Grenier 93 -'4 Art: O'Brein, teacher. RA011 ; III. Jr, IV Wihlia Leibold 96, Elean- or Fleischauer 66, Rose Leiboid 79, Leeland .Willert 76, Franz Kochems 74, :Car] Halierer 70, Buelah Sararas 7, Napoleons Bedard -66, NeldasSch wain 63;' Wilfred Ducharme 62, Geo acme Albrecht- 6f; •Floyd ,Foster 60, Gold% ttUley 59, Floyd Kropf 57, Vested or deposited by thee pubIic Earl' T'hie1, 56, GraceZettel 51. Ruth' total over $19,200,000. Before closing. its . booksfor the: year, the eo1 poration transferred from it profits to Reserve Fund the 'substantial sum of $100,000 Tis fund, together with the; Pal u Cappita1, now reaches. $b,-. 750,000 Tho Canada Trust :Company un- der Huro i & Erie management and control reports an increase of $762- 000 in its Guaranteed Mortgage and Passbook Certificate .depart-', men t;s, Applications for investments with the's,e .sound old institutions are accepted at any time by Andrew' P. Hess, Zurich, .Ont• SCHOOL REPORT Following is the report of E. 0, No. 4, South Stanley for the month of January' V --Victor Masse 74%, Marie. Etue. Sr. IV -Rudolph Etue 63 Jr. ,IV -Mary Stekle 81, Nola Etue 76, Lloyd '(]tine 75, Either Etue 67, .Louise Masse 66 Sr..tII-!hialiel Etue 89, Mary-. ann Stockle 72,.:Maribel Carnie 71, Floron;ce'Grerber 70, Sarah Gerber 60. r^ Sr. II--�O1iver Steekle ' 77,' MaI- inda Stechle 75, • • Jr.II-Genevieve Etue 88, War-. ter-.Hohn,er 85, ,lean narnie 82',`El: ;zahoth. Snowden 77, ,Grant Turns!' et 70, MtTton Talbot 62. S'1 I -i z5 if "a tynd ,E to Soo 1`•Io!h ,, 9I C c . Sr,:inter tiiaiie Carnie 95, MOT .0,/00.61187 7J `Leo�r,rrl�d, tue� - ....,., . *100000004141.0•01• ► Tyr. Zettel 43,._Greta"'Koehler 42, Burce Koehler • 41,. Grace Koehler `.39,. mil- fred Uttley, ; ahsexxt. IIY=Alico. Koehler 209, 'Cecil Ut- t.h'y;;204. George teenier 180, Clare Meilcl 163, Ei vin":Dietrich 109. T' l!I Kalbfleisciiy teacher. ?DASHWOOD ACCOUNTS READY Oui accounts. Lore ready for these indebted Ito, ns, and we wog lild ask•,iour customei3 to call for same; 7% interest will 'be ' charged tan ail overdue 'accoun't�al. 1J 0, Reid Da�+hwood4 Misp too 'ot Bayfield is via -I iting wig -'Tile, and Mrsl. J. C. Reid. Mjss Oaica. Weltin left for Detroit last eek 111rt>yn Tiemtn .is spending a few d•.iys+ sigh; London. 14Mr r'LVint Miller of Detroit is attending tine; funeral of his grand, inerther;;rtiaealta: kris, MON*: r' Atr. Eleni Rowcliffe. of Exeter visited in this vicinity last week. h ,Sidney' ,Baker left ifor Detroit onl Moniday Mess s J. G! Reid and 3. Wiin Spent °Tuegday' in Chatham on betaine&s.' Mrs 'Pedersen left Satiirday for •Joseplt'Is ° Iospitat,. Latidon,wh- 8t.e slxe. uzn'dernvent An ,,operation LATE 'MRS. 415. LILER . The death o. enured on Saturday e :vening,.;: Jan 31st et Mrst Henry ll il11si►, Sr, at the lake of 88 years, a&l, ` «;1:1:41..O°141:1 a* i` • •:is' eulrvived, by' l+cto ion Henry at town and„!tlti iatii <t Miss 'juri. • funeral tiaras lay r1woo i:;t0w the Thuradey, 10,ebruary 5th, 1023 The store with the. Liberal Cash Discount Will ,be cheerfully attended to 'Our large .FlurnitUre and Hardware Eposiun1. We c Jn:supply you *Wit almost anything you require talon these lines, an& Our prices ,447.9„. suc•.' that they will suit .your mens WITS WINTER RAPIDLY, GING AROUND, NEW THOUGHTS OF SPRING .NECESSITIES. ARE ONLY IN PLACE: MAKE OUT YOUR ' LIST OF SPRING REQUIREMENTS AND {THEN COME TO OUR STORE AND WE CAN ASSURE YOU Old SATISFACTORYRESULTS, A FINE LINE AND DISPLAY OF ,FURNITURE ALWAYS ON . HAND, ,DOME IN AND :TRY ©UR MASON & RISCH PIANO WE 'ALSO SELL PHONOGRAPHS COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, FENCING, AUTO A'C'CESSORIES, CUTTLEEV, ETC., ON . HAND. TRY, US FOR ITIN;SMITH1NG AND PLUMBING ,COME TO (THIS STORE' WITH ,YOUR NEEDS SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. MELICK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 1 -ncy for f�liowin ince of Insurance: 'FIRE AUTOMOBI'L AOC'IDBNT AND SICKNESS PLATE GLASS SHOW CASES, MIRRORS, -ETC. LIVE STOCK. INQUIRES. ON ANY OF ABOVE LINES WILL BE GLADLY •ATITEN DED Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO; SERVICE 'AND SAFETY Have You WADE YOUR WILL? to Painting and Paper Hanging I am in a position t�- do any kinds of paper hanging, painting, ,graining'and dec- orating. H.,EICKMEI]R; ZURICH, OBIT. DR. Joxx WARD CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN Heavy Shell Frames to Your evil Lenses at $4.00. Broken MO Run's Replaced 'while pits midi Spectacles Complete • large kw, • " $2.00 tipl, Main . St, EXETER, Phone 'IO AT WALPER HOUSE, ZUEREID Every Wednesday, 10• a.m. t• mak +++++++++11++++++++++44+4-141++++++++++++++4414444+*. FIO •, Do You K ow?, . 'THAT WE ARE ALWAYS . T YOUR SERVICE FOE T. • GOOD lP INTINQ THAT WP C'A, N SUPPL • YOU WITH . PRI.li3 �;'ED W DDINQ IIVVIT�!dION$ AND ANN O1r Cttlet* ' THAITWE PRINT CALLING CARDS; "STATIONERS, SUCR AS LETTERHEADS EILLEEADS, ENVELO.PES',x, AND .1. THAT .VVE ARE AGENTS $i?OR TWO LEADING4STAMA,TNUPACEMEN(1'TB , URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- , PLY .A NTY..QUANTLTy' AND SIZE OF CLIECic BOOKS TRAIT WE C..AIRRY IN'dSTO(,'K WRITING# PAPERS, ] NVALi . OI't. $ ALL 'SIZES,: CARD PAPERS; ' C:A RBON 011 + TRACING, iPA1P,EJI, S.I UPPING TAGS, ,MEMORIAIls er. •' • ,A T1tOY1iliiY*, NOQTE• )3OO1lISi, • RECEIPT"'"BOORS INTIM RIZES, rOOLSCAP, ' E'rc., '>rArc 2 TifIAiT WE Fa:1G YOUR OUDIiI 'Alkk' SIZE INK NBO'xR'LP. WITH 0OOD FOUNTAIN"PEN INK IER + •AI�TIiTIES .AT. RIGGGER REDUCTIONS + TR'Alt".. WEu '10AINT . 013TiCiiltl B AG S, 'AllertOltSALMI "?0$. . .� ER1Sy' ' ]&Ilftir 14 1 Tlla f; CS']C1L'RI4 T ). ALL.OFINEII ' k�R�.>�7�'�i�fi!C� ���„ �81�;a^+uTiC n:cs,.i,a;al